Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, April 10, 1871, Image 1

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¥()L. XVI. u,m Siuli Tlweiu|iwiiwfc j .. - •> " v fatni7^.7f5* ?*■ a ■- — «..«■' » -w-ti i. n *.„ *** r»„-* RKitOH CEASEt- TH BE )AN<»KftOi> WUE> -tBAriHb tb ,t.YI -tH.* rn UMaa ) T' Jtftno* i€/\ VTA7<VROFtaU. IjfONnA^^TvKNLNtT - ^APiriLTo," 7 ^?! >i .tFtvryrv'| . ; ■! T’ W >1 WIMU SlioajftiJtataUmi Ml r#K*e JfW«» 0 ‘*“' T10H ' •r»rrrt ■H j&rirtir-VP *.4 . ^gjsftas* heisj . » l*_. :. !JM».»14|!|^ >»>•*« SHSSS!! MM. P- CUiter to fitlx »i-J - tab Jr.,-ot tb. peril, oi ink* mtM.li imtam rtl It* bltrhlr v*)-»bte quittl*- In lb* farmer, being *».t*»i« WMkiime am. o<h> r mtniret. to lb* great *a»aiu*«t* ot aujr aind oi r.rnp Uu*-eui»lHl ar a lop erecting tor Pipes at I DC* per Doz. to $ I “ pOf Dez. “ b at. nio. Barley. *c.and me traaru, fine peck ol i , •Men aslll *bo» vbuoie Uauronmebt on as aera at I -*•' •« m mej to eo *M .*« loan VICKB*. at . .jj, * ... , ii - — ground) | blutot*. wberaali an get ibe «r -rhtBf ibafr money lyloreni- remedy that «nid imab e.-tham an treat r ’isle Yamabta M*»»f* la ndarad loraalaat tbs joe aud ajtt JOIM PICKCl. bejn tretrea m;c*i»ialjr. The prtiftfMlUia tUU B* fight dlllftrUt- * a s s 8- Muir'S 8 t ■S'-« ** •» ■» ,S * . r 1 I * i * * -s- s i , S'aIXMV*' ¥ i £ f *si*h-h4- : ~ •• pt 5 K B *B 3 $ 8 8 8 U L * a.a a } i a = a = “ 8 * a t L. * 3 8 8 3 8’ - : * - i^r wl; ; •*»« i Li a 3 8 v ‘-'i j 1 5 ■8 8 8 8 8 | J j j j^ AJSL* ~ 8 3 a. a js suut a* tilth pbj.leiina in .he Bute of Georgia, that: rimidy la iBADFOTmiUE-RESOUfOR-. rtl'vpnreiy reireUble. and ia pat up m Atlanta, Oa , bj tkadfle u A . o. it wU .»ar ly th* blond tad •trength-n the •ytem. re* UtVe irritation l thtf k*ti • jr^, aud h a uerf«et ape fle lor all toa ab»yaduftuM«iba«* eriain corcat qaiumaia in i Wil» aud , K. Tara. j t - ror ahUij,ry and c r ifleatea oi 1t^ won airr i en.«a. the tcaAcx la itfcmd to tbe wrapper x Hud «*Gfc pouj«. -aOwU«« warraoM to five aatlalacilon or money retondad.. LaUranos.Ga., March 23.1810. Bn • DFlfLD * Co., Atlaut %. liut rgl *: A»Ka» Hik»: i tike ^laarurniu j* tuimr that I hate need, ortheUe i went* ^#4r , tuc tnta di t- you ate putting Bp* known as Ut. bOA^Fl &lU'> rt& •* al,c hKuu a- 10 t, aaa.cjueuer lube ue»t c- moiuaiiou ever gottau U g<tbi r tor tbe dl-ea**f iur wu i • It 1- fiC .turn nd*d I ii*?e been f*milUr anh ih v .r a« r p lo i, ;• tu use- Uouor o (utdlclue and u dofue«i i: practice, aud cm honea ly Mur UUvLc>jtiMd r u a buou to »uuer ng f.j- ma'i a. and can but run e every tad j u h-j Uud, «»ho tuay be kaffslltf 1»any way tc.n ar u. • e r «ex. may rr '».e to proiu*rut bot.i , (bat tbcir todddnaa inay 0* aly be itlieV* d. but tnailh.y o«y tK leeto'-ed io bi. * atd anaetrengtb. rr VV Uh my kindest regard*, 1 am, ron>eciffl1ly, Wy B. IT/iiit Khiiut E, D. ai. ki We, iiiiieeuii itoucea, *i teuu per ilue luai iuatru.m|ae 13 i*“ o««e»oa aeuoegoetu tpMUUOb* Aawv^iaea—Meiitwaai utwn»IMir«i)l* -gfcaf.eo ' ■ y H tMkdi UuiUUUk noteruaemeota oroatos to remain oft auj parutuiai nai a. to be dtarges a* new eaco maorutin. monel tor auveruamg coiunaatea aae stterani 0 euouiu uu #aaiaaat*u to THE INr£LUG£NCER| ATLab’l/i. titti-blA I* ■ the * a« k aud Womo, irre uin Mcdb riuilui-, Uemuirbag., or Kzcatrlve -Piowa ” auu t^ro- laUteri.or