Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, April 04, 1871, Image 1

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‘KKItOft OKAMa* TO BK DANGEHOlTB WHEN SEASON lb ujH fk&t TO OUMBAT IT "--J,firm, VOL. XVI. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, TUESDAY KVKNLNG. APRIL 4, »87L (Si! NO. 7.7 eus giultj JuttUigcnWfc WAX. WllistON, fublUilier. SudstfijitioiV ana .Advertising Rates. •MttMB or oUUBUtUlTIOR. wSewf,"tttnontni U UU wHiu? iy«*t....— — »yo liaKla copies .1 the counter 10 Murtecpiee 10 Score Bore end. Agente....... lutBB of AOVauiislNu. For uaen Sfftiaro of 10 ilnua or iu«n, tor tho Ant Ihm; Uou 41, and lor oacli rJbeuyuonl lneurtiun £*u conla. ! 3 »■ 8 8' © w 8 S a O K O C 6 1. 1 •* 1 s s ss a a 8 8 8 8 ft •iuuooi i I s 1 - a a a 3 S d 8 % 8 s 8 8 8 & 8 8 l ,muoo i l a •O H a X a a 8 “ S ^aSiMiciul No.-ccb, 40 coulB per liuo drat insertion,am iU cuuia per iice tor oacu auuscquentluottiuon. Aa»tr;i;eaieuiaiuaert,oa4ilmutvai#U) oc charged at I6v, uacc insertion. Adver tioumet* wo uranrud to remain unxny parucvnai naiie, to uuu'gws a* new eacn iubctUou. *Tlio money lor aavuruaiug coUBidexoo aai aflor Aril com*'" 1 »ni cationb or .otters on bustnoailnieniledfoi Cj4.b ouioe BCodld De a(ldr«BBo<l to THE INTELUCENCERj ATLAMA, UKChGIA. HEAD. and to Lftdlci. ttat Wornin ate imlijort to uututroua dla- uitBea peculiar to tbeir B»x - men kb hapureeBton or Uio Mru»«i.Whll*d,Pailful Month iv ••FertodB.'' KbcamutWD of, the Lark ana Womb, Irre u'u? MutiBihuitlon. llermirrliHg , or Bxc*«*ive ''Flows,” auu.t'ro- tati»-u« Uteri or Failing of tut Womb. Then** diseases have seldom been tri aled eucceaainlly '1 be profeBBiou Uub BuUKbt dUigmt- Fulton 8hertff Sales for Anril, 1871. W ILL BB HOLD, before the Ooart-ooase door, In tbu city ot Atlanta, ua tbe drat Tuesday la April next, withlu -he legit hoar! of tele, the lolloir* ii u i r< petty, to-wit: one acre of lend In the third ward of the city of At* UbU, fronting on the weel tide of FnnciB street, ad joining the pioperty of Mm Hand* and other*, being part 01 land lot 53, lu the 14'b district o original H eu- r> now Fulptn county. Ler*ed on a* the property of Meiidub Brown by v.loti of and to ratlsfjr a Ufa issued Irotn Faiiou nuperior Uoart in favor of Tho* J Ferker- soit vs Mertdllh Brown principle and A J Untchine, Becunty. March 1, i«71. Aiho, at toe fame time and place, a city lot in tbe city of Atlama, containing one acre, more or love, simat*! on the norm Bide ol Marietta street, at the Junotion of I Marietta street and Howell’* Ferry Hoad and opposite ' the Atl-nt* Fertilizing and Mineral .Paint Works.*- 8U,bm tl “ !m 10 i^ U <®.thc rt p^rt“o. Jinn B as-yss® Sfess 'I lie iit'mocr«i »*• C.«ui o."***n« , uruuii /.atit»ii oi tlie uemu era Ur ai.U t v’.uivt tun j»rennuiu 1 v iiiiiiiiitlxc. An uJiouiLul caucus ol ilio l.’f rr.ocnitn: flip’ CoUsUVttUVc incmucitj ol Unugit's .vue m i., n Lu: hull oi ifits house ol UcuiusLutuiivtc ol 11 o’clot'K, on suluitla) mormuj*. lion L urnaiitlo >N uo.i, ol iSuw York, called the caucus io or ier, uu<A, ou moliou, lion En gine Lasstriy, of LUiiiurma, to«iK Uic chuir. llnii M. L. Ivur, ol ludiumi, moved the fol lowing icpoiuiiond, wuieli were uuunuiioUBl> ailopied: He&uiVeii, i 1ml wo cortliuliy couHiieml lo oui Uem jcnu.c a ml Coustrv.aive fellow—citizvut lu.iMghwiit h>e c untry me Patriot, ol theuiy ol W uoi.ii.gt* a, as i nc^?|mi>er emineutly worthy ol itieii ivVoi and support, try ruuaon ol It'e high lone, great uuhiy m.a Udeli y to correct prin- C'l'i* b wlm ti cimrocui ./. iuiaiigugiment. iCesoived, ru.it a copy ol this resolution be cwiuuiuuic.iied to vii.t !* .:•; r lot publication liou. Wuluuu E. .nii.mUv, , t I uiana, ollcreti the Pillowing, 4 men was alto unamin u-:ly miujfle »; UcooivcU, That there siul. Le appointeu a coiiiiUii.ce,cousisiing • 1 out *m; ».oi or lv«.,»re- fcenlutive lioui each M il« tnihlio i»y tin* politi cal character oi its it« legation lo rep res* ntation in Uiia cauo .s, lo Bt*rv.