Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, March 30, 1871, Image 1

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“MtHOB CKArtEh TO UK DANOKHOUB WHKN HKAdOH its u&V i ?JUCK tO :d.\UUI' IT VOL. XVI. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. THURSDAY KVKSINfj, MARCH 30, pL. Slit pig JatcUigeim WM WILSON, PuldiHlicr. Sutiscnpuan and-Advertising Rates. ii K A 1> 1*KKH» OF tiUBWMPTlUN. I Dally, per month... Ua.ily’h»motiUil • WVAfy, d month*. Wuuki/ l *••• Slnvie ro»w*iU.the counter lluifle eplei to ne tfatri Bo?i end Afints ~ HATEW OF ADYJSBT18INU. For each itqaure of 10 line* or low, for the ant Inter tlon $1. and iur uacu nubBuauont Insertion 60 cent*. •inaom t o £ w 6 5 8 & 8 8 O 8 O s 8 ° 2 3 3 8 8 54 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 aqiaom ( fl a fl * S 8 8 8 g 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ,qiuotn l 5 s 8 X 8 8 S “ 8 8 8 8 s 8 8 t ! : , Man II s 5 S 0» X at i i i ; 8 8 8 8 8 8 t s i ; •wow » ; - S H a SI i i i i 8 8 8 8 8 8 ; ; : ; •wuxufl s ** a 3 00 H i i i 8 8 g 8 8 8 i • • i •v;mu | fi ** - a a a i i i 8 8 8 8 s 8 ; t ; •wan 1 fi to “ 2 a i i i ; 8 8 8 8 ss 8 ; i ; I ■irail 1 fi " * to a* i i i i I 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 S ? o to m *• 10 M X X *4 aoivabg : i 1 i i j 1 o S o o s * •- T~ ~ ~——~ ijbpocmi Noucue, ocntB pur line drat ineuruon.SLd 10tmit» put tine lor uacu eubeu^ueul inrcxtiua. au f uri.euiauuv* loaortod at intervals to he charged ea i. n each luouruon. Advuitieuuicuie urderwl to remain on any particular pa s ^, iv> uu uu.‘ 6 oit ma uuvv each insertion. The mune> lor advoruaing couaidereu due after ftrst Inautfc.ou. ^.Aiicuaimanicatioua orietterflon baiinesslntendedfor ta.u eQoald he addressed to THE INTELLIGENCERi ATLANTA, LBOHOlA. and to Ladles. that Women i subject to liiittitroas dla- eascB peculiar to tbelr Bex-* ruch hb PuporetBlon ni the Meiweg,Whites,Palntul Month ‘ Periods." Khenuiatl**m of . hack and Womb, irreufilnr Menstruation, Hemorrhage, or ttxreerlve m P1owh, m ana Pro- lap rue Uteri or Falling ol the Womb. These diseases have seldom been treated tucceMtoliy. The prufeeBlon has sought diligent- some remedy thii w< dlseaaus with success. At last that most sic Ufa I remedy Fulton Sheriff Sale* for Airil, 1871. W f Li. BB bULD, before the Court-nonse door, In the city of Atlanta, un the first Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of Bale, the follow' n if property, to-wltr uoe acre of Undin the third ward of the city of Atr ia nta. Iron ting on thu west side of Francis street, ad* Joining the properly of Mrs fond* and others, being part of land lot M,lu the 14*h district ot origins'iy Hen ry now Fullon county. Levied on a* the property of Mwldtth lire wn by virtue of t»ud to ?al!tfy.A fl fa lsrued troi^Poitou ouperior Court in favor of Thos J Perker- son vs Morldith Brown principle and AJ Hutchins, security March 1, 1871. A iso, at the rame time and place, a city lot In the city of Atlanta, coutilntnir one acre, more or lc-r, situated on thu noiih side ot Marietta street, at the Junction of Marietta e'roet and Dowell’s Ferry Uoud and opposite 1 Mineral Paint Works.