Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, April 24, 1871, Image 1

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KHHOH UKAitlSr T1 UK OANUEKOUH WHK* RKABiH- K- ,KKT 9\‘M !' VOL. XVI. ULANIA uttQRRlA. MON-DAV .'KVKNlNr;. AIIUI®, :«7i" ii,u jQiuU, |tttclUgewa W M. WILSON, PuljUnher. Subscription and Advertising Rates. TisnstB or auuaouiPTioN, Oaliy, par month.—— » 1 00 0»il». la raonthi. — — — .. 10 00 ffio- 'j. 8 month*.. » 00 I rent • — 8 00 Elnirlo copioi at (ho counter 10 llnil«:p;o*i> *><*• Bot. aod Agent* HATBS 0? AOVBHTIBINa. For one i sqnsro of 10 llnoo or loos, lor ths first lnoor Uon 41, Amt fur each subsequent Insertion 50 cents. • inuom * i s 8 8 8 3 60 CO. * 8 ~o 8 8 8 tf ce! 1 «* 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 & 8 8 •maoa 1 « m il % 8 O S s g 8 k a 8 8 S 8 s 8 8 S t ,muotn I | s 8 8 S 8 .3 *o 8 t 8 8 8 8 8 8 ! J sCBUIH fl ft s s X 8 i i i s * 8 8 8 a a ; 1 i ; ‘MUU* « s H s 8 i i : " 8 S g s 8 8 ; i ; •wun s : « * 5 3 s • i : ; 2 o £ 8 s 8 : ; ! J ‘■•«W 1 ; c ** £ £ £ i : | ; — 8 S 8 a a a 1 ; i •••mw 1 m * « s H i i i ; g 8 a 8 a I i t ; 'Man 1 s *• * *- 1 i i : l.’emnx l 8 8 8 Wl 8 IO 8 IO 8 * 8 * 8 X 8 isrjnbs i i i i i s O O C — «1 rt z~r SiMjf *1 .SwiicuB, iu teutr per line first tneoruon,and .. ' ....... anh«i».inr.nt tnuftrtlnn. , u „j .or ecu .nhooqnenUnoeition. Aiv^ i'-oiiiutiioiuoorteo »l latorvolo to bo charged M 10 r, iniurtlon. . Vty .ft .oineotr ordinal to romain cm onj partlcnlai 0,'r ,tg». •ht.-croct'uMiewoachlnporUon. fho money for idyorttoing conoldored duo oflor dill ln i'coinmuulcatlono or letter. on bnalneoolntendod tor 11 a )l >ic o !*noui ' ddr6M , 'd to * 11 the imtellicencer, iTUMd, OK 1 tilA. The D'fUi 11 cm 1 11' <' .ni'M.-••leorctMiicaaimii oiilie lleniolfr .III i.nll Collio rvailve Cull- Ure.olou.il ( iiinmlijloi Au h.iI lit Bill i mil'll., ill i l.e Democratic ami (Jntiai rvauvi- in miit-r.-. ol O^ofri-aa was held iii the hall hi tin llifflje nl Rhinuseulallvea at 11 o'cl"i‘k o" Bathid>y morwmrJ^ Him. Kerimi.d i W on 1. of New York, caljed the caumii. ni' r hr, and on motion, Hou. Eu gene 1 a--i rly, ot l it.if .nnn, tuna ttie chair. Uon Mi i: Kt rr, nl Indiana moved the hd- liiwnm rmoluiious, which were uHuinjoualy adopiffl: Hesidved, That we cordially commend to our Deni .i rntic and CtiT'erv.dive teliow-cilizeo- thriiughoiil the i-oucdry t lie 1‘alri'd. ol the city i t Waaingetnn, as a ffin-t'ajier eminentlt worthy ot their hvor tt"dffl|ipurt, liy reawiuol ti ohlgh tone, great m.ility amt It tell y to correct prin ciples »Imdi eharseii r'7.e i mangagi ntent. itgnlv. il. That a copy ol Hus ri-"lutlOD be Communicated to that p per lor pu I cation H n. William E. Nihiuck, ol luoiana, ollered the following, wuich was also unai.mioudy adopted! . lie.oived, That thero slnll be appointed i column lee, cm-i-iing "I one Benalor or Kepre- Bguiative hum each Stale i nulled hy the politi cal cnaracler ol It* delegation 1" repreientalimi In this cane s, to serv ■ during the pre-eal Con gnss, and to to h kii"»n as Deiitncr itie and Ci'iiserv dive Donenssiimal (Jomiitjttee which shall lie eh arced with Mich dunes as it (UH\ pro [a rly periorm in regard to