Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, February 07, 1871, Image 1

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H XBBOB (JAABKBTcT BE DANGEROUS WHEN REASON LB UK FT FREE TO UOM.BAT IT ."—Jtftrtan. VUL. XVI. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7. 1871. NO. 30 pit* gmlg gtttcUigcww. THE ATLANTA INTELLIGENCEU, 1> U B li I 8 II K B: DAILY AND WEEKLY B.T Jared Irwin WMtaker, WITH COMPETENT ASSISTANTS. auuscription andJdvertising Rates. TH«MS OF dUB80HIPTION. WMtoji 8 months 8 OO WrtSlS. lT«« — 8 VS (u>kU oopieist tho ooontsr..... -. 10 ttafie;pi<i 10 Bow ilof»*sd Agsnu i RA't'KS OF ABVlUmBINO. For .ach sqUira of 10 line, or leu, (or the Hist Inter- Uo& HI, and for each siubftoqueni Insertion 60 cents. ,«disabfl 8 8 88888°8S 8839888888 8 S S 8 8 S~W~S 8 8 3S8HS«3eSi§ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 SS8S8SS‘°3P 8 8 8 8 8 3 “ as g*8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ", - s a a 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 : 7 l t 8 8 8 8 8 8 i ; ; ■ - “ “ 3 a j i j 8 8 8 8 8 8 I ! ! 1 ^ M -C «3 *- » : ; ••* • 888 8* 888880 S " * 10 * X < * S o o apOCJUi .tuilCO*,‘J. Ccn.r . 10 coma por iiC'; tor oath A.ivortidemuutd luuurted at intervals to H R util iUeortion, ai.U n. chargedsi ordered to remain in any particular uwu, tube Fhargutafliuny each ineerttou. The money for advertising coueidcred due tiler first Insertion. if All communications or letters on buslnesslntenaed for this utilco should be addressed to THE INTELLIGENCERi ATLAM A. VBOHUU. To the People of Atlanta IK UNDKH8IONED de have opened a stock of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, In the fine new store on Mitchell street between Brosd and Wniteh&U, to which we invite your attention. - These goods have heen selected with the eUltest care, mi *t o» thrra being received at the bonded Warehouses, from first hands and are warranted pure and good, our purpoee being to get only wbat was Strictly Olio ice. Among the articles to which we call your special atten tion, are: COFFEES. Moecha, Java and Rio. TEAS. Imperial, Hyjon, lilack and others. 8UGAHH1 Cut, Crushed, Granulated and Common. Syrups of all Kinds. CAIVIVJET> OOO OH. Vegetables, Klein, Meats, Fruits, Cheese, Spices, Sauces, Salld Oils, Mustard, Crackers, Sardines. WII18KY, Bourbon, Scotch, Irish. WINE8-Purs Imported. Sherry, Madeira, Port. In short, a complete stock, Unexcelled In quality and as cheap as can be had anywhere. ILL GOODS WILL BE DELIVERED WITHIN TUB CITY LIMITS Freo of Charge, And when de-irod. calls will be made at Stated times to receive orders and then deliver goods, guaranteeing them at a 1 tunes to bo as rei»ro-enUd. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. D. C. TOWNSEND A CO., TIE GREAT FERTILIZER. Municipal Government for 1811 DENNIS F. HAMMOND, Mayor. COCNCII.MKN : First Ward.—U 1’. Cassin, 0. W. Wells. Second Ward—it. .1. 