Weekly Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-18??, February 08, 1871, Image 4

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A CENTS WANTED-*?'® A MON’TH)-by ! A. iRabJrICAN ENTICING MACHINE 'X'.. Bop- sept2(>-3m ton, Kin., orht. Loni*. Mo. A DAY—Business cnrirv;. new a-..d Uonorab.c. ip J.U Liberal inducement*. Descriptive circuiki • Cnee. Address J. C. Hand ft Do., Biddeford, Me. septao-tow I s .. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla offered to live men. Hare FORTUNES Chance. bend Stamp. gcpU9-8m Diamond K. Co.. Wilmington Del. Hlhn Morrip Pnillh wln chan K e any colored hair or illu fflagiu uulilu beard v a permanent black or brown. It contains ruj poison, anyone can use it. One eent bv mail for SI* Address AAGiC COMB CO., Springfield. Mae*. acpt20-3m w ANTED AGENTS.—To *e!l the OCTAGON SEW ING MACHINE. It is Licensed, makes the Elastic Lock Stitch” and is warranted lor 5 year* Price $15. All other machines with an nnder-fe* d sold floor for (16 or Sees are infringement*. •Addrcr-s* OCTAGON jw; SEWING MACHINE Co., St.L juIa, Mu., Chicago, Hi.. Pittsburgh, Pa., or Boston. Ma-s. eep:20-Sw ANTED—AGENT*, (8*0 per Day) to sell the Horn Shuttle Sewing Machine. liar the ttruierftol. makes the '■•look ftUci " (aiikeon both sides,) and is fully license!. Tr.o best and cheapest family Hewing Machine In the market. Address JOIINbON, CL&itK ft CO., Horton, Mair., Pittsburgh, f'a., Chica go, 111., or *• ‘ .Loots, Mo. sept20-3m MX Epec-dy Cure FOE. NEURALGIA, NERV0U9 DISEASES. Its Effects art Magical. r An UNFAILING REMEDY: for Neuralgia, Fa- crALis, olten effecting a perfect core in a single day. No lorm of Nervous Disease falls to yield to it s won derful power. Even la the severest cases of Chronic a ci lieentraied extract ol 1 he choice root, so com bined with other substances j oftti’,. treater alterative power ns to : fiord an effectual anti dote tor ciseases barasparilia is reputed to cure. Such a remery is sure'y wanted by j those who suffer Ircm stru- ! mous com-rfairts, and that om wh ch will accomplish their cure must jtri re, aE this ha* , proved, of immer se eerwee io «g ; this large cla-sof < nr tflliricd _ i K-ilow-ciilzeim Dow iomp!i.-t<vv**tn s cum:bund wilt do it, ha- been proven by * x; er:meet on many of the worst re - "o be tound in the following comp aims - Scrofula, Perot l ies Swe rings and Sores, s-km K cases, Pimi/es. Puttuies, H.orches, Kruptiors S' A-nihoiiv's fir-, l.< t • ur Erysipelas. Tetter or Salt Kb<-nm. ^cald ilrari. Ringworm, &c. Syphilis or Ventral i israeeie exoel'ed from the sy tc-m i-v me prolonged use cf this SahsaPariila, and the pal •; 1 :e left in comparative health. JC'Ti ale lAsewes are t acsed by Scxo.'u’a in the blood and are oiteu soon cured by this -extract ir Sai sa PAltlLLA. Do : ot reject this Invaluable medicine, b»ran*e von have been imposed upon :y tometning preter.dt be 8ar*av-.ri. a. wb: e it war not. wr en von have ised ATkn’fc—thcL, and not til! then, wil you’know the vir tues of Sarsaparii a. for minute particular! diseases i: carer, no refer you to Ayer’s America Almanac, which ike ag-.-nt below named will furn e gratis to all who call for it. Ai til's Cathautic i-ills, for the rare of Costive r,es=, Jaucdce. Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Dyse-ttrv Fou! ritonmeh, Ilend^che. Pile 1 -, Rheumatism, Heart burn an.ring irom Di-ordered Stomach, Pain or Morbid Inaction of the Eoweis, Flatulency, Lots of Appetite, Liver Comp’aint, Dropsy, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, and as a Dinner Pill, are unequalled. '1 hey are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive can take them witu pleasure, and thev are the best Aperient in the worm lor ail the purposes of a family physic. Prepar.-d by Dr. J. c. aYLE ft CO., Lowell, Mass and sold by ail Druggists and dealers in medicine everywhere. Agents at Atlanta, PEMBERTON, TAYLOR & GO. me hlti-d&wSm Neuralgia, affecting the entire system, its nsc for a few affc days affords the most astonishing relief and rarely fails to produce a complete and permanent cure. It con tains no materials in the slightest degree injurious, il has the unqualified approval of the best physicians. Thousands in every part ot the country, gratefully acknowledge Its power to soothe the tortured neryes. and restoring the lulling strength. Bent by mail on receipt of price and postage. One Package.. i 1 Oo Postage 6 cents. Bli Packages (5 00 “ 27 “ It 1* sold by all dealers In drugs and medicines. Tl’It N Kit d; CO., Proprietors, 120 THEM ON X’ STREET, LOS TON, MASH BeptaO-ffmeow GUOHOLI, Henry County. Ordinart's urncs, Movcmbe 34, 1870. L. SULLIVAN, _ Administratrix of Thomas Sullivan applies for leave to sell the real estat of said Thomas M. hullivan, deceased— If objections exist, let them be filed within statutory time, or the leave will be granted. Witness my olllcia! signature, GEO. M. NOLAN, Ordinary. novlfi-Sin printer’s fee $,(!. I WAh < UKED OF DEAFNESS AND CATARAH by simple remedy end will senr he receipt free. jaLd—i* MRS. M. O. LEGGETT. Jersy city, N. J •^Ol) a new mauufa jiurin * ba-iueae at dome' N cip t -i uquired. Addriss Novelty Co.,Sacco, Me. jaul tw SALESMEN WANTED s nonorablo. No competition, liberal pay giv Casin' en. jun4 4'.v S. W. KENNEDY, 8 S. 4th St., Ph la T il S 18 NO HUMBUG 1 Q X Hy sending O tf CENTS with eight, coio* of eyes and nair, y<.u w llrsceiye. by ri >u rn mail, a correct picture of your future husDand or wile, with name and cate ot marriage. Address W. PuX, P. O Drawer So. 24, Fultonviiie, N. Y. jan4-4w QE0B&IA Clayton County. Okdinahy’s Office, October ID, 1870. W HEItKAH, E. K. Fortson, administrator of B. U . Fortson, deceased, has fiiedhis final return, show ing a full distribution and settlement of said de ceased’s estate, and applies for loiters of dismission vrtitcb letters will be granted on I he first Monday in De cember next, unless some valid objections are filed ac cording to law. J. H. JtOKROW. Ordinary. OOt20-(im printer’s le.o (4 53. SOUTHERN SCHOOL aMFW YORK CITY ~ iv£.i Mrs. EDWARD B. WHIM’S English and French Boarding Schoi FOR YOUNG LADIES. No..DO Wost 42d Stroot, OPPOSITE RESERVOIR .PARK. •0pt25-d2aw*w9m SECOND HAND COTTON MACHINERY roil SALE. ^JONSISTING of Openers, Lappors, Cards, Dravvini Frames, Speeders, Spinning' Frames, ,tc . ally This machinery Is bnt partially worn. All in condition and will be sold cheap. $10 f^ade from 50 Cents. ’ -ody. melh’ing urgent^ i.eedt u uy cvciyuody. can and see or 12 samples tent postage p .id for 50 cts that ietaf casi.y lor (lu. H. L. WoncoTT. 1S1 Chatham Sq., N. Y, j :I'4 lW 100,000 AGiNXo WaN1'x.JJ, HOW WOMEN CAN MAKE MONEY And otner best books in the market. VcliiNNEY & Mabtin, 1508 Chestnut street, Phlia j i if -1 v FARMERS’ HELPER .Snows how to double the profits of the FARM, and how farmers and their tone can each make $100 PER MONTH in tV inter. 