Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, December 31, 1870, Image 1

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k t T v*!*a2«s ~ M KKKOR CKAKBtt TO UB DANGKKOUB WHKN RKASGK LfiFT PH£B TO OOHiiAT IT’W#/*** VOL. XVI. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MOKNINQv DKOKMBER HI. 1870. £lu llatU JntdHgedm I and even the private rooms of individual*, and grim'd tlreir private papers and letter.*, without I any sprcillcaiinn or notice or affidavit, aa rcquir- I'll it A T LOTA INmLItflNMW, XSSIS w. «** ..... I* P II L I H II id 1); DAILY AND W E E K L Y BY Jared Irwin Whitaker, WITU COMPETENT AHM1STANTH, Subscription and Advertising Rates. Oally, per month L 1* Wool Wc#sii, l rear . Single copi (I months TBItMS OP SUUbOKlPTlON. 1 CO .. 10 00 .. 3 CO >.3 00 -,_„—'eqptos at ths winter....- -• ‘0 ,»iu«leop»oii.o New* U»v»aod Agent. — i HATES OP ADVBHTIBING. For each square ol 10 lluee or lose, tor tne first tneof■ bastlla It 1ms established a system ol spies and offi cial espionage to which no constitutional mon archy ol Europe would new dare to resort, linn THE' GREAT SOUTHERN has abolished the right ol appeal in impor tant constitutional questions to the supremo bi- Y.1'- >5Jy. " iuMiOUf 9 itu 10m $ .- 8 8 8 8 ” 8.8 3 0 8 8 882888888$ “iTTTs'T TITS s # m i u p 8 s *» ,VUOB l ■ 8 rmroi 3 i I 8 n ° K ,a»tait (l ■ 888888 ! j : Z a a a * « 1 i. j t '**mn • 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 f 1 : ! - - S' s 5 a j I ). 1 •semiis —v8 8 8 8 8 8 i ! f 1 L : - - a a s j 1 1 1 *»*uiii» 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 ! 1 1 1 - - - s a s j I j j -..•®omn« gii-4<n i r~t i i c • 3 a i i 1 I 1 •tetam *' 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 i : : •omn 1 8 8 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 a*,".*' 0 '****.- ,aorvut>g j j | i ; : B 5 6 o L J vi K ^ dicial tribunal, and threatens to curtail or stroy ite original Jurisdiction, which is irrevoca bly vested by the Constitution, wnilothe learned Cine) Justice has been subjected to great s.nd atrocious calumnies merely because he would not prostitute his high office to the support nt Die lalse and partisan charges prelerred against lire President. —*— Its corruption aml.extrayagance have qxceed- diAiiylhiug known iu history, and by its fraud* at»l monopolies it has neatly doubled the bur dens ot deut created during the War. It hrs stripped the President ot his constituiional pow er ot appqifltttienl, even ol his own cabinet. Under its rutieuted assaults, the pillars ot the Government ate rocking on their base, and, should it Biicceed in November next, and inau gurate its President, we will meet as a subject aud conquered people, amid the ruins ol liberty and the ecattert d IragmeuU ol the Constitution ; and we do declare and resolve, that, ever since tire people ol the United States threw oil all sub jection to-tfe British Crown, the privilege of trust aud sutlragp have belonged to the several rilat«-s, and have been granted, reguluted, and controlled exclusively by the political power ol each Stale, aud any attempt by Congress, on any pfetext whatever, to deprive any State of this right, or iulerlere with its exercise, is a flagrant usuipatron ol power which cun And no warrant iu the Constitution, and, il sanctioned by tho 10 con to \*u l la uoouso J tor oucti «au»«i|atxii intoruou. Advortnwmcul* iheerloU lutervtl* to bo charged lev/ oacto lulertion. , , Advoruoomvtu ord«ro4 to remain on anj pnUcnlai (Hi ■. 16 oo culled ao uow oath lueerUon. Tbo ruuuo^ lor advoruting coaoidorod dae *n,or Urn lu /p crv^nir■)' atloi*borieller»on bntinosflnloiidedfor t e,,. .r.ouid bo addressed to * THE INTELLICENCER, ATLAM A. bBt'M.IA lieopie, will HUfivei l our iorur ol government, and ill ATLANTA AND AIJWU8TA, -T O - Ctarlriton, Columbia, Charlotte, Kaletch, Wt'-mlngtoa, Weldon. Richmond, Wn-h’nRtoc, Baltimore.. • Philadelphta, and bow York. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH ONLY GENUINE STRAUB PORTABLE GRIST MILLS ORN MEAL, WHEAT FLOURING AND STOCK FEED, Bolting Apparatus, Bmutlore, Corn Shelters, nr Packers, ana c Floar Packers, MIL,!. WOllK GUNHRALiIjt. TUB SATING HOUSES un this Line hare boen thor oughly overhauled uud refitted. Ample time given tor Meals, at regular hears. CONIIUOTOUH On this Lino are Affable snd Oonrtoons to Fa*»onger*. NO CHANGE CF CARS Between Wsst Point, Oa., and Wilmington, S.O QUICK TIME AND SURE COSNECTIGNS 'VIA GEORCIA RAILROAD. ick Glowers ot ths South, but their feme has spread to every quarter ot the globe, and they are now sold and used in hnropc, Asia, Africa aud South America. To supply the Increasing demand we hare enlarged oar Manufactory and added valuable Impnmmevt* to the Mill. As heretofore, our Milts will ho Snllt of choice Ban Blocks, selected at the quarries in Prance. lend tax/Descriptive Pamphlets containing Treaties illlllnjff sent hr mail trt*. Address, «le>A.AC> MTBAU11 A CO.. P ASSENGERS can purrhaes Through Tickets and hare thetr BAGGAGE checked through from mobile, ftlonigonsry, Co. M, mad Atlanta, soaond, Baltimore, Washltigton, I adelnhia, and New york. Riff BOM PHOSPHATE FOUR DIFFERENT ROUTED i I iio i>uni)UHi Di m»< ruilc tMiitiurin. The IoIIuwidk ib the plailorui ailupled by the National GemocrftUC Louventiou tuatnubloU id New York, July, lHtttts I im National Democratic parly, in National Convention assembled, teposiug os Iruat in the iiitelligi/iec, |iainotl«m and diacrimlnaltug Ju» : _ tico ol /ie people, slunding upon the Luustilu-' Hog ixihf foundation ami limitationth« pow- rrs id the governnn u anil the guaranteb ol the liberties ol the citizen, uu. I recognizing liie ques tion ol biuveiyaiul secession as liuving beuu set tled lor ad tune to come by the war ol the vol untary action ol the boulheu rtlales iu Consti tutional Cogvention assembled, and never to be renewed or re- agilalcd. do, with the return ol peace, demand— 1st. The immediate restoration of all the Stales to their nglilB in the Union under the Constitu tion, aud ol civil government ol the American tieoplc. au. Amnesty for all past political oflenses,and the regulation ol the elective Irancliiae in the btales try the citizens, snd tlie payment ol Hit public oeht ol the United Stales as rapidly as practicable. 8d. All money drawn Irout the people by tax ation, except so much as is required! lor tl,u ne cessities ol tlie Uovernmeut; econAucally ad- miulslered, to be lioncstly applied to such jmy- meut, and where the obligations ol the Gov ernment do not expressly stale upon their lace, or thClaw under which they wire issued does not pjovide that they shall he jiaid In coin, they ought, in right and justice to be paid in the law lul money ol the Unileu btales [Thuuders ol applause.] \ 4th. Equal taxation of every species ol proje erty, according to ns real value, including (lyiy- eruuul bonds and other puulic securities — [Renewed cheering, and t rics ol "lead it again."1 1 rnh. One currency lor the Government and the people, the laoorer aud the office-holder, the iieust uur aud the soldier, the producer and the bond hold r. IGteal cheering, and cries ol “read it again ' l | The tilth resolution was again read and again cheered. .. ... Oth. Economy iu the adrr alst-atlon ol th governtneut; the reduction -of the standing army and uav tho ahullshmenl ol the Freed men’s Uuica», tgre it cheers] and all political in Blrumeiitalities designed to secure uegro su- premacy; the simphlicailou ot tlie system and discontinuance ol the inquisitorial boards ol as sessing and collecting mtirua. revenue, so that tlie burden ol taxation uiav he lesseued, the credit ol the Government and the currency made good, tho repeal ol all enact uicula lor enrolling tbeblule militia into nation al lorcea in time ol peace, and g tanfl'TAr reve nue upon luieigu imporu, and such equal taxs lion unilfeY the internal revenue laws ss will al lord Incidental protection to domestic mauuluc- ture*, and as will, without im|>airiiig the leveuue, iinpo»« me least burdeu upon and best promote j.i:d encourage the great industrial interests ol the country. 