— K P iMwn and James U t that remedy ba<* been discovered bv one of the ! £ ntbL v,r,u ** ol ftu<1 satisfy a fl la Issued from a '■ *• ** »“ i n» BBADFIELD'S FBUIE RE6DLAT0R. The Democratic Cauciia—Heoruuuizafiou oi (in* Pemuerulir «md Couservatlv« t'ou* cremoiiNl t. o mm It tee* Au saiuurueil caucus ol tbo Democratic an 1 Cotn-uvaUve numbers ot Cougrcss was lichl in the Ainil ol tue House ot Heprusemativcs at 11 o’clocK, ou SaluiUay morutug. llou. Fernando Wood, ot New York, called the caucus to order, and, ou motion, Hun. Eu gene (Jasscrly, ol Caliloruia, took the chair. llou. M. L. Kerr, ol Indiana, moved the fol lowing resolutions, which were unanimously adopled i Atesolved, That wc cordially commend to our Democratic and Uouservalivo leliow-citizens throughout the country the I’atriot, ol the city ol Washington, as a newspaper enilneully woilliy ol their lavor aud support, hy reason ot the high tone, great ability and tldelny to correct prin ciples which characterize its mangagemeng Unsolved, That a copy ot this resolution be communicated to that paper lor punlicatton. ilou. William E. x>iuiticK, ol luuiauu, ottered the lollowmg, which was also unanimously adopted: Hesolved, That there shall bo appointed a committee, consisting ol one Senator or Kcpru- seuiative tiom each Slate entitled by the politi cal euar.teiei ol us delegation to representation in mis eauc'is, to serve during the present Con gress, and to to be known as Democratic and (Jouserva ive Congressional Committee, wbicn shall he charged w ith such duties as it may properly porlorm in iegnrd to elections and other political mutters duriug its existence, witn power to choose Us own chairman aud ollii. officers, aud also to choose and appoint a sub committee, to consist, in whole or lu part, as may be deemed neat, ul members ol Congress, to act as a rusideul exeeutive committee, lor iha Uisuiuulluu ol documents uud other campaign w tk. Resolved llirtlier, That each delegation here repiuaeuled khan oe untitled to name its cum- millee-mau under me lore-going resolution, but when no person shall be named witlnn a rea sonable lime, men me cliairmau ol tins canen- shall appoiut such eomiuillee-m m. On motion, im- roll ol the Stales was called, audit appealed ihul the loiiowiug Mates aud Territories wcie leprcsenled, viz: New York, New Jersey, I’eiiusylvniifig Delaware, .Mary land, Yligluia, Norm Carolina, Souiti Carolina, Ut orgia, Aiali.mm, Alississipuri Ohio, Kentucky, Tiunes.ee, ludia&i, Illinois, Missouri, Arkan sas, Michigan, Florida, California, Oregon and Nevada, and the territories ul Idaho aud Da kota Un niotiou, the loljS’wIng-nained gentlemen weie uppoiuted to e-nupuse- the raid Democratic and Coo.ervaiive Congressional committee, v.z: New Yoik—11. VV. oiocum New jersey—John P, Stockton. I'eiiusylVuum -Samuel J. KumlftlL fjj.n ware — Uen]auiih 1‘. Riggs. Maryland-Slenv.- . Aieuer. Virginia—J h i t ntelie-r. Nunn caroiuih—F. E tihober. SoUlli Caiolilia— Isaac t. McKlssick. Ueoigia— 1’. M R. ^-ning. Alaba.na —F. M. Dos. Mlssisslpi i— lxiuisiaiia — Ohio—I'hilndi-lph Van Trump. Kentucky—Rod V\ meliestcr, i enutssee— Vi". C. W IllUlloruo. Indiana—M. C. Ivei r. lillinois— Samuel S Marshall. .Missouri— hinsiiin We-ilB Arkansas- James M Hanks. Michigan—J. C Stuueilaud, Fiotida—Silas L. Nlblae'k. I exits— Iowa— vV iscousin — l milurui • Eugene Ca-serly. MiUl.esuU — Oiegou J it ini s H. ttlale-r. Kausies— t Wes! Virginia— * Nevada e buries \V. Kendall. Nebta.-k.— ldalio—Siimu 1 A Merritt. Dakota—Mo.-es le Aiin-trong. ilou. John T. Ilird.nl New Jersey, from Iho B|H-cial eOhfmitte-e- appoiuteil at a previous cau- cn- to examine Un ... iniinis ol me National Democi.dic ExiviiliveCdmjni’.tee, reported that thu same were correct. I he- rt|«irt *iu adopied, and me special Committee was dis charged. 