elections and other p.illiieai inaHers duitug its existence, with power lo choose it- own chairman and otbei i,Ulcers, and »im> to ch. o e anu appoint a snb- CnmaidU'e, to eon-ist, in whole or in part, as mai ne deemed Pest, ol memuers ol Congress, t.. act as a re-nli id i x- culivi Cdmmiltee, lor ihe distribution ot documents and other campaign W lb solved lurther, That each delegation here repiesenied shall he imtitled to name it* Com unlit'- limn under die foregoing ri solution, lull when no person shall he named within a rea sunahie lime, in n Hie cnajnima/til this caucus shall ap ni it 1 sued cunt jit 111 eeMn . n. On inolum, Ihe rul ol Ihe Blalis was called, and u app'ared that Ihe tolmwing Malt* and Territories weie rypr'seined, viz: Nt w York New Jersey, I’m n-ylvunja, Delaware, Mary land, Vi gmia, North Caroluia, Souili Carolina, Otorgia, Alabama, Mississippi. Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, India..a, Illinois, Missouri, Arkan sas, Michigan. Florida, Cadfornm, Oregon and Nevada, and ihe territories ol Idaho and Du- kola On iit'iOTn, the loMowing-named genllemen were appointed to cniipo-e the aid Iteinia’ratU' and Conservative tlongressional committee, viz New Y ak—11 W. > oeimi New Jersey—John 1*. Stockton. Pepnsylvima -Samuel .1. li.amlall. IX a *are—Benjamin i. Uiggs. Maryland —Stevenson Aieher. Virginia- John Criudn-r. Norm Carolina—K E ShoVr. South Ciuoi n i—Da.8 {’. McKissick. Oemgia - l’ >1 B Young. Alahama—1 J . M. l)oX! Mississippi — Louisiana - Ohio— I’ll la ltUnb Van Trump. Keiilueky—It ')d " mehe-ler. rennessee— W. C Whillhorue. Indiana—M. C. Kerr. Iillinom—Samuel S Marshall. Missouri—E 1 asms W. Us Arkansas Jones M Hanks. Michigan— .1 li. MiMici land. Florida—Silas L. Niuiack. Texas - Iowa— \V iseonsin - Ca diiima Eugene Casscrly. Minm sola - O egon Jaints 11 Slater. Kansas- West Virginia— Nevada Charles W. Kendall. Netna-k i— Idaho —Sainu 1 A. Merrill. Dakota—'I i-i- K Aiiu-irone. iloti ,1 un T Bird, oi N. a Jersey, from the special commuter apiKliljJgd at a previous cau cus to examine ihe a< coilllla ot the National no uueralie Executive Coutmi tee. reported that the same wire correct. Ihe report was adopted, and the special committee was dis charged. [l.ui Fernando Wood.ot New York, moved the following resolution, whicti was adopted unanimously: lie-solved, That It is essential to the interests d the people ol inis cnuntiy tlial the De'hio- .--atic and Coi sei vat ive immhcia ol Congress :u ii con taut aiien-l nice upon the sessions un til Un Ilual ad|"iiromciil, and that the absentee* be ici)Ue»U-d to hiiuin at once, s.i that ihe evil legi-m iou (onl. niplutid may he avoided Du minimi, the caucus then adjourned. At'OK.NK CaSKKIII.V, l tool mall. F E. Sit-itiRH, W K. ahtiiuiJI W. A llAMii.hr, tMi-reiarle*. JLt liJ A D . tad to l.adiuB. tLat N\ onicu uiu BUbJed lo i.ua-tioUB dt«- o/tecu p. caiinr to ihtJr b«*x - moii hb mpureinlon ol the AU'UBdp WbiMe,Hiil(i ul Month ly *• J'eriodB.*’ Mheactuiti-H) of, the i B*'k Bua WomD, trr«* ami MetiBiruAllut), Huinoirhax . or bxccftrive ••KIowb,” ami i*»o- ltit>rUa Uteri ur trailing of the Womb. Theao dimsttBe* have BeMora been treated ni.xeBUuliy. ihe profcpBtou baa a .