Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, April 19, 1871, Image 1

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as VOL. XVI. ATLANTA, GEORGIA.- WK13NKSUA:Y- ‘KVKNING. AJMMI19, 87L *i iu -put It luifUiyifWcr, W9L WILSON, Pnl)liMlt«r. K K AD. Subscription and Advertising Rates, ^fttvswafi’oni lv •• Periods.” Rheumatism of, the i ark and Womb, Irre ular, McuairnaUon, lleuuirhagv, or /exctetir* ••Flows,” ami Pro lapsus Uteri or Falling of tb«* Wo tub. Thviw dlMftBca have seldom been treated ru-xeasiulty. The profusion tine Bought diligent* !y for Home remedy that wou d ninb e them to treat then UiB'-unv with piio ere At itt.-ittuif reiorrly nas been discovered by one of the in»et HU Ilia, phydciaud In ,he Statu of Georgia. That tmiimb or HUHscHimoM. 'J ally * per month, »♦«»•• •••* Dully, 12 month, 1 iVtiB.iiy, M uioLtna i Wwafcly, 1 f»»i —♦ « Mnsrifl copies at the counter «• Id itu<i; fawn Bovs and Ageuta — ttATKH OP ADV KUT1S1NU, /or jac square of to Unoe or toes, for the first inter 1, and for ''itch subsequent tnsertiou 80 cunle. S28S288°83 J S : s S ! S 8 8 •» f~T s"T TTTTsl ; « U 8 U 8 8 8 T 8 'S 8 8 S~S 8 W~S "f 2 S S 8 8 f“* 1 r-i W 03 W K3 Vi f S 5? 8 ,Spt'-:lal Noticed, *> couth per line first Insoruon, and 10 cents per line for each subsequent Insertion. Advertisements inserted at intervals to be charged at to 1 each insertion. Advertisements ordered to remain on any particular nag-.', to ho ehi/vod as now each insertion. i he money for advertliing considered due after flrtl is wrtion, communications or letters on bualneaaintended for t i* * oiUco should be addressed to THE INTELLICENCERf ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Out of the Fire! j rrilK HAH!ETTA 1'aPJStt MILL COMPANY UAh | I r. bout lie Mill, which wa- destroyed by fire la»t 1 November, and e »rara-nct>d making Newspaper of Excellent Quality.' it i '§’**♦* !>♦»**».M*rH*l*» (U|M*M*>-Hsurcnnli!nttnn oi tlio iiemticrHilc ami Co inter vuilvr Coll* trrcHsioiiHI Committee* An atii- timed chucuh ot the Democratic and Const rvativi* m-'tubers "| (>n:ros was bold in the liali niilic House of Henre-eutativea al 11 o'clock, on Satutday morning. Hon. Fetnnulo Wood, of New York, called the caucus to or■-•-r, and. on motion, Hon. En gine Ch«hirly, of t’a'iifornia, took the chair. lion. M. C. Kerr, ol Indiuna, moved the fol lowing rebolulitttia, which were unanimously adopted: Ueaolv- d, That we cordially commend to our Democratic and Conservative lellow-citizens throughout the country the Patriot, of the city ot Washington, as a newspaper eminently worthy of their 1 ivor ai.d support, by reitbon ot the high tone, great ability and tidelny to correct pnn- cipleb which rlmracti nze i»s nnngagemeni. |{» solved, That a copy ol this resolution be cominunicntetl t«> lint p-p«r for publication 11 ii. Willm.n K/ Niulnok, <>i Indiana, ofiered the following, which win? alto unammoasiy form, adopted: Keaolved, That there shall lie appointed a coinmutee, coiihiating <>i one Senator or H- pre- seutative Irotn each State entitled hy the polul- ch) ebaracter ol it.