Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, January 07, 1871, Image 2

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Brtnad Corapxnjr, AUutie. Mall Cwmt.Nw Turk lid Haxtou Cvnpiny. md i Urf* oBatar oi trtew K «Q ov«r ttw _ i the Angart* Onw<*> •^f iha Sth Initial, to the column* ol Om Inm.tiolukjui, upon the Idle ol tbi State BoUMd hniU thi xttratteo otoor mdm tott . Mr. Stef*** te *a **«* ■«,•»<> *» inoomptibli patriot and iUtnaas. H« tajie- YoUd'voGeoTfta, and Georgians aw xtteckedto Mm-ttyddilfatto honorxntl ropcct A. H- Frreatt*A«gnstaOo**Ut*Uo*uBrt, Jun.5, isn. ■M. atoxulw *. lurtni and »*• luh «r th* ii»«a*«i. W« are permitted to pabtmh tta following «, extract ot a latter front Mi. Btephra* <m the aobiect of the State Road kaee. The letter front ySeh— quote war addrtaaod to a gentleman inthlacity: II tuBe Alter IM MTPwnCWfHI W UW RIUBg w» ex-Gor. Brawa UwM to orgente a company to pat in a Mi** M wrota to him, tutiw thttlt what 1 had tees wu true, I ahooM like to be one oi hit com pane, and to take an inter est In It to the extent ol mj proparty, which, orer and abore all habiUlka, I thought wai tea tiendxJihUan. 'Be replied that he hod barn ' engaged in otganlxieg or tonnmrx oompany eiltaa view ol making a bid tor the taaea; that he did not know whetfier tbe parties with whom he waa ooulerriua would he willing to extend the hit or not; that htdiridnaUy he was per fectly wiling to do ao, and would preaent my request when the company met Iwroto hack to him giTlng him toll power to act for me Id tha eremites, m he might think pmpK,lmt told him it wax a matter that 1 did not feel auffldent interest In for any «rf»0 to be mad in my be- g| and that U there wu a single member ol hie company who showed or indicated the altgfcin objection to mr taking an intereet In It my name' Mould not be present*] by him. 1 knew nothing of the parties with whom he wu conferring-notoneoTthem; sordid 1 care to know any mote than I should who are the SSHHSB DeGive’s Opeifa House. #twi»»MrumHi....*............... ITS. 1 * wu la trod need for th* oooiolklatkffl of tribes, nod raoiftBlmuteaijitem (or territory. Adjourned. WEST TSU. • W«w Tonx, January A—ThaTrench Gor- . mnmeht tnlatma-tha tiUaraiih eenpany-that mtamgea for Wrtebe forwarded by pigeons, at the sender's risk—charges tea cents per word. Motagm most not exceed twenty words, toantia. »1»AY BYKNlne, January t, 1891. OBOB6IA1 -- TJL8T NIQHT OP ltoad at;aadan . _ . ^ .. hi* tnanagament, tall to tay small share, U any, n London. January 8—Spanish CaMnct that I expect to dewUjU I hare much the Seiano; Foreign, Martoa; Justice, greater pah oi the proceeds or my own labor, „ ’ . V.. . , ’ not tf my own aggrandisement, but to the at- Ullwmg Marine nuiugar, Interior, Sagoata; list WfBEfl SN0_THt BLONDES I — — TWoaatAT auHrJBQuaa. _ : The tatret New dferk-srsMtlM, anltlta* - Turliie, or the Kniibt ani tbe Katalxr ui the etdatpHttUg Kxtrevagaosa, LUCRETIA BORGIA. M. D„ OH. LA SBAlDMOXaurI Beats can be nested at PUUtf* A Cnw’i Book Rtore. tanl-dli aistaoce, the relieCthp comtort and weU being ol others. —Toontrhfy, — AtJEXiSOER Hr-BrtrttkHA tf I woe gcing to rest anything to i^or any other Raihoaifcompany. I bettered be would be the controlling man in tha afiaire ol any company that might be formed under bis au spices, I thought, under his control, the road might be made to pay the minimum amount s-i-t by tbe Legislature and eren more, u well u to pay tbe lessees something lor their risk and troobu I so wrote to him. In reply, be said that he did not ihfnk thy company could afford set by tbe Legislature and leave any margin lor profits to the company, in cootidentioo oi their thdr trouble and liability, looking to tbe risks ot flood and Are, and the new roads which would toon take ofl a lain portion of the freights Which otherwise would pus through this channel. He said he would not put In a bid for more that the $35,000 per month, set forth, in the act of the Legisla ture. This te the substance of our correspond ence Subsequently, after tbe meeting of bis company, a few days before tbe expiration ol the time for patting in the bids, be smite to me that he bad presented my name; that (here wu no objection to my taking an interest, a small i one, u I expected it to be, on the basis ot tbe organftadon ot tbe company, and that the com paay bad agreed to. pat in a tld at $23 (VO per month—no more. He expressed donut* u to whether tbe bid would be accepted or not; but said he wonki gire no more. The next thing 1 heard was the announcement ot the lean ot the ’ Road as published in the papers. Tbe names of the lenses are diflerem In the different papers, and I do not yet know who they nil realty are. Boms ot them are men for whom I have u littfe regard personally or politically u any man can have. Some ot them I regard as men of u high character for honesty and in tegrity, In husinfss matters at least, is aay men in the Bute—men who woo'd be ss far from countenancing mrmAUng ot lay sort u any 1 know to Georgia or elsewhere. How in relation to this charge ot tbe lease being a“swindle,” how do the tacts stand? 