Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, April 17, 1871, Image 1

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a t ERROR CKAdKri TO BE DANGEROUS WHEN KKAriON IB LEFT FUKB TO OOHBAT LT.”-Vs/*r,o» VOL. WL \TLANTA, OKORftlA, MONDAY EVENING APRIL 17, 1871 ,s8 tfcul fruilt flitttUtfjnim W At. WILBOW, PubllMher. SjSi aiidjdvertising Rates. VBHMH UK SUBMCKIFTlON. ‘ / per month.—•«. — Vi j><j afasalv, 4<nriutn* * 00 Wjtul/, 1 /»«■••: — 8 98 Slated couiox a; tha counter 10 Aintfl#upteau> dew* Bo?a *ad A.g#nta..~- UATBB OF AOVtf ’.maiNU. Fur eac .tqtiaro of 10 lines or lose, for tbe tim jn*et Uon H, and ior each eubuuuuout Insertion 60 cents. BE AD . nnd to Ladles, that Women aio subject to name roue dlfl- enss* p* collar to Ifcelr acx- Mic.n as fupnrention oi the MuneetWhite*,Falntiil Mouth i|v ** Fonoda.’' KheumatGtn of, the • nek and Wuoin, »rr*s ulnr Menstruation. ttetnorrhaj'', or ExceHrive “ Kiowa M auu t'ro- Ittneu* Uteri or Jbailiug of the Womb. These dlaeaaee have seldom been treated putrewtally. The profesvtop Una sought diligent* \ylat iomo jremedy thit vrouuf enab'e theta to treat 5 i S g s" "g S 8 a g' e kqtautut ■ » “888 8 8 88 8 8 •tuuota i . » a * m a 4 5 8 e a a 8 8 8 8 8 3 a a a 8 .hluotn i I S g S 3 10 a a S 8 8 8 8 8 j 1 » a a * a i J i l "g S 8 8 8 s i | l « r4 4 : 3 2 2 JS a a i ; •as.iujty » w » « s *s i j i ; —- 8 8 8 8 s 3 : i i t Motau 1 Z “ *■ O s s i i i j — 888 g a a ; ♦ ; ; l . . . CD a i i i i - =; 8 8 a 8 a i i ; t ••avail 1 J ‘ ^ ** *• o> : i i j i*»rn|11 8 8 3 U * ■ 8 8 8 SO 8 ¥ 8 X 8 * 8 •aivobg j I i 1 j j j S “ I tv « -* «o * r- *■« s 3 Special Notices, *0 conte per line first Insertion, and 10 rents per line for each subsequent Insertion. Advertisements insortod at interval* to be charged as ie each insertion. Advertisements ordered to remain on any partfcnlai nag , to be chirged as now each Insertion. '.*no money for advertising considered due after first cununnnicattous or letterson bnsinesaintendedfor 11'» o^’ico *honlu boaddrossod to 1 THE INTELLICENCERf ATLANTA. GEORGIA Tlic Dt'inocra*l«* Wcorir»n**«Cton or (lie Ib'iiiofrHflr «mmI Ooti««*rvallve Chic I* rohftloiml C«iniuIlU*s. An mjffkiruid chuoh [oi Go Dcmocrstlo (inti Conservative mfijnlierl nl Cnntrross whs hold In the hailI ho House nl Hciiresentatives at 11 o'clock, on Saturday mornlmr. Hon. Fernando Wood, of New York, called the ranrit * lo or h r, and on niotlBB, Hon. Eu gene Cftsncrly, of California, took the chair. Hon. M. C Kerr, ol Indiana, moved tbe fol lowing rcEoluthma, which were unanimously adopted: Hesolvi d, That we cordially commend to our Demnrrut'c and Conservative lellow-citizons throughout the country the Patriot, ol thecityof Washington, as a newspaper eminently worthy ol their favor and support, by reason ol ti c high tone, great ability and fidelity to correct prin ciples which chari.clenzS[is mangagiinenl. Itesolvcd, Tltat a copv ol this resolution be communicated to that paper for publication Hon. William