Weekly Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-18??, March 29, 1871, Image 3

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UtoSUu Jatflligrnftr ATLANTA GEORGIA. Wednesday. March 29. 1871. Th<- Democracy must learn to be D mo cmuc. '1 ins is no time (o play the looL py The Democracy must see that every citizen ia protected in his rights. ty The fire eating Democracy can’t benefit the .-500th. We want moderation. Pf The Democracy must go in for educated labor. ltauica am has gone to itsmastei—the ticviX. C3T Radicalism means revolution. Lei the people beware. The True motto. Toe Union, tlie Constitution and the enforce ment ol the laws. CUT The red-t’ot Georgia Democracy don’t like our pi liticai moderation. Neither does the devil. li i I'tiLElrKAPti. 'HJW YORK AS» >-JIAT3D PRSofl DISPATCHES ES”’ Our lahhlul representative, General P M. li. Young, Las our thanks lor valuable public documents. Z3T The red-hot Democratic editora of this Btaii think they cau control public opinion I We think not. Dnlfy Xrne Ocnrclan. The publicatn n ot the “ Daily True Geor gian” vvi ! »e risound at an early day. Bub scripiion pricc'te-u dollars per year, to be paid on the apptaiar.ee ot the first number. \V It MI U 1UUM. Bunmer is looked upon as a mutineer, and the whole itepuhliran organization has become denx raiizi d fcumnpr is snubbed and Grant is not hip, orted. General Jackson is evidently aoseut lrom the While Douse. Two pupils at the Wesleyan Female College, in Georgia, c>iti.e near dying receuily lroin bn> v mg out their gas It’s curious how temperaments \ary. Mr. Wendeli Phillips hue 1. tno A .nr out his gna lor nigh unto lorty yews-. and he don’t b*ein the worse lor it.—A. Y. World. Characteristic. The Piii alelpbi t Press, with characteristic illil i r.i.iti, prints me innj irily report ot theOut- rage Committee in lull, but says ot the minority rep- it, in t it -‘stteiiip's to palliate the crimes ot cx-rebnls” and that its length and want ot space in the * Press’ compels the editor to "throw it over." A New Hampshire stage-driver, who has just retired, has, in the course of his lile, driven about KiO.UOO miles, or mure than six times around the world. Augusta reports no new cases ot small-pox. The gold minis at Grantviile, near NewnaD, are said to promise great results it properly worked. Violence lu Politics. Fire-eating ueinoeracy and Had leal Republi- ettni-m aie synonymous terms. We have no earthly use loi ell tier. They area stench in the uostnmul moderaiioH. Their motto is rule or rum, and we wou.d as lieve be ruined by ODe as the other. Aiseuic is arsenic, ht it up in wliatevei shape you inuy. It is poison, and w ill destroy iie. Pai i> violence has blasted the hopes of the South, and it not speedily checked, will bring desolation and ruin to toe whole country. Let us have moderation. NUOV l>lsU>AiCUJLl««. WISHIVOTOV. Washington, M ich 25 — t he following con firmations nave oecu made: Hipier, Assessor tor Second D is trie, Alabama; Corbin, District Attorney o/ S >u ii Carolina. Blodgett’s case is up in the Senate. No session of the House. Di nnis Gunn, who kiiled his sister’s seducer in Ban Francisco, has been acquitted. The ver dict was w Jdiy cheered The Mississippi Senate refuses to concur with the House resolution for Federal aid. The World’s special from Paris s *ys, the reaction in favor ot the Empire iDcrea.