1/Swhy, N. I.. McLendon. Third Ward,—9. W. Orn im, Geohoe Ghaiiam, (negro.) Fourth Ward—I). I). Snyder, William Si.ncii, (negro.) Fifth Ward.—F. F. Kick, i A. U Fowler. LIST OF C0MMITTBEBI Finance—Lowry, Ca?9in and Iiice. Ordinances—iticc, Fowler and Wells. Streets—McLendon, Casein and Finch, (negro. Wells, Pumps, Ac.—it ice, Graham, (negro,) and Fowler. Lamps, &c.—McLendon, Finch, (negro,) and Grubb. Hclief— Cassiu, Mcl/cndon, Grubb, Snyder and Fowler. Markets—Wells, Fowler, and Finch, (negro.) Fire Department— Lowry, Gassin and Finch, (negro.) Police—Fowler, McLendon and Grubb. Cemetery—Fowh-r, Grubb anti Wells. Public Buildings—Wells, McLendon and Lowry. Public Schools—Fowler, Lowry aud Grubb. Printing—Grubb, Graham, (necro,) and Kice. Tax—Curtain, McLendon and Klee. officers: S. B. Love, Clerk ol Council. Pkrino Brown, Treasurer. W. T. New man, City Attorney. Jonn Thomas, Tax Receiver and Collector. Lilly Physicians.—G. S. Castift, W. P. Harden, T. It Cook, W. N. Judson, Wdliam Mo,ire. Board ol Health.—1). C. O’Keefe; T. S. Pow- •11, J. P. Lovuti, H. L. Wilson, Craig. Gkorob Stewart, Superintendent Streets. W. Y. Lanckoiui, Sup’t Alms House. J. A. Grant, City Knuinetr. John Connolly, Si uon. J. L. Porter, lutMr of Magazine. Patrick Fnz.oiiiuo.N, Hull Ktepsr. Assessors.—I. G. Jtiubejft L. C. Wells, J. N. Langston. Thomas Williams,. Marshal. JonN L Johnson, I n pmy Marshal. D. 1., tlUEEN, First Ln utenaul ol Police. J. S. UjLi.aND, Second Lieiil. 6l Police. Tim. U. Mcri'uy, Special Policeman at Car Shed. Policemen.—James Kilby J. It Parish, John Wixitten, Henry W. \Vboding, K. F. touch, It O. Haynes, Th mas Castillo, Patrick llaleruan, J. A. Hinton, Powell Owens, Michael White, L O. Hollaiid, .1. B. Langley, it li Hutchens, 11. W. Holcomb, A. \V. .1 tt, l)ai lei Pitcldord, C. It Pennick, I. J took, II J. jlouzelaw, William Flynn, Oe rge Bomar, O 1’ Woodhlt, James McGee, F. T. Kickhgtiier, T. J. MoUan, C M. Barry, T. M. Butllugtnn, J. It Carson, W. C. Dickson, D. P. Keudnek, It A. Weaver, John Cason, J. W. Butler, John O'Shetils, Joseph Barnes, David Thuruiuii, Joseph Berry, Socra tes ivy. PURE GYPSUMI Containing Eighty Per Cent, of Solu ble Matter! G HOUND AND PKEPAUBI) IN THIS CITT, itod warraut**d true from adulteration. The an- noxod communication from Prof, ch.-mo* U. Sheppard. Jr., of the purity of tuts* arilclu, U a ^narautee of Its highly valuable quail tie* to the farmer, being available wnen mixed witu othtr mauureis. to the great advantage of any Rind of crop. Uut.-uUHled as a top dressing fur Vt heat, hve. Barley, ,fcc., and the *iras#es, (one peck of which will show vi-ib.e improvement on an acre- of ground.) Tbit* valuable Manure is oflerod for aa’e at the (ow price of $l.'i (>or ton, ca-U, ot on time fur city acceptance lib Interest added Put up for ruipment In hags of two hundred pounds each. All o.ders by Mail, a* accordance with above termi*, will be promptly executed by J-AME" II. IIULMBS, CommlHSion .Merchant, Boyce’s Wharf, Charleston, S. C. Orric* or