Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, April 05, 1871, Image 1

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tn X‘ • • VOL. XVI. ATLANTA,, QEORftlA, WEDNR8JAY J3VKN1NG APRIL 5, 1871 No. “8 ll tfltfWW. WM, WAtiSJOlV, Publlulicr. Subscription m.^Advertising Rates. I'Ktmti or ounttUKimoN. WeMlJ, tt ionviu •• >100 Weaalf, 1 T*» T ■••••*•—. — * ?0 Hurl* cepwa*t tn.#onnt.r 10 ffigwepiBSio tf#«* Bor* Ag.nu _ UAi'Sa or auvkutuumu. For cAcii *<iaare of 10 ilnoi or lets, tor the Ant Inter* lloa 41, and tor w*ch aahaeouenl tnaurtion 00 cents. ~g 2 8 S e a S' ® S 8 s;ts2SsBSS52Es i 8~S”a 3 8 8 3 8 8 8 mmou | j — fl IS 8 3 3 '3 1? § <5 8 8 8~8888888 , qiaota ; a s s « 8 s s 8 8 ij:»uoc.al Noticed, *) ceu.a per lino drat insertion, ana iOojnifl uoi i.uu tor dttcu Buoai«4U«»nt nicer lion. Aii» uxtiaeiueuta inaurtott at uiwiivaia to be cuurgea ai ton l- ;** liine/UoU. Advertisement* ordered to remain on any partlcaiai 10 be ciuv&ed ad new oacn insertion. *Tno money iux uuvuiuau*# cuxuidurua due alter drat — 4^ couAluuuicatioks or letters on baaineaaintendedlor Hi.d o*u\,e aLouid Du adareased to THE INTELLIGENCER* ATLANTA, fafcOltGlA. llie l>eiM«cra»ic Oaiuuifuvuruuui/atuiii ui 1 tin oi'iiiuc 1.1 in •mu ColUurVttilw Coll l>n-Kftiuu.il cuiumtllev* Au ttu|uuinvd cuucua ul tbo Democratic and ConatrVttUVe uuuiWera ot (Junkies* was belt! 111 Uit null ut lliu iiuuoO ut iiowioaeutulivod at 11 o’clock, on aatimiuy morion lion Feruanilo »ood, ol New York, called the euocua 10 «-r .u, ana, on motion, lion. Ed gene casaerly, ol caniomia, took the chair. Huh. Al. c. Kerr, 01 Indmua, moved the fol lowing reaoiuiluua, Wblell Were UhaUimoUbly adopted: heuolved, That we cordially commend to our Democratic and (JwuaUVutive leliow-cuizcns tbioughual the couuliy the Butriot, ot the city ol Waouinglou, ad a newspaper euiiueutly worthy ol their t.»vor and support, by reason ot the high tone, gieat aultty umt Uaeii.y to correct pnu ciptea which cliarbcleri'/.e l.p maugagimeuL UesoiVed, That a copy til lliis resolution be coimuu ncaicd to Uni p.»per I t pu dicatton 11 u. William E. iNitnack, ol Indiana, otic red tile loitoWlug, which Wad also UnanimoUsiy adopted: Uesoived, That there shill be appointed a Com mil lee, c >ucl=il.<g ol one Senator or li- pre- bemative Horn each Male entitled hy the politi cal cnantclei ut ila delegation to repre»» ntaltou in thia cauc .a, to stive uunug the present Cuu- gresa, uud to to be known ua Democratic and Don set Yu lVe Congressional Committee, which ahull be charged with such dulled as it may properly periortn m regard to electious and other poliii- a> matters dm lug ltd existence, with power to choose Us uwu chairman *mi othei olllceis, ana ui&o to cb> o;e and appoint a sub committee, to consist, in whole or in part, iiiU) he deemed heal, ot members ot Congress tei act as a 1 e? me tit« \etuiive committee, lor the elisuibutiuu ol documents and