Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, January 07, 1871, Image 3

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®hf |glplp%w*% ATLANTA.OSOROIA 5 Saturday Korn Inc, Jan. 7. 1871. This evening, the larcwt-11 «t the Blonde*. Bbb proceedings ol (lit nt-w CouucH. -** * Tim old Council have “ pasted awnjr like a dream." On toe return ot talr weather, the "usual nutu'Kir ol country wagutu have reappeared on tbo streets. Wood could be sold much, more readily at more reasonable figure*. -— — — The usual aflabllity and patronizing fond ness ot candidate*.was displayed ye*terdny. Pebsonal — Judge Pulliip.B. Robinson Is in tbe city stopping at the National. Obion DpaWB’S news stand (cigar# and sta tionery,) still attracts, and Orion is tbo same attable gentleman, or at least he is so t tamped on the public mind. Rev. M. B. Wbahton will (D. V.) preach at the first Baptist Ulmrch, corner Foraytb and Watton streets, SaniUy, 8th lost., at 10( a ti. and at 7J p. m The public are most cordially Invited. Lines " Pkrsonal " to the Drpahted.— 'Tis sltangt our tntndi Judge L — anj JU r, Did oust inopportunely abreond— When the Judge’e kind .Eicu’npl.n eneconr, Had Juit been tendered lor n cough ut the Blonde; Bat the Uttns have said turn culqut mot— And thoagh now Indifferent, return they will. However the friend nnd pedant mourns i ot their lose An Globe Plover and Trochns didn't HU the bill. Abhbstbd.—Two light-fingered amendments, flourishing under tbe respective titles of George Washington and Haywood Jones, were arrested yesterday by Mr. Pat. Hcfiernan, oi the police corps, lor stealing a watch, valued at $120, pis tol, $12, and $54 65 in mimey. All tbe articles were recovered, save about $50 in money. The parties were placed in durance vile to await a hearing. Anotbbr large consignment of Robertson County, and Corn Whisky has just been re ceived at Kenny’s Cbicago Ale Depot. Tbe stock is Increasing every flay, and Irom appear ances, business is flourishing. Persons desiring a good article at reasonable rates, will do well to call and purchase at this well-known estab lisbment. jau7-5t. Read Campbell & Co.’s establishment on Whitehall street, between Al&bima street aDd the railroad, has become one of the must'pope lar ol the age and country. Rt-an fully fulfills ull bis pretensions iu the clothing department Irom a beaver turtout to linen unmentionables. A i-bin factory Is in full blast in connection with the house, and every other department com plete. Reau is a philosopher ot your de mands in bis line, always anticipating and never falls to sstisly tbe most fastidious. John Boyd, long and familiarly known to the busi ness mea and citizens of Atlanta, is there, and would be pleased to meet his mauy friends. Cm Officers.-At the regular meeting < 1 tbe new Council last night, tbe following city oflicers were announced as elected lor the ensu lug year. At 11 o’clock, tbe Council adjourned until Tuesday next: Tbomu Williams Marshal Deputy Marshal Treaauer Clerk oi Conned City Atturniy bn-vryor , RoeperofMagsz.ee Street Commissioner First Llentonant Police Sec-nil Llemcnaa: Police Keeper ot Almrh nee Sexton Hall heap,r Physician Almsbonte John Johnaon Perlno Brown B. B Love W. T. Newman John A. Grant J. 8. Porter '. Thomas Crnsrell D. M. Queen BIS Holland Vi. ?. Langford R T. Hlmnes'. Pat ?ilz<lobona C. C. Hart The Blondes.—Last evening was presented for the first time iu the city the petl’e.come- dietla of “ Middy Ashore,” in which Mis* Lira Weber did "Harry Halcyon" In her usual laughable and pieasiDg style, and Miss Catsie Troy as •' Lady Sturchingtnn ” in the moel sat isfactory mannei. The comedietta or larce is a very funny piece, and was lollowed by a beau tiful two act drama of Cr wen's writing entitled “ Milky Whito." Tbe leading character waa.ot course, Impersonated by Miss Lisa as "Annie While." To say tbe part was rendered with her usual success would now be almost tulsomu, and to attempt to common! a performance, ab solutely incomprehensible to tbe msjorily, Is another delicate and ditUcull task which we re spectfully decline attemptiug. It is perlectly patent to every observer, however, that Mias Lisa Weber is a very brilliant aitiste and takes well, supported by Miss Cassia Troy and other accomplished performers, accounts for the suc cess ol the lovely Blondes To-night will ho the last performance ol the Blondes, " Lurliue," and " Lucretla Borgia " are od the boards. Re member tbe Matinee this allcrnoon. L‘bob.