Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, December 28, 1870, Image 1

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r V \ N VOLf XVI. ‘ KKKOK ORA HSU TO 8B L) A NOKHO UH WHOM BKABOH IB L»ffT PRKB TO UpMBAT IT ."-Joffmtm ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WKDNKSPAY MORNING, DECKMBEK 28. 1870. no. m. (Hu -ijailg ^futcltigcurcir. THE lTL'LNTii INTELLIGENCER, l’ li li Li I w tl 13 I»' ; ’i AilY AND WEEKLY ini ! t vi-u private rooms of individuals, anil tpj r private puptrs and loiters, without any ». Citicatlon <>r notice or affidavit, as requir ed by the'organic law. 1th;.;- mivf ueil 1 u American capitol into a bssUio o libia rtnblisliiJ v?.'em pi epics ami offl- Jared. Irwin Whitaker, iietiy it h with COMPETENT AHSIHTA NTH, Subscription andJdvBrtisiMg Hites.; -t \ rw . 10 00 ! THUMB OF SUBSCRIPTION. Os-tiT, war month. 0 Uv, 13 month* 0 inonlo* W klS, t year ...- (pc copies at theeonater 11,- •• >; >nea o f^ow* But* had Agent* — KATES OK AOVBBT1BINO. For; »oh -ijunri of 1U lines or 10**, (of th* Srft tnaer ■iuuut Insertion an com*. w'lich r constitutional mon- iflo v old now dure to resort. -'lit ri/jiitol appeal in iiupor- i.iiiqiit >ni to the supremo ju- • to CU t'lil or de- ■ jp, • in lion, which lii iTMVOca- .!Liii;.;4Aiui;iioi), while thu learned - ihjecuit lo great sad ■ lite ely because he would »fli * ' i the enpport of i>uii;/m. uUarges preferred aguimt i 00 il 0) 10 |I)5 lOdB g 8'8 3 8 as 3 ° 8 8 a » * a a s s 3 § n N •Uiuow C 8 8 § 8 8 8" 8 £ 8 8 . uiuota l 8 ?ra""§~^ 8 8 8 8 1 ; Ii 3 8 fl S' “ 8 [1 .<901^61 8 8 S~8 8 8 i l : : Z a 9 a * * i i 1 1 •MUIU g 8 8 8 8 8 8 ; : t i ■*iGir's • 8 8 8 8 8 8 '. I i 1 » « ,» M iq ou I i .» i . r ; Mean l £88888 I 1! 1 ** «o •* o •* o | I j .] » H ♦ 5 ♦ I Id vomit 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 t f 1 1 £ *. - « a a : i j j «n •wnijiB 8 8 8 8 8 8 l t 1 I 5 i i M •awn l S 8 8 S 8 8 1 8 1 g ( S)JVQbg : : i j f i S o o o j j J J J J j. g £ /. Ot.cuai _____ a, *0 come per llm- Dial Infnrtion.eud . Vi in not Hue for each luoeoquont Insertion. Advertisement* inserted al interval* to bo charged m> iuw imcb ir.9oM.lou. Ivor, mo mob lo «,d*rodto riimjUu m »U| parUcul*; p,. ,io,.. . .i .,ci a* now ouch ..v.iftlou. Tl.c ,-viol advuruetug uoaetdorod duo Lflor (lr*l Inlorl on. , . An . ni.,,11 i-’.calioai or i.llur.ui. u„*iiioaelntondou for IkU i.illco should beaddruased to THE INTt-LLlCENCER, ATLANTA, (iEOHUIa. Tli« National Womocratlc tMatform. Tlie lollowmg is thu plailorni adopted tiy the 'Nauoual Ueuioerntlc Couvuuliuu assouibled In New York, .Inly. 14(181 The National Democratic party, In National Convention assembled, reposing its truat In the intelligence, palrioti.-m and discriminating Jus tice ol the people, standing upon thu Constitu tion aa me lounoutiou anu liinitalionol tlio )k>w- era ol the government an I the guarantee ol the liberties ol thu citizen, and rei-nknizingthu ques tion ol slavery and acta union as/l.avii.g been set tled lor all time lo come by the war ol Uiu vol untary action ol tlio iSoiilhen Status In Consli- tutionni Convention asuemblid. and never to be j; in wed or re agitated, do, wilb the return ol peace, demand— 1st TUeiuimcdiaii- resti ratio , <>l al! the State* to their rights In the Union under the Constitu tion, and ol civil government ol the American people. 2d. Amnesty ior all past political oflenses,and the regulation ol the elective Irauchise’ In tin plates by the citizens, and the payment ol tin public debt ol the United States us reptltly as practicable. , jjd. All mon&y-drawn trom the people by isa ation, except so much as la required lor the nc- cesaitlcs ol the Government economically ad mit isterod, to be hone Uy applied<o such pay ment, and where the obligations ol the tbiy- trgiiieiil do not expressly slate iqwn turn nice, or tlio law under which liny wire issued dona ,, pn idi ha tb* * ill be paid in pom, they ought, in right and Justice to Is: paid m the law Ini irviny ol the lulled Suites (TliumTcra ol applause. | -V •I'll. Ivpial iaxiition ol t.