other campaign w ik. Kesoivcd tunlnr, That each delegation here reptcaeiiieU tlm.i he eulltled to name US Colli mulct-man under the loitgoing resolution, but when no person shol Do named witlun u rea botmtiie Ume, UieU luc Chuuman ot this caucus shau up «i.m ouch rinniuiuee-tnun. On Uiulieui, the lob ol the Mules WAS Called Uhel It uppeale,d that the lo.lowing .Mate? Ulid Terrtior.es went npiibentiel, viz: New York New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mary laird, Vi.giuu, .North Carolina, r*m n Carolina, Georgi >, n.iat»aum, .Mississippi, Ohio, Kentucky Teniiees.ee, Indiana, liliuols, Missouri, Arkau- ens, Michigan, tioiidn, Cu.itoiina, Oregon am Nevada, und tile leirito/ies ol Idaho and Da kota On motion, the lollowing-oamed gentlemen were appo.nted to empon: the *uui in moeratic Ulil Co..-el VatlVe C • m.,11 aMollal committed, V New V01 k—it. \Y. Slocum New Jusey—Joiin 1\ m < won. PenuryIv.uniii —Samuel J. iiuudall. Dtiu*v are—Benjamin I’, iiiggs. Maly »auiJ — Me\eusoii Atelier. Yl.gii.u— J*din t. tUeher. Not in ^aiouua—P. E Mio’> r. bouth Caioluia—lsa m C. MclviSsick. Ueoigia— P. .M lb \ ouiig. Alalia na—P. *M. Uox. Mlsslsslpiu— Louisiana— Ohio— Pinladelph Van Trump. Kenldcky — ifoyd \Yinchester. l'eiiuebbee—NV. C. W hitlhorue. Indiana—M. C. lve-ir. liilihois—bauiuei b. Marshall. Missouri—Eiastus Wells Arkansas James M Hunks. Michigan—J. G Miihctlanel. Florida—bllas L. Niotaek. Texas-- Iowa— Yi itcousin - Ca .loans - Eugene easterly. Miuiitbolu * On ,on Judies 11. Slaler. Kuiisas — West Virg-ma — Ne vu*' 1 Charles W. Kendall. Nchimku— Idaho -buinu 1 A. Me rritt. Dak is—>1 m\s K Armstrong, lion. J. hn T H.id.ol New jersry, from the Bpte.nl ( timinitbe uphomleti at a previous esu- C 1^ to t Xumim-lh« a e ouiils Ol tlie Nntloual Demociattc Exeeutivt Cotninidee, reported tlmt the same were coireeL The report was atl .pled, unit the special committee wu> dia charged. 11. n. Fernando Wood,ot New York, moved tne fol'owing rt»oluUou, wiuen wus aeb.pted unanimously: Ucnoived, Thai it is esse ntial to the interns! 1 the people ol inis Countiy that the l>e mo e atic and Conservative memnets ol Congress be ,n eon-taut aueinlance up> u the sessions un Hi the tidal ndjourniue nl, and that the abse nlt-es bo tie)uesled lo uluin al ouch*, so that tlie evil 1. chduilou 101mmpluied in *y 1 e avoided. HUi, motion, the caucu- tin n adjourned LtuhNU CAssKUnV, t hairuiau. F. K. ^11 liKii, NV. E. Aurnuu, % W. A 11 .vMd.hv, bicieiariiw. UkUlIhl.l, I'lCKfN» CoeKTV. O N rt utoniu slier Ume tti t.miiuon will bom.