-* deit gation to representation' m this caucus to f-crVv* during the present Con gress, and to to he know n na Democratic ami Conservative CoucreSMonal Committee, which -hall he charged with -urn duties as it nm\ properly pertorm in reg- rd to elections and other politini! ina'ti rs during .is existence, with power to choose ip* own chairman and othe- ollleers, an l a.mi to eh< o e amt appoint, a Hlb- cominiltee, to cnn-i-t, in whole or in part, as may lie dcetncU lust, ot m« inteTs of Congress, to act a** a le-nlent t \ cuuve committee, h r ih»* ilisuibution ol documents amt other campaign w rk. UeMlived turther, That each delegation lier* repiesented s-tiH . entitled to name its in inittee iimn under ;he foregoing nsolutioi., but when no pusui shall he named within a rea snnahit time, lit n the cliairman of this caucus shall up Mun'. studi eoininittiv map. On motion, the ml ot the Slate? was called, atm it apptiued that the to'.owing -tate- aim Teintor.es wne i» pr» sen.'ti, viz: New \ >tk New ,l»r-ey. IN nmylv »uta, Delaware, Mar) iaitit, Vt'gium, North (’aropi*a. ^ u’li Carolina. Georgia, Alabama, MishbMPIu. Onio, Kentucky, Tent es*ec. Indm..a. Ilhmu-, Mi-s-mri, Arkan sas, Michigan Klornhi, California, Oregon and Nev.ida. and the territories of Idaho and Da kota On m tion, the .odowing-numed gentlemen were appointed l*> compose the »aiil Deiuoerutie an i Coi.*crvu >v. Congit>*>i >ualeommttUa*, v /. New York—H W >'oeuin New .)* r»ey -John l*. St* ekton, Pennsylvania -Samuci J. Uamlall. I). >aware -Benjamin T. Ihggs. Mary land—Ste\ eu^'ii Aicher. Virginia- J dm CTiteher. Norm Caioiina — F E Sho’* r South Carol.n.a— Da»e C '1< Kis**iek Georgia—F M B Young. AUhama—P M. l>«>\. Mii-siB-lppi — Jvouistan.a — Ohio—Phdade’pli Van Trump, Kenimky —B >\d Wim he.-ler. retinessi’e—W C Wlnttliornc. Indiana -M. C. lv ir. lilltnoib—Samm i S Marshall. Missouri—Eotslus \Y» lis Arkansas J tines M Hanks. Michigan—.I G. M nthe»laud. Florida—Silas L. Niniack. I exits— Wisconsin -* (’a il -ru’a Eugene Cawrly. Mintesota < > eg mi J.uui s 11 Slater. K m-jis — West VTi» tii t — Net*. ‘.a Charles W. Kendall. Ne’ua-k I t dio -x»tuu 1 A Merritt. Dak u »— d • K Amoirong, lion J hn T B r l, »>! New Jersey, from Die t;vc al i .iniimit"* tp,HUnie i at a previous u* to i x iniMP le tcTouuis of the Nall mai mu .er t’.ir Ev-e iiiv C unmi t« e, repottid that ,i? samu wire eorrut. Tlio report was i lopted, and tlft special committee was dis- , i irg*il. II 'ii Fernando Wood.oi New York, moved fo lowing resolution, which was .d *pted untniim'U'ly: I (evolved, l hat ii s essential to the interests ,/ the people of liiis coimtiy Uiat lh>- D.mjo alto and Cou»ervaiive numbers ol Conyfuaa •n eou iant aueudauce upon the sessions un- i : the tiual adj* ur mu ni, and that the absentees bo requested i»i return at once, so that the evil l visDuon eonu mpl.tied may he avoided. On motion, lie eaucu* tinn adj- urm f. Li'oKNK Casskui.y. t halima ), F F. Sir <itKi(, W K. AltTIIUlt, W. A Ha.sih.kv, S( cretarii s (iKOItUl.t, 1‘IUKCNl* CMSTV O N a mo an ail»)r «Ur«* A|»elicao<tn wl'l b** mvto t<> th«* Court "t Orlinary oi "l- ken- county, lU'Orwta, - tlm tl'Bt r.'g'Utr I'or.u a'u»r ibn» of om» in • from ibii* oIhv for !.