10,GOO Copies will be mailed free to Farm ers. Send uume aud address to ZIEGLER & McCUR DY. Philadelphia, Pa. jan4-4w EVhRT FARMED, Manic & forte CAN RAKE $50 to $103 Per Iffonlli will) Our Popular Books, Maps & Pictures. r ci* r,(» Purres hv mail lrm* AildrtiraS y oj 50 Pages by mail irte GOODSi’EED’S Empire Book and )an4—4w Map House, Chicago. ACEV4TS WANTED FOR For description and price apply in person or by mail TIIOJ rtr. c - eod.vv4m •MAS S. SHAiV, Agent Tremont and Suffolk Mills, Lowell, Mass. M $25 TO $100 PER WEEK. ADE EASILY BY ANY LADY. 20,000 sold in six months. The most rapidly selling articlo cv' luToutcd for married or single ladies’ use. NO FEMALE — " — fir--'* — CAN DO WIT HOUT IT. uuraoie, iviegant, uneap whnt has always besn wanted, and always will, profit■- large. Rights lor sale. Lady agents can make fortunes Standard article. Circulars free. Address Bandmah Manufacturing Co., Box 60, Station' 1 A,” Row York angil-wlv t II store of the War. Complete in one volume.— 1 r trcu’ars, with terms and lull description o ir,; Ad ness the National Publishing Co., Vhila h a Pi . Atlanta. Ga , or St. Louis, M * jan4-l RETTINE IP m\ Savin® to ILUB>. Consumers. Part es ct quire how to cet up cinbs. Cur answer Is, send lor Price List, and a Club form will accompany it with full directions—making a huge saving to con sumers and remunerative to Club Oiginlzers. Tin Great iiericaa Tea Go. 31 <fc 33 VESEY STREET, P, O. BOX 5513 NEW YORK. jan4 4w AGENTS WANTED FOR Vi £ y y iB A Aut LkJ ids £& AND X r r ^ VOTARIES. by Db -I-'itN 15. Eli,is. Large Sales, Immense Promts, ^tnpecdous ri veiati -na and startling disclosures. The iv n a rueject laid bare an t iis hideousnoss exoosed to FIRST PRIZE Paris Exhibition 18C7. Purify the blood and strengthen the system, eradicating the effect of dissipation, maintain the human frame En condition of hoalthfulness, dispel! the Blues and all mental dis tempers, and relievo those whose sedentary habits lay them open to depression. They prevent and cure Bili ous and other Fevers, Fever and Aff-ne, Chills, 1“Diarrhoea, Dysen tery, dyspepsia. Sea - Sie\~ness, » Colic, Cholera, Cholera for bits, and every complaint inci dental to diet or atmos phere."^ Ladies will find them a sovereign boon, as they eradicate ail traces of Debility, Nervousness, Inertness, and Diseases peculiar to the sex. ^Thousands of Testimo nials can be seen at the office of M. JACOBSON, Sole Proprietor, C4 *& GG Water Street, X. Y. uutvi-r ' , x tcrMiou. Writ-tun in the interest or Civilization, huistianity and Public Morality.— t-,-mi tor ci'cu ars and terms. U. S. Pu dishing Co., I’l Urn .me street., Ne.v York. jau4—4w LIVE AGENTS WANTED FOR Of SEW YORK OR SOCIAL LIFE In tha GREAT CITY. Wond; tful developments among the great aristocracy. Married Women Expo-ed, Ac., Ac. Price (3 25. ‘the iji'gi B mb to sell pntilinhed. The best terms to Agents over given. Address, N. Y. Book Co. 145 Nassau St„ New York. jac4-4w M. FERST & tCO.. General Agents for tlic State of Ga. JanSI-d&wly pPBPO.f IKON WORKS, ^Manufacturers ol Pumping Engine- for Water Works A gents wanteo for the LIGHT UK THE WORLD Containing Fleetwood’s ‘ Lile of Christ,” and "Lives of til • Apostles, Kvangelista aud Martyrs,” Doddridges -.1 I’hM.r.iUilltr 11 Glljjirtrv rtf th<> .TpWA ” Divide css ol ttnriuiaulty,” “History of the Jews,' bv Josephus; ‘ History of atlreligious Denominations,” w t!j tr iitise and tal>l=s relating to events connected with I'-iine Hlitory, containing many flue engravings, t he whole lormlna a complete Treasury of Christian Knowledge. W. FL NT, jai4 tw 26 S. SEVENTH ST., Philadelphia. DaKBY^ PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. r|U‘IS iqva 1 uable Ftmilv Medicine, for rnrifviTg, than Twa Hundred Planters TRIER THE LANGDON FEHTILIZEB. this Inst year, and the MOST FAVORABLE REPORTS are be-.rd from it. I's PURITY and STRENGTH are guarajleed. The Talue of BONE PHOSPHaTE COTTON SEED MEAL as a manure, is known to every SCIENTIFIC AGRI- CULTL'KA 1ST. These articles form the bulk ot (4-5) Of the “ LANiiDON.” to which are added proper quan tities of POTASH, GYPSUM aud SALT. These five ugredients form the compound. Madams JOelachamps’ SLOSE IN A MOUNTAIN GORGE Snugly esconsed in the wilds of one of the Middle Stales, lived Madame Delachamps, many year* ago, faithful do with no kn iwn protector, save a faithful doethat ever -toed besids her to defend in time of need. Her small, moss-covered cabin, wrapped with the wlld-roee and Honeysuckle, appeared hid away by a cluster of under- '-rro .vtn, and closely environed on tie north and east by a deep, craggy ravine that led away back to the moon- tain gorge. Her .-niffling the ambient air, wafted from nature’s green sward clinging to the mountain side, bathing her brow in early mom’s gentle deworop, she lived solitary and alone for many long tears. The catamount’s un- New Store! New Stock. Comprising specialties not to be fonnd elsewhere, viz : True Fit Shirts. Cheviot Shirtings. Patent Pantaloon Drawers. Russian Braces. Laport’s Kid Cloves. GEORGIA, Fulton County. Court of Ordinary, November Term, 1S70. TTTHERKAS, Charles Schnatz, Administrator of the TV estate of Alex M, Hand, laic of the State ot Min Lesota, deceased, represents that he has tully dis- charged his said trust and prays for letters ot dis miss: on— All persons concerned are notified to file their objec tions, if any exist, within the time allowed by law, elec letters of dismission will be granted the applicant DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. Attest: John T. Cooper, Cieik. decT-40d printer's fee (4 SO. earthly midnight yell, and the woll’s doleful howl, fre- -ly aroused her from nleasant midnight slumbers. quently aroused her from pleasant midnight slumbers. Now and then she would emerge from her unknown home and mingle with the indabitants aronnd about for one or two months at a time. She was eccentric in her acts and all viewed her as a living curiosity. While from home, she apparently had bnt one object, and that was the relief of her afflicted sex. Under a belt on the left side, con’d be seen an old fashioned dirk 0 1 considerable size, carried for her own protection, while strapped aero.-e her shoulder was * us pended a cu rious sack made from the SKINS OF RABBITS AND RACCOONS Arranged in alternate stripes. This hag contained some light garment*, and old parchment, curious relics, a few _ a smaller sack containing a course power made irom certain roots known only to herself, the secret of which she clung to as with the tenacity of death. She sallied forth Irom ter wild mountain home, to act the Good Samferitan, with this nnknown vegetable powder, which she claimed possessed a wonderful power overall disea ses incident io the female sex. She termed it “ womb physic,” with which she proposed to cure all affections and derangements ol that organ, and kindred com plaints free ol charge. With such singular magic did she relieve all who applied, that within a few years ner name and fame became known far and wide, and hun dreds ol suffering females applied tor relief and returned to their homes healthy and happy. Many were anxione d to know her great secret, 'divulge it large sums of money ' ” but shestubborn- IT 13 A HOME PRODUCTION. Large Capital invested here in the works, affords a security lor the guarantee of its PURITY. II © IV . C. C. L1NGDOX, (Agricultural Editor Mobile Register.) f ives advisory supervision to the er - production of this rtilizer. No h'gh freights from the fir