Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, March 31, 1871, Image 1

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VOL. XVI. H’F";-.- ... i ssema^Bxsi 41 ht gttUii lutfUigwuctt, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 31, lb7I NO. 74 WJl WILSON. JPubliMlivr. SauscrtpiiQh and^Advertising Bates MUMo Uf oUUSUKU'TION. WbOKly. 1 fill .MMmwnu •*•••• ••?•*.*»• ■ I * ngl* eoot«s At th# eoanttr HagU a flu to *•»' Bom »»d Agint* _ RATSi Op AUVRKTiamo. SS88888°2 8X338S8SS 8 888888888 S « 8 B 3 8 8 288 8 8 8T8 fi 8 8 T ,muom i a S a a a 8 3“ 8 * 8 8 8 8 8 8 t t ,**mnii s a a a a a j j i I i » 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1 \ i •wiatt a fl *• a H a « i i 1 i S 8 8 8 8 8 : i ; 4 •wn»8 fl <o * a a a } j t i 8 8 8 8 8 ! ; * t ’MBit » s “ *- a a i i i i 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 i i J ••emfrl fl * » m S » i 1 j i I I II I’eWRl S88SS88o8p X * X rn o S S 8 4Spocmi HoLcua, 9u cents per lino drat JLnjwriion,and lUojutot „ ,-j p«r lino lor each subsequent Insertion AovurUconiuata tnaurtod at tnurvhii to be cnargod as tiiw each lufioruou. AdTurUaomcDis ordered to rentals on any parUcalei pn^u, to bo ciuugoa as now each insertion. The money lor advertising considered doe after Aril InauflluP. ~~ At lcommanl cations or letters on boalneaalntendedfor Wia utui.*. oliould OouLdxetwd tu THE INTELLIGENCER) ATLANTA. faEObOlA TU* Democreue Caucu«-«KeorKaulzatiou ui ibc ueiuocruMcandCouecrVAUveCou* liru»loual lumulltlue. aO|uurued mucus ol the Democratic and Clouservaitvc members ol Congress was held iu tLu ball 01 the Huusu ol Representatives at 11 o’clock, on Batmdaymorning. ilou. Furnundo Wood, of Mew York, called the caucus to oMtr, aud, on motion, Uou. Eu- gtnc Casscrly, ol Ualilbruia, took the chair. lion. M. 0. Kerr, ol Indiana, moved the lol- lowiug resolutions, which were unanimously adopted i Iteeolved, That wo cordially commend to our Democratic aud Conservative tellow-citlzeus lliiuugbuut the country the Patriot, ol the city ol Washington, as a newspaper eminently worthy ol their luvor and support, by reason ot tbe hl_ tone, great ability uud hdelity to correct prin ciple* which churscteiize its mungagemenu Itesoived, That a cojiy ot this resolution be communicated to that paper lor publication Unu. W nliam K. .aiuiack, ol ludiaua, ottered the .followlug, wmch was also unanimously adopted: itesoived, That there shall be appointed a committee, consisting ot one Senator or ltepre- seiiiativc trout each state entitled ey the politi cal character ol Its delegation to representation in ibis caucus, lo serve Uuriug the Qresent Con gress, and to to he known as Democratic aud Copacrva ive Congressional Committee, which shall be charged with such duties as It may properly perlonn in regard lo elections and other political umbers duimg its existence, with power to choose its own chairman and othei otliccrs, aud also to chuosu aud appoint a sub- cumimltee, to consist, m whole or in part, as may be deemed best, u! members ol Congress, tu act as a resident executive committee, tor Ihu disuibutmu ol documculs aud other cumpaigu w-rk. Itesoived lurther, That each delegation here represented shall lie entitled to name its com- nutlcc-mau under the loregoiiig resolution, hut when no pcisuu shall be named within a rea sonable time, that the chairman ol this caucus shall appoint such committee-man. Ou motion, the roll ol the States was called, audit appeared that the following Slates aud Territories weie represented, viz: Mew York, Mew Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mary land, Virginia, Morin Carolina, South Carolina, Ucurgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, iuuia-a, Illinois, Missouri, Arkan sas, Mieliiguu, Fiorina, California, Oregon and Mevuda, and Uio territories ot Idaho and Da kota tin motion, the tollowing-uamcd gentlemen were appointed to compose the said Democratic and Conservative Congressional committee, viz: Mew Yolk—IL \\. sioourn. Mew Jersey—John 1’. blocklOU. f’enusylvatiia—Samuel