—Labor is capital. Bestow good health upon a man, so that bo can labor every sis out of seven days, and no matter how poor he may have been at the commencement ot lilt's grest race, he will be cerlem to accumulate a fortune, provided be takes Care ol Ina earning*. Plantation Bitten ia certain to make thu weak ones strong, and to preserve the health of the healthy. From lour to six bouts is considered tbe ordinary limit lor brain wotk. At tbe ex piration ol ibla lime tbe plnwphorua i« earn, ,1 oil, and the man becomes irritable and nervous, ft he ia |KK>r, and couliuues on at hi» task, as most of faior doctors, iawyets and editors do. I e will be, certain to shorten hi* .days and fill an untimely grave, bs did Sir Waller Scott, unless he uses Plantation Bitters, which speedily re stores hu vital energy, repaint his indigestion, and corrects the sluggish circulation ol bis blood, Be a Mom Famine Iroui pure IiUb Moss, lor Blanc Mange, Puddings, c ustards, Creams, Ac , Ac. Tbe cheapest, healthiest, and most deli cious lood in the world. jan7 d.Wlw Buonu.—The best and cheapest Buchu in the Untied Bute* is that prepared by Dromgoole & Co. For all disease# ol the urinary organa, ita no tion is Quick, powerful and SAlislacUiry, The Gravel, Gout, Drop»y, milky, ropy, or bloody urine, treqeaut desire lo urinato, difficulty ami f ialn tu urinating, burning pain and weakness n the small ol the back, (-fleet* ot habits of dissipation, and all kindred complaint* It acts In such a manner as to gain the entire confi dence ol physicians and others. One buttle will cure any ordinary case. Prtoo $1, or six for $5 Bold by druggists and dealers every where. Janl-dawlm "Loth Hidks a Multitude or Faults.' But It tails to paint tbe pale cbeek, to gladdon tbe heart or nonces) tbo diseaso that la lurking aod making rapid inroads unon yonder rapidly declining female beauty I Her wan feature* tre bedewed with team, her pulse la treble and her day-drasma are growing dim, at night with iu heavy pall ol gloom ten lea an her brow 11 (Jan J she not be restored Yea. Health, with all U* ' eulictng charms and beaultM, will send a Ibrtil ot Joy through ber feeble trtwe, by tbo use ot English Female Bitten, which an advertiiad In another column. Go thou and buy them. Jaal-lm The #8* City Government. Last ! r of the Old Cotutoil. Installation of Hia Honor, Mayor Ham mond. Hla Inaugural Address. Members of tbe Hew Council Sworn-In. Thu members ol the old City Council that lor tbe past year bat administered the sffaire.of tbs Oily, met lor the last lime yesterday evening at tbelr Chambers in tbe City Hall lor tbe purpose of giving place to their aucceseors cbo-eu at tbe Jate municipal .election, and ol Installing them and the Hon. Dunnls F. Hammond, Mayor elect, Into tbelr new offices. All tbe members ol tbe old Council were present, and at an early hour tbe room was crowded by lookers-on. The ntmnst harmony and good leellng characterized the proceedings ol the meeting throughout, and the new mem bers came forward and were sworn in amid courteous and Iricodlgscxpresbioos of congiatu- latlon and good will. The meeting was oiled to order by His Honor, Mayor Ezzurd, the roll called, and the miuulcs ol tho proceeding meeting read and approved; A number ot petitions were read and referred, or otherwise disposed ot Tbe reports of different committees were then read and adopted. Tlie Chairman of tbo Committee on Streets, reported the total amount expended during the past year lo be $42,745 83. The amount expended upon the Fir. Depart ment lor the year 1870 was $10,977 76; upon wells and cisterns $645 95. The Chairman cf tbe Committee on Finance reported the total income ol the city from va rious sources lor the year 1870, $193,348 52. Amnttot of wets sMi.lfk 01 DlibaiaomeoU