Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, April 12, 1871, Image 1

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VOL. XVI. .iti. !•! mu Jin vaa . * TI AVf\. WFQKUU. WEDNESDAY EVENING. A1T>11, 12, 871 Nu si Slit pill InipUiACW* 11E AU. Wtt WILCOX, PiibiUter. SuusGfipuon aHdJttwtising Hates. ratioa of auusiHUrrioN, D.llT.W ftn Wtttlj, # mouth*., i.fed — '* 99 ft linirl* jpim to <##■ Boh nd B|lltl OATIB OF AOVKHTltUHtt. For c*on «qo»r«of 10 Itooior loan, for the lint Inter* uon (1, end lor otcH tnmounont insertion DO cynU. 7 S _ 2 3 IllTsil tqinoo. SSSSsiSSSSft 8 8 8 8 8 STS 8 8 saaasssegc .qiuoin l 1 i a 8 X s X 3 “ 3 t 8 8 8 8 Sit:. .loniDU i - a a a X * i i ! : •M«W8 •mdiiv •WWW I *wwni •owns s 2 a a a I :1±LL 8 a a i i a s a s s 8 £ " i i 1 S 8 8 = 3 - 1 . « m " " - a 1 i a a a a a s i.-*an i £ 8 8 5 8 1 i i i i l 8 c o o c iaj; dvociai Aoucus, su cuhi-s imji unu oral insertion, an aO j-«o iMi iiuv »ul u*cn suuouqutoiii luaetbiUXit Aa<«4i»ooiucu k » iM»oiiou *v tUhsrvaiB vu Ml <uuu*«ua« 'urusrua io laiumn v,n*njr pantuumj aa, to. to £xj cnit'eiuB as auw each .ae union, 'a La mousy ior aavorusing uoueidursu da# altor un liid.i k.vu. ^ 4 ccoeAeuiuiiaiuuita ui iuuotoon uasinsssilUsnQuoioi H .. — ..XUI. ,«uu1SMm*a lU \ frit. IN rtcL-IGhMCERt ATL.i> n h, i, t rrtTi/. 'A*be Democratic Caucuc*it corguuizutiuu ui tiie wemucrnUr nutl CuiircrVuilVo liuu* (•rvnniOU.il t ullluiUli U. Aii au|uuiucd caucus ui UiO Democratic ami Couacrvauvc members oi Cung'usb Woa uelu in the nail ui inc iiouae ol iicoiCatQlauvca at ll o'clock, ou cmiuuUy morning. ^ lion t'urnanUo i> oou, ol New York, called the caucus io i r cr, and. on ui<i(iuu, hou. Eu gene caaocn>, ol Laiilurma, ioo& me cliair. lion Al« G. Ktir, o» indiaua. moved Uie lol loping resolutions, wmcU Were uuanimoueiv adupieu: unsolved, That we cordially commend to out Dtm eitti.c anu L-oneUvalive Ici.u w-cuizeu- tn»uugn -iu inc coUi.ii> Hit Patriot, ol llic ui> ol V\ aatiiugioU, aa a i.e-c.-pa^cf cuilueuil) Poi.ln} oi int.ii lavoi ttuo cu,'|»oi i, i»> reason ot l. e nun lone, gleai to.til') anu U ill >' lo Coin Cl pUn- c.p.ta wiucu cnurociti.Zc l e m.ujgug- uieui. licaOiVeii, l Ual u cu,*> ol IU.a rvaoluliOU Ot CouiuiU'ticaic i io iu aI p .per lor pu .ncatiou 11 n. W oimuj E. .Mu.ucK, ol ImuImUa, ottered Uie lo.ioAiu*, pu.cn Ana also Ut.aniU> u-i> auopten l uu«oivcu, Tnai tucie thm ne appointed a COuiin.uec, ConolMO.g .•! one CcUalor or li pic* bcu.ai.ve min to tell aiau LUllUtd *.) tin. pop l- Cal C..alrtClfl o. lla U--.ii.uUou l Ttprt*B'tUallol. in inia cauc a, io su Vv ui.r.ug the pier-eui c-ou- gftaa, .»U-J io ko liv kuu.wi .»B UuilwCr»tic and t/oUBtol v.t IV C/oU^Kaalonill UoUilllilltoC WUlcn oii'tli oc Liiargcu A.m fucu iliuito an It uia> piopcil) pcr.oiui m ic^.iM lo eiicliona auu otuci poil»l. a. inailero Ou. tug ila clib enCe, Ailn poAcr lo cUov.ae lla own chairman aUd otUo ctllcelalio a.ao lo cnoo. e anu appoint a aul>- Cuuitu.ilcc, lo couaiol, in Aliole or in pari, na Urn; oc uceuieu oeal, ol uieiuocra ol Uoiureaa, to act aa a lesiiicm i x< cuoVto Commiilee, lor ihc uiMiiuuiiou oi aocuuicnns and older campaign w ik. Ucaoived luriher, I nat eacu delegaitou here rtpicae..icu sUrto oc cniiiicU lo name lie com UiiiltoC Uiitu Under lUe lolcgolUg libolilllou, Out Wncu no pi latm bUt.l he Uaiucd WilUli. a lea bonah.c luue, Uivu tue Cliaoman ol iliib caucu-* ana., <tp.io.ii. auen eoiu.uiueu-iii.tu. On ujolion, me roi. oi lue Males was called, UUd ll appealed Uial Ihe loiioA u.g Plaice ttn ieniu.i.co At'ie icpiebcuud, viz: New Yolk JNtW JeTaty, i J t UUP) ivauia, Delaware, Alar) luliu, Vi giuia, Noitl! Laiui na, «oUUi Uaiouu.. Otoigia, nminum, JliaoiBAippi, Oulu, Kenluchv TeUnea-.ee*, luo.a^a, IiIiu.Mp, Miabouri, Aikan baa, Jt.CulgaU, rioiiua, Oa.iloiUia, Oregon an* Nevada, and iUu ieiruo/iea ol Idaho and Da kota On im.liuh, Uie lollowing-uauied geiillemeu weie appo.iiied io compose ilie -aid Ihmocihlic an . Oouoeivative otiugitBsioual coaiiuillce, v.Z. New Yoik—U. IV. ^.