11. a. Fernando Wood, ol New York, moved the following resolution, whim was adopu- uuauimnU'ly: Resolved, That It is essential to the interests ol tue people ol mis country mat thu Demo cratic ami Conservative meiunurs ol Congress be in constant ailendanco upon the sessions un til the llual ad|oiiruiueiit, and that the ahsentei be lupieoied to ruinn at once, so that the evil legist.,,ion tonlemplalcd may la.- avoided. Uu motion, the caucus Hu n adjourned. KUOKNK CASSS.Ill V, Chau mi U. K. E. SnoriKH, W. K AitTiitm, W. A liA.Md.KV, becrciaries. , R,l« poroly veiretalile, and is pat ap In Atlanta, Ua„ by llrnUUum A Co, it will pnrlly the blood aud etreugtbeu dm syitem, ra- (leva Irritation of the kid'ity*, and Is a parfeet spe-lllc . r . a e,,. a ! wvu diseases, a, a , ertata cure as unlmns is In ( bills and Fevurs. For a history of dlsoases snd crlincates or Its won- durf.il cures, the reader is isftrred to the wrapper around each bottle. kvury botlie warranted to jjItc satisfaction or money refunded. ' baUnasos, Ox., March S3.1F.0. lininrisuv A Co., Atlanta. Oenrpla: lyaaiiHius: i take plearureln -.aiingihstlhsvens.d, or Iho iaat twenty year-, Ure medicine you are patting up,known as Ur. liuAUFlal-U’s FKSai.B KEuLoA- 3 OK, and ounslder it the best cnmninslliin ever gntten tr.Ksther lor the diseases lor wtnen it 1- rceoinm. nded. I nave been familiar wuh tbs pr s. r p Ion, noth pise- tinner oi mrdieine and In dumoslh practice, ana cm honestly say that I consider it a boun to runs-:n: fe- man s, and can but hn| e every 1. dv In ihe lend, whu may be suit, ring in any Way pecu.nr o.'.i.eir sex, may Nr’ne ui procure a bdllle, dial lb ir sulle.-bigs may ui .liy bo lelleVi d, but dial they may be leefored lo her . and and etrenidi. W lib my Rudest regards, I pm, rcspeclfnlly, w . LI. t nttuMm. M. 1). We, the undersigned, Druggists, take plcasnre In com mending to the trade fir. J. H». 1011 l.l.'r Fs»xlx,.so- unaron-bemving ;1 to be a good at.I reliable remedy for the di-en-ee lur which be rccommu..., I; VV A e.yflSUEl.b, Atlnnut, ue irgla 1’K.VlBKltToN, VVILl SU.N A r.M l.Oll ,t CO . At.Hiita. liecruiii. KEDNSINR A F(jX, AtUtriU, •-eorgui. W C LAW.ilid, Ati.Uiin, W KUOT A OON^Manetigi, (icor^ln. DR. PROPHITT'S CELEBRATED LIVER MEDICINE! It U purely vutfHhWt*, nml wt‘* nrt nr-or.thf tlvcr nnd KldnujBftrt promptly ur L’alututl and litirha, wUbotil m.yUinjrer of nai.v tiiou or de*«tiu* tnm of the houve. Pari ita lakiui{ thir* medicine neud uut kn. wet, or aiy other remioimiiie exposure. SYMPTOMS OF LIVER DISEASES : Iiendachc, Dnll KeeHntj th^ I’luei*. Sour Stomirh, Sick lleartPuni, ltids^Onlioii «»r l y*- :i*t»* ,H * in* Mourn, uiei*km li»* a liuadac: bad or bi ter th.ck, ruUk'a fuihUK. oetij Mel.uictioiy roedn*!*, (.rump-. Co>d Fevi i*y-ent« ryor Diarr!.a*i, cniilMiiid -'ever, and I’ fact, wh--.e the u.ver i* out o; order, you u*e i every dieOA-o that u* n<»* confr»iriou«. crophill'rt Juvur .Medicine, u taken prop. - prevent and cure any uifleaoe re>m;inii from a a Awlvcr. It will repnlateltB funcMon* and thn* cure a'.'. « cau-e i bv tue feature ol it* Dealtny acnon. li ua- l»«» n need for a «reat number ol war-. gD Faixiburn,Oa., Septimber 1, Db. 0. S. Pnormrr : 8ib : -Vy wlie has been an invalid for fl ft or ti v.*r*. Dl.CtorB a. fl.e tiau ** Jaiver inwea-1*.*’ In tJiii.t. lion with'heir prac ici ? Dcii?i* v .rii u* iDi:»d i• •h.-.u-, uoi e of WDlcn ue* mad od>aiy. u. cornel m a.