-wVjsipec ej u: prop ertyt soram l! nc to i'■ real valii", mc'n ling Gov errr'Mil tiWruta and other pith ic recurli v- | ltonewed cheeiing. anilu ;t ol “lead it i*i!xiri.”] SlU. Cmo curiuney lor lire Government anti i it m oi . , the . . i ml is.nsi ,ncr and the soldier, tl bond holder I Great chei “read il rigain "| Thu 11 Ih resolution was i cheered. • nth. Economy In the adu aisb'itlon ol R*.,.vt i..i . t; the r duct'on of the suit! si •..v and nav the nbollshmehl ol the h ineii's Hi flaiit, pgru it > lieersj and i arc irs'Ttegri ureiiuic.V ; the Al it 11 iei.u'iiol the syslum and dlaconUuuuuce ol Ute mq . ilorial In ardsol as- ollccii ■ rovenui otbal the t»,linen ol tat lion may be equalized and lessened, ibo crepu ol the Uoveruinein and the currency made good, the repeal oi a l enact merits lor enrolling the Siute militia into nation al lorries in note ol pence, aud a tin ill lor reve nue upon loieigu imports, and such equal lam turn under the internal tevuiue laws ns will nl- lord incidental protection u» domestic manulac- tmes, aud as will, without impairing the revenue, miis)9e the least burden upon mid nest promote ami encourage the great industrial interests ol ( the country. ' 7lh. I he retonn ol abuses in thu admmislra- tiou, ihu expulsion ot corrupt men Iroru ollh;.!, the ahrogaliou ol useleM offices, the restoralion ol righllul authority to aud the independence ol tin- Executive and Judicial Departments ol the Government, the subordination ol the military tethu civn power, to the cud lliul the usuipa- iious ol Congioas aud the despotism ol thisword ~ may ceaao. 8lh. hipntl rights and proU-elion lor natural ized urn! native-born citizens at home mi l abroad. The asseiti u ot American nationality, wliii h shall command the risjwcl ol foreign rmwcis, lurniah an example aud eucoursgeuieiit to people struggling lor national integrny, con Hiilulionul litairiy, and Individual r.guts, nnd the maintenance ol the Rights ot naturalized citizens against the absolute doctrines ol Immutable alle giance, uiih the claim ol lorclgu jiowers to pun- iuh them lor alleged crime committed bey on J lileir Jiiusdh'iion. [Applause J In demanding these measures and reform , wo arraign thu ltadical party lor the disregard ol right, and the unparalleled oppression aud ty ranny which have mittked its career. After the urnst solemn and unanimous pledge ol Tm-Ui Houses ol Congress to pro acute ihc w ar exclusively lor Uie maintenance ol the govern- incut and the preservation of the Union uuder the Constitution, it has rejieatcdly violated that most sacred pledge uuder which wa* rallied that nobler volunteer army which earned our flag to victory. lnsieail ot restoring the Union, It has, so lar as was in tu power, dissolved It, and suljected ten States in a lime ol prolound peace to mill- • «• i-t oi ui.-l extrivagaiiCB have exceed- ; .1 Auythtni- V-i’owu in history, and by its frauds anC nio'njp ;i!Cfi II La', n ■ i]y doubled'the bur dens old 1 el uted during the war. It lias j in.' I'ri sklent ot bin constitutional pow- i - ol app- 'uimc.uk even ol his own cabinet. U,i4flr.iM teneated''Assaults; the pillars ol the Govi i uiueul ate loi'King. on their Dose, and, ebouht i'sue coed, in November next, and inau- .uir.ite iu, I’resident, will meet ns a subject and ciiiiqucied.people, amid the ruins ol lilairly ami the Bc.itteri:d hagments ol the Constitution ; and we do declare and resolve,'that, ever since the people ol Ihc Uuited Slates threw oil ullsub- jedioii t" Uie Ikiiisli Crown, the privilege ol trust and autirngo have belonged to thu several Slates, and have lieeu granted, regulated, and controlled exclusively by the political |ajwor ol each Stale, and any atlunplby Congrens. on any pretext whatever, to deprnre-ttny State of this right, or iutortere with ns exercise, is a flagrant usurpation ol power which can Hl.i1 no warrnnt in ttie Constitution, and, d asnetioned by the people, will subvert our lorm ot eoverunieut. and can only cml ma single, centralized, consolida- Hid g.'vcrnmout, in which the sejairateexistence .il the Siiitca will hn entirely nbsoRbeil and an unqualified despotism he i-labln,lied >n place ol a Federal Union ol equal States. That w< regard the rccom-trucllon jlqU ol Cqi!gres j , so-< illi il, ns u-.urpauotm, uucous.Ulu- tional, revolntiohury and void. That our Boldiers And sailors, who cart ted the flag ol our country to victory against a most gallant ami lot.