**,• u» * • t itu» Ur.a- b* Jongli ^ ihe minor IkUm ol A u. t *«. »•! .»;tl c.»U'"), ilM-ca-'Ml, l »r be h*n«ii »»i rv. i inn »r- J ti GOHlhiN, i.oardnn. 3*0 w'Jui o* JOBcpb U and A’. A Uordou. ronaly is BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR. It is tmroly vegetable, and Is pal up in Atlanta, Ga., by itradtieid A t o. it will pnSfy ibt» blood and strengthen the eyrUim, ro- lluvu Irritation « I tins kid u yi», anil la a perfect "fax-ifle lor all thu above diseaMB, ae a«ertatn cure a* riatnln# it in t hills and Kevure. For a Malory of uiseasee and certificates of It* won derfsi cures, fbe reader la referred to tUe wrapper around each botdo. Avery buttle warranted to ^i?e satisfaction or money manned. LiGttAKaa. Ga., March 23.18*,0, Bn*dpirld A Co., Atlanta. Georgia : Hkak Sims : l take pleasure in stating that I hare used, or the last iweni> ^ear , the medicine you are nutting up, known as Ur. isttAUPlKLDV* PBWALE KKGUi.A- 'J 0l(, and oonviuer It the beet cr uiitlnnlton ever gotten li gettur lor tbe diseases lor wu.cu it is r«c.nmu nd»d I Uave been familiar with th** j.r s^r p Ion, ik tl» t- i.rne- donor o. tucdicine and m dotue-t e practice, and can bonesily say that I consld«r it a boon to sutler ng fe males. and can but bote every lady n the land, wbutnay bo sutLru.g many wayt-ecucar to uteursex, tnayi- - j.u to procure a bottle, that their BnUeriuga may li a!y be .eln v d, but that they uiny be reetorci to bti - aLd and strength. V\ ttb my kindest regards, I am, respectfully, . A . 11. FAiUtbLo*, M. D. Wo. th*’ under*Igned, Urn'gists, take plrnsnre in com m.'iMiliig l»j ibe trade i)r. J. UHvori* u>*s /ea*u i.xs- ci.Aion be.nvjLg it to beagoo.r and <'.,,a»>Je remedy for tbe nireasts tor which ne reromtuunca it. W A i.AASl) 14LL. Attau’.ft, Ge rgia. I’KMBKKTuN, A 1Ll»ON A I a*LUH A lO. At area, Georgia KEDNVINK A FGX, Allania, Georgia. VS U La NS* All ii, A tianta, Geoieia. W KUUT «k .-.ON, Mar etU, Georgia. DR. PROPHITT’S CELEBRATED LIVER MEDICINE! promptly as c'nlonul and Hu hu. wi’bout ,i } d .Uger i>f Ski.\a loli of dcSUu tluU t t lie bolter. i'anies ukiug this mediaue n-om >t lea. geitu g wet, if at y other reasonaoie exposure. SYMPTOMS OF LIVER DISEASES : huadarbe, Uuli Feeling or th<* Blues, hour Stomach, Sick or .Nemm- Headache. Heartburn, In- igoHtou or Lys- pep id, Lad or ttl'ter Tu*le in be Uouin, tneskin has a tn.ck, rouga fe« l.i g, and is i ark* r loan asm-, Cost" e ess, Meiancnory reelings, i rau pr. toid Feet, Co.n., y•emery or Uiarrf mi, Chills and sever, and Files. In tact, whi re iLe oiver le oui o. order, y<-u n r e liable to every disease that s u«i contagious. f rophitt’s Liver Medic.ne, n taken properly, wni prevent and core any disease resulting from a deranged Laver. It will regalateits functions and thus cure a.> disease canned by tt»e fut ure of lts healthy action. It Ua- been Used fo' a great number ol years, and has given ui .versal -ati-ftction. rotucr or sou claiming to have tbe origl- r«.ceipi. 