*. I rocureu a i>o ti»* oi Bdwarde, and U P Uienn and Jame* H Wrlghl, tecarl tiefl. ProiMbiy pointed oat in this fi (a. March tho 8th, Dm. Aleo, at the Mme time and olaee. three latfe Mirror*. _svled on hy vtitaool and to aauatj a dUUaet warrant lBBQen in favor of L B UarU v« HZ Wilton, March tue lit, 1U7L Ajau, attheatmu timo aud placa. ou* laipe framed bulidioi;. istiuated ou tne •ouLhwe.ot corner of Butler and Harris etreuta. in the fourth «r :rfl of the city of Atlanta, Known as the HondHia&Cot, Purnltare F&ao- ry. Levied ou ae the property of Hoaoeau A Co., bj virtue or and to •atlaiy a mana’ac orer’s leln fl fa 1b eoud nom Fulton huj»enor court in favor ol Klee and Mitchell vb Bandeau A Co. March 6th, 1871. Alpo. at the «ame time and place, one brick bu'ldlug by 1‘4. Jo§t a 'Joining the FornttU'e Factory of Ron deau A Co, u**u oy thorn ae an engine room ; aleo, the brick casing lor a Duller Levied ou m the property of Rondeau <%. to, by virtue of and to Battel/ a mechanic’* lun a fa, i--u* d irom Fulton r*aperloT« ourt in wvorof Newxnan «s. Fain va Kouctuau A Uo., March 1*71. Air-o, at the same lliue and place, a pan of iand lot No 78 in ibe Htn dtetrict ot ortjtteally henry trow Pm* ton oouut). The »wrt *o levied on 1b In Ward 1. front ing to le t, mi re or lee.*, on Kitoi slreei, a; u running bn k aw it. mur«* or !u»e, and adjoining the property of Hammond ana llaydeu. Lavied uu an the piupeny ol J i ascy.aamuiiPtra.or of Peter Long, by nuu of auu lo •a'.trli a tila lbeued Irom Fulton buptrior L'6nrtin la- \oi nt J ii HujGen vs John Casey, administrator oi Peter Long. Proudly poidud out oy piumulTe attor ney , Marcn trie r>lh, ltVIu. Aiio, at the eatne nine a. a place, the oue-ilzth in- tereei in the lorl>-flve a*;repoI laud »)ing in the south* u«*t cotnur of Fairanr, iUrn* • recta, in the city of At lanta, Fui.uu county, bu ng part ui land lot au 21. and adjoining the la .ds ul L P i»rant. Levied on as tue property ol ibe ee a'.e oi M U Badger, oecuaaed, by nr- tua of und lo ratiatj a fl fa iosnea iruia r u.u n su. urlor i>^nrl in favor ol I’nomas K Jouee, H-ti^h B Badger, ad* minieiraior Proj»erty i/olnted out by piaint.U'e attor ney, March Hi h, 1871. Al*o, at the mme lime aud place, a city lot. lu Uu city of Aala..ta fronting on r urey m and II.inter aireele saj it:«i cacn, in-ing paiiuf :aud lot 77, in the I4tn dutnct ui oiigihao) llt-a y now Puii.au County On sata :ot is a two eto > DricKOWt . ug. !*• vied on as tne proiierty • t Nancy A anaa.; by virtue «>l *nn to ratisfy a fl la issued from Fuiton ,-upenor Court in lu*or of Austin A Holiday vs .Nancy Waa<uii. Property pointed out by nuini.il, Alarch meOl.,, AcTiU. A. M. P£f{R.KKdON, mh7-td« Deputy .Sheriff. Printer’s fee|k 6o ;H.*r levy. PURE GYPSUM! Containing ever 991-2 Per Cent, of Soluble Matter! G round and iffltp&tc in this city, an*5 warm»:t'!' 4 . tree Ir ‘■.'ta 'c-mUo'. Tie an* .e* U. ih-puinl. •TOU PHI.NT1 > ( w- : from i: of L jvarabie p.intage higkiy valoab fjr-. when mixed wiUa <• »,• r n, ot any find oi < r- , L V* beat, hye, Bir-ey v which will th'jw Vt•.. ground ) Thle valuable Ma* -ire price ot $1' per to?, ca* wuh luti??cii added Put up for of. pmi*r.t ’t. each. All order* o> Ma. terms, will be prompuy executed ;if J A M K■*. II. H 'rLMEN, -*-o .- .Merest, Boyce’# 'A u-rf. Char.erton, a. C. cm»icb or thb i*»'rr*?T iB rr PrBTn.T^^aft,7 LAaoKAVJhr m Mr.viu:. p,:L£(.e. rtr'-et. «;uar 4 *-*?o:.. •* •;, f ivon i-.7(r. J •rdari'ie w ih above U I »V Uuy.iti tun < Iteru A illaOsK MB) k:«bt raaexauxa raaui-oCT»Aau, -eave Atlas IOiTS P M Am?