* iiuring the present Lou- gres?, and to to Lk known ms Ueuiocralic fttitl Lonseiva iv«. iigub-sit nai c.oinuiillee, which shall ne clmrgeii \> »tu cuen dulled as it amy pioptrly pvrioim in regard lo elections aud otner p.'li.it u. iiitivU rs dui i..g its existence, with power to choose its own clmirm.m tud oihui ollldeis, mid mao to cln ore ana appoint a tub- euuiiu.ute, to consist, in whole or m part, a& inuy oe ceemcu oesi, ol tnuuoers ot Uougreda, to nut us . le.Miitni eXicuuve committee, lor ihe diaii iiiuLou oi doc unit uls and oilier campaign w rk. Jtesoived lui'lier, I'hat each delegation hen n pie&eoteii .*n.*u Ik- enhlle.t to name its c%-in mulct, man wi der me loiegoing iisolulion, hut wUun no pcie.'u cn*.l ne name l wilnin a rea soiiuDu: mile, inui lue cu i iiuati ol this caucus biiaiinp.io.n sticli toin.nl ice man. O.i U.otioii, the I i. Ol till St-»1«> N\ l* cdie ., ami it appthltd lliul the lo iiwi: c •’ lerniuriei wen? lepuscn'.ul. viz; New V* la. New Jeraiy, l'. i.ns)Ivama, Delaware, Mar;*- ; .u i, Yi.ginu, N >r.n t’ar- Pna, u:.. L’..r«. i {.Ik oi. in, Ai.di.uiia, Mississippi, (Luo, Iventut -y, felines* if, lii-.na..n, l.luiois, Missouri, Arkac baa, .Vi.cuigtu, Lloiiui, l >im.i, Oregon am. Ntv-.ua, and the luriumcbut Idaho mid Da kota on m »vn, !he li'.l’wi; g-umned gentlemen we;i »ppo... co ’.o compote ihe raid L>« nnx iatu an i C < en.i.ivt i ongi» ?.i.iiii*lcoiumitti e, s /.. New — h. h. "CHIU New dciscy —.loan l*. M. in tm. l*t uur>Iv.iiiia • :'.u»iue ,1. ilmdall. Di.ii uiii;- ihnjamiu 1 !> :gs. Mmy.and—Sieve..*»*n Aicntr. . Yligii.ia— John ( i ’cl.er. Noun v>juoima— L r. ^i.o » r. ison.h v aio.utw-T-.a c V Al. li.isicU. liemgia-1*. M B Y-mug. Auoa ua—l*. Al. D *.\. .Mississippi— Jjomal.ili.w— Onio— t'h.ladelph Van Trim , Kentucky — B *\U \N imlurler i encebbce—>V. L‘. \N llillhorne. 1 itdian *— .M. C. Ki i r. liiiinois—LauiUci Maibhall. M .ssoun—Ei status ens Aikuisn* J ones M itanks. .Mtcniguu—J U Muneilund. Fioiiua CJiias L. Nib hick. I exits— Iowa— N iaC‘-nsiu - ( n him.* lv.gr ne C'asScrly. MlUlit sola 0 i* n .1 •m< s 11 Mater, lvan-ua— \\ * s'. 'V .r^h ; v - hcxit.ii t Hailes W. litiuhill. Nelii n-K v— la a* i .".iii.u l A Me rntt. Dak.dn—M.»ms Iv An.. :«.ng. u.oi .1 mi T. li.;d, m N . ,1c S,c v :d couilliltli iippu n e • * l. to t X vinille the .u Could - ol . i uiuer.ilic Execuliv i t otumi t« * l .e ttuinc wii* coinU, I In 1 >p!ed, and Ihe special c. iniin’Uft w.ij dis- c i aged. il u. rernaudo Wooi!,m New York, moved j i loli-.wing rcBolutmn, wlucu was ad pled u . mimoudy : v».«'lvea, That il iSissintiul to tl-.e inlcicsts m. me people ol tnl* i tlutiy tm.t Uie D jo- c ilio uiiu Loi.seivalive unmucis ol Congress bo .n con lai.t add* . dice upon the sc-aiuiis uu tit the tinal .»••) hi. in. nl. and ma Bo* alisenlccs BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR. U whl purity tho blood and strctigthL'n the syclom, re lieve irritation of tho ktd.. ys, and la a perr etbirtidfle lor all the above riiowa*** »»- a ertatn cure as quinine je in Chilli* and Favora. For a history of /iiww*o* and o ntfl'uiteeol ft^ won d rfjl curea, thu readirr la icfcr.-ed to the wrapper ar uud each bottle. bvery Dottle warratle 1 lo give aatlsfacUoa or money LaUiunua, Ox., March 23.1810, Bbadfikld A Co.. Atlanta Georgia: id xiiSiue: i take (deasurnln uiating that I have used, or ihe lnai (Went- ..ear-, the uiedlclnu you an* putting up, known as Dr. iiKADFlanD’s FKHAL.H RKGUoA- J 0 (. aud cjiieioer it ihe i>ett c«.in nnution ever cotton ’• gether for tbe diruares lor wn.cn it Is r< CoiiJin ndtd. 1 ;.ave been ftiuiiiar w. h Ihe pr «cr p io i> th -- wtx- donor oi medicine and >n domestic practice, and cm honestly ray that I con rider u a boon to Miner ng fe- luaita, and can