-u^Ut dm^ent- ly for BOme reined/ that wou.d cnnb.e them to treat there dlauaeua with *uc< eaB Ai met tbai remedy tms itcon dl(*cov«r»»d by one of (he mont rk iifui ph/1 IC1UUB to the bmie of Uuorkia. That remedy ia BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR. It lt> purely veeetablu, and ia put up In Atlanta, (ia., by Urudflu u A to. it will iiur'ly the blood and strength"!) the ryptetn, r**- Ueve irritattou I the kid »y<, and ib a p^rf« ct *,ue.;,l/L ior all the above diBeaeeB, ae u «ertam cure ae dalrnoe ib th ( hi He aitd Ft vera. For a tilniury of -,o*oi»rei* and c. riiflf»U*H ol it- won d^rf J cure*, the reader Ib teferred to the wrapper LaDkanue.Oa., March 23.1870, Ub* dxiklu a Co., Atlant i t»e. r/i»: OKAUbiaa: » Uae niearurf p, - inmr’hat I h:;Ve ua*'d. or thr* Pib twent ju*r , the n»»*d tit e >ou an- putting tj*. known rtB L»r. 1»UA ’• K1 auL»’•* FK-’nt.rf 1(K(Jl A- 1 O t. and c ’tiricer J ihe oe-t c niDiUr.tiun ever kotten • g-tbi r lur ttiu di-ea-»r ior wu.cj »t 1- nc Hum nd« d I nave been familiar wnh th • ,,r r. r p lo i. .• th *- im- 'loner o- iut(Heine and l d.jin*j*t i. unviiCf. nuti r,*n uouei* ly ray thn. I e •nncl.r it a 0 .on to rune' ujj fe oia>»B and can hot ho, e « v ry n.dv i, h land, »bu a.ay be tud.r.i.g i i any way .c n ur to . *• r »ca limy -'i.v to pro< i.rt a itoi l , inat their BufleiiiikB uuy e <»i) ■h) eli< v d b it inatth.y muy be ivrtured to ui . aLd ana rtrenKdi. With my aiiideBl regurda, 1 am. rerpec:fully, W . ii. t lkUltbbt., M. D. We. th<-underiluned, DruKkl-tii, tnk^ tib a-ure i» Com- meudlnij to the ttA.de Ur. J . n.o-i-u/n r.o tn a rou beu« v i.g it t > be h toou aLd j« u .e reu.edj for the d.-car*# ior which W A oA.^awiLl. <Huu a, -e RKyltlUiU i'^AN, wlu. & i rtf 1 " L«*H A CO. (ie<-r^la, W ttUOi A aON, Alur.e’tuj tieor^li. DR. PROPHITT'S CElEBHATED LIVER MEUiCENE! It Ib pu Hy vegetable, and wii; «c i'-hetear |noui| t.y ur - Llointi yd.14,0 r • f BAi v. ion «»r u«>. Furne* ukink tbi> iu ui not 1 ee hi y other rcArou/ibte cAporuro. u .< n the Iver and bY.MPTuAl.S OF LIVER DISEASES : headache, Dull FeeMtiij or the IV or .>u.>tju* ueadacie, Heirit.tj. pvp .a Lado 01 t.<:t i%-1.- in ui.ck, rouy f «1 lk a..d .? a: lierr, Mt anciiw,> . e .iu.e, ■ it . iyur U.e tau, where 1.0 .. ve every u rca-c that e 1. • ro,ih.U’ Live. ... present and cute any « :t>. .Sour Stoma- h, Sick III . ,;«J• tDili or : y • 'lou.n, lit- .-kin It a.- a r l.iMJ UrU * , > o-t! -e p*. ' «»,U Feet, nub. -r. In i ro k .c 1 rcrlii .n % fioiu a ueran^ed )•> tbur cu e nil dircuec y u; ion. mi.er ol year*, and bar ti will rt^ula'eita (unction cau*e 1 l> . me La .ie ul tie nealt ■ y u 101 *t tia- neen u-ed f<* a k:eat u-Ui .er ol JflVvfi UU.Velrai all f.C- o. 1 hois, ie u broi.icr or e -u ciaiimi g to bavo the orjfi- ua receipt, li ib put up n b^m ruAuct and K.uiO lurm. Faii bekn.Ga., beptember 4, Dh. O. 8. PBoraiTT 1 Sut: .My wi e t-a« been an lnv-.lid for ft f ter n yearr D-ctoiB a. ajj.u* t-ne Ha l ** i. \e- - .1*' ” 11. coiit.