1. is put up n both towuer anu F.uid Faii.blhn, Db. O. b. Piiophitt : Sni: My wiie has been an tnviilid for fifteen years UnCtors a.i agree she bad *• wive liis.ase.*' Iu ennee tiou antn their pne ice sbe Used v trion- no led remedies, lUlbC of WulCU se. uivd o d .any good, .-omei.me ago i .irocure i a b»> tio ol “ Liver Veil, iue," ol your agent ''. A. Harvey, which being giv« u aceordlug to Ui rect.ons, brio ellecied ft uinip.ete cure. obUho- l. THOMPSON. Atlanta, Ga., Ju'y IS, 1?70. MBrans. Bradpibli) A <’o: Gu.sTi r.Mt.s Last y ar. dirf g ray travel- in Ala- imam.: .*ou'hwe?i 'n*o-g:... 1 contract'd chi.Gni.it vi.r, and iuy genera^ bealiu heoirne »«.r> bad. 1 ttiwu ailous remedies, auO among »• h.-rs nha-leubergi r • * all to i o purpose I w.*.- tr *•: > cil w .lh ibtense ii in the stU'i.l o ui) bn k nnd for mm.m- I dm m i v a fitoUK. t’s r<»t. I hn l we l uigli dcS,mired of re eriigwuar. a friend reoemmended rue to ake Dr. p:.lo'« L.i>er M u»t»ne. 1 uni -u, mi one bottle ha- liT Orders solicllod. T. F. CRADY’S Rail Road Ale House, No. 22 ALABAMA hTItKKT, KV. PRKNUU UlCAftUY, Gin, Wine*. Bottled Ala aud i'ortsi, Jersey Cider, Ale and Beer on draft. CALLOs '2UADY, mbRl-lt Noar Georgia Railroad IretAH- BBOItfiM, FAtcTTS CotJaTt. Court of UBoncAfir. March 24. 871. J L. H. WALUitOP having appiei for letters of • Administration upon lb** estate of John G. Nor- tou, late of said county, d^ctiiau-.l - Tbit it, thero'ore, to notify alt {rersons concerned to file their objection, li any rney can, on or by tne May Term 1871, ol this Court, < se letters will be gr^nOHl the apnlicant. U.aViDC. MI si.ir, ord r ar). mh**-.»M Printer's foe |4 (IFOItbl l, Favktte Col’Kty. Uro/vanr's UrricK, April Ttrrn, ’871. K RLLY, secur'ty lor Komotis Collins. Gua: lian ot Pa-rim g. i.oliius, minor of Pascuaf K. C'l.lias, deceased, having represmtsd mat ne baa funy d:»- cnarged said trust— This is, tnoru.oro, to notify a’l persons concernel to fl their objectio:,-, if any they have, on or be for • 'be J ily Tvrm. 2.-71, his Dour:, w •/ etters eb^juld not be granted raid applicant. UAVID C. MIN OK, Ordinary, spr4-4'd Printer’s ee tZ. QKOItfiilA, Cl AT TOM CctJXTV, Court "1 Ordinary. A >r!'. d, *871. W VV. C*MP having ag k ... • rniitifiralatli upon ln~ e-t late o raid touoty, decea-*d - Tills :s, therefore, to :*• »t»■, V.l persoi.- oucerned. t XU CKUjjiUIiATi®) MURRAY & lJmaiYS FLORIDA WAFER. The m«>sl liagliug, igroMij:*.-, ati-i idrcrhing ol nil iierfumes, lor iw «l tin Ll tbJkfcruhi' 1, at the Toilet, and Mn the Bnif:. Fur saie by aii Dfu^igUtkiid Perturners. ooa^-trrxHy NOTICE, A COPAHTN2KBHIP L».; ( g *> .-u form d r»n the 16 b day of Ma cn 1-tl, b. : and-r- art : for tr.e pur.e*se o! pro w a ug Br w t, Pu-iu -r for th" 't ars lb* him, ..*u»« a*.] -ty e ji »ue Ci:y L*ewcry w 1! be •* FSCHTBR A PKO^hIKTUKa, .!< >U DKL>TIi> ' iti« pr»j9'-mvo: hsrt-3t. t\). « i -rjbe <?.-) ot : - so'*- rz~u :kit. iTLlNTi INTBLLIGENGBB BOOK ASD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. WHITEHALL STREET, OiOKOIA Cl.AVTOS COL'NTV. Ojiui.s.iKv'e Oyyict., Oa.>t.ei IU. eirHHKKAS, K. H. s«n«.!.. .St, : - -• r TT F-'flroo. •.