railing. oTthu Womo. ‘ •i hta« diaaaaea have seldom PU RE QYPS U M Containing over 99 1*2 Per Cent of r Soluble latter 1 S notran ani> phrpabbo ip this oitt, Bb T ^: GOOD NE«»I Cigars are Falling! lOccot Cigar to 4 for IS eett a. S cent Cigar to 4 hr 11 crata. ifc cent Cigar w.» lor 15 casta. jj ai ’l'be Dem.crailc C.ucua—KeurKiauisaliuii u, me Muimici.ticanaOiiuatirailtaCiiu ■reeetouel cumHiltiee. Au mil'iumttl cnucua oi tbe Democratic aot) OouBti votive meititwre ul Uuugteu woJ Belli Ut tbe bull Ul tue House ul ItepteaeotiaUVea at 11 o'ctueo.uu sotuiday moruiug. Hou Keruatidu Wood, ol flew York, called the u»uuue 10 oruer, uud, on mulloa, Uon. £u geue cuwcrly, ol Oualuruln, took tbe cbuir. lion. M. ci. Keir, ut ludiuua, moved toe lol lowing resolutions, wuiLh were unuuuuoubly adopted; tteaolved, That we cordially commend to oat Dem Adauc aud Douaervulive lellow-ciiiZeDa tuiougbout tue couulry Uie I’atriOl, ol the city ol WaetiiugUiB, ua u newspaper cuiiueuily wuiluy oi ibtii invor aud suppeiri, oy reasou ol tbe UigB loue, gieui. a.iluy uud Ideli y id Cdrnct pnu- Cipus atiicu characterize i s ihuugug'uie-m. lie solved, TBat a copy ul ibis reaolutipo be couiuiumcaled in lUul piper bit pu iliculioti 11. u. VV iiiiaui E. aiuiucu, ul luuiaua, ollerSd tbe Idiiuwiug, WUICB* wus also uuaium' U»ly adopt, J: Tn n I ib.-.n rt, . 11 V. 1-1, seoiuliVu Horn eucB olute tuuiled oy llie pollil- c»l cu'afaciei ul lls dtiepauuu to reprea* uStliib lu lUii cauc. s, to serve durbTg tbe piereDl coo- grisu, sud to lu Be kuuwu n» DtuiucratlC niiil DouserVu IVe CuUgrcssiiuial UiuoiiiiUee WUIcU shall tie eBnr^ed Willi tucu dunes as it mu, plupilly pel lot Ul 111 IU£..rd to cliclious and oioer puilileai loaders duilug its elia.euce, witli power to cBouse its oivu cbairmsB and otBei elUceir, sBd also to CBoOsti aud oppoiut a sut>- CuuauiUee, to consist, it, WBole or IB pall, as idu, oe deeiued oesi, ul Uieiuoera ot CotieieSs, to act as a ic.lucut executive counutitce, lol lb oisuiouliuu ul documents aod ulBer campaign w ik. tlesoucd mribcr, 1 bat cacu di leguiluo bin- rtpieaeoieu eUun Be eol.Ued lu uaiue lls cm lu.Uee II.au under ibe ioieguiug neulutiou, lull woeo oo pitsoo aib ol la- named wiliiiu a ica bomOie i.me, to- u toe cuaumuu ol tUia caucus buuu up.'u.o. oucu eoiu.utuec-m,u. Uu louliuti, IBe IUI ul toe Blalis Was called, audit appinled tUat tUe llllloAlbg slaiCS Blit) leiitioi.es utie teWisetoid tin N-* V .iK hew Jersey, 1'. tiusy ivauia, Delnivafe, Maly- laBd, V i (puia, AuilB Uutol ua. BoU.u Caloiiua, U> o* ui,, umljauis, .iiississippi. 0.iin, Kcbtucsy, leUi.es-1 c, luu a„„, liliU ds, Mlsl turi, Alkau- baa, JoCUIgaU, riOlioa, CradlulUlu, Ultleou and Nev.edu, uud.be liitriiurtCb orIdabeMiUd Da kota Uu m .tieiu, he lUiUitviug-uaiued gctdlemen weie uppumtoei lu eoeu, use me .am Deiauc.dtic an. Cou.eiva.IVe cniogussiuiial committee, v.z . Niu lui a—il VS. o.ucemi. bus Jeisiy— Jouu P. Moekiou. PeuUbytVuulU -OUlUUet J. lealidalL De.u-.ule— lieujumiu 1 tilggS. Alai).aud-Biuveusou A.cber. Viigiuia- JuUu t-rneiicr. fioieii t/uioima—K. K oboMr. Belloh taiunu.i —IsU-.c U. AleKissIck. Cie.iiaia P At 11 Veiuug. Alalia ..a—P. Al. Dux, Aluslsslppl— Derulblaliu*- Doio—ruiludeipb Van Trump. licuiue-Hy — It. u W mediator, leuuesace—VV. U. V\ bittUoroe! luuiaua—Al. U. Kelt, liinuoib— Bamuei o M trsball. Al asu.m— D i.sUib Wens Alkutisas Juluea M Ualikf, Micuigau— J U Bu.ueilaud. Kiollda—Bllaa 1,. NlOlack. '1 cX.es — Iowa— W isCUUhin — Caiitoinia- Eugene Casacrly. JUlBueuila — U.egetB Jamil U. Blaltr. ivaustes— West Virginia— Nevada r buries VV. Kendall. Nelil us It.