«*c uon A'.t. .In ir prac ice-neu*e. v ;ra u-no.td ri in< no. «• ol Widen er-.uied o d .any o . «i -ou.ei iu- n^> pr« cure., a nc litre, 1 . A. h rect oDB, hit* t Out of the Fire ! nmiE marietta vaPBB mill company das 1 r bunt iu Mill, which VMX deetrojed by flf« but Novciuixir, and c -tnmeuced makihi< Newspaper of Excellent Quality. W’n are ready to fill order* and will taka *p* c al care to furnleh our cohtotncri with paper that will give Mtie- tacilou. {y Ordere BolIclUxl. mbWHit \. 01 T. F. GRADY’S Rail Road Ale House, No. 22 ALABAMA STHEET, ICY, FltBNCIi BK\nUY, litn, Wlnoi, Botti^ Ale and P >rt«r, Juracy Cider, Ale and Beer on dr&tt. (-’ALL U * <;ii.%DY, mh3l-U Near (ieonrla Kulroad Depot. (JEOKfiM, FjtrarT* County. Couht or Uhdi.hart, March *4, 1871. J L. II W\L')ROP htvlni? aop'lel lor letter-of • Admialrranon upon toe estate of John (i. Nor- lou. nte of county, deceteod — T'iib is. ’Here ore, to n iffy ail person* concern *d tn file their 00‘xiiou. t< any they can, on or by the *1ay Ter ti. IrsTi. of this Coart, T*»t f <-rf* win be /r ntea th • ap'.n. mt. D \ YiDC. MI HiK, ord mb'Afhbd Printer b foe $3 UKOUCIA, Favmttb Countr. OuuiNAtir’i urrioa. April Term, 1H71. ThU tc . there >*e, to not fy a’l perflons con^ernel to fl-ih1 Mr object *na, ff any they have, on or b-:for the July Term, 1-71. "f 'll s •Joan, w i> tetterr ebuuid Uot be irrauted ea d app iamt. DAVID C. MI SOU. Ord nary. aprl-4' d Prmte'-’e tee *5. (•i-.oiu.i a, i.atton County. tourt ol Ord.Uiry. A»»rii <i, 1*71. W W. (• .Ml* hav.114 app.it'd .or Leite • uu up'^a in-.- e-iaie of Wi.r.t laic «j raid 'Tnnty, decea-ed — Thli* it*, ihereiore, to no*tty »!! pervoi.i* ruu- err., d. t • tile tlnlrobjoit one. if any t'.ey cm. or. or bv the Y.ay I’enu, Inti, of thia Court, eiee’ .eiiers #.H be granted the ap,mica xt. J.U MuHUOW. Ordinary. *|»r4-<*>d pr.utia-** Ice fZ. » of Ad- OKkUIKil.l, KaTITTKLoUNTT Okdlnaht’b Urrica. March 23, 1*71. W lIBUfiAb, buor^e A', ifav a app.lip to me ior the uuaru.ai.-uip o. the pertoinB aitd j.loperty of the lui.i-.r children of Jolid W, Davis, uvCcap* u - All ,.e;e .t e 'oncerucd are Uotided 1 • fi. their o’*Jvc- tusue. in mj odl :e, ii ttu> exut, w.tljln tee t »:n- a!.o *ed b> .uw, to ?a <1 nppo-ntmt-m, other wire lei :-t- of . u.r- diatiBUio win Iu urauted tLe applicaui, ae ispp.;ed ior on tue flrai M utiny in Mv next. UAVlu U. MlNuH. U:»iij..-.ry.. mh31 3t)d Pr.uter'r fee |d. T II CKLiuli UAT ti JD mdriIav & |\i\i\lAxVS FLORIDA WATER. The mofct ln&tiug, tL/rue a h.e, arid refreshing ol all perfumtfe, hr uae on tfu. Hand kerchief, at the Toilet, and in the Hath* Fur ta:e by all Druggists and Perfumers. novty-codly REA D CAREFULLY. . AGUE AND FEVER. The on’y preven v. ^ ,,»u t aid Twer ti the .K -Uuofc'. -l- dun * U n WOLFE’S SCHixDAM S3HHAPPS p k • d r Wolf'* txhi'ilx rn .'.r’l r, • It & preML.a. v Ol u...* U d t ever. WojYt i'f.hi&hlf/j .'y f unj.j'S Ie UOO'i lot \ i .. fiL.-) ui.d 1 V. er c ». WOLFt SSCH EDs M SCHaA Ps le usw) a., over the r.r.rt, oj u..s .1 the.; ;Vac po WOLFE S SChiEDMn SCHNAPPS If u *. : r UO-.: W til Ft’8 8GHI Us M SC *N PP j WOLFE’B liOH; Rm lCHmAPPS le ::u uicd ui.: I tx-jr ie v- t JO« Pll®\TOl ATLANTA ifELLIGENGi BOOR AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE WIHTEH.ILL STREET, — F rsyth Sheriff Sales- ILL be »■« d b- u»re the c urv h *Ure d‘.