E. STlflnck, ol Indiana, ollered the following, which was also unanimously adopted: Reno®!, That there shall lie appointed a committee, ctjrmfttlne of one Senator or R. pre- sentative Irom each State entitled by the politi cal character ol its delegation to representation in ibis caucus, to serve during the present On- grissjwndto to lie known as Democritic and Conservative Congressional Committee, which shall he charged with ijjch duties as it may properly jfertorm in regard to elections ami oilier politic hi matters during its existence, with power to elioose ns own chairman and muei otllu. rs, an I a so to cle o-o ami appoint a sub- commillee, to eon-lsl, in whole or in part, as nnu lie deemed best, of nu'tffjjers of Congress, to net ns a rffldent exerffyvi committee, lor the dialr itniluin ol doeminenta and olher campaign w tk. Resolved further, That each delegation here repieseutei! shah he entitled to name, its Com millets man under 'lie foregoing risolilUon! But when no person shall lie named within a res- soflmrlc time, tie n the ch.iirman nl Hits caucus shall appoint sttelt \Bnintjiee in in O litem, the roll ot Hie Statis was caitcd, audit appeared that the mimwing State- ami Territories wetc ieim-sci><td. viz: New V.uk New .lersey. I\*i n-t lvnnia, i>. iaware. Mary land, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi. Ohio, Kentucky, T< nncs.ee, India..a, Illinois, Miss atri, Arkan sas, Michigan. Florida. Cahioinia, Oregon ami Nevada and the territories ol Idaho and Da kota On motion, the tollowlne-nnmed gentlemen We'ie appointee to coin; iw ’lie HliiJ D* mocratii an | t’oe-en a’lve Congii «sionalcommittee, v;z New Yoik—II W. S'ocinn New .li r«ey-John 1’, Stockton. Pennsylvania •Santuel .1. Randall. Delaware—Ret Jamin T. Higgs. Maryland —Sicvenson Aiciier. Virginia— Jolm Criinlier. North Carolina— F. E Spobcr. Soil'll Carol ml— Da.c ('. MoKissick, Georgia P M H Young. Alabama—P- M. Dox. Mississippi — Louisiana- Ohio—Philftdelpli Van Trump. Kentucky—H ' ,1 .Winchester, renuesfiee—W C Whitthurno, Indiana—M. C. Kerr. Iillinois—Samuel S Marshall. Missonti— Eras tils Wells Arkansas .1 ones M Hanks. Michigan—.1 O. Siitlietlaml. Florida—Silas L. Nihlack. Texas— Iowa— Wisconsin — California - Eugene CaUcrly. Minnesota - Oregon James II. Slater. Kansas— Weal Virginia— Nevada • Charles W. Kendall. Nobrask i— ldalio -Satmi 1 A. Merritt. Dakota—M 'sca Iy Armstrong. Hon John T. Bird, ol New Jersey, front liter Special committee apnoiuted at s previous cau- ■ us to examine the accounts ol the National cmocrntic Exeeulive CnmmiiVeu, reporli fl that tHe same were correct. The report was a lopted, and the special committee was dis charged. Roll. Fernando Wood, ol New York, moved the following resolution, wUipil was adopted unanimou-ly: Resolved, Tluit It is rss. titi il to the interests o' the people of Iliia country tint the Dcmo- dlo and Consorvallvo memlicre ol Congress liu m eon-iant aitendanco upon the sessions uu- lil the Anal »d|ournment, and