SO, 153 IS Balazce t St.Ms 83 The bonded debt ot the city amounts lo $846,500. r The reports of tbe various city oflicers were read and adopted. Mayor Ezzurd then read bis report for the past year upon the affairs ol the city iu general, reciting'he operations ol the Council in im proving tbe streets, and its action in relerence to Suing up and preparing the Fair Grrunds, the purchase ol the Opera House and the Gov eruor’s Mansion, the sale and disposal ot the Mitchell properly, etc., etc. Speaking upon the subject of water-work*, His Honor said : There lias been mnch talk about water works •luriug the pa-t year, aud the Mayor and Coun cil have endeavored to investigate the subject at thoroughly as practicable. It was believed that a proper system ot water-works would mate rially benefit tbe city In many respects. Iu tact it is conceded by moat persons, after & lull ex amination ol tbe subject, that in a few years it will be a necessity. With this view the lity Couuoil gave notice that bids would be received for tbe construction oi water works, and certain bids were received. Hut, in the meantime, an election came on and water commissioneia were elected in accordance with an act ol tbe last Legislature, aud some diflerence ol opinion arose as to who were the proper p ulies to make aud inter into a contract, the Mayor and City Council or the Water Commissioners, and be fore tin; contract was made, certaiu citizens filed a bill praying an Injunction sgaiust the Mayor and Council to enjoin them from making or carrying out said contract. Tbe case was argued aod decided against tbe complainants, and has been carried lo the Su preme Court, and until it is decided, tbe ques tion must remain in ilatu quo. Tbe report ot His Houor was unanimously adopted. A resolution was passed tendering tbe thanks of the Council to Patrick Filzgibbon, and pre senting him with the sum ol $25 in appreciation ol bis laithlul services. Also a resolution cf thanks to B. B. Love, Clerk ol the Council, fur the faithful performance ot us duties. On motion of Messrs. Fowler and Murphy the Council then adjourned to the Court Room where preparations had been made lor THE INAUGURATION, Oi the Mayor and Council elect The room was well lighted aud was filled by s large crowd ol spectalors eager to witness tbe ceremony. Hia Houor Mayor Hammond was duly qualified by Judge Pittman, and tbe new members were sworn In by ibe Mayor. Tbs Water Commissioners then came forward and were qualified by Judge Pittman. His Honor, Mayor Hammond, then rose and said : IWou-Citiuni:—I shad occupy but* very few moments of your time in rca.iiog a short address, which may be said to foreshadow the policy of tbe present administration. Iu entering upon the duties of my office, 1 feel that the highest obligation resting upon me is the administration ol the city government With fidelity and impartiality. Political powers are used, and Ircqoently of necessity, in the electiou ot municipal officers; but upon their Installation, all tatter feeling should be burled, and the WBt-rs ol oblivion allowed to swerp over all unpleasant memories forever, and we should enter U;*m tbe work ns a baud of brothers, teeling in our hearts that " wo have lo trie pda to reward nor enemies to puuieh,” and that the only rivalry that shill exist among us shall bs engendered by a J.udaole desire lo “accomplish the greatest jjuiount of good to the greatest amount of people " It such arc our feelings and purposes, we shall not fail of sue- ceas. One ol the essential elements in the admin's- IraliuQ ot • city government, is a laithful police. Much depends upon them iu preventing brawls and ilisturhanecs, am! riot and crime, aud fre quently bloodshed ; they should at all limes to ready to pour oil upon the troubled waters, and to tbe extreme ot tbelr power prevent disturb ance and collision by arresting offenders promptly, when lees salutary influences have tailed, and by exercising all tbe (towers with which they are clothed, at all times and under all circumstances j for good policemen should always remember that, their duties are two fold: First, That they *re employed