— Ltiabu -naiuu I A Morrilk Dakota—.Hosts K Annstrotig. Hon. Joint T. llird, oi New Jersey, from the p;uc.ai coiuBHltee appointed al a previous cau- c i. to examine ibe aecminis ol ibe National i 'ediucruuc Executive Douimitlce, reported that l .d same wile cmrect. Ibe report wa* a i ipled, and tbe special committee was dis— c rgcu. . b.n. Fctuatulo Wood, ol New York, moved IS. follow big rtsulutiOQ, viiucu was adopted u .unuoasly: ,»oivcu, That it is essential to the intcrcsis oi me people ol ibis couuliy luai the Deuio- o no and Laii.servauve memoeis oi Deingress B ii coudkut aiteudancc up»u llit'scssiois uu- t. ibe Dual adjournment, aud tBat tBc absenltes b' lequeslcd lo retuin at once, so that the evil le election cuniemplated may ue avoided , Uu mutiou, tbe caucu. tb. u adj. umed At oKNh UASSKRI.T, L Ball umu, F. E. Bll iikh, W. K AHTllDll, W. A Uamilkt, Beciei ar Ira li v tiHiil A, I'toacNs tNiuaiT. O As u.ui.tu alter data apiuicailon will be made tn Ibe i.odrtm ordinary o. “t. kciie cemiuy, Oeursla. at to. it'll r.g Inr i ana \ ear lUeexyiraileiii ol one m.iuib fr.. u oils i* .tie. tor leave to as i me laud, be loucing to Ibe- t. l ol tifiN ol s\. li. lioidou, a*"Mil'ol cM.d Cuuaiy, ilikoM*uu, lor in© iK-turt ot meualiiK oi atom-benrY.cg it t*» be ft Rood ai d rtMiauie ruait for ihe fUrtAuea lor which he reiomm u< • U. W A CUW>apgU*U AUttOlA, we r^ln. FHMB5ttV^lTwlbx»Ox> A i llriilliCO, /il am a, Cit*4 r^ia KBDW1NK A FOX, Atlanta, >.eorg.a, W O LA Wail iv, Atlanta, ttoula , W MOUk ^toON.ilarbatU, U^vka. j. f ' Li t.- ' DR. PROPHITT’S CELEBRATED LIVER MEDlCliNE! SYMPTOMS OF LIVER DISEASES : Headache, Doll Feeling or tbe blue*. Sour Stomach, Pick or*>erYou< ueaaacnu, Ueiitbnru imjiK'O’Lou or i y*. ptp .a, bad oi lifter i arte in h.- Mooin. llit-rkiu bai> a . ry ut Uiai , fall, where Le ** var ir out o uraer, >uu a^e liable to every dieea-e ibai:e no. cunt*gt<.u*. irophitt 1 - Livur Medic ne. u taken propur’y, will prevent and care any dtseuac rtfcoi.iua from a ucran^ed **i rcr. h will rfgnlateit* function* and tho« cn r c ai'. dtaea^ee cancel b* tue feature ol itn nealtby net ton. u na- been u.-ed fo a >;fcat n .inner ol year*, and ba« gifeti Uh.VefPMj au ftci.oo j lheie is no brouer or e>)n cialuin g to bare the or gl- na receipt. It 1» put up n butn iowuer anu F.tnd form. un. o. o, t w . uu * * Sik: My wlo t.aa been an lrv-.l!d for fl'teen rear*. D. ctoift an a,* tecue bad Liter Lri* aee." In co'unei lion wit • >hv ir pruc Ice rbe u»eu variuu-m> vd remi o.ew, n.r e i f wxicn soeuiid Vo dunijy gt>ou .-oinet m ml* «I procuiux a i^> il. ol *• uv*r Mea i e ” oi y^ur ntvtil litre, c. A. hnfVu\, etiicti being ft iVt u uct-oiiii„u tu m reel udp, h»e elite.ed a komp.e e t Jie. OAUliUa i.. TUOMPaO>. ap lor »b»pmebV in htfta ot two hondred poundt eaco. au o deri by Mall, in accordance with abote *-“• WU ‘ *« Pr0 “ ,PU » “fSWa HiiLMBU, Oomm^itotr Merchant; Boyce'e Wnari. Cbari®*Um, s. C. omo*ofraa Btati la-rwrroa «if FaariLi*eaa, , \ Lsabokatohy op yum MKorean UhLwi, I Ooeei. street. Charier ton, B 0 , [ Movemberh*, Itfio. J Ifr. John