but hope every l:.dy ’u the land, who u.ay be tud ring inany way ,. c i Par f ; . r *ex, may iv sbie to proeurca bottl-, that tbeir auleriru'e may u aly be i el lev. d. b .t that lb. y may Pc restored to h»; . and uuu ptrcngtli. W ith my Kindest regiuds, 1 am, respectfully, VS. B. euKt.i.1., M. I). lug to the trade Dr. J. liu> on u s r smalk . bo J,” atoh- iHJlieving it t«* bo a good and teiian.e retnedy Tor the tilsenBes for which he re. omiuem.i W A kA.vbDh.x.D. Atlanta He rgia PJiMBHHTuN, VS ILi.auN & I a VLUK A 0 , ... At anta, Ue< r'la HBJiSS INK A FOX. Atlanta, tuorgia. \S 0 LAW.iUii!, A thin Pi, >t.or,ia M HuOl A cON, Alar.eti*, CJuorgia. DR. PROPHITT'S CELEBRATED liver medicine 11 Is pu cly vegetable, and will aci u.- tithe ’ Iver and ki' ne ■ as promptly a* Odor. . I and Bticha, without uyd.uger f Mj.vt Ion or destruction of the tM.nei*. T r *is itikiug thl-m.dicinu reuiU <t ka g. <uigwet, o. a. y other reaeouaoiu exposure. SYMPTOMS OF LIVER DISEASES : lioadarhe, Dull Feeling or the Hluee, Sour Stomach, Sick '•r .Ncui.il* Utadacue, ID-.rtbu'j*. Indigo-tiun or . yv p.p ia. Had or Muter I'u-te in 'f*.* Womn, uie rkin Imp a tu.ck, roug L-.'liiig, ai.U ir «aiktr th^n mu i-, ' «j-t;.e tier's, M» .ai.cn.ny xuedugs, ‘ rnmpt. io.,i Feet, i o... . y eut. ry or D.arrl oui, c n;.i.« and -ev r.ai.: i in fact, wh. re .he uiverieom o order, y«>u a^e liab. to every deea-c thst’.s no* conPtgiru*. I'roph.ti’d Liver Medic.uu, u laken proper v, will prevent and cure any disease reeuitmg from * uerat.ged uiver. U will r. g'Dnr.* te functions and thuu cute a,, diseases cuu.e l hj me f.a .re oi its nealtby action. U na- teen tired fo a great number ol years, and baa g.v* i. Universal an-f.clou. 1 h.-re is u * biotL- r or eon claiming to have the orlgi- mt r. celp;. It is put up .u bulb ruwucr and F.uid form. Fxis BU11.N, c Dit 0. S. I’m ruiTT t mu: ,Vy wi'e las been an Invalid for l) dors !*:■ agree she bad ** Live* a-e 11on Wit. n.irpto. ice-neuie.l v iiicu-n .e of which se..m< d o d . nr y go. d. CUreu a t-.» ti- ol *• t.. v« r * e.l i e " A. liarve*. which be.ug giv.ua tulip, lias etleC cd a . omp. »*pt» tuber 4, L43. Ir.im tlu .tl-'l.al L w lii ll accoiuliig to di- TllUM 1’cUN. Atlxxta, Ux.. Ja j is, ibTO. Mb>hrs Huxi risi d ^ ( o : Uknti KMB^ - Last y nr. du U g rry travel- tn A!a- ill nest ite-ogin, I . lu litli l>e. i.maaui ."^uliwest e*. r, :Uid tnj“"2»*nem uiloUe nuicu.es, aim aui<>i , ’til-- all to r,o purpose 1 .* n.y Uu k. bid. I t: ii in bt rj cd W.tU lUleiire iii->■ tn.- 1 dm n< i i dcBp -ircd of re- Kdwaids, and H G.ewn and Ja^cs 1J Wright, aacori ties. Property pointed oat in th's A fa, March iho 6th, 1(171. Also, at the same time and place, three large Mirrors Levied on by vtrtasof and to satisfy a distress warrant lesQea in iuvor of L U Davie vs HZ Wiison, March the 1st, JFfl. A-jpo, at the same time and place, one huge framed build,ng, shoated on the soninwest torner of Boiler aud iiarrln streets, in the lourth wire ol the city of Alianu, anown as the li mdeau A Cos, Furnit ure F*.cto ry Le vied on as me property of Hondeso dc L*o , by virtue of a d'o -study a mann'ac urer’s' itlr. d U is rued - oru Fulton bupenor tour; in iavor of iilce and Mitchell vs Hand can Mto. Warch &ih, 1671. Al.-o at me .ame time and uiace, one brick huUdlng by u jus*, s ijolmng the Furnlto/e Factory of Ron deau Ji Co, uaeu by th.ni as an eugine room ; also, the bricir c-^oing lor a boi.’cr Levied oa sr th pr t;* rt.j of Rondeau a > o, by Virtue of and to satisfy a mcciranic's Ictn u fa, irsried Torn Fuiton superior • uurt in iavor of Newman & Fair, vs Konocau A'.'o,, March 5th 1*73 Atru, at the same Uune and place, a part of land tot No 7/i in the 14tL district oi originally lienry now Fuj- tonomiity. 'J he p«u eo levied on is In Ware 1 front ing to !e« t, more or lese, on Biiot rireet, ai d run: mg ba kV'Nili. mor.