«>ciui Nua Jeiacy —tlouu i\ diocktun. i^cnnbyiv.tnia -aainuei J. lUndull. Dc.a Aale- lici.Jauilu l U'ggb. Mai> .and — dicveup*»ii aYicUeT. YUgiula— Joliu l rileliel. Noun c..tio.m.t — t' E ddo'v r. bou.h cai%)..n.t - l.-a.c O. .VI. K.saick. tieoift.a i* M li V -ung. Alaua ..a—i*. M. Pul, Ailselaalppl — Louibuna— Oulo—i'niladt-lph V’nn Trump. IXi-uiutoK) — b .*u VV tuu.e ci. ieniitoebtot—VV. c, VVn.linoluc. luil.au t— Al. O. Kell. loiiuolb- bamiiei & Aim shall. M.bsoull— E aolua VNi.ib Alkal.oap t) tu.e& M UmiUb. Al.eni h ai.— J li ou i.e.laud. E.oiida Miao L. NiniaeKt l toXaa — low a— V> .aCOUbill — La.'i*>iin* Eugene Casserly. Mium boiu — O egou .1 ttmt a 11. Slater. Kuuaaa— VVeai Virginia — Ncvttim ouarles W. Kendall. Ne in ark»— . . Idaho Daiuu 1A Merritt. Dak -la—-Aloren lv Auiirirong. liou. John T. ll.id, ol Nca Jersey, from the fp(*c<al cou. mil lee appoinied al a pu vioua ciu- clit to examine lhe a couuib ot the National i •etiiociaiic Executive UomuiLtee, repot led that Uie aauio were cornet. Toe report was adopted, aud lUc special committee was dis charged. u n. Fernando Wood.ol New’ York, moved the lolluWiUg rcaoluiiou, wUtcu Hub adopted unauiuioud): ucboiveu, That it ia ena« ntiai lo the intemT.B «». lUc |o.*opit* oi mis couuuy tii.ti the De t »tiic anu Loi.servauve uitdiocia ol Uongresa t»e .a cuu laul aucnduticc upon tin sessions i in Iht- Uual aii)t<uri.mtnl, aud tnai lUc Hti-eUl be i ei] tier ltd lo Itiuiii at oiiCc, «o Uial the evil leglbia.iou couli lUplalcd Uln)' it avoided k Uu inoiiou, Uie Caucus Hit li mljmuni JC.UOK.Nk Labckki.t, e nan man. F. E. Ml HKIt, \\ t*. AllTilUH, W. A UA.NUl.kV, Mvxeiarica, _ and io Ladiea. tbat VV omen Me subject vo Ldn.irani dts- ».§«• p*cum»r to ifcttr »ex- ruen sa sapurefalon oi the M«0B«*i.Whit4i,»?Bijim Mwnih, iv ••PertodB.’' nheamaLUm of the i ark and Wmuo, irro ular Aleufliraallou, Uemorrbagc, or Bzcoerlve “ PtowaJ 1 ana Vro- j lapva» Uleri or n ailing ol |hn Theee diseasea have loldom been treated pncc*a«iuhy The profaaalou haa Bvughl diligent- Ur fat Mm. nuMdr th». W«md ci.abi. thm to troM lb use diseases with succeea At Iasi that remedy naa been discovered by one of tha most sk ufat ph/filcuus in the State of Qeorizla. That remedy 1b * BRADFIELD’S FE81LE REGDL1T0R. It 1b poroly vi«ctable, and |b put up in Atlanta, Ga., by liraddo.u A lo. .. puniy the blood and itrengtben the fyatem, re- htve (/Ration t the kid .e/4, and li. a perfeet ape-ifle lor all ihe above diecaeM, ae a • erum coreaa qulnl&a ta in < hills aud Pevera. For a history of uiBeaaefl and certlflcatea ot lta won a* rr .1 cures, the reader 1b teferred to the wrapper ar. uud each but.le. kvo.y outlie warranted to give aatlalactlon or moat/ roianded. * LaQkakoi, Ga., March 33.1870. Bm« DR*lD * Co., Allant v Ueorgi *: ' ^ he I'laamrelif autung thatIhaveuaed, or ibe Ifis 'Went- jetr ,iuemed ilie )uu a»e nutting up. known mb ur. bitA -Fi o.nb’^ KK-and KBUU-.A- »O i. anu o iitviuer It ihe oe*t c moin«tlon ever gotten l« g.