Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, December 10, 1870, Image 3

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p.aU limUiuiram ATLAMTA. GEORGIA Saturday Mornlns>, Dec. to. 1870 Brvkhk cold it Norlli Georgia. Bnow wrj vzpectpU last night. Tijk p: ice ot wood in on the advance. Tint market i« flooded wi|ii nail fish. Lahok quantities ol freight are bein^ received and «hi|qi<d Innn lire Bmte load depot. Look lor ram or snow—*u laid an old gent yesterday. Mlta Maiiiktta R-yp.i., Hit fascinating pan- toriiiinint and u- in-wi, in i oming. 1’khsona!..—l'ln lion. It. 8. Ikflln.of Wedo- wee, Ala , is in the city. v Country Produce continues to come in in wagons, in great quantities. I trie town ol Sandi rvvillr, Oa , was recetrtly ebl.venid uy a visitation ol the K it. li.'s Removal.— One branch ol the' Georgia State Lottery ia removed to the Masonic Hall, Deca tur atiecl. Tint cheapest prints in ottr market ia five cents per yard Who can't gel a calico dria* for the holidays f Wanted.—A situation hy A Nik 1 coolcaud washer (colored), who can lumich the best,* vt- dmee ol good character. Apply at this office to day and Monday. Pomok Coubt.—Hi* Honor was present yes terday morning, but not many caw s to hear. For the original oflense ol drunkonesa, Ac. Fines to the amount ol $15 wero collected. “ Ward Mkktinuh "—There will be a series of Ward meetings held at the DeGIve Opera Douse, commencing on the evening ol th 12ili instant. Tire popular star James M. Ward, will preside. Take 'Em Ui*. —We were notified liy a friend recently it at a eoiniminiratron would be sent into this (dire lor puldicslrou, concerning the loose st<uk. dogs, &<• , stray ug around the cit), infesting the street* and alltjs. Bend it in tub let’s bee whore to blame. (■ini, ok thk I’kkiod lias I'ontraqjed u severe cold. Lee Smith bar consulted Johtrfile am Johnnie consulted Mike, and they a . ..enhe- rated together, finally concluding that plenty to drink, Bitch as Lei has (the verv tincat) wil 1 cute any cold. Let every cold (nmu) who indulges, try it. Released on Haii. - One of the men who wna at rested upon the charge of Inciting the negroes to riot on Vt eduerday ln»t, was yeater day released on $500 bond to a, [i ar He vege tates under the euphonious title of A. J Data ree The ether—one Clay will probably have & hearing to day. EsHav on Man —"Awake my S;. J lin—leave all meaner things to low ambition,” Ac.—said a kmglit of the iniloti" tti a b- o/y gout on a cer tain door step the Other tvi-ning; to which he replied, “Jes so—bin”—and they marched ofl, Ion iy embracing, to the lock-up, where he was left to expatiate Iree over all the past acencs ol the day. *viiuoNOLoav Vi -t< rdsy, today ami to morrow, comprise a scries ol cbrimnlogical e?< nts, Inti winch, t* w ill be sc n, cl tiler vi ry much in date Yesterday, 262 years Hgn, Milton was born. To day, 22 "cars ago, Louts Napo leon was elected I’naident ol the He public id France; and to-morrow, the lljlh will be the natal anniversary ol a certain ex Local, wi ll whom we expect to dine. To tic continued, Ac, ANNiVEnsAitr.—To-night, by invitation, we expect to ailend the fourteenth anniversary ol the Mectiai h Foe l ompuny To say it will be a recherclw utlair, would not be comprehensive enoitgli Irom what we conceive ol the pliasutc and fun in store f r ail of us. The Mechanic boy* know how to yrt up ttieir lestiva a, a* well as to get their mrrthrent to a tire, and we are now anxiously awaiting the approach of night to r< apoud to tin-kind invitation. MkisIib. Ai>aiit A HiomiK.it—These enter prising grocer merchants on Whitehall sired, ate continually receiving and selling Immense stocks of corn,'flair, produce, Ac , transacting business writti the greatest disp itch ai I with the strictest regard to accuracy and honesty, is their peculiar manner. ILsides their large stock ol grain, flour and general merchandise, they have also perfected air .ngunen's to dual extensively Monetary ancKSommercial i.TLANTA, Ga., Decenlbcr 9--P. Mi FIN AN U1AL - Brokers were buying and sel ling to-day at the following quotations: Gold, buying 100 Gold, selling HI Silver, buying 104 Riivur, silling 108 Georgia Hail road Stock 9flii890. New York Exchange, buying at $c discount. New York Exchange, selling at par. OOTTGN The market to-day has been dull ami declining ; middlings 13j; low middling 13 ; good ordinary 12 j; ordinary II}. GRAIN Wheat ft 10 to $1 40. Corn 90 to $1 00. Oats 00 to 05c. Uyu |1 20. Harley $1 no MEAL *1 10. Feed meal *1. HULK MEAT—Clear sides 131; clear rib sides 13 ; shoulders 10. HA.CI >N —Clear sides none; clear rib si-'os none; shoulders none. Hams sagai cured canvassed 24 ; plain oanvassed 20 to 22 MOLASSEB—Cuba, per gallon, hlids. 