to protect the city agiinst all violation of law; and, second, that they are employe.) to protect not only the citizen, but the stranger “ within our gates," from imposllkjtj? insult and injury. II a man is seen to stagger on tin) street, instead of arresting him and degrading him hy carrying him to the calal>oose, approach him kindly, and influence him, 11 possible, to go to Ills reaidenoe or hotel, and iu all such cases act In good faith the part ol a brother, and so conduct your selves towards those who tall Into your bands, sltber from folly or crime, that citizens and strangers will Icel that their highest protection ie In the prreeuce ot a policeman. Policemen *re expected always to bs strictly sober, for If they should be otherwise and come In oontact With a drinking man, they would be unfit to control him, u one drunken man cannot exer cise mnch. Influence over another, neither Is he in a condition to exercise that lorMarance lo a conflict ol such a character so necessary to prevent Injury. The practice of striking men In arresting thorn, or alter they ore arrested, with clubs, will not_be allowed only In on* single Instance, and that Is when It is abso lutely necessary In self-defense, end the police- man must be caretul that bis conduct does not cretin tbe necessity lor it. In short, the police of tbe city of Atlanta ere expected to be high-toned, honorable, faithful, Indefatiga ble, unconquerable end incorruptible men. Tbey-ere expected so to conduct themselves that any man might feel prond to be pointed to in the city ol Atlanta as a policeman. To such men I pledge the Influence, power and protection ol this administration. Gentlemen, I tball not advocate the u penny wise and pound foolish policy " In this admin istration. I believe that prudent expenditures properly made are sources ot advancement to the city and people, bnt that the lime oi well os the occasion ought to occur lor these expendi tures, and while our outlay can be olten wisely, Judiciuuily aud profitably made, an Indebted ness Incurred for the same purpose might be uawise, Injudicious, and even ruinous. U heavy indebtedness is incurred by the dty oi Atlanta It leaves but one alternative, and that Is heavy taxation, which Is greatly oppressive to the poor, not only in the booses they rent, bat in tho amount they arc required to pay lor their shoes, bats and clothing, and lot the provisions they consume. The meat stall that rents lor $25 a month is paid lor by the patrons of tbe butcher, and the poor widow with her helpless orphans is boend to pay her pro rat# share with tbe more wealthy consumer; and so it extends through ail the gradations ol business and society. Tbe necessity for taxation cannot, therefore, be wisely increased, for if it is pressed beyond tbe limit of s wholesome necessity, (cap ital being always timid,) ceases to seek invest ment—nay, withdraws Irom investments already made, which Is the sure precursor ot decline in property. 1 shall be asked, how is the indebt- ncss ol the city lo be paid t My reply is, that under s wise and prudent taxation and a faith- Inland economical government, the growth of the city alone, in a brief period of time, will af- lord the means ol discharging the Indebtedness; but If the taxation ot tbe city is increased to such an ex enl as to impede Us progress, the only alternative lelt ia increased taxation. As the entire amount Bow raised by taxation will be required to discharge the interest on tbe present indebh tineas and detray tbe expenses of the city goveruunnt, the indebtedness of tbe city cannot possibly, tberclorc, be wisely in creased at the present time. Gentlemen ol tbe Council, it is highly important that we harmon ize in the prosecution of the interests of the city in all iu departments; but it we cannot agree in the selection of men and the inauguration ol measures, then, is geutlemi n, we mutt agree to disagree. For mysell, I pledge lo this Connell, flrst, my highest purpose to do right in til things; secondly, whatever inlorm&tion and talent I poseess in the prosecution ol the busi ness ot the city, is at your command ; thirdly, that I