-tdelo the ihiuri ot urdutary o, ««• tn;>, » tlu- tlmt rejc Unr t vr u » u*r Uu« i-xpir ui«>u .u ,»uc month (rtiui llllh U line 101 I ttVo 1.1 (*.. | die III!. U oilKtlig ; iDu iiitwor tiBim ol W . It. elotU.ui, tueeAFUil 1*1. ol mill county, »k. e.u»i-u, lor ilio Ih-ikiIi ol unut mui< KK AD. Tl« well known to. Doctor* and to Ladle*, that Women arc mil'Jert io nuim rous dle- tMtbu* prcuiUr to ihelr ue-x — such ub supururBlon 01 uiu Muhfl' e.White*,I'alwill Mouth PunodB.’' Htiuuuiaikm of, hack and Worao, irru.uiar Metisnullon, Homoirhug or Exceaslvu “KIowb,” aua Pro- ImiMli Uturl or k ailing ot the Woruh. Thtse disease* bavu seldom boen treated BaccfB^iuhy The profotalon La* s^ughi diligent ly for somu retuudy thet woa:d enable them to treat Ifluso UiScuau* with ruoi.esH. At last tu*t ruiuudy un$ been discovered by one of the most ek ufat pli/«lci*u* In ihe State ot Qeorgla. That remedy li BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR. by llr^ ^ dYc fCt0W0 ’ 111151<> UJ> * U Atlanta, fla., It wl.l t.urdy the blood and Btrsngthsn the eystem, re lieve lrrllulion ol the kid-uy#, at,uTs a perfect epuifle lor all the atiove diseaae*, as a (erlain cure a* qaimn* 1b In l hill* and Fevers. Korahiamry of diseases aud crrurtcatc* of Me won- dt-rf il cure*, the reader Is lefcrred to the wrapper arouud each boitle. kvety Dottle warranted to five Batlelactlon or ipqpcj LaGhakob. Ga m March *3,1870* BjunmiM) A Co., Atlanta, Georgia: Da ah tjiua: 1 Uvt in etati ug that 1 haren*t-d, or th'j luBitwe-utr year-, the me-diclre you are putting known as Us. biarfPULD> KHwalK KKGfi.A- I Oil, ami c matijer I: the bed a mijiiutUoti ever gotten together lor the disedees ior wn.cn it i- rct.iinra-nded. I Lave been fiiuilbir with the ir.ucnp loi, tn thur orsc- tloner 01 im diclne and n d joieitic practice, and cm honestly say that 1 consider it u boon to toller ng fc- ma'es. and can but ho;.e every Isdytn *he land, who may be eulLm g lnany way ».i «;a! ar to 1 f.eir •e-x, luny he able to procure a bot-L, mat thur eofl'utiiii'B may uc „dlj bo relu vid. but that they may be restored to Let . . aui aud strengih. WUh my kindest regards, 1 am, respectfully, W. U. t-aitUKLu, M. D. We. tli- underilgned. Druggists, take plcafiire in com ending to the Uudo Dr. J . tin i.ei. 1.1/a Ft hale iuu t AToa-beucv-Lg >t t-* be a jrood ai d rc.iah.e remedy for the (Ureases Jor wuich tie roiumiiKUC.* i;. W A liAiabbbLL. Allan u t,c <rgia. HLMhkltTv/N, W i I.lSu.N .t 1/. V nuH & CO At atita, Gei-rgia, ItEDWiN K & FOX, Atlui.tx, m oig.u. NV U l.A \V>li a, AtJSLtn, -kwi!.. W itoui X nON’.Alur.etu, Gei fgii. DR. PROPHITT’S CELEBRATED LIVER MED.CINE! }anft>-Wfca J. 11. UCJUIK.M, e«u*riii*u. g« Joseph 11. aud W. A. Uoidou, Oigars are Emailing J rriu -. uNDEBiiuNBo most noBPKcrnii.i.Y A Inform, th. PttWo th.t ho hu reduced the price, to Bolt ike Umea. 10 centClf&r to 4 tor 35 ecu a. . 5 cent Cigar to 0 f or vs J cents, fit cult Cigar to It to* V, otnto. Pipes at IBe. per Doz. to $! » per Doz. All cm Bivo money to go and see JOHN KICK UN. at hluBtoro, where all eaugetUio wor^h »»f »b«tr money aud more. JOHN PICK BN. No. 11 i'eacti.rcc eiraul. U003I-3 TO KENT. *1 K ROOMS TO RUNT IN THK FIOKEN I1O08K , X C Alao one Two Room Rouse Apply to JOHN WCKKN. P*hD-3m No. 11 Paachliee meet. any dinger < f e»i.v ifjou or di-si l',.r 1 s taking Oils median- 1 eed not feu. getting wet, ; ULy euticr ieaem.ati.e expot are. SYMPTOMS OF L1YFR DISEASES : GOOD news I PURE GYPSUM!;j<>13 prL\t8no» Containing ever 991*2 Per Cent, of Soluble Matter! Fulton Superior Court. 