1 think they may be thus summed up. At tesst tbit Is and was ay srtew of them: The Road wu paying nothing to tbe State. It wu used practically as a political corruption fund. So tar from paling anything into the Treasury, the Legists me wu called upon to make iurge appropriate m to keep it up. The cry wu in substance that Bollock, Blodgett A Co. were corruptly using and appropriating the income; that it ought to be taken out of their bands and eitbar told or leased to responsible parties This wu the Democratic cry. Tbe measure tor a kaie wu brought forward in the Hooas by one oi the most prominent Democrats in iL Ike bill wu published in tbe newspapers It via sent broadcast over the oonntry. It wu before tbe public long enough to be thoroughly understood and discerned by the press ' My opinion wu sought by tbs introducer of the HIU, I gate ft to him frankly. I wu not in position to know all the facts I wu confined to my house; not able to walk, and could not do move than gire an Individual or private opinion founded upon my own reflections These led me fo the conetatfon that a lease under the cir cumstances wu perhaps the best; but in no event, oof under any tircucastanets, would I lavor or vote tor a lease, U I were in the Legislature, for leu than $500- 000 per annum. I thought it could be leased lor that amount, or it ought to yield that amount. This is tbe substance oi what 1 wrote to him. 1 suppose other public men in the State were consulted u I was How this te I do not know, nor what advice war given by any, U sought. But this I will uy; That if there wu a single newspaper ol the Demo cratic party io the Btate that said one word either editorially or by communication against tbe proposed, tease, under tbe bill so published t itering .the road lor $300,000 per tnnam, ex cept the Atlanta Intelligence!!, 1 am not aware of St. It there wu any opposition by -the Democratic press in the Bute to tbe lease, with the exception stated, 1 did not see or hear of tf. After ibis opportunity lor discussion on tba part of thove who were much moveable than 1 wu to look into and mresilgsu the sub ject, the bill passed both branches of the Legis lature. The Bva, a neutral paper in politics, in Atlanta,did oppose the measure sod call open tbe Governor to veto It. He, however, signed the tell, and proceeded to advertise the lease according to the provisions ot tbe act. It wu advertised for weeks, it not months. It there wu a word said coring tbit whole period by a paper in Georgia, character to ng it a nriadZr, or eren d- nounctng it u a measure of Lad policy, it escaped me. It seems to me that the proper time for rigi lent sentinels to bavt sounded the alarm, it there wu anything so really corrupt In tbe matter, wu when tbe measure wu before the Legit 1st are and before bide were made tor the lease. Wilt, the excep’ioo of tbe papers tla'ed, 1 do cot know ot one on tbe Democratic side, or leaning to that side, which opposed the meuore while perdmg before tbe Legislature, and not one said aught, a* Ur a* I know, against the lease while the advertwemret wu pending, notilyipg honest and honorable bid ders that i' Would be regarded in any quarter sa a “ nrinile." Under the drcumstarcc*, I repeat I am quite u much surprised U> tee this charge now ss> u anybody jittubly can be surprised fo see toy name amoogri those who proposed fo take the use. an I bare to say in conclusion te that, tf there bat been anything wrong or unfair, much more, U lbue has been anything corrupt in the letting oi the road under tbe lease, in tbe acceptance or rejection of bids, I know nothing ot the matter. Hay, more, I hope H will be exposed, and the guilty party, it any, bn ugbt to proper punishment. Let the attack be not by jgllouation. Let charges and necUteatfonr Indians hot CiTtxass or tub Unithd Stai sa—Tbe Senate Committee no the Judi ciary hava- tnidw a report dp the resolution teenth Amendment to the Constitntion upon the Indian tribes ol the country, end whether, by the provision Ihereoi, tbe Indians are not citizens ol the United flutes, and whether, thereby, tbe various treaties heretofore existing conclude their report u follows: “The Committee do not hnitate to say that tbe Indian tribes within the limits ot the United States and the Individual members ol tbe seve