7th. rue rctorrn ot abuses in the administra tion, the expulsion ol coiruptmen from office the abrogation ol useless offio s, the resturutiun- o* nghllul authority to and tne independence ol the Executive and Judicial Departments oi the Government, the subordination ol the mili ary tolhe civil power, to the end that the usuipa- iinus ot Congress aud the despotism ol the sword may cease. blh. Equal rights and protection tor natural ized auu uauve-hoiu citizen* at home aud abroad. Tne assertion ol American nationality, which shall command the respect oi foreign ■lowers, furnish an example and euenur igemt nl to people struggling lor national lutcgruy, con sliluliuiial liberty, aud individual rights, aud the maintenance ol lire rights ol naturalized citizens against the absolute doctrines ol immutable adc e iauce, and Uie claim ol loteign powers to puu b them lor alleged crime committed beyoud their Jurisdiction. I Applause J In demanding these measures and reforms wc arraign the Radical party tor tne disregard ol right, and the unparalleled oppression and ty ranuy which have marked tu career. limy wuiCu uavt* umiftuu in u»u;r. After the most solemu and unanimous pledge ot both tluuses of Congress *o prosecute the war exclusively lor the maintenance ol the govern ment und the preservation qj the Union uuder the Constitution, il has repeatedly violated that meet sacred pledge uuder which wai rallied that nobler volunteer ariny which carried our flag to victory. instead ot restoring the Union, It baa, so far as was iu its' power, dissolved it, snd subjected ten Stales in a time ol prolound peace to milt tary despotism and negro supremacy it baa nullified the right oi lrt*i by Jury. (I has abolished the wnl ol hibe<u corjnu- ' liberty. that most sacred writ ol It baa overthrown the freedom of speech snd oi the press ' >■ It ha* subetltued arbitrary aeliures and arrests and military trials and .secret st arch amber In Qttkiitoa* tor oonstltutional tribunals. It hat disregarded in the lime ol peace The ot tho people to too tree horn search and the pm Md lelegripk offices enu only cud in u soiglc, centralized, consolida ted goyernmeut, in winch tbeseperateexistence ol the Stales will lie entirely absorbed and an uuquaiffied despbtiaui be established in place ol a Federal union ol equal Slates. Thai we regard tlie reconstruction acts ot Congress, so-called, ns usnrimliuus, uncouAtltu- tioual, revolutionary ana void. That uur soldiers aud sailors, who carried the (lag ol our country to victory against a most gullaut ami determined loc, must ever he grate Lilly remembered, and all the guarantees given m their luvoi must he tailhlully earned into exe cution. I hat llic- public lauds should be distributed as widely umong the people as possible, aud should he disposed ol either under the pre-emption or the homestead law, ami sold iu reasonable quan- 1 lilies, aud to none but actual occupants, and al minimum prices Its established by the Govern ment. When grants ol public lauds may he deemed necessary lor the encouragement ol im portant public improvements, the proceeds ol tne seats ot such lands, aud not tho lunds them selves, should he uppiied. That tlie President ol the United States, An drew Johnson, in exercising Hie power ol his liigli mfllce Iu resisting the uggrusslous ol Cou- gress on thii constitutional rights ol the Hlates and tho people, ia emit led to the grulitude of the whuU American people, and oil behatt ol the crane jmrly We tender him our thanks for his patriotic etloris iu that regard, [Croat ap- lause.j Upou tins piaitorm the Democratic party, ap peal to eve ly patriot, including all the conserva tive element und ull who desire to support the Constitution arid restore the Union, lorgetling all past dilfi rences ol opinion, to unite wiliy qji In me present great struggle lor the uberliy* ol tlie people, aud that to all such,, to whatever nitty they may have hcretoloru belonged, we xU nd the right hand ol fellowship, aud hail ail su< h co-operating with us as ((tends and brothers, NlultylDeiuoerutlc Flaiform. The lollowing platform was adopted by the Democratic •J.louvention asscuhled iu Atlanta, (iu., on the Wib ol August. 