Fast, nor lar-re c -m- missions to agents here, have to oe paid, as mu-t be true of an article ot fore tin (Northern) matin’acture, and hence the “ Langdon ” can be so’d, and IS SOLD CHEAPER, than anv standaro Fert'iizer in the market. The COTTON SHED MEAL, is produced at the works, and the R \W BON Er are gathered Irom the sur rounding country and ground at my Mihs. Farmers arc it vited to visit the Mobi'e Oil Mills and witness ihe operations of producing the Lai gdon Fer tilizer. Planters should instruct their Merchants to buy for them. THE LANGDON FERTILIZER, Because it is a simple composition of articles known to be good, and the purity of wh ch is insured Because it is sold at a lower price than any article of like quality could be, which is brought from a distance. Because it would give greater returns from it? use, ponnd for pGnnd. than any other Fertilizer, no matter what the price. were offered if she would ly refused. During her solitary life she became intimate with only one woman, a noted midwife some miles distant, to whom she promised to DIVULGE HER SECRET Before dying night began to In a few years, as the "sombre shades close around her tottering frame, she iiupai ted this I real secret to this friend. She too gained quite a reputation tor relieving the suffering of her sex, and strange it may appear—she gi rcely ever failed to cure those old chronic female plaints that had resisted all ordinary modes 0 f treat ment. Many years ago, the writer of this, while en gaged in the practice ot medicine, by a tittle strategy, succeeded in procuring the secret ol this wonnuerlnl vegetable Kegnlator, which had never been known to the Medical Proiessii n. He gave it a fair and impartial trial in the treatment of various forms and stages or female complaints with snen decided satisfaction, that in i860 he called pnblic attention to its virtues in A complete assortment of the above will be FRBRIJ ARY 15th, together with new styles ol NJKCR DHESS and other novelties. janSl-81a&10 FISK, CLARK & FLAGG, 690 Broadway, >. V. EUROPEAN HOUSE (LATE PiZALLA’S) MONTGOMERY . IJIHI8 house having bee- refurnished throughout. open for the reception of the traveling public, share of patronage Is respectfully aolicited TRY' IT ONOK. C. W. KKNNRDY, oot!8-eod3m Proprietor. GEORGIA, Paulding County. Ordinary's Opyicr, January 26,1871. S USAN W. BUSBY, widow ot W. W. Busby, de ceased, having applied lor exemption of personalt; and setting apart ana valuation oi homestead, I wll pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, A. M„ on the 1st day ot February, lull, at my office in Dallas. S. B. MCGREGOR, Ordinary, feirl-QAwlt printer’s tee (2. FOB 1871, THE NURSERY A Monthly Magazine yob Youngest Readers. SUPERBLY ILLUSTRATED. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE Terms $150 a year in advance; 15c. a single number, A libera! discount to clubs. Premiums given lor new subscribers. A sample number for lu cenis. Address the Publisher, JOHN L. 8HOREY, de8S-w3t 36 Broomfield Street, Boston. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. N. R. FOWLER, Auctioneer JJY virtue of an order from the Honorable Court of Ordinary ol Fulton com ty, Ga., I will sell, before the court house door in the city ol Atlanta, on the First. Tuesday In February next, within the legal honrs oi sale. A certain city lot on the corner of Hayne and Maga line streets, being a part of block 27 oi land lot No. S3 ot the 14ih district of Originally Henry now Fulton county, and con>aining halt acre, more or less, bold as tae property ot John J. Alim, late ot said county, de ceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms Ha,f Cash ; balance 3 months, with interest. H. J. DANTON, dec21—td Administrator. GEORGIA, DbKalb County. Ordinary’s oypioh, December 87,1870. jyj" B. POTTs and vVilliam inouipson, Jr , Admin istrators of William Thompson, Sr., deceased,. Lav.Lg applied lor leave to sell tuc rand in DeKalo county, belonging to said estate, for paying the debts aud distribution— This is, therefore, to notify all persons eonoerned to file their objections, .1 any exist, within the time pre scribed by taw, why leave should not be granted the applicants for the sole of said real estate a» prayed for. J. L. WILSON, Ordinary. dec30-30d printer’s lee (3. Gross’ Medico Ckirurgical Review. IfFROM THE MANY TESTIMONIALS from practical men, these are here given : Tusoal .osa, Ala., December 22, 2SJ0. Col. W. D. Mann : Sir—Your Circular of the 1st instant, came to hand. As we found the Langdo j Fertilizer the best, that we tried, 1 give you my experience wiih it. Our land is poor, red hill lana. Used 2’0 lbs. to the acre We used one ton of Gillara’s, at £76 ; three tons of Z ill’s, at $K6 per ton ; two tons of the Langdon, at $(10 per ton. The land wasall worked alike, and the same q jsn- tity used ol each. 1 did not keep t''c weights of each field separate, but attended to the picking and weighing myself, aud know that there was more cotton gathered to the acre on the Langdon than any other part of the place. The Zeli’s was next. From my own experience, and in the opinion of all farmers who took notice of it, the Langdon Fertilizer was far superior to any that, we used. Respectfnllyyourc, &c. C. H. FITTS. Mb. Thojias H. Kennedy, of Meridian, Miss., alter recounts ghia experience In the use of the Langdon Fertilizer, say s : ” When I lived on my plantation in Alabama, 1 used many kinds ol m .nure, but I never d anything that woulu "begin tc compare with the Langdon Fertilizer.” Comb’Tied with other known vegetable Tonics, having great power over the uterine organs ; with Black Root to act upon Ihe liver and bowels, and Soluble Citrate ot Iron to correct the blood, he has formed a wonderful combination for the cure of all Female Complaints, con- s derlng it the t nly Female Regulator known and now otters this valuable compound to the ‘afflicted lemale, under the name i i ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS. GEORGIA, Henry Countt. Ordinary's Owicb, December 27,1870. S ARAH KING applies for letters of administration on the estete of H.rarn King, late o, said county m: teased— Ali persons concerned are notified to file their objec tions it any exi*t, within the, time allowed by law, else letters will be granted the applicant. Witness my official signature. Gtto. M, NOLAN, Ordinary. dec30 -30d printer’s tee $3. Administrator’s Sale. N. R. FOWLER. Auctioneer. ~p^Y virtue of an order of theComtof Ordinary ot Fulton county, will be sold before the court house dour in Atlanta, between the legal hours oi Bale, on the First Tuesday in Feoruury next, One city lot in the city of Atlanta, being a portion of city lot No. 16. of land lot No. 56, oi the 14th mstrict of originally Henry now Fulton county, Pounded on ill east by ualhonu street 75 leet aud running back to Big gt-rs’ line 75 leet, coniuuiing one-eighth ol an acie more or less, on which is a comtortable dwelling, and mcessary.out nouses. Bold for tae benefit ol heirs and creditors of A H. Marshall, deceased. Terms cash. dec20-td O. C. CiliiEVlfs, Aiim’r. REAL ESTATE R1IFLE! rjiHB Valuable House and Lot for which Tickets were THE PRICE AT THE MILLS IS $60 PER TON. It Is exchanged for Cotton Seed, 300 pounds. In strong arts, delivered lree on board boat or cars at Mobile, lorone ton Cotton Se- d, free at the landing or depot up country—sacks and i wine furnished oy the Mills. OI its cheapness. Colonel Langdon says t *• Its cheap ness -I am Sully convinced that, at the price now fixed by yon. to-wit: $66 per ton, it is tu vee the cheapest fer tilizer in our market. Found fir pound,I consider it mere va’uabie than the preparations that are selling at $75 to $80. For my owu use, 1 would greatly prefer it to Peruvian Gnano at the same price.” Of its merits be says: '* The result is the best Fertilizer in the world lor onr Son them lands, in my opinion.” Again: “it contains more tally and complite’y than anv other, the 'dements necessary for the production of Southern crops and the renovatioc oi Southern soil. Prof. Charles U. bhepard, .Jr., M. 1>, Professor of Chemistry f-outh Carolina Medical College, and in.