ral trioea, white they adhere to and form a part ot the trtbea to which thrv belong are not, within the massing of the WVth Amendment, sut Jtct to the Jurisdiction of tbe United flutes, and, therefore, that the Indians have not be come citizens ot the United flutes by riilne ot that Amendment. Tbe Committee uy that tf they are correct in this conclusion, it follows that the treaties heretofore made between the United States and the Indian tribes are not annulled by that Amendment.” And why, asks the Mobile fltfutar, are the Indiana not citizens in Radical folimaliou and policy! Can it be their taler t fhe~God*nd humanity” party toroid! Is it because they are “torogoeri r .They ire the aboriginal'fords of the soil, bereft ot. it by Puritan beads, whisky and steel. Are they an Inferior creature to tbe Africans imported by Yankee slave traders ? Romance, pceuy and history alike deny it. What then te tba matter ! Simply, they do not lira in the South, and cannot baconveried into voters to keep down the disfranchised white South lor the benefit ol the Radical party.— Jforawff Sntt. Public Worka, ZorUla; Colonies, Ayala. A dispatch irom Havre, January Cth, con firms the dispatch, already published, oi a great battle on the left bank of the befna. The battle waa very fierce and sanguinary, and lasted tavsn bouna but no decided advantage gained. Loss of the Prussians heavy. Franqh troop* showed remarkable spirit and daring. Geo. Msrteuflel telegraphs from Amiens, on tha Sd insti Gen. Barthelm, with troop* from tha first army corps, attacked the French early In the morning ot that day; Tuesday, on the left'hank of the Seine, and captured three can non, three flags, and five hundred prisoners Brt.vcx'1 slander-mill, the Atlanta Era, gives a toll report ot tbe hobnobiog and spree hi- fi tog It the Bullock-Kimball baoquet, given a tew nights since, fo honor ot Secretary Delano, and at which Hon. Ben Hill, Ex Gov. Joseph E. Brown. Poster Blodgett, and others, were pi-m Whether the party dined heartily or not, there 1s no reason to doubt that ther must beartilv despise each oilier. Beo Hill eating and drinking at foe same Uble with Bullock 1 Ben must have the stomach ol au ostrich. BY TELEGRAPH. NSW YORK ASSOCIATED PHAS8 DISPATCHES. NOON DlHPATCHJbM. VIRGINIA. Ricukohd, Jsn 6,1871. 7o IV J. ll'tHon. Qtntral Ticket Agent, A. it W P RS. The ice Is rspidly disappearing from the Po tomac river—will resume regular trips to-mor row, January 7,1871. J. R GEjrraT, Auditor, Richmond, Fiedericksburg and Pjtomac Rail- read. WASHINGTON. WiSiUSOToX, January 8.—The Committee on Foreign Relations look the test vole upon the Asm Domingo qncstioa with two members absent, who recently were adverse to tbe meas- are^looking-fo annexation measures. The vote stood upon the motioa directing Banks to report lbs Senile bill on Monday. Ayes— flanks Orth, Myers. Hays—flhcldon, of Hew Yoik, Williard, Ambler,Swan, Wood. Absent— Wil klnaon and Jndd. Tbe committee consists of ten members, ol whom two are Democrats. H ilwifostaoding the adverse vote, Banka, as a matter of courtesy will b« allowed to report the Senate bill to the House on Monday. The indications are that the steamer Tennes see, now fiting out to carry the President's San Domingo Commissioners, will remain at anchor. The AdminteTtlioo, however, are still confi dent, and expect the CommWoners to return in time for action this session. Tbe Home te considering Paraguay. Ho seaaioo of the Senate to-day. NEW YORK. Hxw Yonx, January 8,—Arrived—Algeria Helvetia, Catharine Whiting. OHIO. Cincinnati, January A—The value ot the Daily Timet, evening paper, reported to the Probale Court, la: Material, $80,000; good will, $1-40,000. INDIANA. Indianapolis, January 0.—There are rumors that the Hi publican Senators Intend to resign and go home. LOUISIANA. Hsw Oblsam, January 6.—Gov. Warmouth has vetoed since Monday, and returned to the Legislature, twenty-one bills passed at tbe last aessten, covering appropriations amounting to six millions eight bandied and seventy-five thousand dollars, and five hundred thousand acres ol land. Tbe hoods for some ot them have t-een thrown on the market. Among tbe bills vetoed is one fortbegnsran'y oi the Alexandria, Honema and Fulton Rail road ; second mortgage bonds ol the Louisiana Petroleum Company; Lout-Unti Dredging Com pany; Mississippi Levee Company three mil lions per annum; to increase the expense ol the metropolitan police to forty-four thousand per annum. Tba Picayune, Times and Republican &p prove the Governor's vetoes. ♦ LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. MABY R HODGES, ) Llb.1 lor Divorce In YoisyU • ■ ta VSapertor Conn - August Tans, JOHN W. HOOttSS; ftsie. ante to