J. UsudalL Delaware—Benjamin T. Biggs. Alary laud—blovcimon Archer. Virginia—Juhu Cntcher. Moan Carolina—F. K. Shobcr. bouih Carolina—Isaac C. McKnuJck. Ueorgia— P. M. B. Young. Alabama—l 1 . Al. Dux, Mississippi— Louisiana— Ohio—i'hiladelpli Van Trump. Kentucky—Uoyd W mebester. i'eunessee—W. C. Wunihorac. ludiaua— At. C. Kerr, lillmois—baiuucl ri. Marslmll. Missouri—Krastus Wells Arkansas—James M. Hanks. Michigau—J. (i. timheilaud. Florida—Silas L. Ninlack. Texas— Iowa— Wiscondn — t autumn, • Eugene Casserly, Mmutsola— Oregon- J.ituts 11. Sluter. Kausas— West Virginia— Mevuda Charles W. Kendall. Mcbinsku— lilulio—Suinu I A Merrill. Dakota—Alose. K. Armstrong. i Jei H E A I> and to Lsdlsa. that Women wo .ahjsct to numtiMt dls- oum premise to tMi sax- inch ns fenporannkm ol Uw Monnan.WMuH.Falalnl Month. l> ‘'Faaodijntheniiutl.m of, the Slack ana Womb, limialw Womb, 1 Men.trantlnn. Hemorrhage, o tow‘JW«i 0 yllIji5r^/{h b»T« Mldom. •uoutwalhr. Tbe proMjMbk** .aughtdiligent- iimdtawwMwSur.TO'M? 01 "' 1 0 “ bl0 Uieln 10 tnal1 ha. bean discovered by one of the raoStsk'llfal physician, la the State of Ueorgia. That remedy In ' BEADFIELD'2 FEMALE REGULATOR. b, It u li& T ^‘ bl<, ’“ d,a 1,01 B ,n All * nU ' °*- in Chill* and Fevers. For t history of disease* aud certificates of it* won Ify the blood aud strengthen the system, ra- t of the kidneys, and te a perfect apeftifle >?e dlicaaaa, u a certain care a* quinine la around each tottle. *wtU« wirraaiad t° jlre aatlafaetlon or money or the laattwentr year?, the mu up, known as l>r. DUADpjgLD TOIL and eonslder It the beat oc LaUiunqx, Ga., March 13.1810, irfda: stating that I have used. dFKHALBKKL best combination «?er gotten jer for the dlaeaeea for which It Is rtcoimn« oded I have bees familiar with the pruscrip'lon, both aa orac ttonar .01 medicine and In domo«tic practice, and c«n tut I consider it a boon to sudor!ng fo honestly say tin male*, and can but hope every lady In the laml, who usy be sofferiug In any wayp<N:aliar to their sex, may he able 5° procarcabQttle, Uxat Lkuix auUtuina* uuy w 1 ->a ly , but that and strength With my kindest retards, 1 am, refpectfally, W.B. FklOUiidi iiltitiildk., M. D. the undersigned. Druggists, take pleasure in com _ trade Dr, J. ob*DVitLD’a Fbxax.k hao- 1° he a good and reliable remedy for the dtaeasoe for which he recommend It. W A LAMiDKLL, Atlanta, lie iruU. PKMBHMTON, WiLUjUg^ ATAVLOH & CO., ur®t? Atlanta, Georgia! nr Atlanta, Hi-orgia, W MOOT A bON, Marietta, Georgia, DR. PROPHITT’S CELEBRATED LIVER JUEDiCINE! It Is purely vcgetsble, and will ac! uinm tbo l iver and Ktdnujpaa pruiuptly si* Caloteei and liuriiu, altbout any danger * faslivsiiuu or de.tr .etiou of ihe Doner. Parlies taking thla medicine need nut (car gc.uet: wet, or any ether reasonable exposure. SYMPTOMS OF LIVER DISEASES: Iioadachc, Dull Feeling or the Bines, Boar Stomach, Sick or Nervous Headache, Heartburn, Indige*iion or Dys* pcpsia, bad or bl'ter Taste in the Mouth, the nklu ha P a thick, rpnga fetllng, and is carktr than usut : , Costive utss, Melancholy reellaga, Cramps, Cold Feet, Coitc, ty«entery or Hiarrlroa, ChllU and r ever, and Hies. Iu fact, where the uiverisoot ol oruer, you n'e llab.c to every disease that is not couUgious. Frophltt's Liver Medicine, if taken properly, whl prevent aud cure any dracaae resulting- from a derail red niver. It will regulate Its fnnetions aud thus cure ail dlaeasee caurol by the fealure of IU healthy action. It has boon used for a great number ol years, and has given universal ratirfsctiuo. There Is no brother or son claiming to have ihe oHgl- na receipt. It is pul up in both Powder 1-Vuid form. Ftfltdii Sheriff Sales for Airil, 1871. W ILL BB BOLD, ketore the Court-nows door, ta the city of Athuta, on the first Tsssday In April trnrt, within ths legal hoars of sola, tbs follow* 1 trio aue of t Uod i ln the third ward ot ik» city of At lanta, fronting on the west side of Frands stroat, ad* Joining ttM property of Mrs Hands and other#, bslcg part o7 land lot S3, In the 14:h district 