tii* State Inm-ectoh or Fjchtiuzik*,! Labobatubt or the Medical Cullkur, I a. v^ueeu street. Charleston, H. C,, ( NoTcuiber 41, la70. J Mr. John II. Uobnn: Drak Sin-The *iyp*ara submitted by yon for analy sis \* the moat remarkable 1 have overseen for its free dom irom Impurities of every kind, containing as 11 does but one-tnird of one percent, ol Insoluble matter. If It can be supplied of similar quality, it cannot fal. to prove a great boon to boutUern agriculture, as there is no crop to which it Is not beueficbti, whither apphd alone or in conjunction with other manures. Very ro- pcctfnllv your obedieut servant, * (.Signed) OIA3. U. bUBPPAKD, Jr., M. D. Janl4-eodtllraarl. S3 Watch l S3 Watch! ma oaixT vraorkiK Eureka Aluminum Gold Watch Co. J have ArroretxD L, ;V. DEFOREST, Jeweler^ 40 and 42 Droadvray, New York, Solo Agents lor tlio TJ. 8. Aluminl’M Gold Watches for Tuhkv Dollahs, and to warrant to oach and every one to keep correct time for one year. Tnis Watch we guarantee to be the best and cheafK'st tlme-ketqK.*r that Is now in us- In any pari of tns globe. '1 he w »iks are In dot ble cases, La dies’and Gent’s size, and are beautifully chased. Tbe cases are made ol the melai now so widely known in Knrope a* Aluminum Gold. It has tbe exact color of Gold, which It aiwajs retains ; it will stand the test of the strongest acids ; no one can tel) it from gold only by weight, the Alumiuutn G.»ld being 1-10 lighter. The work? are made by marbinery. same as the well known American Watch. The Alumii urn la a cheap metal, he tire we can aflord to sell the Watch for fa and make a stnal: profit We (sack the Watch safely in a small box ami -end 1-- by man t*» any part o! the t . S. on receipt nt ft :> ; lU.y cents for (tacking aud postago. Address all < rders to V. 1U2KOKK8T A CO., 40 & 44 Broadway, N. Y. tiov?<-3m *t\ and Abiding Value. Wrlt- ..I (••-) i.t'ogicai stand point, tt shows how -'Alan - wurRir: < o' his most rinngorons designs, ItoougU a wr- i:. 1 ri tu»n of certain ot the baser (issilnns Theitii or'ui.1 •>tibj».cts discussed are handled wli the utmost r.. tc»r>, yet witti such force and direcUitss tb it w.ere 1-:,' t;. »Uk;ug the author’s mean tig. 'I ho work u irom tue pen of one ol ourabiust Phys cim.s »: il <• '"i.a. Pro t-s.tis, a> d deals dlrwt.y wlih gr»a.t e\t - tr.nn w! . i» • • • r:t..r phjslca! and mi ral degredatioii. sot Kid’-' •: I nd duiuesilc Infeli city; Uut in tact, an* f i,,, ng the very f«»uueattot.s of boc.etr. Itls well »n.cnlatr.t »♦> p < ».nr-- « (troiound Impression and to no uoop. Just prop *rfon as it Is read. 41 sample pages, win tircu trs. giving pnrticu tars, stvit frta. C. h. VaNT, Publisher, M \\. Kourtli st..Cincinnati. jan. Office State Agricultural Society, DKCKMBBH 79. 