twrfcet Mivieal I T apposrtu* fo tta Court, hj the return ot the Sheria. that tta dataudant doe* nor raalda In this county, and it farttar amiearlat Wat ha doea not nitda In ttls Stale! It la on Bottom or coined ordu that amid dafaadaniapaaar sad answer at tta next hnaofttle Coart, al-aimt the case be ennsldared In daiaolt, and tho plalntlt allowed to proceed. And It la farther ordered, that this Bole aa published In tha Atlanta Intelligencer once a month (or fonr b oaths. N. B. KNIGHT, J. 8.O. A true extract from tha minntea, Angna' Term, 1810. J. T. Dauws, Clera. Jaal-oarrSw J. T printar’a tea a Barthelm, himself; telegraph* from Elooen on the 4th, confirming the above and adds he has pursued tbs enemy beyond Boorgachard. The battle lasted throughout the day. 'VsnsiiLLW, January 3 —The bombardment of the southern forts of Parte commenced this, Thursday, morning. Monetary andCommercial Atlanta, Ga., January 6—P. M. FINANCIAL—Brokerf were buying and sel ling to-day at the foUowuig quotations: Gold, buying 109 Gold, selling Ill Silver, buying 103 Silver, selling 108 Georgia Railroad Block 96x100. New York Exchange, buying at £c discount. Hew York Exchange, selling at par. COTTON—Tbe market to-day has been quiet and steady; middlings 13k; low middling 134; good ordinary EH; ordinary 11, GRAIN-Wheat $1 10 to $1 40. Com 90 to $1 00. Oats 60 to 65c. Rye $1 20. Barley $1 00. HBAL— $1 00. Feed meal $1. BULK MEAT—Clear sides 124; clear rib sides 12; shoulders 9. FLOUR—Fancy brands $7 25; family $6 75. SUGAR—Crushed ana granulated, per lb. 16 to 164c, Bard A, 154 ; B, 164 ; C, 15; Hew Orleans, raw, 13 to 144c. LIME—Teniessee, Georgia and Alabama 50 to 60c. per bushel; Hydraulic Cement $5 per barrel; Plaster ot Paris $6 per barrel. LARD—In barrels, 144 ; in kegs and cans, 15 to 16 cents. LEATHER—White oak Bole, per lb, 40 to 50c; hemlock sole, per lb, 81 to 33c; upper, per dozen, $80 lOtf’IOS; harness leather, per lb, 40 to 48c. / BACON—Clear tides none; clear rib sides none; shoulders none. Hams sugar cured canvassed 24; plain canvassed 20 to 22. MOLASSES—Cuba, per gallon, hhds. 82 per bbL 38; Florida 85 to 75; Hew Orleans prime, 75; choice 80; Syrup, per gallon * > to $1. TOBACCO—Low grades, unsound, 56 to 60 low grades, sound, 624 to 65 ; medium grades, sound 65 to 75; fine grades, sound, 75 to $1; choice $1 25. APPLES-Per barrel $4 50 to $5 00. IMOTXCiO. Atlanta Ga , January 6th, 1811. too Coaoty will he pabllahed in the i tion. DANIEL PITTMAN, UnTASUlw Oldbury Pn'ton County, GEORGIA* Pulton L'ooxtt. rXTHVREAS, George Welch. Guardian or the penon Vv end property ot Wililaw WYod Ljoa. minor, ha* pulled lor leave to nil s portion or the rut eituW eforurtng to h • raid ward (or his boneflt- Alt person* concerned ere hereby notified fo die their objections, tf any exlat, within tta time allowed by lew, else leero will be sranted (or the rale of tatd reel Olllafct AdreirtpBmenta A PROCLAMATION. Bj Buftis B. Bullock, Governor of said State. WHEREAS, OtRclel Information has been received at this Dopertment, that a murder wae committed In tta eouty ol Potion, on the night ol the 1st Jeanary, list., epos the body ot Douglass Craddock, by oi* Chart** Cooper, aa la alleged, and that said Cooper has EsS Iron JniUea; I have thonght. proper, therefore, to leant this my proclamation; hereby oCerlng e reward of One Tbeovend Dollars for the apprehension sad delivery ot the raid Cooper, with proof anfletent to convict, to the Sheris e( said county and State. And Ido moreover charge and require all oSlMWS In thin State, civil tad military, to bevlgtltnt ta endeavor ing to apprehend ike aald Cooper, ta order that be may be brought to trial tor tbe off earn* with which he stands charged. Given radar my hand end the Great Seal of the State at the capital In Atlanta, this 5th day of January, In the year ol our Lord Eighteen Hundred and' Seventy-One, and ot the Independence ot the United State* of America ike Nlactj-tfth. > HUPU81I. BULLOCK. By the Governor: Damn G. Oovnino, Secretary of State. janT-djlwtt COLLEGE, ya. «en. 6. W. C. LEE, Pres’t, The Spring Term of the present session begins on the 1st of February. The rearrangement of Classes then made enables students to enter the teveral schools with advantage. Bmdenu entering at this time pay ONLY HALF FEES. All the Academic School* ot the College, ss well aa the Professional Schools of LAW AND ENGINEERING, ARB IN FULL OPERATION, For further Information address WILL I AfTl DOLD, Clerk or Faculty. Jsne-drLoaw market Reports by Telesrapla. Nnw York, January 8.—Cotton weak; sales 5,509 nt 15 Flour unchanged. Wheat quiet. Corn 77 to 79 Groceries doll. Whiskey 91. Pork du'Aal $19 75. Lard unchanged. Money 6 to 7. iRterling 94 to 94. Gold lUf to Rtf- 8t. Louts, January 8.