* or leas, and adjoining the p.opcrty .>1 linDimoiiii an . Hayden Levied on ae the prope: y of J L’ssey, adnoi.irtrutoi of Peter Long, by virtue ol and to ralwly * tl lu ironed trow Fulton superior C&nrt in fa vor of J 11 Hayden vs John Casey, admin.rt/stor ol Peter Loj g. Property poidUd out ny plaintllTe attor ney ,Murcn the )»tb, ltfjo. Also, at the sum..* urnc* a c piace, the one-tlxth in terest tn Uie l«>rt)-tive acre-oi land lying in the south* en-t comer ol Fair ato B.»rne p re ts, in u»e eit, of At lanta Fulton cou ty. be ng part oi lar<d lot No 21. m»o aoloiuing the ISi.Usoi L P urant Lev.ed on ae the property .1 the ee.ate ol M C lwulger, < eceaeed, »*y vir tue of and ui ►atief) a fl la issued from Fu p n bu erior Court iu l iVor ot Tnomae K joues, lUi* h L LhUg*:f, ad luimetra.oi Propcj ,y pointc«l out by piaintm , e j’.wr ney, March Gih, ioii. Also, at the panic time and place, a city jot in the city of Atlanta, fronting m F »rsy'n and 11 . tersin.*ets i*J lest each, being pari oi and .ut 77, in the ilt.< ditnc: oi orig.ntdy Hen y now F uiton county ui. paid lot is atwo story Driesuwed.Ug. nevieci on a* tneproj/eity * I Na • y W aeda . t y v.riue of an-, to rutirly a f. U issued from Fuium s*up* Mur t ourt in la or of Austin «k iloi.d.-.y vs Nancy W ad mi,. Property pointed out I plaint U, March me ot.., 1V7U. A. M. PJiKivKHFON uin7 Ids De.iuty >n<*!t3. I’r.Lter’a fee|2 iio ••cr levy. PURE GYPSUMI.JOH PRLNTINg Containing aver 991 -2 Per Cent, of Soluble Matter! G round and phkpahrd ir« this city, and warr-iv.ri ir-.* from aia.tertiior. The sn* n* xed comraumcaLi/i. Ir*#fn Pr-d. t lixr.c' V. Fhepp*r«J. • pi Uie par ty of ‘'.1* ar r **., n a i;na *nte*! of lu» hivnly val-.ab.e qtw •• » v n« K-me' b*m/ svs* able when mixed w;tt. oth-r mmar / ;«. »'• th*. ^r^t: advantage of any ttnd of crop L-*o-*..Ai a- * op drewng lo: W h *at, hye. bir.ey .t .:.d Uie t*a-‘ee. ('.ne of whicn^wUl show vi-.i.e an pro? era mt on an acre of ground.) Thli vsinsbie Manure :t ofle'ed for sale »( tue ;ow price of f IN per ton. ca»h, oi n lime fo: city arutentance with UiteuAt abided , Put up f..r th.^ment :n ‘iogi of "wo hundred p'.'mle ewee. AH orders by Ma*i. h» ■»**.• trtance with atv^ve ter.us, wL; be promptly executed by Jamk*' u. HOLMJW, Cotun...eioc Merchant, Boyce’s Wharf, Char.cetoh, a. C. Drricx or tui StatbU vacroa r FeBTrLizias, 1 Laa^axTuKT 17 7U* Firm.can CoimroK, i{»w« etrvtt, 'marie*to-, a. u, f Noveuber 2i, ld7k. J ■milted try yoc l/>r analy sis 1? the most rtmarxib - '.»>c eve: tor .*.e free dom irom imporu.ee ol every alnd. c.»r.'alh eg as it does bat one-thlrd of one per ten*.. o< ia-v>iu*>»e cutter If it can be •applied of sHu .sr qu.* ty. ;t Cthno*. ‘a*. Oj prove a great boon to no a thorn agriculture, a- thee*: :r no crop to »*hlch it s ft beneflria.. wtifther aj.y.'ld alone or in co mu dc tion v ;h oilitr manures. Yoryre- spectlullv your obedient eervan: Newest Grand Austrian Slate-Loan x. o r -v hi ii v , Guaranteed aad Coeiroiled ty tee Got- erraent ia tie iiaoaat oi 1*20 Millions Florins or 25U Million Francs, wf.tt .8 to be rcpa.d ny 400,000 Premium Prizes. inner that **Tery sec- ATLANTA INTELLIGBNCEB BOOK t\ T D JOB PRINTING OFFICE WIIITEII VLL STIIEET, atruvui da Dopuuure oi T mine i***i L 4 AUwuiil UKuiuau, ■WAT fAMinsa. iKaUk—vuyivajio. -exve it*:.5 ? M AJtirme ai cn*iuaoo^- '' n f ^ oax rasasayx* •*gn'TO«(t hU.'A-vv*. x J| BittUl r*x<*.>*** laiMM—Lk wakd; 0«o/gla kxhrvad. OAl fiMXJlMU* 7UA.1S, la^nq*/> lkix. tl +Xk.i -*=ave Augusta mjiC-j a. M T i to-w Muitgage Sheriff sale. » d b.ioru the * ou.;-Ucu e djot K .Uuta, »l ku Ua.x. uk. U.* u. r».t, in Jii., u* x , me f.Uw. g \ i pe ty, oat* i.rge il »o press, 1 fu io flue press, 3 impos.ng eloUcc, lu sLauds . u.Is. JJ CxSee ype lumu mu H t , 1 Cut:J ji.cte 13 p^l.a ui c tea w,t t. p., Jv Huu Chnejt, 2 .U « c. p with IU •*, i2 b'.w- gndey.