-;. iiih-I loc, must ever ho gralc Inlly remumbcri. l, an.l all the guaranlots given in'llii'i." lav-.i mum be luniuaily carried intoexF 1 CUli'IU. I hat the public land:- diould be dislriliutcd as a id- y among the people as possible, and should be disjsisud ol either under the pre-eraplidn or itl> liomcsluid law,ami sold In tensonahlc quan- llties, and to rionu but actual occupants, and al minimum prie s as established by the Uovt'rn inent. When grants ol public lands may be deemed ntccs 'iii y lor the ettcoiiragcmenl ol im- portanl public linprovemeuts, thu proceeds ol mo seats ol such lands, and.not the lauds them selves, should bo applied. That the President ol the United States, An drew Johnson, m exercising the power ol his high office in re. iatiug tlic aggresuloub ol Con giess on Che constitutional ri, litany th« Btehu- md Urn-people, i - entitled gfallUS.fu ol th whole Aim rv i people, nnd on lx irftll ol the Democratic pa.ty we turner him our thanks for Ills patriotic Gloria in Hint regard [Ureal »p- plausc.J Upon lids [ihdlorm the Denmcratjp. party ap- -pcal - cv-ry patriot, including all the conserva tive cb-ineii' --iid all who desire to support the Constitution aud restore th# Union, lorgettiug all pa t llt-re; , , opinion, unite with u» in inc or. - ;t great struggle lor the lllierlies ol the pc pic, an . mat to all such, to w.haievcr pwt+y-tltcjnb'ij . e licretolore belonged, we extend the right hand ot fellowship, aud hail all such co-operating with us us Irieuds uud brothers. Slille Itoniocraf.c 1‘lutrnrm. The lollowi.'ig plutfixriiA was adopted by the Democratic Convention assembled in Atlanta, Ua., br'i'thc 1 rtb ol August, 1870. Hon. John T. Clarke, Clialciitan o! the Com mittee on Ilusincss, ri ported the tollowmg res olutions HetuUid, That the Democratic partv ol till Btateol Qci diswitauds upon the principles of the Dcm -. I'lc [ufqly ol tin- Union lirmglng in lo - | once, aaappl o the pres ent exuaoi ol the coqntry, the line; am, . '1 diMitiiii '.hut lids is a Union ol 11 Illy -I the Stales, and ol ih ir righ;«, tmd il llieir ciptalily with eai h o;her,‘is a;, lo liti-< nuililo part ol our polit ical SVKlI-TU ' . g ' a' r the api'.ror.ebinr StntO el w 1 a D "c-alic p-.riy cordially Invites. in in a zeal -us ■ - the seven,' pn- lit usurp ■ I t;.,. Stale Qov men '..ho are ttm llal ' iiV- rnineM al a 1101111 ‘trati m tary de*i'Oti»ra and negro suj'rcmiicy , uas nullified thenghl ol trial by Jury. lv has aNilished the writ ol A.iAe<u coryu that most sacred writ ol lib- rty. It has overihrown the freedom ol sp-exJ; jn.t ol Uie press It has subsumed arbitrary seizures and arrests ami military trials and secret slarelmmber in- qui uions lor coiisiituiioual irlhumds. it Uas disregarded in Uie lime ol peace the sht of Uie people Ui he Uoe lrorn search and GKEAT SOUTHERN k ATLANTA AND AC»IISTA, -TO — Chsilfstiin, dolurabla,' 'iur'o'.l.!. TIArtgh, W.lm'axton, ' ‘ , Baitlmore, Weld m. ltlchmoud, Washlrgion, ™.. VLUadeli-Uls. uud New York, TUB KATINU H'H'BBS ot thlr. I,toe have been thor ougtilvovsrlualod and raflttod. Anjit* time irlven for Moale, al rounlar linnrB. CON OliCTO It W Ou mil Live are ASablo End Conrleoat to t'aiaonsera. MO CHANGE OF CARS Between Weat Point, Oa., and Wllnlkfton, 5,0. QUICK TIME AUD SURE COHHECTIOHS VIA CEORCIA RAILROAD. P Ab^NOKUrt win pnrehase Th roach Tickets sii«l Lave their UAUUAGB checked through from :su3. vaoDiie, nonigoi iaiubus, aud AUtaU, to Richmond, IK* I lira ore, Washington, Phil adelpUlm, and New York, B T FOUR DIFFERENT ROUTE? Vtn Augusta. Georgia. Via SmgBvhie and Wilmington; via Colnmbl^ Chsr lotto and Kalelgh: via Columbia, Danville ana Bleb- raond; via Atlanta, Augusta. Wilmington, and Day Mne. Fare as low by Anunsta as an^ otkel Routs. I'tILLMAN'd KAIJiflB aLKBPING CARS on al> NJprht Tralos leaving AuajiU oy Ihlc Kouio. IVaSSlENiH5i{8 wluhlng to jro North bv Het will And a Hplendid Line o' Sieamanlpn from cniBrloston, h. C M to llAltlmoro, l'h;liidelv»lilA, lL»«ton and New York. THE CHARLESTON STEAMSHIPS Oflei evury lnduccrm-n to 1'asncnfler*, wUk Table* »aj>- plled aith every Injury thv Northern ri d C'harle*- ton Marbete can afford; and for eafoty, i*peed and comfort, are UNRIVALLED ON THE COAST ! Point, rhlpa. Tbrongn Tuteola on aale