—Flour firm. Corn doll at 42 to 45 Tobacco and bagging—noth ing doing. Whisky 89. Provisions very firm. Lard 11 to 114 Cincinnati, January 6.—Flour firm and in far demand. Corn doll at 53 to 54. ProYia- 100a firm. Whisky 87. Pork $19 50. Balttmohk, January 6.—Flour firm and active. Wheat firm. Corn firm and higher ; while 60 to 81; yellow 75 to 78. ProviaioDs— but little doing. Pork $20 50. Shoulders 9J. Whisky 91 to 92. Louisville, January 6—Bagging quiet. To bacco firm. Hemp and flax 25 to 26. Floor quiet. Corn doll. New Ohlkanb, January 6.—Cotton week and in fair demand ; middlings 144 to 14|. Norfolk, January 6.—Cotton quiet; low middlings 14; sales )00. Wilmington, January 6.—Cotton firm; middlings 14. Boston, Janaary 6.—Cotton dull; middling Im mobile, January 6.—Cotton quiet; mid dling! 14. Galveston, January 6.—Cotton firm ; good ordinary 13$. Charleston, January 6.—Cotton quiet; middlings 14). Augusta, January 6.—Cotton dull; middling 14; sales 580. flAVANNan, January 6.—Cotton quiet and firm ; middlings 144 > EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Atlanta, Ga., January 8,1870. ORDERED: That the Hon. O. A. Logmans, of the eoanty or Fallon, be, and be la hereby, appointed Chief Justice ef the Supreme Conrt of thls Btate, to hold enld olBee until hie neeeeaor la appointed, and that he be eommleeloned accordingly. Given under my hand and the Seal of the Executive Department, at the Capitol In Atlanta, this, the day and year above written. HUTUS & BOLLOCK. By the Governor; H, 0. Corson, Becretary Executive Department. Jan5- dStwlt Ml aohamps* UOK II I MOUNTAIN GORGE •mniad tnaia wtM’or one of the Middle rod.Madtmc JMachsmne, man; yean ago, sown protestor, uvea lalthful nog that ever eWed betide her to defend In time of need Her small, meet-covered cabin, wrapped with tho wlld-f lie and honeyatekle. appeared hid away by a elosler of under- growth, aa* atoeety environed on tie north and ant br a deep, craggy ravine that led away bact to themuun- HtFsniffllBE the ambient air. watted from nature's Office State Agricultural Society, DECEMBER S9. 1«T0. IB OfflrcM and Members of tbs Count v AgrtmUn- ral Socle les -re lot-fled ibfrtltls lmi»ur ant that, they «h »ald hold their meeting at earh aa pt.« Ihle, for thi electron ot DelesaU* to the 22d Pub^uary C’on- Yteutlon, IbTl, of th« auto Aertcclinral society. The nsuirt • o Delegrttfa ahoald ho vent tor^ard lmmedlatslv to this othco, as, under the agre* meut with the Railroads, the tickets inn«t b« filled out nern with unmet of tho l’ohita'es. and then sent to tho baperintendeuta tor thair rlfruytures, a d oy them for warded to the Delegates Th« pro«'. ss requires time, and immediate action on tbe t art ol Connty feociftw* I** required to inruro tne timclj receipt of ticaels by a 1 Delegates. D. W. LEWIS, Jat6-tf a cretary ELECTION NOTICE Atlanta, Oa„ December 20,1810 A PROCLAMATION. O E O K G I A. I By Bute B. Bollock, Governor of said State. WHEREAS, Official Information has been received at this Department that on the night at the tld tost., being the last dty ef the late election, the nallot-hox at Mor gan, the eonnty-elte of Calhoun eoanty, wneetolen from the Grand Jury room In the tourt house of Hid county, where ihe tame had been deposited by three of the Uaneger* appointed to bold the election et mid pre cinct, after having eecnrely tasted the windows and locked the door, evidently lor tho purpose of interfering with the reanlt of the aloctlon; and Whereas, It la alleged that some unknown person or persons ascended to the window on the onutde of the room by mesne of a ladder and entered the said room, • testing and carrying away tt* said ballot box; and Wherea*. It Is reported by tho said Managers holding tha election at the precinct aforeeald, that tha offering of a reliable re ware Is essential as a meant of Insuring the arrest ana conriettono! the olid person or persons, tt present nnknown, who, It le alleged, hare committed this great outrage against the elective franchise and against the iswi ol Ibis btate and of the United States: Now. therefore, tn order to vindicate the majesty oi the law lud to protect tbe ea.radneeeof the badovbox, 1, Rnfns U Buiock, Governor ol utd Stale, do hereby lieue this, my prot'amiiton, offering a reward of Five 7 houtand Dollars lor the apprehension and dallvery of the perton or perrons engagsd tn the perpetration of Ibe heinons nd mlschievon* outrage before cited, with ev.dence to convict, to the aborts of said county of Caibonn, Gtven under my hand and the Great Beal of the State, at the Capitol In Atlanta, this Slat day of December, In the year of onr Lord Klghtecn dundred and Seven