Daily Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1871, April 28, 1871, Image 3

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t ■eniatMKrvMiM '' I h WW. • '6. “”•’'5*^ aU^ IwtcUiflCttm ATLANTA, QEOEOIA KlJflBY Evonliu.. April 38t <871. .Dn I item' lecturo last night was well nt- ' Umdetl. Atlanta DocUus arc recommending vacci- natiou. „ A iv htio.h of the ravine on thq Booth side ol Mnchell street is being filled up. Tub Superior Co ut wns on another case ol burglary tuts morning. (ioirB a crowd .lull' Atlanta this morning to attend the celebration at Koine to-duy. To-niuiit the rgnlar wctkly meeting ol the City Council lakes place. Du. Jambs, ol D.cxiur, dieii yisterday alter- noon nud will bo buriied to-day wilb Masonic bouora. Tub Fun,lay-school excurffon of tbo Second Baptist Church, tj Stone M.niuiaiu to-morrow, ■J_ .jgnadwtJo. be an Interesting occasion. _QNE .ol_tbe mush, ixumaive wlioltsale drug stores in Mobile is advertised lor sale. For par ticulars ace advertisement. Ooh “local" iiaving gone on the excursion to Koine, will give Lite readers of ihe Intklliokn- okh an account ol wbat trunspiiea tbere in our n:xt is: ic. This strawberry (estival at ttie Kimball House Iftsl nigul was a complete success: Sevetal handsome pn scuts were made by 'stfangeiB stopping nt tlie Hotel. Tns stenm lire engine lor Tallulah Firo Com pany arrived this morning. It is a bcautilul machine, ami in workmanship is itpial to any we h&vc ever seen. This company now has two engines, n Imml and steamer, and has about one hundred and twenty-live mem lx rs. Local and Business. A Fine 'Futua rou tub Tbbtu.— 1 Tire ira- erant Bozoilont has taken a very prominent place among Iheinost approved dcntriflccs ol H-iTEST TELl&RiPHIC ITEMS Washikoton, April 23—The pr.sa of Call- tire the day. It is a Very popular article for tbe toi- I }y eo-ro'se the re-r-.ert f:l letyhluhly-reeoih memled by all wb» have used " ,/ " . , T j. ’as a beautttler and preserver ol lliujectli, re'. J U T convicting Mra. Fair oi murder. freshing the uibutb, sweetening tbe breu'b, and There w s fghting at Far I Hn’l atortg thc arresting the progress ol decay “ BrALUtuo’s Gum," stickiest thing out. __ a fehl.dawlw. lMt’OUTANT To BumsTiklU XIIOM NKHVOOS BxfiTKMENT.—A gentleman residing in Oram- mercy Flaee, flew York (whose name It would not be proper to mention,) was atifierin ; terribly about three weeks ago Irom the clients ol dissi pation. 11c couid not sleep, vomited Irerjuentiy, wns tormcutccyby horrlnie lancles, aud could not keep a limb still. Opiates made him worse. Wiilie iu this condition he was visited by a Inend, who advised him to try Plantation Hit lers aa'an anodyne, stomachic and tonic. " No use," suld the sick inau, despoudmgly ; " noth ing will save me. I am a gone Case.” “ Pshaw I" said his Iriend, 11 you’re worth lorty dead men, yet? I’m going to doctor you now.” bo saying, he put ou his hat, aud going to the nearest drug gist’s presently returned with a bottle'ol the Billers, ol which he administered a do.