at Montgomery. Wwl arid Atlanta, to Now York via ObarlPMon Htoam- J A. KOB.KKT, General Ticket A^eut, Oeorirla kallmad. IMi. ( IAKR H LONDON REMEDIES “ For Special Complaints.” lylt. CLARK’S iNVtooBATon givns strength to ihe agixl and debilitated; it Is especially designed lor young men who have wasted their vigor by excesses ol every kind, and all persons vrliORC systems have become weak by Imprit duicet nre completely restored by its use. rrice Due Dollar. DR. CLA Itiv’S l’URlFIEnclc inaes the blood I ruin all impurities; such aS~8crolula, Syphilis, Mercnrial Rhcumallnu., Humors ol every sort, Unit lfreath, Oflensivo rerepiratlon, Foul Feet, Catarrh, Discharges trora tbo Ear, Bore Eyes, Bore Throat, Falling ot the Hair, Ulcers, Boils, Dimples, Blotches, uid all diseases of the Lungs and Digestive Organa I’rireOne Dollar lilt (JLAKK'B I’ANACEA relieves pain ol every description. Headache, Earache, TooUi- ache, Stomachache, Backache, I’ain in the Breast and Limha. Ills an Invaluable remedy in all Nervous Disorders, aud no laiuily should lie without it. 1'iiice One Dollar. DR. CLARK’S ELIXIR is a certain cure lot all weakness ol the Genilo-Urinary Organs, and discharges ol i, muco-purulent nature, Lencor- iliea, Gonorrhea, Bjiermaltorrhea, and Seminal Weakness, are speedily cured by its use. Price One Dollar. DR. CLARK’H REGULATOR, lor lemales only, is guaranteed to correct ail special irregu- lailios. Married Drlties and difficulties oi single La-lies arc cautioned not to use it when in a cor- loin condition, as its eflccta would he loo pow erful l’rice One Dollar. All of jheac celebrated remedies are prepared Irom Fluid Extracts under Dr. Jblark’s imrue- dia.e jUja-rviaion, and are warranted fresh and pure All allllcted persons should send a care tally written sfutemeut ol their ailments lo Dr Clark, and the proper remedy will be. lent promptly to their address. Dr. Clark can be l onsiiVod p- rsm.ally at his office, and will tur- .nish all tl.e uoces^ary accommoi) ilious lo pa- iii ut» who place thi-nisolvei 1 un'ler his care. Al 1 letters addretaed to Dll. J. CLARK, Office No. 10 Amity street, Ur ot tlie Convun- i ExecutiveOom n'v ‘ trom each Cougtes- slia.l eli iiiSe a chairman i: iiuin: or with power uu t to cal! a luluic i nnxcnllou ol the if p.iitv, ami wiiu Mich other power, “daily t- c rcieod by Democratic Exicu- 11V • l .1.1.-nil!-;■<; ' if .i,ipoiniiiu-ut Ui lust nu ll- 'In ary..•uihli , .;,s ol thoncxt Deiueicratic Con vention. Ji .vitre/f, Th 't Mn' ;■ -i pic of the several Con gressional Dmirieis meet in the (Rinvention a» ( ally Ui. practicable, ami at Blicli limes at LUSV milt llntir convenience, ri spyclively, and organ- iW) and prepare lor th.- nl(»-ilon ol Representa tives to me unexpired- torriri otthoTIst Congress, anil also to tin- 42d Congrepa. lU-oolved, Thai in addition to‘the returns ol the tin uni, to lie made -as Jiroscrdied by law, the managers lie requested to give cfrlitleates ol election to Representatives aud Benators who may lai elected, to t;e Used as evidence ot their eieelion. RuoUrd, That whatever policy others may pursue, we pledge ourtelvcs "to do all in our power to R' l itri a lull and (air election by all who an qualified to vote under existing laws. Judge ( lark, read tlu- resolutions,and staled that he liad.hi eu i .struct, d by iUV Committee to move the previous qiica'i iq ou then adoption, t he motion wan Seconded and id'ipled, when the reeohffi ns were* ud iptml as reported, with out debate , id by an almost unanimous vole. A' -1 O'clock 1*. M., the Couviulh.n‘ai!juUrnod, tint dit S3 Watch! ©JWatcIi! THE Q SCAT E cm TEAM Eureka ASamiuum Gold Watch Co. OAT* xrrotsTku L .V. DEFOREST, Jeweler#, 10 nnd #2 Dronilwajr, New York, Molt) AtfuuUi for tlio U. H. right ol ••taim. U ha* entered the i>o# and telegraph office# A Nllhuvi- anlhorl*. J then to »■ M tb.lr crxwt Buhxka AUIMIMI X U«IU» WAT'llB* lor ThkMB iioLt.AItrt, bmI to waritui ig MtiU anil fViry «>nr io ltcj»comrl tlia«* Inr t»ue >t Ar Ton .V*tcL ciur‘»uu*u to be tBe Indiana chitapcH tltne-kuMiier that it uov 10 ur to *uy l»*rt ui tua^iolij. 