** at cuaktauovg* L.iu P M dai rutikvi* tuaaji—onTwaan. -*.6Tc/Atmnta. a m Axrnu**, uiAOanoOKs.... aivUT raattu Lm x* A -UkVxhO. < P M JIr. Jo\*> B. Iiolmti • ’ IfBAa Sia-T ac pi am »;:*;» els is the r&o*i reinarKC •• i /• d<jm irom imncn'.t*^ ol •• • r * duet* but one-tinrd ol o* e \*!tC : If it can r»e *upp:ied of >;in *x* <. pfove % gfrat boon to iyMt..*-n crop to which it * f. t be^' ‘\»y\ by von ‘orana‘7- “. *r '.ar +t .• • .cr a^p..i • \ ~y r*- aione orln cnrJ*:nct!o’i vao'.it'-r m* epc-cUaiii yuur ubcifM t *erv»nt. (Signedi CUA U. ciiFPPA.tU, Jr , X. D. _ Jauli-eodtlhnarl. Newest Grand Austrian State-loan E O T T E It Y , Guaranteed and Contr;!!si! by Ik Got- ernment in |e Amount of 120 Millions Florins «»r 250 Million Franc, 400,000 Premium Prizes. I N five Yearly drawing*, 'h ti t* r.:.nr.*'r that every n~- uud month a draw. ^ a* - a k - a:..-.* * .. be arttwr. Pr:r* - of *ia n, Pr. - - 1 •. Jj • \ 400.UUO. 81 h AO. <•>. '£) tx IuCaM*. VU k b-* .>j). 121 * -V’^- uuo.yo ASCII. 171 1 k . »*. i.v - *« . etc. ti;. aoo Krincr. in- - *vrt P:ju.. 1 he Pnae of one bn.-.ru ir ' a.o..&_*• Share 4 .? .. .. 20 Alma in eelliggngbr BOOR AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, WaTTKIIALL STREET. fAizXMUXM 7-LaUI—UI»A4 eavea l. i»«or at.* umlruAd. Uii f Ar.ij.kAi TuaIM. MtithepU;^ <avc Augi*twA ... ■-*ve a We INVITE THE *1 FRIENDS w,- 4 Ibe F- con>D'.«e 3D(i eirexsivi TENT10N OK OUR :c eet-ers’'y. w our JOB PRtNTl.iC OFFICE H»MT PJ&tAMUMM flUai. .«• P* M C‘0f, A '•W.O J iwjoua At total-jpwuii BaiilO«« «*i tAZALJIWXJS XaawJI—u.ikaj. — \ ; *^*>* a . m ‘ lwO.K»F.M. • i* . ( t «AUtat A-At* /AetM*(*~VVl * A Alt. *.uup.m *• ,t: * i t. M. »»•- rax.var AJIJJ tAZAMM***— Ul « a~~. — * S..+J A. A *iavuh A, u mwfrm liaurvat, e-g ;: -5 r— « -Jy»iwQ thd afu: C*» f Kiiivn t* Aia -la..), exccv. baua/a* Kt*»at urist; ruuMs txaix—,.w f T .retutlns ibe Gc:: r- job print: -.3, oso- .3 :te c W 1 Mortgage Sherilf Sale. «*t To ity« uy td before the Poart-hufe door Id th» AiiauUt, at tn** u* mi huur«* ul ?ale, on tne May ntx?, tne fuliuWi. | p»ui»ert). K t The under 1 furthert Gju Mercun* t ; Lt-t ot VL*. exp«f the dr* tu-wit: Oae t r^e ll »c pre#**, 1 fo lo floe pre*?, tmpo«!ng Btunu?, ni ?iA0ih?. i cah.netN. caeen type to ench cjib* ine , lcar i p*uoB, la pana ot CBtee wiv. tjpe, 2U iron cansei-, 2 me ci«*i wuh rule*, 12 brae- ga ley*, i WHiUe.i fpwiey?, 1" luDl« wood poster *ype, 1 unt ...eta! | umit?, t pc, l dc?K, l .ot metal iu.u‘kurv, *) iron c>>(Epo?ii g j and unde The i'nxer tail, g . - h- atmrjtic c ue 4 . • *v in 'tenair.T, *• v- • 'in j»c b*cr: *>er* Fir**: .‘:.r. *nd lffMW Frarc?. etc th rem.ttar.K i tne go. y o| J. i. vSn luke •r gig* ii. fa.. IsrUed f ii. tack. 1 io. leads. 1 cia.* cut*, ?tot.e.-. 1 prooi pr.•!>(*, H ri-a.-ds, 31 pa>r II b.-*ah gaiie-j s. i ruliag raachuid 1 2 j<aper cutlers, 1 botru cu*ter, 1 set ; ca nnot witn t,pe, t work hence, G , l boon ctse and dc?a, I urge irou -aa*, the urhccs. Lcveid on as the prop- t»y virtu.* of and to eauaiy a rout i u lori anporlor court in i ;h Ym A. 1*. ihr, hie e •d a -o Ch be ..dim uhuhiir. n. TilOMPbUM. Atlahta, 0a.. Ju’y !*< Messrs. BnAnrm.n .t L’o: Uenti.emc.i- Lrs' y.nr. durl* g rnv travel* in Ala* luttna and ..southwest msagia. 1 ounirnctet. > b;,ls and fever, aud n»y genera. h« *lln t*e nine v. r> bad. 1 tried ulouft rcmeuion, it(>u air.utag *.n hei * .-ha a n beret r’s Its—all to no purpose l a • 1 w.v. otci.rv* nn in me riiu.loi ti.y ha k ai : i *r . t:.