Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, February 09, 1871, Image 2

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Tn* Ten rffron Kutnai It ia rumored Uurt •on, of the Sown. Home. Beem—h, wUt»lw>iUy open the Nellooel Haooh, ftbentljr V,-t#71. Agent of Meteer UoW«- ’ Uuoogh .jrotir < mm ■ Si >to been granted by — i t ideal orthe tenner, Col A. J? Whlttt VraUm ot 1 hope lo obtain similar fav 'rs oyer the other Hotel In thii city. toBt to the 8Ule -when I hm an oppormntty rt nwhlag application lo their rrtgtcUre , ‘ ,T ' V ' ,w BHik or a* Old Herekaal af Aiaiwta, Mr. Thomas Sweeny, ter many years a promt- • nsnt aarehshtot Attgnsts^died st his rcstdenoe in that dty on Sstotdsy night lsat. Aaatfeer laddta Beats. Ki, W.D. Uaccaw, a citizen ot Macon, was found dead tn his bed abotit P o’clock. A-it., Monday lut HU phyaician attributed hi* death to congestion in some torn. Dr. Bleks aa “«t Steal Ylr*In«» Dr, Htcha, late ot Charleston, 8. C., now ot y^w., Os., deiinrad in the latter city, on list Thursday night, a lecture on the character ot General Lee, which is pronounced by the pres* to hare been the finest ever delivered in that city. It was delivered in behalf ot the Lee Monumental Association, and will be repeated . in other cities of this State. Dr. Hicks is gifted with rate powers as an orator. ■sssssSs wtidiliiaifa art Krai - Order oi Circuits with the number oi cam , tresn eschi t i.M»•••>••»i»•. Ctreatt., ......... j ijiioli’ M '* ! A'Sm ttern C ala Ctreatt ilUhoochee CtrenU. Circuit.* it**, ••seas sesiseO ClrCQlt ea%aeaeessa.il i .Sah.eehhf eaaase.fl- CtrCttUeast a .>*♦.. M !**••• •* • »•».«•♦«>»*• >«aa.».*...aa»aa*a.M*atuaaaiam«IUlU;l. St* Lovli. We have on our table a pamphlet ol 188 pages, bearing the title : “ Si. Louis, the Future Great City ol the' World.” It ia the work ol X, o. ReaTia, Esq-, and is pnblished by order ol the county court. The author, U he has not established the claims oi St. Louis to the pro phetic title which he has adopted, has certainly shown that its advantages and prospects are superior to those of any other city oi the West, tnd guarantee a grand tutors for It The popu lation ol St. Louis by the census ol 1870, is 813,000. Situated upon the Mississippi river, with a vast network ol railroads converging to that point, it is obliged to command the trade and commerce ol a vast and fertile region ol country. The pamphlet before us states that there are twenty-four distinct trunk roads converging st this dty, nearly every one ol which is built, or under way ol construction, and not one will be abandoned. With this number ol railroads, and the “inland sea” washing her docks,hen naft of transportation will be almost unri valed by those ol any inland dty in the world. Every day tarnishes new proois ol the growth of this region in wealth and population, and of the truth ol the remark—" West ward the star ot empire wends its way.” We rejoice at this prospect We long to see the day when the political power of the Govern ment shall be trans'erred from the East to the West, and no longer be controlled by New England ideas and New England interests. That day will surely come. officers. The officer* of the University have opened here under favorable auspice*, and the prospect* are encouraging for the future. The people of thto flno old dty are lolly aware of the good thing which they have in prospect, aa eooo as removal ot the University shall n&ve become an accomplished fact; and they arc determined to meet tally the responsibilities which their nhw acquisition will Impose. You once (olourued in this beautiful city, and know the excellent character ol its population, so that anything in their praiae would be entirely super fluous. 1 have been meet kindly received by the comm unit y generally, and would make tpe- ciel mention of the country extended to me by the young and urbane proprietor of that first- dam bote*, the Brown House, Indeed, to give von an .idea ol how well the agent ot Mercer University has been received, I will simply eav that it it similar to the cordial greeting which I always receive from my dear and coerisbtd trienda to Atlanta. Fraternally, H. C. Hobsady. BHWDtvnnu ffi’rihtrn Otreatt * Circuit" ittdiie Circuit Oenuigw Ctreatt... Ewnro Circuit. 0 ...... » ..to A joint motation was pMt*d«tamifi| th* daty an articles sold M fain for tho benefit oi tho French. , A bill to establish a national «ystem ol odn- catfou was'discussed without notion. .Ad journed. BENATB. Trumbull reported a Joint resolution, that Hr. Mtitsr. fram Gcorglaibe stated upon tab lug the oath sdmloiatorod to him, and asked iu OfSoial Advertisements Edmunds oblected and it went over. Opinion ot Attorney-General Farrow. We have received, under the frank ot Hon. Marlon Bethone, a pamphlet copy of the “ Opinjoa ot Hoa. Henry P. Fajtow, Attorney- Generol*! Georgia, on the law governing the iiioing of certificates ot election to members ol Congress.” A letter of Governor Bullock is published with the opinion, from which it ap pears that he submitted the case ol Hon. Nelson Tift, member elect from the second DUtricl, to the Attorney-General, and asked she latter for his “ official opinion” upon the question, whether tne certificate ot election should be issued to Mr. Tin or to Mr. Whittle/. The Attorney General hold* that the Gover nor, in determining that question should “ be governed aloDe by the regular and legal returns made,” and that it Is not competent lor him “ to go behind the returns, and inquire into the fair ness or unfairness