1 rt—CLAIM. Id—ILLEGALITY. 8d—EQUITY. 4th—aP* RAL8. 6II1-COMMON LAW. Bobleci to Interruption by Crf ntna' buein-«*. No Criminal cbbc will be Uied during iie drei wo week* of the Term Ieb35—dlilllfhpr W. It. YKtAMLS, Olerx. Mortgage Slxenif bale. W ll.Lberu.d bdorv toe e.ou:t-heu.e door in th» c.iy ol Atiaiu. at tn* u--ja‘. hours of talo, ot the First Tuesday m May next, me UllowiLg property, and warrattet iret from adtti*eration. The a‘Xed ounmun’cation from Prof. Mxar'.e* U. fcheppard. ike pOMy ol tbja a/Uc.e. b a guaranty* ot in Wkoat. hve. lWfftry <rr *f.d tlie Grast^*, (on* p>ckof whtt.u will enow vi- *>.fc iu.pruv«a<-t.t on ai. aae ol grot.j.d 1 Tift vk’u&bie Mi. ire ufle-ed for e%'.e at the jow pnu: of (15 per bji., ui-.u^ ot on Vjrc i'Ji ouy acocpLanne wlti Inter ;i: i;d..*d Ptt op for ib'{,merit tn '*ag§ of two hundred pounds each. /. j orders by Mill, in tcooCxiw. witn sLkjvc Verair, wi.. be proapti/ eXecaLjd JAMRi H. riOLMES. O/mmaro-j Merchant, Uoyce'E Wn*r., Cnarl«eton, c. C. ItTWlCi OP TH». T*TaTB Is-J-ECT-ja OP FEUtILIEBkS.l AAJwoATonr "P 1 ut y,t:oirk.i street, L'u&:.c«*ut.. b *;, [ Norttaber 3t, 1-iTO. j Mr. Jo\\ II. Ik'lnv*: I)Eae bia-Tae • yp«3m •u’-m/.’.ed by you lor ana y- Pls the moat r^ta&rXA.*>;«: I Live t .-•* -a for Its Dw dou*. iozra Impcrifcs of er* ry C'rpa*s*Di* a* 11 daeiL-l onu**.h.;d of ont p«*•*.• ' *** i' .o.e mttter. If ir'tku -u^.lrd ui s'.rn'.ar qua \i, 1 c*nt.o: 't.. V> prnn agrtal 'r^yo to &outtieru agnn-.vttru. m tne»-e 11 r.o caup ’jj «mcn it n-.t UmthuA . >*ni.t.i;: »pp..-i e. .rt. .... „.i.. . ..... c*. Very re- stiEPFAhD, Jr., M. D. Newest Grand Austrian State-Loan JL. O X X i: it V , Gaartnteed and Controlled Ly h Goy- ernnieut m tie Amonnt of ATLANTA INTELLIGENCER BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE. WHITEH/ILL 8TBEET, o-Til v u. ftV. Jnsv;jkiu.r l uikj i Are Yt**i«rn M. .Ui«uia um,i U(U , .. *.»v 1 Ai ATIlYte Bl PAt i**4*X..tM*a X—wkiWibb. AiLiiafti ...irsu 1 m'iu t & Aj:.u-t a. AUadtA. " _ A M DAI i-nuAEbbu liaa-afiL,^, bvorgik UAU/o«a. * UA\ pA««XAaUi /aAna. iDAhy, namdAya Aac«^wu.} •-ave A-gUfiia f- Arnv« *. J — . to-wit: Die l«r^e II )C prewr", 1 fu io fl^d 3 Imposing stones, l'j stands, i caoiUcle, 2j co*e» typr lo encn cab- | Ita.’. 1 ."!yT: 1120 Millions Florins #r 250 Million Francs, woodeu ganeye, 1J :«i.u *.oju j- icier 1 Hint ;neva. I t. I»J, 1 de-sK. ! rot mettti iu.n ,x.\. 0 :x jij cjhpirh.g f 1IC..S, 1 <Unty lock, 1 iO» .ea Is, 1 • net Cat*, i ica eUt- ! -*i. It l? ' . • d- er, t ,u.ji£ rtuu*;r. 1 ;».oo. \>:cee, U eLatcls, -it pur I Cases wui ty pe, 11 b.«ft*s s Uiio>e. 1 ru.i .g m . .n .ie. 1 ■laudii.g p.