tv. -.nd of Ute Independence ol tho United btatea ot America the Niuety-Ufth BUFUa B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: David G. Comas, Secretary of Stats. Jand-dSIAlw earthly i , nnenuy Moueot her from pleasant mJdDtghl slumbers. Mow an* Ui«n she would emerge from her unknown home and minute with the Indanttanu aronr d about lor one ortwwmewtte at a unT ihe wa- eecentrlc in her acts and a’l viewed her u n htrintr cnrluritr. While Irom home, rhe ipparently had not ono ohjoct, and that area Ihe rritei of her aSlicted sex Under a bait on the tall aide, con’d be seen in old larhloncd dirk of eonnderable also, carried, lor her own prote- lion, while strapped aeioti her shomder waa eaependtd a ca rtons men made from tt* SKINS OF RABBITS AND RACCOONS old parchment, curious i a smaller sack-contalair _ _ ^ certain roots known only to herself, the secret. tbe clung to as with the tenacity or doth. She sAUIcd forth from her wild mountain home, to net the Good Samaritan, with thle nnkaown vegetable powder, which aha ctalmeo poreeeeod a wonderful power overall dlrea- eee Incident to the female tea She termed It “ womb phyat*," with which ehn proposed to core all aSeetions ana derengementa or that organ, and kindred com plaint* Iran ot marge. With each singular magic did ah* relieve all whu applied, (bat wltlun a lew years her name and fame became known far and wide, and hun dreds ot eaderlng females applied for relief and returned to their home* healthy ana happy. Many w-.ro snxlons So know h*r j * were offered 1 ly refneed. During her solitary life she became intimate with only one woman, a noted midwife some miles distant, to whoa she promised to ns healthy auahappy. Many tr.ro snxlons ir great secret, ana large turns of money I If the would divulge It - but theatnbboin- Infialj*te any cncie** and unnecessary «pgja» EVUNINU DIriFATCUEH. WASHINGTON. Washing-!**, January 6.—The preUminnri** for tbe Joint Uoamiiltee for ibe settlement of Ibc quention arising from tb« Cuban complica- lion*, wherein the Cnitrd State* and Spain are intereated, waa inangurated here to-day. McPherson, clerk ol th* House, designates the National Virginian, ot Richmond, and tbe Pr> m, of L) nebburg, tor public printing. The flpxcteb Minister disavow* nay interest of-on cither rid* In the flan Domingo question. Missouri circles consider Blair'* election to Ihe Senate quite probable. In tne House the m»J >riiy reaolution* cen- nring Admire)* Gordon red Daft* passed, fury order scoart ot enquiry notwilhstnncling weir coarse wu approved by the Bute and Nary DepsrimeoL Brooks presented n memorial lor tbe extra- ELECTION NOTICE. EX Been VB DEPARTMENT. ) oTATfiOF OEUhGIA. > At'aiiU, <i»., December Ulh. i-^tO j 0 0\a Or'lin-iria of Ihe Several Ckruruie* of the Mate : Yonr ttteotloo t» Invited to t>^c provlfloo* eonUln*d to Pnr !. hte fl \rt. 5, of the Cozatititinn ; tec. 13s'»t \VA (Indoffivp) ot Oeonr* ; and Section 1A aitd 01 ** 4D Act to KffUbS »h « Hvattmof Pabito lotrac- n ” approved Oc'oMr IS. Me, bj which U h.cocjr* year doty to *.te notlcM oi to esoction io b« htld on the im MtanUy lb Jtcturj Mit, lot ihe following ofli • cert, viz: r EACH JUUTU OUTKICT, I*fX»UrO*AT*D TOWV AMD WARD or ABT CITT i (Htt member of the Coactj Board of Kdocetioa, to 9trtf Vmo jeer*. One School Tnwtee, to ier»e three yean. «me Rehool Tnutei, to *er?e two yter*. Oce School Trtitei. to serve oee year. Immediate notice »bo aid ws given of the ebove elec tion. ino of the place le each precinct where the poll* will be opened heurntae prrv*ifd by law eboeld be made hr the SUecu/s Maoacera ro the necrerery oi Mate, tod an- out to the Clerk f»f toe naper:or i oart, lor *Ji to# o«♦ rtxt \ end to «n reeprete they ahoald * mplj wlu ih« n qeircn ent» ol <-(tepter» a bod 5, TtUt 13, Part 1, Code ol GeervU. Oivtn under ay band eed the eeal of the Bzaeatlve Deperfmert, at the eepluri Ua Atlanta, the day end year tret above wr.tum. „ ^ „ RCFUd B. BOLLOCK. By the (k>verr*or: U C. i.oiuoM, aecreUry of Exec. Dep’t. deett 43twit and proved. Mjr trimai r tit« hut wa ot the work ct bydrogrnptJc office Irom th* ere of the lending Marine Insurance Com- git, «Qlilled *’ An act tn eetahlfah a sya't-m « f Public Juetruction,” epprovad October 18th. Is*:!), an e.ec'Jon wwl be held on SATURDAY, JANUARY 7th* 1«T1, in each Ward, tn the city ol tlUuta, in the town oi >'eet Ki d. end 1n each Mlutia District, In the eoanty of Fal lon, for the following officers, nr : One Member of tbe Coanty Board of Education. One School Trustee, to ferrfl three years* One School Trustee, to s^rve two yean. One school Trustee, to serve one year. The Polls to be opened at tbe following places, to-wit: ATLANTAl 1st. WAHD -Davis* Building, Broad street* Sd. WARD—City Hall. 3d. WAKD-Mlss Bterchi’s School House, Fair street 4th. WARD—Willingham Ballding, Ivey street. 