<»r. in the town of • tlmm ng, >»u , O., the tlret Tueeda) 1L bet vs eu iUm legai U' w -*lu. MX., l^.t Of t. diy'fi Fi.fr> ti , KKP U: Uie I4tti D « . Ol the let L>aYiD L. AlU 1 i : rat: Juba C »>w, p .. 1 a. u rt turned to 1 Ju« Ci Coari ii. -aid to:n Vr. John erow ar tue pro,.-eri> lu.ed *>ut by vC-eucan . i.»vy e b> ii. ia.uui, L. e., th:r vy.n JOHN A. 8I db, ordinary. ittomm i. TiloMPaON. Ati.a/ita, Ga„ Ju'y 18. Mbvbua. Uhadtibid A Co: UkhtiKVe.i Lnrt y ar. duM» g ivy travels liiut »U 1 >«.u hwert '■tO'jjli, I contract d « !i fe•. r. and n*y »'< i.er 1 be .It . it au*e «tn bid vailoue r« uivu.es a;..; ainutk «> her- muivui 1'lllr - all to i n purpose I «>.i- r i «d w.tu pa n tn tbe -nit 1 ... iuv ha k . I ... ■ : .- 1 : uh' am.Mm t’r re*l ilia; we. . ^ . ... o,- rt c- ver 1 g Aheu a fr e..d rea .11 ..e. c.-i n < t«. .i.-pj..’ 41 d to da. l 1 , ; r 11 o..e ol li.e ik s . id 1 ti.» and, w.thuu; any 1 fv.l>>U.lUCUd it to DR. PROPHITT’S DYSENTERY CORDIAL Is one ofit.e mont valuable *orat>i units now put np for DiH'f. iei, Djreulury v-t.olera in u.uiu, or cno.e.a Murh i* Till me Heine bai been use fur years, ami giver uni ts.-* it with impunity. Cutinoton, ti*.. Nc v eml*er 0.1S»S7. Dh. I’HofiitTr: 11 tv d a -• v«*rc t lUIUmC: 1 W IS it.- u it 41*1 ttiUie : O. b. 1‘oHTiitt. Cupbkta, Txxas. lb 0. Du. I’HomiTT: r Liver Medicine a-d l’i J. L. »the “Vy.' 1 ! th you lenra’od mtsliclno ill it run !’• rry Davjs r out 1 tie m r* . . u was Bold 1 I’lopnitt cuan^t* tnc i.atm-Torn t a)u K,.Ur id it. uuui'BU), Neuralgia. *>r pain of any W.nd. it has .11 itl'cs, 1 u ns, o: old cores, it is the best eati u«t* ior a d »>-tnk'. .k> i.der or "i.i.us id I’oisoiiou* InseciB. It ti vv FOIISY 1’II MIMIIFF’S SALK. ILu be so il oeiore the court b iusc door In the tow 11 ol u nm m. Forsyth eoouty. 11 me First Say .u April uexi, Wi.hlu the ek-*i hours o. saie, . ...d No. !,lv*l, IU ilu ltfi D.rttiC. -v-d l*t s-C- >tu ouuty, . li. McDonald. t-J Bit, : 01 1 ru.tiah U. btulord. n< vy made <md returned lo a al-n h;u nt •: l» ed ou. -d said L u COUSraOic. . D-pat» snerifl. pr.nlei • lee 50 per levy. siy nl ie by 1 VV“ Mortgage Sheriff Sale. ILL be soiJ b-'.uie the Court-house door, In the ly • f AltanU, at tut- UsUi. hours of sate, ou the neeuay tn uiu; neat, the lo.iowiup property, uwit : Unc large 11 oi- press, 1 10; o floe prese, 8 imposing iocs, lu st ands, i c-*b.nets, 2. c ksts t>,.c to each cab* c.. 1 ear* press, lb pairs ol e.ses W.tu ’>pe. A) .to~ .»»«•?, 2 iu,r CiPMB w.lh ru VS, 12 b'i“- _.. <>S, 7 W'Ot.den ga leys. l‘J I.'IDB ,»ps.er typ , 1 lout lUcta. 1 u-sk, 1 ut Uieut. IU. u u.i, J ..on coJi,#os.:i*: , Uu..ty ra.k, 1 .0. ,ui?, 1 c*-e .u.e, t ■- »i lu.p Biotic 1 p.OOl press, D r.ji, ds Hi p»U CAjECB Willi l..p , 14 brass gaue^a. 1 ru..ug lUacaiuc . s B.diLg , ress, 2 pa,x.r emurs. 1 o,..»rd cu.tc., 1 set binder s ;oois, 1 cauIUet vt.tb tipo. 1 w >;a be ct.’* ot s, .2 t hairs, l Hook c*s»- and d. .-k, l Ur*.v iron «»l . .d I e ^ood w.l o. lUe oltiue. u- v.ul ul the ,-r< p ty of .1 iVuitax.r by v.r U* >»l a.*d t'» s »t * > « ■ > nAge fl. ia., .s-u«d .rout ra, ou * perioriuu.t in 1 U. .res - ot It. UOL- A CJ 1 tne At.ttJU. lutct.'> 1 J 1. *\ u Uaer Oy ' L. ..... »• sil.d f orn t j. k. . Yancey vs. J 1. 