01 origlna‘Jy ilea* 3 now Fallon county. Levied on as the property of urlditb Brt wn by virtue of and to tatlsfy a fl la luued Irom Fuitou bupsrlor Court In favor of Taos 4 Perker- Bonvs Meridith Brown principle and A.J Uuicklna, security. March 1, lbTl. Also, at the sa ** . . -•* Of Alliinia, eout- Also, at the came time and.pJaco»A£Uy lot-in thadty Alliinia, sonitfnlng one acre, more or * the north tide ol Marietta street, at ill •rielta street and Howell’s Ferry Hoad Levied on as tbe properly ol B P Glenn Wright by vmusof and to aatlaf Fuitou buperior Court iu favor of amse il John F Bd wards, Bernard II Pratte and Frederick G Kdwards, and K P Glenn and James H Wright, seenrt- ties. Property pointed out In thle fl fa, March the (kb, urn. Also, at the it me time end place, three large Mirrors. Levied on by virtue of and to tatlsfy a distress warrant Issued in lavOt of L B Davis vs U Z Wllaoc, March the 1st, 1871* Also, at the same time and place, one huge framed building, situated on tbe southwest corner of Butler end Harris strata, in the fourth ward of the oity of Atlanta, known as the Hondeau A Coe, Furniture Facto ry Levied on as the properly of Hondeau A Co., by irtueofandto satisfy a manufacturer's leln 11 fa is Mitchell vs Hand sen 2 90 by 19. lust ajjolning the ■*““ "“Xhumat _ . illcr. Levied on as the property of , Irsncd fn»m Fulton huperlor (tourt in favor of Newman A Fain vs Hondeau A Co., March Oth lbTl. Also, at the sams time and place, a pvt of land lot No To. in the 14th district of originally Henry now Ful ton county. Tbe part to levied on la In Ward 1, front !e«t, * ' lug 60 |i , more or less, on Bliot street, and runni " ’■ - ■“ _1 he property cm t property of J . , CSortln fa vor oi J 11 iiaydan-vn-Jnhn Caaojr, adminletretor of Peter i.ong. Properly poldud out by plaintiffs attor ney .March the nth, lsru. Also, at the same time and place, the one-clzth In terest in the lorty-five acres of land lying In the south east corner ol Fair and Barns streets, in the city of At* adjoining the lands of L Levied on as the to* of and to ralisfy a fl fa issued Court m tavor of Tnomac K Joues, Haiph B lladgtr, ad- mlnlsiraior Properly pointed out by p.alntlfre attor nuy, Uarch 6th. \sl\. Also, si the tame lime aud place, a city lot in the city ol Atlanta, fronting ou Forsyth aud Hauler strata 9<J test each, bring part ol !aLd lot 77, in the 11th district oi originally Henry now Fuil>u county. On said lot is atwo story bncauwciling. levied on as the property • f Nancy Wacda;! by virtue of anu lo sillily a fi u issued from Fulton hup* nor Court in tavor cf Austin A PURE GYPSUM! over 991-2 Per Cent, of Soluble Fatter I G round and pkkparbd in this city, rad warranted tree from adulteration. Tbe an- nexedcomtxianlcaV.on Uom Prof. Charles U. ShtppardL Jr..of the purity of this article, ts a guarantee of tU hlghfF valuable qualities Uj ths farmer, being available WBcnrsuod wHnmbrr manures, to the groat ad vantage of any kind of crop. Untvjualcd a- a uip dreeslng for WustA, hye, Barley, Ac , and the Grasses, (one peck of which will show miDic improvement on an acre of ground.) Is oflered for sale at tbe low price of $16 p« ton, caih, oi on time lor diy acceptance with Interest added Pot up for shipment in begs of two buodred poanda each. All orders oy Mail, in accordance with above terms, will be promptly executed by JAMJfe H. HOLMS, Commlsalon Merchant, Boyce's Whirl, Charleston, b. C. Cmci or thi Btata I«ii*xotob of Fkbtiuzku, ) Lumiutoxt err tub Mkoical 0>jllbub, I lineen aUwt, Charieston, h. f Mr. John B. Bolmta t 1 ala is the most remar< dom liom lmpurliies of every kind, containing aa 11 does but one-tuird of one percent, oi insoluble matter. If It can be supplied of similar quality, It cannot fall to prove a great booa to bouthsm agriculture, as there la no crop to which It Is not benefldas. whether applid alone or In conjunction with other manures. Very re- *p?ctfuii? your obrdlvot eervani. IBlgned) CILA i. U. bilJCPPAHD, Jr., M. D. . JanH-codtUmarl. Newest Grand Austrian State-Loan LOTTERY, Guaranteed and Controlled by the Got- ernment is the Amount of 120 Millions Florins or 250 Million Frants, which U to be repaid by plain t'.U . Al, PHHHHHBON Deputy J^iuter’s fee |9 60 per . bheilll. per levy. Mortgage Sheriff Sale. Ma, utx:, tuc fAowug prcpcitjr, 11. et Tueowiy W-wit: One large Hoc press, 1 to lo Ho* press, 3 Imposing Btouce, IU bUDde, i cxJ.Dcto. 9J casco type to e*ch cab- luer, lean press, In pairs ul c.