1 hv if. d«j b e u-w, L-t- dl. -’A <1 Uviii't rIa# and Kf«* bi'sintifuuv cJiNt.xl. Tbe ««•>» Aif mil ot the zuiMAi u:*w ^o widely kuovrn in Kriropnatj .i!u»nhiun» Ue».d it ha* luc oxaci color of te«. >} «b ch v j vniyt rett'n* ; It u.it ttaui iLe te*t ot tLt. *truii*, , « , '*t nnd >; no ••■##• nui t**'l tt ifcjzu only Ly wol^tit, inu-Ainniinvm (# >d Ihjii g MO ligh tr. The «oik» are nude tiy nm hiucry, miiu u» luo Weil known Amtriuiu V\ a ch. The Ai.imli.iun Ip * rht<4p uietnl, UiU.C' 1 v%e CAU 111 r i '/» m.*11 the 'A h ftif Mlid Uitike a FttiBll prt»iiL We |vVk the W a. h pAfclv In a f»m*ll bos a iid Men J u by ma»l njany dirt of (Ue L. b. on receipt til |-1 V . flf y citnUTfor 1‘AjJkii.j: aud Addrea« all older* u» •/ L, V. I)**UUK8T A 40 A. 43 Bro*dw*j, ti. Y. portf-ka / Rnr^-ly New V -rk City, near lircAtlwuv •DUPLEX 5 IMPROVED FAMILY St'wintf >>Ifielliilo. TRirMPI \ TRIl'MPIi IN M-KCIIANICAK SClKNCtL M Rl. t:r»*.v now," amt mauufBC'Qrod nnirr th* y*u\ i.aTKKi . ultetl otalur Pateii'p, wiin onuiy “ lmp^jrunL ui»ertor ami valuable Improvement*," vrtrch reader it, « [K*rt t rumpetenvet, a 11 .mi mkukmiti. It >• wilhoui arlvt or r.^i'Ai., and tor beauty and alreuglh ot K* ** ClltCll," tfl'KKO, DUHAMIUTt iU.d Kl.BUAMi'l.m- paaeer » very other 2d*ch!oe ; Il la entirely original In conetrucilon. aud doe* not infringe upou any othtla Tula vn. i.d' fful Hp.d rxlrHordtnnry aahlevcmenl me -tsAnica! imrcnoiiy wouki upon avail*; lit* p#r lca.il) * ui»1* ’ tM*a." ca»y lo learn, rapid ai d reliable, innkutt the beautiful, atrony and reliable duplex stitom, and wilt do all kind^ of work with caae aud ncatneaa hew* with all minus or tiimbau. Uovblo or alngle >aunot get out ol order, and is wtial 1* wanted by every family, il hae received PiixMiras and ike fall approval fine principal Journaia aud all ihofe who have ueio tubs. **Th** machine work* like a charm, and eew* neat and mold. It U what every family require#.'*—New Id. *1We have visited the salesrooms aao York W or! _ • lammed the t machine*, and prouounee them well worthy of all the praise claimed "—Illustrated News. " A KrcMtriaiut.b in Mecnsnicai tidmee.”—Chronicle, Aa^ueia, Ua. Siu*le Machine*, sli complmeu pocked lo a box, f-ent froe tx> ‘ntiy pari 6i the country by eipreea, «»n re* dpi ot price, $6 Safe delivery gnaranieed. Ajfeuts wautod. Circular* containing exba induce rnenla, FKaB. Addretm DTJI'LKX MACUINKCO., (*7 BROADWAY, !i. Y. n»ay31wlv noOLEyc _ Y' ^AS r^f Powder Bakin* I'ow.l«‘r in live. lVrfb# ilv pure and Kralthy. It maku«, tit Aiort notice, delicious Hlacnit* K*4is, A o. TLere u<vd )>•» no tr.ulo of fival nr»pan>d wilh lL i»a il i* alwa,\ n of the best quality Wo would sny of the bojt quality —, to lhuso Bholiikvo never um\ it* that a very few trials a il! oimble them to a**- it, notouly with entire ftnli-ifikctlon, lun w;ih economy. Tut op rt-LL, nkt wo1*M ua reprceeutM. Uroeere and Dealois sell .L DOOLEY flc BROTHER, rrop’a, 00 Now Street, iiKW YU UK CITY. nor 11 aoxUwSm COLLINS, WETHERILL & CO- Wholesale Seed Grower**, 1111 A 1113 Marktt StrMt, PHILADELPHIA. OULLlNS, WBTnRRILLAOa, Uli txi UJS AM#*l8tTMl lepU#—«#■ rUlLAVBLPH QUEEN OF THE SOUTH ONLY GENUINK STRAUB PORTABLE grist mills. .TOU I'RINTING Flour Fackers, sum MILL WO lift GENLUALLY. Thew* Ml!!* w^ro fli?t rmdn'o j •supply the wantp .of the P: »i.'« * and o<:« lirtiworiy ot thu South, but-vheir fame ha* ppretwi l«. < very I <jtuifiVr ot thu iciobfe, and incy »'u j now f»«yd aud nnn*! \n Rnr«*po, At* k. ] Africa/and South Anv dui. Tj .. eupp/tuu 1ncreu-*ing f|?*mnr.d we'l erijirtfe'l • ni Vji.u/i.ioiv j | and atldt-d valuolilu impr^f; to llf- Mill'. heretofore, our Mllis will no built of choice Burr Biucflu*, selected -a iho <£i;trn . i In Francir, Send for Descriptive IVnph'.'-'* ''ffethinlur Trea on Milling, sent by mall trio Addr HTltAL’Il .S CO Cor\Front and .John !n!y15-dAw. \ CINCINNATI O COTTON iANTERS Bxyi'.tic and Boy the Orl^tual 111 (BAUGH’S) It ka'.ng Iho Arot made all others are imltatloui. BAUCH’S RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHITE OF LIME, g T pA0E MkRK - ■ S Hill Manure 1* made of Baw ov !n Nilro^onouB matier. disfolvcd In Qjj of V .ir <*‘. i r- - Bentlriif the Bone Phofphale .i s a l»i::Uy>*) r. . quickly nvuilnbli* form, and the Aiduhmil; !n -> p lH>rll »n as io lBf*urc a prompt aod vigorous an ion upon the crops. Where Baugh's 1 horphato was applU-o ilm i hm aea- §ou on Ootion, iho Indications, with ui t:x pt.on, that ll will maintain )i* well earned repntati' prevent Kuei on Colton. BAUCH Ac SONS# kianutaciuieraJ i'hiiadelpnia. For aalo by dealers throughout the emins S** i'i*. o whom we recommend conaumoiriio buy. W Newest Grand Austrian State-Loan LOTTERY, Cinaraitoci and Centrolled by tbs Go?