1870: lion John T. Clarke, Chairman ol the Coin-' initlee on Uusiness, lejmried tho lollowing res olutions: ■ ... liuvltal, That the Democratic party ol the rtlate ol Georgia staiida upon the principles ol Hn Democratic party ol the Union bringing in to special prominence, as applicable to the pres ent extraordinary condition ol the country, the unchangeable doctrine that this is a Union ol ot Slates; and (be indeblruclibility ot the Elates, and ol tbelr rights, and ol their tqualiiy with each other, is an liidiapuusiblu part ol our polit ical system. lUnolced, That in the approaching Stale elec tions the Democratic putty cordially iuvlies verybody to co-operate wilh them tu a zealous tetermmntion to change, as lar as the several lections to be held c.ui do so, the present usurp mg und corrupt auuniilslialien ol tlie Mate Gov ruunnl, by placing in power men <vho are true to the principles ol constitutional Government aud to a lufffmi lin'd economical administration ol public utlairs tluolttd, That the President Ol the Conven tiun be msti ucled to ap[)oint un Executive Com initlee, Composed ot two irorn each Congres sional Disliicl, who shall ebooge a chaiiman irom outside their own number with power on iliL-ir part to call a tuiuic Convention ol thu Democratic pally, and with such other powers as have liSJahy exercised ny Deiinieralic Eecu- i> Coiniu.tti L-s; their ap|fr iulinenl to last uu- tbe as..-:mhiage ol the next Democratic Con vcnHoA. HeJiotved, That Ibe people ol the several Con gressional Districts mi cl in the Convention a- :'ariy as inacticstile, aud at such times as may suit tlidir convenii nee, resptclivdy, and organ ixe aud prejrArFiiir the election ol Ifepresenta- lixes to liie upeXifiired term ol lhe41st Congress, aud also ujllit 4Zd Cone less. Uxolwd, Thai in audmou to the returns oi the election, to be made as prescribed bylaw, the managers lie requester! to give cei titicates ol election to Representatives and Senators who may lie elected, to be Used as evidence of their election. (invited, Tbat whatever policy others may pursue, we pledge .wuG.elve-s to do all in oul power to secure a lull aud lair election by all wbo are qualified to vole uuder existing laws. Judge Clarke read the n solutions, and staled that be bad damn instructed by the Committee to move the previous question on their adoption, l'he motion was seconded sod adopted, wbeu the resolutions were adopted aa reported, with out debate, aud by an almost unanimous vote. Al 4 o’clock 1*. Al., thu Convention adjourned, tine die via Augusta, Qoornla. Vl» Kingsville end WilmtnytoH; "Vie Onlnmhle, Chsr lotto end Kalotgb; via Columbia, Danville isa Rich- rnuuu: *'* **>-- Line. Utt iuuuiku i TiA uuiuiauia. Dntivuiu sua men- ▼is AiiAniffie AaKQ«U, wUmln«U)R, and Hay Fare as low liy Anunsta as any other Book PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CABS on Night Tratne leaving Atlanta oy this Route. PASSENGERS wiekluK to go North br Sea will find a Splendid Line of Htoamehlpe from Charleston, S U,,t,b Baltimore, Philadelphia. Bneton and New York. THS CHARLESTON STEAMSHIPS Offer every tndacomcn to Paeeenftcre, with Tables sup plied with every luxury thr Northern end Charlre- lon Markets ran afford; and for safety, •pood and comfort, are UNRIVALLED ON I'HE COAST ! __ Through Tthksta.on aalo at Montgomi ry, West Point, and Atlanta, to Nsw York via Charfsston atnrtn- ehtpe. J A ROBERT, Henural Ticket Agent. Georgia htl' .-oad. DU. CUHK’» LONDON REMEDIES t( For Special Complaiuls.” | )R CEAItK’8 Invigcuatou gives strength 17 to the aged anil dehililuK-d; it is especially designed tor young rneu who have wasted their vigor by excesses ol every kind, and all persous whose systems havo become weak by Iropru dencc, are completely restored by its use. l’ricr One Dbllar. - DILiCLAKK’S I’URIFlERcloanscs the blood Irora allJmimrities; such as KcroluU, Syqihiiis irial Rheumatism. S3 Watch I S3 Watch I TUN ttHEAT NUkOrKAK Eureka Aluminum Gold Watch Co. ■AVI arroiNTan Mercurial Rheumatism, Rumors ol every sort, Hut) Urealh. OUensive Perspiration, Foul Feet, Catarrh, Discharges trom the Ear, Bore Eyes, Bore Throat, Falling of tlie Hair, Ulcers, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases ol the Lungs and Digestive Organa Plica One Dollar. Dll. CLARK’B PANACEA