1 printhu . u w* 1 >.aiy 1 ta.o; o. uiukci. e auu ptace one hundred and o.ie nu..i red a A seventy •I'.'. .tlcrent sz * an : dc*cr;...tou, liy oUndB, at ow nice, uevttfd on tgAfe’V issd-u |[a.ntu.o.. Aup-r.Oi Cjutiin m j{ 0»ii. v ■. Jared 1 Wu.taaer. F.operty ,*o.ule p.an.l.r» at orney. .Iso, ui th. aitne and pi ice 1 .ot o! mtrchandist' lu*. ol m t'.-ib*, do .least s, t* • t*. eho s. ca. h.;d* *r«, Ac. L 11 be.) fc encer wob t > tbe p; > as in. 1 Fu, . L Ot >Upuf v ia.M. hitKa.»>c*> PROP HITT’S KILL IT. CKHTIPlt’ATKS: We, the nrder«’ift:i J. have u»ed I>. Prcphitt'* Pre*,'*- ratioi s md take p.uas'ire in rt> 01111 .i-nd:i.g them to .nc pa**!i• , belt - 1 he c. 1 * ire. f.*• t “ ,.c tjec t."nab.e var 11:; o ^ 1' t'lgLcd.y vii.^r ('HEX'CAL AJfD Tl HSiCcL lUMil rn*CB. > Y .' -S XAH blK: Th - ■■ r ,»• ru-r (Monody 'xi.OiiiiiA llaylin loc.nty. Ohdisahy's Office, October *y. riTHBHfciAft, E. K. Fort son. adm.. str* : - it Fortpon, deceased, has i.t *. ns nn% *c; .• ..* itn; a fab distr.ba:ion a;.d sc; m n. ot .. CuAs-d’s e*:»le. and a. p.-es •>. . • . wh'.ch tellers wt-.i be irran’e. -l ;nt n M nuit*c: n.-xt. uineae to-i v» td obj.-c. v .* -,;i. vd Cora me to .uw. J. H. Mui .V *\V. C : 7 ocu*>-6m ont t U BOOK FOR THE AllLLlG MARRIAGE GUIDE. wenty-toor inures, wv.h nnmorons couta.ns va.aab.e iniurmai.ou ior r ed or con.iinp'.ate marram-. . oaytht to tK* under lock and key and atKHii the house. bent ui %uy »>ue (tree >1 (xwtAce Jc We invite the attzn 1 ion or 01 ■ KiUENDS uii Pcttic gtitra„y, on: cor: "tv erUoiiv' JOB PRINTING OFFICE Our J>wci;;li€* lor Extcutmg tbe Gectm. !t :.. B)OE aD JOB PRINTING ire as pood as tkH "! *ny Office t* * v -e r ixanug recent.)' -ed a large . t : * —'-'■utn. L .J jXic s. OoX tnTeauy X.I uiu£. > 1. L • ■ j labmecw ( A R D S. Bus;ness, Visiting, Railroad, Wedding, And Every Other Kind, Plain or Colored, At Prices to suit ail Check Books, Draft Books, Drav Receipt Books IV.ant B-* iks, of every deeripnoc. pr .. . . ,c bourn! r-c tne meet favort.b'.e tenii. *s: ".at- E-.atee! sly:e. pnrturv ot Train. Wtt.wrt. A Xtlantla M«llro»d. VK.UT fl■»««*» T.ilK—OCT*,»D. OAT ’*A«*ttXiZa TftA ni—OCT*AiD. ■ "f • . • a* '>*r*ar(V/?* t* ?»!«•»* NMisftSi Tauw—nrw A au: •‘•ir p n<1 T>i*«8Vf,fn THArx—nrwAPD. ,t.c>Y<r la w-tr.tr* », .atKcKs niAnr ■ ’ * * --V A. M Atlanta K TV»*t.pnln« UtUsnatf *nr—ra-w^nn * iUTKf.r*— r.-'-ar* 1 n|vc|?_t*irj t Waatarw H *11 roa*. I>x y except Sundan. ■ *4«»tx6xb Tkani—UAn.T. ••liU'Is and r h * t - Itatlrnad Lins, • AM U i- f HA.iuE UF oCHnJULE Ci’EUllGIA RAILROAD 0: r.;\; • -7 -t ExczrrtD . f j o g n 1 13 1 a n 1. ss. <htr.fiA. - 'rLcsjfs, C.erk’s, M&jistrate’s, Law U. ,:.k- ! t-Tcry Z.lc. V " 'ui cz tbv * Paper, ;»r.J tt Dow Prices. Orders tr x on try procipily bLui. i 5 i;i)ULE 0> .IMA- Ji 'ND AUI-USTA RA LROAO. T. ... ■ - • Addrt* Dr. Batts’ D tp.: , Mo. 12 S. ii.gm.n rt l li *v Her; Her GV.'