- ernment in tbe Amount of 1*20 Milliuiis FlorliLs or 250 Million Francs, which 1* Jo be repaid by -• J . t k.•.•... 400,000 Premium Prizes. I N fire Yo»r!y drxwfBg*, lo th. nmnuor thal eytry 9,1c- . (ind month a «reat drawing lak.8 plare, at which *-111 t» drawn Prlaes of *0 a K«),000 Krone. ID a Xki.lJd, M a 400.000,1)1 a tiO.iW. 10 a I'lO.OOO, 00 a 800.000,1X1 a 40<J.- OUO, 00 a #00, 171 a SU.0U0, SM a 10,000, iSil a 5.UU0, t-wc. till M0 France, tho iowaat Fried. 8 Dollar* Tba Prla« of ono Share le Fire Hnareals. Xlaven Hharea ta Twcnty-fanr hbaroB la. ...« ..BO' fttrlhcat Oonnlrtee, llai Mercantlla place in Knrupe. Lilt of lha drawing* aru panctnally dullvcr,-d (fret- ol ailwnao) lo avory Nliareholdcr aa anon a: the rerun of Ibe drawing la known. The 1'rlaca failing to tbo Lota will b« paid In all Trar.a aklantlc Cltloa. only in Uarmany, favnrod bv the chance. I paid to my !)ub*erlber« Klrat I’rlaee of ' Sou.uuo, * l8u,0oo »hd 100,1100 Franca, etc. Ordera, with romlttancee, will h«i cxecnUd promptly GIUOII, W 1 111 IVHIilWIiiAT, dill !>■- laxivivau .-riti p • . j and under discretion bv (JUAHIJtri LI‘)!.I.K, Bunkliu; llouso in Frankb ri on-Maln (Goruiai.y.i-Zei) street. No 47, opposite tho royal post office. Jolyn-every^Tiufim. *•**’>’"** 'INti MACHINK CO , Bos ton, Men*.., «>r 8t. IdOUl*, Mo. »«pt20-3;n T / v A DAY—Busiueee entire!new and hono «nl.V/ Liberal tnducemeuta. Desertthivo or free. Addroes J. U. RaX1> A Go., BtU'lclord, Mo i»v, tafi • w FORTUNES S oflored lo live muu. I»'ar«; 'ti.iLC u. semi Staru^ M»pti*j : i.M Diam i.hu K Co . Wllran.^fon Lc; The Magic Comb brown, ucuuialu 'l poison Anyone cak u^e it. rent bv mall for *1. Address MAUlC <*Vil <’u .'prmgilcld, Ma?.-*. Bepttfc#-.1m W ANTP.D AGBNT8.—T0 sell ti»e IHTAdUN bK'.V INti MAldlNl. It i-lLutNABU, 1.1 Ak*.>* ti.o * KUvtio Lock BtLtch** U'd wnrr*iiti*'«i t#»; 5 ye»o • Price |15. All o Wr uabc:iUi<w with nti wider feui f f d f^i |16 or l»*s* an* lufnmt- nent*. Aduros 0‘.*TA*ioN MKWING MACHIN8CU., M. Louis, Mo., Gbicaito, lit. Ritsbnx^h, i’a., or Boetou, Mab«. septiiv-rw W . - r the lloui ttuurru* Mbwino MACUina. IL- ihc utuitrfHd, maker Ike " lock $Utc\" (eiiku on both *idc*j ana i. PWIv UemMd. Tdo buet aud cbc-tpiei family bewInf Machine in the market. Address JUHNboN ( LaKK A GO., Boetou, Maas., Fltiekurgh, Fa., Chicn tfO, CL.or M. Louie, Mo. septfrnSm r -A. SAFE, CERTAIN, AND Speedj Caro llMvcrsaLIfcura | NEURALGIA, AND ALL NERVOUS DISEASES. If. f'ffrttt art Magical. Al OTTPAIL1NQ RBKBDY’ for KitmxLaiA, Fa- cm*, often .fleeting a perfect cure In a tingle day No lura of Nerroua Duoaae Mile lo yield m it* wnr. derfal power. Even lo Ike eevereat caeca of Chronic N.uragia, affeotlng the entire ay .tom, ||< nee for a few days aflord ‘‘ “ ‘ lorde the moat aatonl.hlhg relief aud rarely fai t eu prvadee a complete and permaaert cute, ll Co,;- Uina no material* In tho altghwji degree Injnrtoha/ it hae the nnqualilled approval ol tno beet phyaieianr Thonaanda In every part of the country, graUtuhy Harden, F eld aud Flower Seed*. We have nearly VC a d Flower Seed*. Ilealera and olhere wlrblng ,-eedt direct Horn the grower, ahoald tend their ordera to na. Thu larvely Increased demand for our Haoda I* the beet evidence ol tho can, heatoned on their growth hud pre paration. Uur general Whoieeai* Trade Lift mailed tree oa hp- and reatovlng the Sam hr mali on receipt of once < One 1‘ackagn (I (U .'