32 per bbl. 83; Florida 65 to 75; New Orleans prime, n0; choice 85 to 90; Byrup, per gallon 75 to ft. TOBACCO—Low grades, unsound, 55 to 00; l,ow grades, sound,621 to 05 ; medium grades, sound 65 to 76; tine grades, souud, 75 to $ 1 choice $1 25. FLOUR —Fancy brands $7 25 ; family $5 75 BUOAR—Crushed and granulated, per lb, 10 to 16*C; Hard A, 15J ; B, 16* ; C, 16; New Orleans, raw, 13* to 15c LIME-t-Ten lessee, Georgia and Alabama 5t td 00c. per bushel; Hydraulic Ucuicut $5 pti birrol; Plaster ol Paris $6 ;tcr barrel. LAID)!— In barrel*, 15*' ; in kegs andean# 18 to 17 oeuts. LEATHER—While oak sole, per lb, 40 « 50c, hemlock smIc, per lb, 31 to 33c; upper, pc dozen, |00 to $05; harness leather, per lb, 41 to 48c. APPLES—Per barrel $4 50 to *5 00. fflarket llrporli by Ttlrxraph New Yoke, December 9.—Money abundant a' 6 Exihango flriutr. Gold l(IJ to i(lj U ivcrnmeins advanced * to * cent < n a! ( ot ton dull and heavy ; sales 2,290 a 15* Whisky active and flruter at 91 to 92 Win at heavy and 1 cent lower Corn 1 to 2 ceuia belts old 82; new 76 lo 80 Pork iriegular; old $22 to $22 25. Hu t steady Lard null; kettle 13* (‘incinnaii Decern tar 9.—Flour duriand lit!.land homers firmer, family 5 25 lo 5 50 Corn 0 to 52 I'ork $19 Lard 12 Shoulders 11 ; clear lib sides 14 ; clear sides 14* Whisky in good demand at 8C to 88. LoDIsVii.i.k, December 9 —Bagging film. Hemp 27 F ax 28 Flour quid and unchanged. (Join quid. Lird, tierces 12; kig 14. Whisky sh ady, 86 In 87. Uai.timoiik, Dcceintier 9.—Flour firm and active Wheat firm Corn Ibrn and scarce; white 71 to 72; yellow 73 Provisions flat London, December 9.—Consols 91* Bonds 88*, tallow declining. Livmvool, December' 9—Cotton uplands HJ; Orleans 9*; sales 10,000; exports and specu lation 2,000. New Oitl KANB, December 9.—Colton easier; middlings I I* to 1-tJ ; sales 6,300. Noiikoi.k, Decemlier 9.—Colton firmer ; low middlings 141 ; sales 270. Wu.minoton, December 9—Colton, mid dlings 14 ; sales small; net receipts 401. Boston, December 9.— Cotton dull; mid dlings, 15*; bales 350. » Uai.vkmt in, Di comber 9 —Cotton flrme, good ordiory 18 Mobile, December 9—Cotton dull; mid dling# 14* to I I* ; sah-s 1 500. AuutisTA, Decemb r 9—Critio* in demand, t in a lower rati s; sales 1,340 ; middlings 14 lo 14* • luui.K-eroN, December 9.—Cotton dull; llil'hl lugs I t* ; sales 200 8WANNAH Decern a-i 9 —Cotton in light de mand mold mgs 14}; sales 1,900 ANNOUNCBMtNTS. Vt * are aulliorl*ed «o biuiouuco THUS. CABIN n> luhahlecandidate lor fax Collect-n ol Fallon county at the forthcoming election In December next. r.nT—tde^ «.^xd Wo are mull or) red lo elate tliat tf-yV Mr. JAMES K. gULLaTT Is » esndtaste to represent the county of Kulton, as one of its repreaen- utlres lu the Blaus Legislature at tbu furlhromlng e!ec Hon. Having served the county, and especially the city ol Atlanta, to the beet ol tits ability as one ol ibeir rrp- reeenlat vee In the Slate Legislature, and having with- irawn bia name from the late Democratic meeting ib.,t assembled Inthle otty to nominate candidates, lor rea sons not necessary now to elate, bu does not 'eel bound a; the action ol that meeting and Is, inereloro, au in dependent candidate, and will bu supported by nova-Id MANY K. IKN'DS. Madame Delachamps* JtLOKE IN A MOUNTAIN GORGE 8nngly e*eonn<»d In the wild* of one of the Middle HtAtee, lltod Madame Uelachampa, many years «jro, with no known protector, save a falthtul do* that, eter '‘to xl heslds her to defend in Hire of need Her sma'I SPECIAL NOTICES. Fast 1 IVIM) AM) 118 CoNftEqUBNCKA ~>Whcn " luef lil« 4 ” lia^ UDdermioeii the atrengtli, rte- Hiroyed tho appetite, impaired the digoetlon and Nlolf'U ili«* hue of limlili from the cbtek— when the hand trembles, the tipirita droop, tnd the whole pf.VHiral and mental OfKftnizJition Itn KUihlnTN, ib it po^hibie to repair the evil and re- more ihe dilapidated Byetem to lull health and vitfor? We uuiwer that it n Hundred* o! eaoea have been cited, thoiiiandfl mi«hl be cited, in which this re^t nerati m httH been aecom- piigheu by the regular and persistent u*e nt I* intHtion Bilierrt Abstiiicnce Irom the indul genre* which have wrought the