. ■- v ^v Monti S Port or it 1, vt V «•». n, HcivrcA Kobm- .ul > It .s tru \ Nbwtwn Factokt, Ua., November, 1867. Dh PnoruiTt: 1 nat summer my horse sprali sd Ills nr.k e seven* cauviuk fne ahuieiig o nwcJ. 10 thouf war the ita.ur nt . and rv< uerii j mm »l uo«t h- .pie-s; 1 %o appo. ; lions of jour anodyne Pain kvi.) ii iitou-ug JUUN H. Da\ U* h *bert lUrn. s, Jasper Mont’ceilo Ua: Jatnr* Putnam ronmy. (»■>; a Uf-.Drook. mi; *ra cou I*, lia; Ju li:** ,1 ,1 r.ojd, t'«’V : c oh. t«a; YV Be t»«e, •*v*ovuu:ton MiUrprse.” Alt /.icviry, 1 ov n.'oit. »«a; ikoMc Wauace, At at.i*, «».•»; l».ck 1 o-kett. Davis c. u tv, rexns; *s Hawk Iu Ly.» us*> :a. • \ »s. 1 lt,i ar*. Un O tun- *, '» nv. Px-n.inev ,t Mew*rt. Atanu. ««a; A UU.d-tlcl: DH' e r.stJ*. Alla! »A, a. Ii r kind fox. of h r M.v d V A > o. Al.ar.ta, <.*, I r at; MUkell*. v 4t**rWiije, l»«; A .> LoUls, Lowudfs C. 1 ' >. (ir'ug.a; Josauu Laid, nown •» county. *»1 •> .rrss Jitl,> trlersvitle. «*’. •' 1. k UK t*oov .\Min* . VY .1 Ford.'uml, Ihudy coauiy, lia; Ji»hnJf DaVis, Nrw ion Factorv, B F Basa, Lowndus county. tt^Nouca to tfie AAicied xnd Dafortuaate, Beio-* -.ip y.hti to tut n. .t.ous a a- w^jdve ;ivruac i*r. Bn;.s' work. : > :;.a. v*:u. you: a.ns*.-* Sighttslrivt. :h*.v<• er Market \:.j • n-**; ;. > . » Mo » ii vUHV-? PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. [IHIS ‘nvVuk*- -• P--.tr.' * V, 4 . c*rr. 'o* • r.* - * T Know all men bv the •r. s Xits, That l have t. i d t ran »■ I erred to bo a ! to tuanaiacta «• *n.l st . fu'iitab* d them * l . ti I it. GKOIKSIA. I’lOkrw t’ociTY. O N . mouth alter date apol teat Ion will bo made to the Court ol Ordinary 01 Vi< kens county, tieorala. at the first rejf dar ter u i >or thoexniratlon oi one mon h from ktxlr* ii il'ce f*»r leave to •-< 1 the lauds bciouifttg; to «bo ml do heir* ol VV. ll. vserdon, Uecoaood. ate of sa.d county, deceased, for ihe tt in fi of #»t.f minora. J B tiOKUON. ifoardtan, 21 , Jja eph U. and W. A. Uotdon, L Li* 1 J LiOPl-UTT ’S l ever niul Ague I’ilU. Phe best Anti lo’e f ir 1 lit s and Fever known. Cure. W*r auted Uicv4ty ia#eor money retUudeU 1 oreljr \ ey e table. DR. PROPHITT’S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. •. J Will relit vn Fleadacho, N’ oth r .•naiuemeuts »*i f U .nuf.n r <1 * I «> r *•. Broad Mieet. At a .1*, tieor*.i-., u • (•*•' e b> a,( pni^s.rleof AllanU, ticotg.a, at mauuLvturcx • prtvo] ce. and all 1) Jt 1 »* ' STATE OF GEORGIA. I Fultoh Copktt.f1 day, lor value received so d a FIhLD A > U., the a*.ie right my Family Mi*ulcme«. and h ' fu: nc ipts, and liavtauiUoi r d tbv—» • b:v vDs lh' 1 .t Co.. U' i nut « r Lave p u i*d, a '.hug :hty ma st e-proi*er co c-f- ti g tiy anu a’ ‘ ! ;..»• *i'v to ui n e*. Mill t inea, ihiv 15 L day of J-ue, 1>7U ln| nmod] u 8 PHOPH1T Ur> i.reeence of Thomas F Jones ar.d t\ot>eri Lrawf. :d Punlkt [ur] COOD NEWS! Cigars aro Kalling I ritiu I’NnKKMdNRl) MOST K>SI’Ki-m'U.Y X lulorn. itu- l*ar.n< tb.u h» hu rodnnal tno |>nc«» 1 v ,uli ,bf um<-». 10 ccut Cigar to 4 L-r 1Y cen'a. 5 cent Cigar to 6 for JY cent*. 2M cent Cigar to 12 for *s cents. Pipes at I Bc« per Doz. to f 1 0 por Ooz. All can aav« money 10 so and act* JOHN K1CKKN. at cieanilug, removing bad odors ;l x. k.; is : s.. - *it'* for burns, acres. wounda. stings ; lo: Sry- , c »* rtf. mattam. and a . sklr. d;se-%ae> . for caurrn. ra* a*.h tore throat, diptber.a, for cv't.c dlarrho* cr.oera: a* a wa.-rt to softer, ar.d bea'f.L’y.ng tr..