-tui r lor tnw direocee ior wu c » It U nc .ium ndid I i.ave been familiar wrh th pr ar.r p lo i, i>. th t* rac- tloner o int-dlciue aud u dorce'te practtci*. and cm none* lv ray iha 1 c-ji.r-id r u a o^ui. to ruoar ng fa- ujB't b and can but no, e every Ibdy u h • land. h*bua.ay be tuff pi g i way . <c..i ar to e.r sex, may t*e r*j,e to procure a bot.l , mat their luffmlnva may qr aly be itoln v< a. bit ihai th.y o.nj Dc icetoreu .o he. ^ ana aua tirciig.n. W ith my slndeat rogardB, 1 am. refpecifully, W. B. tiwtttkiiw,M. D. We, th * under*lgned, OrngirlBtB. take plrarure In com menuing m .he u*.de Hr J oh Dri.LU’a r utLi ..ae- ni AroH-be.t»v i.g it t-. be b yoou atd miauie remedy for the uirtoascs lor winch «.e re.owuku. • U. W A uaoOUkL.14. atuuna, **u rgta. PAMbKhVoN, WlLi oort A l 1 LOH A CO. .. Al ama, Ge* rgia. RBIIWIJNK A FOX, Atlanta, -.turgia. W o LAWaU-*, Atlanta, teoi^la. W HOU L A eON, Mar.etta, Georgia. DR. PROPHITT’S CELEBRATED liver medicine It !b purely vegetable, and will acl upon the ? Iver am Klr'ne>s as promptly aa Ohlumtl ana Buchu, without sty d.n^.r . fB«l Ion or dedir'.« tiou tf ihe bones. F .r.its ukii.g ibl? m- dicine i.eeu nut lea. getting wet, or aty other rutsonahie expoaure. SYMPTOMS OF LIVER DISEASES: Out of the Fire 1 T ub xakibtta hiper mill company has reliu.it It. Mill, which detro/od by dxu Mil Novumbw, usd cuiuuuuced m.lro.11 Newspaper of Excellent Quality. We are ready to All orders and will Uks vp* ctal care to famtBh our cuttomerB with paper that will give Mis- ’ fact Urn. 13HT Orders aolldted. mhdO-dt Iieadache, Dull Feeling or the Blues, Sour Stomach, Pica or>eiViu* ueaaacie, lletrtbuiu mo ge-tion or i y#. ptp .a. tad o. onier *rio in n>* Mourn, tin rkm baa a . ck. roeg f • 1 ig. a tod is ■ aik r U»u upU» , > oeti.e ree, Ma aueu.-i) i e^Au^a, v.ian p% Luid Feel, lone, y euuryor Diari'oji, cnillfoud ev. r. au i Filea. In tct. wbA<« r.e .. ve, i- oui o or. er. >a.u a^wfubn tu cvciy u-Bea-e iu«l » no conn giuue- roph.lJ- mve. Jbeil.c Uu o akeu proper y, will pre.uut und cu<e «nj u.scamc rerul .n* Iruui a octanged 1 will rigufateilB luncrlon-t ana thUB cu e all dlveaeea •e. by iuu f. a ..re oi tie ueaiu y «ciou. . j.H t-een u-ed fo a greal u. muir ol years, and has FaI buhm.Ga., September 4, 1638. Dh O. S Pa* miTT i ia : Vywie t.ai* been an invalid lor fifteen years, oiurs a ag tosne tiaa ••. ver kip. aee.” lu cuunec* «d rent'd procuits. hire.« a. harvet. \ reel «ne, h«B ehec «*.l Atlahta, Ga., July 16, 1670. VIE<-8U8. Bradvibld a Co: ti km a* Uaei y.-ar, dnrli g uiy travels in Ala- ama an. .**• unwept .-t*«.'gi«, l contra. t«*u chub and , and my gruerai hcJlu oc au.e very bid. I tried tailo.ua rtoititiice. anu among o hers ana icuhergtr** o all io lo par,one l war ir-.im.ed w.tti mienas a it* lue riu.t.1 ujv !>a k anu for u<o t .tUr 1 dm m t e ammuei tb re»t. i Uai wen nigh desp-tred of re- er • g alien a fr.eud recuiainei-Ued uie to >ati- Ur. pul. b*M fiver Mni ciue. l am o. nd one b-itiie tuts c^uie; am U> da> 1 Uei like an liner man 1 cou ll onu ol tnu ocat iuediauee tu gcneia are n..w up. and, witUcui any rcrerva.ion, rccumruenu it to IIKOUUIA, I tcacN* Outlaw O a . ao-.i» aiiui tai j tpoiiciuon will be made to tho :..uri o- Ordinary o ‘M a.-ns coamy, tteorkta. at in,, ll r *i reg Mar i or -t t ter Ui.* e»p-ra.iou oi one mou>d fr-i u tins n iticrt h»r i- avn i<* « * i too 14.ul- bclongu-g ti» ibu »m .