5th .WARD—Tallulah Engine House, Broad street. lOMth (South Atlanta) DISTRICT, outside of (he tiiy UmiU-At tha residence of Capt. W. L. Caiboan near Flat tthoaifi Road. l*!4th (North Atlanta) DISTRICT, ootslde of slty limit*—At the resldencs of B. F. Wa*her, on Piaster’s Bridge Road. WEST END—At usual place of holding elections. BLACK HALL DISTRICP-At Bast Point. STONE’S DISTRICT—At usual place. CASEY’S DISTRICT—At usual p i*ce. BUCK HEAD DISTRICT—At ns-al place. OAK GROVE DISTRICT—At usual place. One Jostlceof the Peace and two freeholders, nr In the absence ol s Jus*.ice ol the Peace, three freeholder 1 of me ward, town or district, shall s <p..r1ntei;d said election, who should in alt respects comply with the re quirement* oi Sect on* 13 fl ann 1351, and lollowm* of Irwin'* Revised C«*de, in rets er.ee to elccMons ler mem bers of th* General Afl»etobl> and :or Justice** of tfcu Peace, when not inconsistent Said Superintendent* mart take tne oath pre*cri**sd In rt on 1;J10 of said Code, and mast mskesr.d transmit return* of *&iu elec tion as provided by steer l>n 1&3 of stla Code. Daniel PITTMAN, ordinary, dtrf,)—431 Awt Fulton Coanty, JNUi lUili. Clku'i Omci, Surarm Coubt ov Gioroii, ) Atlanta, December 81,1870. f It appears from tbe docket oi ihe Supreme Court, for the January Term or 1871, that the order of Circuits, with the number ol cases from each, is as follows l blue BtDoi maourr. Dawson (1 continued) 3 Gilmer. 1 Lumpaln 1 Milton ^ 1 Union (1 continued) 1-7 WEfTBRK CIRCUIT. Habersham 1— ] SOUTHERN CIRCUIT. ...10 8TO LE N! F HOW ta. rittHrittav, m AtUnu.Ux., on th. nteht tfraul Dwmtw. TWU Ml'Ltfn. ‘ Om ft*. Mart HULK, with .wtc ■'roll »honI4rr». to. an* Htt (Hr m.rk«t, abo*. tr.a loar rttit old Theotb-r, .MriihorH MULE, ahont tnaiHre ol*. rigk’ He otiL man ta bid order, move. Iltti. mff and •isgriafl. ibo*. and gear marked. A Hbera. reward will b« paid tor th. recoverj. ot la- form.ti- n that will lead to ttrii recovery. ' AddrM. L C. WthlA. dwtt-ri CareT. L. Write, attanta, Ga, lUEGHUia, Fatsttu Coo.tv. Oroi.art’. Onion. December ffff, !8I». W T. WILLIAMS having apnlted tar Leifore of • °“*'“ , klg of tt* perron and propertj of the minor children of laic U. nmuk, toemtift —-*- therrfbie. to nottfr all m.ta, ffta their objection*. It an? UIW ISHtf UU^au"H*. I* wlthfh tha time prescribed by Dw.els# letters will be gnsted the a poll- Spktt.-WWrm *jSm Urduivj. University High School. ^ Atlsntt Ht^cb school,” wi.i b>* K'*»u*d la the sch-ml building, corner ot mck.e and bprlng street*, on Monday, January i, 1671. FACULTY I WK If. JONES. A. M . English and Qr~k BuWlN M. MOuKK, A. Lailr. a .d Urek. JNU. A. RICHARD; ON, A. M„ MaiLumatlcs. TEHMHl Per Hcholastk Month, In advance, CUstim $• 00 ■ngiivh 6 OO Cuotlnient fee, per term 1 t O fitnfent* not taken tor less time tbvn one quarter, and no dwiuction will b« maae except in ensea of stek- ne**. 1 be Faculty in en’ennr upon thehth year of their «n- lerprl-e promise to sustain the reparation ibU Inet tu- uon ba« already galntd. by rarmrsi and Uiit.m work. For tull partlcniars lend tor Catalogue. lani— Bar Room and Basement TO KENT, Immediately nmur d*oit« op. r . Honw — WANTED, also, a few Uusdied Chestnut Posts. Ad- dr# s* Box 1, Past Office. L n drrH tf SOUTHWBSTSEJf CtRCCIT. Lee ^umter Webster, 4-15 FATAULA CiaCVIT. Clay 1 Early 1 Randolph 3 Quitman 3 btewart, 5 Terrell, (1 continued) 10—27 OiiATTABoocnxi cmcuir. Harris 1 Marlon..., 1 Mu*cuk<ee, JI Talbot 3 Taylor 1-37 JLAOOH Cl I CUIT. Bibb (1 continned) u Do ly j Houston 1—18 FLtHT CIBCCIT. Mo-ro*.. Newton Pike Up on ... A—IV TALLAP. 08A CIRCUIT. Carroll Cow»ta, Vernweth r Tioup (l continued) 4—10 ATLAMTA CIBCUIT. Clavton Fuiton 14-17 boms cmcuir. P*u ding Floyd 4— b CPESOKEB CIRCUIT. Catoosa IHd- Gordon Mu ray Whitfield 1—11 NORTH Sail CIRCUIT. B’bert a llan'-o'-k } s Ogletborpe..., 9 Wilkes % aUDPLI CIRCUIT. OCXULORR CIRCUIT. Baldwin (continued) 1 iInter* ’’ j Morgan 4 Poinaw ”** 9 Wilkinson 1— 9 ■ASTERN CIRCUIT. Chatham 9 bavannah ” ‘ i»m BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT. •ling t DIVULGE HER SECRET Before djrtng. In a (aw rear*, aa the leomhre .hide* of night began to doea around her tottering frame, the Imparted tbli great Herat to tola friend. • .e . e . • Sh«too nine* gotten reputation for relieving tbe enfforing of hoi " 11 reelrerert I* pbunte that had resisted all ordlna- r moon, of treat ment. Many years ego, toe writer of thie, while en gaged tn tne praoitce ot meotdae, by e little rtrategy, sacceeded in procuring the eecrel ol tot. wounuerm I vegetable Hegnlatnr, which