miachiel is, ol course, one o( the mean* ot restoration. Hut it in not BufUcicnt alone. The con*equences ro- main alter the caut*e ha* been abandoned. A Wholesome and genial tonic ih absolutely neces sary to roubo the corporeal aud mental energies irotn their mate of collapse. This good wuik if if the mission of the Plantation Hitters to perform. Hut no other btimuiaul muni be ta- kin. Bea Mo“s Farine, from pure Irish Mo**, for H anc Mange, Fuddings CiisLarAls, Cream*, Ac , Ac. The cheapest^ healthiest, and most deli cious food in the world. dec? d&wlw jjgp* VmIUi Well Founded* -In old times, At the commenceineut o» every le&non. It wua the fo«hlon to take a strong callnrlic as a safeguard agalust * change of tamperature. It wus a wor-e than f»en-eie«R prACtlc# The people of oar day understand the matter heller. Instead of depleting the system they r inforce it. In tho method they adopt thfry exhibit a wise dle- crlmlnation. Inetead ot resorting to the vitiated stlinu- ania of commerue, or any of the compounds derived irom them, they put their faith lu the only absolutely pure lnvigoraut procurable lo the market llostett^r'i mo math Ultlcrs. Their faith In well loimded. Never has any tonic medicine bceu prepared with eurh rcru puloue prwle on and conRcleotloui rare. It li a vrge- table compound of which every ingrediuut In eound, wholesome and vudUtln^l iu the true *enee of the w*>rd Now, we have three prominent uattona complaint?. Uno half of the adult population of the United 8 atr? *ufler more or leRB, either trom dleeises of the stomach, derangements of the hver, or affectlone of the khloeyit. in no other land under lIoaTen are thee< maladies so general as In tins c« untry, and Uostetter'a Bitters Is a epeclffc for them ail, unless organic In their origin, and, therefore, beyond euro. And li31 those who are ortunatc enourh to be eirmpl from them at present underetaod one great fact, via : that in occasional use ol this fitallalng toulc will as certainly prevent them as the sun will prevent the earth irom freia ng where its genial tx ams descene. de<7 lw !Hf Friend, atop that terrible >ngh, and thu* avoid a coufumptivo’- grave by using Ulobe Flower Cough Hyiup For curing a'l Bronchial, Thr« at and Long l)isei»es, It Is perfectly p and in ver has bucu equalled. Boid by L)iuggl“ts. PKMB&HTON. TAYLOR X CO., Proprietors and Chemists, AiiAnta, < a moe?-covered cabin, wrapped with the wlld~roc«‘ and honeysuciie. appeared hid away by a cluster of under growth, and closely environed on the north and east b> a deep, crsggy ravine that led away baev ;,o the moun tain gorge ll» r ►nlfll'ng the ambient air waited from nature’? green sward chuglng to the mountain fide, bathing t***r brow In early morn’s gentle riewdr p, she lived soman and aloue for many long ears. The catamoui i’h u earthly midnight yell, and tho wolfs dolelul howl, re quently aroused her from pleasant midnight slvubur.? Now and thou she would emerge from her unknow h*»me and mlugic with the Indabltants trout d about for one or two monthat a tlma. Hhe was eccontnc lu h« r acts aud ail vliwed her as a living curiosity. While Irom home, rhe apparency had nut one object, and that was the relief of her afflicted sex Under ■ belt on the left side, could be seeu an old fashioned dirk of coos derable ?lr.e. carried lor her own protection, while strapped across her shoulder was suspended a cu rtous sack made from the nov97 iw TII K CELeHUAT IJ I> MURRAY & LAN MAN’S FLi jO RID A WATER. — The most lasliriR, agreeable, ainl rifresiilnK ol all pcrlumes, fur u»e on tbe riaudkcrchicl, at llis Toilet, and In tho Bath. For saio by all Drngi-isi* and Perfumers. nov9-eodly Jr*• T » B UltlO.VL CHAMBBB- iMiTu roa Yocso Min, on Ubiat Social Ktiia and AmiBas, which luterf.r. with MAHKIAHE, with aars mean. 01 relief (or tho Erring »ud Ur-lbrlantlB, dliflitcd aim (l.-liMIxted, Hcut lu .OBied Inner envelopes, Iree of charge. Address, ilOW .1111 8ANITAUY AID ArtHO.IA- TION, No. a Mouih Nluih 8l., HilLADKLJ'lilA, P». m.v(! dim 9^jJ^6«nln« !H«rrled. Esssrs r..a Younu Mas, oil 8mlsl Evils, and Hie propriety or Imp'oprtely of gnltlnv Marrl.