«c, 2 paper a*.l..s, . Do-tu -..i \ .i * cel biidcr’e ioo:r, l unmet with t >.i >vj k dm.-l l U Lies, 1*.' cu*irs, 1 book e*?e au : d. tie, 1 aUge ju.< shi-, ) UaU ILC^oOvl W ,.i o. Vueoil.e.. LeVtiU on as tj ;<:op- l T N fire Year y CriWtr .* eriyol J. i. Wuuker b, virtajof ana to ea..*!, * Xoi.dsti-.. •» t cr wui.^ay. li.U , GrUvU irwm i u um :upcrivr i.ou.ri u ■ 400,000 Premium Prizes. favor • 1 U. J»r r. J it! li of me atiouu ol J. 1 wn.;a . \ t .lC) ve. d »reu 1 W hi Li iter le luac au a pid. e 1 you oook prim * g p*t'.Lt now ... Use iu tr.e oAcj; pr p-.t; I W i yi . j . i. i rt .n iu i ux « h .n ir«-d a . r the 1* Headache, Dull Feeling c Norvc/U* iiendHOc, il p-itt, bttd or UP tor Tit tb.ck, rung i f.vL* g. ui d eps, Meiancnoiy r«* in^s, t y entuy or Dmrr: -i* t, t. n.iir laet, win re .Le i..ver is cut *i evt-iy ti rea-u tlmt it u»»: Conta phitt's Liver Alel.ci.o, il uaei. proper'y, wi,! prevent and cure any disease resuii.n^ Ironj u Ueiungt-U e»lVer. ti w lii ngTvei'ts funciiou- and thus CUUre l by me f. tt .re ol lie 1.c«kI y %e.i- nu- hevu urea fa* a great u-inber ol years, and has giv.ti uu.veipai nU-fitl.ou. brut.nr or eon cinimu g to have the orlgi- “ botn i oWucr und F.uid ,n ’tie Slonui, the akin hue a • u- k r man tieuto-tue t ran ,i-. «. o d Feet, t 'o.-.c, ip (in«l re Vi r, an-! Pile-. In , you iiabic to i diseases *» *, ana one buudied tjP-* Ol d.den-ill r.X-s UI.J C-.-r.r a .(1 I ie.u. til)-LaLd*, allow * as h.* M.auto ,^,e... genc.-r J on Venice. ecHtUi-uu Ui yroi.eny o. .j .re 1 l. Wuimk.r b/v.rtie ui . hU to a.t.ri.. . m .. , • fa., iseuea irom r u,mn ftuji;r.or c-*uri n a ..-••» u. M D. ve. d.»nu i. wL,....a Pruji.xly j- w.eU out by j. a.nl.l! s a.lori ey. aieo, a. tn. suneand p'.‘ce 1 .ot m r> m .d,?e con- H.eUUg ol fXotenes, Uo.*<e«Ui.B, bo. U. rLoce. .....a,o! hjiiUaxv, Ac o.i as u.;• ,iX. p.riy uf . Jhi.k.- ieru.a Hot tox-e.. I. , Failulux,Ga., September -1. Db. O. S. Phoi’uitt ; Sin : My v Di ctoie .-t. ague phe imj ** i. ver i win. 1*» r nr.ic it«- rBe .-e : c i noue of wt.ieu pe ui il o d ■ ii y g ,iXecuieo tt 1*0 in* oi *• i.iver * < a l.A. llarvev, wlilcii be l.* j rect.otie. Las elkCiou a eoiiip uie i GiiUlit MBfBUB. BHADfllLD A < been an lnv-! : .d fur F.ft . L. TllL'Nl PSON. (»KNTI KMC.A - l.tts'. \ bama an v >on Swept feur, and ii. y g-.i.i; i tn, very r^pjiect:. DR. PROPIIITT'S DYSENTERY CORDIAL >• i con u?e f .r yv-.r?. ^;ves ur.i« • .caw ch..d may take u with impunity. CoYTNUTON, tiA., November D, 1>»-T. It glVl - llollt Ut I Dk. I’HorimT: Drak -m- Yu This the co’en:a'ei Fall. I\. er out ->1 ti e DaVlp m t-4 • I'ropnit. >'u t>* • tvi.l t. F« r tituunut'eiu, Ne. lio eini.il ror » .i p. ttruises. I th tig you i.fti ;-e » Fi*r ut.k« i>.:.p cr a i erUei a..into.e It ,s ^ooj i.»r - »> •• t\* Its limn- it.dua'.tp te . Pam. Manufactured ana n Uuta, oaifgia, and » y PuKThIK. CfSBStA, Txxap, lx-9. v r :i. Perry Dhv!p, iiralgla, or )»nln »f any k:mi, it ha* ;;*i or t id Sore?, it i? the bept Ming.