relieves pain ol every description, Headache, Earache,.Tooth ache, Stomachache, Backache, Pain in th Breast and Limbs. It is an invaluable remedy in all Nervous Disorders, and no family should lie without it. Price Oin- Dollar. DJI CLARK’B ELIXIR is a certain euro tor all weakness ol the Ggnito-Urinary Organs, aud llscharges olaqjpSo-purulent nature, Leucor- rhea, GonqpirtKBixirmattoiThea, and Seminal Weakness, are speedily cured by ils use. Price One Dollar. DR. CLARK’B REGULATOR, tor females only, la guaranteed to correct all special irregu- ladies. Married Urines and difficulties ol single Lailies are cautioned not to use it when in a cer toin condition, as its cflocts would be too pow erful Price One Dollar. All of these celebrated remedies are prepared Irom Fluid Extracts under Dr. Clark's imme diate supervision, and are warranted fresh and pure. All afflicted persons should send s care fully written statement ol their ailment* to Dr Clark, and the proper remedy will be sent promptly to their address. Dr. Clark can be consulted personally at bis office, and will fur nish all the necessary accommodations to "pa, lieut* who place themselves under Ills care. All letters addressed to DR. J. CLARK, Office No. 10 Amity street, »prll2-lv New York City, near fl rondyav DUPLEX $5 “i PROVED FAMILY $5 Newing IVtiicliiiie. TRIUMPH IN MECHANICAL SCIENCE. “Be i.»TS»T 1 lined 8lales I'aieiils, wilh auti.v "Impormet -n;i, rlor soil valuable Imuroveno nt*," which render II, iu Ik iwrtcct coiuuleleuesa, a uoss kxosuitt. It 1» without «rival or rt)U»L, and lorksaurv and atrengil ol Hi “ eiecb.” iraan. outuutuTWand aLSuxNca.anr uawsci every ol her Machine; It la eiltirelv orlgtnalln ns con-ituciloi ami does not infringe upon any olharr Tula wond. rful and eitraordli ary oohlctetuent ledly maket thu ht-auliful, strong and aud will du all kinds of work with esse snd uuainca* Sews with ALL kinds or THMKAD. Uounle or single, cannot gst oat of urder, aod Is what la wanted by every family It hoe received PaSHiuae end the tall approve, of tne principal Journals and all thuee who have tracn then. "The machine work* like a charm, and m. ws neat and rapid. It la what svoty family requires."—New York World. "We have vtafti-d tbe salesroom* aac extcnlned ths machines, snd pruuoanst thsm worth! of all the praise claimed lllustraled News " A prVat trlaim-b In Mecnamcu hdi nie.’’—Ctmiulrla. Angnsta, Qa. Single Machluea, all complete, packed it. t box, eent free to any part of tbe country by esprees on receipt oi price, (A Safe delivery gnartnleed. Agents wanted, t ircuiars containing extis tndner meats, PHkK. Address - nUPI.BX MACHINE CO.. SP> BROADWAY, N. Y. maySl-wlv DOOLEYC Powder Hoc long been regarded aa th* beet and cheapest Baklag Powder In aaa. Pcribetly pare and healthy. It mnkss, nt dhort notice, delioloos Biscuits Rolls, As. Thee* need be no wests of food prepared with Wa would say it. aa It la aisra^of the beet quality ,rs nerer used It that a very few (rials wlB sstsbu them (o os* it, not only with Mttrs itlsfhstioq, hot with seooomy. Put np pull, nrr weight, os mpreoanteA Osoosre and Hoslern asll it Theso Mill* were first muCoto sap nq. m JOB PRINTING r Arrival & Departure ol 'I'ralna Western * Atlantic Unllroad, ATLANTA INTELLIGENCER )nly!5-d*w. COTTON PLANTERS Examine and Buy the-Drlglnol (BAUGH’S) It being the Orel mifie al! others aro lmiiationi. BAUCH’S RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE 0I f LIME. ■jflAQE .>5 e H H e u Th’* Manure 1» made of Haw or Unbarned Honca, rich In Nttrogr none muter, diraolytd in Ol! of Vitriol, jire- •eut’Drf ibe Hone Pboephattf in a highly miSnble aud quick y,available form, and ihffrArinnorila In «uch pro- portiuiLaa to injure a prompt and vi&oroua fiction upon tho cropa. 