-•» he.r# o. -V u. »o.d .11. m***«*o>l at< c-.ua), deee*4im, tor ne b n< it oi ««n| iaiu«ir» T. F. C RADY'S Rail Road Ale House, No. 22 ALABAlflA STREET, J UST RECEIVED A PURS STOCK OP STAR WHIS KY, FRENCH BRnxvUY, Gin, Wines. Bottled Ale andPorur, Jersey Cider, Ale and Beer on draft GALLON GRADY, mhSl-41 Near Georgia Railroad Depot. GEORGIA, Fat*tts Couaw. Corn 0/ Ubdihabt, March H. 1871. L. H WxLOROP having app'led tor letWi of Adminlatra lon upon the estate of John U. Nor ton late of and county, d**c*a«ed — This Is. there ore, to n it fjr all persona concerned to file their onlcctlon. I any they can on or by the May Ter... 1671, ol this Court, r *e letters will be irr-uted tht apol rani. i) .YiU C MI st»K, Ordinar.. mh£r*3dd Printtr’g fee 13 Mortgage 8henff Sale. W ILL be soM bti ore the Court *h'»o»e door. In the city « f Attmu ai toe urual bou«v .of k«le, 011 rbe First Inesoay in May next, tha following property, to-wit: One large Ho* preer, 1 fel n Floe pr*tp, 8 lr pos’ng ttoaeOh 1U tiaada. l cab netp. 3-) 0 -<e type to ea* h cab inet, 1 e*r ’ p'esa. 18 palr^ ol etsec win *>p«. vO iroo chasef, I me ci-*s with m«, 13 b 8- k-1 eys, 7 wooden ga 1 yr lu f^nta wood poster iyp , 1 lout me'tl t pe, 1 0*8k, 1 lot raeial Iu u lu », W ..on >ompos eg tt-CkP, 1 gaaiii y rack, 1 lo leads 1 care ra *, 1 lead rut Ur. 4 in posing atone 1 pi00 pre-s, fi nacd- 81 p,ir cases wu> t p , 14 brass .alley* 1 rni ng nucunt 1 standing | res , 3 pap*r cult rs. 1 ousid rutv«., 1 . et binder ■ 1 ouls, 1 cabinet with 1 w-ira be"ct , c Ubl-s, 13 Huirt, I book ea»* ana drrk, 1 lsrae Iron saf , and t e good w.li o the ofttee Levud ou the im p ertyif J 1 WntUaer by vlr ue of aud to Bitisiya mo rgage t. U . isrord iron* ru on a t*erlor Conn in favor ol B u Yancey vb. Jared 1 Whitaker. Also, at the same time andplac* 1 Juu book printing press ol H Uoe A Co s pale. 1 now in u-e in the fflee o^taeAtinaulateJitgrliter Levied on as h property ■.*- - uuBJOgagg: fl ia-, i>in»*d f om Puiio- -c perl or Court sn lavor ol B. C Ysi-oey va. J I. w t It ker ▲iso. at tncaamat-me ana place one honored and sixty (160) earrft, and oun honored and seventy-five (17&) louts ol type ol different b'»js am dtacripi uu, and elev n (111 Bianaa, Shown as the Atlan a luie-li r acer Job office. Lev.cd ou as >he pr perty of Jared Whitaker by v*rne 01 and to raiislya mortgaged fa., isstttd lrom Fu ton f»r.p;r:oi Cmri m lavjr f D. M. Bait Ts. Jared l. WntUker. Ptoperty pointea oat by plaintiff 1 • attorney. Also, auh same and p'ece 1 lot of m<rchaodlse con st at in* of trucenes, doneeli. s, bo ta, »bo e. etileoe- lu dwarr, Ac Lovud on ae me pr p .tyuf ainu 1 Jo> k-ou 1 y v r a* ol and to rat ely a m r. 4 »gc n L . lr a -1 <rom Fa on *up<»f or court u» lavo of Ueury d J c.)b*. P.op rty pui*.ted - ut oy pur t ff - ,t- lor*,«y a.M. knKtf.\»vr> Depaiy b.enfl. mitoiT fid “ ' u^d u d.nLy t - v ago 1 ll ul *• MV«r had lie." 01 y-.ur agent hicli he ug givin accuallug lu di 1 ^ouip.e t; cure. ukuhGn L. TUOMPSOW. Ui- illic.cd. , etc., DR. PROPHITT’S DYSENTERY CORDIAL put op for me liclue has bcuu use fur years, and give* uul- VcilAlBA . laCtiuU. he iujbI uei.c-tio child may lake it wilh lmpauity. CoviNoron, Ga., November 3, 1867. g « severe attack ol Pyeert*• ry during the past vid ,uwreiru-t l»me late Bud ptiuianebi rel.ei! Uit' p . Mr re . o teo Uif- tiid lu • leuitO) tu B I >y e mi . t a<-*«••>< U.it ru g u.