that the absentees he requested to return at once, so that the evil legislation eouli mplaicd may lie avoided On motion,: lie- caucus tin n adjourned. AiniKSK Cassk.iu.y, Chairman, F. E. Sir ukh, W E. Annum, W. A Hanoi.av, beeretarics. tlinc 4 Mil At Kiel lUttl rcmotljr ua tunct ek t.fU. |>hy lciatis rctucUy iu BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. It In purely veifetuble, and U pul up In Atlanta, Ga., by Ur.idfiu (j A t o. it will purtiy tbe blot»d and strengthen the *y*»tcm, re- lluve irrimtionof the kid .« yn, and la a perfect for all tbe Above diiseaBes, ns a t ertaln cure up quinine id in ( hills uinl Ki vur*. Fora hUtory of uecaeod and c.nifleates ol 11* won- uerfil cured, tbe reader Id icferrtd to the wiappcr •-t.uud each hot ie. ihVc.y outlie warranted to«tfive datidfactlon or money retnudod. LA(iHANOB,(U., March 23.1810. Bridvi*ld A Co., Atlunu. GeorglH : UkauKihb: I tnkeplea-urvin piauiiLMhat I have usM, >r the l.-tdi iwcntv )uar , ti.e ined.cti e you are puttliiK up, known ae Ur. bUAi'KIaLU’.'* FKiAUri KKtiL ..A- 'J Ort, and ojusiuer u tho ooet combln-illon ever gotten U ifettu-r for tbe diseases n»r wu.cu 11 le ri cuium ndul. I bare been familiar wuh the pr-dcnp Ion, i»r th as urac* tloncr o. medidnu and tr. dum*!«nc pnctice. and nn bones'!y ray th ii I cutipuler n a Iihiii u> Miner v fe* j DiatiH. and can but hone every iady u h • Imi.J, who u.ny be eull. rii.g Inany way , t-cunar . ■ e r m-x, m .y * j'*3 to procure a l>otite, that their saflurlrige iimy lm * illy be relieved, b<it that th y may be rvrtored to ntt . and aud rirengtii. NS lUi my aiudeel regards, 1 am, reppccifuhy, W. 11. k luldiUiau* M. D. We. the nnderrlqned, Drnyjldtf, take plea»are in com mending U> ihe ir^de L»r. J. oh* urn i.i-'b i* m*aLk . to- vr AtOM-belteving it t<» be a good and r« ,t >.e lemedy T«»r the dtcearee tor wnicb be r«*«oium -t t e» it W A UA.vrtUftLL. A llama, • e -rgta. FJtMUKU'PuN, VN lLt.HON A l * \ L(»H & CO. At auia, Georgia. HEUW1NR A FOX, Aiiauta, Georgia. W U LAWAliiv, Atlanta, st«nr» la. W HOOT A ©ON,.Mai.etta, Georgia. DR. PROPHITT’S CELEBRATED LIVER AJEDJCINE! It is po'cly vegetable, and will act upon the I lver and Klt ne)p a« promptly a.-* Culomel at.d Bu--.hu, wilbout ai y dinger t.feaJ;v,i iou or destruction of the bou p. iGn.es l iking title undKinu i.eo-j u >t lu. g-vtu g wet, hi a- y other rcanonuhiu vAporuru. SYMPTOMS OF LIVElt DISEASE^ ; Out of the Fire! ... MAKIffTI-A PsPM Ulhb WMFAf _ rebuilt lu Mill, whldi »» de*uoy«l bjf lire but h(irembor, and cunimtnuat making Newspaper, of Excellent Quality. Wcare readr to fill orders a: d wit! take rpA si <a;« to rnrnlsb onreoalomcrs with paper that wUJ xtve.Mtia- Taction. KiT Orders solicited. B. FAW, Azrnt. mh »-«i Jflar.au, g*. T.F.CRADY ’8 Rail Road Al© House, No. 32 AL.1B.IIICA RTREKT, KY, PKKMUH bRa.iUY, ♦fin. Kites. Bottled Aie ann Poftsr, Jersey Older, Ale aad Beer on drait. I ALL OS OK4DV, tthRMt Near Georgia Utiiroad UBUBOIA, Fay*TT« CocvttT* Count or