-»eased has h , c'. • • *.» ing a full d;-lribrtou a -J ?-t -m ... - teas* d"? es.ate. and a;.; •• »o: r* ol I which letier- w . ,h-gMo'.c* on he fir- M i.Or Ctmber next, un.ete -oute VaTTii oojecuon*- art j H MuKROW O-C • ordtng to aw. file their obj.vtio Term, 1871, ol th.< the applicant. aprl-SCkl f an, v icy oy i A BOOK rr : MARK I AC GUIDE. xuai -y-teT* *• ' r • dp Th * e an weety-tour ; cental va.u r m or con., oagh: a •. about it--- . ra Wk [.WITS TUE ATTKMTIUN OF OUh SKLENIJS &nc liie Public generipy, W on; - c/.ir - At iD'l ert/.Mivf I JOB PRINTING OFFICE • Our lacilitlft* I r Eiecb-n.: tbe trtik. Hts. B .'OK ANB JOB PRINTINO. N(>, 90 Arrlvul rtr. Departure rtt Tralnr W«*t.ru tr K tl. title U.llro.d, »mnr u»i»,«a Tp.n*-otnwi»n Krr'i** •'? , j’ * DAT PAa«tK«*in rmtji— rwT ‘' t ..« . M Arrives at t'hattjroocra .... .* i-r.r v* ws*-**nrr *rcTAy-.raw-4in' /r> i»*»rrw-Kr» e nriPU Arrfv<»« O Atlanta * ^ ^ DAT PA«srw««K TKAfJf—lirw, pyj t.ft- ,■ a-.su.* JJ fr'*JTr\ • nallrnag, **««»vaTm *nntw. HViMy. Urca^t/'A t f/MV* A i A. t . W A rr-vs %• A »'*»■»•.... P u wroRT *a*«rxcw« rw*rw Atlanta tr WMt.Polot Rallrsag •nrsiirrrcn runP-omrAM ’* *'**’• "'* c A . V ft at Wm* ..ITAPP V •M - 1*. MTwavs Tf a n»—Tirw* »r>. '*• TT .* w-»r.t M-viP w f'r- nrcBT A vr» r»**tveni-.r,r«w ( t> r> I ssri OKOituiL Fin.ru' hutt OhiuNAitT’s urriCK, March 23, 1871. W ii&LR-t.S, i»*w»rg.' w. oav-s-ttpptt*'* m mr-or-tixr-f Guardianship ol lhe persons aud pi"prfly ->f the minor childrcu ol John W. Uavis, a-.teas,.. - All .-er-ons concerned \tre ! > ttri-M ’■> ll :t.. ,r o'-J.-r. tmus, in m) u:ii;e, il an, exi»i, w n; • : u o^ed Hi'ilCr lo IDt A iCiC'.-C as 2 . ii a V !ig T"» '.ntly CL dCTL l)T*Hs t- \T)\ <)HCC ID t22fc C> .•nr »irutwJy Kxu*n^:v*r K-‘ H*t«B Ar WaiUra RailroaJ. :.n h* r:: as .l-ow- ox and a 'or Jxzmtj OAT MMII41I TIAII Daily, except Saxdaya. ’MVP »*‘*r*A •■/fl A . > *• Vvnc , r - Tr _, r -,,-,, 1’ T A M nap- tmnt ru*nfin nia-mn r UtTM’An v v I.. . I.nnI», ta nor. nja— 4 »i I*. c V F <?»'•* ■x tt wr.vwiv Vas*sr T*ar«-r—.a:lc tv Agent. a-h ellle and < tij Ha 11 road Line. iu the ilr-i M mhJi riki Ur. UA Vi u Ml Soli, Ore Pr i. er • le j |2i. NV 1 u tbe e first Tu fi». 1l I aa.e, U.st'ici oJ""Dt I**, « d oL aa'isl) sui - said tuu.J; ii. er \v. a? tne property tty ..cteuuam. Levy a.um, L. e ., this Wji ... September 4,1-6S. .ii. in, gent IUl to da, of the t»«-st med.Cine- i au> rj ervatl u, ver) ri'spectir.’iy . u-v.iuiiiutm it to y tuMf., v .»!. JiAni,lM>N,. DR. PROPHITT’S DYSENTERY CORDIAL niedii ine tm- s» isiactiou. moat il«i cite i use for years, and gives um- l may :ake It wuh impunity. Cotinoton, Ga . Nceraher u, \x\i I’hoimitt : avt g a seVure attack of Uy*- i.t ry during the ; a-t i-.iM-r 1 was I iu) in "l to u#» « • .r l>»>eiier> crdid, q. i v i d iheietrou. luiiiu! .iftie and permautfiit rebel ive- iu» p . as,ir«'to reoorainei.i! ti » remedy to a I » nny e so i Hacked, tNdievli g that ► It mid the d ret ef i Inure, At . 1*41, Ik* lHi PnoriiitT: Til's is the (vlenrated metliclne :h «l I nb Ki 'er out the m«r»« i, when i'rophit; cuange the name i »b Lathed. I’OHTivH. i l'< rry U«v,s, U was soid. u i'ain Killer • Puin Mil It. Ki*r iU"-uuial > :o equal u, Neuralgia, or p B ulse*, I n ne. o f old thilij. you can n-e lor a diesslug For .