intend to avail myself ol your advice and c-sjstancc in every department ol the city gov erurnent, nnd make the bent appropriation ol your ts'enl and information that is in my powtr to make, and l may ask you in return that I be sustained in whatever 1 do that is right, giving you a carte blanche lor your condemnation in all things that are wrong. The above remarks were greeted with ap plause, and were received with every manilesta- lion ol approval. At their conclusion His Honor stated.that the subject ol salaries ot officers was a very import ant one, and one that must be acted upon at ODCe. He accordingly appointed Messrs. Lowry, LVsin, McClendon, Rice and Bnyder, a Com mittee on Salaries. The committee reported the following amounts to be paid as salaries: To the Clerk ol the Council, f 1,800 j the Treasurer, $800, and to the Marshall $1,650. The report was unanimously adopted. Upon motion ot Mr. Fowler, the member* adjourntd to tbe Council Chamber lor the pur- pove ol transacting business in secret session. SPECIAL NOTICES. Tlie Jloajr and Its Need*.--Consider ing the extreme sensitiveness ol the tinman body, and, that It Is unprotected except hy nrttJclA! covering, irom the ictloh of cold, It Is not strange that at this season It Is Halite to many disorder*. Ths skin exercises a powerful tnfljsnce over tbe stomseh and bowels, and when Us lunct'ons are Interrupted hy sudden chills that soai the pores and prevent evaporation from the -artace. Internal congestion Is apt to eusae. The digestive gans never pertorm their office properly when this tr the rue, and the waste milter of the system, which should bsdl-chsrged tu part through the perspiratory glands, having no other outlet than the bowels and the kidneys, cousitrpalloh and a vxiicty of renal diseases are more or levs prsvalent. Dyspepsia, whers It exists. Is also sggrar .tad hy then causes. The most ideeuse 1 preventive ol, and remedy fur, disturbances of this ns- - tare Is Hostetler's Ntomaeh Hillers. Ac lng as a stimu lant and tonic, H rouses tbe stomach and tbe Inlanders, ! Imparting to those Important organs both activity and ! regularity. It alsooperateaie a sudoette, by toning the vessels of the skin sud promoting the free passage ol ex- ; t.auotid matter through that uitnril sieve of the system i Belt g a mild dturstlc. It glrcvs hca'tnful tmpu so to the 1 action ol ine kidneys, whrr there is atcndency to drop ' sv, at .1 as v blood deparent and nervtt o, t-ae a highly b.-u-fi ii effect n rheumatic casts It combers in hap py poo it,.-1 tue lo te, a rural ve, aprrnnt. antivep- llc, d-aphor. tt- v d am hi tou- tr,-- rrgmnte lor it, re-to-a p-i ■: a rt-t.-ni erne a y u so roared, an la t o > u i*i as a u inter toed ot e Jan4_ '111 k-5 CKLmllUATJt-uD MURRAY & LAYMAN'S More than Two Hundred Planters Tided THE LAN&DON FERTILIZER. this last year, ant* the MOST FAVORABLE REPORTS arggOd from-It; La PtiHiTT and rsTHBHGPH are guaranteed. The value of BONE PHOSPHATE and COTTON SEED MEAL a* a manure. t« known to every BCIfNTTFfC AflRI CULTL*HA 1RT. Thau into* form the hoik ot (I -&) of tbe M LANuDON.” to which are added proper qi4.n- of POTASH. GYPSUM And SALT. Thee* fife Ingredient* form the compound. IT IS A HOME PRODUCTION. Lt77« Capital invested here to the works, Affords s secaritj for ths guarantee ol its PURITY. HOST. C. C. L4\GDOX, (Agrtcaluiral Editor Mobile Register ) gives advisory tupenrlilon to the production of this rertlttner. No high frelsbUTrom the Ur Rest, nor Mr** com. missions to Atfents here, here to t«e p*!d, u u&»t U Itoeof An Artlcie oi fore km (Northern) QAD-isctare, aod hence tbe *• LAngdon ” cal bo oold. and 1*4 bOLL) CH&AP2U. than anv standard Port:iic«r In the taira*a. Tho COTTON 8BBU MHAL, 1* ptodoeed At the works, and the R \ W BON 2- ve traihered from Us snr roandlnc country and ground at m/ MLu. Partner* are icrltsd to rtsit the Mobi e Oi! MUli and witness the operations of produclig the Lancdon Fer- Planters ebould tnitruct their Merchant! to for them. THE LANGDON FERTILIZER, Because it ir s rimple compooitioo of article# known to be good. a..d the parity of w& ch le inscrcd Bectose it is sold at a lower price than any artlc3§ of like quality coohi be, which if brought L*ua a distance. Because it would gite greater ret*rni frem its use, pound (or noar.d. than any other Fertiliser, no mailer whal the pree. FROM THB MANY TESTIMONIALS from practical men, ihese art here given : TcfCALuoftA, Ala., December 2i, 1970. Col IP. D. Marin ; Sib—Your circular of tbe 1st in«tant. came to hand. As we found the Langio Pert.