- 1 du*. nx v ivu ainumunl's re»t. 11m. \vt . :. g*. d, *,*■*• r<.d ot re* verog whuu a fr.eul ruecmweLU*.*! tu*- u. • me Hr. I* l' L. “ uver Mew.Clue. 1 u:i. *. :»•*. ut.e 1* ,uie has i red uie; aid today 1 t-ol lik" a:.'*U.or mau. Icon* der it Hue ul tne oos medicine- !■•* g-tiera'u*e now »t mid, witbuu. any resvrva.rn. lev .inujcuu il to tv lill;red. 1 am, gent omen, very respectfully, v *ir-, etc., u. M. llABi*. iSON. DR. PROPHITT'S DYSENTERY CORDIAL •nr.d* now put up for u.a-.um, or C;.o a •ears, and gives uni- flkUltGl.l, i O N,-, (uoutu itiiw date at iNmrf unfinary *.» the nr»t r* g ilar I «r»u t'vur fi ou, tuts t> 'tifo lor Kavv i' iho tulnor ft* «r* oi A . it. t* County, defeated, i ir Au b< | ,Jau»J-W'Jm UOtTNTV. a pint cation will ho made to tho » t*L kin* connly, Ueoruia, »t *; Iho exp.ration ol one month to o-**i me land* belonging to t,otd-Mi, deceased, taleoi said »l said mitntrs. (OmBoa, (iiMrdian, O* JosupU L. aud W. A, Uofuou, M orb ii Tut venal j Jdlcinc ha? been n?s for la tilaciion. most dei.cate child may mk*.* it with lmpautty. CoviMiTON, 0a., November 9,1S<'»7. Da. I’iioPtiiTt: Having a sevoro attack of Dysentery during the past summer. I was inou.til to u-e y*»ur Dysemery roroul, AT.v*d therefrom immoaiate and permanent relit. It give? mu pleasure to rtcidiuuend (n s remedy to s m tv tie so Nt nek id, ...-,t »h.iu>d the dircc i»e f nowed. .Mi f won d -u.u } be obuli.ed. AOUrr, A-i , U. 8. l’ORTKK. CrtfETA. Trxas, IS O. 1. WhtUker , pftice 1 Jon »>ook print • r* :■-* ui n ilou a • •«». f jinunt. now ui use u< tne off5' j I' tue attaula ln*elitgcnc.*r. Levied oi; as .h pr ty i J. 1. A hi taker by virtu? of and to Salt*', a mortgage . lu, fi-u a irom Fuiu» . -upertor Conn in tivor oi . C. V;.LCe.* vs.1. >\ nitak* r. A so, .it tne sam-.* tithe an p.ace ou • hundred aud x (lo ) ca*u-. ana one hu'*u-**-; und - v nty five i.’fionte t-i typjoi d il- 'ent r iv* ana d*?cr ntiou, i*d • le»un (11J e-ALUs, aiaow.t as ihe Atlanta intclii i c r Jon v/IUee. Levied on a- tne i r *per?y o Jared \V uu iker by v.rtae of *.nd to stt.-iy a ni Ttgag' S- i., i*sucu »rum • u u»n &np t.or e- an u i*,oroi v. Hi. >S Jareu 1. «llu..er , p a i-tilTe attor ey. .nr", a. ib »xme i.iidl p‘ 4 ce 1 i House 47. • P[>“- * * * -* : IJldSgr ■*.: t >n - tertal, adap'cJ t »*v a matter of ir.t r -• fv OWN Lit TECTS ar.i IH ILDEIls, -ey ctn perch s. fr r.i L• ... •*• . . signs *vt ch sap > ; : :.i z<. a item- \\ II Fa UK hrupirty p iuted out Koaoder- a:.J it • !* terns ,u vxr.a'tv an descr.p*j- Ac L'jv, ot of tu* rchai disc con- f, ho U. rho r. CillCOC? tue prup ;rty . f .-amuii fy a oa i .gage n. f.i j*i \ v.r ue oi and to i .'".ii Fu ou sup.-ror Court m bvo ui Henry i »oc r.op rij putt ied out by piol: t fl ? puli.ted out oy plain r. kKb'kso.V, Dipary : p. Intels le * Pick- us Sheriff ctale, ILL be ro.d b *I >i art-house door iq raid sday m Apr;! uext, one >a a? the property of stori Fro* tluCS, IV.Tt Beam*. Cfti h . n i •d ADO ; *-xU rd th-p: ■ s and Baser K): AV. u <| ■ Lthiar , loti c an : i the pr Itoo'i, Iron itoo i &:dtwa.ks, Area*, i >a» U’Uti*: Iron i>x> varetylor .aras, ' 'UU'g.oTl’T Win •.r»’< rg-.a, >ot *’-nst lhomv Br*- i c intM.cd by Albert Mose.y. 'L -a*d .n-utgigu 0 in., February U. M. I*anKit'. Depty Sheriff. Fr otHi's fee f 2 ;>er lev v. PoilDoned Sheriff W Ual be -"libel' c:ty i f Ai.ii,t» Sale. ert) ho coart hou-e d»x>r. in the ‘olU'U conuty, vis , ou the ti:r*t within the legal hours of sale, u»*«rtt: p. »• and. situated on the so th in ;br * y ot At auU, near the town ».