-n 4k. Biles or Min, of an) k>ud. it has >res, H is the best o7Foleonoue Insects. It is F .rsyib Sheriff Sile*. ILL be sod tn-iore the c ui town of i unim ng. »ia , oi Mu/ hexi, between u ieg:ti houi Ltd ol uni d 0. iidl* L the i sect i-n of Fors)f c -u y, ut, Lev dr) fi a's lr-Uetl lr- ui u Ju.-t cj Loun h.vnr ui Marcus a. I'ooi v.*. jonn t r \ ol said J' bu C ow*. poin ed uiaie a:.U returned to m.- by ii March ttf7l mfidl-wtdi JOHN A. 5il Hb, Uruii ary. FOUSVHI NUKltlFK’S SALK. W ILL be sold otuore Hi. c -urt b »u?e > r in the town ot maiming. ro'-.;u c*.»unt). .. :hn F.r-. i»rii uex - ., wuhi.. tbe eg a. hours . eaie, .... - .. .I'M. . U il. IU . !->.• r.c %_d .r. se-C- uoo ot Kors)fit oarrty, Ui. i*u ed ou *- tn•* ,-r vert) oi A. ti. McDonald, t » sat - ; an -f-uJihi . u .r. avor ol i ruiuiiu li. > tui.>rd. i*-*;i*.«su uu. ... d l la. Levy ruaQe and returned to iu. by mcb4 td Mortgage Sheriff iV , 1) tf Al..i.li, ». Iu. J.J. a. P j ugunva : PROPHYUCTIO PLUiD, fJlIlIH tn»iu. ' - • . , c.eanslhg. rtuiu-1 •. . d vu^:.- ... . for burn.-, soree. w j . ihil.'ni axd a.; ssii : *c - . t re throit, dipt:, n . wash to i jn«C.ah^ ! A - a? applied externa n . . a.i who hkve used ;* to: sat Country Merchant;, and may be ot DAhrtV FKOlM : lit-ffi A 'yyiiRKKA^. -. t.riqwr.y c: . nv his p t is toUeli ga It) ?. ]0 1 li ter, 4 i .p <s.ig s." •UP ■ ‘i paper . i hinder ; ruois, l caoiuel an.*p, .2 i-uairs, l Im^o» e . i.U ije good w.i «• th-.* -ri) of J .. V> Utl . n mortgage* II. in , .s-u : fsvur ol B. 1. \ »li-ey • ress td IL Lloe d: e «». ? tne Atiaaia liitei gt i •, (J I 'Vuitaker by vir u I., . sued I ru t ui>4i \I00) cases. au»l ;.d tout- id type oi u ,d eiev. h ill) francs, ncer Job edUce. I*cv, A n taker hy vir.ue -»i d irom F a W -1) n Bain v«. .la.-ei l Wu.uaer, i'.opert) t>o.uu* by piaint:U » nt orne>. Also, a: th. same and place 1 n»t •>! mirchandtpt- ' s.sttiu. of ,r.» er'.e*, do «.n>, t> • >». s » -. ei.v h ml »ar», Ac. li-vjid on a- la- ,• ri) ol ai- dntk-on I.) Virtue "1 and to ?aiisi,> • 01 d.„agt* u. ippuod iroiu Fu ou Mip*ror four: u lav.. .»i in it- .! t d»o. I'.op ri> p uuieM out bv p at. t ll - uiui-y . M. i &l4KKi4be»>. llcp i;> bn. mu. • 6 (I p ln'.ere lev ir per it> PKopiifljTrs P A. I N K 1 L, Ii 1 T. i da> in .Vi, next j te'.y-F ! GKOIUil 4. c vt tr: il ttiwrab e ti. the Uh rt e*r» «L d.«tr.ct, t • :• t»f Lfat !*AM ft 1>:-U Fayetia. and ’ha' »»■»' east ol Wbitewa er m- deflnsd as toll >w-. emuty l.ne where \ i cree* to be uis .!.,»• s rTtth Utstrtci I’m* an 1 ivt«tward to wh'*r- .s' taking the» 13:h P'.fr e r« of the said t^-.n l* si t'ampbe-ii cyua:) :.r.c WbltewaHrcreik A •' Sinners. jKtUioti. Hi ’> trict.'.ba-tbe p:«- ne. at HopeiUi L our h. ri FAYBTT. f t- -*<T a p * nof A A. 11 I > 5*5 . Business, Visiting, Railroad, Wedding, And Every Other Kind, Plain or Colored, At Prices to suit ali Check Books, Draft Books, Orav Receipt Books 15 -.;.s !i • >k> ' ’■'•■ ■■, r ■ ... ; j;f., d « v . . uu *.aV'*rabie iriu u.' ihe Dt ■*»<-•. p.V't. f j r IT a 1 14 1 it ii L .