-* of Poiaonou# Insect#, It i# ml a le Id hy IP ADrTKut) A CO.. At- Fu on • up.*r or Coun :d 1.^ ..-y Pmp.rtj iwiiiteu u: oy piatut li • ... At. . c..i-.ni,;j.', Dt^.zty a^e:.d. UaUliY-8 PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. riintsJnvalriaba* FiraHv Med'ctne. for atlanr.c C.; -p lu ; U0-CnOefr F.Xf; l oi aLU 1».. ♦>.' r r-LCs. e*C. Oro r-. w •*. rerr. *:a: *■ • « * ard -u.der fl.screi'.o:. . • r. -. i> . U n- : 1 v g. r .• • • Weft great m «rt I I it ■ I tuxiAl. adapt e<2 Ij p :■ p*,y *. v. * a matter of in teres. f-»r OVVNL.i- 1 rK<'TH tn: III ILUITIH, | they cau purcuise I. .. a. • MONS st CBAARi- • • The Me*-:-. JAM <- j a i WORK-, street invxi \v e * I Fojuder* -mi iJ-ju*» . i t n .Jmg*. Knt re I ; Mor, Front*, r.rt I ;.*. :..v."e i aLC ii I iieam-. Cast Iron •». ; *i:c Mj'inr- Cwuon- I =e-U»:XdlU pi * atic dase? .V - cleansing, removing bad odors in all kinds of sicknep#; forborne, sores, wound*, etings ; for Srystpeia#. rherj matism, and all skin diseases ; for catarrh, sore m .-uin, sore throat, dlptheria; for colic, diarrLu.-, cL--.or* . as . vasn to softer, and bcaulilytr.g the sk;u ; to remov .nk ;»ots, mildew, hail stains; taiien luternafiy as «t-!. a# applied externa.ly; so h'ghiy recommccde; bj who have Used lt-i? for sale by ali Dru^g'.ri-and Country Merchants, and may be ordered direct.y j d DAKBY PROPHYLACTIC Cv».. deeft- 161 Wit.tarn Street, N Y. j rU K <3 dle ij ux x: i> i?*:,*^* ; 1 MURRAY : the ;>rkt woo.* i. j. I i.ooi*. Iron Roo. ?; SideWA-ks. Areas, r‘ Mtv u-n> Iro., v*re:v|o-Pars?. Ve* WR I>T1TE THE ATTEMIOri OF OL'h FRIENDS mi -J.e Pab.;c gei,eri-.j-, Vi Ottr eomo’.cie wd tr.ecf.ive JOB PRINTING OFFICE Our-sdliUes lor Ezeccting the Gesere BOOK AND JOB PRINTIN'? are m g’joi af tL^t A acy 0±u :s ‘.Lc c-> hirng recenUy .o-fed a i-.-.-e . : ctv ; m' dtn. :y;t£ u> rut Oreft:)' Ei>if-Tt i> ■cimecl. CARDS. Business, Visiting, Railroad, Wedding, And Every Other Kind, Plain or Colored, At Prices to suit Check Books, Draft Books, Drav Re’ceipt Books and Biftak Bvio, I every deieripuoc. \-:\l r , ' sed iK und' .'E t:.e ictH- ttvorable icrz.i. si • . if.L I . V«... tu.nl /AA&SJxuSU t Aam. AiaAMiA CL V> t iaallxoau* -11 OUUMlU TaAiA—eC r ifitsor: Ait.r. - Aa»ua a va»«i«rM ubuivau, l ritlltell till ^a..y *-X-r^.. b:«ut aituxt* , Lou J», .*1 eiu | * La i «, -N Hall \tile Mild ( li a t • wuuoii,*— A uaiztA llnliruaa Jam*. Ul« III- \\ IlKltK ; aF JL DE- ill COTTON STATES LIFE ILTiiMOE COMPANY 1'rim ipal ‘ UU t—.Vlaiou. «.a. ' * 2,00c,«>0U ' -~ k ’ ’ ' •• * SO*'.04JU ~ ^ 150,000 1 O TiiK PUBLIC. A. I* H \ I> I & LANMXN’S to rUfc'uS'L c : s INGm ‘1 ho*c w j*„p g l iron beam*, f roe;*. . t..ustr»ted she .4* si JAMa? fcb24 :.a ' -. a.S’ 'HL.LD i Uic LcatesV s;y.t. j L. o g a 1 13 1 a n k h fjvill The most lasting, agreeable, and rc'.reshing o! ££ ‘..'I.IF5’ ' ncvH.rt ft .y t ■ A * h all perlumes, tor use on ttie Handkerchtel, at oi im j-f .