B. Dolma: 1>kam Sib -Tne .ypaata aabmitted by yo« tor ana!v> •U i* the must remaraabie I r>ave ever teen lor Its tree* dom irom Imparities ol every kind, contain ng .1 it doee batonMniid ot one percent, ot u»oluf»« nutter il u can be rappned ol euniiar qn»t t>, it cannot ‘an to prove aortal boon to bontnert) ayjrtcaluire, as there 19 no crop to which it >• a l bemshcla.. wnetner applid alone twin conjanctlon with o.ber manare*. Very re*> Bbecuallv your obedient eerrant. (dSfoed; CHA j. U. bkiBFFAHD, Jr*, M* D. Atlahti, Ga . July IS, 1ST0, nRAUPiriD A L b»bTi EJUv LMBl y 1 » ma i.u .■'v u hwesi • « 1* t, mod <> y j t*m* he Mitoue rtmeuies ai«. In- »»!l .0 . o pur, t sc 3 n .11 u.e ii ave ttnnme V'* <-***« M P 1.) , S., 1 travel* rail a cl try bid 1 • u.y ba a * re*t l ba 1 1 a fr end r«cx»u 1 u • -»nd, 111 C.uU. , a«t*t.ejica, tc-> rcepect.u ;y y u.-?, etc., u. a*. u.\ •».lSu>. DR. PROPHITT’S dysentery cordial , . .i >• I* one of li e'm Vt vi m let mejbl.it it.tlFA lake . • Q« Uluet UU. ha-* been o*t fur yev.re, aud gh-*t uu lioiicni.d raiy akj*t wild imp-nity. Da. Prophitt t CorisaToa, Qa , Novumiver 1#, !St»7. : t *ry CuMt 1; the 1 a*i u wno ui«y ItOUc OU f 1 pu *t aca«M. 'msi .owed, ,<eut w Xourr.Jtc O S. 1‘UKTSU. Cubbsta, Tex a*, l»<9. Dm. I’Rornrrr: Thte 1* the celebrated mtdielne that run 1‘aUi Ki er out of lie m ran . wnuriv««r DqvU dim'Iu I'ropuiu cuMn«e me name trom rry l>r.\ «4«» PU.d am, K.iUr patn of any kind, it baa JaaJo-wita in Kid Ik For UhtunutiBin, Neuralgia, no eqoiil. r 01 i ur*. Uinlcea, '«U'n», or old pore*, it 1* the beat Uunp yon canure lor a au*»i>lmr. For . n ku him* or Min^s of t'oiBonoae lueocta.U u a 1 erftci Muildotu. It ip coed forvo it v'o'd*, Coui’ht lit n-tuic mduaiiB le nature ml y Newton Factoht, Ga., November, 1H67. D* P»"ruirr: Laet rummer my horre rpmlred hi* ankle rever c Canttnu the wholeUk <0 *wel u» * .ml * ce ibe . »in a n* , and renaerms nm ul nurt br.pn*?* ; *«» «pp. « a» Uon* of jonr Anodyne i’*la Kul It '■«••> ng .1» c..r*«i it. Juu.N il. iJ*v\ lb. DR* PROPHlTT"S rover and Apie Pills. Pbe hi'pt AniHote f r rln !« and Fever known, rare* w r.Miiiid iu «>«ry cAtoor iuou«j rviUuUkU- l’ur»ij ',0;. •table. DR. PROPHITT’S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. Will r» H» ?• llAadRCBe, N< rv n«ne-i*, .1 un -‘c oth* r ■ e*aiu#mentr m to vn in * iv \ *11 uf.et rtn b.iI iur p« o b) ll;t l».- - 1< Druad . urut. At a ‘a. (n*orgu, . n * for pa 1 Dru^.Bts of AlUnu, Gooigta, mi un»n..f4kiurr;' Newest Grand Austrian State-Loan LOTTEBY, Guaranteed and Controlled by tbe Gov ernment m tbe Amount ot 120 Millions Florins or 250 Million Francs, vhicb le to be repaid bj 400,000 Premium Prizes. I N Are Yearly drawing*, tn tbe manner that every sec ond mouth a icreal drawing take* place, al which will b. urawn Prteee of 90 a OuO.OUO r'rauui. 10 a 4&I.0U, 60 a 4U0.UO0, SI A .JbO.UUb, 90 a loO.UOU, 90 a &Ou,OUO, 131 « 4UU,- OOO, VO S 800, 171 a 911,00, 899 a 10,UW, 483 a 5.000, etc. tilt t»« Franc*, ibe lewuii Friae. T ne Frtaeol one Share 5 Dollar* “ ** Five onarep IB 30 “ *• •» K'«ven ohareB if 40 “ Twenty-four share* 1b «0 expenee) to a-iry sharebo.der aa #uon a* the result oi tbe drawing ib auown., The rrixue failing to tne Low will be paid In ail Trans atlantic Citiea. • >y in Germany, favored bj the chance, 1 paid to in ysubscriberb First