had never been known to too Medical Proieuluo. He gave It a (Sir and Impartial trial In tbe treatment of various forma and stage, at female comnlulat. with •nen decided ulltfacuun, that In leoo he cal.ed public attention to Its virtues to Gross’ Medico Chirnrgical Review. Combined with other known regetableTenlrs, haring great power over toe uterine organa ; with Ulnra hoot to act upon Ihe liver end bowels, and soluble i_ Urate ol Iron to correct the blood, he hue formed a wnudirlui combination for tho core of all Female Complaint*, con- tidertng It ihe ouly Female Begnlator known, and now a tola valeahte compound to toe afflicted temale, ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS. Tho Medtral Profi.elon at large, hare 1( ng felt the need ot each a medicine, coc.eqaenily tt I. r ot rt-anie that they ao .egerly preecnbe -O'H r..-.»nn Bitter. 10 their lem.le patient* If yon couid if — comlams from pt thdr daughter*. ,„ n» of thus hlitera. no richly lema e won id be.ltate to nae them. This Female Keiralator I. ad*' led lor old, young, married or ringle females whe a>e afferled with aruto or chronic forms of Uterine deiengemenu '1 h.y core palnlnl, repprcaaed, .canty, p-ofn*e or Irregular Menttroatton, duoroeli or Green ificknr.a, Fluor Aibns or Whites. Hyaterlce, Falling of the Womb, Ulceration and frra abil'ty ot the Womb pain In itn sloe, back or lotna, ales Headache, palpitation or ffatlering ol the Heart, berried breathing, awtmmlng o tbe bead, cold Feet and Handa, lou Ol AppeUle, Tndlgeati n. torpid Liver, Melancbolly, Norvonsnce, Wakeinlnra*. Barren. nau, phyalcal Proalratlon, etc. Many ol Uicm are re lieved by toe nae of only one bottle. LIBEL FOR DIVOitCL. r. A. n.M- ( FULTON VUPgHIOR (ftiUBT. va. < iicroa.n Txi.n. ifffo J.nrrre tt*nn | RULRNI bl Tu PIftFXOTHgRVICN, It eppnrtng to toe Ooirt. by tan retnre of tee .abend. Oat (be dmendent, Jeneti. ii.ll, la not to be f.aod In Ht* eoenty; end It spidering Hut the ta d defendant .wide, beyothitn. limlu. of .el* elate: It la tinrtfore btdtaad by toe Oort. toa< me ehertff perfect earnca to ■aldraM bypaWIcatina to tola cat. one* a month, lor T * mo, “ uoo,rt '' rig to. Court. W, JL BTINGTON, A tret axtxari from tot mtnajrelTtK/ooiirL Octebar Term, IFTX W ’ THE LIVER AND STOMACH Are thoroughly eron.ed and restored to e healthy ecllon, by tbe nee ot these Bitten. Ita pecnll.r Iron and Vege table comblnetion. pi cee It tir aneed of any imillar preuaratfou before toe pnblic. Female*, after conffuement and convale-cenl. from an 1 debilitating complain., who remain weak and lec- ble. wub lltll. or no appetite, tie it once aron.ed and atreng'hened by ib.lr o.o. An Family To le lor men, women aud cbndaw. II bat no equal, ude uole.noen- lul conlato. more medical prepertier, ttp.n«.nc hott. of any ol t- e common and ploaun' •• dl.au- a,coho' " hot- ten. to be lonua ell over the conntry. When ibe mann- tactorer. ol the common beverage* ot toe day My ther core a I diseases, 'hey wed know they are uu.liog th. wool” oneryonr eyes, end languai youmupidi y in bemfi BO eaally I nmoogged whenever the art cl. an.a- ke of , U J ,OB reaTiy dealre t *u nable Iron anu Ve- J “table Tonic ror yunr*eli ana family, one buttle ol B . B. will laat longer airi do more good 'ban one doien of the ordinary •' prog .bop " blttere, u one table*poon- nil to water, I. eaffleteut lor a whole family. A. A FEMALE REGULATOR, Plto . 1 l . J- 4 AX1.HT CUCTIT. Ce'hoan g noorherty n Deeaiar 1 MlUhaU t-» ILLtriut oracoiT. ACeUITA OIBOUIT. Aagoita 0 continned) s Richmond.... *e*«........ ...**** 4-4 Th. Tel*, raph ta Meeaemer. t'otambn. iaqnl.M, Bevanneh NeM. and The Chronicle * cc.vret, are re- qnaaiad to parileh tote nolle* onre a wee a for two w*tka,ani send “ *M(1-Uw$tf torir tnUato this offlea I, D. IlAHItIBON, Jifflftl clerk. It tuu no equal on this continent, aettog powerfully and promptly laa-l case*, where no organic le.ioo exleta — li lajn-t too medicine lor yooav gtrle, who have tome difficulty In retaining the bloom on tbe check*, end who do not feelaiactiy right. For tba moiherat tho “change of life." tt soothes aud quiet, aidlltnecil'lcal period 1. p***eo, as rweatly aa If enjoying ton brlgbleat beam, ol opal rev, fllttlag toroogh the air orrn'al cltmaa, Tbe medicine te sold at toe low prtc- oi >1 sa per bottle, or ilx for *8. and can be lud of all drug.in* and merchant, threnghoat toe country. Address U. T, DnonGOOLB Jc CO., Prp 1 ., nemplila, Tana. DR0MG00LE & CO.’S bUCHU. Tbe beet and ehreoeet coatMnatton for all affection* cl the Ktdnm end Btadder ever .Sored to too i-ehllc. (U^remtred by regular p^ridan. and up| the m22taJtwraS2ir kW * Bow by Driggletaand 1. DBOMOOOLI * tt), aem-ddweodto. Memphla, Tciiu. -