-e torlh- witli. It had a soothing, cheering, tranquiliziug etleol. For a week then-slier,' the gentleman continued to take tbe tome regularly, according lo the directions, and at the cud of that time was able to return to business in sound health, aud with a clear Intellect. This iulorm .non is lurnished by Alexander T. Muhrou, ol Mpr- rtsauiu, who Will coullrm It il addicsscd by nun!. Bka Moss-Famine from pure Irish Moss, for lllaue Mange, Fu,tilings, Gustar.ls, Creams, Jcc., Ac. Tbe cheapest, healtUlesl, and most dub ious lood m the world. Iebl-d*wlw. I.ast niglil the wind. howled frantically around the street corners. Occasionally .mut- Itrii g thunder would disturb the full etijoy- lixmt-of nature’s "sweet restorer,” while at short Intervals rain i euree- iu loirants, Tlris morn ing, however, all was bright aud clear. The Strict-Kail road is at last to be built W 1’. Orme, Karp, ihe‘ Secretary and Treasurer advcrlir.es lor pm mals to lumith the necessary tieiberr, So. 1'. lias been olten asked by stran gers why A hud a 1. ii no street railways, and though the suijtet ii .- hen hu g under discus- sii'ti, it Was lean il by imtny that our growing .. city would be btlond the ago in lliia parliculur. Now, however, He re-can be- no doubt of the speedy accoti.p ishtliOiit ol this much desired cud. The l're-s e. nt and Board ol Directors are Kveuy observing person will have noticed the gieat improvement in appearance, as well as strength and duia.dily, ol in&ny ol our pub- lie and private buildings iu the past lew y ears. The rapidly increasing u-e ut iruu as Uniidiug mnle-iial, in piaceul wood aud stone, lues mainly contributed to toll result. Ila perlect adaption to EVK11Y bl'Yi.Kui architecture, 1 .dlords the architect lull scope lor his taste au i genius, and when seeonddfi by U.C ekili und ample resource ol sucli cmiueijt Iron Fouuders ami Workers at the .Messrs. Jas. I. Jackson ii liro., lidih .-saint and lid avenue to 2'J.i. slieet, New Y rk, me re •tilt cannot Oe otnorwLe.Umn (JS'".-iigg,' " Over thirty years successtu) expetn nee wuli their most extensive, perlect in, 1 complete l/'un Works, eMb.es these gentlemen to olicr p.Ucrns in variety and beauty, Worthy the atlcnliou ol archlteela and builders. 11. 1*2-1—dm Municioal Government for 18® * See adveutisujient oi Dr. Butts’ Di-peu siiry, headed Book lor the million— Marriage Gaid* -m another cplumu. 1' soouM be read j> al tcU-ly Op il modern cours t oi iiv.it: begets a condi- liuu ol the body Unit requires occasional relief. 