Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, April 15, 1871, Image 1

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"KKHOB TO EuTpANQKRODB WHXH BKAKON IH LEFT FKKB TO COMBAT \T."~JtJerw% mu XVI. **5» (tlu f im^ivuctt Wit. ' Publiilher. Subscripiiun $Advertising Rates. fiftjyit of syuaOBIFTlON. Weakly, « raonUi * 8 H2 Hag!*'ifraJSS** ul*eoti*t*E'E"’ ’•£ • • *® *Hgl*epS*T» «ew* Bofi and AganU KATJSb or advBbtibimo. nner® oftO line* or lou, lor the flrat Inaer lEt E A^ . _ and to Ladle*, that Women are object to uameron. dle- eawn prcnllar to their aex— .neb a* baupre.alon ot toe MOBN*Whlie*,P*UUal Month It •• Period*.*' Khenineilein of, the Hack and Womhi Irre. ular, Mon.imatlon, Hemorrhage, or MtoMWfefe Womb. Tb«M diMuet have Mldom boon troated ■UtCCfMluiiy., The profoaaUwbOi ip tight dilgcnt* ly lbr*Hom& rbmMyHthat would enable them to treat tLefeu dlaeasce with cuccese. ATLANTA. GEORGIA,.SATURDAY EVENING. AP1UL 1871. NO. m anwow | -S~S 8 8 S S 8 ® S 8 sinsnsst 3 8 8 8 B'"? VTST 8“8 saacssEsss IdfibldTs feuale regulator. It it purely vegetable, by ttraddalil A Co.. for all the above dlaeasee. In Ohllla aud Fevart. cure*, the reader is referred to the wrapper pud each bottle. KVeiy bottle warranted to give satisfaction or money reloaded. , „ LaQoamoe, Oa., March 23,1870, BHii)rr*LDxfcCo M Atlanta Gtvrgbti Uaah Bikb : 1 take pletrurc in suiting that I have need, or the last twenty jeor-, the medicine you are puttlug jp, known at Dr. iiiiAUFiKLD'a F J£ M AL& KEUU uA- 1 OK, and ooneider it the beet CMnhiuation ever gotten together Tor the diseases torwmen it is rccomm nded. 1 mtvo been familiar with the prescription, txHb as nr*c- tlonOr o. medicine and *n domestic practice, and cin honestly say tlut I consider it u boon to tailoring fe malts, and can but bote every lady In the laud, who roay be tailT'-rliigioany way peculiar to tnetr sex, m «y l*r b‘jio to procure a bottle, that their sutrerihgs may or ’ • aly be rbileVi d, but that they may be reetored to bet.. ..aLU andstrengUi. With my kindest regards, I urn, respectfully, W. B. FJS1UUS.DU, M. D. « ,n,orT *" to be et * n!0<i ” ’ Advert . 1 <‘mM't™ordafnil to retnaln ^n anT partlmlai advertl’.Tna'conalilored due after Sr.t ,r vCmmnni'.Hnn. n.Jrt*e-.nii ltn.inos.lntendedfor thl* office should bn‘tddress^d to THE INTELLICENCERi >m >vta. ppppnia. Th , nomnnrnttr I3«uen—l**o»w*tjl«»tl«*n ' "film Ormnci-ailc ».nl flona-rvatlve Cmi- grPH.Ionnl Committee. An adtonmetl cations nf 'lin T)nmorrnlic »nn Conservative members nf Congress m» held in the hull nl the HBtHtSof RonrosentaUYes al 11 o'clnefilnn Saturday morning. Hon Fernando Wood, of Now \ork, culled the pattens to nrdpr. and on motion, Hon. Eu gene CftMcrlv. -( California, took the rlmir. F Hon. M. C. Kerr, of Indiana moved the fol lowing resolutions, which wero unanimously ^Resolved That we cordially commend to our Demoeratic and Conservative fellow-citizens throughout the country the Patriot, of the city of Washington, as a newspaper eminently worthy ol their favor and support, hv reason nt the high tone, great ability and fidelity to correct prin ciples which characterize its management. Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be communicated to 'hat paper for publication. lion. William E. Niblack, ot Indiana, ottered the following, which was also unanimously * Resolved, That there shall he appointed u committee, consisting of one Senator or Hepro- sentative from each State entitled by the no Il eal character ot its delegation to representation in this caucus, to serve during the present Con gress, and to to be known ns Democratic and Conservative Congressional Committee,'which shall be charged with such duties as it may properly perlorm in regard to elections and other political matters during its existence, with power to choose its own chairman and othei olllcrs, and also to cl nose and appoint a sub committee, to consist, in whole or in part, as may ho decimal beat, ot members ol Congress, to act as a resident executive committee, tor the distribution ot documents and other campaign W Resolved further, That each delegation hero represented shall Ik- entitled to name its com- imttec-man under the loregoing resolution, hut when no person shall Ik 1 named within a rea sonable time, then the chairman ot this caucus shall api’otnt such committee-man. On nn>t1,>n, the roll ol the States was called, and it appeared that the lollowing Males and Territories were represented, viz: New x ark, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mary land, Virginia, North Carolina houlli Carolina, Georgia, Alabama,Mississippi,.Ohio, Kentucky, TemieBsee, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Arkan sas, Michigan, Florida, Calilorma, Oregon and Nevada, and the territories ot Idaho and Da kota , „ On motion, 'he tollowtne-uamcd gentlemen we ro aopoinled to compose Jlie said Deiuot ratic •n, m,Cv«tiva Congressional committee, v.z Vnlk—tl W. Slocum Delaware—Beniamin 1 • 1! M 8 ' Maryland—Steven.011 Archer. Virginia-John CriteloT. North Carolina—K 8boh r. Smith Carolina—lsa' u ' ( • MeKissick. Georgia-P M B. \ouug. Alahama—P. M. Do*’ Mississippi— I/mlsiana— Ohio— Philade'ph \ an TrumP- Kentucky— B >vd Wineti.-tef Tennessee—W. C WhitthornC- Indiana—M. C. Kerr. Iillinoin—Samuel S Marshall. Missouri—Emstus Well* Arkansas-James M Hanks. Michigan—.1 O. Smheiland. Florida—Silas U Niblack. Toxiut— Iowa— Wisconsin — Ca'ltnrnla— Eugene Casscrly. Minnesota - Oregon - James II. Slater. Kansas- West Virginia- Nevada-Charles W. Kendall. Nebraska— Idaho—Samn 1 A. Merritt. Dakota—M.-es K Armstrong, lion John T. Bird.nl New Jersey, from the special committee appointed »' » previous can- e'U to examine the accounts ot the National nomocralio Executive Cormni'tco, reported tliat tlie same were eorreel. The report was a l utted, and the special committee was dis- tloti. Fernando Wood,ot Now ^ork, moved the following resolution, which was adopted unanimously: , Resolved, That it is essential to the interests u the people of ibis country that the Demo cratic »nd Consorvatlvo members ol Congress lie in CQDftant attendance upon the sessions un til the final adjournment, and that tho absentees hsi requested to ret urn at once, m tliat tbo evil legislation eontemtdated may be avoided l)n motion, the caucus'then adjourned. ht'OKSK Casskui.v, Chairman. F. E. Knnnglt, W. E. AitTutm, W. A IIanpJry, Becreta.'ion, livflI^UUU|'UIKtt pii'USUfU 11. WUP he trhde Dr. J. Khmalk i ko- OLAioH-bfinsviiJK il Uf be a 1*001! uud lunttbie remedy for the dlPCMBet! lor which he recommend it. W* A LA aXBDRLU Atlanta, Wo^rpln. PKMBKKToN, WILLSON A TAYLOR & CO. At.uUiii, Getir^U, RED WINK A FOX, Atlanta, Georgia. W u LAWnlirt, AilftnlH, Ueottfla. W ttuOT & oON, Marietta, Uoor^ia, DR. PROPHITT’S CELEBRATED LIVER MEDICINE! Out of the Fire I T ub marietta hapbr mill compamy bah rebnttt Its