-es hourly. FOBKIUN. Loudon, March 25 —boisset has undertaken to concentrate me loyal battalions ol the National Guards at Rae de la Bourse, an-1 to re-establish the stafl headquarters there. He is disposed to pardon theme cug eed in ententes, restore municipal Irancbise, continue to pay the Nationals, an, revoke the law in regard to the payment ol bills, and urges tbe Assembly to leg-rime to os to reconcile conflicting interests. Pams. March 25 — The insurgent committee threaten to arrest and pumsh the Bonapartists and Orieauist agents among them with Bpeedy trial and punishment. " he situation is unchanged, and a conflict is feared. The insurgents’ official journal says the com- mi ;ee has decide J to occupy all the Mayor’s off res ol the arroDdisemenU, and dissenlionists will be tried upon arrest. The triai of several dissentient journalists has been ordered. Alec mi Garibaldi has been appointed Com ma uder-in Chiet ot the insurgents. The Nationals’ journals, supporting the As sembly, demand the employment of force against the insurgents. The insurgents make demonstrations, but so tar, retire without fighting. Tlif Dnnncrnilii Cjucii*-llcarganlzatlnu ol dm l*eiiioi-r..iu- >iml Conservative Uoa* Krvsstoiial > oiuiuiUt-e. An aid-jurncd caucus ol the Democratic aud CoDSd Viuivc up-tubers ol Congress was held in the hull oi tin- Douse ol Representatives at 11 o'clock, on Batuuiay morning. Don Fernaudo Woo-i, ol New York, called the caucus io order, and, on motion, Hon. Eu gene Cusserly, ol California, took the chair. Hon M. C. Kerr, ot Indiana, moved me fol lowing resolutions, which were unanimously adopted; ltes-i.ved, That wo cordially commend to our Deni- criti c aud Conservative teliow-citizens Uuoiignoui the country me Patriot, ol the city of Witsuingioii, as a newspaper eminently worthy ot Uu u lavor and support, by reason ol the high tone, gn at anility auo huclny to correct priu- ciplvs which cliuracterize its maugagement. Resolved, i’iiai a copy ol mis resolution be cominuuieated to that p iper for publication. Hun. William E. Diuluck, ol Indiana, oflered the following, wuich was also unanimously adopted: Resolved, That there shall be appointed a committee, consisting ol one Senator or Repre sentative ltoai each State entitled by the politi cal cuaiacter ot Us delegation to representation m this caucus, to sci ve during the present Con gress, and in to be known us Democratic aud Oouseiva ive Congressional Committee, which shall he eburged with sucu duties as it may properly peruirm in regard to elections aud o tier pwlitn m mailers during its existence, wiui power to cnouse ns own chairman and othei office rs, aud also to choose and appoint a sut>- Comunueu, to consist, in whole or in part, as may i e deemed nest, ot memoers ot Congress, to act as a ie.-i.u nt executive committee, lor the distmiuiion ol documents and other campaign w ik. Resolved further, That each delegation here repic&enied shall be entitled to name its Cum- inillee-a.au under ihe loregoing resolution, but when no peisou shall be named within a rea sonable tune, in. u Hie chairman of this caucus snail ap.iom. suen committee-man. On motion, the rol oi the States was called, audit appeared mat tbe lolloping Slates aud Teriuories weie represented viz: New York, New Jersey, Deuu-yivauia, Delaware, Mary land, Virginia, Noith Carolina, South Carolina, Ci ouia, ii.iao.iuia, Hiscissippi, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, India.. ., i.l.nois, Missouri, Arkan sas, iiiicnignu, Florida, California, Oregon and Nevada, lad rue Lerruoaes ot Idaho and Da kota. On nr-Ron, the following-named gentlemen were appo.i.teo to compose ine.