-. , wu nleu gni cyfc, lu 1 utsauuopjamr y,» *, I .out a <a e C s, i t u...JW IS, t,.j, icaUs. 1 l .8 cut , . ui liT- ** r . 4 P IB . 4, Pto - 1 pH4U.pM.-r,*) -w-Uv J. pa.r ouaus A .u ; pc, 11 b.-u»s fc a..c,. • 1 tu.lag mauh ae 1 e auu.ug p , i j.apcr tUit -*#, i uo^ra cu ter, l sc*. u.‘dvi\* ou.r, 1 ca JiQut «tin type, 1 Wj.lt bench, 6 t-Ui.p, 12 u.i l tuuK case xnn d.?K, i a.'gc <roh ta»- , 4‘>u .cc„ouj w... o. the odiC:. LcVcid ua as tin p* p- lavoi . pr»-p- i -Il U, I.-4. ii. .. Va a. * tlu ! vl. ul t .•ij . : ui»erior court *v'him*c*r : 1 Job bunk print »g V 8. J U s p»lcni. ».<J4 .». UbC >I1C utic. c.ilgcnc.*:. Levied on as ’h. j r .pv.tr ji ii ll Aiumth *»; J. 1. A h. ak.r bj vir uv of and tu sat sij a nl» ll. d rum t u<k».. cu^vrior court in uvJr u: C. Y ai.cwj Ve. vl. 1. t\ ni.aKor. A.so, at lac i e:x (Ukj c»*i'-, uUu uu & tl >.-) luu.e ut t;p.*Ui d.dcic-n a-u «ioiou til) iund8, mow . gc< c-.-i Job vUtce. j~c• led on . l» hundred and ■ wd.ed and r- > ,Uly tl.c r l ie ana dceir., i.uu, ar ihe Attauta .iitci.j • tav property oi J*rea Vo s.t.riy a IU n . or Cvm.t .n uror ol ia »hu .»er J'rop rty p .*tiled out Oj pa.null e allot' ey. •‘ifo, u u *,uie and place 1 lot of m» rcnandi?*.* con- S.r'iU^ol • roceaoj, Co.ncsuvJ, t>o t*, rhotr, Ca.H'oer hi.d.tare. X< Lc-vicd on as the prop xty uf .-aaiUv. . 1 u So : i.op.:,, r c-our; ia hi'o ol ucniy ted v. ui oy pialnt ll • at* v.v.uj j.», Hc*pjty b..t*rifl. mere ice H oo.per toy • a moiuei t’r rott lint m g alien a Irv d reo . I i’e ...ver M.-d.cme. 1 did .-o, tud otic bottle lues i uie . aid to d.n 1 t. el lK«* *»n »t*.« r man 1 eon- it oue ol tnv nipt inevlic.i.vp tu k nc*ra use now •. aud, without any rc:t*rvatl<>n, rccotumeud tt to ill c .ah in, gent.emeu, very respectluily. y u -. etc,, C ji. HAbnlauN. DR. PROPHITT'S DYoENTER Y CORDIAL ■ .... Itu* b.v* i'C l.i.tiun Covinuton, Cix., November V>. 1567. Uit l’KorniTT : c t \> d the.v r W “ l ’. T‘ in l i.c*weil. i> remedy to h . Ik obtained. U. S. ruKTEli. Cupskta, Texas, ItP-O. I>n PwuriittT: Dean . »n Your Liver Medicine and l am K il it l- romp.etc success. J. L. NNlllTTna. T!i « is tbs celi’hrated medicine ih.H 1’ilk^i.s sneutf sale. W ILL be ro.d o. < ie .tie u -urt house do.>r lu ‘aid cou ..y. ou .ns /i p. l'm.-mt) tn Apr i next, one .•us.onu haiiueU uug^y, <evtcd ou so the ^ro^.-.tj oi inu.utn? iI'oau, Uuic*r a <d b* vutue A a mag.eirate F . ton w.uni*. ••sev.rgi*, ogi.nst iuow*p uro*»n in v ; o. il nr> v . V tt ., u.r i.e. by A.berv .Vle»se*.j, roper.y ^o.n.ea v-a. .<• -.».a moitgege d ia , ret-r-tt,^ n, <5.4. ii. >t. x*a .iv43. n)e t *ly buer.il, teuio-telA i*r Otei e tee $2 00 pel 4eV >. Pok.uuuvd Slientf Saie. the «*ojrt houpe diKir, In the u.ua. coun.y, ua , on the h.pt wiiuin ihe .ega. hours ei ta.e, lo-4.l . 1 so Jtcrrp more or issp, in and, situated on the -o th side ol Mai lei it s.revt, in che City oi .-.l anta, ear tUe i gittilur,-e i .-.:k, and inuwu ae 'he Atlanta rert.liz.ng ana Miner• ia.nl *>ur.ve Ou -a.u .ol le l«o .arge ir.ituea bui.uu.gp *tm one mm., brick bu.id.hg - pro, erty oi Ikenn .v A right, by v.rtae i a i n il u ip u d in uvor ol A e , aii). .via cn F N five Yearly drxwikgp *n um JL ond m.»n u.m. •!:» •*. .• ■ be orawi. Fria s of * .5*...** fi a i n : •> •• yu |8U, 171 a * ,'>«) JLl n L;< 3uu Frame. Uu o -eri no*. The 1‘riXe of one ."h-*rc .* . “ *• Five SUarvp.ls H •* K«iet Marc* “ ” 1 Wehtyaouf- -k!' The uhderf gr... t anking-L farthest roci.li -. 3xnk H. .* Me*rcAiit :i« plve WE INVITE THE ATTENTION OF Ol*h FIUENDi ind the PnUiC gfc&erv.y, U. otu conjolete in-i exreoEryc JOB PRINTING OFFICE AUanea 4 U vsv-Fvuii Uaixioxx* oax rmuxu i Aaaon A Usiitra iiaaxvac« i f—at •«— . 4 i j) n aL • l,.-_ f J*aja/y n*x : 4 .* 111 k 1A t a a i a kJa.-) excc K . &*nca/a, r.tana..... t *- A Jk uu«i Xooj<. — t....... ; io ji XIUUT ULXLXlt .