Fnte* ol 8UU,0uu, 9UU,U00, 150.UUU Mild luu.uuu Fruncp. etc. urnefe, with remitumcee, wii! be executed promptly and under dieeretiun oy 1 HAWLKs Holla, B&nalng noiuu in Fraukiv-n od-MainiOermany.) Zeuetieet. No. 47, opposite the royal pop*, office )uiyl7-cveryMinbm. reactnme vtrcct. ROOM h to UKIfT. Also one Tw . Hoorn IIoqm Aouy Vo US- ftClKf. No 11 pBAcntrae atj-et Mortgage Sheriff Sale. W ILLbepod 6-ion we ‘oairA.a-.e dx»r in the cay O' At nkr.ta, kt to- usual o«-u/« u* mai«, uu tne Mi*»i Tae* ty in Mty n»x , we fa.ow. 5 prx.pe.1/, p.vM, ] *4 DukltUV’is PKOPHYL\CTI(J FLUID, T Invslnibie.F* JB great .m rort too j 01 lltdN ms a aauiiug ma icrial. adapted to every etylo ol arcnlwanre, make* It a matter of interest for OiV.VKIt'i, AHCIII- rECTS and BVILUEHI, to Uarn WHERE they can porca ee from the most TASTHFUl DE SIGNS at CHEAPEST PKlvJKS. Tuc Mwire. JAM<a L JlUKSONA BitO S IKON A'.^KK *,-Hih Bireet au 1 9j atcu e. New lork Hy, ba* I'M.a be ju kuowu a* th^ ta'»«v oawintrie sud wwa. liver .Qirt> yt»r- »4oce rt Biu ex^er cnc*. a? If&S romiderp and Uoq«. am iup euao.eB tn m to ,.,fler p«t »e* p tn vsr.uty and style exce.iea bv uou uupct ptloi OU.iUlOgN .. . mot r r rot.to, Fire P oof tiuua, vu.eianu rto.tc , iHA U’i i.ast Iron Girder* in mjuaic Cuiauxu-; md ,w mute, one- n id tb pri’.e o. ( p.oue cut .n rame atauncr. 0*p- iw p miju aa?e- or W'uod .na atoue Uo.umup, ol Uoric, Vuwnntnui, lou;c anu i’u»c. ol Aiua ordura, a. aoou. ine nrlceoi w.w.j.u uu.ia,,. roa uVv.ULg. lor Kieutn i *|i wno naTe a.eO n-i> (or M.rDr. luuminaiuxg iiit-p 1 r 1 n Flour and J Country Merchants, and may be or »in v*r,vly and style exce.,ed by uoue, lor 01 w.oughi and case iron wura, u# u in tiUMdiug Fron.e, iron Fir*t ' " *oorfc. Ceding* and Jtara- Wrought lr ju iraerp and • ntenor, Hound <l>eprcB*,2 imputing • wu« . •• • iuuim «k*u X* . +m, * J CoMCt ,)p.‘ u> B « BuU i*uW , ICM. . p um, 10 - <M W.k k.pu. *♦ llUii C4ui.«, 4 *B C., , *».Ui <U.oM, »4 b *ei kJ., , MO^de> g *..esr, o UUJ KVU. yjl.tu y^c, 1 .out _u8uM4 trfpj, A i.«E, 1 ■>* Jlu-». .4 u , V Asa p^.l^g tut.e, 1 iM.a, i xo. ««ii, 1 cm wig . *08 .ih* «., U —p .8 . roi .W«, 1 jl.OJ. pr-»r, «* *-*«dl,41 VkJ CMUJ W .«J j pc, u 0.«*e • ‘ ."1^ ilnaj. ta. 1 MlA**lLd*K p kM, kiui.11, i DO-d * .ki* 1-4, * M, Ui Oti’t .00*8, l uauiJMk «4Ui t,»^. ‘ Wo.a OBU..L, 6 Ublca, »t i,**ii e, t uou* cat*. m**o Uh*. • Jwu rA «r, A-*. M,e,uUv W,a, 04 C.C OtUCj. X^V..« Oa M Uv p.v.p- v.1; ol i. u «» a v*k.f \jj . I, U. ui 8-u ut • Zli^X L. .8., i_(U-u .TOJX . U.w-* . Upsilor vodit lu UtUi 1 I). V. 1m sAlj ki iaiCv. 1 HlLM4Ui AiBO, >k ih. eMtUr: Vitue JU ^4MVV 1 Juo uook print »‘g pr b . o. jv. u.i 4 c paWiui. 4*ow *** tuc ui me oitc. ul lut 4U8.M *ta VuUki U. . Ok • to- Ota MM ,U% pf^pc- 1/ O. J. X -v U..MA.cr UJ >u.a: ut uUU io 88V.8*, M 8*0/ gM*e k^ki.ui o-uU/t in *8,v*r o« «JOB PHINTIiNG HLlil INTELLIGENCE!! BOOK LSD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. WHITEHALL STREET, Arrival A Uepurn V*«*wiu a MUMUi U4U4/WMM. a. earn. * 8*. \j. 1 at*; «*:X.. i*0vs \llWlUttkK Ul tfpju. Q dccli. : a.b . lu t«n |li; ■ uu*.ii*, atuw. .1 gcuM (IujuIU^ t*c,ieUuu«i L WtiioaKirUs *.ri- u -ui; . < rum i.r MUd dtev.r. the iiMuvM uiilCU* I*,, ^ropuavy Oi Bared 8il.ri; 8 in L rropvrty p .tuea out EL lix.