«t -h >uiu w»o uitec- ; t t.uwed, .e.ul w-.a.ii - u*u.y be u-.uli.ed. Yourr, Ac , U. tt. 1‘UHTKU. GEORGIA, Fatitti codmtv. uauiiiAHT i c.r/108. April Term 1671 K ELLY, Btoturty ior K .uiuua Coutt e Gdardun ol HaMtona. X LuuiUe. uiuur u! tatxnai u Co., u ^a***o, tu lug uprce.-uied uut ne uas m..r ut*- Caalg-d said uOat- This .*, u eru-uie, to uot ly a'i purcuoe concerned to fl e ih«3 f ubjtoCtiuuf. I' *uy hey fu*u, utiot Dclur the July lerm .^7l * f h.s court, w-y .ultere thuu.d nut he granted *a.d app .».a..i . G a VXD’C. Ml.vo ll, Otdmary, »pr4 4 d PrvuU' « use tZ. G hURGlA, CvAiTOir C UbtY. v ouft ul UiaifiAry. A m id. 1671. t* 1 on aid wOauly . txlt .a, ■ bervture, to uoli.» ail person? concerned, t uie tn« lr ubjoh-liune, it any tuey cau, uq or uj me M\y l erm. ISP, of vn.« C-uuu, eno .etiere wul Oe granted inc »Ppii('Aut. J. H MOKHOW, ordinary, apr4-3Pd prauer’e fee *2. GEORGIA, FaTbttb 1 ouhtt. OBDUTaBT's OF/ICI, March tt, 1671. W QERKAb. Giorge W. ndm nd on, Guardian of to. t*ersun and prupei y u. nu nd juuueun m u -r 01 e*.d county, n«vu.g fahy duenarged hie Mid uu t, ap ptiea to be dirmisacd irum me Guardioncmp u t onh s«id Therefore, all p- rsons tninoerued. are hereby net - fied ana required to appear at my offiuv, ou or beure the firei wouuay in Jm- ne-1, and enow cause, if any itwy n%ve, why said Om-rge W. numouuruu ehumd nut be d.e- tn.-aed irum hie a*ia ouardiaui-nip. Given aaaer my hand ano uffictai • Unature. l>aV»u o. ailNutv, Ordinary, m h31 -40d i'ri*. u r - e lee #a. GEORGIA, FatbttiCucmtt ohihmasi's orrtca, March 33, 1671. W llKHEAS, George W. Oar.* appdte to rue .or ihe Guardmufnip 01 the p«r»uu» aud pioperty of the nuuur children ol John W. Obvib, utccaGcd - Aii pervuns cunceruod are uotulea tu file their objec tions, lu my otficu, 11 an; exm, w.tain lue t.me alieaed by iawr. lo »aiu appo.uinuni, otmrwi.-e letlerr of guar- dutuBUiu wiii be granted tne at-vilcanv, ae applied mr uu lue first Monday tu May atx. uaYID u MlNoK, Ordinary. ruh8l 30d l*rinier'» fee $3. ATLANTA INTELLIGENCEB GOOD NE Wot ,H>I{ P1UNTIING Cigai’H uro Fa 111 ng I 1 r ll* UNUEBilONBU MOST RFHPBUIFL'LLY inform I ihe Public Uut he Lab reduced the price* VO suit ihe limes. 20 cent cigar u> {lur 35 c**u r. 5 cent C^sar to 6 for T> cents. 3M cent Cigar to 12 for 35 cent*. Pipes at 1 &c« per Doz. to S 1 5 per D z. All can save money u> go a.-,d •»*»: JOd.N FiCKSN. at hlsetore, wbursaii can get ih • w r»t of he- non-y and mure. JOH N FICKF.i, I»u. 11 reach rc« «trtet. BOOM-i TO HUNT. -( M ROOMS TO RENT IN THE PICK BN UoOHK ; A. I Also (jM Tw j WjSjiu iioBte Apyjy lo Joll.N tv BEN’, frpn-Xm No II Heathsre<* »' Atlanta Medical College milE next coarse o f Lee are-in this !nnlut.on wii: A open ou the Frrt M >nil*y ;n M»y ncxi, anu. J.t: flret of beptemaer, following j faculty * JOHN W. JONES, M. D„ Profe*K>r of Principle- and practice o» Medicine. W. H. OOiDJfiM. 4.. U., Profs^or of Genera and Mid.coi ^n-oci-try. H. W drtO.'rtN, JL j., ProfcBijr of General anC 3;e- etal Amtomy. R. D MO j # K. 4 D, Pro'e-*f»roi n hyvloiogf. W. F WooTMOKMuaN j, M L»., Pruleeeo; ui Princi ple* and Praciice it eu rg-ry. JoHN T HyNEb, N u., Profeasor of Oastetnca ar.d DiBeteeeoi W-itnen. L. 11. uKME, A. 0., Pr »fe««or of i;.:t.*.ra -^urg-ry J. o. WMirMOrtS-MAND M D , f'ro.etfijr u. Als'.cr.a Meoica, Ther<pQt.c«. Ar N. D'ALViG.N Y, M U., Curator. WAN TEl) ACE • -1 ■- 1 * in m r BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE. WiUTEIIALL 8XBEET, Arrival «k Doparture ol Xruina Meateiu 4 Atuutit naurwah, aiwuz rAMMMmuM 1 «a* rtut»«u Ti*aui—uVTWAJfch. '!