1 Where Bau|h> Phoephate waa applied thf pa>'t aca- aon on Cotto r *. tho ,(nd<caiiona, wltli**nifexcration, arc th-tt it will maintain Ub well earned repd-taikm. It will prevent Ituat oq Cotton. BAUCH A SONS. \uu«Uirtr.arcrni PhiladeUikiA. For aale by dealer* tbrou^tnmt the entire booth, ot hum werecommi nd coneumerefto buy. oct26-w3m Newest Grand Austrian State-Loan LOTTERY Gaaraatced and Controliel^iiy'Tlie Got- ernincut in tlie Amount of 120 Millions Florins or 250 Million Francs, which 1* to be repaid by BOOR AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, WHITEHALL STREET, WE INVITE THE ATTENTION OF OUR FIUENDB sml the Public generally, to our complete and extensive JOB PRINTING OFFICE kisht rsniuexa tbaik—outwaad. Leave Atlanta— q;80 P M Arrives at Chattanooga ...3;SU A uat raaiiHuxa tbaui—out vaju>. Loaves Atlanta. A Arrives at Chattanooga 4:30 P M .\OCOILKODiTiOM TB*3—ODIWAHS, Leave* AManta 1:10 P.M Arrives at Jalton .-..ll.ttj P. M kiuut rAcsuieu Ta'Ak’—arvrAKs; Leave* Uhattanoogs 7;M )> g Arrives at Atlanta. 4 g nav rxsssvusa viurs—taw a ad. hooves Chutunoo^s ...7:00 A M Arrives at AUanu. p n AOCOBK'JDATIOH TBAtS—IBWAUD. Leave* Dalton 100 A. M JUDO A. M Arrives al Alianla.. Vaorgla HaUroad. uat rassagsM tbiki. (Daily, buudAjS Excepted.) Leave AnguBta — 7;u j. Leave Atlanta ,„7:OOA" M Amve el Augnota 5 ,6 p‘ ■ Arrive at AUanu ^7:10 P - . M miqut riasiauan aid kail tbaik. Leave AngasU jj# p jg 5.16 p!m -.A00 A.M A. M Leave AtlanU... Arrive utAugnsta.. Arrive at AUanta... DAT raesuaKK tkaik—ootwakd. Leave AtlanU 7:88A.M Arrive at West Point i*J0F M SAT PASSCMeKK TKAIX—OIWAXS. Leave West Point ; 1S-B0F Ml Arrive stAtlanU 6-J6 p jr KISHT THS1UHT AHD PAStaMaao—onewtew . ■ Loave AUanu SKI0 P M. Arrive at Wert Point... flD6 P m! SIHUT PuaiUHT AMD PASSKSsau— limn Leave Went Point A'OOA M —.10:00 a! M Arrive at AtlanU Our lacilitics lor Executing the General Run i B OOK AND JOB PRINTING, are as good as that of any Office in the oountry, having recently added a large lot of new and modern types to our already Extensive Eatab- liahmenC — CARDS 400,000...jSjjsplurn Rrizea. N live Yearly drailsga,Withemantrer thaf overy sf^i vend month agrealTjfawlngUkea place, atwlilch WCu be drawn PrlK). of JO a IMI.lW Wanes. 10 a 4»i,00, W,a- ■il/0 000, 81 a 8HO.IIOO.TP * 100.000. SS a SOO.OOO, HI a SOS, 00 a sou; niaaifM. »th a 10,000, 431 X5.000, etc. till SOS Franc*, tho lowest itrioq. The Pn*o of one 8hsr* ls.,°) 8 Dollar* Flv*bh*re*l*r.......... VO “ Eltven Share* .. 40 " Twenty-Mar Shares I*. 4 ■ ..80 " The tindcri'gnod Baukinc-Hanco *KnS? ticket* to the farthest (/oneiric*, Bank Bills' or Remittances, on a Mercantile place In Europe. ‘ Lilt of Ibe drawings are pnuctuaily delivered (free of exjwnse) to every Hhareholfier as euon as the result of the drawing Is known. Thu Prison falling to the LoU will be paid In all Tran*. ' onf® atlautlc Only In Germany, favored by the chance, I paid to my Snbecrlber* First Prions of 300,000,1000,000, 180,000 tod 100^)00 Frsnci* etc, Oroera, with remit Uucao.wlll be executed promptly and nndor discretion bv t'HAHLKS lliiLLK, Ruining It ode# Iu Frank! rt on-M*ln (Germany,) Zeti atnwt. No. 41, oppoalte the royal post office. Jalyl7-uvery8an8m. ton. Mas*., or bl. Louis, Mo. seplxO-Sm A DAY— Bnsluess entire! > now Aitf honorable. e^IO Liberal indncemenl*. DcncrlpLvo circulars free. Addruoa J. O'. Rakd * Co., Biddelord. Mu. »cpt30-«tw FORTUNES Otaie* Send Sump septiy -iui Diamomo K. lo., Wilmington Dei. will chum* any colored bnir or b«»rd to a pcrnuinent blaCK- or brown. lfbouUt'iiB 'nopoison. Anyone can usslt. X)p* sent by msll for fl. Address MAUIO 1>»MB CO., fcprlnffleld. Mass. scpfAMcn Tbe Magic Coib tnown It ooutafns no. W anted agents.—to e*n th* octagon »uw INH MACH IN It 1» 1* Licehsod, make* lb. Elastic Luck stitch *' snd I* warranted for hyenra IMcnilS. All u her atarhlue* with an under fu, 1) soiJ for S13 or lues ore infringements. Address OCTAGON nKWING MACHINE OO., 84. Louie, Mo.. Chicago. Hi.. PilUbnrgb Pa., or Boston. Mas* MqilVO-ew W A NTKU—AGENTS, (|iO par Day) to red toe Uoas Huuttlb m«i»s Msuuims Use the 1uulerftti, makes lb* “ locJt tlUe\ " (sitke on bolhv'.due,) ana u fvlly Uetnud. Tno best and cbu*pe*t lamtly ouwluu Mscbtue tu Ilium ,ra*l. Ad l.