1870. ral tiocie fi's »re MituliMl Uv.tllls unimr.ant that U»sy should hold tneir meetlius ax early ts(»os4h)e, tor the election ol Ucli A itis tt* tbe Tid February Cou* vsutton, 1871. of tbs State Agr'culinrat hociity. The natnti* o> DoUg.ites shoubl bo sent lorward LmmedUtety tt* this otllee, as. uiider tbo agre«muut with tbe Ball roads, the Itcktts rr.nst be tilled t*nt here with names of the Pthgres. and then sent to the bnpcrtuteudmtts l«*r their sigi.atures, a. d by them for- waruod to tbe Delegates Ti e procts* requires time, and immediate action »u the tart of r.<ui.ty N>elstiea is required to innito tno timely ree* !pt of tlckeis by ad Deleg»tc». U. W.LKWI8, 8 ersury. RAWBONE STANDARD GUARANTEED ?oa ms, MANUFACTURED BY WALTON,WHAHH&I WILMINGTON,DEL.' I— — l, A FOR 6ALE BY 2Sr£? s *- HERW « FACTORS/ WMlssiou MERCRf L^sysTA, GEO^ CHARLEBT We AGAIN OFFER TO THE PUBLIC THE Or eat Fertilizer WHANN’S RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE, Which h&a Given Such Universal Satisfaction! During the Paat two Years. We Guarantee it Yqual in Quality To that Previously Sold by US AND OUR AGENTS, NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SCHEDULE GEORGIA RAILROAD V. January 77, 18T1, the PkMtn- a- f*i:vw- . r •> Aii.r 'UNDinixcrmn.) O 'l snd afL ger tralns Leav* A v. Leave Atiautx at. ve ^ A nv -a Arrive nt A ■:\t % . -:r0 A. M .7.31 A. M ..C..0 P. M ..6:VJ P. M \ TEA IN. Leave Auiru* t. •.* 1 'ii P. M Leave A- sola a! X1VP. M Arrtvu at AtiiiL'A I..40A.I1 ATilrs at JL^izas. ; >i A . M \jtT Both Ds./ tcA Nig'.t Pat-vug* r T r * i - w. ujak« o-e < OLIJ- Ml'm* *1' -.Tgj-t.1 at'l At.aLta w.th paeSA.-L- ger train* o. ciulw. mg rr»v:s tW Pa-sftturer- from Al’arta. IWw ana other stationx ocricqrj-ta uavruad. r'ytzsrsgtcc down Lmy Uon, at <’amak. . km-OLit- s*rr.“.J Brh.Vv.Vr Vv t-Lg r Train, alu i SOHEDULi; < >> MACON AN9 AUGUSTA RAILROAD. IJIO taH? * a *r. V it!, DArrAsar.vasa tba:: Leave A agosla u! L**nve Mrt'ja nt Arrive at Mio.ft ...... Arrive at A;*gicU . 7 73,1 tTI, betweau An ts urtniTs xrcrrTXD.) ^*a.M 7.1 P. M .. l^P.il Da7 Passerc-r Tra*’ r.= a at'il “ii i'-r« teavin : M . BT“ T- 7:40 P. M. nee ting :v X*~ Px* gw Tr».i I r a:-.:.— a: pjitt- (•:. t Kuid, w with traiL? lor toe Wtvt > K.. JuffN- SrrxapfT? r Georgia. Ha?c It, r B 1 C E | S55 Cash, Delivered on Cars at Charles* ton. $62 50 For Factors’ Acceotance, Due 1st November, Delivered on Cars at Charleston. $57 60 Cash, Delivered on Cars at Au- eusta, 865 For , Factors’ Acceptance, Dne 1st November, Delivered on Cars at Augusta. Delegates, JanVtf Bar Room and Basement TO HUNT. Immediately' anew Dcoit. open iior*.- WARTSOi ttao,* towllaiidrad OkMtaat P®«U Ad. Ohm n«x Post Offlc*. L. D, University High School FACULTY• WM M. JONRS, A. M.. Ktigllnh and Greek. Kl)WlN M. MDultK, A. M.. LatinH .d Grctk. JNU. A. KICUAliUfcON, A. M., MathemHtlca. T E H M 8 f Per Scholaftlc Month, in advance, t.’laai'ira 00 Knglivb & OO Contiurcut fee, per term . 1 OO Student* not take i t.»r e.