-d, wllh sanliary help for Iho.e who fesl uuditeil for lunlrimonlal happiness Seut free, In sealed envelope!. Address, HOWARD ASSO CIATION, Her l\ Philadelphia, Pa septRII SKINS OF RABBITS AND RACCOONS A-ranced In alternate alrlpes Th’i ha^ ron'alnrd some o.il parchmeul, cnrloor r Una. a few Him irarinanu and » •mailer vara coiiUioIuk a court-, power mad: Tom Certain root* known only to herself, the secret of which • he c unx to as with the te aelt; ol de th She sallied lortn Irom her wild mountain homo, to an the O md *am»rii*n, with tbla onkeowo re^eiahl* powder, winch she cl timed porserant a woi Jarful ;o»er overall di-ea ■< • incident lo Ihe female sex She termed it "Womii I hjal'." »lth which she proposed to cure all ade- tion- ai d derai-KemeuU 01 thai ■ rcan. and kindred com p’alnts Iroe ol ■ harire With snch •insular ma.de did She relieve a,I who applied, that within , lew year* her name and fame b>" ama known’tr and wide, aud hue- drwalw n| snflerlng '. ma es appued for relief and returnoa lo their homes heal hy ai a happy Many w. re auxloua Wr know her kreat aecrut, and laryjo , um , u , m ,, u — were ofl.red II the would divulge it bnt she.tohboia- ly refused I'nring her so'ltary life *he teesme Ictimate with obD one woman a iiote.1 midwife some muti dlslapt to who . ana yromlied to DIVULGEMIER SECRET Ite'nre dying In a few years as the "sombre shades nf lL’Iit hegan to close around her totteimi; frame th* Imparted ihts^reai secret to this friend. She too gained quite a repnutlon for relieving the mlTerii g of her sex, and strange It may r.ppe*r - she v rcely ever fallea to cure those old chronic femal ■ la plaints that had resitted all ordlna y modes of lyeap niei.l. Many y era ago, the wilier of this, while en gaged lu the practice ol moclcine. hy a little strategy electedad In procnrlag the secrer ol tlds woRnderfa) Vegetable Regulator, which had never been ilowl to tbe Medical PrnfettU’n. It" gave It a fair ami Impartial trial In the treatment of various form* and stages o: remain rotapiainla wlrh sum decidtd satisfaction, that tn 1*60 he cai.ed pultlic atjeolion to Ha virtual us Gross’ Medico Ckirnrgical Rcricw, Combined with other known vegetableTontes, hiving great power over the uterine orgaas ; with Hlaclt Hoot lo an upon r lie II vt r and trowels, and nolnhle Citrate ol Iron lo correct the blood, ha bar formed a wonderful combination for thu cure of all Petnatc I’ompiaint PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S COMPODND ACI1) PHOSPHATE FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON 8ER0. T ^oUon'aeed lt’inakaa ®th« r “ , tvI?e r nt 0 ” P0,tln:! W ' th 0011011 Wh * a com P° ,le<1 “ «dul waigkt Ot v.'i SOLUULK PACIFIC GUANO Iq tortlllalng noi*ar. and la a moat' acoaontcal And edcct've rertilU-r, It ahea d be composted atlaaiVUira* wevks before application to the aO ! I. The low plica at which it is sold must commend It to pleatara. Kor prtutod directions, malting compost, price, etc , apply to ... , ADAIR * BROTHER, - 1 , ' . Ac n!> I’ac-Sc (lu ii i Co , Atlanta. Da. THE LIVE ilH Tiik Word "So7."D'NT," wbi< h is last tie- , , , , ,„ i/i >i (Timing n Ii'iiM li"id w i if cl, is dt'iiv ii irom the ,1,0 Improved leitHix-rs,such a* Compound Urn . Ui hm , wmp ,, d ’ lwo Wlinlii Hoxo aud Acid Pliosph&lp, Boluhle IMciflc Oustio, ami evirylhinK in dial line, which the land ot our country Is to much in need of Try the Misnrs. Ailair,and you will find thorn accommodating and reliable. Council I’rockeijino*.—The Council met- Mayoi U//.ard in the Chair. Several petitions were read and rtferred to appropriate committees. Reports of committees were received and acted on. Alderman Murphy called the allentlon ot t* lfc Council to the amendment of hid* made lor the building < f water work* which became neces sary on account of a mistake in s >mc ol the Idd- dets, a* to tbe amount of pipe required, w Ihe.r bid* were made The Mayor, at this point of the pPKetdii gs, l) lollies “Sozo." innslaled, means to pie *i rve, aud '* odoulea," (lie teeth 8o7.odoin, a prevtrver ol tne teeth. Aud it ia uue lo its name “Spalding'* Glu*" will mend your ways, or anything else that need* mending. dec7 o*a lw ^ An EarAiii.isuKD Rbmkdt—Brawn's Bron- Clilil Troches an- widely known a* an e-tab- u lied remedy for Cough*, Colds, Brouchitis, Hoarseneas, and oilier tr-utile* if the'l hroat and I,ungs. The ir good reputation and eiten siye use i,a* trough' out imitations, represented to u- the *ame, Omum only Brown's Bron- olnal fruchi’S. Uic7iaw1w Radical Ukkohm The old mode ot cliang ing gray imit lo a odor more or li sa natural, >a | qteinally abobahed. 