*• he Atlanta Ferttl:r.tutr rK? Un raid H*t If two large oi>' -<»?» brick building.— . A Wright, by virtue i ft fa ts-ued it. tttVur of A C a Fert i g Company, Ma-ch A. A l’KiiKhRSu>. Depot) bhenfl. ? as he t»ratings i iaU>.-?. *u ;urt.--f s Churches, Tu Ml ii« 1NG> i Illustrated she .L-o. wx S*. fond A vt-nut feb‘24 Sm 11I K SC I KN C K Ou* :v.. iiies lor B .OK AND X= go- >■' SS ■-ta; haviE? recent!; a I el a Ar.-« ot c‘. - i m<-iem *jrpet V-- --T Urea?; Exw?rv- - iifihlD^llL f A. Ii D S . Su ness, Visaing, rioilroad, Wedding, And Fverv Other Kind, Plain ir Colored At Prices ‘o su ; t nil Check Books, Draft Books, Drav Receipt Books L o g n 1 B 1 u ii lv S *. u. to, * -W ; Aiioa. mua t Lai* UntiruaU Liu*. LLS, A M U. XerA.c *.- STATES i in T Postponed Sh-*riii‘ Sale. ’.he * ty.d At.an 1 a, i Fertmting aim M u day -u May tu xt. w. Fo.*r Thou*»nd F [or i.;e purinu L- vud ot. a* 'h •f and io rat:- lavoi ot Cn *n tu. Gann >vrt*hi, Marroi ic mb’ad w4f horpe r county, knowna>me At.mu r» Faint Work*, on the firet Tues* tun tlie legal h* ur- of ea.e : xt of Lara her, nu>r« or it* a, aawed tmiidlt.g 1-71, a ta.ain, tnograp ee THE IMIKIN fir-:-Civ*< !M.r; ras bhfvL Jfc r;g’'L b> virtu-- :? .let. fi. fa leaned in ; for Wt..iam m urnai. itb, lb71. ALdministratui* s < *i.ile* < trdlnary * Liver Medicine Thl# l? tbo relenrated medicine that run Perry DhvI?, •all. Killer out "f the m<raei, wherever it wap void Divl- made iTophillchange thu name »rum Cain K.lUr tu I’ftin Kill It. For Kneumatlim, Neuralgia, or pain of any kind, it ha? ) equal rot t uib, Brul»e», llurnn. or old Fore?, ll l? the beta thing you can umj for a drueuing. For ,'U.xkx Bites or dtlugs of PoBotion* Insects, It is i effect aulidoio. It >» good for Colic, Co'd 4 . PcnghB or fl*»wel Complaint. 1 is name indicates it# nature an y. It t* truly death lo Manufactured aud sold by HPAPP1ELD at CO., At lanta, tiCxirgu, and ty »i. D.uggiPta, Newton Factoht, Da., November, ISIT. Du Proriiitt : Inst summer my horse sprained hi* ank’e *cver e causing flu whole leg to i*wol 1«> ah*»ui i'<»n* Hu »..*iu< h/. •, aim rendering Uim nluu*i*t h«*i,>;»•?*. :v»o j tU-uB of jour Anoxlync Pain Kill li tuoix iu- -.) cured r. JOHN it. DaN l». DK 1 I’ liOl’HI TT *S • Fever and Ague I*ill». h 1’* ami Fe BV;:;: court nou!*^ — . - . ro-.uiy, ua., b.-iwuon theu«;ui hour* of i t.t.'t Tue*da\ :r March nex’. 127 acre?, m * •*.,>i :ai.d >■*■•. *• t J :»ia*t i\" n tne at district «». i,i .a iln* iiea.p ami - red;tort. Term? ca?h or crexitt of uu in*mib*. SjaMUKL M. PHIL’S, AdmmUtraior. tai.l5-t4? pnnmr’f tee #6 iK'r njuaro. ward, ol rA:.{**rn.a, .. mode ol government, th yg * .*•.•- tratlon?. shotnng it a*, a. a a .*< » - ... ;s acu.t.e* only ^ a \ A \n. *.: » ..- - - Ciub? of ten. $2 each ■» . : dru??, S' K WaLL*' ,, - v :-r >•»'. xk Jai l BACON’S TRUNK ENGINES Foe all rraposw; compact, tvkaele / nd BACON’S STEAM AND BELT IIOIHTI X O >1 VC'll l > 1: - For Mv.atv tfirer-.'l -r* *. IVxk*. >: : • Ac. Price List on appi* cation • Deiam.'Vi* Iron Works. toot » s.-T * :aa .vt ang7 -vrMAMtUta BALL. BLACK & CO.. and oG7 BIlOllUVAY, m;w voitk w r* o! ftYeJT \ a-a. Pr Book JE? r i n t i ii *g v v i T O f» Llru a > U U iii l’riui;pal ttite—Macon. iCa. f:,.’0.,ooo J ' ... t 500,000 i 15 0,000 * 4 a. I K PL’BLIC. u t j i ,i XV '1. j . M vx; : J^T^. w.kL GF CHANGE OF SCMLE C.EMRLIA 1UTLROAD »* ‘ ** x ’ -v •- ir* i. xrtrrrr. t A., who appriseai their work done t rreaMts, anA Firs’-Cas* ' *hcl: - w- -.ntercst. ss* wc ^ :a:r r.c importance “ New Tvt-^ ' 13 ill fie ads, JT3i (■KOlifiIA« Faykttk i NTS. t»Hi>iXART'? Omen. February 1.1 S 'T: J OHN J. (HLUauT, ad-.un.MU .