«* time than on« quarter, and no deduction will bx made except in oat*ea of alck* uea*. Tbe Parntty in entering upon the ftth year of their en- terpri-e, (tr-’m'-e to au-uhi the rcjHTatfon thi* Inatuu* Uon ha* already gatned. ny carueet ami fsiithiul work. F**r lull (*arttculara vend for fatalogu*. jftPl— A. O. G-ARLINGTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. PraotiooH in all tlio Courts. IC^OFFICK—In Imtilluiihciii'* ai'artmenta, Whitehall ftri*et, oppoilte Jam*#' Banking l!oai*e. |an4ft-tf JAMES. L. JOHNSON Xanutattarer and Doalerjla Saddles Harness Bridles Collars &c Cor. Whitehall & Mitchell St’s, inlyl*- CABLE 8CREW WIRE BlIOTS AND SHOKSf UOTTOMS FASTSNKD WITH A SCREW WIRE. All tho Rage! FUH SALE BT AI.L DEALERS. Iwte-lm FOIL SAI.E IJV G )Y CAMP, Bowcnsville, Ga. M B DEVAUGHEN, Jonesboro, G&. WOOD & ROQF.HS, Covington, Ga. STILLWELL A PENTIC03T, Komi:, Ga. W I. HIGH, MaJison, Ga. W U UAYGOOD A W J RUSSELL, Alheus, Ga. A LEYDEM, Atlanta, Ga. CLAGBORN, 1IKRRING k C0„ COTTON FACTORS - AND - Commission Mcrclmntis, AT.” r. it r--o A. M , wi:i w t*j riDay Pa-ii-n- Wa-r.i g:o-. Eli a.. .:. coLi.ec; at AtiaLta JOB PRI'XTIA f-*" j A.rrlvol & Departure ol Trains j Western 4c Atlaatlt HjUIxoaU, »r«3H7 riLS«I5«M TEAIB—OUYWAJO. | Iyj,rc AtlantA-— 7:X P X i Arrlvw at Ccxttaaoo 2J0 J| oat riuxxsn nuuj—outwaad. ’ ftavea AtlxntA. -...-....*^.....6:15 A Arrive*a; CJialtAr.nogA 43Q p jg iOcojLkODanos raxai—outwaju). Wtm Atlanta fcio P. X Arr.rc? at Daiton U JO P, X vie nr rAMXven tulah—onraju>: r*:^cf Chattanocjfa •—•*•...*,....7:50 P X A: es it alaau. ^14 ^ x , ** DAT ?A*rsvexs T2AXS— OTWAJkO. K*t€» C1ia'.u.tooga A X Am tm 1: At mu 2U7 P X ACOOWODATIOX TiAlV—OrWAXD. Lesrr« r»a l vn; 4rfi0 A. X Arr.*^ *: Auaa 11:0*3 A. X c; torsi a BalJrotd, uat rrnevon nunr. CDiL’y, 8uid*r* Excepted.) AaififU.... 6:00 A. X ^ r - AtUtU 7:10 A. M Arr. • t at AuguaU P. X Arr.ve a; ALanu p, x jcest miusxa run, Laav» At*ana — rT.T^g- 3»TTl iirTei’. i-i-arx ..’-Ml A. M * ;T '?*••*• Wfrr • — • - v - - V3iA.lt Atlanta * »Mt-I'oLnl UaXLroad Jit fiud<d raan—ovttaxs. ^ ^ 7:5S A. h ‘ a: Atii Poll.-. Lt*p M _ sar Faacnaaa raaia—cmraao, Wi.r. P.x: P. M irr.utxutu 53sp M xmhv raxunr 15U raataa.za—otmraaa. AUXCU 140 p w Arrive X. Weei For_l UXjO p. II527 raarnHT us raeeu.aa—onraan. Lte*eWet; Poi: fc® a M laao A. M Kaaon * Waiters Railroad. r t .* w ft jew* ol ted after Jtzxtr7 ATLANTA INTELLIGENCES BOOR AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, WHITEIIALL STREET. X U il GREAT SOUTHERN oanAinr;! WE INT1TE THE ATTENTION OF OUK FRIENDS and the Public generally, to our complete and extenaive JOB PRINTING OFFICE 2t.. ATLANTA AN D ALGCSTA, — TO- CharlcetOL, Co'.tnMs, Cr.L-.Diic, FtT.c'.rfc, WiinixgioL, WCidOL. Ki'-hmo-iu, '* i-D.Ex’iot.lia.tuaore, Phi.iade.puih. a:.c York. TUB EATING H . V :./• thor* ouguiy overhauls J :oiif.-.c. ;jue giver, for Xeaif,M regular tear a. COND {FI: TO HW Oc th.lv Lice ire ASsV.e tzi Ooartccai to raHengerf. NO CHANCE OF CARS B.tween Vf»it Point, 8a,, ari WUmlngtOB, *,C. QUICK TIKE AND SORE CONNECTIONS VIA CEORCIA RAILROAD. P ASSKSeKif ear.; - Throush Tlrk.lt and naveiit-.r LA*,.