Mitt, which was dsabojad by flra last Movumbat, and commencad -aaaktag Newspaper of Excellent Quality. We are ready tn Ail brdera and will taka ipectai caro . to farniab oar caaUmtert with paper that will giro satis- faction. X3f~ Or den solicited. K. FAW/Aient. mbKHit Marietta, Da and is put ap in Atlanta, Ga. f th* blo<kl and strengthen tbo system, ro of tbo kidney*, and lt» a perfect npc. iflc J certain cure ae iialnins le . ,. , Calomel air< v dinner of Bull vat lou or destruction of ibo bouce. I'ortKS taking tble medicine neuuuoi luui gelling wet, t ucy other reaeouaUiu exposure. SYMPTOMS OF LIVER DISEASES : Headache, Dull Feeling or the Bines, Sour Stomach, Sick or Nervou- Head»ctw. Heartburn, Indigestion or J/«• peppia, Hud or hl'ter Tuple in the Monili, the skin bai* a thick, rougo f. ding, and is imikcr Uiun urual, Coetne tea, Melancholy Feelings, Cramps, Coid Feet, Colic, yenteryor DmrrL(t$.i, tbiila unci Fever, and File#. lu tuct, where ihu u-verieoui 01 uruer, you ur« liable to every disease that no: coiitfiglous. f rophitl’rt Liver Medicme, ll taken property, will prevent and cure auy disease resulting from u deranged A.lver, it will regulate its functions and thus cure all dlseoae iDfOl by tue fealnre of Us healthy actiou. it him been u?ed for 11 great n .mber ol years, and -has given uuiverral *atirfiiCtiou. T here Is nt. brother or son claiming to have the origi nal receipt, ll is pul up .1: both Towner and F.uid Faikburn.Ua., September 4,1643. Dr. O. S. Fuofuitt t Sir: My wife has been an invalid fqr fifteen years. Doctors an agree she fiad ** l.iver Umeime.*' In counec* lion with their prac Ice she used various uohui remedies. :ie of which peum. d to do any good. >omeUme ago I .irocured a bo tie of “Liver Medicine,*' ol yotto agent T. F. GRADY’S Rail Road Ale House, . T/- & No, 2Z ALA HAITI z\ STREET* andTorler, Jersey Cider, Ale and Beer on draf* CALL OS fIRADY, Dh8Ht Near Georgia RaUrojnL Dtpot.- OBOKGVA, PariTTB rotmrr. ConnT or Obdoiabt. Martph 14, Wit, J L. TI. W \ Lt)ROt» having atiphed' for 'letUrt of c Administration upon the estate of John Q. Nor ton. »at«» of «ntd roontv. d*»c*a*od— * * • * - Thin 1*. thern’ore, to notify all bonfierned to file their objection. 1* any they can. on or by the May Term. 1HT1. of this Conrt. else letters will be rr»nted GEORGIA* Fatutt* rorWTT. OnnprARY’s Orrics. AorllTcrm. 1371. K ELLY. serur*tv for rtnmolls robins Guardian of Paschal R. Collins, minor of Paaehal B. Co'IJrs, dhcea«ed, having represented that be has folly dis« ch*rg«^i said trust— This Is, therefore, to notify aM persons concerned to fllethe'r objections. If inv they have, on or before (be .Inly Term. 1*71. of ih'e 04iurt. why letters should not be grauted said app leant DAVID C. MINOR. Ordinary. apr4 4' d Printers fee f3. GEORGIA, CrxTTOM C»’cstt. Conrt of Ordinary. A’TllSd. late of raid rountv d'Y-ea^rd— Tbl" Is, therefore, to notify all persons concerned, to fib* their objections if any they can. on or by the May Term, 1371. of this Court, else letters will be grr* ted the applicant. J. H MORROW, Ordinary. apr4-30d printer’* fee 13. GOOD NEWS! Oigarw are Falling 1 T he under-honed most r«hpec*tfully infortus the Fcbllt Uut he hat roducod the prices to suit the times. 