**“•*• A M li UM.MiMV|i f M attittT ruiuvu taua-UMAKh Oturgia Uonruad. Da * r44.4jK.4i1 nuia. U/04«i, Jtol.U4J| A4X«yKK..y weave Augna.* cjOu A. k Hindi r AOCAAbU* riLAUL WMt-ruiMt uaurU4« J, c^td, qu,. iit 1 -hi in liter Pn.e utiy . yrar*. Wu w.li pBy tl.'J tew a *«troijg-r. iuj e b«-« han < u-< it in k a in .* ► •c td ?t;tch c.n **• cj; •» l u - d 4. ar. At hi.Ut ear * fur UiUUiA.’B ftlU . a- aJH". 436 bpruce h*re* t. I* 1 a<l - CAtmnx. - Do nut he -.tu ^cutiJ L.>u L,. palmii.g < d wortnle-p c-.-. : n. i Bam- name o* otfjrrw - ou:-:*t*. r*a* y practical cheap mach.r. iu*m u main 8in P-nyth Sheriff Sale*- W ILL be ro d b- tore the c uu h.#u*e door, in (he town of i iiniiu.ug, ««a , uu the first Tu^eday in May i ext. Delete., n. ltgai n. ur<- ul *a.e. Lot uf Laid u. 1041) in me 14tn O euict of Ibf let Berii'-n 01 Forsyte c *u ry, ot n«v vd ou Milafy sou- dry fl a’e iteUdO truiu • Just c< Court 1. saiu cuuniy. in uv.tr u» Marcus s i*u il v*. JuUu t r. w, a* tu** properly u 1 sai l J* hu c u», poiutud • • ut «»y ^eet.can.. uvy ma-ir auu rctaruedlu me by a. L. c., ui.s w.t ,h, 1871. utl wtds JOHN A. 61 Mb, Ordinary. CrvsiTa. Tixas, 18>9. Da I’lMirDUt: Th'* Ip the «eleoraiod medicine ilui ur out I ii e m r.. *iur 'rupuiti ouaiige tue uaruc. IVrrjr Davis, a w.s mild. 1 Min KuLr DavI* • • Ain hill it. Foritntuiiui am, Neoralgla, or pain of any kind, it has no equal * uts, Biu1p*p, urus, or old bares, il Ip the best y en oau n-e lor h d »>vlug. Uakt* Ititee or Biiuge uf polsouoae IupocU, It is a • crlect aothnuc . It ip good lor - ode. Co d*. Coughs or Bowel Complaint. Its n *n»w* iLillcattoS ila lulure jul.y. it i» truly death to Maouiacturud auu void by BkADFIELI) * CO., At lanta, ucurgla, and by »H I> mggirie. Newtoh Fsctoby, Ga., November, 1667. Du PROFlUTrt l ast summer tny horse spralred his ankle sever r r.*inplnw’ tnu »h*»K* u*g 10 rwt*l 10 f out w.cu the uatura nr , a .u reouerii.g 11 m nl .or-t be.piv* ; t *** app. ca- tluus of yOUX A&uOy ue tVUl Kl.i li tnur.-ug ily Ccr- d IU JOU.N ll, JaUs. DR* PROPHITT’S Fcut and Ague Pills. Hie b0Pt Anil 1<' w. r.anted iusve-: • table. » aud Prrer known. Cew« u*. re.uuilcU— Purely \eg. FORSYTH SHKIIIFF’N MALE. W ILu ho. *uid iwiors th court D >u»« door m the n«wu of cu Diu'ug. rorsyih coouiy *u the Fir»t Tuesday .n April utxt, wi.bi ihe egai hours o. s«!e lot 01 uud No. t.l9l. *n h.* ltiu District »nd let sec tion ol Forsyth *moty, Ga LAjv tu 00 •• he »-ro,<*rt * n a. u. McDouaui. tu sat siy an -utAthm nt 0 u n avutoi Iruoisu U. h»nlo:u. i’ointeo ua. ,u said fi to. Levy nuMie and returned 10 me by a oous-iuiv. J. ,v. M**>, D*i»-it* 6her.fi. mch4-td pr.nut's lev $: 5b p«*r uvy. UikliDY’a PROPHYLACTIC IlLTD. Cieanslr.g. removlrg bad odors in a,: kinds A j.ol.-i for burns, sores, wounds, sting?; for Kryp;;-«dif, rnci- mattsm. and all skin d:s*.re»; lo: caurrh, s-rt me-in. sore throat, dlptheria; lor cuiic. dlsr* :..t. tho -.-. a . at a wash to soften and beautifying the ra.n . *.u remove .nn spots, mildew, Irnit sulns; taken luornaily a? w*.. as applied externaJy . so h gh.y r-.-cumn-.-.: «.c •*. all who have used it- is for pa e by as Dr.gg -> -n Countty Merchants, and may Ik* orurei ot DAilBY FtlUFU Y LACTIC CU„ 161 »Vi._iar ti La hi toJ L< MURRAY & LAN MAN'S FLORIDA WATER. The most lasting, agrtvi.o.e, m’.J relrc-Aiiae v all perfumes, lor use on tne HaaAkeTchki, a: the Toilet, and in the Rath. For sale by a.', DruceisU and 1’ertumers. noM'-t- ■!', v A BOORFOK THE MlLHHJN. MARRIAGE ItfHS GUIDE. iSSr'f:7i77.:7 >, .