*.*.<<R .cecaed laroajb Irora .■n ‘uieoni.rr, Co. FOUR DIFFERENT ROUTES DAT riiiutit vi rial :DaLy, except SiLdiya. A -7z° *'• » Our l&dlitiee lor Executing the General P.'tn : a--^.u lau i. a ket nm« ruiijsimia-aiar B ((AND JOB PRINTING, p.*' L" • . — ;i.uc a, X are as good as that ol any Oflce in the wan try, 1 I Arr.tt Atxcta <S>A.M W. H. BKuSStiN Mafter Tvarnortasoa. Traavportagoa Ayrat. eel*, ’I.tnpUU, >a*hrllle and Chat- tauoouea—Atlaula Railroad Line. i-lS.AH A.rr'rr* s*. • n»TLtC*Xrj-i A-' «h-. Nufr. ,; 1*5 A X s» W A X 1*5 P X ::.s-= a x it. t? r x n.15 P x ^*45 P x L*5 A X *1.20 A X ..** 4.3*1 A X '* 10 P X \j.Vj P X 7-X A X h&vicg rec4?Li‘.y sdae-i & iaigi lot of new , modem. trr*es to our already EiknsiTC Ec'.-ib- ' - - jj SI, L iiilimenL t« Via Auaru-ita Via K - oVir* ar . 4 W. ra-..-• lone az.d Hah'-ta ; v * raoud; v.a A'-b: Angur'wa. LIlo. Oeorarla- r *• ColuaV.k, Char j ;.t . e and Kith* Wuningtoc, and liay Fare as lew Uy Aapsta as any oilier Rente. PASSENGERS wishtnc * J go North v y Sra vr. U&k Bp.end'.d Line of Si*--.ra«n t'om * Ln: r.. c*., tc tiaitunorf, PL..ade:rh... H a ttd New i.'ri. THE CHARLESTON STEAMSHIPS Offer every InduCener. to Pawcrxcr*. vr ; ta TsD.c# fup- plied with every thr Nor Jterc ar.cl v.'uar:e»- Iol Markets rati afford ; and for ukfety, vpred and oomf^rt, ar« UN RIVALLED ON THE COAST ! PT Ttrouch T.ct* •- on fi'.e a: Y or. icon cry. West Point, and A vac la. ;o N«-w Yc rk r.a . nar.e*:oi, >:oan- »hlp$. A KOHKrfT, Genera, Ticket AreuL Goorgia ia:.road anr — A Rare Chance for Investment. SAVANNAH FLOUR MILLS AM’ Al'CTKIX, CARDS. Business, l Visiting, Railroad, Wedding, And Every Other Kind, Plain or Colored, At Pricesltosuitall Check Books, Draft Books, Drav Receipt Books tt M.m COTTON STATES LIFE MSURAM COMPANY Prim ipal Office—Macon, Ga. Avi.-r.rfd O- SI.000,000 .a-c»-:u f 500,000 Ho:...*■ . f 1J0.000 TO THE PUBLIC. Y -- -, ind Blank Books, ol ct and biJund on the most the neatest style. ry ufiecr.f'licr, pr.^'.o. fsv'-r^ble iertnv sn 1 . in Tx c g a 1 I ? 1 a n k s , SheriTs, Ordinary’s, Clerk’s, Msgistrste’s, s: .1 Lsw Blanks, 0! every kind, Printed on the Bef. rsper, sn-d st Lew Price*. Orders £r--r thi country prc-mptly tiled. . s ij-:i x.f ; ii. c.-etij i;. *-•- r >^* •• Lht .ani. 1: nas iM.-'d - - r' 9 '- * :nc?ea.«:r* .n I’UNDITU WES J su^-a-Cv e. j s LOSSES art ; war f .... culled to Geonfia, St: • , or- i:w oUcr ,> AA.S tfi J. WAX. J. MAG1LL. St*P*T AGSSCUtS. By LAMAR & KING-, 1 Prea *“' ^ 7ir * ta “ s Wor ' | their -'w: inleres:, as ■well as ours, by g:riL£ Anctio Book Printing. All who sppredsie the importance o! having - - their work done on New Type and Gox! j cn, will consul'. their own interest R. A, TOON & CO., rxrrrtrks or Brooms, and Dealers in Produce bi UttOAD HTltiiJCT, NASHVILLE, TENN. p > .