< u ) P-a.Ltifl 'e attoi ey. 4 . aj«o, a, in,. B8Ui« Mi*d p iO; l iOt ol m. rcnandipe coo- BjbLu* ul , ru'-eaei, uo-jeMuc*, bo-U« tnoce,, ciuurti hMidMMTt, 4&c L;»itd on mm u*« p/op^iy *A aaiu,i jMkSrou uy v.r.aeoi Mi.d ui eai>Biy a iu-i^cu Im., lsrU^iuomFu on tap^ror court *n uvo oi^xieury d J«CjI>6. FiOprris tor my jl 6 Ml Fulton Superior Court. fj^UB call ol ihe Deckel* ai tne next Term w*n be g In—CLAIM. 3d—ILLEGALITY. ad-BViCuk. 4th-AP BAL3. 5th-LDMM i.N LAW. ieiit5 -dt;r.V)i.i W K. VBNAttLd, Clerk. M>c'ne. tor ^nrtfr-g. lrou (wo.e; I'a-.eui .-.dcWM.ae, area-, r lours Mud akya.u.r ; jro:i Door - mu i auuttvrB ; rtamnge in g;< y lo, of at. ve.'atdauB, uihcee an irwem-g. •uE book Sale Duorp • aud Wii.a w ouards; iroi d . loo -» ; free uox », Ve..;; t vn v'.Ui t)8vJ '.-d JZ 8 la *11 kind! Of PtCkCCtM *u* uuiue, co.vm, nov.u.ie, fi.H K p , iut Arytipela*. rheu matism. and ail ekin d;s*t*e*; for catarrh, *ort* mouth, •ore throu, diptherta; for colic, dlir. La?, cho era ; a* a wi«d to *oft4h and beautifying tb. rk:t: to redjov. ;nk fj»ot*. mildew, fruit sta‘r.*: tahen internally a? well a* applied externa. t y; »o h gh.y ror .r' r'^ndec by ; elf and :e a-u tiu g,.t pQt-4, WlliU)- mUhk* >or 4 U iMlore ur..-jp e*-Mt uaicnee*.iia Ac. 1 Btvl o,»er i *i*.a free , AC. bPtaClAu d«Use i Qa;rp, p^ ge lor .1. aT uSnoS- with V*N ol dc<i> XII i .usiraua tbe t.-o. work mu« pfic-t pent r».-e. •J.vAiua x*. j k A dktu , S cond avenue a..d HmbI 3^tu >o eiiee leb/4 3m * ew iur • city. P ROP HIT I S pain kill it. tT . f’KRTlwiPATKS: « e, th- uj der g ,«d h:,vi- u.ed 1) Prcphltt’* Pr»pt- atioiig ,i d : » r p oa-ute n, iom...cauu.| them to ihe .'•dMi.sou, Monti e 10 C"um>. A >1 lllD . "fgJl. i*ui"8ni coot) y. ® wl | l G *• i Ju ve J J rio 0‘gi-*w» are. A*! 8 c« u tv, JkXfjp; k htwk V H« • r.-. LiUke.i (X un- >. .M abu. t,a; »> a i.\t,d*d F^aihl.uf H a, aiO. V”* It "I -'o-apu l*aiu,’i it*urg a k ; n beri u. Mo. I ( .ley., t-. ; T i*p n> > ck i ocki-tL Davip Uss- ta, • x»»; C ■ mine. Jr. .-tewarL Bis. Atlanta, a; K .it.an'a, Ga; l r ah 1 .ic, a j. r. 15-. .-out cuuui , Itt; lo d).4.ua, Ibiol) COUU’y.Gft; Jot l. li D*ViS, Ntw- l *ktur> , 11 F Ba.-b, i*v WtaUi-B c.'dmy. STATE OP GKOKG1N, i Know all men bv these FL’LT *» « i't*KTT. f i r. a, ul*. Tbxi 1 Lave t- > d.vy, lor value re a;vid po u ai d in»n.-fctrixl to HnaI) Fir-Li* ,t U,.tUi -> ii n*'cit lu manulacin e and am, tn v Kim. y Mnu« m«- a-.e. h v» f.j nt*h d th.-iu w tithe f. r.C v, t*. and • avc-U ..»,r. a«d tbe Ba d tort\Dr lfl.ll A C . t > nut k r have p u ed, a y h i g they mat Bee projker C CM. t! g II) alid ai. * f *.ue *b. ve-naotd Aide ne«*. i hip 15 h da) of J jse, IS70. | g ie. ] t-S PKUPHITT iu l.rvB.-nc • ol humii* F Juno* and hobert Crawford, hour; >■-"'.* t>- 1 a i Dr Ami i TUgglst* larr.Yhwlr IN OTIC R. the th day of Ma*rh 1>T1, bj the ond-ragu d. tfiepur »«k*e ot pro ecn'tng tne Brewery Pu»;cv». i >r the mure ibe ttrm, name aud *lym o( the Cuy Licw. iy w 11 bo “PftCHrRR A MBKCKK,*' PKOPKIBTORS, t^ whom all indebtodue** . lr t*ri wury wit be oads, and vr;iv b ra I debt* ncu.Tkd lu tne pr P4ld tnaiucM. D. KBCUTBR. mhtl-3L KD. MkhCah <* HOICG I A , FaYXTTS COUbTT ^ Coi RT or UKbixxsT, HaKh *4. .87t. J L. II W vLJHOP having app te.1 • Adnuutatta'luti nyK.a tbe tuu. ittcei aaacouui). arceasea - Toip 1b, then* ore, to n >t fy al. jhtsob* concerned to Ills ihe»f o'*focit*)u, t< Buy bey cau *»n or by the May Tsrw, U>?l. ot this <X>tm, < *>* ,m| erwwill b# gr r ; a th apd.am. U.