-vas JOUNr-ON, CLaKK h CO , Uoeton, Mur., Pitlehurgh, P* , Chic* go, 111.,or at. Lout*. Mo. **pU*rtuu UbnersfdNeuualgiaJ ID Effert* an Metrical- Aa U1VFAILHVO REMKDY* fee NiciuLCia, Fa- aiaus. otun sheeting * perfect ear* In a tingle day. i*OlMaM hill to yield to its won- No Ion* of Msrvu** dn-rfti pwwtr. Ena la th® sanrnt caeca ol Chronic Nraragta. off rating the *«tin sjstem. It* at® foe s f*w day* aloedt th* mokt astonlshtne r*l'*f I sad raraiy tail* te na bo mstarials ' K ianSsl rare. It con- idugrMlnJnitooa. hat lb® noqiiaRS*d approval of lb* beet physicians. Thousand* in L ,V. DEFOREST, Jeweler*, Solo 40 and 43 Broadway, New Turk, Ajreutas for ttio U. S. A NDheve enthoriaed them to soil tbelr treat Bdbkxa Alukinum Uold WATcutslor Thubb Dollakb, time lor one year. Tal« Watch .we gBaranlee best and chuaiieat time-keeper that Is now m as- In Buy perl ol me globs. Ibe w like an In do hi* cases, La- dlu*’and Out's ala*, ami art beautifully chased. Th® c»«»-* are made ot the mutatnow so widely known IB koeiqie *> Altrnlunm Uold. It baa th* exact color of Gold, which 11 always ruts- ns j It will aland It* test of thestrougeet adds; no one can tell It from gold only by weight, the Aluminum U Id being 1-10 lighter. The wore, are marie by machinery, earn® as tbe well known Amerlcau Watch Tne Alamiunm It a cheap metal hence we cau afford to anil the Watch for 9* and make * small profit We pack the Watch safely In a small boi sud HU l> by mail to suy part ol the U. 8. on receipt oi |1 fiu; fifty cents lor pa&lng and postage. Address all order* to ~ EFOMEST * CO- Is. V. DE 40 S 41 IkMdEV.ll.Y. DOOLEY 6c BROTHER, Prop’s, OO New Street, HEW YORK CITY. ncTtt eodawSm , , 00LLIN8, WETHEIIU 1 GO TO hole a ale Seed Growers, 1111 * 1113 Merkat Street. PHILADILPHI A. ARDEN 8EEDH of choicest stock had tne to G „ Garden, Field and name-oar own growth. Every vatlt'-y ol aoletted ' ‘ Flower Seed*. We have pearly *00 acrise ekeiialvely devotau to tke growing of Oardsn t"d Flower Beans. ' ~ Dialers snd etben wishing beads direct (row th* grower, ahoald send their order* to as. tne niuww*, mvew isin weii wieuta aw ew, ThoUrgeiy Inrrvated demaud foeoar Ksedsis the best Us eera bestowed oa their growth tad pi*. P *<jVr gaaual Whoiont* Trad* U* msdied tree oa ap- ryumw overy part of the cosmry, grauinlly acanowludg* lu power to tootho th* tortured end restoring th* tailing tlrength by ini ' Sent by nail on receipt ol price and peatago. One Package $1 fill Postages but Package* $8 U0 “ 37 U Is sold bv all dealers In drags and medicine*. TVESER * CD., ProwrtotoM, ISO TRaMGR f ETUEE1’. OOSTON, HASH oeptMSmeow ▲ BOOK FOB THE MILLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. •aaaal syetsn. with th* lalast dtseorertee In twoau-8Nt.pmNS. wtS uamu w I A Private OooaroUet I to tho Married or (hoe* ] abost to Miry, on th* larasajws: cmSSu valnSte taformatloa lor thoee who are mar- ' a marriage | stlU It is a booh that tosh ssilsy, sad not laid cnolSMly Business, Visiting, Railroad, Wedding, And Every Other Kind, Plain or Colored, *JP‘ V ' s * ^ \ At Pricestosuitall Check, Books, 4 Draft Books, Drav Receipt Books &nd Blank"Books, of every description, printed snd bound on tbe most favorable terms, and in the neatest style. Legal Blanks. Sherifl’s, Ordinary’s, Clerk’s, Magistrate’s, and Law Blanks, of every kind, Printed on the Best Paper, ami al Low Price*. Orders irom the country promptly filled. Boo li Printing. Ail who appreciate the importance of having their work done on New Type and Good Presses, and First-Class Workmen, will oonsult their uwu interest, as well as oars, by giving us a fair trial:, Dill Heads, Etc. Arrive Moc.,n| LuuvuMacoE Arrive Atlanta mason A H eaters RtUrosd, da9 n ssa’auia vbaiej Dxliy.oxcopthunday*. leave Avlauta Vm « Arrive at Macon 1 40 P* M Luavo Maum IM a" M Arrtv* at Atl&nu aid p’ b aioaTaxrasa.P4S0»:«^k*raaia-DAa.r, f^*ve Atlanta m-.. v .K y.jg p jg ASS a! M KAi P. M 4. 4«A. M W. H. RHONHON, hour Tran.iuirtatloe, M. Louis, .llcinplila, Nn.hvlllc und Cliat* luuoonga— A'llauta linliroud Line. ' Leave* Atlanta 8,15, g j( Arrive*,at (.’batt/tnoo|-a... Arrive* nt Naahvlllo .’ 3 45 A M Arrives at Mclienti- u.50 a M Arrives at Munion 3 ’ 515 py Amv,. nt Union t ity ..'ll.ftl A M Arrives at Uoturubun *,,13.43 PM Arnvts ntst. -uui. ...11.16 P M I-utvia Atlanta (iqo p y| Aryivu* at L'hatianrxiga 3.45 A M Arrives at Nn.hvillu 11 60 A M Arrlvuat McKenr.li' ArriVt* at Meruiihl. 