‘.Z ir me beet that we tried, I give you my i-xpenenca w. h tt oor i*Hd i# poor, red hill land. Used *0 lbe. to the acre We u-ed one ton of ItlUam’s, at 116 ; three piLf of Z ii'i. at 4-kjper ton ; two tons of ths Langdon. at per ion. The land waaall worked alike, and tbe aarne quan tity used ol each. I did not keep t*e weights of c.ci fle d *ep irate, bat attended to the picktm: and weighing rayeeii, and know that mere wa« mo*e cotton 'gaiherOc to the acre on Ihe La&gdon man any other par*, ol tne place The Zei.’s wm nexV Prom my own experience, and m the opinion of ali lamer* who toon notice of it, ihe Langdon PertU’zer was far superior io any that we used. Ke-pect/u.ly vourr. Ac. c. H PITT** Mb. Tu jma* ii Kamkidt. of Meridian, Mi®*., am? recounting hi* experience in the use of the Laegdou Fertiliser, rajs: “When l :irod on my pianutlo- !t Alabama, 1 need many kind* of mauarz. hat I never used anything tnat woa.a begin lo compere with the Langdon Fertilixer.” THB PRICK AT TRK MILLS IS |G0 PER TON. It if exchanged for Cotton Serd »0 pounds, in Ptrocg sactf, delivered free on board boat or car* at Motiia, tor one ion Cotton Se<d, free at tu- landing « r depo; ay country—sacks and iwine furnished ny tte Mi i. Ol its cheapness. Colonel Latgaon say* • lu cheap- nee® -I am fully convinced 4h*t, at ihe price now CxTd by you to-wii : |t'A per ton. U l* torce ihe rtea »e*i ler- Qiiser in onr maravi. Pound fur pound. 1 cmnder it iu- re va mble than the pftj^aiat.onv that :.re selling »t *7510*#) Formyowa u»*. I would greatly prefer it to Penman Guano at ihe same price.'* of it- mer ht: say®; “ The result t® the best Fertl/se? in the world lor our SostciTu laud®, in my opinion.*’ Again: ‘•lieoLttln* more fn jy ar.d comt/.ete'y than any otht-r, the -lament* nec-eiary itr c oriNiucron of Southern crop* aud the renovsiloa ol Souihcrn ®ol Prof. Chafie* U. shtpArd. Jr. M. U, Proi ^orof Chemistry booth Carolina Med cal Ujiltsfr, tua x.*pec- tor oi PerlilU^r* lor bouth Carolina, who m%u e a imi and cartful analyel • ol the Lang J on FerLiixcr, tar* of it: ** It l® a very superior a* ude.*' I also cru#h at the mills. Raw Rone*, which are ground line. Price at the Mtili $45 per ton. Ground Maw Bone lr too wed known a* a strung Fertiliser to need com ment. For Trees, fehrubbery ant Grape* it ha» no ecca Tne Ground Bone of the Mobile Gil Mill* it warranted lo contain nmo ng but Bone. Acdrr-e ai; order* loreiihtnr ol the above Fe.nilK.-n, accompanied by tasn or ordei* on >ocr rnercha- u to M(.»bflJi MILLS, P. 0 Box 7J3. Mod: » A a. tZT*ll.ro per ton. Cash pa.d lor Colton &e^c ut • eredat :ne wharf or di pot here licks and iw:n* urn* Itbed free of charge ai your landing or depot. BONES WANTED, $15 UO per ton will be paid for Bones de vereJ t: the Mi W. It will pay te gather them abom the coai.t:r and *hip to the Mobil* oil Mul*. In the greatest abundance, and innumerable, at McBRIDE & CO.’S CONSI54XIN<3- OF YASES, FIGURES, STzOTESJ TOILET ARTICLES, ALL KINDS TOYS & DOLLS, Cliiua Tea and Dinner Sets—(SensBe Presents,) China Tea-tete and Coffee Sets—(Not so sensible.) Castors, Spoons, Forks, Wine-stands, CARD BASKETS, RUTTER KNIVES, ; NAPKIN RINGS, OF a BEST SIFTER FEATE! It e have made special arrangements for CHRISTMAS, and invite yr-u to call and examine our sc Actions, their variety and stvle. IBRIDK A CO. I WAS r.:E ) M f ;»E4KN2.-b AND CaTARaH » arrr.: • - ap*; l . w fct rtcctp*. fr«-- ;v- i~4w tk**. M. C.LSGG2IT, JerfyCi*r,N.J. S O’CLOCK. S|(! A A W2£K pvd agerta, m’e oruaa7«, i:. * % ' J * Ii( » ^.ikr.-.'irturliiA’ bu*::.-r#* *i .N cj.p ; *1 required. Acdrtt* NorrLTT Oo.. sacco. Me. J1L4-4W SALESMEN WANTED Cc*:aef» honorable. No ooapetUicA, iibera. pay g.r- en. jint--4w s. W. SftNNKDY. ? S i.t St. Pn::» mais IS NO HCMBUG : Q - X by Mrnding O O CENTS wits fc Neir^t, coin* of tyet and hai:r yot. w . rw-. v<. 