10 cent Cigar to 4 for lj cen’s. 5 cent Cigar to 61-jr *25 ceuta. , 2>» cent Cigar Vo 12 for 25 ctct*. Pipes at 10c« per Doz. to % l 5 per Dcz. All can save money to go ard JOHN FiCKEN, at hie store, where ad eon get the wor'h of »h**ir money and moro. JOHN FI(:KK>. No. 11 Peachtree street. ROOM-4 TO RENT. 1 rr ROOMS TO KENT IN TnE FICKEN HOUSE ; Jl I Also one Tw> Jhxrm House. Apply lo • r " T TN FICB Atlanta Medical College T HE next course of L&rny ip Mi - ’’ 'tltetlon will -open on tha Kr«*t M >nd*.y in M*> next, outUlkn fLret of bsptembcT, ioliowiug : FACULTY 1 JOHN W. JON EH, M. D M Professor ol Principles aud Practice ot Medicine. W. Jl. GOODWIN. M. D., Professor of Genera and , Professor of Genera* aud J>p^ Profe ’flo'.o r of Priw.l- W. F. WEHTMOKELANf), M D pies and Practice ol Hnrgerv. JOHN T. B\SR\ M. U., Professor of OosWVncs and Diseases of Women. L. H/OfRME. M D.. Profe«-or of < -in^a' J. G. WJHTMORBLAND M , ProieeAjroi Mxter.a Medico, Therw’iutscs. Ac N. D’ALViGNY, M. D^ Coral WANTED ACEHT‘< S EVENTY HVK • wn > a d* d a > -a ever where :n * n d 1 n . i Gttwno lm:n»v d • mm •' — , ' , ,1 I Chinee. The ni C Jti- - 1 ** ' ,1 * , ni * , * ’ cord. <\n ‘ an ' mV V ' ’ ‘ ’ hi ini er Price oil v I u )’ " • ‘ * yeare. We w.ii ,*a) J!.0 r ' M n-*. nyttc sew a stronger, m■•*<• " r '*■ thanrn*?. It tn-k - th*-** b. i* ~ B rsc rd stitch e<r. b' cat. ht.U sv. >•"' I u <-d at art without tear r.g it, pm » flfrioer mot. h and ••xpen*w», r •. . - wh.ch tw c-th-.t ’ . ii’’ ca- •; , KorCIrrulars :.d tern" JOB PRINTING ATLANTA INTELLIGENCES BOOR AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, WHIXEU.VLL 8TBEET, Cautiok. pa'mirg oft s«me name 1 rM 1 > pr-ct! -Dor 43d i«p’nc«: S*i Dow •P*i . 1*^ r’hle** otherw 1 . cheap 1 pH**# ssld - Thercfcre. all per sons enneerned. and required to appear at mv office, on .be dismissed from his G'iaedfan«htti a* . harchv •fi-d Viltw- rr t Imloro th- Monday *n Julv ne*f. and •how caf.“'. ifn^y ihcy h«ve. why said George W. Kdmnnd'on i*hoald not be dls- tnG*ed from his asH GaardUnahlti. Given under my hand ssd official ■i«n>a , G-e. DAVID C. MINOR. Ordinary. inhai-Pki Printrr*f fee tA. OKOKGI.lt FATrrntroznrrr Orpikart’s Offic*. March 23. 1^71. W HKPR AH. Oenme W Dar*- appMe* to me for the Guardianship of the persons and ntoperty of the minor children of John W Davi«. dect>asrd All persons concerned are unified to fl»o theP ohfee- t'ons. ir mv office if any er1»t. within the t*me allowed by law «o said apro’^rm* nt. otherwise tetters of gnnr- dianshin will lie granted the arrlicact, as applied for on the first Monday In w mbSl-und . A. Harvey, which beiug given accordingTp, reel.on?, has eUecied a compicte cure. UhUltLb L. THOMPSON, 3UN^ Atlakta, Ga., July 18, 1970. Mxscrs. BRAPrtiii) A Co: UKKTi.EMsa—Last year, dnrii g my travels In Ala bama aim Miuihwcet Georgia, 1 contracted chills and fever, and ray general healta became very bad. I tried arious remcaiw. und among others hhailcnborger’s 'Uls—all to no purpose. I was troubled with intense pain lu the small 01 my hack, aud for months I dm not nave a moment's rest. 1 tud we.: utgli despaired of re covering when a friend recommended me to take Ur. Propblti’f Liver Medicine. 