‘tea wtlu tjpj, 90 iron Chases, t lUie oa-ea with rales, IS br&s* guilty-, 7 wi»det. gii.uyr, lu U nts m ood poster type, 1 (out metal 1>i>«5,1 deal, 1 iot uca lurnilUfL, W .rou composing suets, 1 giiu j rack, 1 lov icads, 1 c*s» cut-, I lea i cut- *er, 4 .cipasu-g etudes, 1 prooi pre**, 6 stands, 31 pair caaoa w..u t)po, 14 brtua guile.)*, 1 rulmg macttme. 1 smud'.!>g p.cae, • , aper tuitire, 1 board cutler, 1 set bn. ier’e too:*, 1 Liutnut with type, 1 work bench, 6 Ulnci, IB ctiuUe, l boos else aud dcea, 1 large iron sate, ' Wicgoou wiu or the uihci. LeVeid on aa the prup- irtyoi J. I. vS’h laker by vlnujofaud to sauaiy a la, Hi uud from lu. ton superior Court in Fauuifu.s, Ga., bcpumbcr 4,1^66. Du. O. B. PitoruiTT : Bmi My wile ba* t»ecn an Invalid for fifteen years. Doctors ail agree sue dad ** Ltvar Disease.” In connec tion with ihelr piLC.icu rbe used various noted r^itu-die*. noi.o of which setmtd to do soy g«>< u. somet iik ugo I noi.o or which setmid to do any good, hornet nu ago I K ocurun a bo tie of “Liver hied..Ire," oi your agent re, C. A. Harvey, which being given according to di- Uou. Joliu T. 15ii*1, oi Now Jereey, from the g.iucial comuilUci- a|i|ioiuWiI at a pri vioua cau c it to txauiiDf Uio nicounw ol Ui« Natioual I > uiocratic Kxotullvi CoinmilUo, reporletl that tliu ha mo wrri; corrtcL The report wa» a loptuil, aud Ibc special Coumutloo was dis co irgoU. Fi-rnaudo Wood, ol Now York, moved luu Killuwiuy resolulioo, wlilcU was adopted u mulrooutly: .scsoivvu, That it is essential to the interest* ul Uic |ieopie ot ilii* coiiotry that tile Detuo- I Uoi : itto aud Oonservalive memhera ol Uonurest I.. .11 couhtaut kltendaucc u|hiu Uiu sessions uu- 10 the tlnul aO|i>uromuit, aud Ihnl (lie ah.eulee* tw rerpu-hied to return at once, so that Ihe evil Ji";tslaUou conn uiplaitU may lie avoided. 11 nnubliou, the caucus thru adjourned. AtUkiNk LASSKIUiY, Chainuan. F. K. SiioiiKit, r"-*^ W. K. AiiTuuit, W. A Uaniilky, bccrutarlee. nrouhlA, 1'irass. Ouuavv. O N.; mo.itn .iii-i J.it. .piiiieailou will h* mail* to the Court oi t’ruiuary «n I'ickoita cuuuty, Uoortla, at tbe first rrg Uar l enu aHer theexptratlou of ouw mouth frum this notice for kav* lo ftutl the lauds belonging to the minor heirs of W, 11. Uetdou, uoceased, me of said oouatv. deceased, for the beiufii id aald minors. I It lAtlOlUkV lia.i J. B. UUKDON, Uuardlra. Vs Jwcpli D. uud vr* A, Uvidgu, Atlamta, Ga., July 16,1670. Missus. Buadfiklo A Co: Gkatibmba—Last year, duritg ray iraveli* lu Alt- hsraa and Southwest Georgia, 1 contracted clime and fsvvr, rad my genera! healto became ve ry bad I tried various reaeoius, and among others Mra.lenherxt-r'e Fins—all to no purpose. 1 v»o troubled >».tb loietisv pain In the small ot my ba* k, aud Tor inoi.ibr- 1 diu uol nave amomeu’s rest, i n*d well nlgti Uvspaiml of re covering when a friend recommuuded me to lake Dr. Piopbiu's Liver Medicine. 1 did so,and one buttle has cured ms; and to day 1 feel like anuthur man. 1 con sider It one of tbe best medicines for generm use imw put up. and, without any reservation, recommend It lo the allliCoxL 1 am, gentlemen, very respectfully, yours, etc,, u, ol. il AhLlbUN. DR. PROPHITT’S DYSENTERY CORDIAL la one ofthe most valuable compounds now put up h>r LMarrt.ira, Dyseutery. Cholera in tut uiu, or Camera Morbus. Ttil* mtnliduc has boon use for years, and gives uni versal 84’. ir Motion. Ihe most dei.caic child may* take it with impunity. Coyikqtok, Ga., NovemtMir 9, 1807. Dr. Prorhitt : Having a severe attack of Dysentery during the pa*t summer. 