*V.1>C JU M*rt, urd.i ar.. mhh*-5bd tTmtir'B fee $3 th*t M ne lor the City w vIbo b» r.*Bpv»u»mic •ecuttoa of l • siore- Johu G. Nor •1 dlrectay darby prupuylactic co., If,’, w-jar^S‘r.-et N Y CELeiUit kTED MURRAY & UNMA.YS FLORIDA WATER. Tbe most lusting, agreeable, »nJ refreshing oi all perium'-s, tor use on the Huniiserchiel, at me Toilet, and in tue Bath. For sale by aU Druggists an.1 Perfumers. nov#-«\)ly 8 BUOix rON ini, Nlil MARRIAGE I .oV^ed a.'vut to marry, ul vht CLIlQg pbys'u 'V.-c». mrner:*. mm w i w a.* 5 »td revt .aiiunt oi Use ei'iai 'y*trin. with '.he ia’.e*’. d.>cut«r v* prohaonf nd peeve-..t.ng ud*prtu»j. preBi'v.ug ibv vv.mptexion.JK. Tht* ip au imematin«i w. ra ul twu hoodrud anc .wev.ty-lon: patre*, w.tt tiUtnerv'Ot en^rav.Ujtb, aud Cor.tjLn* va:*uxD.e nlormat oi: lur i^urc »bo arc mar r ed «*r font rapjaUf mar-iagt; »u. ti :t a book that utarm u» :e auder ocs and «ev. aso not .aid care.efaJ* ahoat Ihi . oa-i M-nt n* ny -n* grev ui ;*o#vaget ;or Flitt cent*. AddrvB- D. Buttp th*i*ct:fvar). No It N H.gh’.t st. M. Lou.- Mo, i*~ Notice to the A Bicted and Unfartanaie. Be.orv aup.y.n^ to the nuu.r.oo* i^.'a.kp aao adrer tiM to public pa;«er*, > r t-itiuj any ^fav a .ixasrua? (•erute i»r. Hujib’ work, no matter whai fx*ar disease or how dvp orab.e yuar coudit on Dr. Buttp An bi cui.j.tlkvl, ,.eT*onaii) or i>j man, ot tne disease* mentiuuec tn hip wv*ra» '.'fllce No. 11 N Ktxh;bBtrtx-i. beiweeti Maraei and v heanut. St. i*u>& * Vo nr.»,-.U.U iU*\ uun*e -ui ► urnce. Jainvry Sd, 1ST1. av ng aj-p i‘U .or me gear- . , and , .v'i-vrn k 1 ti.* L<-cE. child u! J. T. UkE. la.i of Deaaib county, deceased - This ;p inerrfore to nouiy a.. ,*erBon* concerned to lie toetr ob»eco<»nB, if any they hare, wtth.n the time prepert:hxi by iaw, cipe mavr win be granted *aiu ap- i*iicaul a* appucu tor. DANIKl* fMTTMAN. Ordtaarj. Attest. John T. Coorxx, l jerk. lant-ilPi 1‘rtnte.r’* ree f 4 50. MvOltbl t, FaTXTTX VuCNtV. t'KiuMAHT’? orncE. February 1,1SR. IIS J. GlLBartT, .-sdramipirs.or of me estate ol J' 1 " wanted, S ALKSM N AND 0 4N V 4S-*l?r(S FOR KVKKSON'S * IMlaH "r Mu.tc a a i eruM.-cat* and f>r Kit K buN’.vCi p and F.l*- lor uiUkv ,•*,*•)* i*;*i •.}»*r»te artuii## tne • Up and F *.•: I ue.ut'M m-n *• o tbe Uiudci Ov kvety.Okty .'m a l..r tir n* *• i t * p l» J.NO H. IUlKKTT A * O BkKik Bindera, lrV S t lark *L. mhlr 9 d _CriC*jO. Ill OKOHLI A, Kirmi Ouuntt : Ukpi »ahy’d Off 1C*. Fcbrua'y 3: 18T1 G KOKGtC W DvVIv having ap.Jlcd for gsardian- »Utp of (hr pkfp «ti« and p.-uiHUty of \b« m.oor cut>4 uo oi Jutiu w l»*vt«, ucv* a-e t Thi* .B.uit rcloio.1 • iivi.ity * i*. r •«* concerned to die th ?.r osjeetton*, i anj t l *• »uv . w. a a t m.* preset ib- o bylaw oi-o lone s r . * grui.el *%id to^.icau: *• applied lur. ou toe s'. a-.y t. <d. mat h.* Ua« u-.y otacaargvd &u mio uu*: , . erpk):i» coucercei *re here-a» n >i:d.\i to be and api*ear at kit office, wttata la a time pru-cr.bed by lav, t., mow ;*«■*■% it an* tnej can. wa* aaid sd ami^tratkr ♦hea.a not ue at»cuarg«<\ trwm Ptvd vtua\ciBvrau>o. aLd rkVc-.Tv letterv ol diB.u:**ion ,<n ihe dr»; Mkmda) tn (iKoKHIA, Fatetth ComTT. i^niT or Oauixant. March 7. lS’.T. W HKKRkS. R D i'tek»or, e**carity of John l> Lncll- •o.i iraar tUn o Zachar. h Turtcr. ha* fl ed us flu ta n. *uo»ur \ iu uiBtcabuii »n ui Ul- e*i*.ic o: / . rar-ah 1 urner, >*uvt »pp..c» fur i* iter* ut d »miB-tou, r*bc«. »t erp will r>p gra< tiv. on t?e 5>t TccBd^y in r . naxL umv?