11 rt tu rr. tsa:.. a correct picture of yt-n: fttarc , * wile, with md exit f». mxrrvxst.. ».ccrr*» w’ FC’l^ P. O Draw-r So Fa : >rr- ,c. N Y ‘».r ; . $10 Made from 50 Cents. Seme n:nk ergtr.u> Lt-oo,n r-y A . or li F«-Qi, c# *en: r~ *uge ;w.d for i*. cu na; • t u ' » lor $i... u. L. Wqpoott. 1M era:ham rs,. > \ ) Mw STEAM PUMPS* HAJvD PUMF8, power p c jx r s roa Ultuun, KtUA, VIRES. Broworlos. Distilleries. WX1.LS St CISTERNS, Iljdraullc Presses, &c., S.AP A DOG IRONb, WcCOWAN BROS.. LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. MKb. i Oure* C\»lic and Gnpmc it j PRICK WLitcomb'l -;the B4»we';-, and tacllitatw > J 5 *\Hrr \ the nroetw* of Teething. \ CENTS. MRS. j bnodne* Convn'f .on* ard f J’KU'K Whiteomb'l \ overcomt a aifi^a-e* ’.ncJ- » *2 5 *r*rr f der.ttoinmnifandchiu::’!. MRS iCurta iXanboa. Uy®rn\*f; . TiC* 2 Whitoomb'l v and bummer tVtmpialst tl 25 *Tuur. I Chilaren of a:t age*. I C&N r> It i# tbe Great Inter.:'* and Oul'dret'* th r .-c Remedy in all di*ordert brougbl on by Teething or *..) other canee. ITejiared by the GRAFTON MSDK'INK OO. St. Loui*. Mo. Sold by Druggin® and Dealer* in Medir.ue* every •her*. » tiBOISGI A. CukTtos OOCKTT. OHnikart"* OnricRv DeeimVer Ik IS70. J^R W. R. STaNc’KLl. ha* a. p’i dejemptl tr 100,000 AGENTS WANTED, WOMEN cax uake MONEY Auu oibtr ->u?; s> kt ibv tnwxrt .McKix.xi A Ji.KTLx, !5k Cite tint stn-tt. rt; 1 J» * t ; FARMERS'HELPER Saow# bow to double ihe profit® of :h« FARM, and how termer* and their aon* tan each xcaae $100 PER MONTH 1c .itiw lu Oopivu ».!I uxaLt. tx. L-- Fins- erv. tl&rit! u. ZIS jLKfi A Kcct K l>k. Phlixae'pb!-, P» Juv EVERT FA8ME3, Kecfcaiicgg fm CA > JIA K E $50 to r 1 OO Per onih with Our Popular Bocks, Maps & Pictures. f-w S; PAge* : iru*. aedre** Gg . I»b: 2LD a an,»:re B.>ok anc J 1 4 - 4w ^ X !;■ Hetjfe, Ch’cage. FLORIDA WATER. The must lasting, aureeahle, »nJ refreshing ol 1 all perfumes, lor use on the H»nJkerchiif, at the Toilet, and In tho U.uh. For sale by all i Dnigglttsand IVrfumr.ra nr>v9-r-rvlly ! T II K Hllin.il. Clt.l.nURH - K-Jb Swat* roa Yotisu M.v. ok tiaa.v Soot XL Xtil. ASS Amu, wh'e-k Iru.tf-r. v'.th AAHRtAQB. with tar. neau. ol rtllef tot tk« String and Dabrtaaal*, dt.MMd and dibtuutcd. Bent la Mated letter ravtlopM, (re* of chart*. Addrooa, HOW.tin SANITARY AID A80001 A. TION. No. t South Ninth Su, 1-BILADBU'UIA, IV novMta W. AD.1IR, Auctioneer. Administrator’s Sale. B Y YUtca of an order ot ih« Co art of v»rditary o( Fttlton county, Georgia, c^antei *» the August lerm, 2d dav 4*f A«gu*i. 1S70. I wtii *«n.before Uic Ck>Qrt bou-e d»»ar in the city o Alla: ta. in tu.d r«.ui ty, on tne Ftr*: l'ue#day .c Fehmary t-Al. between tlie 1(U\] h«>Qr* of Mle, the folMwiNg prvt$*«rij, to-wu . Three iota, ii teit e*th, tromli g on M U’beil *tree:. •joining ihe Maeou J Wt®urn Railroad rght ol-vat. lot No. i. next io the railroad, i® T6 lee: deep; No i. S Lot. and No. 8, S3 t o; dtep—ad on ®.'u:h *:d« ,.f ®a d ®tr*tt. Al®o one loi wool i»i dweiUnc o* the ’ate J.»hti- eon B: id a ell. and on toe »oaib »idv Muche l virrei. fritnunc Aliy tret on aaid elreot and ruun i*g i*ti » fe«i. Al*o, on* lot on tos.a *tde of Hunter »ire* i. fronting 7> irri on vlrtwt. and ranning bac* lit feet, h»v.ng thereon ao.erw-iy awe.iing; ®\id to: a.joiniug Und* of Tiioiu*f He?n.*fdv, and liotcLlftf. all la ih* o:tv of Ai-anUL Alao. ot'- ourth ofantsreol land oi No.-4 7 ofor gtnaiy ben nr no* Pullen cv'On'j b *und -d e»n the weal b* a*:nc:, (uame toi knoar.i on ibv earl and *ou h by TtM.ua* j our dan* lot, and on the north by Green b. llnd wo J'* lot. All of *a!d lot* i*e^u k \ng to ihe teute of j.bit*eii Br1:we.i, late ot ►Ahi evuuj. d.