1’lmloc'l Vi alia, or 8al- ne, ‘ 1 valioh lor the Ha r, i'upartA to the bleached fi ber* tilt very sliade thai ha* been bleaefied out >1 tin in by time or anknes*, and is clear, and -A. CA.KL). r haveso’d my entire In'eroa' In iha hou-s of r’ham- A rilxj, Hoyuton A Co., to K P, C’hAaberlin ann , ft a * i" * a Uiynton, and I beapeak fur Ihcm Ihe natron ig.- an l coiiSdeuce ol all who mvy wish to hu, gouda Respectfully, R. K. RAVVaON] NEW FIRM. W it have this d*y admitted to a partnership with "Urve ve., under the linn i am ol Cnamh-rlm, noynton A Co., llK.NifV * JOHNSON aud UK.NJ W, ID I Si Hi K, who rav* noen In ■ ur emp'uymt-ut fur tear- and we would solicit lor them a u omae v.-i a routlnu ai’ce ut jta rotiags heretofore so liberally bestowed m °* , . K. P. CHAMUKRUn, rirri *t O. k boy n Tun Good News—Jifli ihe Deal Hear.’ ” gave bin-opinion adverse to the propriety ol the ! ^"i 1 sediment. Hold by all drm g'#i* and ‘ lancy gooes deslt-fs. dec? < salt Council's action on this subject, since the elec- j lion ol water commissioner*, according to the i Charter. Aldermen Dunning, Hnwtll and O'Keefe dil- fered with the Mayor in this opinion. Attorney Jackson was called on lor Ufa legal opinion on tide question. This officer coincided with the Mayor m his opinion ot the duties of Council Mr. Howell desired the co-operation ol the newly-elected Commissioners in the coneiderS’ lion ol lids. Mr J I/. Dunning asked to tie heard, which being granted, made some remarks, advocating the Mayor’s construction ot the charter Alderman Kelly agreed with the Mayor and City Attorney in their construction ol their duty under the charier. Alderman Dunning said since the opinion oi the City Attorney, he gave up the question, and w.t» in Isvor of hesrlng the ffuanco report and adjourning. Judge Lochrane being called on by members ol Council, addressed in support of the opinion of members desiring to take action on this sub ject, opposing thu views ot Hi* ILmcr. By Mr. Howell: Bvsofcsd, That whereas, the people ot Atlanta have voted largely in favor of water works, the Council proceed to arrange lor the introduction ot water into the oily. Unanimously adopted. litiolMd, Junker, That the Council proceed to decide upon the bids, either to accept one or reject all. Adopted, with dissenting voice*. * ‘ Council then went into secret session. Bucau.—The best and cheapest Bucliu in the I Uinit-d f"lat>8 is mat prepared by Eromgoole | A Co. Ft r all diseases nf the urinary organs, its ac tion is quick, powerlul and aalialat tory, The Gravel, Gout, Drop-y, muky, ropy, or bloody Urine, Ircquent desire lo urinate, uifllcullv and pain in urinating, burning parn'Atid weakness to the siual! ol the back, 'fleets ot habit* of dlsvipniion, xud all kindred complaint- n eels in such a m mner as lo gain the t-n’lre confi dence ol physicians and others. Due holtle will cure any ordinary raae Brice $1, or six for |5 bold by druggials aud dealers every where decl-OAwlm Auha.—Where on this globe can we go be nd the omulp-raeni Yaukeef Landing ai ka, we had walked tint a short distance inlu ll* 1 tow n when we reached the northern dr|*>t of Dr. Ayer's medicines m lull display anc mg the hula, shanties ami douru ol these boies! liilat*. There tlie familiar, homelike names of hi* Cherry Pectoral, 1MD, Ac, salute us trom the i x'criur and interior of a store which shows nmrr i.udness than it* neighbor, and prove* that these simple hut sure remedies are even more necessary lo savage li'e than to ourselves where they visn every fireside —Cor. Ahtand. Journal duel dtwlm «. 8kk advkhtiskmkmt of Dr. Butts' Dispcn •ary, beaded Book lor the million—Marriage Guide—in another column. It should be read by'all jeh-ly yei 8jt Rev John Matiikwi, of Montgomery, Ala , says : “ Darby's Prophylactic Fluid is thu only medicine kept in my family. dsc'-wlt Twkntv-Fiv« Cents—This amount will buy a Untie ot Mra. Whitcomb's ttyrup, the xa jiiwit cioaa. yamiuss supplied oy groat soothing remedy lor aU diseases Incident tort/r^B FRU U(JAms ‘ to iatSBla and children. dec7-d*wlw 1 usvset r.r. K Ec RNTLY PUIII.IHHKD—" Norss ox I),.rasas •• h. W !.. Dsvi* M D, No. l.uiK.aiSrtSS,, " e * A Ikjok Ic.r the !>,■„(, £*,„ w( , al j learn how U) s-old boeomlugao. M.llt-J for 50 cents aihtr.-e thesatb-ir, .