1 was Induced lo use your Dysentery normal, a .ddex.vtd therefrom immediate and peruiauuot robot. It gives mu pleasure to recommend tins remedy to ail who msy oe so attacked, tKlievli g that should the once- Four*, ic.. U. S. roKTUi. Cussbti, Tixas, lS' J. Du. Prophitt : 1)kah mh—Your Liver Medicine snd Pain Kill It ifl a compjsie success. J. L. WUITTlu. This Is the celebrated medicine that run Perry Davis, Pain Killer oat of the market, wherever ti was sold. Davit made Prophitt change the name trow Pain liiilcr to Pain Kill IL For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, or pain of any kind, it has no cqoal For t uts, Bruises, Bums, or old Bores, it Is the best thlug you can u»c fur a dioeiug. For r*u*ke Rites or Bltugs of Polsouous lusocts, It is a n rfect antidote. It is good for Coho, Colds, Coughs or Bowel Complaint its uarno indicates us nature luliy. It is truly death to Falu* Manufactured and sold by UHADF1&LD 4 CO., At lanta, Georgia, aud by all D ruggists. Niwtwm Psctobt, Ga., November, 1867. Du. PucruiTT | Last summer my horse sprained his ankle sever* causing the whole teg to swell to about »wtce the uatu ■ire, and rendering mm almost hcipiose; two applto 1 ‘-loflju- •• •- ~ tiiias of your Auodyuo Fain Kill It ihoronKUh curcl it. JOHN B. DAVIS. IDH* PHOPHITT’S Fever anil Ague Pill*. The best Autldute for Chills ami Fever known. Cures w*n anted lu oisry case or mousy ruluudeu— Purely Veg tuble. DR. PROPHITT'8 ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. Will rtllcr* llradtcX*, NcrV)u*0«»*, J.unitlco, :iu.l all other 4*ptnc«nvi)t> ut tt.u iv.t I'urelt vn«uhlr. M.imCii'turvtl >1 lur mu. by IIK ’ UKIItl I* * txx. llro.il btirrt, Atl.ltx, It'Or.! , •».! r..r »>’e by »tl j)j»|{<t*Uof AU.UU, Uoottit*. uuuuU.Iuk;'. prlii*. uiur.gagt. fi. _ iavui« f b. v.. Ya ncey vs. J*reu 1. Whitaker Also, *; til. same time ahu place 1 Job book printing re: ol H. iiue X Cu.’e paULt, low in use in tbe office Atlanta luielligcccer. Levied ou as the prope.ty ' * ' monga^e of J. 1. Whitaker by virtue uf and to satisfy o ___ n. I*., tru.a iron Fuiio^ ju^vnor Court in uvur of li. C. Vance) v*. J. I. Whitaker. Also, al tu*. rniut iime aua p.ace oqj hundrt d and xt) cU*j> case-, anu one hui.a.cd and *ev nty-fiv* tl7b) font* ul l>pitoi d.ULieut e,aeo aud dee^r.pU< (11/ -vands, mow a as the Atlanta .ntehi f encer duo ulUco. Levied on ac tuc property oi Jared . Wniukcrb/ virtue ol cbd to sittri) a mortgage fl. in., i«:LC'i irom r u t.n sup r.or Court in tavor ol D. .•> >s. Ja:oU l. vstutaavr. ProjKrty p .luted out utiil e attorney. , tt. .n<. etuie and place 1 lot of merchandise con- ; of irocerie*, Oouieatl^s, bouts, rhoce, ciilcoes hudwarc, Ac Levied on tu Uio propeityuf jamuei JikKsou . y c rueol and to eatisly a mortgage fl. f*., noiuFu .ou rup.r.or court in lavo ot Henry )bc. Ptop.rty pointed out by plaintiff e al- “ iRKcCKBUN, Di p, inter* fee torn) Ficlt«ns 8henff Sale. county, ou tus First Tassday in Aprii next, ous ccoud Uuided buggy, levied on as the property of Tbo.uR* c’. Brown, unier aad bv virtae ot a magistrals ot Fjiiou couuty, Georgia, agitust Thomas Hrovrn tu lav.tr ot Henry C. Can, c jiitromd by Albert Mosely, Property potuted oat tu olid mortgage fl fa., February - • ** U. B. PArtRlB. Depty Shenfl. th. 1671. feblb-lds Printer’s few per lev v Posmoned Sheriff Sale. riLI.be sold before tbe court bouse door, in the 400,000 Premium Prizes. odC mouth a great drawing takes place, at which will be drawn Fnaes of Hu a &U.u)J Fmx.iv. It a 4&1.0U, 60 a 400,000, 81 a ajOjjUO, 90 a l'G.mw. 30 a I>|0.191 1 40U,- 000,00 a WO, maW,0u0, 669 a ln,(M>, iiaaS.uoC, etc. till 900 Franca, tue lowest Prixe T be Prue ul tras bh*re is. r.... M •* Five anaresie.... •" " Keren a hare* i? ....40 5 DoUars .au Tbe unders'gned Ranking-liouK- send? ricaeu to the furthest Countries, Bank Bill* or Kemlitaccca, on a Mercantiis place ir darope. List of the drawings arc punctually delivered (free ol expsnse) to *~ery hha;eho.uer ae soon as iLt rami of tbe drawing ts xuown. Thu Fnxus falling lu tLa Lou will bs i*a'>d In ail Trans atlantic