«-t j Urusr, b. h,. WuuLS '*'*• x» ttic Toilet, and In the Rath. For sale by all — - „ . . , ,, ; BACON a Tli l/NK ENGINES nt d-eodly 1 I Fohau. ptrw*v)?i»; cony act. z>ikx*lb a>i> xrrKit>? A BOOK FOR THE MILLION i BACON'i S>TEAM AND BELT i a IT v.u- C0BBM.>;«r iUOlWTUiO MACIllfIKS MARRIAGE the ll»rn-(l it Piift Fk • M . .: * .. i. r* ' r-Docks, bb.p*, Ac. * , W ' a f H«ui :o marry, on tr.v , FrKc —si o- p. . Delamar Iros Works, root «k: ; :: ?t.. > t. Dru.ni’istfeiiUYd PerturntTS. GUIDE. Nkwros Factokt, Ga., Novembc: Dh PnoruiTT: I.juit summer try horse eprali *sl hiu ankle i causing tlie whole ,t’g to swet, l«* nls-at .a u- Ui- tlomt of j our anodyne P*m Ki.l i. V' John n/uaME. DR* PKOPHim Fever and Ague The he-t Ami i >* rt.iuu-ti in oi Ola Me DR. PROPHITT’S ANTI-SILIOUS PILLS. exnai #y?lem, with tec a*c«! <1 *ver e* in pro teeing nd prcTentiugortipnng, p:-* rv.ug the cotu.dexi . Jc. This an ti.Lreof.ug work id hundred al: ; __ _ _ __ _ N twenty-four page#, w''h r nr.eTon* ei-gravn^:-*. »:.a | |J A ] T T^TACIv ^ fi'ntain# valuable information f" r P-oso who arc x.i: A-YoTMA J-UJalvlk LX/ \*> . « r ed or cot.empate niarriago; pUi. ;; ? * booa *.;.v 1 j, An* uoi ,*;uCch.*a.e>s!y 565 and 567 KIKOIIIWAV, X'ttV l'OKK ought ui mi andex lock and ». An* not .aiuc*xu.e>?:» aiKtoi the house. Mntt to .nv or.® (frin? of poftagcy for Fifty cent*. Adlro*# Dr. Buttp’ Dlapenaary. No. U Ji.Eighth #t. bt. Louis, Mo. C#“ Hotice to the Atfiicted and Unfortunate IV;ore at p'• • g ' • ' ■ '.ai* yraeKs who a lvei- tim- .o pu .. - j.a •. rs. . r «m.» ary vvac* Kbaicim, purus i»r. Urn;-’ vuir ., Li* raav.er *l»; your diatAec tBut*# ar. be c.»* #aItort tver^naliy or hy m*l!. or the disease# mealuc; M Ui • .o;h. ufflee No. in N. K g i.hstreet. Ini: w«en Market »;.d v’tesL.:' >. t.ou.« GULLINS, WtTHtRjtl & GU." IVhoIcvale Seed Growers. 1111 4 1113 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. G AKPfTN SSKDS of cbowvat ftoex and true . n».nu*~our om. growth. Krery vv' ‘t> of s; Garden, Kiev. »t:d t>r. Wei. .v. r-V'iii acres exr.unrely dcvoitx: tt> the aivwing "I Gwait a d Flower Sm*d». D ..vir-aia «l. «r» w»#t :i.g ^»e :- direct from the grower, *' ser.it Vhetr order- • The largely incrw.*»Ht demae for our >so<i« is the boi evidence of the care bc^.o*suoL their growth ai.i tiaratton. Uur (oneral Who'.efa'e Trade L‘.#t mat ed tree on ap- i4lc*Uau. COLLINS. WRTHSKILL A CO., Ill* a; -J Ml Marae• Mr.-et •eptlS-wSm I* II11 A 1* tiLI'll SLcrif' 4 . Ordinary’s, C.crk’s, Msj-.jirsU'-. ! Law B.-.: t?. 1 .very k:ni. Pr.z'.ed :r *.l*. -V* Paper, 1 M L:"" Pr.ct* ‘ »r i.-r* rr r-*. •: country proaptl) I ii o o li 1* rint|iig Ad', who ftpj'recL-.c tie ■.Kp.'r^.s.x ■: :.iv z, their w >rk dvme on New Tyye r.. 0- • Tresfcs. kod First-Cfts* VVorkaes. w-... c ..s. . their n wn :c*. rest, s wg' v 'nrs. by c r.'..n a r&nr tnA. j I3ill lletuls, | Ir. the lice of Bii! Hesd.