-last box, r. O.. Nevr Orlnana La miv41-4llawAwrn STEAM PUMP8* HAND PUMPS, p o w k ii pumps roa aiiutwADs, silo, maas. Breweries. Distilleries. WklYa a.cistkknb. Iljdraulic Presses, &c., BAD A DUIt IRONS, FcCOWAN BROS., r a i. oo, BfTVO FOR CIRCULAR. M X 96 Kira atrwt, <'1nc1nnat1 O DOOLEYC _ YEA S Powder Hu ltmf Nwu da t’.a b»*ni aud i haapaat BakitiK INiwdar iu uaa. I>rftv;lr pura and healthy. It raakaa, At rfhort notice, dditvoua HlaoutU Kolia. Ac. Thare ne*si be no waste of fond i»ry*pare»l with it, ax ll ia alwori of the boat quality >Vc would oay to thooe who hare never uaM it'thai a very few trials will enable them to uoc it, aotouly Hithoour* •atiafaotiou, but with economy. Put up FLi.i.. net weight, aa repre*enW*L (iroi'cra and Dealers a**ll it. DOOLEY & BROTHER. PropX 09 Now Street, NEW YORK CITY- aotl* eodawflm aldertnff It the « » ) Ft male K«-}ru!ati»r known "flora ihi* va table compound lo the afflictei under the name « f tjfj now clod it male, JS O 'rj. <J K. A GOOD 3111^1^ — AND BOMS — (i O O D WOOD LAN D FOR SALE. I WILL sell at public oatew,at tbta plars.OB the Pint 'l uea.lay in Jaauarr, (it not voou--r di.po/sd ol prt- vatsljr.) one-haii laterrat ma uuuu MKK1 HAN T MILL, foar miles aortasavt ol this ptaoo—Jo. eat* to. Da. a las. thirty .ereaof UOOIr Wood LaN.» we 1 Hmhersd. ly ing coavsalsnt to Us Mill. Tfcs Mill* ammgu. d run ntag orSsv. snd sa> perron winking to luv. *t money In good laying property, would do well to call and ooa at th# property. I wish to soil because I am compel.ed to raise money. The other hall Internet tn the Mill r.n he bought If It te desired L. M MURPHY. Jou.eboro, Ua. Dec. S, 1870. drek td ENGLISH FEMALE Bl'TTKRS. The M’-d'ral Prnf*.a1on at large, hnve long felt tha re d of mrh a medlrlne, coneequen'.ly n I. not nrange the" they eo .agerly preecrlbe and recommend th.-eo Hitter, to their female p.tieot. If you rou.d vee the pl'e of emlllng apoi ovale and en comium* Irom chyrlrinn. and the pahllc . ho h.vr cure I thi lr daughter*, their wl*e«, ard their friend*, by Ihe uee of there hlttarv. no ilckly tema!a would bi-rlteL- to uee them. This Female Regulator la adai-ted for eld, >oung. married or tingle females, who arc affected with arute or rhronlc forma of L'lei tne derangement. They cn-e eat'ilul. enpprea«ed. scanty, p-efn*o or Irregni.r Mennruaiion.Chloroel. or Green Birkn-ea, Klnor A b ia or « hltee. Hya'.rlc., Falling of the Womb, Ulcers! on and lira ab.i ty of the Womb pain In the aide, hue! or ’olna, alck II ad.rhe, paipiutlon or fljttentig if the Hi er,hurr**d breathing, swimming oi ihe head, co d Feel. (1 Iti.dv, Iom ol Apiiellln, Indlge.ti u torpid 1.1 v r. Meu .ehoily. No vonaneea, W,kaiolnea« Barren m*a, ; by.lcal Pro.trailoo, etc. M.uy ol these are re- I eved uy tne use of ouy one buttle. THE LIVER AND STOMACH Are thnroiu'hlT *ron«fld »nd reatored *o a hualtky action, by Ihi u*e ol theae Hlttera. IU peculiar Iron and Wav table r iu bloat on. pi era ll lor a*. aU of any altnlar preparation before ih** pubi c. Femi— atufr fonflneH.eni %ad ronval^ocenta from any deblnaling uimpU n .who rrraaiL weak aud fee bie. wub luit or no topeiUa, are «l once aroaaed and alreng h u <1 bv their o*a. Aa a Family To lc for men, w raer) and ch daan li haa eo equal lMt» ta » ! ea;*oon- tul coniaii a more medical props r*ie#, than one botlla of at y oi in common and pK^anan* ** dilate alcobof **bot lera. to b«* f»»aud all ov*r the coniilry. When the maoa CactD'fra of Ihacomacra b«verajf*v ol the <Uv aay they cure a • uiaeitatw. hey well know they are • puilm< ihe wool" ouer vour e>ea, ai.d lauicn at your oiapidlty In bums oo eaai'y rura.*a«e*f whe.navtr tha art cia ami' vt of whifkp If yoa reaTTy deaira a vaaahle lion and Ve- winhle Tonic ror yon roe li ana family, one bottle of K F. B will laai loutrer and d • more good than one donen REDWINE & FOX, DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN Window Class, Polished and Rough Plate Class, Colored and Ornamentai Class, STKICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD, Paiut Colors, OiLiH, and Varnishea, All Classes of BRUSHES, PERFUMERIES, AND TOILET GOODS, PATENT MEDICINES DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES, And ovarythlng uanxlly kept tn a FiK8T-CL\88 DRUB UOUdS. The attention ot parchaasra Is oaUad to omr LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK. CORNER WHITEHALL AND ALABAMA STREETS, ATLANTA. GEONQIA NORFOLK, VIRGINIA NOTICE TOJTHE PUBLIC. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, “A No,. 