-pec- tor oi Fertiliz rs ior Sonth Carolina, who made a lull aud careful analysis of the Langion Fertilizer, says of : “ It is a ve-y superior a ticlc.” also crush at ihe mills, Raw Bones, which are gronnd fine. Price at the Mills $45 per lou. Gronnd Raw Bone too well kuown as a strong Fertilizer to need com ment. For Trees, Shrubbery ana Grapes it has no equal The Ground Bone of the Mobile Oil Mills is warranted i ,'ontatB nothing bnt Bone. Address all orders for eitbeir ot the above Fertilzers, accompanied by eash or ordeis on your merchants, to MOBILE OIL MILLS, P. 0 Box 723, Mobile, Ala. C5F“?12 ,f0 per ton. Cash paid tor Cotton Seed deliv ered at the wharf or depot here- sacks and iwine lurn- Ished free of charge at your .ending or depot. The Medical Profession at large, have long felt the need of such a medicine, consequently it is not strange that they so eagerly prescribe and recommend these Bitters to their female patients If you could seethe jiiie of smiling appiovals and en comiums from physicians and the public ® ho have cured their daughters, their wives, and their friends, by the use of these biiters. no sickly female would hesitate to use them. This Female Regulator is adapted for old, young, married or single females, who are affected with acute or chronic forms of Uterine derangements. They ty ot the Womb, pain in the side, bach or loins, sicu H adiche, palpitation or fluttering of the Heart, hurried breathing, swimming oi the head, cold Feet and Hands, loes ol Appetite, Indigestl n, torpid Liver, Melacchoily. Nervousness, Wakemlness, Barren ners, physical Prostration, etc. Many ol these are re- ieved by the use of only one bottle. THE LIVER AND STOMACH 1 5OiV WANTED, cleans!’ g, removing bad odors in ail kinds of sickness; forh trns. sores, wounds, stings; fo- Erysipelas, rheu matism aud all skin diseases; for catarrh, sore mouth, sore ilium, diptheria; for colic, dlanhce cto’era; as a wvh to s >flrn and beanti’ying the sk'n ; to remove ink sp ts. mUdew, fruit stains; taken internally as well as an’ 'ied externa so h’ghiy recommended by all who have used it-is for sa’e by all Druggists and Country Merchants, and may be ordered directly DARBY PROPHYLACTIC CO., 161 William Street. N. Y. CQLLSNS, WEIHERiLL & CQ- Wliolciale Seed Growers. Icb6-ly general. 11UiiBA1\ 1> \\ 111TTAKER, 1 011 Fro lit et., Brooklyn. libel for divorce. F. A. Hall, j FULTON SUPERIOR COURT, _ Y8- ■< October Tersl 1370 Janettb Hall, j RULSN1 SI TO PEhFKCTSSKVP. It appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, that the detendant. Jacet'o Hall, is not to be found in said county; and It appearing that the sa-d defendant resides beyond the limits of said htate: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that tee sheriff perfect ecrv.ce tn eaid case by publication fn this ca?e once a month, tor lour months, previous to the next Term of said Court, in the "Atlanta Intelligencer.' - ’ By the Court. W. R. BTINGTON, Attorney for Libellant. A true extract from the minutes of tuo Court. W. it. Venable, Clerk. October Term, 1870. decs 4m «£>3 "Watcli! S8 Watcli t TZTE CHEAT EUROPEAN 1111 & 1113 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. ARDEN SEED8 of choicest stock and true to ame our own growth. Every variety ol selected We have nearly 300 Gr'mL Gaid<-u, Fieid and Flower Seed acres exc naively devoted to the crowing of Garden u d Flowers ods. Dealers and ott*rs wishing ?eeds dire, t from the grower, sbon'd send their orders to us % he large v ir ; reused deman . for our Seeds is the best evidence Si the care bestowed on their growth and pre- paration. our-tarsi Wholesale Trade List mailed free on ap- COLLINS, WETEER1LL & CO., 1111 and 1118 Marse *. Street a ov>tl3—w3m KHILADELFH Eureka Aluminum Gold Watch L. ,Y. DEFOREST. Jewelers, Co. rilSiff SCIENCE OF .H1N.-For the best ex- X position oi Human Science, in which man’s char- ac er. capabilities, and most appropriate pursuits are given, see TEE PHR’NuLOGiCAL JOURNAL, for 1871, a first-Uas* mag z-ne. No. 1 now ready, con taining IHE BEECH BUS, with several ortratts and biograph-' s; H. it, Ciafitn, the merchant; H. B. Wood ward, ot California; ihe itormogs, their religion, mode oi-OVcrument, Polygamy, etc., with 40 iUnstra- tratious. showing the use and abuse of all ihe human acuittis Oil!v $3 A YEAR, or 30 cents a number. Clubs of ten. $2 each, and extra copy to agent. Ad- (--fif .8 R. Wtl.I.S .’i-9 Proseway. New York janll <13 OO per ton will bo paid for Bones delivered at ._e Mills. It wilipay to ga her them about the country and ship to the Mobile Oli Alills. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH 0NL¥ GENUINE STRAUB PORTABLE GRIST MILLS. — FOB—■ ^TORN MEAL, WHEAT FLOURING AND STOCK FEED, Bolting Apparatus, Smutters, Uom Sheilers. Flour Packers, and JHIliL. WORK GENERALLY. These Mills were first madeto supply the wants of the Planters aud Slock Growers of the 8outh, bnt their fame has spread to every quarter of the globe, and they are now sold aud used in t urc-pe, Asia, Africa and South America. To supply the incieasiig demand wt have enlarged nr Manuiac»ory Arc thoroughly aroused and restored to a healthy action, by Uh u~e ol these Bitters. Its peculiar Iron and Vege table c-. rubinutiou. places it tar ahead of any similar preparation before the public. Females, after confinement and convalescents from anv debilitating complaint, who remain weak and fee ble, with little or no appetite, are at once aronsed and strengthened by tbeir use. As a Family To lc for men, woman and childaeu. it has no equal. Ode taolespoon- ful coniaing more medical properties, than one bottle ol any oi ue common and pleasant “ dilate alcohol ” hot- teis, to be tound all over ihe conntry. When the mann facturers of the common beverages of the day gay they cure a 1 diseases, - hey well know they are *• pulling the wool” oner your eyee, and iangu at your stupidl-y in bein2 so easily hunmugged whenever the article smacks of wbiskp. If you really desire a valuable Iron and Ve getable Tonic ror yoursell and family, one bottle of E F. B. wili last longer aud do more good than one dozen oi the ordinary •* grog shop ” bitters, as one tablespoon- fuiin water, is sufficient ior a whole family. As sold during the late c-ath-jiic Fair, in this city, by Mrs. McKeon and Mrs. M. H. Looly, will bo nalffjd for on Wednesday, the 25th instant, at 3 o’clock, i\ n at the Hail oi the Hibernian Benevolent dociety. A few Tickets yet unsold. Parties desiring io purchase can do so by calling on Peter Lynch or John H. Flynn. The House and Lot is valued at $2,u0i). Four hunured Tickets have been issued at $5 each. JOHN H. FLYNN, janl8-dlw Chairman Building Committee. GEORGIA. Fulton County. Obdxnaby’s Office, December 2,1870. E S. RAWSON, Executor ol the estate ot Francis • H. Coleman, late of said county, deceased, repre sents in h.s petition, duly filed tuat he has lully dis charged his said trust— All persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections, if any exist, within the time prescribe!' by law, else letters of dismission will be granted the applicant. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Attest: John T. Coopsb, Clerk. dec3-40d Printer’s fee $4 50. Fresh Garden, Eiower, Fruit, Herb, Tree aud Shrub, aud Evergreen Seeds, ortDaiQ by mail, with directions lor cul ture. Twenty-five different packets of either class lor $1 Oi). The six classes $5 00- 20,boo pounds Evergreen and Tree Seeds ; Apple, Pear, Cherry, <&c.; Grass Seeds; Beet. Cabbage, Carrot, Onion, Squash, Turnip, and all Vegetable and Flower Seeds, in small or huge quantities : also Small Frnns, Stocks, Bulbs, Shrubs, Hoses, Verbenas, die., by mail, prepaid. New Golden Banded Japan Lilly, 50c. Priced Descriptive Catalogue sent to any plain address, i ratis. Agents wanted. Wholesale List to Agents, Clubs aud the Trade. Seeds on commission. B. M. WATdON, Old Coiony Nurseries and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established in 1842. jan26-w2m. GEORGIA. DeKalb County, Obdinabt’b Office, December 20,1870. J^OBERT J. PARKER, Executor of the estate of Elizabeth G. Parker, iate of said c Junty, deceas ed, represents in his petition duly filed, that he has luilj discharged eaid tiust— This is therelore to notify all persons concerned, to file their objections, if any they have, within ihe time pre scribed by aw, else letters of dismission wili be granted gaid applicant. J. L WILSON, Ordinary. jan5-40d printer’s fee $4 60. GEORGIA, Pickens County. . IlU 1 C bUl.Ugb'l 111 lll.tuu 'Fl J Xj and added valuable improvements to the Mill. As heretofore, our Mills will Dt built ol choice Barr Blocks, selected at the Quarries in France. Send for D scriptive Pamphlets containing Treaties on Milling, sent by mail free. Address, ISAAC (STHAUI1 «5fc CO., Cor. Front and John Streets, )nly!5-d*w. ClNclNN TI. O. LOOK TO YCUS CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. MRS. Whitcomb’s STRUT. MRS. Whitttomb’s SYRUP. MhS. White' mb’* STB UP. I Cure? Colic and Griping It the Bowels, aud facilitates PRICE 25 CENTS. PRICE the process ol Teething, subdi.es Convulsion? and overcomes aii diseases in . dent to infants and chiidr' j Curas Diarrhea, Dysentery) PRICE -J and Summer Complaint in ( C hildren of ail ages. It is the Great InSaut’s- and Onlidren’s Soot hi pi- 3emedy in all disorders brought on by Teething or anj other cause. Prepared by the GRAFTON MEDICINE CO. St. Louie, Mo. Sold by Druggists and Dealer* in Medicines every where. iune'.-MiAwly •tes | n? and t PRICE sesind-3 25 hiidr’n. ) CENTS. / PRICE r ) CENTS. 1 FEMALE REGULATOR, 0NE month alter date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary oi Pickens county, Georgia, the first regular Term a'ter the expiration of one month from this notice for leave to s-:'l the lands belonging to the minor heirs of W. H. Gordon, deceased, iate of said county, deceased, for the benefit of said minors. J. B. GORDON, Gnardian. tan20-w2m o. Joseph B. and W. A. Gordon. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. MARY R. HODGES, VS. JOHNW. HODGES ■u . fli Libel for Divorce in Forsyth Superior Court August Term, 1870. Rule to periect service. JT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sherifl, that the detendant does not reside in this . . - the bloom on the checks, and who CO not feel exactly right. For the mother at tha -.1 ’?4 e of 11 R soothes and quiets until the critical pariod is passed, as sweetly as If enjoying the brightest w °J >al Hitting' through the air oriental c.imes The medicine is sold at the low price of $1 50 pci bou e, or tix for £8, and can be had of a]] druggists and merchants througho it the conntry. Address J. T. DitOJIGOOLE A CO., Prp’s, Memphis, Tenn. Sole 40 and 42 Broadway, Xcw Yorli, Aleuts for tlio U. 8. A NDhave authorized them to sc!’ their great Eureka ** Ai-UMiNUjt Gold VVatcues tor Three Dollars. and to warrant to each and every one to keep correct time lor one year. Tuis Watch wc guarantee to be tne beat and cheapest time-keeper that ir nos :n us - lu any part of the globe. The works are in do-ble ca?es,I.a'- dies’and Gent’s size, and are beauufu ly chas-'d 1 he cases are made ot the metai now so widely known in Europe as Aluminum Gold, it hss toe exact color o’ Gold, which it always retains ; it wil. star like test oi the strongest acids; no one can tc- l it irom uold only by weight, the Aluminum Geld being l-io lighter. The works are made by machinery, same as the well known American Watch. The Aluminum is a cheap metal, hence we can aflord to sell the Watch for $3 and make a email profit. We pack the Watch safely in a small box ‘ he u. S. on receipt and send It by mail to any part of the of $3 60; fifiy cents tor packing and postage. Address all orders to L. V._ DEFOREST & CO., 40 & 42 Broadway, N, Y. BOTS-Sm iHES Tifdfe Tears DUPLEX $5 IU PROVED FAMILY | Sewinsr Macliiue. A TK1UMPH i>t tirclj drifting fell & Plains. The mo-t popu ar book of the jc&r. Sells at Sight. One Anect jU:t reports #88 pn.fi.1 in one week Among the orders rcC-mt.y received, are ten for 100 each, three 1 or 15 : e-.ch, five ior 20 i each,aud o:.e 400. The Cincinnati Commercial says; “ We get from this hock a better and mire animatea knowledge oi Ind an hie than from all the novels of Cooper, or turgid works of schoolc-aft The customs ot the Ir. lians in war and in peace, _n health and in sickness, -.a 'oveand in death, sre minuteiy narrate i. It is a book of cost absorb! g interest, more fascinating than a novel.” 48 sample pages.and circulars with 2U sample engravings sent fsee io any address. C. F. V*st, Publisher, 38 W. t ou th ireet, Cincinnati, O. lanxo- cod it A woe wit Agents Wanted. S PECIAL and Local Agents ; also canvassers .wanted for a first-class Lite Insurance Company. Apply by Letter, Lock Box 94, Atlanta Post Office. *epi23—d&wli EOH.4NICAL SCIENCE. ”En- * anufac.urcd u: - 1 --- the V—- \ tut.— —v.-i: “importani su-.rior —n raiudbie r -derit, in'its peT'rct completeness, a ho'-is ^auasaiiT. ItL without anval cr uqUAL. aiid lor r'^-T e-<J strength Ol Its -“Stitch.” SF2S3, urBaBiLlTY on-a KLBOANCB, SUI passes every other M actine; it Is ei.tireiy orieiuai in its consiruciion, ani does not infringe upon any others This wonderful and extraordinary achievement o; mechanical ingenuity works upon a table; itjs per fectly “ noisc-iess,” easj to .earn, rapid aud reliat , makes tic beautiful, strongaud reliable duplex stitch. and will do ail kinds of work with ease und neatness Sew? with all kinds op turned, doable or single; cannot get out ot order, and is what is wanted by- every family. It has received PkekicN' and the lu!i approval of tne principal journal? and —hi th-ise who have used then. “Th'.s machine works tike a chaim, and sews neat and rapid. It is what every family requires.”