1‘tie system becomes ei.teetded, deranged, clogged,and Inborn. U| lls U-.s. Tuemihii ryiu fghting at Far I ’uv'l alortg the Hue on Tliursday. It Is reporlcl that a practical route for the canal uerois the Isthmus has been louud, -“LrrrniO'K, ApriI 23:—The fury ofWWmGoF ants around Farit is incensing. Tbo CotnrnunlBls, on Thursday;'lost 9,(XX) men in killed and wounied, hr sides 3,000 ptU- oners. ' The Free Misodb will assist ia the defense, on Saturday. «■ Wasiiinqtw, April 27 —Bpinner ia worse. Corcoran is worse. C l. Huger has been appointed Superinten dent ol \Y s' Point. .The South Carolina Supreme Court decides cm.tracls in which slaves were a consideration; to be vail J. The Supreme Court oi Louisiana Ins refused admission lo the Bar twoelorej g-a lia.es of floward University. The legal tender ac, It iB Undcrstoorl, will lie affirmed by a minority ol the Supreme Bench ; a majority, however, inoludiag Chase, are agaiuht it. J. M. Mason i3 not expected to live through the nignt. The case ol White vs. 11 art et. al , on an ap peal Irom the Supreme Court ol Georgia, in volving the binding orce ot notes given I r slaves previous to ttie emnibipatiou p r oclarna- tionj will not he decide I -until argument is j heard in the similar cue ol Holmes vs. Zrvere on an appeil from the Circuit Co tr , ol Ark ib- sas. Der is' n d the I inner case will turn upon the question wh- lii -r the 0 orgia OOtulituti m, prohibiting tin' emorcement cansidera'-on ol which concerned - aves is in ontraveniiiui i I the Pi-.ier'il cons’itutlun, which declarur no State shatt ffi.k Ttipy lisv imp tiring oblige im oi coritracls. . I ~ p3lxc 'Buiii.f-'. April 27.—The Kruz Z.-.tui.g an j W-.tit-i nouuced lhat Prinne. B smarck ha instruc cd i 0 11 • Genera! Fabric: to rcpr«enl to the Paris Cum j- *' munethalTn cige any m «hnp to arrtst Bishop' \y jp Paris, l’rjs-ia s might r baVy in' ricre in s'- . 1'. I lairs <d the city m t .Vo; ul u,c Versa its Gov- • ’■■■> ' eminent. 1 !' i' ' i 1 Eqnoon, April 27. — In tb»- House ..t Com- ’ i'..' ,. m<ui., EiifieM, aci.e.g n ;er l ie Fore.gn S. ere- 1 C.ti.-u.. .1 DENNId F, HAMMOND, Mavob. Cub a CU.M ml ; First Ward.—C. lh Camwb, G W. W E1.L5. . Srcocd War J -IC J..Lowav, \/ N, L McLbfioox Third Ward.-S W. Gtiunu. OEOiioa Ghaham, (oegoi.j Fourth Ward—D D Skyocii, " "William Tiacu, (negro.) Eifth Ward.—F. P. Kice, A L Fowleb LIST OK Co.it'MITT K ESI Finance—L-jmy, Catsfn aad Kice. Ordinances—KiCe.'F i wu r and Weils. Streets—McL-rudon, ca-.siu aiid Finch, (negro. Wells, i'umiis, in:.— K;cc, Graham, (negrt,) and Fowler. Lamps, tfcc.—McLendon, Finch, (negro,) and Grubb. Kelief—Cas-in, Mclxndon, Grubb, Bnyder and Fowler Markets—Well:, Fowler, and Finch, (negro.) Fire Depur'.mui'.—Lowry, Cassin and Finch, negro.) Police—F...w'er M> Lc- :. .nd Grubb, Cemetery—Fo a At, G.