Ordixart, March 24.1971. THE CELlDUATED MURRAY & UNMAN’S FLORIDA WAT : E : R. The most luting, agreeable, and refreaMng ol all perhunes, Inr use on the Handkerchief, at the Toilet, and In the Bath. For a&le by all Druggists and 1’ertumera. nor9-eodly J l. a W Abo tan- Hiving lap :U1 lor luto-m of imntlfdimr gua. wun nomwoaa enmvti . AdmiDlatra'Ion opoo r..: c TS.if John o. No,- “2“*“ wm-Nbl. afwnuUon tot tkw. »h« are mar re. or commt(iUt* marriage; atilt It 1» • boot Uitt onsrht to be under lock and key, aad not laid careless!; abOBi the booee. .Sent to any on* (free ot postage) tor Fifty centa. Address Or. Balts 4 Olspunsar/, No. It N. iLgbth *L »t. I/wls. Mo. HT Motice to tho Affiiciod nod UnfartxuiAte, Bela-* App.ying to li»e notorious Quaok.c who adver tise ia pobllc pa;>er*. or nelru? ar y Quar* K**tui»e. >TnN* fir Butt-’ work, bo mauer what yoer diecae* u how depiorab.e yoar condiuon. Dr. Boiu utxi b- o*it(*Qlu*l. personally o^ by mall. Upon tun, late of *it1 county. d.rc«“ise.i - Tdi* I-. tiiere'ore, lo n.i'.-fy all person* con^ern^d to file their obiectlon, l* any'Mney dab/on or by tb* May Term. 1H7:, «,f'.biB Court. •• se letters will be /rAnted tb" apolir-tni, DaVJDC. MI MUR. Urd:har>. mbifir-aod I*rmtc;r r fee $3 Headache, Dali Feeling nr tbe Blues, Soar Stomach, Sick or Nervou* ueudacue Iluartbam, Inuigeaiiuu or j»ys- pep ;a. Bad or Brier Tartu in he Montn, tbuekln bar a thick, ruuua f-t ling, at.d u «.sik. r man umiv, uess, Me uucuuly r eeilu^s, Clump.*, tom Feet, Co..c, uyientiiy or Dtarrl it i, Lbitls anu /ever. aa>J I’U- t*. In fact, where he t.i\er i.-out o: oruer, you ttr« naht*. to every d.sca*e that e no' conugious. ProphlU’s Liver Me-hc ne, u taken proper’y. will prevent and cure any disease reauluu^ Irom a aeranged it will rigulatclti) functions and thns cure ai! disease caureJ by me f<n ire ol tin uculiry ttcuou. nbtts neeu used fo* n great UwUiber ol years, and has v«:u univureal satitficiiun. '1 here ic no brotuer or run claiming to have the origi nal receipt. It Is put u,j u both rosucr and F.urd form. liF.hUli|A, FaYkttb Countt. OttoiNARY s times. Ay.-I Term 1*71. K ELLY, s*.'M»r‘ty for Iti*fno is Co! 1 ! -i. G iirillan of Pa-« h* K. Cuinii 1 *, mi ior -I pj«cia' r. Co Ah*, d<•• navinjf repre-*that LO has jttjjy dia- cnvtf-1 e« d trust — Trl- is, rnere o e. to r.ot!fy a*l persins coocemel to ft o their objection-, if any th^y have, *n or befor 1 -. the July Term, .-7L - i -liu Court, w-.ty letters should not be granted ca.d app .cant. DAVID C. MINOR, Ordinary. apr4-4 d Printers lei A3. ii KOUOI \ , ClzATTOH CoUNTT; c'onrt ol Ordtnv ). A ri’sd, 1571. W W. CAMP LATtn.