—New York World. “We hare visited the salesrooms ana examined the machines, and pronounce them well DR0MG00LE & CO.’S BUCHC. The best and cheapest combination for all affections of the Kidneys and iliadder ever offered to the public, t is pre;>ared by regular physicians and used by the profession. Price $1, or six bottles tor *5. Sold by Druggists and merchants everywhere. J. P. DROMGOOLE ft CO., Wemubta. Tenn. cov20—dftweodAm worthy of ail the ptaise claimed ILustrated News. “ A greattriumnn in Mechanical Science.”—llhronicia, Augusta, Ga. Single .Machines, ail complete, j jacked Lt a box, sent free to any part of the country by express, on receipt of price.- $5. Safe delivery guaranteed. Agents wanted. Circulars containing extra induce ments, FKr.R. Adaress DUPLEX MACHINE CO., 697 BROADWAY N. Y, maySl-wly STEAM PUMPS HAND PUMPS, POWER pumps county, and lt further appearing that he does not reside i of counsel order that said in this State: It is on motion defendant appear and answer at the next term ol thi Court, else that the case be considered in deiaulf, and the piaintifl allowed to proceed. And it is further ordered, that this Rule De published In the Atlanta Intelligencer once a month for lour months. N. B. KNIGHT, J. S. C THE GREAT FAMILY MEDICINE. TAKEN INTERNALLY, It cures sudden Colds, Con.hs, &c„ and Weak Stom- och. General Debility, Nuising Sore Mouth. Canker, Liver Compla nt, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Cramp or Pa n in the Stomach, Bowel Complaint, Painters’ Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoe i and Dysentery. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, Cures Felons, Boi|^ aud Old Sores, Severo Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Braises and Sprains, Sw riling of the Joint?, Ringworm and better. Broken Breast?, Frosted Feet and Chilblains, Toothache, Pam in the Face, Ncu ralgla and Rheumatism. It is a sure remedy for Ague, Chills and Fever. PAIN KILLER, Taken internally, should be adulterated with milk or water, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a Cough a few drops on sugar, eaten, will be more effec tive than anything else. See printed directions, which accompany each bottle. Sold by all Druggists. iulvfiU-dftwlm HEAD JT is well known to Doctors and to Ladies, that Women are subject to nnmirons dis eases p.-cullar to their sex- such as i-miiresslon oi the Menses,Wh:.e>,Paij!ul Month lv " Periods,’ Rheumatism of, the I aek and Womb, irrainla; Meusiruation, Hemorrhage, or Excessive “Flows,” ana Pro lapsus Uteri or Falling of the Womb. These diseases have seldom been treated successfully The profession has s.-ught diligent- |L for remedy that would enable them to treat these diseases with success Atiastthat remedy ua-> been discovered by one of the OBt gbillfn I i — .« ^ . —— most skillful physicians in the State of Georgia. That remedy is BRALFIEM’S FEMALE REGULATOR. by 1 B^E ly ft T ^ teb,e * ftndi8 pat ° P 111 Atlant *’ Ga ” it wlil purily the blood and strengthen the system, re- ” X s . and is a perfect specific -.ai-n e a ! K> J e d'-’-ases, as a certain cure as quinine is in chills and Fevers. , For a history of diseases and certificates of its won- derf:, cures, the reader is referred to the wrapper arc uud each hot le. ^ I very bottle war-acted to give satisfaction or money refunded. LaGranos, Ga., March 23.1870. Bradfibld ft Co., Atlanta, Georgia: r„ U . 3 t AB i SlR . s: 1 ^ ke pleasure in stating that I have used, for the last twenty jear , the medicine you are puttinir °T-,^ now ’ n as Dr. BKADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULA- TO S, and c insider it the beet Cumbiuation ever gotten tc getber for the di-eaues tor which it is rc-cimm-nded I have been familiar with th^i presenp ion, both as prac- tiocer oi medicine and in domestic practice, and cut honestly Fay that I consider it a boon to snfter’ngr fe males. and can bat ho^e every lady in the land, whomay hll mitT> rillfr 111 qnv W.MTi iKMiliew . u l mSlT be suffering iuany way peculiar to their sex, may be able to procure a botll-.-, that their sufferings mav net onlv Has long been regarded us the best aud eheupest Baking Powder in uso. Perfectly pure nnd healthy. It makes, at dnort notice, delioious Biscuits. Rolls, &c. There need bo no wnste of food prepared with it, as it is always of the best quality Wo would suy to those who havo never used it"that n very few trials will enable them to use it, not only with entire satisfaction, but with economy. Put up full, net weight, us ropreaentod. Grocers and Dealers sell it. DOOLEY & BROTHER, Prop’s, 69 Now Street, NEW YORK CITY- EXECUTOR'S SALE. A GREEABL h to the last will and testament of John F. Wilson, laie ol Uainputll county, d ooaeed, will be sold in rayelterille, Ga„ on the First Tuesday In March next, the joilowing property, v’.z; Lots in.iiru in said town as nos 42 aud 9 Also, the eaetha’fot jot e«8 There is siluited on saia property a large dwelling house with e’gnt rooms aud kitchen. So d for tae purpose of disiribudon among the ueirs of said deceased. Term. cash. JOHN S WILSON, Execn'or. Those wishing to examine the premises w 11 please call on Dr. WiLmms, Fayetteville. jan25-td printer’s fee $5 persquare. A-dministrator’s Bale. B Y virtue ol an order from tuo Court oi Ordinary oi olayton County, Ga., writ he sold beiore the court be relievt d but that they may beTestore°d*to hKfrA^Mtf aatt strength. With my kiudeat regards, I am, respeclfolly, W. B. FERRELL, M. D. We. the undersigned. Druggists, take pleasure in com mending to the trade Dr J. BriDmfld’s F*malb hm- ui A-ron—boaeviiig it to be a good and reliable remedy for the dtseases for which he recommends it ^ A iiANSDELL, Atlanta, Geonrifi, PEMBSKToN, WILLSON & TaYLOR A CO. t RBDWtNB A FOX, AtMnm.Oeo^m *' ^ L LAW SH », Atlanta, Georgia. W BOOT & SON, Marietta, Georgia, DR. PROPHITT’S CULEBRITUD LIVER MEDICINE! It Is purely ycgetable, aud will act upon the Liver and Kidneys as promptly as Calomel aud ifri. hu, without ui y d inger . f sal. v.mon or destruction of the bones Parties taking ihis medicine need not fear getting wet or any other reasonable exposure. 