-- . j ami v\ - Public Buildings—iVel.s, McLendon and Lowry. Public Schrxjis—i’ow'i r, Loary and Grubb. Priulidg—Oruob, G aii.m ( . j ,i.l Kice; Tax—Cassia, McL •. i auj I: OKSIU-Ii;: >. Ji Love. C:crk ol Council. I’eiu;. i Biiow N, i ri r. r, . W. -Nr.wii.iN. Cny Atu rnev. John In Mi-, 1 ,x it c-avei and tboi'eetor. t.l'y-Pi-r—r-i-w. -r*N C5- in;~W.~P TTHen, 3. it Cook A N .J . vt . sin Moue Board.'-: Ue..'D. c. u'K-eie, Ti B Pow ell, J- lb Lo. 'ui, 11. L. V.. - .., r — Cr -ug. GKOf.oE/.i or, b ol suects. W. i Lanokoku, sun’i Aims House. .1. A ‘.»o -. sr, Cry t .! dun 1 '< s:. h.i.v S. a too. I L 1' i.i-.u, Kt-eptr i i Mar.zioe. J*AT;.n k Ti;/...:i..,o:,, il .. K-'.p r. A -■ - is.—I. G. M.to.t i, L C. ‘0 .3 ft. Lgst I nun t Wills*Mtrs.ud J Its i. .1 in. ,i. . u... y..r i.at YOUNG MEN PractipaJly Educated FOB TUB COUNTING HOUSE & BUSINESS LIFE AT MOORE ’.. UTI1U BUSINESS CO LEGE, r. WiilieliHl) and llun'.er Hi*., ATLANTA, O V t.S TAIlLfHIIKD -1S5S, F. ©, r I > £ m* (ol)<iwtne letter t>om oi.p 1% t*: V c- Prtsidcn*' i * i> t * • n r tA . Feb aa y 21,1&T1. (jMtfH iY & CO., Atlanfi, Ga.: -1 rtr *1v d hi >v*a* t'Mt’dF, in , « •• • ol r.« K •HKkSi* : • *: t u- I .c * n.*e t'.fUb.iehwl 4L»1 be^t orjjfi ‘.z d B. •k’v i tfnf stA e (JircaUn \iA iiprc.m :lb o, da •hut uridebtsd on Apr/'.iCadori. ii. F MOOHfcl. Prnclpi . 1*2 'ra P. O. Hoi 2**7 L ' Atlanta Medical College BALL, BLACK & CO., ibi and .507 BlIOlbWlY, NEW YORK fFO'lKs »r.d s-o. Tuf ‘ ft LARCESTOCK OF WEDDING SILVER. CONSTANTLY ON H END. iSLC GEORGIA, K*rmi Cocntt. Ukuinabt s orriCE, Apr.. Z, \i~.\ ^ T Vt'. Mis ib Ad;.T on ifce U’e r -[ O* ■T r ' r J '*or*r;o lAr'ii/ Ipp' e1 UjT .*«■•« 1-* r>t:OLX*a^tO lb; trs’-ste Of Slid tr.CcVi- ]). L. u .1 .s Ii' Tim C. iiL..r iTdica. p A;, i d • D iVI'JI tBoacn.r.iiTTio, ■ tjalu*.t r vTb -trr ( « BOHdB W LAV.- u j d um- i.n.-.l me- <; 11 , A \\ II. ' . i., U t- C ■J ii P Irish. John : h U. E- .■ h. K. : i'.'.m ,. I! :: mm, :5'.. ts L dewest Land Austrian State- 1 osn Iu O T 1'* E H Y, LdL.d zii CC03.;cl tif tiiu tiui- ClnaCSt, iL 2r- 120 M- lihua Florins «r 2ou Million F;anc>, '.£ 1C bo ■?> 400,000 Premium Prizes. ii liiiiiu Hum dogged,and labors pnu-U-.a. luemlnusytu tary, iu icplv i qu s n e n-.n-g'he am I >"** patluzes wittnll >nd hoth'su.k, or are depressed .,. , , t .- 1. together. To restore the vital energies! purge turn of tin- Joint sutel that , Da the system—eu-anse the blood—lake Ayer's Pills.—UUiMyoLo (Ky.)Free 1‘reas. ii bl i s.vlw, no cdhyenlion ha 1 v. t ti en slimed, an same time he lecim- d to specify what till: CommisflATi tuVV '.T! vdy nbjc.l- 1 to. In consequence o' a circular, ad.lr ssed to the ! supn rtersof the Ministry, a n, ruing lint ’• Disiacli iu’ended to <ppose tht 11 .dvit there ' was a lull atti 11 ’a ice Ol lire member-. ; Hon. W. E. Gladtbc e announced the pr ipn- j* L . ti ;> i I i AY Is j j C L. DRESS THIM.MLNbS, BERGMASX ic 00 '3 ZEPHYR WORSTED. Jt A XS .J.rv«jlu AN JL> X it ,VL)Xd. [CUUHECTE1I