-aid Democratic arid Conservative Congressional committee, viz: w .Si.) Yoia—H. W. Mocum Nca Jersey—Jonn P, Stockton. Pennsylvania—Samuel J. Randall. De .a > are—Benjamin i’. Biggs. Maiyiand— bti-\enson AieUer. Virginia—John (. ritcUer. Noun Carolina—F. E ShoVr. bouilx Carolina—Isaac C. MeKissick. Georgia— P. M B. Y'oung. Alaiia i,a—P. At. Dox. Mississippi— Louisiana— mue)—t'hilade’ph Van Trump. Kentucky—B yd \\ inchester. t diessee—W. C. \\ liilthorne. ] niau i—.M. C. Keir. i< deois— Samuel S Marshall. .ti Srouri—Eiastus Welts A i k ill.-as - J dlies M. ii.iuks. > iiigau—J G SutheiiauJ. F. . . :a—Slitu L. NlUlaek. J exas— 1 nu ll -cousin — i . iiorma—Eugene Casserly. _ > untsoia — i ■ . r>m- James H. Slater. AV West Virginia— Nevada Charles W. Kendall. Nebiaska— Idaho—Samu 1 A. Merritt. Dakota—M"ses K Armstrong, tiou J ini T. Bird, ot New Jersey, from the 8 ■ c.ai eo.mi.iUee appointed at a previous cau- iU to txatu>ne the accounts ol the National i n mocratic Executive Committee, reported that the same iuie correct. The report was ad. pud, and tue special committee was dis- driTaed. ii n. Feru .ndo Wood, oi New York, moved the to: ivv ; resolution, which Was adopted uuai i:n 'U- :y: j., . find i s essential to the interests ol in. pcop.e oi i li is country'that the Demo cratic auo Conservative memoers ol CoDgress be in constant attendance upon the sessions un til the final adjournment, and that the absentees be .cquested to return at once, so that the evil lerisiaiiou eouteuiplated may T t.-e avoided. Ou motion ot Mr. Ninlack, it was ordered that t roceediugs ot the caucus be handed to the pr s- tor pu j.leatton. Uu motion, the caucus then adjourned. KCGKNK CASSKKLY, „ Chairman. F. E. Shobkb, W. ±L AitTHDO, W. A Handuet, becret&ries. liVHIVINU DlSfATCHJBSS. W v SHINGTOY. Washington, March 2a —No Southern nom inations to-day. No confirmations to day. Total subscriptions for new loans, twenty- eight millions. SENATE. Clayton was seated. The discussion over the BloJge*t and Gold- thv-aite credentials, gave way to the deficiency appropriation, which passed. Bumner stated in a debate that while the -iec retary of the Navy complained of the lack ot versels, twelve were girdling San Domingo. Chandler wanted immediate action with re gard to the South, where he said thousands and tens ot thousands were being scourged ar.d murdered, and that these outrages were eertainly on the increase. The Senate adjourned. Route awards—From Mobile to Cahaba, tri weekly, Phillips, $4,000 ; Mobile to Demopolis, Phillips, $3,000; Bridgeport to Decatur and Guntersville, Phillips, $0,800 The House Committee ou the Peresident’s me-sage is slow. Duller has gone to Fortress Monroe. Dawes has gone to Massachusetts. VIRGINIA. Richmond, March 25 — Charles Friend, a prominent citiz-n ot Prince George County, living Dear Petersburg, was murdi red 1 ist night near his house by a band of negroes, who took him into the woods, where he was found. He livod long enough alter he was discovered to relate the circumstances of his assault. White frost this morning along the line of th Fredericksburg railroad. NKtV YORK. New York, March 25 —The French Relief Committee received in two days $2,400. A large number of delegates from the Savannah Railroad Convention departed to-day. Among th. m wasErastus Brooks. Specie shipment to-day is one-half million. Camden C. Dyk^ has been awarded by the Court ot App aU $35,000 for injuries sustained in tbe Carro Rock disaster, on the Erie road, in 18G8. FOREIGN. Paris March 25 —The mayoralty negotia tions resulted ia Mayors giving support to the municipal elections aud election commanders. The Nat'onal Guards hold their present posi tions. Duval, Brunei and E ides control the insurgent military power till Mecotti Garibaldi arrives, who is unanimously chosen as chief. Later.