Cities. JOB PRINTING 4TLINTA fflTELlllCEi BOOR LSD JOB PRINTING OFFICE, Arrival «3t Departure 01 Trauih U tsuru dk A Unu lit Uaniuta, M16BT rmuvu TBAXil—OUTWAID, Lease Atirau^MM. jorih F m ArrlTit at Cuatunoog* ...i.hi V M sir rAMX]«u Taam—ocTwaxo. Leaves Atlanta. A ^ Amfeaa; chauanooga y* ^ kukt roMijiiG t^laa—lawAka: Leaves‘-axumooga. j&j p m Amves a; Aisanta. a at lax rAseuekA t&aia—uh»aao. Leaves Cha.uj.ooga a M ▲rnvea a. alal«* r m W11ITEHA.LL 8TBEET. WB INVITE TILE ATTENTION OF OUh FRIENDS and Ute Public general];, to oar complete and extemivt JOB PRINTING OFFICE Our facilities lor Executing tbe General Hut. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, are as good as that ot any Office in tbe country baring recently added a large lot ol new ■«.. modem types to our already Extensive id: .'- lifiimieat. t»aorgla UaUxoaU. zaax riuubu T&Aix. UJa^y, cix.CA/i Leave Augsxu Lcavs AULsM fL.'.lti*«Ae4d«Ul AirtMSl Al^*—LA xiflitz ruuieu riLLUL Lc»>c a - ■ Al. L*. AXXXVfc At A^piAtA , ....... .•..Oils* A., M. ALukuam A Uut-FvUH Hallroifl rAaeajKtaa taaui —optwaad. nca*e a Lal ratUSvi* IJUA-UtVAAIi. ixu*. JF. M t, M. wpavc tet rou.v AmTcILALA^tA .SMsisY /saXutAT AAiJ t A ivf MU*SA--Qb V W aJOi. -«• ** A-a— AUL t. M. t Eceaavaj*—taw aau, Auy A. Jt -LadV. A. X Ltllfx » Hasoo 4k U s*ura Haiueag* . atdaitw Janiary 0AT ramiftis f Bail, Daudy, cxccp; i».= :-.*.*y*, LTI.it ft. ■> vOoL lUttt XXl-ftOU J vzzr:z~~~'\. i, 1:2 AttXlali TAjuA-LduLt. Leave AL&triA r ^ A.T,\t — ^ a. a AXf.Tt A’OALU wr. * . __ . -*•••■ * > a! m a . Xi. UxiUN^o:*, — - m yjub**cribcr* First i’rizco and 100,tOO Francs, etc. Order* 1 , with remiuancc?. will lx? executed promptly utuur, wiaas lumtutuvar, w m u-r tAorutcu prumpu/ and under discretion nr CllAKLKa HuLLE, BaxAing Houae In Prtnkf ri on-Maimuern.*Ey,i Ze:! rued. So 47,opposite the royal poet office. )C.>17-eTery»un6m. IJ1'US great .m *urua:.ui IRJ'i x» a bail ling m* tertaL adapted lo ewr; style o: architecture, make? it a matter of interest for OlVSJKiia, TKCTS and Bl ILUEitS, wUrn WHERE they can parcaasc from Jte most TasTKFUL DB- 8IUN8 at CH&AF&ST FBI JKb. Tue Messrs. JAM 48 L J'.CKSuSA BROS IRON WoHKs, Jbihstral aui ts Aveu te, New »ork oty, has long be-ju known *• in.- rou-t complete and extexi- eive in tue Un teU otates. especially excs'.iing x fine wore. Over ihirtr year** eaccossla experience as Don Founder? and House Sin the enable* tu-;m t j ofler p»t 6lory Fronts, Fire Proof Yiour*, Ceilings and Faru- lions, Kiveted and Hollo:, Wrought Iron Girders and Beams. Cast Iron Girder* ana Beams, interior, Hound ana >qusre Columu*; Window Lintels ana Silts about one-th:rd the prtceot stone cut in fame manner. Cap ital* and Ba*ee lor Wood and stoat Co anno, of Doric, Corinthian, Ionic ana Tower of Wind orders, at about VVIIUIUUUI, 1UUIX auu iu*v. VI ntUll UlUC.l, BUOUl the price of wooden capitals, j ron ('resting* for Frenca Hoots; Iron Hoo.s; Fateni ihcmlnaLng Thee lor Sidewalks, Area-, Floor* and hooi*; iron Floor and Skylight* • Hox. Door* and shatter* ; lulling* in great variety lor t'ark*. Verandahs, office? an j Dwelling* ; Fire aad Burglar Proof Bank v aa;te; Book Safe Doors; rashes. Window Pan ms and Window oaards : iron Gratings lor Platforms and stools: Tree boxe?. Venti lators, Ac., Ac. Paumt Opera UuUse Chairs, with turn-up seat?, givin,; fra passage, for Theatre*. Churches, Halls, Ac. SPaClAL ATTENTION GlVSN TO TUB CO Ns PhUCTioN uP > tKS 1H00F BUILD INGS. Those wishing iniorrnatiun of the strength of iron beams, gtresrs, oo.utans Ac, with cost, applying in person or &y idler, prompt.v answered. Cuflipiote Illustrated ehCwtaot work ana prices sent tree. JAM its L. J At KsoN A BRO., Second Avenue and Last irib to gj'ia streets, febht- 3m New Yon nlty. Tuesday tn April next, within the icgai hours of sale, the fo.iowin? p operty, to-vrlt; Tao acre? more or lees, ot land, situated on the south side ol Marlett-v street, in the city of Atlanta, near the og.rlhorpe Park, and known as 'he Allaota FertUtxtng and MtLerai Paint koras. On said lot is two large framed bubdings and oue small brick buiidtxxg.