-i —;. * »; lit jcvncniM. errs. Eroiers and C: M EIU a AI’OI’STA, 45 A, Jan29-04w2m CHARLESTON, S. C. Newest Grand Austrian State-loan L O T T E It Y , GnaraiitBfii and CoBtrolled 1? the Got- emment in the Amonnt of 1-20 Millions Florins or 250 Million France, which U to be repeld bj 400,000 Premium Prizes. _ oud month a cwmi drawing take* place, at * hleh W drawn Pn*ei of a Franc*. 10 a 4A\rt\ a 4*V Oft), 81 a MiO.OOO, ft) a Ittt.tkiO, ft) a .VX\ftV). 1*1 » 4UV,- otw, yd a >Ak 171 a 10,000, 852 a 10,0ft), 48S a &.ft», etc. til ft* rrane*. tho lowest Prlac. The 17lu of one Share !• 5 Dollar* •• ** Five Share* 1$ ft* “ •* •• Rlcveu Share* U . . ..4«l ** *, u Twenty-fear Share# te S) " gned Pankln ( fhrthoet t'oontxlea, Sauk Mercantile (dare 1r Snrope. List of the drawing* arr punctually delivered (free ol •xi*n*e) to •-•ry Shareholder a* *%K)n ae the remit of the drawing t* known. The IMsee falling to the Lot* will be paid itt all Trane- Atlantic Oitlo*. ‘•.Jyln Germany. fWrorod by the chance. I paid to n, yhabecriber* Flr»t PH*ee of AX\,0iX\ *10,000, 150,(XX) and 100,000 Franc*, etc. Order*, with remittance*, will be executed promptly and under dtreretlen bv GuAKUBS llOLLR. Bavkl-.g House In Frankl.irtoi>*Ma1ni L Gcrmany,) Zelletrcct. No. 47, b^yo*lte the royal poet office, jnlyl7-ewrySunfim STOLEN—$IO KEIVAKD. S it ROM lh« •■tweribw Is D«K»lb wnty, oI«v.hi mil.-* : (Rna lh« diy ol Atltutt, on. Ih» l\«chtr.x- rws.i. > .run,binin>int.4jnndw*. HwMtt.tt.1. • UUI* hl^tholtw. Oo the brv»»l I* a un. oonul.xwj bj tvut. Abj UtlbtmuloB will '.w Uunhlu'-ly rM*lv«d bjr Um nnd.nl^oed wl the »b.r* nwird nolit. J08UMWAR1. Wv; : .l:' iti>u s f&ir lt.aI. f e -.tt.,- ! Tt i 11 II ends, Ere. THE SAVANNAH FLOUR MILLS O* 't corner U" . fr r.t Clt- and appa:;» •- tk-ug f Sarar.t.ab r v,*-. \ tor a c.>t’. :. -t. A- a be- J. MU d N* rv -e* won d p-» bev r rt'.ici-o: lorhv -eodlO: Jar.l« A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. In Ihc line ot BiU Hesd.*. !> -'?: lies' -r.t - cuIata, Direction Check?, we prepare •: ; heretotore, w ex,w.e as ne»t v«k, in j on ufsvoreble terms, as Any house in the Soclh, :b.- - : ud to pnATAntoe fvS nu.-A.Vrv. which is s hesvy Item to parties ordering large Jobs, as they telJorn get full number? when they order work North. Jr. i' IS* WANTED lr V ,ar.» tie Cmted SOU*, vs’MS L. V. DEFOREST d* CO.’S Aluminum Cold Jewelry. A -"7- *• vv f 1») y r<? 1 "'4«k faUlng . wi_ — - •*- :J Tiv -Hu’.utioa ol a. w *v- • ._.r .. -.A.* '.oe vxac: co.or. * ...i .••a- *, v .: -:a; .» ue u»: of **ae rtroegeat A. .. • > • .c-. .-. :r. ~ .>l j from wnga:— • . 0 * . : - i . *r L. V* i)»r. *.h.*T A L* . a.rr *t --*** U..-J g'KMs !*>: l-’.V) lh* , n. .. - • i } • ^ a o ao*: .iDcra. um* .. w ■- ' - r — *-*• aou ft* day*. We v» vgeui*, a fUL aod coaa- .. . * a*ow. cuaeiaung oi Brae**- . *. . . . - krc.: » v.Lam*. l s .xi*. K:lxv, '. * - ' -.:e. ter #:•-!>—to .v ;^..d * ir 'W.v lie .'.n. r f - : .l 50. V .• «A.t.. . » w.-^.Lg '.c .r:ct goods jaLd act as J.'V .•c.rViv-s* ± CO., 4C Jt *J Broadway, >*. Y. MARRIAGE GUIDE. |: f eru\» *r*tera, with '%•»•«’ arc. p-ervnlingot'.fp c. : so*' Thtf Ir aa It : r,-* . w • tvremv-f.»cr parr*, w . conuit.