* a K nlL«d lo- i^iurs of Ad- • muuatrauon upon ui-. estate of vN’jijla-n Cates, late o; ^aid *-onutjr, deci-a*td — This Is, therefore, to uo*.i»y all pe-sous -on en.ed. P> file their objections, f any t'tey can, on or by ihe May T** rT " ,a ' 1 - o letters *m begrauted J. a tfORHOW. < apr4-ai>d A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE A Private Oocnaeltor to the Married or those , about to marry, on the f' U I Q Jp I pbyi*to«oinc»' mjvteri** UUIUG.. {and revelation, of the xoai system, with the latest d.scovenet it producing d oreventiof olhpnhii;', preeerringthe comp)erlOb,Ac. This is an Intereetltur work of two bandred and enrravtbxa. and person and pr * out contity, having fi::..' : '■•cs to be dtrtn.sscd Irom hi Given unuer my hand -i a, Guara. Ill Ml lluri'J-"! ! Unar.i'aL-hip* OEOIU.I V, FATKTTKCoCXTT OHDiNABr’a c»n*iCK, March 23, .r71. j.-ge -V. Da app. • the Fan burn, Ga., September 4,15A3. Da. O. S. Propiiitt : lid for fifteen years. Sir: My wile has been nu i l)t cture an a^rtt* she aaa “ on er .v lion with their prac icerheu.e-i v.tr note of Which set mxd u do ni.y - .. procure*) a t;u tl«- ol " Liver i od. lure, c. A. Harvey, which being g reel.one, has eht-c.ed tx corny It. i oWd r ur 5n! dlug to di UKUltUA L. TUUMPSON. Atlanta, Ga.. July IS, INTO, Marsns. Hiunrui u A Co: Hk.nti km as • laisi y.-«r, durirg my travels in Al«- fin in a an i Ooathwest oeo'U’ . 1 coi.tn. i... chills and fev*r, and a y .'eter-r. hell*. De.ame very had. I tiled lailoop rtuieuies. uiiii arni i.,: o her- Mia lenbert’« r’s 1’tlU-all to lo purpose l «r •*: • it! w.tn lblcLse pa n m tne i-m . i ... u.y »>a a aim 1 -i in » .t.,- I di fjll *1 id ol ne; ai d t*. da, I In t O.itf ul tSie oest mt unit, with* ui uuy r* iC.ed. , KOUtiOini'U, very rei DR. PROPHITT'S DYSENTERY CORDIAL Is one ofite ra >st va’liable 'omix unds now put np f**r t* Jlfltie lias Itcaii Irlaction. jbI de*.c.tie chin *e fur years, and jjives uu iy take ;t with Uupuuity. Covinoton, Ga., November 9,1S67. a seviire attack of Py- :.t;*ry during the pa- war iticu id to a-*. }•> ir l)>S' i. erj > ordi .l d iUoreir*»!u tniiueaiate aui permanent re I el •eso ».l acKe*i, beiievt: g mat rh nnd th* d*:ei unwed, .eucf Wi»a d rure<y he uPlained. \uurr, Xc , O. > ]*UliTKB, Ct'SSKTA, TKXAS, IS' 9. Uk. I’ruruitt : Medlcil.i nod let R c ad I « J. L. . K 't is i in 1 Tntv. Guard.au.-hln oi the person- a:. i j iop.Tt} uf luiuof children of Jonu W. Davis, ueCeated - All person* concerned are notified to fin their objec tions, in ni) o.ttce, it any exist, w.uiln tne t.me a c »*d by aw. :u sa.u ap, outm* nt, otherwise letter: of ^nar d.aurhiu win he granted the *{ j. ilcaui, ae applied :or on int lirai Monday m May aext. DAVID l. MlNuK, Ordinary. mh31-3ud Printer’s fee A-3. W 1 Forxyih Sheriff Sales. Lot ul Lil d .No. lmil lo II. Section of Furs;in « a ..ty, Lu dry fl !a's iseueu troiu a Just c Uou *.u the fir*: 14m Datrii » Court m ra* GOOD NEWS! Ci^ar.s are Falling i riiua UNDER >!'• ' V. ST ".aaPBCTFL'LLT JL loforias ihe Pub:* 'hat oe uav th. prices lo suit the timet. 10 cent Cigar to 4 for 2'. cen'.t. 6 cent Cigar lo 6 for t> tenia. 2* cent Clgir to 12 for * oenu. Pipes at 10^* per Doz. to $ I 5 per Doz. .•tti s)Vh money \o ar.d JOHN FlCKEN, at ire. waerc im» enii :h** wor’i "f ’bu r 'ronsi »re JOHN Flf KK>, So, it reach .ree at reel. HOGM-I r l O HUNT. rto« v- ;•«. hint in run kfkbn aoufiit. A1--J -u W .