— Levi, d on *» the property ol Gietin A Wright, by nrtne ot *:.a to Ni hfy li .1 n fl fa i*?atd tn uvur of A C Lbiij vs I he Auinla Acid Fcrtil.s Lg Company, March the 7.h. Ia7l. A. M. PBHKBKSGN, mnlo-wu Deputy Bheriff. Postponed Sheriff Sale, wti Marietta sUeet, near the Oglethorpe Park, tn city uf At.aula. Fuitou county, known as the Atlaau ruliring and M-uerai Paint Works, on toe first Toes- 111 May m xt, wtthta the legal hour* of sale : day , , Four Thousand Feet of Lumber, mors or loss, sawed for ths porpuseot building cotton and hay presses. Levied ou a* the prop**rty 01 Glenn A WrtghL by virtue of i.nd 10 ?at;?fy a manafacorers hen fl Is issued in favor of Christopher Dodd, agent lor William fcoloman vs. van tin A VS right. March the 7th, 1F71. A. M PEKKSRSON. mhio wit Deputy bherifl. A-drainistrator s esale- B Y virtue ol an order from the Court of Ordinary of Henry county, Ga., will be sold bcfore_ the ouri tioufc door, 1 ... the town of McDonough, Henry county, Ga., between the usual hours of sale, on the ftrrt Tuesday tn March uext, 197 icros, more or less, ol tots of laud No*. 900, 9t7 and «S tti the 9d district ol Mid county, known as the Gran Harris place, hold jK?rty o f A. G. Combs, decca?ed. tor the bene fit of the noire and creditors. Term* cash, or credit of wn mouths. saMUKLM. PUICK, Administrator, iauih ids primer's lee 65 per Mtuare. GKOliUlAt Fatsttb Couktx. Ohdiuart's Office, Febraary 1, iSTJ. nliN J. GILUsvUT, Adminisiraior of me estate of M Jackson, docenstal. represeuu, in his petiuou d, that he has Iniiy discharged hts said trust - r* uii wmccrnedarw hereby notui-st to be and appear at my office, wlthtu tbe urns prescribvsl by law, JE au'.jrtw raus-% U any they can, why said admiuiotrator fhoui'i not oe discharged from said admtnistrauou, and receive letters ol dismission on the first Monday tu M*v n XL DAVID C. MINOR. Ordinary I'fitruf'* i.ui <i ; feb'J 40d Pnnier‘s tee fli.hd \r CiKOlililA, FatittbCouhtt. Court or OnmiunT, March 7,1971. 11BKHA9, ft D Dickson, sectrlty of John D Dtck- #0.. guar aim ot Ztchsnth Varner, ha* fl'.ed hts final return, showing a luit distribution of tbe c*tate of Za, hariah f'urner. sud applies for letter* ot dismission, which irtiers will be granted ou the first Tuesday in Apnl next. uuIcm some valid oblections are fl ed ac- coiding to law. DAVID 0. MINOR, l**tn»rj. m:,7 -*W lttnt**'* le* 14 *0. W it RURAR. C U K»*Un, gn«rdl»o ot th* proi»*rty of IVt “ nToi»*rty of lViraetlo u If-utln, reptoomt. to tho ttv hi, IK4.U03, th>l be tut luitj itlocturjod hi, M 'fbi™*!thoreloro, to noltfy *tl por*o»» ooneerned to bo *ud *DiK*r .1 my offlee, wimta lb* unu uh'KTibed b,low, to.ho*nr.-ty If »'ytbercy, wb, o*h! mt- dUn olio out •.... t.»-u«t from hi- Mi4cdAt*W' dian stioui ship aud icvt'ive letter d»y tn M*j uolt >11.Ion, on Uio hot Mou t.b*-»>t UKOUUIA, Yi Lxon ivh-ktt (.■iuhxout'* time*, J*nn»rj Sd, toll. J OHN T. BRANNON tuTtnjt »P|'h-l lor U* dlan* • minor c dWMtei- l T. BRANNON bAVtne ipi'll-1 lor lb* ctur- nohtu ot Uu ponou *»(T t>roy>«rtj of Rll* Lock, child ot J. T. Lock, Uio of Do Kolb county. thou otyjoctkino. If »ny tboy hu.o, within tho Unto prvoertbodby Uw, »loo i«to will bo gruntad Mid »p- l>tto*nt •• *p|>llod for. DAN1RL 1‘ITTMAN, Ordtnury. Attiwt; Join V. Ooorx*, Clor*. j*ut-2u 11UWI t It* It OO, yioouion oi liQue. Science, in which ms:.’- chm ACUir, capaDiiiLea, and most appropr.ate pursuit* are given, eee TUB PURSNULOGICAL Jut rt> * * ' * given, see TUS PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, for 1&*7I, a flr?t-cxass mifixlne. No. I now rtady, con taining THS BKSOilttttft, with several ortrait* and Diographies; IL B. Claflin, tbe merchant; K. B. Wool ward, of California; the Mormon*, their relict on, mode of government. Polygamy, etc., auh 4J •; u*u?a- trations. showing the use aud abuse of a>: the hamac acuities, only A YKAit, or cent* a umkr. Clubs of ten. #9 each, and sxtra copy to sgenL ao- drtws, 8 K. WALL*' ^ Broadway, New York, Jasll BACON’S TRUNK ENGINES Fon all runrosBs; ooxracr, dvuaalm abd irnaur BACON'S STEAM AND BELT IIOIHTING MACHINES For Manufactarers, Stores, Docks, Ship*, Ac. Price List on application. Belun&r Iron Work*. root WEST iSUt fT., K. T. turf - wod AsatSm CARDS Business, Visiting, Railroad, Wedding, And Everv Other Kind, Plain or Colored, At Prices to suit all Check Books, Draft Books, Drav Relceipt Books • at*, .