1 did eo,»nd one bottle ha* cured me; and to day 1 feci like another man. I con- it one ol the host medicines to. general use now in. and, without auy rcsorvatiou, recommend it to ^piit ..llllcted. I am, gentlemen, very respectfully, yours, etc., u. M. HAKiiltiON. DR. PROPHITT’S DYSENTERY CORDIAL s one oftho most valuable compounds now put up tor Dlarmuja, Dysentery, Cholera iniatiun, or Cuoiera Morbus. Thl medicine has been use for years, and gives uul- :r»als» isiaetiou. the most deitcao child may take it with impunity. Fornyth Sheriff ^le*. W IT.L be «oM before tbe ccurl hor.»e d^or. Ir the town of f’nmmW. fi * ■ on the first Tuesday In av next between ’he legal h- ur« n f ci'e. Txit of Mrd Vo. 1040 In the 14th District of ’h* 1st *4>cticr of Porsvth county. Ga Levied ot* ra*1«fv sun - dry ft V« Issued from n -Tn«t*c' ^our» in said conu’r. In fnrnr of Marcus H. Pool v* John Grow a* the nronertT of said John r nw. polr’cd o n t hv dc f endanL Lew made ard returned to me by R. Tatum, L. 0., this 99’h W mhSi wtdi JOHN A. SIMS, Ordinary. FORSYTH SHERIFF’S SALE* W ILT* bo sn'd before the court house doo* In the town of f'ummintr. Forsyth countv on the Fir«t Tuesday »n April rex’, within ’he ’seal honr* of sale, lot of land No 1.191. in ’ho 14th Di-trict and 1«t sec tion of For-vth cnontv. Ga Lev'ed on a« ’he r.-oo*»rtT of A. H McDonald to sat'sfv an atfrhm-’r.’ fi fa in favor nf Tj-ntnsr. 11 Ssnford. Po‘n?ed out <n sa'd fl fa. Levy made and returned Covikoton, Ga., November 9,1S<37. Du. PaorniTt: tg a revere attAck of Dysentery during the past I war induced to u-e your Dyrenter) cordial, .uti Uieielroui immeitate and permanent relief > oie pnarurelo recommend tins remedy ly hero stacked, believing that rh-iuld thodiroc . f.illowcd, ie;ief wou'd ture.y be obtained. Vi-ure. AiC . O. S. rOKTKtt. CtTSSKTA, TkXAf, lN>9. Du. l’KontiTT: This Is the oelenrated medicine that run Perry Davis, ill, Kit'.or out of the m rad, wherever it **** void. i\1- made i’rophttl cuauge thu name irom Pain Killer I’alu Kill it. ts. Puma, or old Sores, it is the best lor a drerriug. or Stiuga of PoiSiiuous Insect*, It la ’old*. Couch* < * nature lui,y. c ny aconstah'e. . SfMS Donntv Sheri, prlutfi’s fee f2 50 per levy. mch4-td GEORGIA Clayton CorNTY. Ohdinaky’c Okfick. October 19,1870. W GKHKAS. R. It Fortson. administrator of R FI Fortson.d*cea«ed. has filed his flntl retnrn. show ing a full distribnUon and •*tti*ment of said de- coasrd’s •'•♦ate. and applies for lett«<r« of dismission which letter- will b* granted on the first Mondav in De comber next, unless some valid objections are filed ac- cordtnv to law. n . XOHKOW. oct*Vfjn nrln’or'. fe# M M. Mort^af-e Sheriff Sale. W II.T. ho .oH before thu Oonrt-hoa.e door. In the oltyrf Ati.r.U at tho u«o»l honr* of saU‘, or. thf Vi ret Tue.(lay to May next, Iho foUowtno pro]«rty. One la-co tin. pro—. t foVo Ttoo pro.., 8 impo.tn^ ,tno,i*. in .,an<l.. 2 oab'netr. t) c..o. tvoe to oaoh oah- |„cu 1 oar 1 iiro.a. 18 pair* ol eajoo wtlh i)i». St) Iron rha.no, 2 rn'o ca«»* «‘lh mlo*. 12 I,-..- iralloyo, T w,Todon sailor. 10 fonta wood noflter typ 1 lontmotal 1 do.k, 1 lot moral furnHnro, a Iron rnmpo.lns riiok., 1 stall.}■ rack, t Im lead*. 1 oa.o on'., I load cui- tor. I imi'o.lns .tone. 1 proof prea, d otard.. *t pair oa-o* with t.p , Ultra., sailor.. 1 rnl'nc machine. 1 riandlt - pro... 2 paper entt-r.. 1 board cmwr. 1 *o: hlndCT'. loo!., 1 oahlnct with fvoa. 1 work he„rh, li lahl... 11 „halr*. 1 book eve and d..k,l larco Iron .af ■. and tho rood will of tho ortlee. Lorfod on iho nro; onv.if J. 1. Wbltakor bj .lruo of and to jat'.'y moricaoo h. fa . '..no.! from Vn ’on «rooilor Conrt In of 11 r Yancey T./Jarod_l. Wbltakor. Alao, at 'hr w llmo and p'ar« 1 Job hook nCr’'r.s proa, of H. Hoe A Co *, pate* t * “ ' * ol iho At’aiia IntolHsonr - ’ PROPUVL UfTlC FlflD, T HIS inva uah'e F< cleftnslrr rcninvir g t ■<■**>• for burns, sores, wt..