1 ” Fresjt Oysters, .HENRY F. EMERY.!!; ( ihr ordinary "grog shop" bitu-ra. aa on* tablnpoon- fu. In water, I- aafflcieal loi a whole family. As A FEMALE REGULATOR, !' ha« no equs' on ihlt eontlnent, aetlrg powerfttllysnd nrom t;> in a-l rase*, where ne organic leu on extaU — i ’- Ju l the medlcme for youav gtrle, who have tome difUca fv m retain ng th. hioom o i the chock*, and who do n„t feel eiact'y righ’. For th - mother at Ike " change . ,i IT-," It soothe, and qv.ia ant I ike critical iwriod IV pavaed, aa sweeny m If enjoying the brighteat beam* ol opal rav, flitting through the air orrntal cltiuev. The mudlclna It told at lbs low prlc* oi f 1 50 per bolt’s, or .lx for »*. and can be had of all druggist* sod merchants throughout tbs country. Addree. J. T. DHO.TIGOOLR * CO., Prfll^ _ Nempkla, Teak, RAILROAD ALE HOUSE 22 Alabama St., Atlanta, Oa R “MSy£P b r* w “ , - W P 8 ** 0 » 11 a »ns tot af pure JIH8IT GiDKi. fomilisM auppl'shl Dy order. GRADY, Proprietor. DR0MG00LE A CO.’S BUCKU. The beet and chea»oat comWnatloa for all aflcetlons of the Kidney, and Bladder ever aflered to the pabllr It tv prepared by r*gu.*r phyaictoaa and ased by the profession. Fries |I. or tlx bottlaa tor |t. Bolt by OnwglM kad mervkanu vverywbar*. J. r. DBOMOOOLl M OO., novflO—dAwaoddm Memphis, Tom L.C K DEALER.! RECEIVED I0AILY iBY EXPRESS IR Cana, Half Cana, Kegs, or By tlie (.allon, Warranted Fresh and Goed Wliolesale and Rotail- A UKNgRAI. ASHORTMKNT OF Salt Water Fish from the :Coast of South Carolina* Georgia & Florida. ttjsrx IN 1CE2. ORDERS from the Country Solicited ; PACKED IN 10EJAND TO ANY POINT. Transactions Oasli! 0*6 or tend roar OKDSRS to the ATLANTA ICE HOUSE, (VIST BIDS WHITEHALL 8TRKKT FRONTING RAILROAD, fin BALL, BLACK A CO., (66 and 567, Broadway, S. Y , In Cloalno Out tholr Department of GAS FIXTURES, ofltr the'; Immense and eaUra stock At real sod Imita tion bron. Chandeliers,Brackets, Hall Lights Portable Stands, See., AT LKBS THAN Tflfl ACTOAI. COST OF MAND- FACTURK. fnrntanikf ° l* thone abent HOIIIB9, ITOBK9, CHCRCHKS, Ac,, tor nroeortng th# Ideal work and neweat pattern* at moaurate price*. A large .toekof pettara aootda te be «old cheep to theiradeafter Match 1,187t The aal* will eontlnne loraboat Ikfee months. novlfl- KXSf'UTIVK DKPARTMKNT, Atl.nta, Ua , Uttober Wtb, 1670. J 7b HYcmi ll may Concern : Hy *n Act of the Ucn-ral Avvembly of the Stite of "eorg-t, approved Oclobur W, 1870. autkorlty la given to the Oc.vrnor to leave the Wuetern and Atlantic Hail-oad. tbe property oi the State, together with all of ttehouves, workanupa, depots, rolling stock and appur- tenancee nf every cbaructer, for tbe term ol twenty year*, upon curtain term., and subject to certain revtrletlou* 'he'eril’uamed, to-wlt: The imn.thly rain -hull not he leva than twenty-five thmi**iul dollars (f-ih.uuo) payable monthly. The leasee, •bnlglve s bond lor the tom or eight million of dol- isr.'ifH, xrO (D0j to aecnrlng the prompt payment of tha amonni of rental agreed upon, ana for (he return of ihe rovu and itv supuricnancee at the expiration of the leap*, or on the termination or foileitnre thereof, In .» g« .1 coadpton av at the time of leasing, five mli- I one (Mmi,OOP) m which reenrity vhall b* within this B'ate «u - li o balance, H ont or the State, shall be upon rest u-lAie or railroad property Tha leevee* to be urih over snd abovo their Inacb cdnevv, at least fivu hundred thousand dollars (|S0U «UU.) The I. gi»l* are tioervcp to Itself the right, from time to Hme. to rzaintne into the aff.lrvof the letveea, and to-I quire hat the am. nutol security above recited shall be man,lalneo unimpaired. The lessees shsll not hs less than seven In number, a major-ty of w.-.om shall have been for five years hona fidr revlduuts of this Male, and shall represent a ms- I r-i| M Ihe whole-Interest in I be lease. No railroad or - xpress oompany,«r uny combination of them, shall iu any event, hecoms the lessees, bnt they may became • ur.lu-s ou the bonds ot tbe lessees. The less.esshall not cc.rgo a higher rale for local freights over said road u.n iheavuragu rule charged by the Georgia Railroad arid Hanking < ompsny, th.