•lrtn,iul«, Nu.hrttlr * n( j ctiai- .Oucii.— tii.uu uallmd Dine. a-AAJt and B’.ink &xiks, ol every descr.p'.ion, pnn'.e had bound on the most lATorsblt terms, sad : tbe aehtest style. Legal 331n.nkft». Sheriffs, Ordiohry’s, Clerk’s, Hs^trste’s, Bind Law Blhuks, ol every kind, Fritted on the Best Psper, And At Low Price*. Orders from tbe country promptly filled. COTTON STATES LIFE IffiMCEliOMPM Principal l'ffice--Macon, Ga. ti.oou.ouo ! i*OU,UUU « li0,-000 lOTHE PUBLIC. x i* l: >• l> i r L' ts E e4 •U LObSKS - OANTi. w a. o AtA.CSlX.l_M »CPT Ali£*,(£• Book IPrintiiisr. BAIX, BLACK & CO., A6A and &61 BKOADWAY, Diamonds, NEW YORK Jewelry, Watchesand Silverware, Of the Best Quality & Lowest Prices, GOODS SENT BY KJLFHJ&S. C. O. D. liKOHGIA, mtOS U0FSTY. \\’ HKKKAts tteonpe d wica, vi-xardian of the para>n IT and property of Wtliiaai A'ood Ljou, m-.uvW, ha* applied tor leave to sell a portion - the real estate belonging to b.s said w*rd for bi* benefit- AH person* concerned arc hereby notified to flic their ublecHous, it any exist, within the Unu- a-lowed bv aw, cisc leave will be granted for tbo >a:o of said rvsl estate. DANiBL PlYTMAN. Ordinary, ias7-4dd pnutax'* lex ft An i ItOHOS W DAVIS having applied for guaidiaa- ' * ' i perwons and property of ths minor W Da vu, otsewased. liKOUUA, FaTBTTB Cot BTT : Obuinabi's orric*, February 97.1971 G ftOROS \ ship of lbs cnitd*kwi ot John This is.th«rsfAve,t4> noufy a. p* rsoa* oonc»»tT>ed to tie thesr ohjectiona. t any tnej h*T i, won n liu- iwesenb- o*i by law, c:»e letters wi t W grtntod stld app.tcanl a* applied lor, on the Fr»t Monday tn Apr ! text. 1 DAVID C. MINOR, sur7-flfcL Ordicaxy. pnutors fee fid CANCERS, TUMORS, ULCERS. a bTONldUlNO cures by Hof. Kline, al UteFtxiladel A phta Cancer lusUtuto, Mi Arch street, Phtiadel — * .. u - h. II. IV,M. IK ,.1.1. tu. At Bnuien oatev*. by Dr. DUlun, th* W. Yoorth .trwX, OlnotnuAU, O.; by Ur. Grnno, UhArwU*. li. C.; by Dr. U**ly, Mub'jiotUtd tloMe, Atlutt, «». WONDERFUL CANCER ANTIDOTES. No Kmtf*. No C* at lie UnUciuM. No Btood. Ltut* iUln. Yot i>«rlrialAr*,CAllaat>r*Jir*ti.i>lUV9t U* Ttwr alt-*«|M) All who AppredAte Utc importAnoe ol bkviag Uteir work done on New Type And Gdod Presses, And First-CUss >Yorkmen, wili oolsv., tbeii own inlertei, as well as oars, by giYin^ u» a fail triAb 13 ill Henda, lute, In tbe line ol Bill Heeds, Letter Hesds. Cir- cnUrs, Direction Checks, Sx., we Are preps--* a* heretofore, to execute as next work, And oc as tsvorsble terms, ts say house In the Sooth, And to fUATAntee fvK nui»Jri, which is s beAvy Item to ptriic* ordering ltrge Jobe, a* they seldom get fell numbers when they order work North. fOTlCE GP GRANGE GP SCHEDULE GEORGIA RAILROAD OO • .i*v .l 1*-:. itt *r» xzitrtxr SCHEDULE 0> To S h o w in e In til kinds ol Show Printing, pltinoroo:- orod, such as MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. DAT rA?**.S»sX6 Ta • rxrxrrtD.i Posters, Pwirames. House-MllsEtc., This Office will be Found to he !?upe: 11. scything In the South. Partioe hire but to cal And KxAmine Samples lo be conrinccd. Book 13 i il tl i it . Krery Description of Binding end Kulinj; Promptly Executed ia tnj (trie desired. Call ot or Addroee < INTELLI6EN0ER OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA., Tor Prices or KuttnAtes, lor trery Descrip tion Printing. __ April 1 ?'! .UtM-dln STEAM PUMPS' hand Puxra, HOU HR I* It 31 f N ^'R \tll MAD., Btrxa, K1NS9, Breweries* Dlstil.orles* WKLL6 X C I>T SHNb, Hydraulic Presws, &o., NtcCOrtfAN BROS.. tab. cm. CABLE SCREW WIRE BOOTS ANU 5HOES. BOTTOMS riSTRNSD WITH A SCKS'V Wilts. All tho Rttgo! ^ Lil BY ALL *-'L.\LLl*M. ia