-i.MI'.JL TiAA-nm t ^ O'JT (vriliues lo: Eiecctiag '.he Geter. Hu. 3 JOK AMD J03 PRINTING I ■ , <■'. til. I lire ** <ood at tint oi uiv o&ce x uit c :. • j _ ' having recently a-3*«•: x '.ua Vt : ne* - ■ ** “ moocte .y,o> to oar Artauy Ant_i-VL — j ^ ‘ '*I,;* 1 * ' .ishmenl ! t! Uio draw The Fr.zes fau.. g u# .n* u-*’.s an dc pale in ah Trans atianuc Cities. » ‘y il ticrmany, favored oy the chance. I pi’d t , j dub-cn&crs First 1‘rixe* m p ,> t. *u.u. . :l •.Dd kki.vUJ Frxr.cs. croers, with remitunce and under d’.scret. jn n> ■ douse ; I i: ki :'o: -Ma 17. < pposr.e tn- r* . c . • iK.r ’>• «*xercu*d prompt.) rII iB great n » « i ■ j I l * N .-a ma tcriil adapt id Ij c*v.r ; ety.e of arc e *u n.ie-f tt a matter of interfo: UVY.NElts ARC HI* I li( rx and UULUKHL , . v. WHERE they ca - . pure"’sc f. ..n .Ls in J- DS- hlGNb at CddAFoa l Pivi.Ka. Tee Mespr*. JAM J \ iV Jt HH«.» - IHuN WoRK-, .v.D •.:•*<•: i. . .: ;v. e. N * > •* tv, has to .g ik *n Kno**., .• n .1 »*t c m; etc *-d e-xtcL p;re 4h the i’n tod e-,»vc.* y ric- . ..g t tw. V* :k. Over .h::i) yv.* 8. ti--u t.x.>;r eu« i- .:jl Founder* ar.i li >u* • > . enab r- ta m \ ■ dc p»t terns in Var.ety and rt/:e -x .e oj by con- for »•»«■*; dc-scr paon o. wrough a:.4 v .r .*. w.-rg, a- ;. ba..d:agi. Rnf.re 1 liu.Ji.g Fr ■: *, I: . F.:*t "’orr rrotts. Fire P > f .:..*• • ; ti«jus. h've e1 Slid Ko.iei. Wr.;_*ht Ir ;. • : c:- md Ream*, fapt Iro: e» rae-* ■*:.. a a .- u : r .. ur.e-’h.rdth pri.e *: - ... • '.*. :. .-.m- mr.ne: lu.saud Rase* *or >V.»od «nd -**f -n* r<» im - ». ot.» r..\ C* r.nlhtan. Ionic ana i'ov»v.* ol *Vorders a: a*-*a the price of woolen r.p/a a. iron > r •tinga for F.*t h !{ou‘i, Iron rtoo.8. Patent * ua.i.at.ng ft.f* I r Md.wa.t9. Area*. Floors a: i i* *. r’ • : and sky.ign ? . Iruu D.*ur» aud r-nut: • * . rt* ng- in g-ea. var’ety f«>r ) arkp. V era iCt .: t: . *v . g- . Fire »od lij'g.ar iT>- -i mu. a ... % t D • :?. t ashes. W ii.o. * I’.r. • . . . <: . iron uratings iur 1 orm? i i . p , r.\ x- * t-nii- jatorp, ae., <Lc. t aun. opc-r. il. u.-c * a.r?. with urh-ap s**a*.*, Kiv.n.Jrvt ,•%.* -or l te\ • c; A R 13 s i 7; Ul^ . 1.-4 >. 1. Ai.ttuta A; .d .Vl. Tr. . Knits'.i Hu put, .-nirul. i-oritpoued Sharitf Sale, W 1..L be ruid, on the premises u* U.enn .V »N r.ghi, . n vtar.ev.a stree.. Lear cue Ug.ethu ,*e l'»:tt, .c <uv • ly .d Ai.an. i, r ui'ou Coau y. Known as ihv Atlanta Ft-r.; 4<l.g anu JA mra. t'a.u'. tVoiar. u lu. .USllUcs- <n.y 1. Apul ctXl, W.lLiu UlC <eV“ hcUrsul fca el r <.*a ni»u.- .l.i F< <; of ..Uu r, m.-re <•; <tr.-, pAwtd lor U 1 ,u., re >< dtt.g o.ton an. ha* presses. 4.. > led o« a . piop. u. o.m.. Jt •* r.gni. iv.ru. ol ..nd <e> a.is y •* c.al.ui.*. -rc.*s i.eu n fa L-m-d .u .ttVot oi Cn.**pto, .*tf7' *. . . i.t lor *v i.dsii &o.uin»i. vs. U.eun <K i* r.ghu Marche c .*h, lsii. A. M 4'MiaKKrsuN. tnfilO w4» Deptiiy uterid. Ad minis uuijrs auio* 11W! Churches, Ha s. A 1X» i UL tVNsu l r.u.N . lNiis. ihusv w.ehlLg . r iron bo*m«. g i.-vrs, c.. r,o*n*, a. w :r person e*r .-y .e*ter. ., » a n 1 .Ueiratcd the- tfui JAM a* ... J.-. M >• coni Avenue a..d n..»; fcM4 Sc* riAUK M1EME OF *1 IN. X iKjouion o. ila<ua.. given, see THE THHiN.n t! a*i 1-71, a flrs»-aa»- nu< / •« N. *. U.ninx TURHRK.it a « : -< v Piograph k%, ii. ii, c' .U .. .< ward, ol ea for:..* ... mode of gov« rnmer. .. «• yg-.rr.v «*•.< trations, showing un- •- • d a. ..* acuiUis. t»my #.'■> A ka.cn. .r .4' ciubeoltci I2cttrh.au* a.'* , •irt>s. > h vVt.no- ^ lima;way > IA,. AT. rlNfl-'S * i V -i N Hi . ttv)c».*‘ i'l .L * n Cl t: e rf, nu h 1 Business. Visiting, Railroad, Wedding, And Every Other Kind, Plain or Colored, At Prices to suit all Check Books, Draft Books, I Drav Re’ceipt Books s ; } | aci B ir.s li - -Si. ol even- vlescnp’-io-- ' %r.3 t>.uuu ->c *.re rr.,*s'. Isv-.r^b.e '.cr^r.. tr . lue ne»i«t -"vie. 1 j.. Ij e g n 1 13 1 a ii li »s . « . U. Mat 4 .anapor ^^i, L**uitt, ,*ieuipni», Na.bvtile ana that* UfcU ‘'u.tt— 4,mu*d llaUruad Line. ..v-.