DAILY J AtLan ia. April 27, 1S71 UoTT-rjli—Market dud ut 13 lor MhlOtmg; Low iMuidlfngs 12j , G-.pH yrou.ur) llj. Fi.na.nce—Gobi, buying, 1 t/,i; stilting $ i 11; , . energetic and t llh iont geutleuien aud the public ! Snvi r, buy mg, 1 03 ;■ selling >1 o' Ex. linage • 9lll(, n > n impme a tax on mn'cbes, ai d i.» 1 ou New' Yoik buy t^ at par ; sc.Ung Jc. pro- crease the duties on I. curies, nd then sm to 111111 - ' j sic ns would be withdrawn lor ce.c: the u; St.-cks and Bonds-G orgm 0 per cent 78a sni-.nf. Moving tht rcct.ur ertlat -.>•« of SO; U.-ugi.i 7 per ee..„ SSa'JO; le.orgta G ..-l , , , , , 11.n S M-UOj Fulton E- u.. y lie: .;• UUaVG ; au-u.ut an a.Mt am <• two pen-v . City Check,, All .111i-.tr ; i. ■' ,u .. i luck-, l-'ul- I’ 1 '-.e i ic t-.\ wou.d Ik- , j'ldiiu L ,Uunk" It u.tua i may risl asstin ti 111 it the c.iturpriso will be as aucctssluby mnhag.d us possibl, That persons generally have great confi dence in the jututv prosperity ol Alauta is evinced by the treiucnd.-ut am- urit ol improve ment one sets L’oing mi in every part ol the city. On Hi. btisines? ttie. t, nibs' till ill and in aon.e instances e:t g .nt bull mg, are in process ol conaltui lion, while almost evtry stree has a une work ol impr.-'.em'-’U going on, eillnr new dtv«,tiug8 arc heiug 1 iul(-uiYoul oil's repaired ■ 'A'A*t enlargeil No.wulislandlUg the number ol dwellings finished lust year and thi , reins ate high, nn I Ihodemaml so great mat there are but very lew vacant l.o ,:es, Kent estate has" by no tmai.s d< c'uned, Ln.il brings as good prices as could tie expected in any ci y oi Atlanta’s size. CtR'JANTOWN WOOL, N'tALL tVAItl: 11 OS IK ft V, C.LOtJs I |)h dsl'crr, ft.lnd Shade and C 5 R R ! A G E T R i M >1 I N G .> H.• j f se a n 1 Coffi t Trimm'.rm, P ... K ’ ::.;’L.A ; I N2X Y^HK: 1 il? : i;. i v, ill ■ R ENGINES BA',. IIO 1 - .1! > » r£ \Hi AND BELT N. c. >1 \ CM I l N 17 *3 Delamar Iros ’S'orks, r - - L-r ! x. t C.eariii" Oat Sale yv 111 Amatkua CoNOh.it.- The hcsl talent ol the City is eng age.) to allo.'d a M.sie il Soiree ut De- (iiVe's to-night lor the ben. ii . f tne New Meth odist edifice being piecled at the junction ol J’encht.er aud Ibyor slieels. The objict aud the excellence ol Pie parlormnnce guar.ntces a lull bouse. Our citizens will doubihss gte, t with pieiifiue an oppoi limity 11 evince their ap preciation ol iliamus'Cal gills aid culturo iu our midst, ami ly a luge utter: dincc, crown the occasion a brilli ml success. The Cniuch, wheu completed, will by n, i.iehiteelural proportions an,! finish, t,e an onn.mfn' lo the Gate City, whose | r ose is on e cry lip, tor iu many beats tilu 1 it tuples eeiiealed o. "ihe Great I Am.” Poo s op-n at 7 o’clock. Concert begins at 8 o'clock prec.teiy. See auv ilk.en.tnl. Wiiknevku the law pt stiictly enforced, and a lull measure o| pint hment mGe-l oat as u penalty lor ciime, it has b , n toned thit g od order prevui.s and iierpctraiiou ol InwlKS'ueh) becomes less Impunl. in this couununily, where numbers ol iule and profiiga&lntgroes abounp), wo are nlefts-d to know that such ex amples have be. u made ol sonic 6tf theni as well as those whites who have-been toum 1 guilty ol Crums a- will teach a lesson not soon to bo forgotten, lniliee.se of tbi^negro L.. who attempted to comiuu the I. -mb), crime oi rape upon an innocent and respectali e white Kir., the penally »t twenty years in the ,wuiten- tmrj, as pronounced upon him by Judge Hop- k us, was just what h. he.ei ve.l, and jest w hat will pieveul the epeti.ion ol meli hem.e.s of feusesjn Ihe tuiure. In the ease of tin: negro Me Vice, who was convicted ol burg aty, and seutemeJ to filtcea years in ihe TOnjientiary, iu which ollcose were included m l.ol.l larceny ol sever® valuable atlie es, a le.aion has teen taught which will convmco nth :rs iliat the uu- Inw'lui eiitiir's into and stealing Irom the liousts o. ris, eClah.e aud law- i.uu ng pci p e, nr.- crimes oi no s.n to u.omeui, and wit im; fol- I lowed by the severe p. n I'tps o( the law. . mm. k. .- rvaeia r i n in. tm n I \ l.m, par ; At...lit 1)3.100 ; Augn.- .»xj-.t.-ts 73 No . A' . tlon.l.-, 8 pir ClIH.,' T8uStT; Atlanta 7 per c. ; 7'Ja72 ; .Uaeon li nds 70.7 Tobacco— L -w grades-VVaSO; Gommun all- 70 ; Good 75.90; Fiue 7tlal OU , th. btahds 25 Fi.'.cu Fee p5 50; Superfiui (! ’"I. Kx'.r.i 0 50 ; Family s odab 50 ; r .mey O'j .10 uO. Grain- r 02 it I. .. > ..o prune wn.ie 1 00 U .1, -.5.7J. llye t .lu little demand. Buley 1 23. ; BaCo.n—.N|.. ulcers IU; eiear no riles 12) ; clear sides 18 ; Ininislfi). 7. . L \IIO B ittlla 14 ; keg, and can- 14 j .15. i .-Boi.k Meat. - r-uouhlct.. Oj; c ear rm • des i ; oie.tr 12) Gh. OrlilKs— \Ye quote A r A’tr at 15; < x la U llj ; I .low l 1,,, -an it.:.,; N- a Or- lutiib lh. 1-1). ltm A.iifee .17 , .1 ... ;..i M .lasses, in barrels, to; Fond. 75.SO; New Oiican* piui.c 70, ehoi... 7'. s5 L:>.r- ; bait 2 25. V go.i . Qm-i 2 .7 \ un- gar—. L '.del »•*> .40. Kvi 9) t 0 Gin-I g 12a . 1'epper 25 Kate Uumu 20 F..ue.i 3), Ap pies 3 no.ti 0U per out. ;. Cmd'uiieslie, I per til. III.-.alio 22 GUI -l - 00. K.iS—greeu tea 1 T .; black 2 00.2 50 Cu.cker.-— j Kill.: p.rwder, per k.g ol 25 p-uu.ls, ? 7 25 ; i> a-'ang 5 35; Men 2 7 7 , l! I k-l.ol 71 25. j Wupping Tn'iuu 27). M a-ic I’.per )i2j. Bu.k.ia II UO.-t 00. liroom, 2 3o,.5 00. tau- ,;y, per box, 20. .Male,.es, gr.-ss, 3 75. berap iron per pouud je. Hag.- 4. Liquoiib—LiratMy—Fie: . per gnpon 77. 12 00; American I .5 .5 00 ; aj 2 uo.J 5u , i t’each 2 75.,.1 0. It iu—J.uu ..et I Uumi O ' Gin—llo,hunt 4 011 .5 .10; .tm :i.e..u 1 75a2 - 11 Wl.ibky—Corn (coiu.uy) 1 30x2 00; lieeufied 1 20.1 10; K.c 2 O.a'uO; It ...uun!