-i . A-Tv— \ Arrvr* i Lars* » A r- 1 a it ’ , 4A A V '• 'A 4 V '•* PM UJ* AM Ai ii P V ' p m • *' p v . 3 4* A V ;:.v) a m NOTICE OF CHANGE Of SCHEDULE GEOlUilA RAILROjb ftii -i'* .-...*-.: ,i..i v:_\ scxijats ix. t;-tn tn 24* . ; md . th- app 'Inted. who nave : '• h :-- »c return ot th- *-* ue t • ’his o.h •* » . r:-.: . ; a*' It 1* tborvlorf -»r 1-ft* ’.hat : -a mlssionvrs be and the ;aiu > t **r» bj » --.'vt-d . UAYlilk Mi aUtLurc: mrh‘ tiKOlUilA, FaTfTTr OU"T\ ORl»l ithv'i » TPiCv. br-.A ' (<Gtt W U VV is L»» • - a, ..eM ! u> t i b< ihts n- a-d p* v-rii) *d »hi oot » '«*'. W i>»» Ctvr.-a-e: Mfierc'ore,; ' no..fy * jir-.-n* c • c.-ri iHx'tions. i an) t ie*> ha' . w ,:u -.. . ..i ,• is.w Tr.i.s • >: ler? tr - U’o o L I* r i n t i ii gr. A" wd . *ppr*<a»ic thf imrorua. i : ; I ibeir w rk aocr on New Tvia t. 1’ y'.rsl-Clis* Workmen, c r.su.. their owm :nter»t, v wr’.' i- by : v'.Ui u a tuir tr.fc'. m n i :t>ujui£: <» •MACON f ND. AUGUSTA RA'IROAO. COTTOH ST A T hs CP Hill Heads. Idi iM i pU’d'S :i . vfI gt. lie hi- M W K« 4 >r Hou-dl i It :s tru NkWTt*N Fxctoht, Ga., Novcoitwr, W'7. Uu PworuiTt: Last sutn o°r iuv horse spmiusti his ankle severe musing tue wlmli »i g 'o *w < I '•> i *« ui . w ce the uaima and re. iiern g n «n almost h*.ple*s. t>ro appi.ea- tidin' »l lour AUi>d)ne r..iii Knl li itnu. \u ill car»d it. John b. da\ is. Dli* PHOPHITT’S Fever mid Ague Pill*, IV l'--t .Nntllo'ef w i Ir ’s anil Fevi:r k- -wn. f'ure- w »r ai t»al iu e'er) laaeor luoiit) re»m,d»u i uni) \ , g. #la hie. DR. PROPHITT’S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. vniiKibv* ii avt It r • e a.igem-ni- . M ii uf ,i- -r n . .1 > Mot.li «• .«• lia; li- Ci- .i.t). *ia; A M K. biu-on, V NSrg.it, i’u'uam eouniy. v»»; ' con ti, t«a;JuigeJ - f .o’d./’i me, ‘Voruigion ai)ter,.r'-e," A i4h; 4»« urge Wa iacc, At ant , •* c, u 11, Texas; a Hawk A had K. ri*. Liu e i c unu. i exa- At an la. tia; N\ A Land- t.-.l. Dr. F Maddox, of K K Ms d v it • SU’YcU*. CartcrsviPe, Ga; a a !• Georg-a; Josaph Lai c, ..own Jell, Gartersvdle, Ga; A l. K I V4 a Fordiuovl, !>ik»1> coui't), s< ton Fa.L.r , B F IL-#, U w ...n i trv, ua nglon, . i- Lett, fiavt? a ' v is; * C . A Mcwarl. \tlant.a, -a; K vi.r.o, iia; I’r-ah • wlute.- Cou .ty. . AVI marl JtVL 1 1 nr I ter* tew » CANCERS, TUMORS, UlCtRS. .•r 9v phta t'ancvr ln*ntaw>. Are: phu t’a. At Branca -tliCiS, t>.. Koarth street. l*mc;nn»u. O ; b» Dr «r.a- .. vV\; N.v ;bi Dr llea'y. • tubti.ru* tt.-u-e !*."•>. wonderful Cancer antidotes. No Knife. No e'v.rttc Miatlc.; vs. ,N.- e eed. L tils 1HIU. ' Y »r part: *aiara,ct. o i »* vhov •.22-v IKG> 8TATB OF UKORGIV, I Kn. Kri.Y >* 4.4'Vktt tt»r« day, for value rece: FUvLU it G,th»* my Family Meouim - a fur r.c \pts, and base *»u.!i ,t CO., to print ‘ ‘ ' all men by these . r . That t have t.-.-s d and vranpfeiri'd to BbaD r ik nt I.' loanutaetn l U v. fam'.sb*«t th. n; « t the d the sa B.iADKl^Ll ,«L a* >:h •. s they tna\ IB great ta a»: u-:nU, adapted to ever) st) t of arc:.!lecture, xsaker it a matter of interest for OWXKRN, A Ill'll I- TKCTS and III HbKUV l Lam WHKHK '‘V they car. parch s« fr» m he most TAbTSFl'I. DB* In the irr of R»i. HtA«iS. Led ter beat- L:* •uIjvW. DitcCUdu Check*. JU\, w- an? pre: xn>: y ficretuf 're, id execute a# neat w n'k ar i .