** tone vaiid oo.wcu- a* art a.edac- rv rc-.ak to iaw. DAVID C. MINOR, Ordinary. mL7—3tal ITinUr'v t«« $4 s\ luai 7 ;*XL DAY 1*/ C, Mi NOR, Ord i a y printers fee fa CoutL b) h'.a pviiUou, that t%* aas luilj dtpcaargrd his sa'd iruBt — rut* ta. therefore, to notify all person* eoccemod to be * ul Appear at my olfirs, wuatn ihe um* prevented by u«, lo *ao * oaums, it anyibey esu, why *aid *ruar- , dian mould but be »*iPCha’ , cod i>om hi* *atd g'uarduo- Br.'p »oo v v re letter* of dinni*?iou. on the Am Mon ob) iu M*y ueiL | DaVIO C. MlSoR, Ordinary. lehf-K* 1‘nnu-r • tee f 4 u). WE INVITE THE ATTENTION OP Oph FRIBLND8 and tbe Public generally, to oil- coaniete and extensive JOB PRINTING OFFICE Onr facDitie* lor Executing the General Hun BOOK AND JOB PRINTING-, are as good u that ol any Office in the cout having recently added a large lot ol ne» - s - modern type* to our already Extensive Eci^ liihmenk CARDS. Business, Visiting, Railroad, Wedding, And Every Other Kind, Plain or Colored, At Prices to suit ali Check Books, Draft Books, Drav Relceipt Books and Blank Books, ol every description, p:.n'.- »nd bound on the most favorable lerext, a:.: . the neatest style. \u e g- a I B 1 a n L $i. Sherdfa, Ordioary’a, Clerk 1 !, Magistrate's, an 1 Law Blanks, ol every kind, Printed on tht I'-.r: Paper, and al Lew Pricea. Orders Ir^m country promptly filled. *>.U U>1- >--u A Ji /.. . r ji *--*u r .a jfjOlM UF-oHANBE GF SCHEDULE |geo|giJ RAILROAD ^ ^ ' 7' *’ is.1, me t\*h4sc- SCHEDULE 0> MASON AND AUGURA RA LflOAO. T . >e;womL A*- '.kT! cx triA Book Printinjr. A.II who appreciate the importance o! havr.. their work done on New Type ar G Preiaee, and First CIxss Workmen, will c. n> ..- their own interest, as well os oura, by giv.nc u- a lair trial. Bill Heads, Ete. In the line ol Bill Heads, Letter Hex. 1 .!. color*. Direction Checks, Jfcc, we are prensro' u Heretofore, to execute as neat work, and on utarorable terms, as any house in the Sour, and to guar.'. fuS aumien, which is s heavy item to parties ordenng Urge Jobs, as they seldom get lull number* when they order work North. To Showmen In all kinds ot Show Printing, plain c: c ored, such as Pasters, Programmes. Honse-SilisE!:,. This Office will be Pound to be Sujxirioi t anything in the South. Paruos have but t. ca. and Examine Samples to be convicceil Bool* R i n d i i» jr . Every Description ol Binding and Ruling Promptly Executed is any style desired. Call at or Address INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA., Tor Price* or Ealimates, lor every Descrip tion. k “Tinting. April 1 CorToti O T M Its LlFt L\SUifiA ! liii CyKPAM- | I'riucipat *»n„ t -jHat on. «-a. **'* * ' 4 ' ' * fl.OOU.OOO *iv.-B '• * ? 6uu,uu0 i i»t‘,uuo j TO TllK LL BLIC. ''•' 1 .< »fr: o»- , ir.«u .... , Mt.r x ; j V''A" . ■ ■ - ■ • •«*’«« I - - ■ ' ' • 1 - - ' ' 1 • ' '•..TrM ► \ 1 • 1; >• n t l* 1 is 1-: n »rj :» LUSSK! >1. *J . >1 \C» 1 JUI^. '■ »*T AGKNriKS. 5 i tAM PUMPfi'* tiANJ FAMrth, V o \V K It P u n P M V ; HaX’K-aD*, M11.L4. m>E». BruAcr.os. Distil,ovioa* HyiiraUiic I’rt.vNrs, &o., > A A -' VJ IrtUNs, v.ccowan qros.. MJN'D FuH • DiC’LAK. A.dmiuist rat BV;- ■ r ts ."tilt