^4*l«Ur«. App.) Li. Jo.'IN Fic&BS. -Mm S ' :i l*f .C3iree«;.-et JOB PRINTING iTLINTA INTELLIGENCER .BOOK AND JOB RBINT1NG OFFICE. WHITEHALL STBEET, hie -i 17 Atlanta Medical College rpiIE net: :ou.-i?e o 1>-' i«e- tn tr..i lnHitaLon wil! X ' V. : ii. ^ M.4. nsXi, anu! iht l' ’■ c f 'V i John \v j -> rira .'Uce oi M »*•_'.< IV. 11. <tOJjJ .S'i.N Med ea! v'D-rai: i H. W. UKONnN M. c.ai Anatomy, ii. D. SlUJtiti. *. D . W. Y JUlf . V WdSTsJoili . pie* and Brattle if N* T. BAN Km, r ol Mar cue . said Jehu C ow, poimed "Ui :.y e , .rule and returned to me t>) tatum, L. W ri*m l-widi JoilN a. SIMS, unni ary. FOItN V 1 II MII.KIF F’S SALK. ILl lie aoid (>«»ore the c *urt h *USe door !L m town ol Lu um.ii^, fiireylu couuty. on m« r -* ay in April ;.txt, wi.ni-. me .egai hour- <»: salt Di»c»ses oi worn lu * L. 11 OliMK, M. D.. >' • WKsi 4 . .» H j , Modlca.Tb*Jttj c’ • e A-' N. D'ALV iU.N Y, M. . 1 . curatjf. oi a. a. M.Dou lav* r ui i rurnau i aevy maue and rt 'ixiOKGlA. Clayton County. Ohdinahy’? i >mi k, • )cio!*c*r l‘J. .inn aisuibum . and Sj<« tr ot Krmc: • rx/itri^ro* Jl-tcr.i WANTED ACEH TS. S EVKNTT HVK t • *w„ d d d d-ar- even when m •. *• h d urna.e. V, ii vj. „u ne lmproftd «.• ariu-u sei.se Ktiu y cbires. The r * -.L'. *.i -t.tcb, hem, fe; r»^a.d. C' rd, qu •’ at.* 'ini'^'j— r. a ra ui.nLir Prue on> Ai;», hi i*rf. We vr.i. pay •• lo’ si * n “tro; ^ - r !SJ.. :» 6 u:;.- thf • a--, i- ra .» s m- - -... s.t ; d -t tch c»n r. , ,, . . «-fi ra >s. fn.nrio acted lor tv . n.ue thal w.. WE Uv'VlTi TH2 ATTKimO.V OF OUil FKIENDS xnd lb« Public generally, lo our complete ud eiler.iivt JOB PRINTING OFFICE Our licilitie* tor Execoting Ibe Oeoertl ilon BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, ure as good u lh»t ol uny Offlce ic the co l ry. having recently added a large lot of Dev and modern type* to our already Bxtenaive liEhment. CARDS. Business, Visiting, Railroad, Wedding, And Every Other Kind, Plain or Colored. At Prices to suit all ChecJc Books, 6raft Books, Drav Receipt Books ! an I Blank B . o! every description prate aud touDd on the ate^t favorable termr, and I the scaled ttyie. Legal B lanks. Arrlvn! A Departure ot 'I rn WtiUrn it Atlantic tialtroad, m«HT rASSCNttBIi VRAia—OCTVABn. f>eave At:*r»s Arrive* at CbatucAon’.*.Y.V.V.W. I>*T SA**KS*J*7i r&4i)lw,nfv l8 f, T^*ve* At'*»'*A IrTwir nar>iroo«V.V.' , . »««->i«m a VitwaaiK Arrive? *• a ri«»eu .. ...T - • r»iv TTixr*-rwwa •,-> rr*rfs* xi Atlanta. wi«e*w*.**ew«*» rug Atlanta Ar RaTtrovi? '•awam riurv—n ■»•*« dt Vtiura RaliroaJ. *i JZ 1Z.1 a‘M : .’! T Million flill Dai.j.cxcep; SiLdaya, SBT IXPEX*? MUtk6KB TXxI«—OiaH-T. V*»*!ir!!l* ar.d a Hall mad Lli NOT ICE CF CHANGE OF SCHtDiilE GEORGIA RAILROAp OO-r;- lytsvf A-_~ x: which letiur? w- cember m-xt, u i cording lo .aw. VAald ubjc U. Mu a n Notigage Sheriff sale. .1 Al.al.tl, a; ta.- U-u.. U.U.. . I .a kext, urge I).»j pro--, t )• e»il» *“!