6 * • SYMPTOMS OF LIVER DISEASES : Hendarhe, Dull Feeling or the Blues.lSonrStomach, Sick or Nervou- Headache, Heartburn. Indicaatinn nr n*.. .'a. Cramps. Cold Feet, Colic. ’ Pile * Louse door, in th* town oi Jonesboro, Dotweeu the usual hours ol sum, on the first Tua?ilay In Febrn iry next, 450 acres of land, to-wit; pans oi iols No. 87, 118,107, and tU6, a.I m the lrth D.sirlct ot origiuuuy Henry no e OlUj tou couuty. sold as the property ol i L. Fieidor, deceased, tor distrlbu tlon, 1 erms cash. MAUI j. FIULOEu, Adiuluistratrix. dec7-tda printer’s tee $5 per square. pep ta, Bad < ih-ck, roug ness, Me auchuiy _ _ fry entery or Diarrhter,0&iils andVever. and Plies. Iii taci. whne • he uiver is out o: order, you are liable to every disease that -.s no. contagious ProphiU’s Liver Medicine, if taken properly will event and cure anv diseaxe re.nlnn , ... ” a.t! J uver. GEORGIA* Fulton County. yy 11 UREAS, George Welch, Guardian ot the person and property of William Wood Lyou. minor, has applied lor leave to sell a portion o» the toal est ite belonging to his said ward lor his benefit— All persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections, il any exist, within the time allowed by law, else leave will be granted lor the sate ol said real estate. DaNIEH PITTMAN, Ordinary. jan7-40d printer’s tee $4 50. CANCERS, TUMORS, ULCERS. ^JSTONISUING cures by Prof. Kline, at the Philadel phia Cancer Institute, 931 Arch street, Phi ailel puia. Pa. rat Branch offices, by Hr. Dalton, 23 , vV Fourth street, Cincinnati, O.; by Dr. Greene, charlotte N. c.; by Dr. Heaiy, ^tuDhleiieiu House, Atlanta, Ga. WONDERFUL CANCER ANTIDOTES. No Caustic Medicines. No Blood. Little No Knife. Pain. For particulars, call on or address either oi the above, jan22-w3m Administrator’s Sale. JJY virtue ol an order of the Court of Ordinary of Henry county, Ga., will be sold beiore the court House door in the town of McDonough, o said coun ty, on the First Tuesday in March next, within the ltgal hours of sale, one-third undi vided interest in twenty acres of land, with appurtenances, known as Nail’s Milt, lying three miles southeast oi McDonough, on Tussehaw creek, in the 7tu district of said County. Also, at the same time aud place, fifty acres, more or less, in the sonth>voBt corner ol lot No. 253 in the 7tn districtol said couuty. aolu as the propeity oi T Sullivan, deceased, tor the benefit ol heirs and oradib ore. Terms cash. E. L. SUhLIVA.8, Adm'r, jan!5-tds - primer's fee $5 per equate. A VOID QUACKS.—A victim of early indiscre tion, cursing ueivous dcuulty. premature decay, <zc., having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means o! self-cure, which he will send free to his ivllow-sufferers. Address J. H. TUTTLE, ’iS Nas sau street, New York. dec3l—wOm Notice to Debtors ana Creditors- A LL persons having demands against Edwin Payae, deceasid, late ol Fui on c juulj, are hereby noci fi'.daud required to present tnem, prooer.y attested hi '' ... me uud.rrigned, within the tune preset ike"' by .a v, a>id all persons indebted to paid deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment to the uailersigned. O M PAXNK, axecutor, jan24-40d printers lee $3 GEORGIA, Fulton County. Obdixaby’b Office, January 3d, 18T1. dlanship oi the person and property of Ella Lock, miuor child of J. T. Lock, late of DeKalb county, deceased — This is therefore to notify ail personp concerned to file their objections, If any they have, within the time prescribed by law, else leave will be granted said ap plicant as applied for. DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. Attest. John T. Cooper, Clerk. jan4-2oi Printer’s fee $4 50. GEORGIA, Fayette County. Oiidisakt’s Office, December 25,18T0. W T. WILLIAMS having applied for Leiter? of a Guardianship of the person and property of the minor children of Isaac U. Smith, deceased: This Is, therefore, to notify ail persons concerned to file their objections, 11 any they have, within the time prescribed by law, else letters will be granted the appli cant on the first Monday in February, 1871, as applied lor. DaVID c. MINOR, da29- Ordinary. District Court. FULTON COUNTY. ) Atlanta, Ga., January 26, 1871. ] N pursuance of tie act organizing a “ District . . Court.” in this State. I do hereby g:ve notice that 1 ill hold the first term ol said Court tor the conn tv of Fnlton, in the court honse in Atlanta, tn said county on the First Monday in March, aad in each following month until further notice. All returns to said Court must be made accordingly. SAMUEL LAWRENCR, janl7-3 f 1d District Judge. It will regulate Its functions and thus euro all disease* came i b,i tue feature of its healthy action. It has been m-ej fo a great number ol years, and h»a given universal ?ati-fiction. 'I here is no brother or son claiming to have the orltrl- nu r ceipt. It is put up ,n both i owner and FiUid Fai burn, Ga., September 4,1888. Dr. O. S. Pr 'Phitt : Sir; My wi'e has been an Invalid for fifteen years Doctors an agree she had “ Liver Disease.” In connec- none^ifwlJfehT™ 0 “v u sh “ ns ‘ !( l various noted remedies. .l.f..^. fwhl , ch io do any good. Sometiin- agol your agent Kere n c e “ A ’ll’ tll '‘ °‘ V !'', ve / ”uffrIne.” S S?yoSr’’agOTa reckons, ta B H ^d cfrT l ° dU GEORGE L. THOMPSON. Atlanta, Ga., July 18,1870. Messrs. Braufiei.d & Co: Gentlemen—Last yar, dnrlng my travels In Aia- . = . t rt ' * " feJfr and f’° athwcst l contracted chills and fever, Jind my funeral hoilto he can > r» very bad. I tri«d Pin«°-Ali r ,T,^ ieS ' and T OU ° ° !ht!ra 'h’bailenbergeris Pills ail to no purpose. I was troubled with intense P*^ 11 ,n the o' m y ba-k and for months I did not nave a moment s rest I had well nigh despaired of re- cjvi riijg when a friend recommended me to take Dr Prophitt’s Liver Medictne. 1 did so, -md one bottle has" h'ller it’oii/af , tu d K y / fee l. Iike another man I con- B.dcr it oue of the best medicines fo; general use now EfiS without any reservation, recommend it to the ulll’cted, I am, gentlemen, very respectfully, yours, etc., o. m. Harrison. DR. PROPHITT’S DYSENTERY CORDIAL Di? 8 ™^ Morbus. • imatnm, or Cholera Thi? medicine has bseu use for years, and gives uni versal sa i luction. 1 gives uni- The most delicate child may lake It with impunity. Dr. Prop.utt Covington, Ga., November 9,1867. HsvTg a severe attack of Dysentery during the Dost linmer I was induced to use your Dysenerv ('nrrtL.1 a d der.ved iherefrom imme iiate and permanent nfiief! it give- me pb as'ire to recommend this remedy to aii who m ly be ?o »t acked, tielieving that ,-h >uld the direc tions be f illowed, ie!ief would surely be obtidned * YourE, Sc., O. 8. PORTER. Dr. Profhttt : Cuss** a. Tkxas, 1899. Dear 8ir—Y'onr Liver Medicine and Tain Kill It is a complete success. J. L. WHITTLs! PROPHITT’S PAIN KILL XT. i>„T h1 £-e 1he ' c « leh / a ' efl medicine that rnn Perry Davis’ Pain Killer out of the m rtiet, wherever it was sold to*FainKifl |’ ropMttCQan ge the name from Pain Killer noeqna? fcnmtlIBm ’ V enra,Kla ’ or P» 5n ofanykind, it has NOTICE. t or Luts, Brnises, I nrns, or old Bores, it is the best thmg you can use for a dressing. For -nako Bites or Stings of Poisonous Insects It it a perfect antidote. * ^ " f ? r .|r, o:io . Co ' d ."’ Con K h8 or Bowel Complaint. Its n im. indicates its nature lul y. it is truly death to Manufactured and sold by BhADFIELD ft ro ay lantu, Georgia, aud by ali D rnggists, U ’’ At " A true extract from the minutes, Angus i Term, 1870. J. T. B jan7-oaw4w J. T. Brown, Clerk, printer’s lee S M URDER!