* : -' exnai sy-tem, with theuvoet d.scovur.ep .. - . . nd preventingoflspnng. preserving the co-.*: This ts an interesting work t two tsi.dfd twaity-four pages, w.th nura-rua* engr** . - contains valuab.e information for :r.jh wi. ~v r.ed ot couvempiate marriage; ctii .• a s-- ought to be under lock and sey. and no; .*;c c*rc e-». aboui the house. bent to -iny ons (free ol postage.> lor r ";■ ■ r Address Dr. Butts’ DisjvnBary. No lv N. «: 6U Louis, Mo. &T Houca to tha Afftictod and Onfortuhate. Beio** - **op.y ug to the noumoup Sf 1 * K * * * - y e: ttpc It public pa;>ers, or -ktug any qp* * kvkyie* jieruse In. Buns’ work. n«* matter was. >*i*ur Q'.km.- or how dep.urab.v your condition Dr. Baits .%n tK* c«v..«iliod. »*er* -ns * >r * rr.x. . v tne diseast* mentioned u n> » ‘ N • N Agbihstreei, btsiwinju Mork-t and *'o*-t. . . ■. • GKO Hi. IA. Ft J OHN T. HR-\> disi.*bip .• itu *uN WE INVITE TUE ATTENTION OF OD> FKIENDS and the Public generally, to our comp.etc and exumsiTe JOB PRINTING OFFICE Our t&diities lor Executing the Gener&J Kul B30K AND JOB PRINTING, are &i g'xxl tut that o! any Office in the bourn r-c-ctry s-i-ieri a hfge rrt oi mr» w . -Jen. ty;-es trj our already Extensive Eet-aN ifchrr.er.L CARDS. Business, Visiting, Railroad, Wedding, And EverY Other Kirid^ Plain or Colored, i At Prices to suit all Check Books, Draft Books, □ rav Receipt Books an *. B'. »nk B-> -U. ol every description, pr.nte i b and ->n tne mot’, favorable terms, and :r j the neatest style. Ia o g n 1 B 1 n 11 Lc » . 1 >:d.nary's. Clerk's, klagistme’s, atd j Law ii. ,n.s, ol every kind, Printed on the lit- - . | , Pa^.r, ani at Price*. Orders irom tk. won try promptly filled. lUooU Printing.! I a:, who appreciate '.he importance ol iavint J ! -heir wi rfc done on New Type and G-xv ; i'rosse,. and First .Clast Workmen, will consul: , heir own interest, at weh at ourt, by givtnc as j Dill Heads, Dio. JU.AWU *4 4 WMMJS 44* >m4Umhm 4b«i 1 hsp v« nattrv«a Ltuc, -w, A M i.4> A M a M. -.Was C JL *4.4* C d 1 -rum ChauadMOga to Memphis.-- flUilLL Uf uHAftbt UF bCHtOULE | -*-■>- _ j GEORG IA RAILROAD G ’ahe hiML- rCNb»Te ixcxrrxa.) * w p. M :«. PM to *.> A. M : m'A.m schbduijl: o> MACON f ND AUGUSTA RALROAO. 'jpi*. UL: Ja sltj iA IrTl. briwesc Au- r. sxcxrtxo.) . :*w3 P M Mscon at — a 1 u*-cv;: 41 4UhU *np«rlaundeht. d of J. r. Uw*. drCf48Cd - Thi» in :n«r«f4»re to notify a.'; ;w tn»ir ub-vcuons, t any t:.e> j.rvtcrttx-d b., ,iw, e'.w i»vt » . jr.icat.i a*’api».ied K>r OhOBOli CijeVTe-N County. Okoiaaky's Oykick, October 19,1870. W HKKMAd. X. K. Fortisu., admimsiraior oi ti li. Portion,di*ceai*«d, has dtedhir lint return, ►h a- mg s fuu disuibuilou auh set rami ui said de- cuofwd's cstatto. and appiicv iur letters ol disuiissnu which letters wu> cm granted un ihv first Monds* in tv cembof next, uu.ess souiC valid oujoctiom- ar* died ac curding Ui *aw. J. IL MUKHUW. Urdu ary. oetMMhn pnn.er r it*# H M. PROPflIWS PiAlJN KILL IT. _ CKRTlFlttATES. Wo, the ueder«iftird h*ve o»ed Dr Prcphltt’s Prrpt- rathms and uks |>i«a»ure ui r> 1'umu.toUdii f them to me pablu, as Drlr g all be aaimr for tnem : 4 Utudtr«>u. too*iugvuo. i»a; O T Kogvra. Jonts, uving un, ei.c«; Kiv w W to a.m, 6wonson, Moult s tu, t Cto»uoty, i*a; \ K n**Din " r fat, Putnam coamy. w ; a ssfiortHa, eou li, ia ; Ju igf J J noid. I'm i.g uu. to»aj W b»e, “auv.ugioa aut.r,/»-*;•* a ii 7.*c ary.* .*» ng u «». G. urge Wallace, At ant-, «•», ba - ockrtL tta\ cuu ly, Idas; a ttsok A h«.Ky. * u?s- ’a, • 4 .