-.: matlaxn. snd a ‘K.i - . sore throat, dlptLcria; for co wash to softsn and beturity 1 '. spots, mildew, iron -ia.i* : AP? iod c-xte nil who have used :t:y Merchants. decf»- _ Tilt: DARBY PKOl’UYLACI 1C C\>.. If.1 WlPiaru S-r**,*‘ N Y cTii XTETiri i vx Jti u Arrival « L'opartarc ot Train* Weturn dc AiUiille Uellrond, rrairr riun.n nuni—onrwaan. f«rc AU.r.ui— p ArrlTea mi Chattanooga .T’sitt P M DAT FAunoaa raarir—otttwakd. fAsaa.r Atlanta . ,, Lrf.iu at CbatUoooea i-m p wiear raianren tiua*—nawaxo; ^-o.rnoe*: p v Arrfre* at Atlanta. j.J? f £ dat n.auera Tnanr-rirwAno. ’ ' "I*** BOO A V P M Arrives *• Atixr.u Gsortrl* Railroad* PAT FASSWWOri* TWArW. (Dally. Sandiys Excepted.) Arrive it AUsdp wioirr SAXSXW6CB raADr. ... « vs p v P ¥ b.lfi A. M ... 7:30 A. M Atlanta A XSeet-Palnt Rnllroetf- "rrw.n.n octw/bs. a* *^’» *.« * v Arrlw- s* pr.’rrt . V.ii-Jtt p m SAOMeVa T»Al»—WWamV P ¥• V P M. r***tw* Pr.’nt Arrlv*- st.' 'eraatrt VBIJftHT AST) rAl*n0D-CCTVi L^*Y* At err* Arrive st pr,\n r mmtmr AWD Fas*SWAva— Levitnl ( r In a*e in the c.fflre ft. t* , favor ol Uhtumallsm, Neuralgia, or i»aiu of any kind. It has no equal rot i ms, ILulft thing you can iim* For .'itakt* Hite a , erfect autiitole. It ir ^ikhI forv o»le, Isolds*tVuchs or Bowel Complaint It* n.une Indicate* it* nature luhy. It i* truly death t- M auu tact tired and sold by BHADFIBLD CO., At lanta, vteorgift, and »»y all Dnigg.pt*. GKOUGI.l, the ftrwt reg dar Term a’ter the ext* 1 , rat lou ot from this notice for Icav* to sell the lands belonging t the minor heir# ofW. It. Gordon, <lece«*e«l, late of said cuuntv. di*ccased, lor the l*t nertt of said minors. County, aw J/|l. GOKDON. Guardian. taO 1 wtm °* Joseph B. and W. A. Uordim. Nkwt Du PuorniTT: i Factoht, Ga., November, ii^57. horse sprained Ills ank!* of jc»ar Anodyne Pain Kill li Hn JUUN U. DAMS. .« , issued f om Pulton superior Com B. C. Yancey ts. J 1. Whitaker , _ _ Also, at the same time and place one hundred and #ix»v (1fid) ca-M's, and one hundred and seventy-five (1751 fonts of typo of different s!*<*« and descrlonon, and elev n (11) stands, known m the Atlan’a Intelli cencer Job » ftlce. levied on as the property of Jared 1 W hi taker bv vrue of and to satisfy a mortgage fl fa . issued from Fulton Superior Conn in favor f D. V. Bait, v*. Jared i. Whitaker. Property pointed out by plaintiff's at'oruey. Ai*o, nl the same and p’aee 1 lot of merchandise con- A-stlneof i rwcerle*. domestics. b,v>u. shoes. cvici>e- hvdware. ate Levied on as the property of Samn.l Jn< li-on bvv'rttieof and to satisfy a mortgage ft ft , ls«u.h1 from Fn on Super or Court n favo* of Henry H .l oobe. Proparty pointed out hv pUlrt ft • at- torn# t. A.M. PEKKRPSnN Deputy Snerifl mar * tV\l pi inters fee L M in»r levy - "ploFmTTs 1’ A 1N KILL IT. CKHTIFICATKS- We, the nrdcr-’pued have u-e*l Dr Prcphi’ts . rations and take pleasure 1b r» commending them to ... public, as belt g all he Claims for them: l\il K J Henderson, toviugton, Ga; O r Kogers. Covirgtop, Ga; O S Porter. t\*v ngtou, Ga; 1 ro. J L .loi.i*. Covington, Go; M W Arotdd. ticorgia Confer ence: Rev W W Oslm, GiH*rg»» Cou‘onu<** . F w .swansou, Montlcello. Ga. Kolwrt Bjunv*. emuj, t,a; A M K.,W»», Mnttocll*. MURRAY & LANMAxl FLORIDA WATER. The most lasting, avrttab'ie, an A refreshing o all irerlumes, lor use on the Had ikcrchic 1. s', tho Toilet, and in the Bath. For sale I y all Druggists and Perlnmers. novO- ■'v