- (.oulral Railroad and Bank ing I oinpany, and lh» Macon and Western Railroad t ompuny, for Hue local freights over said roads, and the raid lessee# shall have the aamo rights, exemptions, privileges. Immunities and gnarantees, except the establishment or banks, and thill be cnbjscttothe puma l-ahillties, disabilities and -public burdens of said railroad companies last intuthinod. The faith of the Biate la ppsiged to redeem all mortgage bond! and c inpons now rusting on tho Btato Road as they fall due a d io save ihe lessees hannleet against all inch bond* and coupons. e-sees are by vhla act eonatltntrd a body corpo rate and [sil'tlc or ;h urm ol twenty years, under the and yla o' th-_ Woallrn and Atlantic Ra Iroad Oempany having anen powers, llabllltlan and ImmanD tie*. • ae n-n.l win railroad eompcnlea, and not In conflict with the Constitution and Lsiwa of th* United Ma.es, or of tho-tale of Georgia; buttheywlll not be a,lowed to make or permit any discrimination In tavor in or against sny other road or persons having hnalneck C- i nectlobt With the Skid WtStern and Atlantic Rail, road For the purpose of carrying oat this act. proposals will lw rece-ved nntil and Including the kfith day of Dee. m her mil, and insrt he ad trussed" to the Uovcra- or of thestairof Georgia, at Atlanta," annmarkadoa the wrapper, " I’ropoeals .of th* leaaaolthe Waatara and All::.tic Ranroad. lu accordance with an Ac' approvedurtobci ill, t67». The proposals mnaiatatj ih ml: tut names anu rtaldewceol the parties nutting -.on etc prop.,si Ion. tha amn not that each of the par ties tLerclu named are w rth over and above their debt-and habiilil.-s, together wllh a mil description of ihe character d the - unty wn.ch wtd be offered to comp t'stho bond. The pr. periy to ti cd la a single track railroad, •«e l.undrid anu Ihiri) eight runes ♦« length, with -oi-’ a d comp ele equipment of shops, depots, turnouts^ sidr'.ngs, engines, cars, elc., etc., etc., now In enccest- u up. [allot between the cillt-s ol Ai.ahtk, in Georgia, and » t.v.tanouga, lu Tennessee At Chattknoog- the In t- is indirect -omiaai.iratiouwlih the Memphis tud 1 bar! spin, Nashville and Chattanooga, Chattanooga aud N.w . nous, East Tennessee and Uaorgle, and tha t kauet ooga snd t inu.n.sil, (now in prone** of con- •truc-lor.) railroad*, and at Atlanta with tha Atlanta lid Moi.L'muury. Abent* and charleston, Atlanta and Bavannah and the Atlantic and '-nil link* of road, being lh<- only railroad coi.h.ctlun between the system ol runways oeuv ring at Chattanooga and at Atlanta, Copies ol " an Act to kuthonae the lease of th* is return and Atlantic Railroad, and lor other purposes 'herein mentioned," approved October -J-tlh, can fie had upon application at the .. xecntlve office. „ LLFIB B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: RoaxuT 11. Atxtmow, Kauculive Becrutarv. I I’spc.-s in the Male wl.l not copy Ihe above notice -ixccpi by direct order from the Baccutlye Deuarunent.1 icUt-nideckA S3 Watch! S3 Watch!! rai 6UAT iubofijji Eureka Aluminum Gold Watch Co. t kava arroriTiB L :v. DEFOREST, Jewelen, 40 tufl 42 Broad war. If aw York. Sole Ageuta lor tlao U. ML A NDhtve anthoriaud them t* tall thatrgraat luuKa Ai liana ■ Gum* W.tchu for Tunaa Donn.aa, and to warraut to Saab tad every oae io keep correct time for one year. Tuts Wttch we gnaranloe to be tko best snd cheep, si tlme-kueper that la now in ua - In any part ol in. globs. 1 he w nka are lu do hie cases, La- dlta’.nd Gi lt's alt*, and are beautifully chlMd, Tha rases are made ol the metal now so widely known la kuropi as Aluminum Gold, ll has the exact color of Go d, wu’.ch it always retain*; It will aland Ut last kf the strongest acids; no ou* cm t«ll It boat gold oalyky wrlght, ice Aluminum G.ld belrg 1-10 fighter. Tha warts are made by ma> binary, same a* tn* well known American We rh. The Aluminum la a cheap metal, hence we cau afford to sell the Watch for 4fl tad make a small profit We pack th* Watch aaMr in a small has ami send 1 by mail I any fieri of Ihe U. 8. on receipt ui fd s ; flfiy cents for packing and postage. Addram all orders io i. V DkFORKi r A OO., 40 * 41 Broadway, W. T. " bo vB-*m a r -■? w a. w^Dajxx r In all part* of the Unlt<4 State*, to i*D l. y. Aluminum Cold Jewelry. JKNTS are making $»J01 iLe .Mura t.ara Jewelry. aroarxcuB. T UB OopartaHeMa harato or* existing andar the firm naat* ol Ben 4 Waddell, la thla day dissolved bv mataai coa-anLM. 0, Waddatl 0 Do., wUl aaula all thaacaoaaaa of Oa lata tkm. B. G. BILL. '• O.O.WK9AIU DEFOREST 6c CO.’S A GENTS .remaking fliJO togSOO par weak wiling Ihe Aluminum Jewelry. The Mat Imitation ol a old eeer Introduced. It has th*. exam color, mwu always rcul. s, and standt tbe teat of th* etaaagwt acids. Mo i-oecan tell ll Irom gold oaly from weight— thu aiomicam Uotd bulng atxnt Jv(0 %hiav. C. V. Daruagsv A Go, are selling their I price goldjewalty 1# (old tor, aod oa i flu layer wtahing te agent* will addnag, L. V. 181 FOR BUT 4 OO., 41 »fl Braadway, a. t- , ■ml Am