•>•* ai tavisrAhlc terms. &s ncv hoa*e it. 1 *■ ut: , Anc u> ett at An tee fu^ Aum.vrs, wh.vh i? h bCAvr Him tn parties Urge Jobs, as hev ial«?i>fn tu:' ttum’w.rs when they order work North. T O S li o av m on. Ira" kimis ol Show I'milinc, p’s;: nr c irtal,: uc.h as • Litb UiSUltfiMili Ciikl’AM I t’rineipal ofin-t— Wucon. (.«. t proper McdiCtiies. 'ibis 1.' h da> of J i ini 'ighist] e, 1870. FKOPH1TT Ury preseuc ol Thotn.a- F Jones at d Kobvri Dr .w l »nt Tao'ite [L:J COOD NEWS! CJitgiU’s nro PnMiug ! ri" X informs ihe to suit the times. to cent x'lgaf to * * • .% c« nt lllgar to n t.*: i ■ c<* cvut ihgar lot;) :*vr cent*. MUSS at CU«AV«ST t’til. ?l,UUO,OtM* ? 500, Hull TO T't-LK PUILLIO. yol K X- • • • C2 • * -:<• Hl-l Peters, PmreMft. Hosse-lul’sF" Hi is Oth«e Mill be K • .anylhing tr. the iv'uth. V l .iVt b;i* To* Messrs. JAM O L A'uU&a, kbUi street a. td \ve:. *. Ne has long been feuowr. *.» th. .a *-• o-iu, i *:\o it. the t u led >i e-tH*cla«!y r\c g . -ue work, urvr :r.irt» *v*r- saOire.-fla cx,*»r .no a- iron Founders and Uoas« Mu th* e:.ah.e* ta. ui :!<: •». terns tu variety and sty it excw» ea hy ta'i.i :.*r . y description ivi wnmgh'. aud cast iron w, r«. a- ,r, banding*. Knur* I on tia* tu tug Froois. lr>n First an«rr Fr\»Lta, r^r*' i' «>•>( - •>*(■*, aV dagw a J I'xr.t- Il4>ut, l\tYc »'d snd li.* ie , \Vr«».tgtt lr -u :: n r* C Beam-. Oast Iron G r.u. s a. o .a *. nu-r or, i\. uu | an< Fquar* Oo uatn*, * a d Mi , a mat . lU'th.tJth.- lino .■ -.’•>« - «• i. er u,>- , jU’f *”«t • -vo- .or *S..4».1 v - . : . ..rtc, » , Ionic and i' \»»*. • > . . . r- . a --u. 1 'f» • Wixvgtii .ap.ra *. rtn r n/s to: Fv. .h t.,Kd*; iiou tvoo.s; Patent . uiutcui.^g * t r .vdLWa.ks, Arva-J Floor* *nd Kooi* ; r t F : ai d Mi .tgbtf ; Iron Doorv and Abatta* , Katun** iu gr. » ' variety tor r arks. Yvratrdaha, UfMcessn. la»c . gt . i Ytte aaa Bo'gtarFnsvt Bank vaaivs; book Safe IV „ ... . . , , a sties. Window Faiieis and Window Gnard* . iron | IVomptly EieCUtftl IB Aliy HYie ueSlTCG. Pipes at I Bo. per Doi. to »I8 por Doi. un>uw „„ n.uorm, „«1 mow ; Tm 1^1 t. AH C*n mtp m.'iu 1 . .. JOHN PIOKSN.i! , w‘1";.”“ 1 ‘'“ U at ‘’ r A<it * ro '"* •"**•'«* j i-sntrJL lU-k,Se. Alt'llNHoN -.\ SS V I .2L-wilorti«t W raaiUNSthUCT.K.Syf'i«i I KOU. Ill .. • U ■ ccmriK •UWH. lNas . THo» wMttog ln'enn»tlono( Ur ROOM 1 -ro it i-.rs-r. I **'' *•“ ~ nrttiMS TO li ..NT -nTI.K^i.-KKN UO0-.K. j i.:a»ir»t.d >4. uu _, :, Mivod AVVLa S..g B.»S4 i.'i o •‘Ml. • r Ub'M Sm New \ora iDvi Kxamine Sample# t 2v r.-mr-'o 1 . Book Itinding. Krcrv l'escriptioa ol Binding And Knlicg >• i» i r i u t: •1 .41 VCi 1 L.X,. ' p-T AOPtritf. STEAM PUMPS hand rcni-s, r .i ,v K it ,* CJlf- lh !r : i'rf.NN->. N '. A IH'li IRUNn. Mi- COWAN BROS.. . a ■ . »li» K>, .trg i. ■ r- rr.e O. si i :m>r si Halu* BV- 17 rtittsAui N A B’iv 1 a K\ No. 11 reach!.' INTEUI6ENGER OFFICE, \TLA.N’\ v Tor I'rice* or Kslimalos, lor cyir, V. lion Printing. April l