- sa.n . ;*• rvmore .tk (*;. •:?, mi.dtw, Iru.l atati.s. uke:. rua.ly a* wt as applied extorna.*y. ao b:gh.y reconmei fled hy h who have uaod It-ls for sa * hy a. Drngir.sls in.' Country Merchanta, and ruay be orccrod direct.;> ol DARBY PROPHYLACTIC tV., dcrtW vn v Y i.fOlllil V, FaVaT. a v* > . t 1 0 tin li-t orab.e v r.o *»: n • f ».% . c v \\* b. me ui. er* *n . r»*,wv.: . VI dlsU.Ct. L>tX at.) oil iu».j) ;ui . j».i, * . r t. •.. ol vh* 1A*« h District rem».mm: n ih -c ..-.it ** F«v*;:e. and shat por.100 oi tn M.*:n d th-. \ ,*%S» Ol d h. :ew» e: thr Iture ot tne new ,1 a r c; • deUt.td as lo..ows; >o.ua •uC...* a. ill v. .•.•a;.') line where t .: e- dhtew,;.: cr «>. ... . , rr. ek :o t>e the .»..*• • tu»*-.t :t s.: *«•» : rn;h tHamci I’ne an.1 r.-m t: tvtia n. r. .r j* swiaard to wh.r-'tt *. .a.* a. . • h ii.s.r ... • *• m. . takiUk tnc IS.h D;-*r:c .... 1 c-ucrg o. ai..» >o 1 r.*2 i'l the aaid 13m Dist : . •■ ir. c L •• few. v I N\ :i.icw*t« 1 cntY « a*;- p- tiftou. in p . . h.i me preen a. liopeiui Cfiar.lt. Uooli 3 31 1' i u t i 11 g;. A'.! who appreciate, the importance of I.av-t.- i •be-ir work done on Xei Ty|a l Preases, and Plrel-Claas Workmen, w... c .' . ihe-ir own interest, as weli u onn, by r.v.n; -.- ; a lair ir.ai. 13 i 11 Hbads, E1 o. Ir ibe line ol Bil! Heidi. Ix'.ler Hea.’.- C - ,-uIare, Direvlion Check., Ac., we are ; repart aj bereto:ore, to execute a. neal w,vk and -. ,*urorakle term*, as any house in S n- and to (marantee fill n•--vVi. w*:eh is a ueavy Pe-m to parlies ordering: Iar<e Jobs, a- ibev 6e’,dom nol tuli numbers when they order work North. S 1 £ A M PUMPs p i> vv k it i* i n p * Brertorios. Disui or>oa. ■> , A ^ 1 Cs, Hydraulic Frox 1 ?, iu.\, - A e. lhk-Ns. KeCOWkN BROS.. 1st rat r s r*alt • BV To SI h o >v Ul o 11 In all kinds ol Stow Drintins, plain o- ared, suck as '! Paters, ProiraiE^. Honse-tnltsF’ Thif Office will be K '.ir. 5 . t.' bo Suj<: Anything tn the South. Rtgruefi b.-»vt bn: tv \Dv! Kifinuue Samrlos be •* 'w.: ■ : . t:.c J J. U.vrt. a.h\ , j oaa'r*. FAYETTE OuURT OF ORDINARY, f February At. 1"71 1 The dt'mca* •'! th*» rwauitlivg t«orUv*;> .*1 the I3d4th bit Horo, whcrouii cun gii tbs worth' 1 of »b< • roomy D’.s.rsct. auj a p'r. ' BOf 'hc ^tt»vJv oistru-t, b*v;r.^ .*«• xudmorw. JOHN FICRK'. t tliiotaat to trovt 4 n. w dinr.wt lu;a out, t*» h • com.o.w No ll reach rev street. ROOMS TO KENT. return ol \bs wa>;ic 10 ih n ROOMS TO RSNT IN THE FICKKN HOUSE , j U l- Un rciore orvlor Al»o ouo . w.‘ Juva) li*mao. laid rwaU'unt oi in. ..v*tin *n \ 4 poruoa ot inc h Pis mis. 4ud tu*ro h»vn.g t^'c coma-i**.un.r. 4*'i» ti.ud. who b4V«* aefir e d the ;.c* ana m»ua or fir. o.ll •• 1U*l nliu*: l JOll!? f'u"hKN. No. ll P*4Cltu«c lUtcL 1 com- mU'lontis be and the siniv i-: . r> ■ •* .-ivvisl UA VIC t XUAOti, n-rdiLary. tuch"-40d CUTTOrt eTS rts Llrb iiibOullfliL CIjMFAM Principal 'Mire— Macon, tin. x. #3,000,000 . p 400,000 - # lie',OOO TO TH b. HI J.U.LC. 13 o o li UindingJv Every I>escnption ot Binding and Rulini Promptly Kxecuteei in any slvle deaireej. Ciall at ear Adetrea* INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, ATLANTA ■ Veer Price* err Bstimatea, ior every ■■■; tlon ''riuting. Apru 1 r ao.NuiEn.