<• tlo. p* . j Sheriffs, Ordinary’s, Clerk’s, Magistrate's, act B 1 C 0 N ' S TRUNK E N ti I .N K S ; Law Blanks, ol every kind, i' : led on tht E»t F.iH Ai.L pnaroeas; oxrxcr dit.*»h .no *rn,-.i» T U> &lwt a r . M u>* Pnwsfc Osier* trot.: the BACON’S JsTEAM AND BELT ' ii (> i h r i > ** » sc ti 11« it s Kor Manufacturer*,Stori •. Dv^Xe. Sh‘.|*-. Ac. Price List on app.*.c*th»u. Deiamar Iron Works. r*»t'T WEST ion ft.. V T » r lC7-Wi*dA*ALtm IBAIX, BLACK & 00~ l«r. l i.t $ e."'uc: 1 pr -S. D -..t.'a-, , air I 665 and .567 BROADWAY, XEW YORK ■•kjof j. uo.igt^k' 1 * * of u. 11 .vlso. .11 •U'«s ui ii. . mu At.tt 1 J. 1. *\ .. la., issue U 11 M. tkl.L v-. .1 D> p.MUt’.li's : A Do, nl thi A i uur. in i pr.LtlUL s. A .. ...UCL 1 ,.-,-e>Cl •o* • uid place l lot of rat r Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches and Silverware, Of the Best Quality & lowest Prices, Thl* i»* the relehrated Lain Kl: «T out I the m r*. D .Ms unfit} Prophltt cu iti^e ii t.. Kill It. For Kruinaalisin, Neuralgia, no equal thuii, you c *, D.uis. old <; F.olttfil A, ITOKkN* Crtl'MTT. O N K mouth alter date aptdtcatlon will be made to the G.mrt of Ordinary ot PRk»*n» county, Ueorvla, al tin 1 t\r*t ri g dar Term a'ior the exptr*ilon of one month from thi* notice for have to ae'l the land" belonging io tbe minor heir* of W. ||. Gordon, ncreMcd. late ol vaid count), deceased, for the lurn tli of Mtd minor* J. U OUKlHtN, Guardian, tad ' wJm o t Joaopb U. and W. A. Gordon, ■ hit nr Pcrrv Havl*. w..crt vc: It was so d. .atm- irom i win K.dtr i*alu of any kind, it ha* it is the beet Insects. It la • I’oMMVn/ii* or IV.t He nature aihy It .* Isold ty UWADF1E 1 i>y al! Diugjj.rte, Nxwton Factory, Ga., Novo itt: inter my whole leg i.ihTii g n lioue of your AnxHiyu PHOPHITT'S lever and Ague Pill*. AS! PROPiims pain kill it. GOOD* SK.NT BY RlPKKSs, 0. O D. NOTICE. COPARTNKKMUP haritc been form d or the r Ma%*h. l>1l. h) the '.nlcr-^n.d for ■ ar.t'M pronn-'u mg the tk. wery bus:t'>e^ for mt nr.a, louae a Ld -ty :c of the cTty Lie wery be * F8CHTBK MKROBR.*' PROPKUPTORS, that line tor the City lJ who w.. %l*o be responsible We, the ai dersigui raiioi s and take pAw- pu.'lw, as Dell >; a .hi* Co! U I lli*it«. rm • N>vii gtor, i»a, U *» DaKHY'S etvsif?*. | PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. f K .f|V Its -.uT.'n.b:. P.m . M.M'flr.. 1 - t..r :.arrfvr-c. country prompt:) fillec. Book ,P r i.u t i u g. A.'.! who uppredite the importance oi having their work done on New Type anc ti Dresses, and First-Clast Workmen, will coninU their own interest, as well as ours, by giving us a lair tniL 13 il 1 Heads, FIk*. In the line ot Bill Heads, Letter Heads. Cir cular*, Direction Checks, ic., we are prepared u heietolore, to execute as neat work, and on as favorable terms, as any boose in lb.- South, and to guarantee A 1 - »u»0*r*, which is s heavy Item to parties ordering large Jots, as they seldom get full numbers whon ibey order work North. To S h ow m e n . In all kinds of Show Printing, plain or col ored, such as J Paters, Pmraimes. Honse-MMic. biCin:i)ULi: o> MAg 'N3 A On RA LHOA j . T.r;,:,: . • COTTON 6 T A T r. a LIFE Ili|fi|tCulPA;ri Priucipal O IB te--.il a con, <.;i. Author** • Gaarar; t-c DCJnV :*.