*, h«if<rts, LiUeCj Outiaty* ea» . Fi-otme* A 6tt w Borsiii Brjtjri & Ca MaLalactnrers and lajwrur* of MILITARY. REG ILIA, CHURCH, THK.iTllir.il., flASaVKHAOK AND COSTUilEH'S HOODS, FLAGS AIMto> « to>i>'lJlt^. AGENTS KOK TU* I'MTKI) STATEN Bl'.UIM. rO-ll- iN \ . In ike : .e ! Bi” He&.ls. Letter Ueab, t*ir- ct.'r.r-. Direction Check*. Ac., we Are prepifod •*• o ceietokue, to execute »* nett work. And on ,' ov; '■ s* v . isv.rsole terms, as Any bouse in the Njutn, I And le gUATAEtce su’vV-i, which Is a ! neAV> item to pArties orilenng lArge Jobs, as '.ties *»'..:ons get :u.. numbers when they order ri North. COTTON &TATL8 LIFE iliSOBABl COIPABf' Friiii’ipal «• nic e*— ti a 1*0ii, (■ a. ,* 00.000 5 uO,UUU TO THE RUBRIC. or'Fi 4 * 1*i”7 Of AGtfM'laS, - yOL K to -v tad 4 & Cherry Sis., Pli lade!^ W ANTKD. K.-lK*rt U»tn»» Ja*i-«*r Us i sr *4? win »• tburuagUn cure Liu ‘is? hr«t chcs ahd t»» g.vtr lustr Address ; mhkl ti i.hia the 1 .nd* h 1-d l • -*'d ‘1‘CV4» «l -:>•: i.aiN*.u!« ;«aymo-.i u» tt-o unde c M VAX to Will rsllt vn HnadacNc, N**r oth*r *■-sraiii eiucpl- oi. Kt*r ver m.i* > go* H-il.llfii't iftu Stod |,>r rS't* h> UK Ilf-iSil -ii« ' t. At a ia, L-.‘.<rn«, sud fur «( hv Druggists uf Atlanta, Georgia, at niatiulaiiurer's t>f< Notice to D btor* aud Creditors. V ».I.*,H* -«’i«hi»4 ig «1*cu4..d* agatU'l « d<tva«d. U:t **f <1 oac-au. > v *• « ? F MauauX, of H r *»»ud. XX i*. .\i.ALta, Ga, l r at. 't *1 *t rsqvrvd to x^rr^tut »u« - - - • 6ifT t .u*,, i.ruisvtLc, to»a, a a u , u , % > wua* * au t> it dossp.. Un d, uosn s- c nn»\ t*s J » • s . ad Jeff, . »tteraViU«w t*s; a u has, »**►.*.) c-du* . , ion kc .m-< W Fo a. *-04. ik»oly cum JoU.il ll.v *. ion Fovtur., B F lL»s, u*wua«M c. ant). | iat.94 «Ai tu nt«r * $s \| I li DtvII ! -1>K VAKE Ul* VI A, K' V. | llX **' b s.;* •*>. bnrrirti tt> ;*rsai»iu-r grav.-t* >i- ^ U *^ I .ul-uv«-r*H % aimjiic m**AM- «v« »*l itii, whica Le t to his tOiiOW r jfienis iiircss, ' K SHAW. 1 teb7 w4t 737 Broadwav. New Yuri .. J.ns, W7f ‘ | Job Work. , tfiico^ 1 61’boPIUTT. YVe An* tuilv pri-puriM lo Jo ai: iW'*;|H» In urfstotic ol 1 htunas F June* ai d hoben Crawford, , , . Noury inull# ol Job work kiutck.y, ilcg.iDi.) auo toUevlj. DR. PROPHITT’S ANT I- BILIOUS PILLS.' rjVujjh V? \% j SffS? fttl* r»c i^-u, ai.u i.av«<>u.auHi u tt»«* m a on \i)> Ut., \ A C • , t*» irini ii have 1* u id, » > b if they . -T-omdlce, and all a*»s proper C c *r. lu uy ami -l i f vuc .b, vo- Lhn Is idle. no*, tins 13 h day uf To S» li o w in e n . lu a YauaIs oi Show Printing, pl^in or col- wi, such aa ' f sltrs, Froi^MSi. E:Qse-Mi!sE!c M This Office will be F 'uad to bo bujvrioi to »nvth un in the South. lVt:cs have bui to ca:: 1 And Emm'ci. SAmpios : be convinced. Mooli lliiuling. Every Description ol Binding and Huli ig l-romplly Executed in auj style Jectred. le-ttll ut or A,trtree. INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, ATLANTA., CA., j V*. r Price* or EstiruAtoo,- lor every l)w.i> ion 'Vinting. April 1 . ;t na* a ruody at- U has e#uco aii.y lacreasUif :s \ t* i; .n* i> i r l u kh . ^.-4 taauagvc, aLd us looses AX. *J - M 1G1RJU >1 FT toGRNriKS^ STEAM PUMPS BAND FUMFW, F O W K K F t n F s Ml BatLauaD*, Kltxa, Hinas, Browenos. Distihenes* w A to l>TKn>a, llydnu'ic I'rc.vrd, &c., SA AIK‘U IKO.AB. McCO-yAN BROS. A«.1iuim.-i rat »r a>?'ale llV, r . n ^‘. • •’ourt of Ordinary o *xr *u d btof<»r»* ilu ,» Me unuu/L, litoLry ,uar« ul sal*;, or. ;t.e i the XI dislx ( -H, d