<caa*e4 So 4 f »r the benefit of the hetr* ahai creduor* oi decoa«d Term* of aate—o-e-haif ca»h. balanced »ii month* with inwrevt from oate Note* tak ana U>odt foy \ltie given. U-.wd* mace wiun narchaae money t» i^id. ‘ llAi-KIKr BRIUWKUm Adm’x, aud MAbTiN BKMWKLL, Adm'r. oi Jx hn* »u Bndwe.l, doe« *®od. dcvl5**-d pniitw*# fee $5 per »*jaare A-dmiuistrator’s Sale’. B Y virtu, ot XU ortlvt Iroot ttte xV-uu Ordlturv ol Unit county, *t I ha tote, op. thv Oral rue*J,y ti-J.na.ry Hie sefomlhe o ntthonxrd.v- inUdvn' ouch. Henry nvanty, til., w.thir the let* l enr* of Ml*. - One hnnJrv J xnd fitly *cre* of Und la the nxa dUtnct ’ »( Unary coantj, ol tx>t No. —, Rdulnc nnd. of It L . lUnwr, D. -V'i-ei.»d, tt at, and known u the dovrr fn- temlof Nary Alex-ndar. doevaood. lau widow ot U. Aiexandar, »r . dec«a«td. S.-)d at prnnenv of at-.d Urtnh Alexander, Sr , de- eaurd. Air in* broodl ol tka hatra nnd credl'or.. Tarqia Caah. WM. ALkXASOCR, Aamlnittrttor. navl>-tda Tvlnui'n lae |A t>ar t tuart. ACENTS WANTED FOR A.HSTEPHENS **«t H’ft.-r-of th* ^ir C '«c;4eu it ote v»vama- : : -r ater*, w ;* tern.* and Iwil de*or:pt on o • »• *h. a*.‘.re®* :r. N* k>nal P*-*. v\ . GEITLNtl IP CU BS. Great Saving to Consumers. IVn «•* er^u rv r. h ,*<i e.’ub> tr.r •. #er.«: f*vr Fr ee Uh’ %u : » (' ch farm wii; aocom;-*..? il w.’.h uT»o. c* r.iaiirg * ia-fe *at'L,* to con- rumor* ana remunerai.rc to Club o.gsjuxer*. Tie Great iiericai Tea Co. 31 A; 33 VKNKV STREET, P, 0 lt« \ V4J NSW YOKff: JtC4-tw AGANTd WAN fRl) FOK F.1EE LOVE. ASD ITk VOTARIES. h* J hw B. Kt li*.. Urge Sale* Immenre Pro«ta >lup d.' • r re m tie aud aianling dt*cJo*ur** The a . r »u s l i‘d hart \n ’ ;•* hidrv>a»aaa* t iMt*ed lo omver-* deer tton. NSmrrraii is thi or t itu. / an >*. i HUfTumy a*d Mo&autt •* >cr-x*. lor v.rca *r* *ci .erm*. L. Pu . *h c Co, 4U Um.unff *irtwt. N*w York. }\c-»-4** C e 3 15 FOK SALE nVIRYWHKRS. ffnd for aa’e Who.eralc only by the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Ca. e. o. Bex. sore. s church st., n. y. SEND FOB rHKA-MECTAH ClBl CLAB )A>d-«W LIVF * *. ■ VT« V. t > TZD.FOB WOMEN up hew YdhK OH SUCI4L LIFE ut the GHEAT CITY. v* rfa deve.Lpm#xu amen* ihe gnat arfeoemy. Married w ,, B h Ac . Ac. Pnce $.^ ». The : *i h w.k vo ; c^'hel. The b«*t term* to Agent* ever rw: Adt;r»»a,.N. Y. Book Go 145 .Norn New Yura.jn4-4w A CENTS W J NTED FOR THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD . i u:n:r:r Fire wood'* * Lite of Cth*L” and "Live* of:t- KrangdjfU and Marv^L” Doddridge* - r.t-.ee •«- o: • ar^UAL’ty,** **Hia:orT*of the Jew*." ‘ t Jotr',.12*; * Birtory f 11 rei'giou* I>enoa:Ea:4on*." " t-~rBU®e and :*S«* rtattug to ernte cotue»r.evJ a-'L TlW’ory. conuirtng many fine enrrewr^*. .ncwL-e iora.uf a coa;le'*c Trea*urj JfihT ABLI5HJLD IN 1S50. L1WSHE & HAYNES, No. 50, Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. f R SbrS TF’CLLT announce thit iher a*vc ‘ajt reoeroc the hwit, Lirge**^ end &c«i coarde;* . block of JEWELRY, SVSR OY^IRRD IN ATLANTA. CONSISTING OT WATCHES, CLOCKS, _ JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, Silver and Silver-Plated Ware 1 ! Aoi tvcrytiiox ut to M found la t MravCiiot JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT- A to, tit r-xitat Lot of GOLD-HEADED CANES KVXK BROUGHT TO ATLANTA. WATCH MAKERS’ TOOLS, MATERIAL, Six. wSici tuay oitt ,1 Low iV.eea. WATCHES and JEWELRY t'»rrft:".v r.. i r«l by ewaj^teet worttnen, and *at‘.»- f»- • r a- » av.x'ec Ai. k nd* ol Engraving done bv * »E*. i*.u. .vr. it at *hort nouoe. TV*> have for ame it* Ci ebraird STEM AND KEY WINDING WATCH, from $A> to Manhtectnred by the United State* A at. a t-.tT.-jivr, to ahj Witch In the werid. BOWDON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTION, BOWDON, CARROLL COYNTY, CA. rj*H8 excrc;*ce ol lrTl, w:.i op<n January IF.h, for the ngTerc . ITth lor the Fall Term, T hf ! r **. : l : ,*t u amply end owned by the citteeciof a • x- rp* of la*tmcton are explored. If., u college CteMee or^aaiaed a^d coaree of ttvdy THE CHEAPEST COLLEGE IN THE STAT-: KENT EKED CHEAPER. Rates T :l:ion—P/c^x.-atory Department: Pvtuerv H-anchy* per **toLa*v:c year, $16 16 Ii •fftne-iute “ *• ** 64 60 jtovaBcec * ** “ 36 00 rvao.arvntpe fer three yt*r* to advance lot 00 "" four year*, one4o»rth annually 140 00 Board indudiag iual, light* and walking, fit to $15 per month. For Catalog?* and Supplementary Circular, giving all particular*, A dire** Rev. F. H. M. Bcsdereoo, Free! dent. J. 0. MOORX, Jr n Becmary U. T. dee 15—dit wlL