•*. r NXirih o: * 2,uoo,ii r 6 00,c TO THE PUBLIC. UlLxM .*A-. a - OT*; usv— r v. . * ^H-tuar ;> . • » h: X l* IZ N 1> l XTt WOBOffiKsa..} Ui'_\ u ' C A pr\ mi4 K. W DR. PROPHITT’S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. SwADton, Monti' c-'iiuty, ax; A M Kobtr.-. Wright, Ibitixm rout '} « coil tt, in; Ju iKC J J ?Toj b««, ‘Wv.iurtrtnKiiUr.ro Ga. iJivrgt* Wa.lace, Ahuh, u»; c» *u v.v, Txxa*; w lUwk '' h»ilcy, Koftcrt#, Lln.cn c unty, Al itnLi, vU, W A LAinlodol. Ou’g F Maddox, rtf K K Ma \ A *» St even*. iVrt i*\.. i. >*», v > .»j W*v*r|r.i»; Joi'wp:. Lat i, •»»!. p- J. fl. .rtcr-Mlic, Gw. ' ,. n .-, W - Fordhantt, 1WI) n.:y . v. «; tun F*a turr, 11 F u »i*u*» . h. Kubcrt tun.' liu ; D.Cia UH kctt. A AVI* Will relieve UnkUcVi, N» ►th' r I'ctau^cmcntw t ¥wimr»ctnr.*u ai a I, r ph STATS OF GEORGIA, [ Ki fCLTOI* Crtt RTV t it. » day, for vrIuv rc.e.vtd xl.; . FlKLD ah »A>„ th* *«iic riKht my Fam * * * fan rtc«!i I A CO v n*n.»-w, .Iwnn i'rc, and all ! *0* x,*r . Iv \ gv’abi*- Midi b\ lift V IGTR l* .X . • , ItllMg-nM] Alai'S Georgia, u.t for pAc by aU Ury ^chui.cc of Tbomae iLnu, Guor^ta, at mauuUcturef’a priO'J * uoita. iu &j cr. bv thk^e ; 1 hfctv* |tl<* . liti AlV i.«1 Mil rt ! xieati*!tjj. removlug bad oddrMn all kind* of *ic.kncM , op for burn*, *or*ta, wouudaa rttnc»; for Kryr.pclaa, rben- raalom, and a '. d'.pv.KW ; for catarrh, *otv tav cth, *.«n? throat, dvihcria; for colic, diarrh*^. cholera; a* a *awh to ftaifUn and N*aa*.i:} mg tho ah'.n; to remove mk p,».'U. m0d«w, fruit «tatn»; taken tnterna’Ij a* wai! a* a,s' icd external'.y . ao hi^h.y rcsvmmacdcd bj a who have aaed lt-1* for *a!c by at! Dni£gi»t> and Counuy Mfrchanta, and may be ordered dDtcUjf ol DAUBY FROTH YLACTIC CO M deefi- Itt WlUtam Street, N Y. M IHDKK i-HK rti.ua OF OUACKS^W.Oit’ of H»»h *«*»’*, burned to premature grave* yearly ‘ _ —a “ —*-'*3 by " ; is r f ...h .ti- in « t the xXJL •*.»> n pexi-*, uurrira to premature ifrarea yeany nMMxiflurni '■ or rii,. u vl'rlKut : lnr.'a;h nsevom 4 arri.f, prvxlawl b; joarbiu. r.,«ia,, »uat.»..«i. "Or >o! U,, ,. O.av.r.ro., Tso ..tvcrV.K-r. iarras yotr, ol wbr „ . " . inc i' w-L. ,J ; ••«. >t «4 vury * Iroruios r.- n-lv witW nawf, t-. liioSf YLuu'PiUw.l j'.uo IS»” ' 1 1 irr«.«n«pl.' m«n- ut ».■ cars, wtlctr no will llcrdim. i Uf IS b das or J u. 1st _ .... tM di. uu>. m1,m> rna* to hia ieiioer auflerer Ad-iroea, lob;-wit This Offlce will be Found to be :?upcr. . to anything in the South. Fartie* have bui u call and Examine Scmplee to be convinced. Book 13 i u d i u g . Every Description of Binding end Ruling Promptly Executed in any style desired. Call cat or Address INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, ATLANTA, C.A., For Prices or Estimates, tor every IV*orip- tkm 'Yin ting. April 1 ■A-dmini.-i i ai r > -