A BOOK" FOR THE M1EUIO S MARRIAGE |'££»£:?, '*' guide, '.ssrs^'- emal aystom, with the tatef-t ' ‘ * nd preventingofUpring,preac*^> c> -■ ^ • This is an Interesting work ** _ • • • ; ^ twenty-four paces. w ; ’>. pj™*™* ^. *«' contains valuable informal on L r t - •. ■ ■ *’ rted or contemplate ma*r .. . *, ought to bo under lock and , on- D ‘ • •* ' aN-mt the bouse. , A ... ... bent to any on# (free »f posoure« for Y. , . Addre** Dr. BatU’ Dl4*ptmsar>. No 1* > * to the Afliictsd and FufortunatC v ^ Befo’e aoplying to the notorious h, • tiso in public papers, or using J; ' ••• • t*orase Dr. Bait-’ work, no malic: wha* > ^ u or bow deplorable roar eonnipoiv I)r. Butts n»n Ik* cot.suited. ;wr- *na v ty . . N the discastw mentioned lu b’.s wt»r x* ; v ^ *, • - Eighth street, between Market and vte-r.j... * Mo _ CKOUGI A, Fultow corxrx tiHUi^AKY s emeu, .'a-airy v.. J OHN T. BRANNON .av.t.g app t-.. ‘ ^ . \ dlanablp ot the persor. and prv»*,wr.v .. s - a A minor child of J. T Lxk, late of DcKa t> co-t .y deceased - ...» Thisi# therefore t«i not.it a . pe.-o .# .. th«'tr oblecti**: », •' ■*• > **“0y w , prescribedb> law.^etse ira'cw..* n* fc .a...**. * p'.leant a# appUe.’ * WK INVITE THE ATTENTION OF OClt FRIENDS tod the Public generally, to our concrete and extensive JOB PRINTING OFFICE Our faculties I -r Eiecuting the Gener#: Rut BOOK AND JOB PRINTING-, re as good as that ol any Office in ine e-is navi •• re- ently added a lar.e . ,t of no- u,-derr types W ,or already Krtemdve Y. ’ inAmeut. .. a A I< I> fi* - Business, > Visiting, Railroad, Wedding, And Every Other Kind, Plain Tr Colored, At Prices to suit all Check Books, Draft Books, □rav Receipt Books an '. B.atA li as. of every descr.i>tlon. pnnte and b'und on the most favorable terms, and u the neatat sly .e, L e g a l Blanks. >Bcriff'r, id.iary's, Ceik’s, Magistrate’s, ane La* B:,-.as. I every kind] Pr..:ted on the Best Paper, and at Frees. Orders from It" tntry ; rotr.pUy fiditad. Book I 3 rintiug. A_. wee ai'preciate the importance o: harms •heir work done on New Type- and G, Presses, and First-Class Wurkmen, will consul: their own Intelest, as weU as ours, by »-.i, H<«» * vx ..tarn Ballroaa. .,; Heti:u mi as fohosrs on and after Jv.zuy d*t ntiiiti, vaari’ 3ai:y. except Bandar*. Lmv* Af.ar.ta .^,. r f «• A A Ar-»« '< Xaron n r A. M Lfcsrc , >t> 7 J0 A m Ltt.tk <i\ If p ^ m«»>T xxr&xas Fx*£xx«nriLaix—x>an.r. !>ave A **ar.*a ? p u w.~n_ <4 a k T" * ‘ a F v W H. BRONPGV. „ Ma*t*»- Tnncrvr.rtatLot. . *. rrc.en. -a Troa^rutbm Agunt. Plil*. Ni»hrlllc and Chat- i llama Uallroad Line. 5.15. A M ' . 3L4S A K AX U'.PX y 11.-Y* A M 14.41 P M P M *.43 P M -.ga 141 a M 11.50 A M Nr. Lnnla 4 V A M «- .;o p m !•'.« P M 7.25 A M NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SCHEDULE —C N— |eorgia iuilroad O -!i’i ‘ i “ V T ’ l - T -' T > xomu- DaT ra*4tx-*sk taa.v icttoiti z A.T-yt at A:.\z'*k l*r l a =.ex f . v V P. M •P. M '4 AM : M A. M ”. . maco SCIIEDWLE 0>’ MACON 'ND AUGUSTA RAiLHOAD. TlStSZZt*’ — " : -' T . be:w«aa A:- r.nng uj : h tnir Vr.a.. lt. tusDxr* txcxrrxb.) itoo M. A*»X A. M 7.4 P M ; sap. M STATES lJill Ileutlss. Lin* Lci’.cr Heads DANIKt. PITTHAS. 13 U* I’ROPHITT’S Fever ami Asuc l'illn. DR. PROPHITT'S anti-bilious pills. k Co, Manufacturer* and ln;*s r , ,#r* wf MILITARY. REGALIA. CHURCH, THK.lTRtC.lXi, VIASQl RH.1I»K "" COSTUMEH’S GOODS, FLAOS AMO 1MNNKK!