-rf-'.-w uli A M ..C8 -. --«i »->j a sL .•% ■ iw rx * ..-X/ A Jt . r Jrf ■ ,t * — j F Ji ' “ '* era *- — —•— . « c a k ’ " **.:v A. A * * - *• * i.'i A 'A . .. - •/ . .*. • t x “ r • '• - -- *. - i A UOrrON STATES t n !• hi Urn utoup I'rlncipal < liiu-Maton. t.a, •— ’’■< » 1 e J,Ou,*,uuo -• t iuo.vuu " 4 1 jy.,100 L'O THE PUBLIC. i * V 1 > l 1 v_ IV S9 •iSer^'4. Ordinsrp*, Clerk's, HagisinOe La* B’srts. .'I even t'-.i V-r-.d or .1 | Taper, an-i *1 L'-* IT.eea. U: :ers n coanlr) pruccpC) iJui. *• J . MAtilLl,, <•••• s.muss, :■£*:• r*01iJ if cHAfiiit OF NCHcCSJLE GL( 'RGIA RAILROAD F ; n l ;, J Li o o li P r i n t i n ij . () N ■ »“ a ^ i i .,.r r Y *:k sd. Ti sx. rr : A;’, whe appreciate *<lie im^rUvLec d >*.. BACON’S rRli.vk ENGINES 1 ibeir work done on New J >s Pu» ali. rcu',u. cv.»r*cT. oi-fc.B. i .*e *rn.:i*r ! BACOk'i STEAM AND BtlT j Presses, an^ T-.rsl-Clm ii rs~.tr.. w o _ H o 11ST 1 n ti Mai’Hi N hi e> | •barowx .cures*., u we' » wir*. bv . v; „• For Msi.of* larvrr. -s'*. P• dnc. Trice uni on appllCmUon. i h tail U7A-. IieUrnar Iron Worki, Terry Psvts, .aiue roui Fntn ivulcr pain ofatiy kind, it hav trns, or old horos, il is i^e best i dicpflng. Mings uf Toiponous Insects, It it I )..\ l: nude TropllUt e’Uilige Ui to ••.uf. Kill U. i t itiutituatisin, Neuralgia, no i <pml /or tuts, Utilises, . u*ns, or thing you can u-e* I Fi>r . uake Htloa a crl.ci Hutiilote. It is good for co uv (’olds, tVuglia or Bowel Tomplalnl. Its U tin u dilates .is nature »ul,y. It it tru ) death to lain. Manufactured and told i*y H*<.\D.-'1BL1) Jt t'U., At lanta, ocorgla, ana by ail DmggipU, be' t« <{ »< .* U ll lo le 11 1 „.c*.. . I. e lup! L A ‘••'.*“*'•'1 i: * .. v »;:t;3.\, i« i *«i line#*, hm t Ii ut Hid evil u in y . I AVOl.M it ik - til. li Help unit'd £.1 l.KNI. L-AFM.UI.Y, t ilHlIUilin. K. K. >11 HKII, W K A ill'll Til, \V. A Hamm.ky, (hatcI Aries, wlM he niade’tn the runty, Ucoruin, at non <*t one mouth longing V > e uiiri ... ei. »;**•%«> ... ‘ tl.c llrsi reg ilnr i»*i . * *' ■ from tills nut ice* lor »> avei t* the* minor heira «i vv.it ».e**»loi*. •*.. * .-e-.t. .itrofaatil county, eleccuscd, f*u .tn b' i etf ot sn-d minors^ •l.li ueii.D«»N, (lUHVillan. )auMhw4<A u» Juecpd b. aud V\. A. Viutuon, Newton Fxctohi, Gx., Nov* mber, 1SB7. i'uer my homo spralt ed his ankie st \t*r<’ Whole Icjj irum the » e*art oi U.’dinary e>. , aii. i*c pout ocforv '.he ». «i, ui Mv vuoiG,u, xienry ...•-I 1 ucpd.iy .h.a. u ^.xt, i'/Tucrcs, uorv or a*. ?, •■ .olr ui ia«d .Iv,*. ♦<»'. • i ;Uid #13 ilk Uie* A' dlPtr.Ci C* ,4.u el> i...y, kl...<*U a? Uie enevu Xlartla p-aCe. roiel .»r ,Uc pi - , : y *'• •* (*• Ce)IUl»p, ilcCmOd, le>r th, ue .c m ui ..... uu.: ;uid wrsd.to.8 I'a.ur cjiph e»r end:t U. *eli ulna. saXcKL i TiilL'a. AUiUinirUator. Janib-Uia pr.n er a .oe 45 per t^ajiru. iiLOUUU* Fa\etti lou.-tv. OHUiaxuv'rt urtici, February 1-71. J % »IIN J. GILBauT, Admmtsuauir ot i e > p.au- %> ..c .H ,l..cktor M vtecoape-u, reprose-nta, .n . .i..>i w ..y tied. Ilia, he! has lU.i) .llp.turgexi MS sa.ei U..M . .. per-o .i c«'nc» , nie.. are h*re ») n*t.i. : *'* and appear at my oitice, wiilua the- t.rue t *ri*pemK.M :** .»* tel -he'W -HUP'*, u t .e * l %d, 43, p.tM ad.Ul. e.. r she'tt, ■ liul h; elkkCwarged tre,m pj.d a ail. r.rttu :e: .. rece ive letters 01 disuussum ..u ihe rtrst Mv*n :.\> .n Ma. inxi. uavih c. JtiMHv, urtmu. (cbV 4**ei t’nu ex's ioe #4.»N0 ball, black & co., 4Uj and 46! IlKOtDW.eV, m:\v vokk Diamonds, Jewelry, Watchesand Silverware, Of the Best Quality & lowest Prices, • D-dSNV b\ Ki. HiM-. 0. O D. I at. 17 UEOIK.I A, t . tt' VKORUIA) FaTette Cot'UT or urtty of Zttchiriih i iuuer. has A final retain, afco4H.g .4 ia;. eitstr.bnii »c oMh< c-latc o: /.achar *u turner, ami appiie* for lett*" 1 * o: Jinin »»te». , . „v ..., wti.cu irUen will be grant ou on t' e ir*t Tvej*ia> m lu.pleps: two app.iett* , ,\pni next, uu.oa» aouu valid oh ivuo&a an* s:w »:• ordtug to law. mL7-30d rllKUBAS, < 13ill lien el!