*, L’ltci Heau* C ; culsrs. Direction Check? we Are pr^-ari vOliUE CF CHANGE OF SCHEDULE L.l>)R(.fA KAILKOAD O’. ? x> Diamonds, Jewelry, Watchesand l u hejetoiore, to cuvme u ne*: w.wk. m.4 ;-z [ SChLEDULD 0> '.IMACON AND AUGUSTA RA.LEuAO. Tur: v : — - • sj [»varibie terms, fts ftny house in the b I to gns--intee /Li ei.iw.-i, which hesvy Item to pirties ordering Urge Jobs, .v ! they seldom get hill numbers when they erde Silverware, 1 work North. ■ Of the Best Qualify & lowest Prices, 1 ?ENT LX: r\£*'>. To Show men. or- A-druiiiisu-ucor s Sale- l»v It | In gi kind I ored, such \s Ol She* IV.-’.'ug, p.i.r. ■ jrt riourf Of^.r, IP .J oi.;\. VMk.. lHtwe«*-. ; .st Tu-sd*y .n JAarei; \9 ... a Not. *>»'. i ua county, k» »%*n pnters, Prairaiaii. HotsM;::?"*- » »**J "'s, Oatascd. >o.vi w UKHKAS.C tl KasUn. ^ M* , l.hOUGU, F*imi voixtv to Ibt 1 aaM trvmt- This it. therefore, to not By bt and a;ii-»ar ai iuv **iv. \t dlttti #h.' n ’d r-'* -a a • »•-.'<t •hip an J lervivi* ief.fr • • i * day iu May n*xl This Office will be F. to .v ? ■, c- —- | anything in the .south. Fames have but : caL }• , 1 and Kiamine Samp'.t-s ’•' be - vine,.-,*. I p«.'r#.*n« eonreniav. :o it. t\ w.tiilu .to liaie ,-re-cr b .1 , -t yt s .*»y ,-,n, why d - w:- ■ a*v'«tl from h’ft *. , ' u - »-ta.s p*nni, on Hit-ttr*t .vi*»n DAVID C VVSiSn. teVD 4 Vt fl KO It OIA ♦ Tv LT»v M I >vt-HTT )UN T. I dianabtii ••or ihilc r 5* :v. fi-be 4wt t \.v tbev rva. u*t. -. sK'i.arytM ir* m-a - . ..u • s;r» n oi»iut*9-« n on to.- dr»i VI. DAVID l. A*No *»t and ' 1? O O li 14 in cl i ii jg Pm »i ■» oitnih*Hv's t*rrivx, .tavnary !61,1S71. r- I ' Will relieve Ilf*.! t nn Mi p. ard all V ,i u(.ti'.rui ., . a r r.t t- bt b . i . . . D A to, Broad b it-i-t, Aiu . it. (,t*orgi.i. ud ? >; sn •' > *11 Dru^UU ut .\U*lU, Gooi^iA, at luanuUclurcx'* ^r*cc* 1.1 A) lit* IA, Fayktti l\)Uktt. Opcht or OantNAHT, Marrh T, 1ST1. a mleor I Mid ot J T. Uvk, !»ie or IVailb coocij, \IT UkI!S tS. it l) lOctpoo, secant) or Jot.a l) l*lck- dft t-ttsed— v" *o m ^uax o. / ichtn ,t I ujmx. n.ws t «bi ThUl* therefor* lo noUly all twrson# c*vnceni<s1to file I f’na*. retain, t&owh.fi * lu di#:rbau.*r, *■! :tiw* «*?:•; • their obJiH'tloi.s. t! any th*) lu»yv, witb.u the lime " 1 prevcrltMHt by .v«. . pliCADt a* applied r * 1 *•'' l,r,,,n “ rv “***“*- da YU) C. MINOR. hjV Ik* granted #aid t h.u ah liuuvr. *ud app. < Jan4-Jm i xinict'a lee $4 W. mLT-iOd 1'nn'Bex‘a;««| i do. Every Description of Binding and Ruli g l'rompily Executed in nay style desired Cull at or Adclros. INTELLI6ENGER OFFICE, ATLANTA, G A.. Tor rricee or Kbumaus, io: every De»crip-1 tiou iTintin*. Apri. 1 STEAM PUMPS’ hand pit*ns, l’ O \V K tt |» c .’l I' S Brcvaories. Lisiiller.us. t *t < Htoc H>-iraaiic Pronh, No., ■ x „ IKONS. ■ScCO .VAN OH OS., r a ■ •• ?-:v> fdk ciuc.la a. *ii 1 1 • ■ •- CABLE SCREW WIRE BOOTS AND SHOES. BOTTOMS- . WITH A S'CILiW W IRi. All T .hd Huge ’ fVH SAia DV ALL .'i-lLLKS. >»LJs-ia