of the election ; ” that the latter question is one for the House ot Repre sentatives to determine. It appears that the first question is raised in relation.to the return ot the managers ot elec tion for Sumter county. The return is admitted to be regular and legal in term, but two ot the managers, D J. Sheppard and D. Barwal, after they had pat their signatures to the return, filed with the Governor affidavits to the efiect, that they signed the same under the belief that their lives would be taken if they refused. These affidavits it is stated in the opin ion are supported by the sworn statements of other persona The attorney general comes to the conclusion that the facta contained in these affida vits nuke a case of duress, and that therefore the return must be considered as if these two managers hail never signed it; and that after striking their names ofl the return It is without the number ol signatures required by law, and therefore is irregular, and the vote of Sumter county must be thrown out. This is the sob- tUnce— the gist, of the Attorney General’s opin- • ion. II the statement of facts contained in this document is lull, and the affidavits which are published contain nothing further, then we think the Attorney-General has laden into an error in holding that they establish s case ot ctoraa. All the authorities. It we are not greatly miitakeo, require that the danger to person or lile, to amount to duress in law, most be immediate and present. The existence of a state ot lawlessness and violence in Sum ter, or a vague apprehension of perianal danger arising trout that condition of things, or threaisoi violence made at a distance, and at a diiUrent time, are not sufficient to render the return voij on tne ground of duress. This is a very remarkable case ot duress. It carries suspicion ou its very lace. It these managers were controlled by their ie.rt when they signei the return, why I* it that they have since sought to recall their signatures and thus vacate the return ? Have their tears ceased to control them ? Are tney not still exposed to the same danger lor this ac ? Unless other tacts are established in tbie case, we are bocod to believe that it is a trumpted up all dr, that it is only another attempt of the Radical iaction to deprive the people ol their right oi representation in Congress with scarce tne thaiow ot a pretext. . ■salasUts tn Savannah. The Republican (Savannah) says : “ Hugh, a bright abd interesting lad, sou ot onr esteemed lellow-cttiaen, Captain George A. Mercer, was among the merriest at the circus Friday night but soon after returning to bis home was strict ea down with a fierce disease which soon de veloped Itself iulo that terrible malady, menin gitis, and before the dawn of criiuday he was a corpse. From Nashville (Tens) Bauer, Tth. A Sudden Death. Dr. William Burdett, who resided at No. 839 Booth Uhetry Street, died st 8 o'cli>ck last even ing under the most peculiar circumstances. About ball an hour previous to his demise he had driven to the residence ot Conductor Ed ward Welts, near' the Decatur Depot, who lay very ill ol inflammatory rheumatism. Alter leaving some instructions with his patient he got into his buggy and started his horse home ward. Sudden death, like a stroke of lightning, over took him, probably btfbre be had driven more than a tew hnndred yards, and the late living, speaking human being, who a tew mo ments before had talked calmly and quietly, alter hla usual manner, to s patient and that patients' family, and bad even joked with a little boy whom he met by the street side as he entered his buggy, still sat stark and still upright upon his seat, the reins clutched in his hands, staring eyes looking out upon the street driving bomewaid—a corpse. Father of us sll, what was it that those who met that horse and vehicle saw in the face ot the driver that made them • hoddSr and burry on a little taster. Death lo> ked out irorn those liteless eyes.ind it was he wbn ^rjide.Ubejinkno.'s.iflg. horse prodded oe toward hi* late master's door,- and those who looked into tint vehicle tell a something awful and indefinable which made them shudder, per hap*, and hasten involuntarily forward. The horse drew up at the tamiliar hiiching-post, but no master descended, and he stood gentlv pawing the ground, anon jerking the lines, but he got no an-wer to these signals, however oit repeated Jf i tamiliar voice which had so often chided or cheered him in long Jaunta Then be pricked back his tars and lerked the reins a little harder, and listened, but there was no response, save the grating of the leather . oyer the dashboard What could it ail mean? And now sirs. Burdett looks out ol the window and cays, “ Well I de clare, the Doctor’s come, but w hy don’t he get out?” Bbe looks a moment, but be dneau'l -move, and she says perhaps he wants something, and then she trips out to the street, looks up into the hnjgv aod ssys, “ Well, William, what is it?” No answer. And then she beads lor- ward a little, aud the light shines fuller on the figure there, ft is her husband, but the face is livid and the e'es blindly staring. “ William ! oh Wiliiam !” and she grasps aim by the hands, still clutching the reins ; they are cold and slid. He is dead. Oh, awlul event, that to you, gen- lie reader, shad never happen, to have one very dear to you, lile ot your iite. ride dead to your door on a quiet evening—let us draw a curtain of solemn respect over that widow s sorrow. Through the assistance of several gentlemen, Dr Buidelt’a body was takeo into the borne, where Coroner Brim held an inquest over sx remaica. The jury retained a verdict that he came to his deatn Irom doe-oe ol the htart. Dr. Burden was an excellent physician and ves highly esteemed. He was formerly a reai- i.VJt of Nashville for several years. His re- icains will be buried to-mirrow morning by Smiley Lodge ot Udd Fellows, ot which ne w is a member tn good standing. Ksswtn tnicaii., Anuta » Wedseidax, February 8, 1871. Argument in No. 18, Fataula Circuit—Leu- ard, Trustee, n. Powell, Trustee—was resumed and' concluded. Col. Herbert Fielder tor lalntill In «ror, and Col. B. EL Worrell for defendant In error. Noe. 14, 15 and 16, having been previously disposed ot, No. 17- Hill rs. Bell—wss next called and argued for plainlifi. in error by Col M. Candler, representing Col. C. B. Wooten, and tor defendant in error by Judge R. B. Clark. No, 18—Harrell ft. Grimes—was dismissed because the bill ol exceptions was not served within ten days after the same was signed by the Judge. No.T9. Hawes it af, cs. Paul, administratrix. Was argued lor plalotifl iu error by CoL B. B. Worrell, and for delendeut In error by E. B. Beall, Esq. No. 20. Clark, assignee, et, Feagan, Sherill.— Was argued for plainlifi in error by Judge John T. Clark, and tor defendant in error by E. B. Beall. No. 81. Caatello «a. Csstellow, was argued for plainlifi in error by R. J. Moses, Jr. No ap pearance tor defendant iu error. Pending motion to dismiss N o. 33, Keaton w. Mulligan, the Court adjourned till 10 o’clock, A. M., to-morrow. A resolution that the Southern Outrage 'Com mltteq fie increased by two members, that It may alt during the session of the Benate, and report from time to. time, passed. Bill to pay Susan M. Shelby, of Mississippi, for cdftdtf taken by the United Btatcs forces, w$s postponed, ' The. balance of the day was consumed In the 8TATM OV GHORGIA. .5S8W£&S»-t oRDnutoi Hr hi* ■xoettemey, tks Governor, ttattheProclama tion issued on the Twentieth day ot Ortober, 1870, ofiet. tag a reward of On* Thoaaaad Dolan for the appro- haestsaaod diUvsrpto the Shulflof Meriwether *»“*>• tv, of Robert Reid, charged wl th the Border of Jack eta Retd, lahtrehr withdrawn. Given under ay hand tad eeel of oDlea DAVID O. COTTfNO, fkbV-dSUbwlt Hecreter/ of siaiST- BY TELEGRAPH. SXW TORS ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES. The Yorkvlile (tf. C.) Tronblea. The Columbia correspondent dl the Charles ton Courier, writes under date ot the -tin last: Any one wbo has read ot the numerous sets ot incecdiarum in the county of York, will not be lurorised at the position ol aflairs which recently attracted public altentioa in tba' county. Cpoo bis arrival there, Major-General Anderson, who Is s lioeral thinking man, found the people much excited. In addition to the numerous fires, the negroes, armed aod uadis c.plined, were parading about the country with loaded muskets, and the while people, with exhausted patience, were being aroused into reiiatance. He lound levers! hundred armed men in tn* ’-»r, and e-'-ry indication ol bloody i. b • v tV-n his arrival a con * -ot ,■ situation thoroughly in - „ i.ed. He Heard the complaints ol the wnue people, aod received their assurance that they desired an a oicoble settlement oi the troubles. General Anderson at once ordered the arms, ammunition ar.d equipments of th town company to be turned Over to the sher fl of 'be county, to be dep mited by him in a plsce Of security Tne Committee assared General Anderson that this act ou his part, U gether with their anl’ed and earnest influence, would, they be lieved, enable them to prevent a collision >hat at one time appeared so imminent. Otherwise, mey feared that no coansels, however honored, would he effective lo control the excitement oi certain portions of the people. To the mainte nance ol peace, the Committee pledged the almost individual tfiorts and those ol the white people of the town. 1 am informed by the G'n' rxl that when be left quiet and peace were restored. It will be observed that these troubles are but the fruits ot Governor cco’t’s ill adv.sed policy ia-t year of arming the colored militia and not the whites- a pdicy which has already threatened to plunge the country into blondaned, and the tsliaciot wbi< h, every good citiz-u is glad to tee, has been dem nstr.ted to his Excellency. IlQBr.tltUl MCKI.MAT IsCXSOSVILLE FbOK- rjjA—* have reached us ot » m'At hor rible and nrutiti murder which reccurred near Jacksonville l-.it Saturday night between the hours of eight and tr-n o’clock. ' It seems that Mr Faglo, who is the engineer ot Fairchild', mill, 'og. iher with bis witi, had been on a vi.it to Jacksonville on bu.inesa — When he returned he found his two hide girls, Katie and Fannie, aged respectively six and lour years, and hi. w ile's sister, Mira Itr.esna Carlin, aged twenty-two years, weltering in their blood. The tearful Clime hid beta com mitted with an axe, and the weapon was lound itlcking in the head of tittle Fannie, as the lay NOON DletPATCHha. WASHINGTON. Wasdihoto.v, February 8.—The Ecclesiasti cal Court, now in session at Chicago, has ren dered a verdict against Rev. Charles E. Cheney, guilty ol the charges and specifications com bined in the presentment His sentence is sus pension until contrition for the past and prom ises of conformity lor the luture, satLIactory to his Bishop. Hu ufiense is the ombsion ol the word “ regenerate '* in intant baptism, as re quired in the common prayer ot the 'Episcopal Church. The Massachusetts House ol Representatives bat defeated the bill opening.libraries on Sun days. The vole stood 85 to 129. Harry Steinway is dead. In the Senate, the House amendment increas ing the appropriation lor Outrage Committee trom 815,000 to 620,000 was concurred iu. A petition, with 1 500 signers, against Vance's political disabilities beiug removed, was reterred to ibe Reconstruction Committee, with instruc tion. to verily the genuineness oi the signatures, whole pages oi wuich are written in the same hind. The Hmso is on the sale ol the Brooklyn Navy Yard. NEW YORK. Nkw Yohk, February 8 —The World’s spe cial his a skeleton ol the Queen’s speech before Parliament to-day. She congratulates Parlia ment upon the peacelul relations and a pros pect of a satiatactory settlement ot the Ameri can question. She believes the Conference will result aatislactnrily to the signatories, and hopes that the armistice will result in peace, and is anxious to render friendly offices to that end. A decree was published at Bordeaux on the 8th, appointing Emanuel Drugo Minister ol the Interior Fifty railway wagons entered Paris on the 3d with the inscription, “ London Gills to Paris.” An insurrection in Algeria is reported. The Conietence met yesterday. Upon ad journment, assurances were given ot a peaceful solution of the Eastern question. NEW JERSEY. Trenton, February 8.—The lower branch ol the Legislature ratified, this morning, the 15th amendment tiy a vote of 34 to 24. FOREIGN. London, February 8.—The Telegraph has an account of the proceedings inside ot Paris to’ the 3J. Leieschuze, at a meeting in Casino, declared the Government was composed of twelve ban dits, who sold Paris. Disarming proceeds slowly, and will not be completed before the close of the arm ’slice. The walls ol Paris are placarded thus : “ Bas ies Democrats I ” The ultra Radicals repudiate Victor lingo, Louis Blanc and Rodin, and lavor Pigat, Leles- ehuze and Timaldi. The Turkish a'my ol observation is watch ing the disturbances in Romania, The road via Dieppe i« open. Paris is quiet, but there is great sufiering. The.ejections will probably result in the return ol the peace can didates. The German officials in Franca are ordered to abstain Irom their rigorous censorship ovir the press during the elections. Many suspended journals have resumed. The bombardment of Iieltort continues. District oi Columbia business, ranked schools wait discussed at groat length. Bmnuer strongly advocated the mixture. Carpenter advocated the mixture. Thurman argued as a friend of common schools, that the mixture would destroy them. Revels, negro, opposed the discrimination ; ho finds prejudice on account ol color very great in this country; fears it is increasing; be eeee no reason thereof; thinks it the duty of the nation to discourage it, because It was wlckid andhot approved of by Heaven, Executive Session—adjourned. The Senate confirmed Duval, Assessor, First District, Western Virginia. Brink, Postmaster, Wilmington, N. C. Great excitement over the canard that the Tennessee, bearing the Dominican Oommistion' era, was lost. It is regarded as a hoax at the Navy Department. Dcnard Rumley has been nominated collector of customs at Wilmington, N. G. Tho health of Chase is Improving, Rides out every fine day. The River and Harbor bill will bo reported to-morrow. It appropriates a million. FOREIGN. London, February 8.—O. D. Russell has been entrusted to sustain the French demand tor an extension ot an armistice. The ex ten slon is expected. The Times, in an editorial on the situation, says tho information Irom Paris indicates longing tor peace, The News says the Parisians will vote to-day in the entire dependence on good faith on the Germans. It la impossible lo complete the terms ol peace botween the assembling ol tbe Assembly and tne expiration of tho armistice when fighting may be renewed. It is said, con tmuea ihe News, in that event, German power lo overrun France will be most formidable. Carnot, commissioner ol delense at Norman dy, resigued. V»n Dertau’a army occupies most of Burgan dy. General Peiiiasiur evacuated Louis Le Saunicr ou the jlh. FtoRESTs, February 7.—The government insists on saiisiaciion just demands horn Tunis, and guarantees lor the ftitnre. NOTIOU, T OLLED before auu eetny on the Tlh dty of February, turn, by George Ureen. p o c, of lhe «o8tn dutrtet, O M, of suiton county, Georgia, one HMiPflH about lour tcarc out, With light day bana sides, and white lace, belly tnd legs, marked with a ewaltow-lork In each ear, amlauprataed by jamet L May400 and G 4 Watkins, treeboldere of laid meulctiU) ouwortkgU aud that It Is won* » cents oer day to feed her. The owner te hereby notified to appear before me, prove property, pay ooel aud expense, aud take her nw.y, etio eno wttl be euid on tM-proe.tiaa of laid Urove, the taker-up, about 8 mttes irom Atlanta, on tho Mayeon tad Tomer Derry ltoaa, on Friday, the Pith dayofPebruary. 187L JOHNT COOPKR, ftb9 It Clerk Court of Ordinary, Madame Detaobampa* HOKE IN It MOIMTMN GORGE Snugly eseooasd Is the wild* of ouo of the Middle Jtates, lived Madame Detachampe, many years ago. with no known proteewir. save a latthfa! dog that ever •food beside her to Aafend In time of need -Tier email. moao-coTarodjartila.^jwnajgiKiJ^wrtUt Ul ^ 1J 'J{] ) < ’'Jj" n JJj! growth? and afowly environed on the mirth ihd can by a deep, craggy ravine that led away bask to the moun- “urrmimiuirthe ambient atr. watted ftom nature’* green award dinging to tba mountain side, bathing her browInearty metin'*genU* dewdrnp, .he lived eoltumr aodateno for many tong tears. The catamount's un earthly midnight yell, and the wott's doleml bowl, Ire- guentiy aroused her from pleasant midnight alumberi. Now and then she would emerge from hor unknown home end mlnglo with tho Indahttante aronodi about for ono or two months at a Urn*, she was eccentric In her trome, Ttminpkrmtly'hed bni one object, and that wee therellal other aflflcted e«x. Dndor a bell oh the left »td«, contd be eerm an old fhahloned dirk of conatderabl* al»e. carried for her own protecllqp, wbtlo strapped scrota her shoulder waa euapauded a ca rious sack made from the The Bute of South Carolina—County of Oharleiton. Comellna J. Walker, Benjvl rata F. Kvaaa and_ Harvey j Court of Common Fteae. i-1 •trxKoaa: ' For Money Pamand. E. F, Glenn and J. A. Wright I Copartaera, aa Glenn A I [Complaint not 8ervod.J Wright, Defendant*. j Y OU are hereby eammoned and required to an swer the complaint in this action, watch has been filed In tne omco of tho Clerk of the Court ot Common Pitas tor the said connty, and to serve a copy of yoor answer on the ennecribcrt at their office, S4 Broad street. Charleston, within twenty uaye after the tenricuoi thia inmmens on you. exctufve of the nay of aervica. If yon dll to anawor this complaint within the time aiorea»id, lbs plaintiff will take lodgment against yon lot tho earn ot Ooo Hundred ana Ten Dollars, with in terest at the rate of seven per centum per annum from the seventh day ot January, oue thousand eight hun dred and seventy-one, ana costs. Dated : Charleston, 7th January, 1871. MAUUATU A LOWNDES, Plaiutifi'a Attorney. To the defendants, Gkuu A Wright, take notice that the summons in Uua action, of wnicn the foregoing is a oopy, wkal.ed In uuofficeot tbs Clerk of tau court oi Common Fleas, at Charleston, in tne county ol Charles ton. in Ihe male ol Uouth Carolina, on tne seventh day January, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. MAUttAm A LOWNDES, febS-dw No. 31 broad at,, Charles'on, a. C. SKINS OF BABBITS AND RACCOONS Amns«4 In tfternftta ctrlpM. TbU htg confalntd tome oldperchment, corlona rolica, * row Hunt fwmenli, aod % «tntflor tack couUlolngt counw power made irom certain roots known onlj to hortelf. tho secret of which •he clang to m with the tentdtj or d«*th. She Milled forth from her wild mountain home, to tet the Good PoitDoned Sheriff Sale. WILL be sold bolore the coart hoase door la JJ the dty or At anu, Ua., within tho Uwfal hoars ot tale, on the ifirat Tuesday tn March next, tho touowing property* to-wit: one two-oorao omnloua, formerly ran at the ten cent line. Lenta on as tne property ol Thomas omith Dr « » r . , ... . v.rtne oi and to Miitfy a 1 la issued iroui tue superior f Before dying. In a few year*. a» the comb Couitoi Muscogee county, t»a., in fator of William began to clo«e around her tottering tovr ▼•. Tnomaa hmlth. Property pointed out by plain- l®P*rt«d lhl< great secret to this friend, tifl ri attorney. phytfe," with which the proj»o»ed to cure all aflecLone ana derangements oi that organ, and kindred com plaints lree of tbarge. With such sluguUr mawte did •he reUese all who applied, .that within a few years her name and fame became known far ana wide, and hun dreds ol saflerlng females applied for relief and returned to their homes healthy and happy. Many were anxious to know h * ““ ' 9 ■ ware ofl ere ly refused. During her solitary life she became Intimate with only ono woman, a noted midwife some miles distant, to whoa sho promised to DIVULGE HER SEC.RET Fatal Accidk5T — A negro man, we tre in- !ortr.t«J, w i* acrid* ntalljr killed at Craw lord’s Siat;' n, on the M.*cqq A Wettera Kailroad, on Friday oiy til unUtr the following dreom- BUrcea; H.t wax sawing wrto<i for tbe railroasl and wa« running a itce with ano’Uki negro as to which cr.-uW saw the laauwt, wuen hla mw broke, ul«i two ot the teMh ot 'he mw fl .w up aod fctrufk hitn in the tilt iu-ier i U e left arm, cuttiog tu artery, and he L»i*-.d u, death before iuwijiaoce conld he obumed. lie w** formerly .* euipioytd aa ^ hand ou the road, out hed re , dt&d upon tbe floor. ceoUy btec uncharged, and ho ws* tawing , Around tue rack of Min Carlio a rope hud wood on tbe eight in q^estioo, alter bis day’s ; tw s »d. as il she bad frten itjacgied pre- roik oo tbe planl*itoo, merely lo make a little | t/j having been inargied by »**• extra change.— TeUgrapk & Meutnyer. In Marshall wunty, Mia., and elsewhere in tbe 6tates, a great quan'i'y of cotton still re mains in the field ungaujered, owing to the worthlmnu?» of tbe mgrrx*, who never had a better vetbou lor picking than la**t laiL Plunder moias to been the impelJiog cause ol ihe murder, tu* it was dlscorertd that the house bft.1 Un»robbed ol two hundred dol iar« and two gold watches. We w»re not iu.j>rmed, hat infer that there was no cloe to lh* ama-ina.—Hawna/i Jfvrn- \ng Sac*. KVEN1NO I)Ml» VTCMKH. NKW YORK. New Yohk, February 8.—Sam 8. Stevens, the Bangor, Maine, bind robber, micided In the Tombs. Albany, February 8 —John L. Lewis, and Horatio G. Warner, have been chosen Ib genU ol the University over Horace Greeley and l>. W. Bristol, by a party vote. nAsuciiusF/rrs. Boston. February 8.—Tne French relief land ia this city, r**Hch*s |>'r3,000. KENTUCKY. FRA-NKroRT, February 8—The Cincinnati & Southern Kail road bill was defeated in the Senate by a vote of 23 to 12. -Thfj Senate re- iuaed to reconsider the vote by the bame majority. WANIffNGTON, Wabhisotoji. February 8—nrmse—The Bro^jkiyn Navy Yard bill waa considered dur ing the morning hour, and went over without action. The bill lor the better protection of the Texas frontier, authorizing tbe Secretary of War to organize aod employ citizens, and appropria ting one hundred thousand dollars therefor, was considered. Mr. Lngun opposed the bill as giving employment to gentlemen on tbe Texas frontier wbo bad nothing else to do. It meant nothing more nor less than war with Mexico.— The blU was tabled-W to 54. MIDMGII r 1>1:-U.».SlTCII13«. NKW YORK. New Yohk, February 8 -A World special, dated LouJnu, Sin, I'bc German army will cnU*r i’.-tf 1.1 ou the: lOlh. Chanes At. S.vas*.-r, oi Louisville, Ky., died from * atieii wound iu Paris. FUUEIUN. London, February 8 - At the Lord Mayor's Uft.-ipic., in Gauliu jO-xturday, Cardinal cuilen nii . ne Caiuoiita claimed lueir Oivn uuive.sity au < »foUO*Jl ai IU«* pfe-eut session ot pa nameul. UttULtN, Fooriury 8 —The Miuiaicr oi Fi nance lu.fnuced ui tuc Prus-iau Giei, to-day, a mil minor z u*$ a credit ot’ oU.OOO.OOU thalers, G.OubUOO uiercoi to ue iu treasury ouuda, pay* uhte ou he 1st oi July next, l’ue .vnuiater iu lila remarks naenbeu as a necessity lor this credit th »t Uie uevv* empiro ia yet without cou- siuu.iouai reprcSchUtiou. ^ Vienna, February 8.—The ofUoial Gazette says mat the new AUsliiitQ ministry is thor oughly ui lied, and posaeases the Cajulideuce ol Ibe sovereign, i'. will give lair play to a.I legit imate proviiiciaiism, oui theie will be ho more coinpiom ae Wltn separatelom at the tXjHjuse ol uuuy. It will up.ioid the coueiituiioQ, out will prnjftjse no parliament enaction ol laws—par mlij ixiendiug the iegi Ulure admiuistration authority ot the empire, aud will introduce a bid providing lor a direct election and enlarging the ngm oi me demurs. The miniairy win oiler loUu.h opposuiou to all obstacles m the Way oi luj success. Dying Out—The late census proved conclu sively, What hasoileu been asserted in tueso cot- umuB, umi Hie uegro race iq mis country U slowly hut surely wasting away. The returns snow an increase in the number of negroes du ring the la.it decade ot about 3 or 4 per cent.— HiD, os it is slated, however, is baaeii ou the present poputMiou m tue Guit, or Colton states, aud does not memde the border States, and it n> not only probable, but almost certain, that this emigration equals the apparent increase iu the Cotion Stales. So it may safely be asserted that tho negro has becj stationary during the list ten years, riifttionarine-s in a race means decline. The negro race is dejlinufg, a tact which is estab lished not only by offlcitl tables, oui by the ob- tcrratioLia ot every candid and intelligent man in th • country. It is declining, Dot only in numbers but in intelligence and inora iiy. NotwU-hBianding the ne*rro has schools and ch.urclics open to him every where, he (hies not itteod tfie lormer, And a.i to the latter, he has converted Uuai long since into pltccs for prac ticing a worship he »rer akin to letiahUrn than to cbriattanity. We *nte what wc know when we my, that, a* * general thing, negroes Will not attend m h *ol They have a constiiutional averB i n to mvntai eilort, and cannot be per- hiindi d or driven to apply themselves to books. In tm*l :o>utii«rh cities theraac is somewhat d ilerenL The ireedmen schools are thriving, ih miiIi nol hv any means -o well as durng the first two jeari af er the war Tne common sciio j -yi * rn, |»r *. o-ed in this,and other Slater, will prove an abortion, bo lar the negro is concerned, and the only res ill of the experi ment will <>e an enormous dram upon the ux- pa>er-, and a con^ rpient waste, to no purpose, ot the r> oourres of me country. The fact is unrj i' Blionable. The negro race in iht* co.in»ry ih thing exterminated. Il is loU lowing the tooutepH ot tiie Indian, and he lore the commencement of the next century will nave c* dt-i d to be as element ot any impor- anc<* even in ihe rv»um. There is no way ol pr» voting t'lit thanks to the hypocrittcaf aud tufenh* ddiing Yankee, and his schemes ot pro* pAKuticg tin i-rni,” and enriching imn-elt at the expense <*l r*.—(J‘»lumbui Also, at th« tame time and place, a part of Inod lot No. 'ib. in ti o 1411 district of ortgiLAily Henry now Faiton county, us., in the city of Atmuts, tn wsra fl, lrouling on Pryor street flu feet, mure or ices, ana run ning bxcx 116 lost, luore or less, to an alley, tdsuce s:ong said alley b0 loet, oaring thereon a two aud a nan story >r*tne dwelling hou*e, bounded ou tne north Dy tho iCBiaeacc of 8. o. omitn, tu ihe toutn Dy Eawara Psreou s lot. Levied on ss the property ox vvimarn T. Newman ss Trustee lor Mrs Tauuna J. Power*, and Taoitna J. Powers tor purcnssomuuey, uy virtue ol aud ~ ' adhtiSflUtd Iroui Pulton superior Court, in or tun jN-.an a-tr i ti rsP-v-tnitomrs. Wm. T. Newman, trustee, Ac, Property pointed out by pialn- tid *s suoincys. ajmo, at tu** same time and place, part of land lot No. Si, in the Utu district. Too psit so levied ou is in ward 4, (routing m Decatur aud liuiltr eue<.ts, in the aty ol Aiisnta, Ga., couUiOiug .vtiiu* ol an acre, more or .esa, ana adjoinlug tuo properly ol atualt'b estaie.— unsaid lot is a one siory wood a#, .ling, in Wuicb the defsnusn 1 .now resides. Levied ou (b tne proourty Jas. uunatt, Iras tee lor wiij. to saiia.y s na.o a u.» coeu ty tax 0 la tor Uis tax lot tue year of 1b7j. Hroi*eriy tainted out Dy soon si. Ma.weit. r. c., reoruary *>tu, tell. J. O llAU.U-i, on>.riil. tetK^-tds Printers feojt’i iu per evy. <• KOliUIA, PlCXKMS COUBTT, Conrioi Urdmary o. ^l.keus county, liromia, mi flrsi rcji ilar 1 oral i ter ide exp r.»uuu ol one uioait (rum tals u fUcti for nave tu s * i tuo isvivl- DUougiog v*. e u*l .or Ueirs ol W. tl. uoid »u, uo«:e*eed. .ate ol raid uuiy, doceascu, lor tne b.-ual oi a«ui lumurs J B iiU’ibo.'i, Guardian, lanVo-wrtm o. Joseph b ana w..v. uornon. GEORGIA, Fatxtts County. Coubt or Oadinaxt, December JQ 1870. Y*OIIN R08U having applied for the OuardlaasDip ol O tne person ard prop, rty ol Mary Frances Lan- orain, minor child ol Jepvtia Landrum, deceased, I’his is, tnereiure, to •jotify «U persons caucernod to flic tneir objections, If suy they have, within the time pres ribed Dy law, else leasrs will be urained tne aopll- caut, ou the Hr st Monday la Feoraary next, as applied tor. DaVID C. M1XOK, Ordinary. »anl—-40d l^rmtar's («•• S4*fln Bhe too galnod quite a reputation for relieving the suffering of her sex, and strange it may appear—she glrcoiyercr failed to core those old chronic female M plaints that had resisted all ordinary modes of treat ment. Many ynars ago, the writer of ibis, while en gaged In tbe practice ot medicine, by a little strategy, succeeded lu procuring the socret ot Lbi» wouudcrial vegetable Regulator, which had never been known lo tbe Medical Profession. He gave It a fair and impartial trial tn tbe treatment of various forms and stages or fomsie compl'iints with suen decided satisfaction, that In IcvJO he caLuo public auentlon to lta vinavfl m Gross' Medico Cblrargical Reriev. Combined with other known vegotab’eTonics, having great power over tho uterine organs ; with Black Hoot to act upon the liver and bowel- and soluble «itrate of Iron to correct tbe bl»»od. bs 1ms formed a wonderful Combination fur the<'ureof ail Female »’omplaints, con sidering it ibe . nty Female Regulator Jknown aud now oflers inis valiabie compound to the ,afllicted lemalc, under the name of ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS. Deputy Sheriff* Sale* for BUrch, 1871. W IlL BE auLL), beiore the Cour -house door, In the ettv ol Atkuta, on tbe flrsi Tuesday In SMnh next, wuhlti ho legal boars of aa.e, the follow* i. g property, to-wlt: Ai tua. tract or parcel of land lvln? In th* city of AUauta, aud anown lu tue plan of said c ty as lot No 114, fronting lbu foot on Walton streo , an ; ru m*/ dfox tbe same w dth to Luckie siree%con al itng three- oUito- of au acre, more or lea*, being part of land ot mo 16, tn tho Hth district of orlgina ly II mry, now f alton county. Lavud on as tbe prop* rty of K n aar- •een by virtue oi ana to satisfy two fl fta Hsued Irom G jidon aupenor Cour; -one In favor of Wiloy, Bangs A Co., and one in favor ot o«car Unoci^mau, vs K n Bassctu. Also, at tho same time and pises, part of land lot No 71, in the Utu district of originally II *ury, now F11 ou county. Toe part so levied ou is in ward l, block 5, of tbe city I Atlanta, fronting 4« fe<t o . Droid sireA, and running back the same w'dlb 7> feat. On said i-.i s* twi>-BUjry brls« store boase. Levied ou as tho properly of -a. M. Psrksr. by virtue of and to satisfy a fl ft 1-sutd from Fulton dunerior Court In favor ol Loais Me .*tn vs A M t^rksr, Properly painted out In this fl fa Fearu ry fltb, 1871. A so, at he aauiu t.me and place, a city lot In the city of \uanti, front ng 10 > feet Ou tb • «.,uth - d- of Fair street, au rauulng ixrk the same width 2 ,V f*et, being a part of iand lot No 6J, in tbs 14t« district of origins ly Hei.rv, row Fulto-i county, and i>d)oiulag th property of Mitchell %u1 o*hir*. Levied on nv vir tue of aud to SAtisfr flf i ls»u d from Falum Super or * tv'r >n ia*or of WUBam Jenumga vs Hon«rt Oiaw- fard, Trustee lor Sanva Bolin, Jauuary 31,1871. f l*o, at tbe same time and p'ac-*, oue-eigbtb Interest Inland lot No 140 lu the 14tfl dstrict of origfuai y Henry, now Fulton county; « ’d land iy ng north *<f tbe Gr-jen Ferry roaJ. iscvied on as th«i property i f C if tlopkins by virtue of and to sjttisry a fl la in lavor of Mary Mcicln y vs U H llopuns. i.evy mad by J K Thoznprou, L. O., and h&ndcd to me tbu 7.n of Jabuai r 1871 aud nay presses* levlolonas tan pn perty of R. | J ‘lu*i" anu James A. Wrlabt bv virtus o aud to satisfy mechanic s Met fl fa isaued from the Ful'on Hm<ertor Uou’t In lavor oi Willi <m -Milomon v«. R. P. Wrl *nt and •James A Wright. Property paiuud out in tms fl U January 18. IS7I. Also at tbo same time and place all that ‘rtet or par .N e\v A.dvertisemp »ts. f«EOHGM, FAT?rrs * ountl. Ohdivauv’s Or»ICS. February 1,1871. J OHN J. on.lift {T. ^dnilntsiraior of me (’•late of «1mj M IM k-rif, ipjceaa* d reu*ef<*rtis. In bis petition o j!y n • a, tbn b 5 b»« lul'y dischaeged nta said trust . tetM.n« ...te rted are hereby notlfl d to be and •PP- ar at nv with in the time proscribed by law, ui -bow ruc>, it *:,y v.,ry ran, wnv said adiuinlstraP r iB*Cb*vrK*id ir »in said vlmisistra Ion. and • n ibe first Monday in mINuk, ordinary. ft 1/i 4»wl Prin'er** B4 Ad bis pci tlo •a’d treat This Is. il*vefore..p> notify all persons eoncerned to 1>e a d appear at my offlev, 4 wit bln tbe time prescrib«Ml by i*w, lo snow cau’e, tf ar.y they can, why *atd vuar- dlan should not b*? fi’ccba gcd from bia said guardian ship and re e: vm letter* of dismission, on toe flrsi Mon day in May next. DAVID U. MINOR, ordinary. -Printer's At o. t of ian‘ lejna i nd ot: .irtsuglu thectyot Atlanta, and kno«uin •f paid city as cuy tot No, {N .> bemg part of 84 iu tbe Uib d st-ici of origiuaily Henry • owKn t ne.*uu«y. levied <»n oy vir'u<j of ao.l toon. i§>y ; fl fa t-savd rim Faitoo ^uper.or court in favor t,f Cox St Hill va A. C. H-g<ini and J. 4. Richmond Pro perty pointed out oy pia miff a attorney, February 3, ia7t. Also, at the same time and place, a city iot, in tbe city of atlanu containing one acre, more or less, sltuaud n the north side of Marietta street, near the Oglctnurp nate.i on ths oppoaite side of tbs street, from tbe prop erty before described. On said lot la one framed build- ir g, two small wood buildings and ono small brick build ing ; all used as shops by the Atlanta Ac.d Fertil s ng Company , Also, one hundred carboys of sulphuric acid: rlxcaaks of ran take ; iwcntv nine packages of ma;stool potash -all in the i«tb District, o! onglually ornry now Fulton county Levied on aa the property of •tlrnn & Wrighi, b> virtue of and to sstlrfy iwa lien fl faa issued from the Fuitou Hnprrlor Cotnl. one In fa vor ot A o Dodd, anu oue lu favor ol ti (i ciaik vs (ileun A Wright Ptoperty pointed out in said fl las February 8<1, J«T1. Also, at the some time and place, one hsndred (too) acres of land kn No V4. In the 14 District ot origiuaily Henry now Fulton count,. Ua , Douuded aa Piitowa . < u the norh by a ilnams, south by Cauol, east by 44rl(Qn, west by Maugum. Levied on aa tbw property ol K c Meoiey by y.rtuH of and to ratlsty tou fl fta, Issued irom a Notary Public's Court ot Campbell county, in favor of It 11 Walton ts B U Mobley and T H Williams Levy made oy Manson Btroud and handed to we this ad of Ftbruary, IMT1. A. M. PMKUUoON, f. bb-lds lleoaty Aneilff. Printer's foe fa flu per levy. ®The Medical Profession at large, have long felt tho ne**l of such a medicine, consequently It ts not st»ango that they so eagerly prescribe mid recommend these Bitters io their female patients If yon coa.d seethe pile of smiling sp-.novals and en comiums Irotn physicians and tbo public * h«* have cured their daughters, their wives, ard their friends, hy tho use of these bitter-, no sickly female wouul he-iute to use them. This Female Regulator is adapted lor old, young, married or stnglo females who are affected with acute or chronic f rtns of Uteilnc derangement* They r.u-o palniul, suopreosed, scanty, nrofnso or irregular Menstruation, Chlorosis or Greer. Sickness, Flu r Alims loins, sIck llmdtche, palpitation or flutter.ng of the Heart, hurried breathing, swimming oi the bead, coid Feel and Hands, loss of Appetite, ir.digest t n. torpid Liver, Melanchoily. Nervousness, Wsguiulness, Barren- oiss, physical Prostration, etc. Many ol these are r© loved by the use of only one bottle. THE LIVER AND STOMACH Arc thoroughly aroused and restored to a healthy action, by the u-e of these BtUera. Its peculiar Iron und Vtvo- Ublo f.iinbinat'on. pl»ces It far ahead of any similar preparation before the public. Female*, after confinement and convalescents from anv debilitating complaint, who remain weak and fee ble, with little or no appetite, are at once aroused and strengthened by their use. A# a Family To lc lor mon, women and cnildam. it has no equal Ode taoleapoon- lal contains more medical prop.-rt.es, than one Umle of any ot tre common and pleasant “ dilate alcohol ” bol ters. to bii found ail over tho country. When the manu facturers of ths common beverage- of the day say they cure a l dtwtaea, they well know they are • pulling tho wool ouer your eyes, and >anga at ymrsiupidi y in bein2 so easily bumuasg.-d wh.Mjover toe art c.e smirks of wntskp. If you really desire a va’uable Iron and Ve getable Tonic ror yourselt ana family, one bottle of K . F f B. will last longer and d > more good than one dozen of the ordinary *• grog shop ” bitters, as one ubbrspoon • fuiln water, is sufflclentlor a whole famdy. As A FEMALE REGULATOR, It has no equal on this continent, acting powerfully and promptly in ad ca*««, where no organic leaiou exists — It l« Jd-t the medlciOH for youo r girls, who nave some dlfllculty in rutslntug tbe bloom on tuo check*, and who do not foelax«ci*y ngb*. For the mother at tba ** change of life.” it soothes and quiet* unt l the critical period is passed, aa sweetly aa If enjoying ths brightest beams ol opal rav, fl-tt1n«» through the air oriental climes, The medicine la sold at the low pric ♦ o< SI &0 per bottle, or six,for B8, and can be had of all drug ^tsu and merchants throughout the country. Address J. T. DUOmuOOLB A €0%, I»rp»s, Memphis, Teuu. leL94M O N and a'tertbe 10th da. oi Ma’eb n»-xt. the U/»| Ads rllstrorn s froei ibe hbvrifl's fflee. Fulton count? will be published in the Atlanta Hon, February hth. Irffi. # fehV M J* 0. IIAUUUr, Hhsrjfl. libel for_divorce. MART K HODMEH, I Lllwl (or Dtirorce In Fnt.jth «. VSnpnriur i.'ourl-Anun.i Term, JOHN W. UODUKS. 11910. Kate lu period ..tTlcu, I T appearing to the Coart, bj the return of the Mhorifi. that th. ft.’.nrt.nl doe. not rmtdo In th). coanly, end It farther sppesrtnir that he does not rr lu ;hie mat*: It!. on motion of coau.el order that _ drfendeateppear and an.wrr »t the n.-it terra m Oil. Coot, el o mat ihe caee be eon.lde-ed ledefenll, end tne plaintlfi allowed to proreed. And It le farther ordered, that U» Hale ne publlehod In the Aitiou fnteUiecncer aaee * month for loar mooib.. «. K. KNIUllr, J. H. C. A tn* extract trom Uu mlnntre, Aiuuet Term, itm). J. T. Iiaowa, Ulerl, Jut-oaetw primer'e lee | DR0MG00LE & CO.’S BUCHtJ. ttertetand chwwet eorablnatlnn for all eOertinn* of the Kidneys and Bladder s?sr offorod to tbs public. proloMlon^* bl n * aUU Vihjeltiu. end need b/ th* Price It.'orelxhottlM for $fi. Hold b, DremfleU and merchant* everywhere.^ aovlfi—dSweodda , P. DUOMOOOLB * 00., M*apkla,T«H%