*: . .« o;»u i'ir.t M .ltiCk*on, deceased, roi'reeeut-, m n? pent o.a.y fi . d, that he ha? m.ly di»chargt*d fit? ?t.u ir.? ,er?otu concerned are hereby n.'t.tlext '.obi' a appear .ai my office, wiihtu the tune pr* .- to ?how cause, H any they can, • hou dtscbarged fro cetve letters of atsuu»v*on av n-xi. oaV u> febtf 40d ?a:d ad*uint 4 *r»L said aumimsira i • .. -x 1 x-u i hi* first Mouda* MlNOo, ordm »r.* Printer s lee *t>> Diamonds, Jewelry, Watchesand Silverware, I Of the Best Quality & lowest Prices, t o I&tUUaeol BE. Hrtd, L;us cb'.ars, Dircctloo Ctixi*. iai, we xrc p-. sj bere-.o!^re, to cxivj'.c .xj rtost *v'-rk. : x« ion?', a- ary ' in - ■ ~ and to puaranioo A- r.a*»Vo», wh:. _ barv Horn to parties orJ.nr.^ .-argt j: tbe; so'..'. ':n go; tt« numbers when they vr,->rk Ni-nh. I KltULK <»' ft,AwwN n!ij aUuUS : A RA L.RGAO. - ^ '* x x;»ras A3- -.at *v. x 1 • ars -sjsrTkn.) ' " •' •* • •• .. ;t; X M. • • ■ • • . t * \. V. St li o xx m e n >tvNT tU t:X:'hS». BKOIUHA, Fayette County. tNit'HT op Ordinaet, March 7.1-T.. W llKHKNS, ti l) Dickson, security of Job:. l> Dick ?x'.. gutr dan <>; Zichirnh t'u/ucr. ha? ft tsi .? flux, riturn, snowli g k u. *u?'rihnf..*u x*l Un e.*t« - - /. * har.ah Turner, aim app .rs lor otter- vi d uh.cti letter? will be grar tfd on D « first T’.i?.D» •: ^t>r i i.uxl, unless souu- valid oh eciu ns arx ft id a • ordlu to law. The best An til warranted tu c'ei otahle. - Purdy \c DR. PROPHITT’S A N T l-B.I LIOUS PILLS. ■el|pv<* Headache, N DiugxwUiol AlUuW, uoorgia, at j i •u. , ic*\ ar*l all I . . i\ ' get a hie. ; . . *• * !» »t V , nuiulacturer’.* pri ce. DAVID t tU ’ (ihOKf. l t, : ! ’lihR&At*. ai.aprx'pci appded lor -cn ; iat 7 4*Ki UKO Util i ’ourt, hv hts pelitlou M'd !rust - ru.s i*. thoi •* »p; ittan shxciid i S‘ 'P HWd .C « any a. Mu u* !i»b9-t \1 ,etln, guardUu ot the pc'so. a- , .ncitA •• RvMtn. rcpi«'•»•»*.* -o :r.« that he ua» lu*.y dtschargi d hi fy alt person* exvnccn- w.thti. ibtf time pre?> i ythev cau. w hy ?a-,l f a KOUdS W D.\Vi- t.a ship "f -h** p r-.'n- * It .C kinds y. St. t rriati?^, ;. .'red. such M Pesters, F::iraur::. liziiVZ: This Offlce will be Eojn.i : U S.:: ar.ythmg id ihe S-u-.*'. 1 .'L.- . iv. b-. and SxacviC Sac;rli •* t • *v .• • v:r. r.L'.cfideaU bexl d gu. r.tiai. Hooli l i i u H i i _r * * 57 * .L. M-ii-iln SUAM PUMPS' HAND PfMrd, »* o VV K ii I* r .lf PJ B f *3 h\ C rios. r'stillcr'os* . - Jr It. KKNb, .1C i’ftr-tS, &.C., - O A ' M CANCERS, TUMORS, ULCERS. dtanshtp UNTY urrtCE, Jarnary fi.1, D*71. applmi non . ild of J. r dix rased - ... Tb»* t? therefore to notify a ' |*ersons concerned tu file thru objections, tt any the) have, withm the time pn*crtOedb) law, else leave will be granted said ai*- pUcaut as appltea for. DANISH PITTMAN. Ordinary, Attest. John T. OwtH, f.erk )ani-2ui Printer s fee |4 SO. ST >NlSHlNv4 a l*h» .» r 'Fourth c. vine s, bv i - : tu Dr. l>^ I M • . X.*' \v. by l»r ti«* j WOAOERFUl* CMNCER ANTtDOTES. >’o Kutfig No I'a.stic M. : c.t.e* .No li ind. LltUe xl.:a.ar*,g( >. >r * . * t*» *• 'twv Pam. uu ' Every LKscr.puou i>i I>ir.x.isg And n.: : . I Promri’-Y Eiecaied itt sty style dx-sirexi ! onll t»t or .Xrtrtrea* INTEIU8IH0ER OFFICE, ATI.ANTA, >:A., j Y-u 1'ricet or Esiircsie?. hrtv-.ry H- "'r:y lion r-inUn*, April 1 r * a. on. CABLE fi OTs tllK.-MUt! O. SCREW WIRE AND SHOES. . u-N.. wtru .x scRr.v wiiin. .V!! e Uago! i s-x-i DV AU. .'EALEHa.