.i'uatage A centa Six 1’acXagee $8 00 - r, •' 111* ao>d hr all dealer* m itrnga and medictnea. TllKNKU h. CO., Proprielore, uo TdiMOnr bTtthJt i, liUM’u.N, XI ASS aeptSfl-Smeow . pnetag*. A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A Private Oonr.acllor to th* Married or tho^c aboet to marry, on the physto logical myaterlaa end revelation* of the •erea) ay*loot, with the lataet diecovorle* In producing and preveuUngoflaprlag, preeervUu tho complexion, Ac. This la an Intenadnii work of two hundred and tweuty-fuar page*, with nuaerona engraving*, and itama vnhuol* lalnrmaUon for tboae who are nad or contemplate marriage; >UU It 1* a boon the; i ante lock and lay, and not laid carcleialy ought lo be okuki Ike bow. beat io any oee (tree of poetege) for Tilly ennta. Add rex Dr. Bntte’ DUpenaarj, No. It K. Kghth rt. ft, Lotii, Mo, KT MKie* u thfl Afflicted hid Vafortsstt*. before applying lo the noiorloaa qoacna wbo adver- Uae in penile paper*, or lining any queen Uhaanae. peroee Dr. Matte' were, no nutter what year dlaeaee or bow deplorable yomi condition. Dr. Untie can he conenlted, pereonaUy or by mall, c tb* lUrmm mentioned In hit worn*. Office No. IX1 . o. IX N. Eighth Ur nh. between Market nad Cheeimt, si. Loot* Mo. lUMb-dhwly Arrival A Departures ot Tmlnfi Weiitrn A Atlantia IlaUrond, BOOR AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE WiimillALL STllELT, W K INVITE THE ATTENTION OF OUK FlirENDS and Ihe Public generally, to our complete and ex'ensivu JOB PRINTING OFFICE Our facilities ior Executing Iho Genciai Run oi BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, arc ns guod ns thal ol any'Olflce In Ihc country, having recently adde-i a largo lot of new and- modern lypra to our already Extensive Estab lishment. hi«ht rxaxsKBtn thaia—ot'Twxm), Um70 A llanth... ..rt'.an'P M Arrlvee at ChatUnoogn a.au a mar rxnexhuSB Toxa -obcwaud. Luav6r AUanth. — ....fill A ArriVCBat (Jhatlanaog* f;-ju I' K AoooMgjuAtio.’f-Tniis—ourwxuD. Leavee Atlanta ?;lfl p. JJ .Yrrlycsat Dalton Il;lKi P. il xieirr PA'.-'CN-iih thus—djwxjld: hc>ivcf Chaitannoga ....7:80 Y U Arrives at Atlanta.. a hi UAS PABSaiiBKU TiUIk-UHVAB.D. U«ref Ch«'.i*rj;«'g* 7 ; og \ y Arrivoe at AUani-i -. -)q7 p ACCOXXODATIO.a 1’llALS—Ol VAlt. MU. St 11:00 A. Id I.cavcj D&Uon. Arrive* -it Atlanta.,.. Ucorgla Uallread. dat FAtaaxeu tsaui. (DaUy, bnudayi Executed.) liOave Angneth 7:15 A. X " LmvoAuauU 7;du A M ' Arrive at Aarueta p" ^ | Arrive at Auanu 1:10 P. U KIUBT rABflUIUEa AID WAIL tjlaix. Licave Angnata ,9.S# P x Leave Atlanta .a,..6.»6 P M Arrive al Augusta. —iLoo A M Arrive at Atlanta e.gy g illauia Sc Went-Polm Ballroad --c-*c DAT rASSKXdU TKAIS—OCTWA.JLB, Leave Atlanta 7 : jo ^ j. Arrive at Weal Point l-gau p M" DAT riHIllllU TKAUt—taWAJUD. Leave Weet Point p. M' Arrive atAtlanta 8:X6P M hieuT rnarunT asd rAssxhexi—odtwabdj ' ‘ Leave Atlanta 8:09 P K Arrivo at West Point H:06 P - M* stuUT rnaiuuT asd i-Aceaasxa— uwanu. Leave Wuet Point j,.qq y Arrlveat Atlanta llnu) A.' M ■lniioa Sc Western Hillrot#, O A. R T> N . Business, Visiting, Railroad, Wedding, And Every Other Kind, ^ Plain or Colored, At Pricestosuitall Check Books, Draft Books, Dray Receipt Books and Hlaiik Rsiks, of cycry description, printed and bound on the most favorablp terms, and In the neatest stylo. \ j e a L 13 1 n n h h . Sheriffs, Ordinary’*, Clerk's, Magistrate's, nnd I-s w lilonks, of every kind, Printed ou the Best I’»;x:r, and at Irotv Price#. Ordera from the country promptly filled. I i o t> If l^r iuting. : A.i. who appreciate the importance of hfty'np thuir wi rk done on New Type and Good Prestv.,, and Fi:#f‘( ' tss Workmen, will commit Judrown iu'.crest, ai well os ours, by giving us a fair trial. L?ill Mentis, Etc. In Uie line ot Bill Head#, Letter Heads, Cir culars. Direction Checks, Ac., we are preoared a# treretoiore, to eiocute as neat work, and on os favoranle terms, os any house In the Booth, tno Ui guarantee full numbers, which i# a heavy Item to parties ordering large Jobe, ri thfcy seldom get full nuwhets when they order work North. r JL' o Showmen! • In all kinds of Show Printing, plain or col ored, such as Fosters, Programmes. Honse-MHsEt^ This Office will be Found to be Superior to anything in the South. Parties have but to call and Examine Samples to be convinced. Rook Binding-. Every Description of Binding and Ruling Promptly Executed In any style desired. Cull at or Addrere , ' .INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, ATLANTA, OA., For Pricu# or.Eatimatus, tor every Deacrlp- Apcil 1 lion of Printing. DAT miiivta vaaix| D&J. jr, tixeept baadajr*, I/Ofive Atlkkta 7^0 A M Arrive at aM&txjl ^ 1 40 r M L.