4.so A M Arrive.al Uutou City a 10 P M Arrives at Ooiumbas 10 40 P M Arrtv*s at bt. Leuls. 7 35 A M Antliorlr.od Capital.... Guaranteed Capital.. Deposited with biuto Comptroller* for bocurlty 0! Policy Uo dor* $ ISO,000 TO THE PUBLIC. OFFICE 6UPTOF AGBNCUtH, I Atloxta, Ga., December 8, 1870. j D.Y I 1 1! ND1TU11E8 are erouomlcally mauaged, and Its LOE9K9 AGENTS WANTED. WAL. J. M A. G XX. la, SUP’T AGENCIES. UiNfrsCTfBBU* or Will All order* promptly at the lowcit rate*. ’ nov8—8m { Atlanta A West-Point Hailroa4 * No chang* of cars from Chattanooga to Memphis.— Hut one change irom Chattanooga to si. Louts. COTTON STATES LIFE INSDHANCE COMPANY Principal Ofllcc—Slacon, Ga. ..*2,000,000 .8 600,000 Y OUR attention is invited to this sterling young Company. At* a Georgia institution, the people of Georgia BDould be prouu of It. Organised but a yoar,anda half ago, it his already at tained runs with tke beet in the land. It has Issued over two thousand policies and is steadily increasing is popularity, its Its future Ua brilliant one, and It appeals, without heeliAtlou to tho intelligence and patriotism of oar Company is not confined to Georgia, buI Is R. A. TOON & CO., Brooms, and Dealers in Produce tel UUOAU HTltK£T, NASHVILLE, TENN. AGKNTNWANTED In all part* of thu United btatea, to tell L. V. DEFOREST & CO.’S Aluminum Cold Jewelry. A GENTS ore making *3U4 to (TO per week Mtllag the Aluminum Jewelry. The beat imiiatloa 01 The beet imiiBttoa __ gold ever Introduced. It has the exact color, which It alwsy, retai'a, aud rtaua* the test of the etrongeel adds. No encrou tell It Irom gold only front weight— . TJ. v. Iu tbe liue of Bill Heeds, Letter HmuIs, Cir culars, Direction Checks, Ac., we hr* prepared as heretofore, to execute as nest work, hud on u favorable terms, as any house In the Booth, and to guarantee fuU numben, which Is 8 heavy Item to parties ordering Urge jobs, as they seldom get full numbers when they ordor work North. To Showmen In all kinds of Bhow Printing, plaia or col ored, such as Pisters, Primes. Hoase-MUsEtc., This Office will be Found to be Bupcrior to anything In the South. Parties have bat to call aad Kxamine Samples to be convinced. So ok Binding. Myery Description of Binding aad Ruling Promptly Kxecutsd ia any atria desired. OsU mt o* Addrsee . INTELUfPER OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA, Tor Prioasm WfMisty, lor nty teol Pritfta* Aftft the Alhmluum Gold being _ DsrouB.T A GO., are**lTlug thulr price gold)uweliy 1. Sold lor, Hnd nn moil liberal term* about 1-10 lighter. goods for 1-10 lira •eoa peraous wirlilug to act as aguuts, a lull and com plete assortment of goon*, censistlog ol b.sl«, braca- lets, Lockets, Ladles aua Gent’s 1 haius. l’ius v Ricg», 1V18, IMVECia, I MUiLB SUU UCIll O I USIUr, * iu®, 4»IL|8. blecve Buttons, mud*. Ac., lor *iuo-8S3u> be paid whan the rood, are received, the other $15 In 30,60 aad *. l'ame. ’xrtle. wishing 10 order good, xud act a* agent* Will address. L. VTBEFuUBST A CV., 40 A 11 Broadway, N. Y. novS-Sm MRS. MARIAN SPAHR, artiste in hair work Mitcoxll brnaxT, ssrVTtkri Paxoa orto Lorn, ^yolll.D call the atteatlon ot the Ladles to her newly invented I'hlguuu, which combiue. the advantage of belu^ very light and cool wilh that 01 fitting the wearer, head peri (.oily, being readily adjusted and requiring no h:ur plus to (asteu It. bhe wfllconuune to execute all kinds ol ARTIFICIAL HAIR WORK. at *hort notice, and challenged competition, eltner In workmanship or price. The Ubche*t market price paid for 111 Man HAlu. aagl4-*8nntf M ade easily by any lady. *o,«u sold •<> six 1 " $25 10 $100 PER WEEK. ANY LADY. S0,tUU*< >et rapidly celling an! ■ingle ladles'nee. MO I P. Durable, Elegant, Cl 'css If BOSE. month*. The most «| Invented lor married or CAN DO WITHOUT IT. Durable, Elegant, Ch®*p, and what has always beta wanted, aad always wtlL Profit* 4*bat has always beta wanted, aad al laig*. Might* lor sal*. Lady agents Standard article. Circular, tree, at Manufacturing Co., Box SO, kUltea** snsO-wtv 8E00ND HAND 00TT0N FOR QOMBtBTIMG al DENTUTRTk 1MUBFMYI ■a,,.. ^ -y-4 ssiSJii • -•-^MiAhJAatEhL.W:^’*: