Weekly Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-18??, March 21, 1866, Image 4

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r-aciirT f r—r" uM fc. Ulrrklo JatfUigmcrr. Veto of the Star Low. Ekcctive Departxxnt I MHlegerille, Ga., March 6th, 1666. f To the Senate: I [living given serious consideration to “a bill t« be entitled nn act for the relief of the people of Georgia. anil to present the levy and sale of property under certain circumstances, and within n limited period,” which originate'! in your body, with more than ordinary anxiety, if possible to concur with the General Assembly in the pro priety of its enactment, I am constrained to re turn it without approval. The Constitution of the United States ex pressly ordains that “no State shall pass any law immuring the obligation, of contracts." The application of this provision to the act under consideration involves two inquiries: First, What is meant by the obligation of a contract? Secondly, What constitutes an im pairment of it? A projier coasideration of the subject requires a distinction lietwccn a contract and its obliga tion The former is “an agreement to do or not to do a particular thing. The latter is that which binds the promisor to perform liis agree ment. Wc often speak of a moral obligation to perform a promise, the sanction of which is found in a pure and enlightened conscience. But it is evidently not this which the Constitution was de signed to save from impairment, because it is simply impossible for legislative action to change the dictate of conscience regarding any antece dent duty which one person may owe to an other. We sjjeak, also, of the legal obligation of a contract, by which is meant the force of law, compelling its performance or giving an equiva lent after its breach. In arguing the case of Og den vs. Sanders, Mr. Webster remarked, “the mu nicipal Inr is the force of society, employed, to compel the jietforinanee of contracts." This force consists of all the means provided by law, to enable the promisee, without disturbing the peaceof society, to compel the performance, by a reluctant prom isor. of his engagement. Titus understood it-is clear that the Legislature, if unrestrained, would be capable of impairing or destroying the obliga- i ion ; and it is precisely to guard it, that this pro hibition was inserted in t lie Constitution. The question then is presented, whether or not this act against the intendment of the Con tinuum, impairs the obligation of contracts. It provides “ that there shall be no levy or sale or properly of defendants in this State under any execution founded on any judgment, order of decree, of any court heretofore, or hereafter to be rendered, upon any contract or liability made or Incurred prior to the 1st of June, 1865, prodded the said defendant shall pay or cause to be paid during eacii year one-fourth of Ihc amount of principal and interest of such execu tion, or of the debt or claim, on which aucli ex- eeut+on lias been or may be hereafter be obtained, so that tlie entire indebtedness, shall be paid in four years from the lirst day of January—the first instalment to be paid by the first ot Janua ry, 1867, and the fourth and last by the first of January, 1870.” Any other levying or selling is made liable for a trespass. Here we remark that tin- prohibition of the Constitution is not direct ed solely against the destruction of the obliga tion. 11 is not that no State shall pass any law i/> straying the obligation. Were it so expressed, however impolitic or unjust it might be, in any Htipposable case fo impair without destroying it, the Constitution could not be interposed as a bar rier to such action. But it is explicitly against im pairment that the prohibition is directed. The intention being negative, not positive—prohibi tory not mandatory, the lesser interference is ex pressed, because being included in the greater, its prevention prevents both. Hence it appears that something more was intended than to keep t he obligation alive, which is all that can be claimed fora stay law. lift it be borne in mind, that the obligation of a contract is the. force of law, compelling its per formance, or (jiving satisfaction for its breach.— This force lms a two-fold operation. First, it acts judicially, whereby the existence of the con tracts, its breach and the mode of enforcement tire determined, all of which are expressed in the judgment. Secondly, it acts ministerially, wherein, under command in writing, an officer of law, either transfers certain specific property from the possession of the promisor to that of the promisee, or converts into money, in a mode prescribed, such portion of the promisor’s pio- perty ns will satisfy the judgment, and delivers it to the possessee. This done, the obligation ot t he contract is consumatcd—its performance is enforced. But if, when the judgment shall have been rendered, and the next step which according to the law which creates obligation, is to issue this written authority (called an execution,) without which the judgment would be valueless, the State shall pass a law forbidding the issuance for one year; or, if, after it shall have been passed, the proper officer is forbidden to execute it, with in a year, whtit effect has this legislation upon tlic obligation V Wc arc told the effect, is to suspend it, leaving it vitally untouched. True by the terms of the law vitality remains, but does thi9 satisfy the Constitution ? Is there no dimunition, no weakening, no impairment of the force of the law compelling performance? Lexicographers tell us that to impair, is to “di minish—to injure—to lessen in value." Suppose A bought a judgment against B—and C to ob tain another against D, at the same time each founded on contract, and both according to the general law, -whence the obligation of the con tracts spring, capable of immediate execution.— Then suppose the Legislature to intervene, and enact that the former shall not be executed with in one year, leaving the latter untouched, would there be no difficulty in tlic relative strength of the two obligations? A man in paralysis has vitali ty as positive as he has in good health; yet it is impaired. So A’s judgment lias an obligation, but it is paralyzed, “wakened," “diminished" by file temporary loss of its active quality, and therefore impaired. In executory contracts, time is always an im portant element It will probably be conceded that it would be unconstitutional for the General Assembly to enact that no promissory notes here tofore made, and to mature on the first day of January, 1867, shall be considered clue, and pay able before the first day of January, 1868. If this be so it is difficult to perceive how the con stitutionality of the act can be maintained. If the day of payment may not be postponed before maturity by legislative action, it would seem “a fortiorC" that it may not be after maturity; or, rather, that the contract may not be throw n back into immaturity, and a new day of payment ap pointed by such action. Pursuing the line of ar gument, the right of the promisee does not lose its character of contract by the institution of a suit, nor bv the rendition of a judgment to en force it. That character abides, and to it the constitutional guaranty adheres until it is either extinguished by performance or smothered by a statute of repose. Indeed, this act specially 're fers to contracts in judgment and to their dates. Hence I conclude the Legislature has no more power to appoint a new and distant day of pay ment after suit commenced or judgment rendered than before. In all other respects the promisee’s condition is considered better after judgment; why worse in this? Before judgment is "impor tant to compel immediate performance of the contract. The judgment makes that will the mo tive power of the obligation, for by it the execu tion—ihc final process—may be put in actiou.— But, by legislation of this character, that motive power is suspended—temporarily abstracted trom the obligation. Perpetual injunction would de stroy the obligation, quo ad. the action ol this State; and I cannot resist the conclusion that temporary injunction would impair it. Again, the judguieut and execution which are intended to be the consummation, or end of the obligation, are lawful subjects of traffic, are sale : able commodities. It is indisputable that the possession, and exercise by' the Legislature of the power of suspending their operation, would “les sen their mind’ as such; and this brings such legislation within another definition ot impair ment, viz : it “h*sens the value." If one Legislature may postpone for a year, each subsequent one may do the same. Already have the judgments affected by this act been suspended five years by such action. Upon principle, these successive postponements might as well be continued an hundred years or through all time. The hundredth would be as valid as any pre ceding one. But how, meantime, fares the obli gation ? The consolation offered to the pro misee, and repeated to successive generations of his posterity, would be, that it flourished in a green old age, its strength unimpaired by time. The strength of the argument in favor of stay laws lies in the proposition, that final process i's but a part of the remedy which must always be within the power of the, Legislature; otherwise, it would he impossible to correct errors in juris prudence or to improve the system as experience may develop its effects. The power of the Leg islature to modify remedies, even at the cost of delay to suitors, then in court, must be consid ered, but with two qualifications: First, the intention must be bona fide to change permanently, and to improve the system.— Secondly, this must always be done, if possible, so as to act to affect injuriously antecedent riglhs. This act cannot be brought within either of them. First, it contemplates neither any im provement nor any permanent change of the judicial system. Sections 3553 to 3557, and sec tion 336 of the Revised Code, regulate proceed ing after judgment in suits to enforce contracts. It is obviously not the intention of the General Assembly to make any change in these, further than to suspend them for a time in the class of cases described in the act. No other course of proceeding is substituted—judgments rendered for special purposes are excepted—and none ™?- v hereafter "be rendered on contracts {if, after consideration, which I rcspectftiHv in- “f tirst^day of June, 1865, are in- vite, a constitutional majority of the General As sembly should adhere to the measure, I shall in dulge the hope that no detriment will come to the State, either from its seemingly unequal eluded in the stay. In such cases, therefore, the courses of the law will be the same as liereto- fore. kecoruBg, if the change were permanent— if it contemplated just such a stay of execution, under judgments to be obtained, founded on con tracts made since the first day of June last, the office of sheriff is nevertheless continued; and, therefore, all judgments founded on contracts heretofore made might be executed as well as in times past, and the obligation of the contract he unaffected; but in point of fact the bill not only affects them, but injuriously discriminates against Here, then, is plenary evidence that it is not one of those great reformatory measures, design ed to improve the judicial system, for the per manent advantage of the body politic—that in truth it makes no change in the system, but only withdraws for a time from a certain class of con tracts its obligatory operation. It is a temporary expedient, interposed between the debtor and creditor for the relief of the former. It postpones G>r one year absolutely, and for tour conditionally the full performance of all the contracts entered into before the first of June last, and in my opin ion as llagrantly violates the Constitution as if it affected contracts running to maturity, by post poning the day of payment one or four years be yond that fixed by the terms of each. The course of reasoning adopted, the princi ples affirmed, and the rules of construction ap plied to this clause of the Constitution by the Su preme Court ot the United States in several cases, seem to me to lead to this conclusion, although in none of them were the Legislative act reviewed identical in their provisiens with this. These I shall simply state without quoting from them.— They are Sturges vs. Browningsbield, 4th Wheat on, 122; Green vs. Biddle, 8tii Wheaton, 1; Og den, vs. Sanders, 12th, Wheaton, 213; Bronson vs. Kinzee, 1 Howard, 311; McCracken vs. Hay ward 2 Howard, 608. In tiiese cases, stay laws are, by way of illus tration, more than once referred to as violating tliis clause of the Constitution. In the first, Chief Justice Marshall, who bore a part in the pro ceedings for the adoption of the Constitution, ex presses tlic opinion that the passing of such laws by the States was one of the chief causes which induced the insertion of this clause. Judge Par sons, at page 703, of the 2d volume of his author itative treatise ou contracts, affirm the proposi tion, its established by authority, that “an exemp tion of property from attachment (by which is meant levy) or a subjection of it to a stay law or appraisement law, impairs the obligation of the contract." He adds: “Such a statute can be en forced only as to contracts made subsequently to the law.” There tire, I concede, cases supporting the op posite conclusion, but I think they are sustained neither by the weight of authority nor by the force of logic. Our own Constitution contains a clause simi lar to that quoted from the Constitution of the United States. But it is not alone this duplicate prohibition which, in my opinion, precludes leg islation of this character. The first clause of the first section of the second article of the Constitu tion of Georgia is in these words: “The Legisla tive, Executive and Judicial departments shall be confided to a separate body of magistracy. No person, or collection of persons, being of one de partment, shall exercise any power properly attach ed to either of the others, except in cases herein ex pressly excepted. It is to the latter sentence I per tinently refer. The investigation and determi nation of private rights; the enforcement of con-’ tracts between individuals when one of the par ties refuses compliance, and clearly powers pro perly belonging to the judicial department Their exercise is invoked by suit in court, which, being instituted, is properly under the control of that department, from the filing of the petition to the return of final process, executed; when, for the purpose of preventing wrong or oppression, or of doing full and complete justice in any case, it becomes necessary to arrest the proceeding. Whether before or after judgment, this can only be done by the writ of injunction, and that issues properly out of Chancery, which appertains ex clusively to the judicial department. What are the rights upon which the bill under considera tion acts ? They are those which have been as serted by suits in courts of justice; have beep those investigated and adjudicated, and which those courts are proceeding to enforce by their final process, called executions. What action does this bill propose upon them ? It does not, indeed, set them aside—annul them, but it sus pends action under them for a specified time. What is this suspension but an injunction of a judicial proceeding? The form of the writ used in the department to which the power properly belongs, is not observed, but the precise end is attained; the injunction is as effectually imposed as if a writ in due form had emated from the leg islative source. Let us look a little more in detail into this mutter. A writ called an execution issues from the Jnfcrioi Court of Baldwin county directed to the sheriff, commanding him to make by levy and sale of the property of C_D one hundred dollars, which A B lately in that court recover ed of him, aud further that he return that writ into court tit the next term, which means in law, that he return it executed. If the sheriff do not make the money as required, he may, at the re turn term of the writ, be ruled and compelled to pay it himself, unless he can show good cause tor his failure. This is the course of the law, and tiiis its end. But suppose when so called on he should exhibit a writ, sued out of the Chan cery side of the Superior Court of Baldwin coun ty, at the suit of C D, commanding him to desist front levy and sale, under that particular execu tion, until the further order of the court; he stands justified because he is enjoined. One branch of the judicial department, armed by law with the power, has arrested another, and no violence is done to the constitution. But suppose, instead of exhibiting a writ of injunc tion from the Superior Court, he should exhibit an act ot the Legislature forbidding him to exe cute within a year, any./? .fa. issued by any court. If he be excused, on what ground ? Clearly that he was enjoined. That the judicial injunction, in the one case was in the exercise of “a power properly attached” to the judicial department cannot possibly be denied. Then how can it lie maintained that the imposition of the legislative injuction, in the other case, would be conformable to the provisions of the Constitution I have quoted. It is not manifest that such legislation produces direct collision between the depart ments? The mandate issued by the judicial de partment was in strict conformity with the laws of the State. Without repealing those let*,’?, without permanently curtailing powers ot the courts, the legislative department simply in terrenes and forbids the ministerial officer obey ing the judicial mandate. It was for the express purpose of preventing such conflict this provision was inserted in the Constitution. There is another objection to the bill which I cannot pass over in silence. It classifies con tracts and discriminates between the classes, in juriously to one of them, or rather to the parties interested in their enforcement. Contracts made prior to the first day of June, 1865, constitute oue class, those made subsequently, another.— To the former only is the stay ot execution, un der it, applied. If separate judgments should be obtained in the month of January, 1867, the oue founded on a contract entered into before the first day of June, 1865, and the other on a contract made after the last mentioned day, even though they were based upon considerations equally meritorious, the stay of this law would attach to the former, and not to the latter. I am utterly at a loss to conjecture upon what principle, consistent with equal justice, this discrimination is founded. Indeed it would seem that if any discrimination were made, it should be in favor of that class of creditors, a very large majority of whom have already been subjected to five of these legislative injunctions, successively enacted, and so linked, as to composes chain, extending over as many years. The elder creditor is tied up and the junior left untrameled; nay more, the judgment creditor of five or more years standing is arrested, whilst to the simple contract creditor of yesterday, the highway to full and complete compulsory performance is left open. It may be said that whenever a junior execution, not stayed by the proposed law, shall l»y levy and sale cause money to be made, the older exe cutions are not restrained from being interposed to claim it. But this can scarcely be intended, for in that event, the law must fail to give the promised relief. Under any circumstances, this could only occur where there were judgments of both classes against the s^rne debtor, and the suggestion therefore does not-relieve the measure from the alleged discrimination. Even in those cases the debtor would be under a strong temp tation to apply his means to the satisfaction of the junior judgment, reserving for the senior only the annual instalment necessary to keep hint in fetters, and thus the discrimination would still operate injuriously. I take no pleasure iit the performance of this duty. Always reluctant to disagree with the General Assembly, I can truly say this disagree ment is painful in the extreme. I have abun dant sympathy for the suffering people of Geor gia, and in the desire of the General Assembly ■ to alleviate their sufferings. But on entering this office I took at the threshold, in presence of you all, a solemn oath to preserve, protect and "de fend the Constitution of the United States, and of the State of Georgia; aud this I must do, as I, not as others understand those instruments.— If I doubted I would give the measure the bene fit of the doubt and leave its constitutionality to the courts; but, not doubting, I must dissent as 1 regard my oath. Upon such subjects, men equally earnest in search of truth, and equal ly upright, and fair, in their habits of thought, are prone to differ. Whenever such a dif ference occurs, it becomes each party to ex tend to the other the meed of upright intention. practical operation or from its imputed violation of the fundamental law. (Signed) Chauler J. Jenkins, Governor. FAXN1R 8HBBIVV SALKS. O lf the first Tuesday in March next, will be sold, at the coart house door In Morganton. in said conntr. be tween the lawful hoars of sale, lot of land No. 72, in the 8th district of the Sd section of said county, or so much, thereof aa will satisfy the State and conntr tax for the year 1863. Amount (hie, three dollars, against S. Farrow. Ahso, lot of land No. 17% in the 9th district of the 2d section of said county, or so much thereof as will make the turn of four dollars and seventy cents, his tax for the year 1863. The State *». Beniamin Klker. Also, lot of land No. 106, in the 8th district of the 2d section of said county, or so ranch thereof as will make the snm of four dollars, principal tax for the rear lsH3. The State vt. A. Henderson. Also, lot of land No. 133, in the 8th district and 2d sec tion of said county, or so much thereof as will make the sum of two dollars and seventy-seven cents, for the year 1863. The State tw. J. F. Oaks? . Also, lpt of landNo. at, in the 8th districtof the 2d sec tion, or so much thereof as will make the sum of three dollars and twenty-four cents, for the year 1863. The State w. Elizabeth' Jones. - * Also, lot of laud No. M, in the 9th district and 2d sec tion, or so much thereof as will make the sum of one dol lar and eight cents, principal tax for the year 1863. The State rs. Samuel Kaynols. Also, lots of land Nos. 230 and237, all in the 9th district of said county, or so much thereof as will make the sum of one dollar and forty-four cents, principal. tax for the year 1868. The State r*. It. M. Saffofd. Also, lots of land Nos. IX and 48. all In the 8th district •f 2d section of said county, or so much thereof as will make the sum of three dollars and. seventy-eight cents, principal tax for the year 1863. The State tw. Jesse Gree. Also, lot of land No. 215, in the Cth district of the 1st section of said county, or so much thereof as will make the earn of three dollars and twenty-five cents, principal taxTtor the year 1803. The State tw. W. A. Twiggs. Also, lot of laca No. 306, in- the 7th district and first section, as the property of Robert Pastor. The ofllcers of court of said county tw. said Robert Pastor. Also, lot of land No. 214, in the 7th district of the 1st section of said county, as the property of J. H. Carter, to satisfy sundry fl.fas. issued from the &14th district, G. M. P. J. Guthry and others vs. J. H. Carter. , J NATHANB. LONG, Sheriff. _ fcblfi—td Printer’s fee $2 50 per levy. FANNIN SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL be sold in Fannin county, Ga.. on the first Tues day in April next, lot of laud No. 170, in the 9th district of the 2d section, or so much thereof as'will tnake the sum of four dollars and seventy cents, tax for the year 1863. . The State and county vs. Benjamin Kiken. Also, lot of land, or one acre of lot or lauil No. 207, in the 7th district and 1st section of said County and town, (lot in the town of Morganton,) number not known, but known as the John W. Henson property. Levied on to satisfy sundry cost Jt. fas. The oflicers or court of the 1027th district G. M. vs. W. S. Murry. NATHAN B. LONG, Sheriff, marts—td Printer’s fee $2 50 per levy. FANNIN SHERIFF’S SALE. O N the first Tuesday in April next, wi’l he sold, before the court house door in the town of Morganton, Fannin county, Ga., between the usual hours of sale,-lot of land No. 212, in the 8tli district of the second section of said connfy, to satisfy a tax fi. fa., the State and county vs. Stafford Gipson. Said tax due for the year 1863. March 1st, 1866. NATHAN B. LONG, Sheriff. ’ m fir 11—td Printer’s fee $2 50 GEORGIA, Henry County. mWO months after the date hereof, application.will be A • made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell parts of lots of land Nos. 166,155 and 154, in the' titb district of Henry county, being 330 acres, more or less. An application will also be made at same time for leave to sell, at private sale, an unimproved lot of land in Murray county, known as lot No. 172, in the 26th dis trict jahd 2d section, containing 160 acres, more-or less. Said'lands belonging to. the estate of John N.Naab, de ceased, late of Henry county. Application made for bene : fit of heirs and creditors. February 22,1866. MATTHEW AVERY, j' Aflmr ’*- 2m Printer’s fee $6. EXECUTOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold, before the court house door in Hsnry county,. Ga., on the first Tuesday in July next, within the legal hours of sale, the dot of land on which D. W. Fife resides, in Bear Creek district, Henry county, containing 302M acres, more or less, as the real estate of SampePFife, deceased, late of said county. To he sold eeably. to the last will, and testament of deceased, s, credit until 1st December next. February 22d, 7 ■ ‘ ’ D. W. FIFE, Executor'. feb28-Jtd i: ■ : t Printer’s fee $5.' GEORGIA, Henry CouRtY.'' fffiwd months after the date hereof, application will be JL made to the Conrt of Ordinary or said” county for leave to sell the real estate of Hemiy Bi Skinner, deceas ed, lying in Henry county, bejng 300acres, more or less. Also, at same time and place, application'will be made for leave to.sell, at private sale, the follo'wlngwild and unim proved lands of Henry: B. Skinner,, deceased, of said county,, viz: Lpt, pf Ippd RWa AMR district of Irwin county, 490 acres,.mbfe or less; lot of land No. 448, in 6th district,- Appling- coufity, 490 acres, more or less; lot of laudiNd. 692; in 3d district and 3d section of Cherokee county, 40acres, more-or less ; lot of land Nq. 789, in 17th district and 3d section of Cherokee county, containing 40 acres, more or- less. Application made for benefit of heirs and crediftdiA of said deceased. February 22,1866. • i LEVI H. TURNER, Administrator. feb28—60d Printer’s fee $6 GEORGIA, Cnonu County. T WO months after date application will be made to th* court of ordinary of Campbell county, Georgia, at tke >rst tom after the expiration of two month* ^ Lgl_| deceased. January.13,1866. ‘ G. W. HAMMOND, Administrator. jan!7—2m- [ac.».J Printer’s fea t*. GEORGIA, CinutxCotttTT. C P. BOWEN, guardian oT John N. K. and Edward J. . Lowery, haring applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county fora discharge from his guardianship of John N. E, and Edmond J. Lowery’* persona and pro perty— This is therefore to cite aR parsons concerned, to show cause by filing objections in my office, why aaid'C. P. Bowen should not be dismissed from his guardianship of John N. E. and Edward J. Lowery, and receive the usual letters of dismission. Given under my hand and official signature^ this February 10th, 1806. K. 6. BEAVERS, Ordinary, febll—tOd Printer’s fee H EXECUTRIX’S SALK. B T virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Campbell county, Ga., will he cold, on the firm Tuesday in April next, between the lawful hours of sale, at the court house door in Campbelltou, 27 acres of land, off of lot No. six hundred and fifty-nine, (6B8,) in the 18th district and id section of said county. Sold as the pro perty of James S. Rutherford, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. February 10,1866. _ M ALINDA RUTHERFORD, Executrix, febll—td Printer’s fee $5. GEORGIA, Cimru County. T WO months after the date hereof, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell all of the lands, the entire real estate of Adam B. King, deceased, except the widow’s dower in said land, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. This 12th day of February, 1866. H. a! Ilng; j- Administrators. febl6—2m [R.C.B.] Printer’s fee $6. GEORGIA, Cajcfbell County. TO ALL. WHOM IT NAT CONCERN. J AMES M. WILSON having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of John F. McLarin, late or said county, deceased— This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of John F. McLarin, to' be and appear at my office, within the time allowed by law, and snow cause, if any they can, why perauumnt letters cif administration should, not be granted to James M. Wilson on John F. McLarin’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this Feb ruary 16th, I860. R. C. BEAVERS, Ordinary. feb22—80d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Campbell County. T WO months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Campbell -county, Georgia, at the first regular term after the expiration of two mouths from this notice, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of James II. Kidd, late of said county, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said decased. February 14,1866. W. W. DEAN, Administrator. fub22—2m Printer’s fee $6. GEORGIA, Campbell County. / TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. J AMES BLACK having in proper form applied to me lor permanent letters or administration, with the will annexed, on the estate of Richmond Barge, late of said county, deceased, both of the executors of said de ceased having died without, finishing or winding up said deceased’s estate— This is to cite all and singular, the creditors and fiext of kin of Richmond Barge, to be and appear at my office, within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to James Black on Richmond Barge's estate. Witness my haud and official signature, this Feburary 14th, 1866. R. C. BEAVERS, Ordinary. feh22—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Campbell County. T WO months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, at the first regular term after the expiration of two months from this notice, for leave to sell the lauds belonging to the estate of Wil liam W. Reeves,, late of. .said county, deceased; fai lhq benefit of the heirs aud .creditors of said deceased-'. This. March 6tb. 18G6, JilRON P. STEED, Adm r r, mjrll'—66d “ ~ j- 1 - 1 pg.C-.B.'J u Printer’s fee $6. GEORG* * « Mkjbwktk** County 1 : ' . Ilf H FRICAS jlalHi Douglas, Administrator At, bon! a noil If oa the estate of Jas. L. Robinson, represents to the court Rat he has fully administered James L. Robinson's This is therefor* to cite and admonish all persona con cerned. kindred and creditors, to fchow cause, if any they «■— why said administrator should -not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the. first Monday in April, 1866. Given under my hand at office. Sept. 25th, 1S65. J. W. BANNING, O. M. C. octl—dm [Printer's fee $6-] GEORGIA, MRniwrrHxn County. T WO months after date, at the first regular term of the Court of Ordinary of Mftiwether county, Georgia, application win DC made for leave to sell the lands belong ing to the estate of Monroe M. Nance, deceased, far the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased: a por tion of said estate being- half 0,’) interest In White Snl- ihnr Springs, in said county. January 20th. 1866. jan28—2m Printer’s fee $6. GEORGIA, Meriwether County. M ARK MORGAN, administrator of Peter Windham, represents to the court that he has foliar adminis tered Peter Windham’s estate— This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the firs: Monday in August, 1866. Given andfir my hand at office, this February 1st, 1866. J. W. BANNING, Ordinary. feb!6—m6m Printer’s fee $4 50. GEORGIA, Meriwether County. MERIWETHER SUPERIOR COURT, FEB. TERM, 1866. Mebedith P. Coulee ^ Llbe l fo r Divorce—Rule to Perfect Adeline W. Corlee. ) Service. I T appearing to the court by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant does not reside in this county; and it further appearing that she does not reside in this State: It is, on motion of counsel, ordered that said de fendant appear and answer at the next term of this court, else that tne ’case be considered in default, and the plain- tin allowed to proceed. Aud it ia further ordered, that this rule be published in the Atlanta Intelligencer once a month for four months. GEORGR L. FEAVY, Plaintiff’s Attorney. Merwiwether Superior Court, February Term, 1866. I certify that the above is a true extract from the min utes of said court. This February 26,1866. J. W. BOYD, Clerk, marfr-i-lanrtm [j.w.b.] Printer’s fee $1 per square each insertion. GEORGIA, Meriwether County : W HEREAS, Isaac A. Haisten, administrator of John T. Bagwell, represents to the court that he has fuUy administered John T. Bagwell's estate— tliis is therefore to cite aud admonish all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show causa, if any they can, why'said- administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in October, 1866. Given under my hand at office, March 7,1866. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary, marll—6m Printer’s fee $4 50. GEORGIA, Gwinnett County. T WO months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the real estate of James M. Perry, late of said county, de ceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors.— January 17,1866. [g.t.r.] JOHN O. PERRY, Adm’r. jau34—w60d Printer’s fee $0, GEORGIA, CLAYTON CquNTX. ,,.j j T WO months after date I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of 'Clayton county for leave to gell the lands belonging to the late Matthew Lyle, decased, late of said county. Application mads for benefit of heirs and creditors of said estate. February 5th, 1866. . J. R. PHIPPS. Administrator. febl3—60d Printer's flea $6 GEORGIA, Clayton County. T WO months after date application will be made to the ' Court of Ordinary ef,Clayton county, at the first regular term after the. expiration of two months from this notice, for leave to- sell tne lands belonging to th* estate of A. C. CroiRbie, late of said epouty, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and. creditors of said deceased. March 5th, 1866. THOMAB JOHNSON, Adm’r'. mart—80d [c.a.O.] Printer’s fee $6. rrwo MONTHS.a .X jtheC "- r Notice to Gebtora end Creditor*. A LL persons indebted to the CBtates of John B. Thur man or William G. -Harris, late of Henry county, ^deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and those holding claims against said estate are noti fied to present them, legally authenticated, within the time prescribed by law. February 22d, 1866. i THOMAS W. THURMAN, Administrator. feb28-rf4pd [q.B.N.j Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Henry County. N ANCE M. REAGAN applies to me for letters of ad ministration on the estate of James H. Reagan, kite of said county, deceased— These arc therefore to cite and admonish ail and singu lar, tUC kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear fit my office, on or before the first Monday in April next, and show cause, if any they have, why letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this February 22d, 1806. Q. R. NOLAN, Ordinary. feb27—30d Printer’s fee $3, GEORGIA, Gordon County. J OSEPHUS TRIMBLE applies to me for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of Joseph Trimble, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why letters Bhould not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and offi- cial signature, February 27,1866. D. W. NEEL, Ordinary. mar3—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Gordon County. W ILLIAM D. FRANKLIN applies to me in proper form for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Henry H. Dobson, late of said county, de ceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, ana show cause, if any they can, why letters of adminis tration on the estate of said deceased should not be granted to the applicant. Given under my hand and offi cial signature, this March 1st, 1866. D. W. NEEL, Ordinary. mar3—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Gordon County. TiUKLDIN KAY applies to me for letters of guardian- X ship over the persons and property of Hnldah C. Kay and Foley E. J. Kay, minor neira of Emery Kay, de ceased— These are therefore to cite and require all persons con- r-rnad, to he and appear, on the first Monday in April next, at the Urdisarr B office, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters' shouiu not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this March let, 1866. D. W. NEEL, Ordinary. mar3—30d Printer’s fee $3 GEORGIA, Polk County. A T the first term of the Conrt of Ordinary for said county, after the expiration of sixty days from the first publication of this notice,-I will apply to said conrt for leave to sell the real estate belonging to H. M. Prior, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. January 15.1866. J. w. CHILDERS, Administrator. jan24—OOd[s.a.b.]Printer’s fee $6. GEORGIA, Polk County. A T the first term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, after the expiration of sixty days from the first publication of this notice, I will apply to said conrt for-laavfe to sell a portion of the land belonging to the es tate of Jesse Ammons, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of said estate. January 15,1866. _ E. A. AMMONS, Executrix jau24—60d[s.a.b.] ■ Printer’s tee $6. GEORGIA, Polk County. E DMUND BERRY, guardian for M. Elizabeth and Mar cos A. Jackson, orphans of - Mark Jackson, de ceased, appliesjto me in due formfordismission from his guardianship— Tins is therefore to cite and admonish the kindred and friends of said minors to show cause, if any exists, to his being dismissed by filing their objections in my office, on or before the first Monday in April next. Given under my band and official signature, February 8,1S66. S. A. BORDERS, Ordinary. Ibbl4—40d Printer’s fee $4. GEORGIA, Polk County. W ILLIAM F. JANES, executor of the last will and testament Qf Thomas G. Janes, deceased, has ap plied to me in dne form to be discharged from bis admin istration'on said deceased's estate, he having fully settled the same— This is therefore to notify- the legatees, creditors and all persons concerned, to file their objections to smd ex ecutor's being dismissed, in mv office, bn or before the first MoDday in October next; ” otherwise letters of dis mission will be granted to said executor according to law. Given under my hand and official signature, March Sth, 1866. S. A. BORDERS, Ordinary, marls—limditt Printer’s fee $4 50 GEORGIA, Cakboll County. R ICHARD E. THURMAN, administrator on the estate of Nancy Thurman, deceased, applies to me for let ters of dismission from said administration— These are therefore to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they can, why said Richard E. Thurman, administrator as aforesaid, should not be dismissed from said administration. Given under my hand and official signature. December 20. 1865. J. M. BLALOCK. Ordinary. dec24—lamfim Printer’s fee $4. GEORGIA, 'Clayton Couny. . *■ ‘ late, application will be made to . .y of Clayton poUnty, Ga-^it first' regular term affter the expiration of two 'moi froni this notice, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the 'estate of John D. Walden, late of said county,' J - ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of deceased. SARAH E. WALDEN, ■ .Administrator of Johu-D. Walden. ■ mart—60d , ; fomD.] Pointer's fee $6. GUARDIAN’S SALE A GREEABLY to an order of the hopotable Conrt-of Ordinary of Clayton county, Ga., wiH be sold, before the court housb door in /said county, within the usnal hours of sale, on the first Tnesday in Aprft, 1866, the fol lowing property, to-wit: . • OUe lot of land; known as lot No. 208, *ih' the 5th : dis trict of originally Henry, now Clayton county, containinj; 202/4 acres. Sold as the property pf thy minor heirs 91, Morris H. Allen, deceased. Terms bfi day'of sale.' Feb ruary Sth, 1866. L. 8. WA'GGONERI Cfnardlan. febl4—td • ; , Printer** fee $5. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALS. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Clayton County, will be Bold; on the fitst Tuesday iu May, 1866, in the town of Jonesboro, in said county, be tween the legal hours of sale, a lot, /known in aaid town as the hotel lot, in'saidcottnty, whereon'the late Dr.'Jaa. A. Turner resided previous to his death; containing four acres, more or less, less the widow’s dower. Terms on day of sale. March 12,1866. LEVI H TURNER. Administrator. marl4—td [c.a.d.] Printer’s fee $5 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Claytqn county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in May, I860, in the town of Jonesboro, in said county, between the legal hours of rale, a house and lot in raid town and county, known as the residence of the late Dr. C. W. Smith. Terms on day of sale. March 12,1866. JOHN C. SMITH, Administrator. marl4—td [c.a.d.] Printer’s fee $5. GEORGIA, Paulding County. T WO months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to aell the real estate belonging to the estate of Nancy Thompson, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. February 5th, 1866. J. T. REID, Administrator. mar3—60d [ij.x.] Printer’s fee $6. GEORGIA, Paulding County. G A. OWENS applies to me in proper form for perma- • nent letters of administration, with the will an nexed, on the estate of S. M. Hogan, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all aud singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to hC and' appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in April next, and show cause, if any they caa, why said letters should not he granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, February 27,1866. S. B. McGRKGOK, Ordinary. mar3—30d Printer’s fee %&. GEORGIA, Paulding County. B S. FLORENCE applies to me in proper form for m letters of administration on tne estate of O. Florence, late of said county, deceased— This is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in-April next, to show cause, if they can, why said letters should not be granted the applicant Given under my hand and official signature this February 27.1866. 8. B. McGREGOR, Ordinary. mar3—30d Printer’s fee §3. GEORGIA, Paulding County. M RS. SARAH P1NKARD applies to me for letters of guardianship aver theperson and property of Wm. T. Pinkard, minor heir of Enoch Pinkard, late of said comity, deceased— These are therefore to cite and require all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office, on the first Monday in April next to allow cause, if any they.have^ why aaid letters should not be granted the applicant- . given under my hand and official signature, February 27,1806. S. B. McGREGOR, Ordinan marS—30d Printer’s foe $1 GEORGIA, Paulding County. L M. PARKER applies to me in proper form for letters , of administration on the estate of James Williams, late of said county, deceased— This is therefore to cite and require all persona con cerned to be and appear at my office, on or-before the’ first Monday in April next to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted the appli cant. Given under my hand and official signature, this February 27, 1866. S. B. McGREGOR, Ordinary. marS—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Paulding County. M ICHAEL AUSTIN, 1 administrator on the «8tate of Bad and Thomas Mullins, kite of said county, de ceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from aaid administration— These are therefore to require all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office, on the first Monday in July next to snow cause, if any they have, why. raid letter* of dismission should not be granted the appnrsnt; Witness mv hand and official signature, this December 6th, 1865. S. B. McGREGOR; -Ordinary. decl4— tam6m Printer’s fee fit GEORGIA, Catoosa County: - NOV EMBKB TPOt,1865- " A. L. Myers 1 vs. V Libel for Divorce. Sarah Myers.) - . « ; . . It appearing to the Conrt by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant does 1 not reside in ibis county, and it further appearing that the defendant .doe* not reside in this State, it is on motion ordered that said defendant -ap pear at the next term of the 'CoRtt and answer, .eleb''thb' case be considered ia defouit, and the plaintiff allowed -to iroceed. And it ie further ordered tkattfcls radar beptto ished in the Atlanta Intelhgenoer once a month-tor four months. DAWNONA. WALKER,'J S. C. A true extract from the minutes of the Court. decl3—4m O. W. Trumnsr, Clerk S. P. Printer’s fee 75 cents per square for each insertion. GEORGIA, Cabboll County. W HEREAS, George W. Bnrson. administrator of E. H. Hudson, represents to the Conrt in his ]>etitinn, duly filed and entered ou record, tliat he has hilly admin istered said estate— This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his adminis tration and receive letters of dismission ou the flrA Mon day in May next <1866. > October 24. JS65. J. M. BLALoCK.Ordinary. j novl—6m : Printer's fee fil I GEORGIA, Cabboll County. T WO months after the date of this- apnlicstion, I'Will j apply so the Ordinary of C-arrolt count-.' for leave to ■ sell the real estate of Lewis Scales, deceased, late of said I iWATER, Administrator. 4 ' r 1 “ririter’s fee $6 GEORGIA, Catoosa County. T WO months after date; application will he made to the honorable Conrt of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell thirty-five acres of lot of land No. 262, 28th district and 3d section, being toe entire real estate of Jer emiah Plummer, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors of said deceased. This January 23d, 1866. W. J. WHIT SELL, Administrator. janSl—2m Printer’s fee $6. Silebod S. Sins Bill, Ac., in Pike Superior Court. GEORGIA Pickens Countt. T WO months after date application will be made to the the Court of Ordinary of Pickens county, Georgia, at the first regular term after the expiration of iwo the kinds beion- vs. Jasper Sins etoLl I T appearing io the Court that Artemus Sima and Eliza beth Sims, his wife, of Marion county, Alabama; Newton Sims. Mary Head and Sberod G. Head, (minors), of Abbeville District, South Carolina, defendants to earn bill, reside beyond the limits of this State— It is ordered by the Court that said defendants appear, demur, plead and answer the above biH at the next term, in terms of the law, and that they be served by publica tion of this order once a month fur four months before thus next term of this Court, iu some public Gazette of ti2s6idte. C. jPEEPLES, 1 » qai, II. green, f u *“ pt ■ SoU - Bv the Conrt- A. M. SPEER, Judge Superior Court, F. C. A tmeextract from the Minutes of Pike Superior Court, GEORGIA, Gwinnett County. COURT OP ORDINARY, JANUARY TERN. I860. - I T appearing to the conrt by the petition of Mrs. Loui sa M. Moon, petitioner, showetli that sometime in the year 1861, one Mrs. Susan Jones made and delivered to her a bond for titles for fifty acres of land in said county, part of lot No. 129, in the fifth district, and tho said Loui sa M. having paid a portion of the purchase money to the said Mrs. Susan Jones, departed this life before the remainder was paid, or the titles made on said land; and Jefferson Jones was duly appointed administrator on the •state of said Snead Jones, deceased; and the said Louisa M. Moon petitions this court to direct Jeffe&on Jones to execute titles to said land, aa the petitioner is ready to pay the remainder of the pnrehase money— Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby notified to file tlieir objections, if any they have, in my office within the time prescribed by law, why said Jefferson Jones should not be.ordered to execute titles to'said fifty acres of land. Jautiary 17,1866. 1an2i—w3m G. T. RAKESTRAW, Ordinary Printer’s fee 75 cents per square for each insertion. EXECUTOR’S SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Conrt of Ordinary of Gwinnett county, Ga., and to carry out the wiu of Benjamin Gfaolston, jr., deceased, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in. April next, at the conrt house door in the town of Lawrenceville, between the legal hours of sale, the following lands, to-wit: Forty acres of lot No. 118, and 33X acres, part of lot No. 78. All in the 7th district of said county, lying on the waters of Sweet Water creek, adjoining lands dr the Widow Gholston, John Daniel ana others. Nearly all the above land is good bottom land. Sold fur toe benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made kown on the day qf sale. This Febrnary Sth, 1866. UNION F. GHOLSTON, PHILO H. GHOLSTON, ^eentors. fej»9—td [g.t.r.] Printer’s fee $10. n ,-j,j I- ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. |~>Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary lof ' T>! Gwinnett county, Ga., will be sold, o.n the first Tnesday in April next, before the court house door in the town Of Lawrenceville, Gwinnett county, Ga.; between . the legal honrs of sale, the following land, to-wit: ’ One hundred and fifty (150) acres of land, known by No. 129, In the fifth districtof raid county, adjoining lands of Webb Braswell and others. Some improvements on raid land. Sold as the property of Sasun Jones, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. This February 6th, 1866. JEFFERSON JONES, Adm’r. feb9—td[g.t.r.]Printer’s fee $10. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W TT.T. be sold, agreeably to an order from the Conrt of Ordinary of Gwinnett connty, Ga,, on the first Tuesday in April next.before the court house door in the town of Gainesville, Hall county, within the legal hours ol sale, the following land, to-wit: One hundred and seventy (170) acres, be the same more or less, in the 892d district of Hall connty, adjoining lands of Frazier and others, on the headwaters of the Mulberry river; nearly all In the woods, and finely tim bered, with an elegant new saw mill, now in good order, -with good water power for a grist mill, and a cotton gin, all on said land. Tne water can be used three times. Any person Wishing such a situation would do well to examine before the day of sale. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Snnshnry Pepper, late of Gwinnett county, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. This February 5th, 1866. S. H. McCLUNG, Adm’r. feb9—td [g.t.r.] Printer’s fee $10. GEORGIA, Gwinnett County. mWO months after date application will be made to the X Conrt of Ordinary of raid connty for leave to sell .the lands belonging to the estate of Root. J. Bagwell, de ceased. Feb. 8th,1866. RICHARD D. WINN, Administrator. fobl4—60d [g.t.r.] Printer's fee $6. Notice to Oebtora and Creditors. N OTICE is herebygiven to all persons having demands against Wiley W. Webb, late of Gwinnett county, deceased, to present them, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount; and also persons indebted to raid deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment. This February 8th, 1866. JAMES W. WEBB, I Admr >, E. M. BRAND, f febl4—40d[g.t.r.]Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA* Gwinnett County. T WO months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of William J. Dnrham, de ceased. Febrnary 8,1806. JAMES T. DOUGLAS, Administrator. ■ febl4—60d[g.t.r.]Printer’s fee $6. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Conrt of Ordinary of Gwinnett county,. Ga., : will be sold, on the first Tnesday in April next, at the conrt house door in raid county, within the l«ral hoars of rale, 50 acres of land, in the 5ln district of said connty, known as part of lot No. 127: adjoining lands of Thomas Jacobs and others. Sold as the property of William V. Moore, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. This Febrnary 8,1866. JAMES L. MOORE, Administrator. fohl4—td [g.t.r. j Printer’s fee $5. GEORGIA' Milton County. IN SUPERIOR COURT OE SAID COUNTY, NOVEMBER TERN, 1865. PRESENT, HU HONOB GEO. D. BICE. ^* PIN8 (Libel for Divorce. Rule to Perfect Ser N. C. Tiffins. ) vicc - I T appearing to the conrt by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant does not reside in this connty, and it fhrther appearing that she does not reside in this State, it is, on motion of counsel, ordered that said defendant ear and answer at the next term 'of this conrt, else l the case be considered in default, and the plaintiff allowed to proceed. And it ia further ordered, that this rale be published in the paper in which the legal adver tisements for the connty are published, once a month for three months previous to the next term of this conrt. GEO. D. RICE, Judge Superior Court. A true extract from the minutes 01 said court. W. H. NESBIT, feb6—lam3m Clerk Superior Court. Printer’s fee $1 per square for each Insertion. GEORGIA, Milton Countt. T WO months after date implication will be made to the- Conrt of Ordinary of Milton county for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Nancy Brace- well, deceased, late of this connty, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Febrnary 7th, 1866. STEPHEN S. LEE, Administrator. feblS—2m Printer’s fee $6. GEORGIA* Milton County. W ILL lie sold, before the conrt house door in Alpha retta, cm the ilrst Tnesday In April next, an estray horse of the following description, taken up by Hampton Smith.: A small bay horse, With ablaze face, and left fore foot white; supposed to be five years old, and appraised by G. W. Arnold and J. M. Howell, in April last, to be worth twelve hundred dollars in Confederate notes. Feb ruary 6,1886. R. M. AUTRY, Sheriff. fcbl4—td Printer’s fee $2 SO. GEORGIA' Milton County. to all WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. /CATHARINE F. MERRITT applies to me for perma- nent letters of administration upon the estate of Levi T. Merritt, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of. said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or Before the first Monday in April next, and show ednse, if any they can, why letters should not he grated the applicant. ; Given under my official signature, this March 1st, 1866. ** nu air ent mor6—30d O. P. SKELTON, Ordinary, Printer's fee $3. GEORGIA' Milton County. TO si r. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. ■fACKSON GRAHAM having in proper form applied to V me for letters of administration on the estate of William A. Parsons, a non resident— This is therefore to cite and admonish the kindred and creditors of raid deceased to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in April next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters of administra tion should not be granted. Given under my hand and official.signature, this March 3d, 1866. O. P. SKELTON, Ordinary: marl3—30d Printer's fee $3. GEORGIA, FJrtrisTrn■Cotter ’ ’ ■ ■ N ATHANIEL ri'l'lNrilOOIB, administrator of James Edmondson, represents fo the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered ou record, that he has fdllv admit? utered Games Edmondson's estate— These are therefore to notify all persons concerned to show cause. If any they have, in terras of the law, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission' EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary. Printer's fee $4 50. janSl—lam6m GEORGIA, Fayette County, N ATHANIEL STTNCHCOMB, administrator of James Edmondson, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered ou record, tfiat lie has fully admin istered Janies Edmondson’s estate— This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why- said administrator should not be dismissed from liisaa- minietratiun, and receive letters of disiuissiou. January 21th. I860. EDWARD CONNOR. Ordinary. feb6—lam6m Printer’s fee $4 50 ADMINISTRATOR’S RE-SALE. W ILL be sold, before the conrt house door in Fay etteville, iu Fayette county, Ga., on the first Tues day in April next, within the legal hours of sale, the one- half interest iu a set of grist mills, to-wit: Two wheat, and one corn mill, with four acres of laud iu front of said mills, attached, kuown as the Edmoudsou and .Matthews Mills, iu the 6ih district of said county. Also, on said tract of land, a gin house and a sixty saw gin, the gin pro pelled by water; all belonging to the estate of Eli Ed mondson, late of raid county, deceased. Re-sold in con sequence of the purchaser foiling to comply with the terms of the former sale. Sold for the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms on the dav of Sale. January 29th, 1S00. JANE EDMONDSON, Administratrix. 1 JOHN EDMONDSON, Administrator. feb7—td Printer's fee $10. Notice to Debtor* and Creditor*. A LL jwrsone having demands against Miles Ward, late of Fayette county, deceased, are hereby noti fied and required to render them in, properly authenti cated, within the time prescribed by law : and all those indebted are requested to make immediate payment. February 10th, I860. JOHN M. WARD, Adm’r. febll!—40d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Fayette County. W ILLIAMS. MILNER having applied to be appointed guardian of the person a ml property of Benjamin G. Griggs, a minor, under fourteen years of age, a resi dent of said county— This is to cite all persons concerned to he and appear at the term of the Court of Ordiuary to he held uext after the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, and show, cause, if any they can; wiiy said letters should not be granted to the applicant. Given nnder my hand and official signature, February 10,1800.' E. CONNOR, Ordinary.' feblti—30d Printer’s fee ^3. GEORGIA, Fayette County. N OTICE is hereby given to all persons concerned, that John Stephens, late of said county, departed this life intestate, aud no person lias applied for adminis tration on the estate of said John Stephens, and that in terms of the la\y, administration will be vested iu the Clerk of the Superior COurf, or some other fit and proper person, thirty days after the publication of this cilntion, unless some valid objection is made to his appointment. Given under my hand and official signature, this 23d day of February, I860. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordiuary. feb28—:)0d Printer’s fee •$3. GEORGIA' Fayette County. W HEREAS, Richard C. Ellington, administrator of David W. Ellington, represents to tl>e court, hi his petition duly filed and entered on record, that he lias fully administered David W. EIlington’s estate— This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his admin istration, and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in Octobor, 1800. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary, mart—6m Printer’s fee $4 50. GEORGIA' Fayette County. B ENJAMIN B. DYKES, guardian of Martha E. Whit low, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for a discharge from his guardianship of M. E. Whitlow’s person and property— This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause, by filing their objections in my office, wily the: said B. B. Dykes should not he dismissed from liis guardian ship of Martha E. Whitlow and receive the’n-tml letters of dismission. Given under my haud aud official signa ture, March 3d, 1866. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary.. mar6—49d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA' Fayette.C®unty. T WO months after date.hereof, application will be mado to the Conrt of Ordinary of said connty for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Charles Baily, late of said county, deceased, for the beAeflt of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. This March 7, I860. ISAAC A. HAISTEN, Administrator, marll—GOd Printer’s foe $6. GEORGIA* F4TETTR County: , T WO months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, at the first regular term after the expiration of two months from this notice, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Henry M. Pate, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors. March 7,1806. Administrator. marll—60d Printer’s fee $0. GEORGIA' DeKalb County. SUPERIOR COURT, OCTOBER ADJOURNED TERM, 1805. William B. Robinson i Libel for Divorce. vs. Elizabeth A. Robinson. I T appearing to the Conrt from the retnm of the Sheriff that the defendant, Elizabeth A.- Robinson, js not to be found in raid connty, and that she does not reside iu the State of Georgia— It is ordered that said defendant appear at the next term of this Conrt and answer in said case, or that same be considered in defonlt, and that this order be published once a month for four monms in the Atlanta Intelligen eer. A true extract from the minutes of said Conrt. J. M HAWKINS, janlO—lam4m Clerk Superior Court. Printer’s fee 75 cents per square each insertion. ADMINISTRATOR’S SAGE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of DeKalb county, Ga., will he sold, before the conrt house door in the town of Decatur, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tnesday in April next, one-half inter est (undivided) in one hundred and twenty acres of lot of land (number unknown.) Said lot adjoining lands of Joseph Stewart and A. B. Donahoo, in the 18th district of DeKalb county. Upon said tract of land is a grist and saw mill, in running order. Also, on the same day and place, a new framed dwelling house, 32 feet long by 18 in width; south piaza in front of main bnilding, and shed in rear. All sold as the pro perty of Ichaboa Williams, deceased, late of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. February 9th, 1S66. JAMES POLK, Administrator, febll—td [j.b.w.] Printer’s fee $10. ADMINISTRATOR’S SAGE. B Y virtue of an order from the honorable Conrt of Or dinary of DeKalb county,' Ga/, will be sold at Deca tur, in raid connty, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the lawful hours of sale, the following named land: One-half interest (undivided) in 120 acres of land, whereon there is a grist and saw mill, it being the north part of lot No. 325, in the 18th district of DeKalb county. Also, one new framed house, 30 feet or more long and 18 feet wide; shed on one side and piaza on the other: the bouse to be sold separate from the laud. Also, half Interest In a good wheat fan. Sold as the property be longing to tne estate of Ichabod Williams, late of said county, deceased. Terms cash. This 12th February, 1866. JAMES POLtv, Administrator. feb!4—td [j.b.w.] Printer’s fee $10: EXECUTRIX’S SAGE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of DeKalb county, Ga., will be sold, before the court house door in the town of Decatur, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tnesday in April next, one hundred and sixty acres of land, (number not kpown;) adjoining lands of widow Jolly, James . McCain and Jacob New, some three miles east of Decatur, jp the 18th district of originally Henry, now DeKalb county, whereon the wid ow Woodson now resides, with comfortible dwelling house and abont sixty-five acres of open land; the larges: portion in good condition for cultivation. The same sold as the property of Benjamin Woodson, deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. February 21st, 1866. MARY WOODSON, Executrix. feb23—td [j.b.w.]' Printer’s fee' $10. COURT OF ORDINARY AT CRAMBEBS, JAN. 25TII, 1866. CSAUATI ATKINS, aduiinjstwtfix wwi tho estate of O Thomas K. Atkins. (Tec'cnsM, havinfr filed her pvti- tition nsldng for leave to sell a portion of file ri-nl ostntu of said deceased, for the benefit of tho lieirsand creditdra— ■ Ail persons concerned arc notified-to fife their ohjec- tions,‘ff anv they have, ot my.otUcc, on or before the regu lar term for this eourt-in April -next.... DANIEL 1UTTMAN,-Ordinary. ■ jan31—2m -• Printer’s fee $6. >.:itra COURT OF ORDINARY, CHAMBERS. JAN. -Ik 1806. I T appearing tp the court, bv the petition of A. W. Hall, duly filed, that on the ‘jfith . day of March, I860, L. Windsor Smith, deceased, made .and delivered to peti tioner a bond for titles for a city ivt in the city of of At lanta, containing one and oue-thitd-at'tes,.mc*e or less, lyiiujon Whitehall street,aud that petitioner hiis folly paid for said land according to, the conditions,of said- bond, and wishes an order to William McNaught, admin istrator of said L. Windsor Smith,-deceased, directing him to make a title.under .saidbofuir-. Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections*, if tiny Jbqy. have, off or before the regular term of the Court of O.rumnrV, to be tield.iii ami for said countv. qn, tho first Aiou'day in May next-; other wise. said Wftliam McNanghti.fidtii'vntsi.ratvr, will 1/udi- , ■ reeled to execute titles under sttiil Itotid.. n ... DANIEL POTMAN, Ordinary. jiuiSl—3m . : r . ,,,. -; .Printer's fcq, ; , ESTB.li: NotlfE . V L P. THOMAS,' Sr., of tile city of Atlanta, Ga„ : haa • tolled befere^uveas eetrays, ahijge. pale.rod;cow, with a streak of white along! the irick ami belly, about nine years old, marked with a SW9 /wfork aud uuderbit in the left ear. and a crop and underbit in the. right ear; a deep red hull calf, about oro month, old. Tho owner is required to come forward ami prove property. P*y ex- E ensos and costs, and take them away. Given under my tfnd officially, this 12th Febrnnrv, 1866. jethro w. Manning, cierk i. c. fobH—60d Printer’s fee $6. ADMINISTRATOR’S SAGE. B Y virtue of nn order from the honorable Court of Or dinary of Fulton .county, w 11 be. sold, on the first Tuesday in April next,before the court house door in tho city of Atlanta, within,the usual houas of sale, one city lot in tlio city of Atlanta, containing a lull ['.acre, more or .less, and.known as uorthkalf of No. 4, fronting on. Mar- property of J. B. Badger, deceased, foijtho befieftrdr the heirs and creditors. Fcbnm'rY2S07 T36ti: JOHN It. WALLACE, Administrator de bonis non. ■ fel>21—td • Printer’s foe JS. GEORGIA, Fulton County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, FEniJUARY 27TII, 18tHi. W ILLIAM II. FREEMAN having applied tome for letters of administration, r/e ,bonis with the will annexed, on the estate of John B. McMiohael, late of Bibb connty, deceased— ‘ ' ' All persons concerhdil are therefore notified to he and , appear at tlic Ordinary's office in mul lor said county of Fulton by tlic first. Monday iu April next, and tile their objections, if any ItieV have.-xvliv said applicant should not he appointed: Witness 1 lie lion.Daniel Pittman, Or dinary for said county: JNO. T. COOPER. Deputy Clerk. fehSS—30d Printer's lee $3. GEORGIA' Fulton County. ordinary’s OFFICE, FEBRUARY 27TU, 180li. I. RANDALL applies for i otters of guardianship ol _ _ the person and property of Ellen Pace, minor child ofllnshrod Pace, late of Cobb county, de'ccased— All persons concerned are therefore noli lied to. bji and appear at the Ordinary’s office in aud for sqiil county of Fulton, by the first Monday in April next, /mil -file llieie objections, if any they havq, why said applicant should not bd appointed. WTffi'e ~ j In-1L >n. Daniel riffiifi P 1I. . t fippbi diuarvifor said county. , ' JNi febEMlM nfen, Or- r’.'COQPEfc, Deputy Clerk, DriiVfPl's fee $3. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. J W. GOLDSMITH having in proper form applied * to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of George K. Smith, late of said connty deceased— 'This is to cite all and singular, the creditors and next of kin of George K. Smith, to be and appear at my of fice, within the time allowed by law, ana show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to J. W. Goldsmith ou George K. Smith's estate. Witness my hand and official signature, Feb ruary 27, 1860. J. B. WILSON, Ordinary, marl—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA' DeKalb County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. E LIJAH HENDERSON having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of ThomaB Henderson, late of said county, de ceased— r This is to cite all and singolar, the creditors and next of kin of raid Thos. Henderson, to be and appear at my office, within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Elijah Henderson on Thomas Henderson's estate. Witness my hand and official signature, March 5, 1866. J. B. WILSON, Ordinary. mar9—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, DeKalb Countt. DEKALB COURT OF ORDINARY, MARCH TERM, I860. E LIJAH MORRIS, administrator upon the estate of Francis C. South, deceased, having filed his petition asking leave to sell the real estate belonging to said de ceased— All persons concerned are notified to file their objec tions, tf any they have, on or before the first Monday in May, 1866 ; otherwise, leave will be granted for the sale of raid real estate. J. B. WILSON, Ordinary. mar9—2m Printer’s fee $6. GEORGIA. DeKalb County. DEKALB COURT OF ORDINARY, MARCH TERM. 1866. J AMES FARRIS, administrator upon the estate of Na thaniel McWilliams, deceased, having filed bis peti tion asking leave to sell the real estate belonging to said All persons concerned are notified to file their objec tions, u any they have, on or before the first Monday in May, 1866; otherwise. leave win be granted for the sale of said raw estate. J. B. WILSON, Ordinary: mart)—2m Printer's fee $6. months from this notice, for leave to -eli ... ing to the estate of Barnabas Arthur, late of snitl t county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors I October. Term, 1865. of raid deceased. January 23d. 1806. 1 C, F- REDDING, s = E W. ALLRED, Administrator. . novS—lam4m Clerk Superior Court. [ ltave lloue wliat I conceived, iobe my duty, and feb4—2m Printers fee $«. j Printers fee 75 cents per sqnare for each Insertion. GEORGIA, Milton County. N OTICE is hereby given to all persons concerned, that Some time in January last, K. H. Imes, late of this connty, departed this life intestate, and no person has ap plied for administration on the estate of said R. H. Imes, and that in terms of the law, administration will be vest ed in the Clerk of the Superior Conrt. or some other lit and suitable person, thirty days after the publication of this citation, unless some valid objection is made to his appointment. Given nnder my hand and official signa ture, this 7th day of March, 1866. O. P. SKELTON, Ordinary mar!4—30d Printer’s fee $3 GEORGIA, Pickens County. rflWO months after date application will he made to the JL Court of Ordinary of Pickens connty, Georgia, at the first regular term after the expiration of two months from this notice, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Wm. J. Nelson, late of said ctmnty.'deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. WILLTAM B. CHAMBERS, Administrator. feb2—2m Printer’s fee $6. GEORGIA, Haralson County. G EORGE W. GOGGANS having applied to me for per manent letters of administration on the estate of Martin Ayres, late of smd county, deceased— This is to cite all aud singular, the creditors and next of kin of raid - deceased, ,to be and appear at my office, within the time allowed by law.and shew cause,-if any .hey ran, why permanent administration should not be granted to the applicant. Witness my hand and official signature, Febrnary 19,1866. . JAMES H. WILLIAMS, Ordinary. feb28—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Haralson County. EOBGE W. GOGGANS having applied to me for per- VJT manent letters of administration on the estate of David Plunkett, lata of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of eaid deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the tirao Al lowed by law, and show cause, if any they cap, why. permanent letters of administration should not be granted to said deceased. Witness my hand and officiar sigiia 1 - tnre, this February 19,1866. JAMES H. WILLIAMS, Ordinary. feb28—30d Printer's fee $3. GEORGIA, Haralson County. A L MORGAN having applied for letters of adminis- a tration on the estate of Rolaipl Brown, late qf said county, deceased— These are to cite and admonish ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of raid deceased^to be nniay pear at my office, within the time prescribed; by law, to show cause, if any exists, why letters' should not be granted.- Given under my hand and official signature, this March 5,1866. JAMES H. WILLIAMS, Ordinary. mar9—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Fin.+oW <Wftrrr. ORDINARY'S OFK1CK. FKJSRUARY:2TTII; 1800. J O. BRUCKNER, administrator upon tins estate of • Oli:trlea F. Bruckner; 1.it<i of said county, deceased, having filed his petition asking for leave,to sell the real estate -belonging to said deceased — All persons concerned arc notified to file their Objec tions, if any lliyy li:ive,.on or before the first Monday ill May next. 'Witness the lion. Daniel I’it I man. Ordinary for Saul count}'., ,, JNQ. T. COOPER, Deputy Clerk. ' feh28—2m Printer's'fee. $6. FULTOSI SI310K Jl'l’S SAUK. W ILL he soid, at the court home door in the city of ' ■ Atlanta, Ga., ou the first Tuesday iu April next, between the legal hours of sale, tile following property, to-wit: A parcel of fond.in'the eifyof. Atlanta, hounded .north by Willoughby street, east by Randolph street, south by Houston street; fronting on lfuirtcr sttecr286 •feet from the corner of Randolph;.steect, inn westerly di rection along said Houston street. Levied on, as the pro perty Of Garrett Bcrrenger; security, by nn execution from Fulton Superior Court in fovor of Joseph E. Brown, Gov ernor, and his successors in 'office vs. James S. Frazier, principal, aud Garrett Berrenger. security. And also, tho above property described levied on as the property of Garrett Berriiigei’, security, to satisfy n ti.fa. from Fullon Superior Court in favor of Joseph IS. Brown, Governor, and his Suecessbf’S in office vs. Samuel Iloffhciiner, prin cipal, anil Garrett,Berrengeir, security. Also, at the same f ime.aHdgptacu will be sold the undi vided half interest of Joseph Dftnhert in n twenty acre lot of original fond lot 82, in the 14th district of, originally Henry,' now FUltoft comity, known As the Peek & Pullian Vinyard; and in four acres on.same .land lot, commencing at southeast eprnefbf said vinyard aud running cast along south line of said eighty-tvVo,' tniijhundred and sixty-one and one-third feet, thence north oue thousand aud eighty feut, tliefice west one hundred and sixty-one and one- third feet, thence south one, thousand and eighty feet to the beginning. Levied on as the property of Joseph Lambert to satisfy a H. fa. from Fnlton Superior Courl iu favor of A. W. Hammond &, you vs. Joseph Lambert. This March 1st, 1800. II. N. WILLIFORD, Sheriff. mart—td B. N. WIL1 Printer’s fee $2 50 per levy. GEORGIA, Fulton County. . ; bi v • ORDINAllY.’S OFFICE, MARCH 5TH, IStifi; ; . . G EORGE BROWN having applied for letters of admin istration upon the estate of Joel Brown, late of said connty, deceased— AU persons concerned arc hereby notified to be and ap pear at this office, on or before the first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters should not he granted said applicant. Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary in and for said county. JNO. T. COOPER. Deputy Clerk. marO—30d Printer’s foe $:!. GEORGIA, Fulton County. . , R B. JETT applies to mo for letters of guardianship ■ of the persons and property of Naomi Z. and Wil liam Evins, minor children of William U. C. Evins, late of said county, deceased— This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned, to be aud appear at my office, on or. before the first Monday in April next, and show cause, if any exists, why letters should not he granted tho applicant. Given under my haud and official signature, this March 5th, 1866. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary, mart—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Fulton County. ordinary’s office, march 7,1SGG. W ILLIAM HELM and Charles C. Roilcs having made , application to this court for leave to sell the real estate belonging to tho estate of John G. Hoyt, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of creditors— All persons concerned are notified to file their objec tions, if any they have, within two mouths from the first publication of tliis notice, else leave will be grunted for the sfpe of said real estate. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary, mart—2m Printer’s foe $6 GEORGIA, Cobb County. J AMES PITNER, guardian of the persons and pro perty of-James and Margaret Byrd, minors, having applied to me for dismission from said guardianship— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, those concerned, to tile their objections, if any they have, in my office, on or before the first Monday in April next; otherwise, letters of dismission will he granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary for said count}'. Given under my hand at office. in Marietta, tliis 30th January, I860. J. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary, iebfi—40d Printer’ fee $3. GEORGIA, Cobb County. M RS. M. E. KING having applied to me for the ad ministration of the estate of Barrington S. King, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections,.if any they have, in ray office, on or before the first Monday in April next; otherwise, letters of ad ministration will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under ray hand at office,' in Marietta, this March i. i860. JOHN G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. mar4—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Cobb County. T H6MAS WILLCOCKS having applied to me for tho guardianship of the persons and property of Geor gians, John and Cornelius Kefie, minors— These arc therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to file their objections, if any they iiave, in my office, on or before the first Monday in April next; otherwise, letters of guardianship will lie granted the ap plicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under my hand at office, in Marietta, March 1, 1806. J. G. CAMPBELL; Ordiuary. mart—30d Printer’s fee $3. GEORGIA, Cobb County. - W D. ANDERSON applies to- me for- letters of ad- « ministration upon the estate of F. M. Qowan, late of said connty, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, on or before the first Monday iu April next; otherwise, letters of gnflrdianship will be granted the applicant at that term of tho Court of Ordinary of paid connty. Given under my hand, at office, in Marietta, this March 1,1800. • JOHN G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. mar4—30d Printer's foe $3, GEORGIA, Forsyth County. J OHN W. PRUETT,' gnardiau of ITarvy M. Pruett, having ia proper form applied to the Conrt of Ordi nary of said county for a discharge from his guardianship of Haryy M. Pruett’s person and property— This is therefore'to cite all persons concerned to show cause, by filing their objections in my office, why said J. W. Pruett should not be dismissied from said guardian ship and receive the usual letters of dismission. Given ader my hand and official signature, Nov. 6. 1866. W! D. BENTLT, Ordinary: feb!7—40d . ■ Printer’s fee $3. EXECUTOR’S SAKE.: 'N pursuance of an order from the Court of Ordinary of . Forsyth county, Ga., will be offered for sale, before :he court house door in the town of Cumming, Ga, be tween the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April next, the following real estate, bekmgiiig to the es tate of David Tallent, late of said county, deceaSed, to- wit: Lots of fond Nos. 1166,1167 and 1210, all in the 3d district and 1st section of raid county. Sold for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of said debased. Terms made known on the day of sale. February 15, 18C6 ’ TIIOS. C. TALLENT, i DAVID C. TALLENT, /-Executors. BENJ. C. TALLENT, ( feb28—td : Printer’s fee f 16. GEORGIA, Forsyth County. I SAAC S. CLEMENT, attorney forestate, represents to' me, in proper form, that the estate of Samuel Brooks, late of said county, deceased; is unrepresented— Tiiese are. therefore tp give notice to ail persons con cerned, that I shall proceed to appoint John T. Brown, Clerk Superior Court of said; county, or some other fit and proper person, administrator of spid deceased's estate on the first Monday in April next, unless some Valid ob jections be made to his appointment in terms ol the law. Given under my haml ami official signature, February 28. 1866. W. D. BENTLT, Ordinary, marfr—30U ... v Printer's fee.*;} GEORGIA,’FoPasYTH CauKTY. ^LENDER J Is for estal , _ ^ i > tiled, that tlm estate of James 15.,’llon^h, late deceased of said county, is unrepresented— These are therefore to grve itotii-e to *11 persons con- cerned, that I shall ,j>roceed to appoint, John T. ifoMvn, Clerk Superior Court bf said county, or some other lit aud proper person, administrator of said decearad's estate..on the first Monday in April next, unless some valid objec tions he made to his appointment, ip terms of the law. Given under my hand an 1860. marts—30d GEORGIA, Forsyth County. fWWVO numtha after ditto application Will be iiiade to the ' 1 X- Court of Ordiuary of Jfofgyth voupt.^.lfo., for leave - . to sell the real estafe belonging to the estate of Burrell P. Barker, deceased. Thi8 '3Ctii January, a . vfi: ■ ; \l r ll A I » tf P -ENDEJ1 HAMLET, by: Isaac S. Ciement, attorney for estate,"represents to me,"by fhelr petition, duly pointmunt, ip terms ol the law. r ofticiaPs'rgnsture, Fdbrnary'28 W. D, BENTLTv Ordinary,-i . Printer's foe ^>3.' feblT —2m [WiD.B.] WM. BARKER, > W. P. BARKER, [Adair's.. Printer’s fee $6.