- in .. ' f .a:, : .«.>• . red **r coawmp at* : ■»*• --..• fUght -a tv or. ;er lock aud l ' at\w; the ron*e AtLlre?.* i)r. Bctir --u A l'r-.T.^re (Vcneat'-... o ’-be Marred or \ . v to ra tarry. or. the i r. prodadng ,n'.e\;ou.Jke. >. ;in B^-hih i LLoute. Mo. I#** Souce to the AAlcud and Unfartznata. 'g t « ’JU -« V, v K? W «dl fran* Hutie’V.ar* uvt . - wuat year di*oae< Ho tune^-dawlT J. II. SCHKOKDER k SONS, Old Whiskies, AVinos and Liauors, SGHRGEOER’S COCKTAIL BITTERS. Fourli aad Malu Suvets, LOUISVILLE, KY. To Showmen. In all kinds ot Show Printing, plain or co: orevi, such as Pasters, Procrammes. Hcuse-billsEtc., This Offlpe will be Found to be Super: rr:. anything in the South. Parti as have but to eai' and Kxamtae Samples so be conrinoxi. Booli lJiiuling. Every - Daaor.phon ot Binding and Ruling Promptly Executed iB any style doslrcd. call nt or Addrou INTELU6ENCER OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA., Vor Pried! or Estimates, tor every Oeeerip- tiou ol Printing. ’ April 1 DUPLEX ;$5 improved family ^5 Sowing 3Iacliiuo. A TivsaXrhi *:» aaCUANICAL bCLXMCX. •. r. * :.f '. a .- a::uac.ureu under tue raar : l..!?•: . : ’.c ; na'.o I'ltvtu, w.t* maay ^tmponacL i a r ilu VAasJ.r .RiprvTtfna-i.;*,” wtuch reader :l _ j. ,^rst.v; c- :u; *:««:«**, a aofti xaiMin 1::* * r. l a r.rv a: i^.'al and tor laarTT stmsjfU lot ;» ** ‘N-- sesau. wrftaftlUTT aau kL*wjuici,*ar« ; ;g,»- - every viic: X*.xue; it etlirv * or'^r.aai il iu ,, •/.. Uv>v» lo; u.f;.»ip» jlher* . , *». Htr - 4L4 txtrwMi'-wy aoo.yYcHJeut ol • r* :at c». •u-cuu-.tv w >.wVt* vn*a a tasli ; it t* per- . j\ v . , > *» atd rural % i Cl*4rt : .H.'ja... .. ,M.*. La v::c rw.’.nOic UL'riOJt »T1TCU. V h v* a a -- *•-•** k » *’*h eaee and ue^lcee*. I v . a k >* - *r rtiiuu.D, coaole or tickle; < ca: *»■■>.•'• • r * •» waat l* wanted by every u; * ..a- av . nc i xiv u* and the lud appro v«w r ..--.v? all Ihoee w&o have r**o e work* like a charm, audecw* : -, a. it ► w^at cwry family require*.”—New l -;,»o:c. “We uave vlalied ute **K-»x\.tou* a&u viaLL.Loa the mvCLVLe*, aud oronouLee then w*.i worthy of all the praUe dal mod.**—UJutraied New*. “ A great tr.uiut.a tu Xecuau.ca. 8c:eu-.e."—Chrouicle, Auausia, Ga. Mng.e XachUiee. a., com;'.etc, packed m a Dux, sect free to auj ;*art ut Lie coclitj i>j capreee, oa receipt ot pn:e. fo. de.ivery guara&ued. Ai^uiv wanted, l vrs n>bui*ihg ciua laduco- uieste. rtiaK. .N«lt rx ?? KY MAuliNM- . Y7 BKOADWAY N. ¥. uiaySl-wlv MRS. MARIAN SPAHR, ARTISTE in HAIR WORK' ILr- atui Stkivt, ir*m Pairs xxr Lore, W om, cation ot the Ladle* to her newly . vruich couibiuo* the adracuge - with uut ol atung the b-Nug readily adjaatod oud of svtti*; very '•*■’ • » we»rvr • ’ v*nJ ;<rt < rt*; ..r.t * ao b . - , ^ARTIFICIAL HAIR WORK. M ,bort c,■»::«. »cj clL*:.csmpstiltoa. .!u*er !s • rr rrtev. Tao UftlMl as.-ket pries i*14 lot UL MA.N UAlL MglSSOIloU