-ave VaCDt.. A * M Arrive at Aleou i.10 F & KIOllT aiFHBfle PiBftXNUttH TBA’*— DAILT. Leave ALlar.U j.18 pm Arrivo Maconi w f.r#tvoMacnr P.ftj P*M trrivu AiUl.a V... x.teA.1! W. ll. BKON8C.N, isp< rtatioo, S'. Loiila, fllcnt|>l>u, Va.livllfo nml Cliat- lauouuKu— Stluiiia llallroad Mne. ' Leave* Atlanta... Arrive# h.liatuuio*»ga., .8.15, A M Arnscaai .Natl; Arrive* at McKenzie.... Arrive* at Moinituig Arrive s ui i nic-n f.lty . Arriroe nt ColunxiiQB Arrives at at. i-out*. .. Luavhb At! iixia Arrive* at Cbattauoo e> "’ Arrlveniit Naehvlllo..,. Arrlvta at McKcl/. c. .:. ArrivcB at Mempbls Arrives at UnSon'Ciiy 3.45 A M 0.60 A M 8 IS 1' .M 11. an a m .1*2.43 P M .11.15 j .\1T50 A M 4.80 AuV • •'i Ivetatrolombu ... Arrlvep al St. L ulj. ... chance of care frnn (.‘hattanooga to Memphis. lAiouc ctaojcv »rom Chauahou^u tort. Louts. ft 10 J\1 iu.40 r.si 7 ‘25 A M COTTON STATES Principal OlBcc—Jtlncon, 4«a. Authorized Capital. Uoarautcod Capital. 2,000,000 jOO'OOO Deposited with Btaio Comptrollers for bocuritjr of Policy Holders $ 150^000 TO THE PUBLIC. OFKICK SUP'TOF AfJBb’CISD, Atlamta. Oa., Ducombur 6, 1S70. VFUUH auentlon it iQTlted to this eterllus young; I UmMllf. A. a (inoiyia inutllui.lon, tin! i»op!e ol Oeoruli .hitiild I'o proud of It. Organized but a yoar and* half*70. It h«* already at- Laiuvd rung with the b-j.i In -^he land. It hue lsrund over two tboU9.nid policiue aud 10 9t«adily lucroaelDg lu popularity, ll* U .V l’ II N 1) t T C H JE H arc ueuuomlraiiy managed, aud its LU88K# are I rnuiplly paid. bril’lar.t on*, aud It a;i;>osl9. without hii9'i»tion to Iho imoiil^-uucv aud p-.triottem of our J pMplafbr couriuued < ipport. , TL Th'9 Omi;.any 9 nut confined to (ieoripa, but ft( ' MAOII.L, SL'P’T AUENCIB8. R. A. TOON & CO., MAN UrACTT'HBRS OP Brooms, anil Dealers in Prcduce b4 1IUOAD STREET, NASHVILLE 1 ! TEWN. wiu luir* , rtr..; /V Gi JN T *-* W ANTED lu all parte of the UuiUd States, to L V. DEFOREUT & CO.’S Aluminum Cold Jewelry* A GENT.*; er«i making $230 to $800 per week selling the Aiumihuiu Jewelry. Tue beet lmt'ktiou of ^*oid evoriuirodaccd. 11 has tho exact color, which It al ways retail.*, and Ftanda the tcet of the Ptrongeei ■eld*. No one nm tell it lrom gold only from weight— the Aluminum Gold being about 1-10 lighter. L. V. Dipoi.ist A Co., art* eeUing their good* for 1-10 the \ ri< i* gold jewelry i-* eold lor, and on Lnost liberal terras to agi r.te—1-i ca h. balance lu 30, tiO ana ft) daye. We rec3 \ eraont wishing to act a« a lull and corn- Itta, Lt*ck«*te, Uni'i nna ueore unaine, nns.Klcgp, nWvp Huttons, *:u.K Ac., lor $100-#t3to bo paid wheu ibe vooditre received, the other $75 in ;W, 60 and UJ days. Partita wishing io order goods and act as agent* will address L. V. DEFOREST A CO., 40 A 42 Broadway, V. Y. m»vS - Hra SECOND HAND COTTON MACHINERY FOR HALE. C '>N3ISTIN(l of Oponcr*. L*tq>*re. Card*, Drawing Frame*. b|wvdera, oplnuir^ Frame*, See., Ac. worn. Am lu gued ortXS eodavim Agcut Treaout aud Suffoik Mill*, Lowui). M a*- MR8. MARIAN SPAHR, ARTISTE IN HAIR WORK %iTcanj. Stucxt. iitwxu Futub aid Lots, t^yOOLD call tee all "or! on ot thfl r.-.dine to bur newly tDTcntvd Chlguou, which combine, the idrantign the of irttrr very light and cool with that of liutug wearer’* head perl oily, beLig reoduy a<Uu*ted i requiring no hair pin* 'o fatten It. continue to execute all kind* of ABTIFICIAL HAIR W0BK, at *kort notice, aud challenge* competition, eitner tn rkel price pnh oagllcbiuui $25 TO $100 PER WEEK. M ADB EASILY BY Ah? LADY. »,#U0 aold In all i " ill month*. The moat rapidly aelltni article ever invented lor married or uncle Itdlei* uie. MU r iLvenlcd lor marrld or alnele Itdlea' nan. MU FEMALE CAN DO Wll IlOCT IT. liuranie. Elegant, Cheap, and wkal ha* always been wanted; aud alway, wtln Proflta __ i»* large, hlgbt* for tide, lady a^esucan#tike fortune*. Adores* E Standard arltcle. Ctrculara true, . Manuficturlug Co., Box flu. Statlou “A," New York, anvil wlr DEMTlSTHYt D H. j. B. miBPHY taa returuod to the city and i» uow lu -roanunUy located at No. 70 White hall street, over Talley Sc tUr*on’e atore, where he la prepared to attend to all operation* In the profeaalon, feeling confident that from hi* loug raaorioai. akra- Biaava hu can give perfect a*U*faction In ovary branch of the bualnea*. Too patronage of hi* .old friend* and patron# la nepeotaity *rtl cited. o.