> eounty i 1 .,0.3 5-1; Gi’o-.n 2 50,.U O h \\ .tie -Made;- i l a 2 25-.0 00; Smny 1 75 .0 00 ; l’.-rl 1 73. | 0 00;,.U. ig. 2 50.5 00; Uuamp:,gnu, Ameri can, per. dozen 15 to ; Ll.alllpagne, lmjk'.lcd, j 32 00; Seuyipeiuong 3 0"... 50 A.-.& ana I lh.tiers. iu.|>. ne :, ., lO.i.'i 00 ; Lii:.' . , A per ; null t.an,h 9 5U; Ulm ..... A , i, i n.i: -. i , li.tHUW'.UlK—Nal.s— 1 ..-LI ; as .30; common, 7 oo ; i 5 7 > , 7 5o ; ■> ', . !0s, splheyj, 5 7.0. t ; , : , . , n. 0 00 ; 10 a il, lls . ... 7 '. lio: MVLtb. ; leUre Mine u .... ; airv,; equaie 5 tiu , uty uiins -a 0; I 1 . sUure b,tr li‘. * horse shoe u.u .- 20.25, n.-u, r,». 10.12, ; Aiuer ! al.ovels l-er dozen 11 5u , Am, . -; ...-V: ■ dozen 10 50; lu,;;,i, in- 13 .'H'.iio .:. :'s spades tlx 10, plow - n .1 11 ,12); t i 2 ; I Genua.. steel 1'.30, .-...i mu. 7aU l.e:.u hu, |i) Casting's per p in.a 7..U ; ll.ugy »iru.^- .0..23. | 8 7 (> ,5 , O (> O n f.lit-A lo tie >ch Y- rK ( -hIi /'ri/o Co. nu Y < i o o I > l Bo3!#* Sims a:d Clothing i rs o T ICE. EYEUY rl KEY DU.' A 1*717 A. r WM. RICH k CO. ■" K . rial Hu Ne 3. Wh:t-hti St t Ii It t ILK I tD < .‘to -p w II it pa o' it r >c iaw ; P u R E x Jr Y P S U M j Uiitaningcvef 99 i‘2 Per Cent, of Soluble iOller! The f,,: G CO It G | V o: CLOSING Oi l' MIL •iobioji iu Jb > i i ’ 11 ID.*? OPIMON pX^. .r i-I al. * I. CORGI A. KPY- c; j \’ k t»i}f •-* } •! n .1 1 A A V *1. 17 for*L I.lltl.f- l J^utmiioi* I >t*voi\iy:OaS. E. FECHTER, LINDEN I. L. FALKY. Q , THIN'. • : vVh.t-;.-v fTt’"’,' 1- • . G COKI. WE 'i rimming* ,1 JNMES L, \\ H. It l< It A c i JOHNSO V,' UT o F E C i A e. N O 7 I h *2tv wtiicoui*.*, b . .11* i’Afafl wv. o f illy n -Uimn f ■ «’i. *<l «»•! J r • mu I liu 11? riiH * lit 1> jmr- l-Att n Oirtn t rcta niiitit,'Imh'c r-Mimv o tlur i»). - .i 01 t.i i\.-u\c I>In; in*'itiK'H al tnu* ih'w nr cl •»’» b I i.i.»v.-. i mi *i juc't.4 ut th • t'lunn'iel. « u t crt.Mi>u* WhUew.u. r ci. tU, tlii« "'•* '• iu v. fuihwartl u» whuro it etrikcs tti> i. •»«.*! irom th*ro itiklinr liny him u i*lrik. « lUc lH«h iitBirtri !, Hi .. I> j . .. . ..so, im; tiding lor , i IhikI No •1 l iiit runmntf uortbimrd to the n,ir a... »e>iw»ru tu ws.ro it cmrat-s too un.lorsh; .,d comp... |, tile.it in aeimll ,.riho ctoxcu* oi aahI dl- piuclnci .H "alii liuwuulnci 1.0 l .caled a Ilo)e!iUl Oliur.lt K.ItUsi’lx, i VaUt. K..VOH, yco u J 11 Uii.iiv, | KAYKTTSCOURT OK OIIDJNAKV t F. Uro.i.y s i, tsu T r.-al-lll. hi ; |WJIM Of thi! ItflUlti io. ’ .*v.».h lsu.wi, t.Av1n>f )h<* All 1 u*»alu tul»» u** Nfunou* .i. ) it# aiiwa «•- Wo fli. id r>t l . hnve II** b v» nu without it«* loj?-. If va,tu;f I'.f mh c1:a:iu’* tf at U-mperature, una ihv h^ucf, iV- u.-V tu»n, bll loaf n'lnckf, ai d other which th--) engender. A-'h'! cimiuUk, it ' .:.