—BEWARE OF QUACKS—60,000 of uoih sexes, hurried to premature graves yearly through nervous debility, Ac,, produced by youthlul indiscretion. The advertiser, curing years oi suffer ing, tried every advertised remedy without relief; h. s discovered a simple means of sell-cure, which he wili send free to his leilow sufferers. Address, S. R. SHAW. feb2-w4t 737 Broadway, New York. ^.dmiiiistrator’s Sale* B Y virtue ol an order from the Court of Ordinary of Henry county, Ga., will be sold before the court house door, in the town of McDonough, Henry county, Ga., between the usual hoars of sale, on the first Tuesday in March next, 127 acres, more or leis or lots of land Nos. 200, 2-7 and 218 in the 2d district of said county, known as the Green Harris place. Bold as the property of A. G. Combs, deceased, lor the bene fit of tne beirs and creditors. Terms cash or credit of ten months. BAMUEL M. PRICE, Administrator. janl5-tds printer’s lee 85 per square. BOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. Thu RAILROADS, WILLS, WINES, Breweries* Distilleries* WELLE ft CISTERNS. Hydraulic Presses, &c., SAD ft DOG IRONS, KcCOWAN :BROSh _P. A W. CO. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. oct!5- 91 ft 96 Rim street, Cincinnati. O. NOTICE. GEORGIA RAILROAD OFFICE. I Atlanta, Ga., January 29,1871. f ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. To.take effect ou Monday. Janaary 30th, 1871, leaving Stone Mohiitaid at 7:10 A.M.: Leavi Atlanta rj5P X Leave Stone Mountain 7’10A M Arrive at Atlanta 9:'9i M Arrive at Stone Monntain 7:15 P M j*D29 £ A. WERNER, Agent. A Private Counsellor to the Married or those abont to marry, on the physiological mysteries and revelations ot the ’exual system, with the latest discoveries in producing and preventing offspring, preserving the complexion, Jtc. Tills is an interesting work of two hundred and iwenty-four pages, with numerous engravings, and contains valuable information for those who are mar ried or contemplate marriage; still it is a book that ought to be under iocs and key, and not laid carelessly about the house. Bent to any one dree oi postage) ior Fifty cents. Address Dr. Dutia’ Dispensary, No. 12 N.Eignth st. St, Louis, Mo, EX - Notice to the Afflicted aad Unfortunate. fYIOLLED before me as an esfcray on the 3d day ol Fetruaiy, 1871, by C.ark Howell, of Buck Hi-ad District, G M, of Fulton connty, Georgia, one COW, or 9 year? old, with red sides w uite back and belly, un- mark d, and h-!S od a bill Appraised »y W.lllam Brown and John Cannon, freeholders of said District, to be worth eighteen dollars, and that it is worth flity cents por day tofei d her The owner is hereby notified to appear before me, prove property, pay cost and expense, and take her away, else she wifi be Bold on .he preD.ises of said Howell, th : taker-up, at ” Dowel's Mill,” on Monday, the 13th day of February. 1871. JOHN T COOPEH, febl -It Clerk Comt of Ordlnaiy- NOT1CE. T OLLED before me as an estrsy. on the 3d day of February, 1871, by J. c, B. Ramsey, of Bnckheau HI-tnet, G. M., of Fulton connty, Georgia, one d ai- c lored COW, with dun sides, marked with a crop off the left ear and a solit in ihe right, abont eight or ten years old, and appraised by J M. Lowry and Ira M. Catos, freeholders of said District, to be worth ten dollars, and that it is worth 25 cents per day to teed her. The owner is hereby notified to appear before me, prove property, pay cost and expenses and take her away, else she will be sold on the premises of said framtey, the taker-up, abont 12 miles from Atlanta, on Peachtree Road, or what is known as the “old Jim Trimble place,” on Monday, the 13Lh day ot February. 1871 JOHN T. COOPER, feh.4 -It Clerk court of Ordinary. Newton Factory, Ga., November, 1867. Db. Pboputt : Last rummer my horse sprained hfs ankle severely causing the whole leg to swell to about , wice the natural size, and rendering mm iff aost he,pleas; two applica tions of your Anodyne Pain Kill It thoroughly cur.d it JOHN B. DAVIS. DR* PROPHITT’S Fever and Agrue Pills. The best Antidote f ir Chills and Fever known Cures warranted in every case or money remaded—Purely Ve°-- DR. PROPHITTS WFssTFRX & ATLANTIC. RAILROAD. CARTER3VILLE ACCOMMODATION. Before applying to the notorious Quacks woo adver- ublic papers, or nsing any Quack Rnmboxes. tise to pal ... _ peruse Dr. Butte’"work, no matter what your disease or how deplorable your condition. Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by mail, on the diseases mentioned in his work*. Office No. 12 N. Eighth street, between Market and Chesnut, St. Louis Mo. iune9-dawlv TREMONT HOUSE, Corner of Marietta and Bartow Streets. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. JVXrS. 9. X . STABY having taken thia house, la now prepared to accommodate permanent, transient and day boarders, and solicit* a share of patronage, jam! an26-6; Atlanta, Ga., January 24, lgn. O N and aftnrWeineadiy Jar,n :-y 2Vh. C ir Will oerua on the Da,to u rioig, twien Atlanta and Cariersville as follows: ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. Will relieve Headache, Nervju-ness, J nn lice, and all oth-r derangements of the l iver Pu-eJy vegetable. Mir.uf ictored ai.d for "sale by BKADFlic D ft CO." Broad Mtre-.-t, Atiaii.a, Georgia, . nd for sa'e by all Druggists of Atlanta, Georg a. at mannfactarer’s prices. CERTIFICATES: We, the undersigned have used Dr Prophitt’s Prepa rations and t-.ke pleaenre in recommending them tn tha publi-, as bei g ali he claims for them: pai-cng r Train, oe- Leav-the Passenger Depot, Atlanta 3 00 PM Arrive at Marittta 4 27 P M Arrive at Cartersv lla 7 29 P M Leave Cartersvilie ; 5 59 AM Arrive at Marietta 8 36 x M Arrive at Atlanta 1J 8 > A M This train will be ratel as a Freight Train, and wil not atop pnrp jsely for ptasengeis bet wee 0 Cartersvilie Dalton. A. L UAKR18, M. T. ft S. and Dalton. jan26-lw GEORGIA, Fayette County. Court oe Ordinary, December 29.1870. J OHN RUSH having applied for the Gnardiansbip of the person and property, of Mary Francts Lan drum, minor child ot Jeptba Landrum, deceased, This is, therelore, to notify oil persons concerned to file their objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, else letters will be granted the appli cant, on the first Monday in February next, as applied lor. DAVID U- MINOR, Ordinary, janl—40d Printer’* fee $4 CO. Jones, oving: euce; Rev W W Oslin, Georgia Con 'er Jn‘*e-'" F W Swanson, Montfreffo. Ga; Robert Barnes. ’ Jaener county. Ga; i M Uebin-ou, Mort'c.-ilo, Ga; James w.-g-it. Fir cni'.ry, G ; A Westbrook, u ■ am ' V T G;; JuigeJ J Floyd. Cov'ng'on y a - W i Be- bee, “Covington Knterpri-e;” AH Zachary,my niton Ga; George Wallace, Atlanta, Ga; Dick Lockett Davis con-.ty, Texas; »V Hawk Whatley, tmeeta I t x ie- .> c Kooerts, Lln .eh county, hexa?; Tommei ft bte’wart. At.’anta, Ga; W ALandsdell, Drug riets, Atlanta, a; R F Maddox, of R F Maddox ft Co, Atiknta, Ga; Uriah Stevens, Cartersvilie Ga; a JN Lou's, Lowndes county. ton Factory.. B F Bass, Lowndes connty. .via,! STATE OF GEORGII Know all men by these Fulton County. J pres ntr, That I have this day, for value received sold and transferred to BRAD- FIELD ft CO., the sole right to manufactn-e and sell my Fami,y Meuicines. and h ive famished them w'th the full receipts, and have autlioriz id the said BRADrlBLD ft Ci to print or bave-p in ed, anyUrng they m^jf , *- — named Bee proper "cor coriicg eny and all of tne abcve-i Medicines. '1 hisTS’h day of Jane, 1870. I signed] 08 PROPHITT^ in pres-mc > of Thom&s F J ones end Robert Crawford, Notary Puolic . And tor sa'e by all [Lai “ Druggist*. - V