*. AGKXTS KOK TilK TSITKD STATUS »H >Tl>«; COJIIMM . Fiflt & Clicrry Sis., PfclaielpHia. rach4- WANTEU • V SITI ATION. »* Teacher in a pt-.vaie , —. v. bv s „ti *l,„ is tboroncbiy eomtwi,': l >■ t Kne-.trt.Iwai <he* ana to g.»# Instrn.• j-. i- li’ilrw' • iKV ilSn Greenvi’lo. ts>uth v ar.< .- i. Ir ifce line ol Bill H culars. Direction Qieck-s *fcc., we are prcDarcJ .-vs heretoicre, i»i execute a* nest wah*‘k. **ud t". as isYor&Die terms, a* sr.v bouse ir. the i'ou::.. ami to (ruAnvntee fo*> cw«kVr», which is a heavy itexu to parties ordering lsrge jobs, a> ihev seMom get tull numbers when they order work North. r r o pi H o w ni o ii . Ill all kinds of Show Fnnting, plain or c,v ortsd, such as 1 I Pasters;- Programmes. Hoose-MllsEL ., This Ofiice will be Found to bo Super..-, nytbir.y iu the South. Parties have but t. IlIe USliiip COMPANY ! I’riiu ipal utfit-e—Vlacon, l^a. TO THE PUBLIC. Konen,. l.in,:,,n cornu. Atlanta, t)*; W A lAmt.d F Maddox, of H V Maud, D*vi* f c Tommvy A J'trwart, , Allart . i t -at*. j|h', Ga; Gtftg ; Jt‘**|»h lard, i own a- mu*. *- Ji-il.» . n.T-vin*, Ga; L M", * »*«»« W A VonlLaiut, Ibndy count«.Ga; JohuBD* too Factory, U F lUaa, Lowudr* oouuly. UTATB OF OKOttlltA, l Know *n ractlbT tbi-.o Fri.von i'.,imri. ( on .. ut>. Tk.i 1 **,# thu day, for value rorelvid *old at *i irautfatrrd to BKAl*- FIELD .t c\>., Uw *oU« right 10 mouuioctnw ami roll my Kamby Mnaicino*. and Iwu* ftuul*h«d th. I hi hi ll BKaDiGKHD C they max #«t.- b> Bit a Dr ltroau MI'A I«w fc n, •■ DrutflrUol AllauU, Uoor^ui, at mauuU.turei # Jl rcc-npU, aud lavaaut'ionaid tb' AUU., to i-nnl 01 l a\%' »• *u *»1 *«w im>|>cr co c.<n1i»4ru> and*hoi » • ••• " ■ * • Oat-dlcmoa. ’lhl» 1MU d*) of Jaiu-, IS70 iii Mgm , d] ostriiunmT UI y x.rc*cnoa> ofThoma# F Jouo# OLd Kolwrt CYuwfor rubll®. ILSN Notice to Debtors and Credit ora a i.Lne".on.htvtne detnamt. a.-s'n-i ',1'* ” I’ ree. JL. .1.mu1st. "I V, ’ ' , roil, rad to prose,u t em r" .' '■ *, ur.dee*uni-,t. within tha ttmopree. I • . a ' .».,»» tadaklafiAoaalddcv.waad are ten r> »su«4 w «..ke immediate paymeat to lyn janRAOd ‘I'natei'a fe." ».t M .,u|>KK t —ttB A" AKK OF QUACKS—SO,tXV ot Vi It .exe*. karrlrd to iwatatnr. rrav,* »>*t r Utwuek nervoo. d.'Putty, Xc.. ymtdacod t>, youthU. fndm-r.tt.,1, The advertlMr. dutu [ear. ot «*er .... t every advertised remedy wUlton* re let, tt.» dtacovewd a Staple mean, ot felt enre, whlrt be w. ,i ,eS rut. to ht. tallow .ndrrvrv A .t.ire*., fob7 » li Job Work. are tully prepared to do id! deseriptii ot Job work quickly, elegant!) - and cheaply. and Examine Samples t, I Jo oik Binding-. Every lV.vr.ption ot Binding and Ruling Promptly Executed in any style deairod. pull at or Addreuu INTELLIBEHCER OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA.. Vor Prices or Estimates, tor every Dcscrip lion '“rinung. April 1 SZ.00O.OOO f 5UU.OUO i: v i> i i l U lft N LUNiLS M, a I a MAGILLh - FT .MiSNCIBS*. ,STEAM PUMPS HAND Fl’MI’S, i» o u i; it v c n p s r .a Ki U Alva, M11-10, HIXU, G row cries. DistiIierlOA* Mi. . > X UlM’KxCib. Ilylrauiic Bresses, Sic., rt • A l>cui lltcNS. MeCOWAN BROS.. r. A M. On. SSND FOB CIUlTLAH. W XVi Elm firwt, octl3« c'lnannatl. O. jA-dministrauir s Sale- BWiD? from the *’ourt ol Ortiinary o u be to id before the i wu of McDonough, Utmry hoar* ol aUe. on tho tfi- 1.7 » rc*s morv or !«♦*, ot ; v- ’ .> in the id di*irictof l.c •ikc. ILrn- j'acc. bold t ’.-in’-. dectajed. Ui** bvue- li. - r .i»b -r credit of i. PhU Adxaminrator. V*r;n.cr'* u« 15 sk,-: ^i•4ard,