- n i fcRc.b •• j»Ci*;»U't" do tue b' ft they e.n: t>» im a,.. sotiolo drnwaacki* on thi i>o trj ot thi -a. auv \ hy-v sn wbtt ?Ui \v •* a o d dt . ■ .v . • *.t : when im.vtna inlette th« i r. .o • »* r *»' , *• And re»*tilAto the Jy.itcnjr" h-'. It ti:ip,>riAnl question, A d->/ • ... • .i-. w I*io' ably p'-'om.’io d a* . id " : f* 1 '-- the othir tuud, the ib.e.-.v *;* **:. •*'•' 1 u *‘ 'be tuef ofllofteU’Pf Mou.hiI'. II.i.cr- ip ■*' *'• By W. Y. I E!TCH ^ R. S. B l Auc I ufoi **, i Ii.ti l< «*u>is, n. < . W L.l. b k. : . the dvr of Mny. hi Ii ! r :• • ^ I s • • : No •' T SaddJes 'arness B m c. Cor Whitehal v Mit AX AN X i . U . X tut * * ?e.r O it .\ Bll ' . i lit ten nits. \td m- \i ii <>u c Cl; T l P C O O D NEW-.! r-u-s are FalliULT I Mrn : BfSDri & J P pos A * 15 *. p r Do: to 5 5 p.u D z. MUTSF.Y, RcG'-UA. CHU.EH, i in ii liu u., u vsqi i: u viu. v > t» co^ ,'l .£ "w*o G-'jor.^, FL.Uif .\M) It iNNKUS. hoom ^ JOHN Fllkf > ULM*. I MUD MAT * F::.: i tu MIM.U ’iftn. al: I.COIU.IA, Hr And AUrraMvi*. pruvtMthr'e lii them it* i IttUU c.I -■ tiebK u n dt ■ fort w.*.' adiu* V' *»' t><1 b ■ t >*«»•: fhx* * 1; 'tt'!*«»tne ituir i CP DjOP, SASfibS, TAKE N OTIC^ Wo . : U t*l il t », ««i . . II . ‘•'IG.r v„il ’.he* W .»•** t‘L* .iijd dy-J* i'*ti hum to prolcf(•’..» a. lomvu ter pec t and r.«* nit oi Hit’ a**ct «;»,* b 1 • >vi:o : *' rei'ini ol ih<* f. tu t<* it |* ih-’Dloie *>rdci in let" lolts.tr tic Hild tue his Mill v a< Cs)r«I e »h it ti.o return f fa hereby A t >i>roved. ncreii) A,*j*rovs U l)A\ IL» c. AtL>oit, urauiAry, UKdlMitAs trtroH LN»ohtt. \V 1 1/,', 1 .*: U : Of the v or.on hsattl'in I,!, ut) i PLAY TER - PA-OOX, < v tin • «1 :t ildxngL Stair R ,:is K well, etc- '.M i ! K». I ':C I. nED, GUOI NI) iSD(l r I.L,V«, ..ielll.nc 7M»rr»cd. 3Wk«. oi* aod»l Kvt'r, ,) ot go une Vjbrrted, !•' •, rts-t) of V/'n'an l o( k -M , ' 1 :. •liUUUUnisWbimrtTtMoU.u .. » « **. , J 1 11 , 1 |)>rI* l I»k h i» , .i re mIs*»i euvdopor. AUsUcoa, tm i um-ilne «i \ it , »U>X 1*. 1‘ii.i.didpUKU. pi* I ro.tdr Zr\ i : .v f* l' >i a .n BUSINESS COLLEGE, lAottce to Dnbtors and Creditor*. ’»»> el,-a. ,1 1.1 •d tor Ic be’umrti.K *»* b * -nut ward lor h*i» bo. AHikt,*...! c.o , (xn.e.ia: l - fur ct>) uuUuod to Ala their k , | , ■ - 4 d«*m*niU a^8tn«t tdw o t*»>T.a, i}\ 1 A *l * l.o- I -• <• »>uv. wo I, »c y mi-. ...41. . I V - .41, .iHA.U.rll- ,t) Ik, .4,1 l.t objacuonr, u KW, oi»e lojvu tH*'.»V*\ J»b?4Md bv !*t, w.Lhiu thu time n’lowed to ' n *i 1 b hnulwl l*»r Hi n ,* „i d l, . , uaniui. I'm Man, unniui), l»nuteH*ii-e#4 ftu. * j»a>l Kd , j*m;*erljr d. to -« it ' by -* , 8Qd ‘‘•idtrii » « T. ‘*3 u x •* K V.u M r* 11* !».* . is. Ini »•* K.\Ktv>. . r. I'i ’ i Ut'r Uv j-i SoAt.hr-rn Scho.l, Lo. .t. Al l.tN (.cold.I I, Wi: sk'ys, B:acdi:s, G::p,Wirp m \ P;::cr, ( l.i.UlS, Tf’ LTD, ,it„ We an* Itilly , t - *!.• *1! Ul j > wulk (jUKkly, dt’gAm!) tetui clu b, lj, AiJO-1 M ut UA . r* A. J. HARA-hON. WHIT LO '. K A CO £.4 X 7. . -. UiU. x.4 i.