-. I7i«*. In th* line oi Bill Hc-.Ji. Lv'.us lit.v.;? v ealare, Dirvxrsion Checks, .kc, we ere pr\ ;,r, f j tereloiore, U’ execute is neil w -rk. ,v:.! : «tvvorab!e ;ertns, as any ir.-nse in U.e S-.n' 1 vcJ to pnsrinlee fvii auiVer., which ii .v fctav) tem lo pirueb ordering ..vrge )oi.» v ihey tCiva. cel fcli numbers when they orier work North. T o Shoe* men. ; Ic all kiudi ol Show I'nr .iag, p:slw c - sc.inapsjiji: ®x KA30N AiiD AUGUSTA RALROAO. T'.iLLL ■ '• ' - ti'UNTT. \ \ ' U\I*K VS, it.-'rgv A c 3 iuerd cn oMhe pera.'n ! ■ onmxxHT. March 7. 1F71. | a ^ t»* so*, 'a^v - ',n L .It* ra»! cful< 0IX\i, tuch on, secartty i»f 'John 0 Tick- t»e ! M.gvug to h p sa d ** .rd !«•: h.* s. t - _ j Posters, Proftames, Hease-feilis x:sj, u.th.c »h«' t;n*4* i ». K ra! .vw; lor ;' •* . o. HaMRL Ti n MAN. • : UK* lMiOPHlTT’S l'e*4.r anil Ague Pill*. rh»* bust Anihh. o f >r i Ir. .- *».et K*' or ki *wn. Cnrc- w r lihteM in wary e.<p. > r n.m rc»iu.*.. ei— t urdy Veg etable. DR. PROPHITT’S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. Will rt'Ht V > lien VX. rv w-ness. .1 imdiev, are! all oth- r iVi.v ivm.iit- I U.e *■ ; in ■ l* ' gf..,h!e Mm ikfiitiii. d a >i lor sale l»> UitvDc iK l» eV (*» , Broad M. «*e l, At a., a, ItiHirgia, tud for sue l*y all DruyuitaU ol Atlanta, Ocoigta, at manufacturer‘a price* W llKUBAre, ‘ 11 Ka*uu, g»vrdtan oi the i*#rwu. ai d pre.,.erty <*t lVum da v» K*pi.i., r* p e .-ei > t<‘ th* lourt, h> h:s ,!**tiUor., that he has lu..y dtscuarged his • u i*a*o trust- . lh;l Tina is, therefore, to notify all persons #e»ncr-^<*e t * hr he ai d appear at my • V. •, w ’bin rie Urac pr.—- bed ( tv; by hy law. t.* she* ..tuep *f f«n, wiy *a u r \r eltan »4.e*niO uot he di-'ha--»d '*'m h - sVp v- ♦ *e*e- v>* letter* »'l o s.-ton, on Ue urn Me t mat day tn Ma) leI*»4Vt •ri*.*ns c%* object e>iis, i. j t*. C>*e tf eVe eetate )ar:73e\i UKOKtai, Fat*tt» *'ot *u OkiH * akt v s e'rric^, Fobmx y *, G RoHGS w ileYie bav.ng ap.vesi f ** , -h.p *1 the ;k:p r- auu p *tvrt* .d *h# i Jo:. * Uur.'fe»re.t :..» : *n '.he Frti \»AN lu v. — .N If, ('-.i • i:y printers lev fs CiKOUGIA, Pulton county uhdix AHT'aorncK. Jar nary .Vt, 3> *1. OllN T. UliANNOX Lav.tijj npp»t#el K»r ihi* guar hu ^\ tu(V r li.**tUuk\ Sttl Arch »tr*vl, a i*e«e'», Al Broi.cn * Utce*. by i*r. LUIum, 24* IV. J OHN T. BILAN.SUN L*v.t.g appit#d lor ihe diar.ahti* oi the person anei profwriy of Kwa 9 miiieir chilei of J. f. Lock, lau of l>«&alb ce CANCERS, TUMORS, ULCERS. • idiia fa. Attlru.cn * tttce* by <‘r. lUIum, .X* W auuuiy, wtrwet, Omciunau, *‘.; t*> Pr. **r.*em\ v'&ariotL N. L , by Ur Heaiy.: Ubb *fle \ Uemse. AluvnU, Ua. ^ThU ls therefore to noUly all perrons concerned to file ihctr ohJecUon., If »n> ehej h.ve, wiihrn in. ilm ! WONDKRFUL CANCER ANTIDOTES. l.twfrttH'd b, JIW, fl»0 km «ill U gnrntwt Mill ■ pltcaut aa applied f*»r. DANIEL riTTMAN, Urdmarj. Au.-.i. Job* T. Cuurui, eUMk. I»u4 to Ihlstot I le* It 90. Se» Ku.k No Caustic Medu...o«. No ILihkL Utile Tain For pxritcoUra.cali oao; ailnMi.tiuor o; the vU»v This Office will be E- m 1 to be Super xnyvhing vn Ihe South. I'ki.-cs hxvi but xn J Examine Sample t ’ be c 'uvince.1. Cook 13 i ii d. i u g . Ever)- Description ol Binding and Ku'.i; e Promptly Executed ia any style desired, call at or Adarem INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, ATLANTA, OA.. Tor Price* or EiLmates, loi every Dcm-np- Uon VriaUng. April 1 4 a! li JJl '*' l -■ - r ••• sr; \ jvtlv.’.a STEAM PUMPS' UA.ND rl.MlA, »* w k u I- r u i* s r r. ..a.t.i*. *•*-, a —uixxa, Brovveries. C 3t»i.erl0w* - 3 e.1 K t.No, Uy.lru.ttlK* rrc.'M', &c., fncCOWAN BROS.. •>t x ^ Sim ftrvvc. CABLE SCREW WIRE BOOTS AND MIOES. BOTTL Ms rAsrRNSD WITH A SCKBW W IKS. All the Rage! Yvm Li ALL DLALLWL