—The news to-day centres in mere proclamations, whereof the usual number has been issued. The removal of the barricades is expected to-night, under reported favorable negotiations between the Mayors and the Iusurgent Com mi t tee. Versailles, March 25—Favre has received two additional di.- patches from the Germau au- ihorties declaring it the duty of the Versailles Government to cot quer sedition. The withdrawal of the German troops has been stopped. Swissot, who commands 10,000 National Guards, with guns and mitrailleueses, is em powered to ofler the in-urgen's amnesty, and in ca-.e ot refusal to attack them and secure tbe C< ntral Committee. Fifty thomand me n are en route from Bologne to suppress the insurrection. \ New Feature.—A Justice’s Court room in t i.s uty rejoiceo in a Bagatelle table. The h La ole has been levied on, and will afford pinu -ement tor Uu Donor and his visitors until uuy ot Mtle. FINANCE AND TRADE. [corrected dailt ] Atlanta, March 27,1871. Cotton—Light offerings, and lit tie change in prices. Markc 1 firmer. Middlings 13$; Low Mid dlings 12$ ; Good Ordinary 11$; Ordinary 10$; Inferior 7a9. Finance—Gold, buying. 1 10; Selling $1 12; Silver, buying. 1 04; Selling $1 09 Exchange on New York buying at par ; Selling $c. pre mium. Stocks and Bonds—Georgia 6 per cent 78v 80 ; Georgia 7 per cent. 83a90; Georgia Gold Bun's 8S90; Fulton Couuty Bonds 90a92; City Checks, Atlanta, par; County Checks,Ful ton, par; Atlanta and LuGrange Railroad Stock 95 rl0O ; Augusta Bonds 75 .80; Atlanta Bonds, 8 |>er cent., 78 iSO ; Atlanta 7 per cent. 70a72 ; Macon Bonds 70»75. Tobacco—Low grades 55a60 ; Common 62$a 70 ; Good 75a90; Fine 70al 00 ; Choice brands $1 25. Flour— Fine $5 50; Superfine 6 00; Extra 6 50 ; Family 8 00a8 50 ; Fancy 9 00 il0 00. Ghain—Corn 92. Wheat—red $1 40al 50; prime while 1 60 Oats 65170. Rye 1 25, in little demand Barley 1 25. Bacon—Shoulders 10; clear rib sides 12$; clear sides 13 ; hams 13$al7. Lard - Barrels 14 ; kegs and cans 14$alo. Bdlk TReats—Shoulders 9$; clear no sides 12 ; clear siUts 12$ Groceries—We quote A sugar at 15; extra C 14$ ; yellow C 13; brown 14al4$ ; New Or leans 12al4$. Rio coff -e 17a20; Java 30a33. Molasses, in barrels, 40; Florida syrup 75i80 ; New Orleans pruue 70; choice 7§i35. Liver pool 4$alt 2 25. Vngmia Cheese 2 z5. Vine gar—. Cider 35 DO. Ricc9$hj0 Ginsing 12a 22. Candles—sperm 18; aaamantine 13$al5. Pepper 25 Race Ginger 20 Starch 8$ Ap ples 3 50aG 00 per barrel. Cigars—domestic, per thousand 22 0>ii40 00. Teas—green tea 1 75; black 2 00a2 50. Soap —. Crackers —. Rifle powder, per keg ot 25 pounds, $7 25 ; Blasting 5 25. Shot 2 75 ; Buckshot 3 25. Wrapping Twine 27$. Waste Paper $a2$. Buckets 3 00 >4 00. Brooms 2 50a5 00. Can dy, per box, 20. Matches, gross, 3 75. Scrap iron pier pi^unu $c. Rags 4$ Liqu >Rs—Bran iy—Freucn, pier gallon $8a 12 00; American 1 75.3 Ou ; Apple 2 00 .2 ou ; Pencil 2 75-io 0 R .m—Jamaica 4 0*‘aG 0-1 Gin—Dodauu 4 oO .o o0; American 1 ?5a2 OU. | Whisky—Corn (country) 1 20a2 00; Rectified 1 30&1 40; Rye 2 0a5* 00 ; Robertson county 1 50*2 50; Gibson 2 50a6 00. Wine—Madei ra 2 25ab 00; Sherry 1 75 00; Port 1 75a 6 00 ; Malaga 2 50*5 00 ; Champagne, Ameri can, per dozen 15 oO ; Champagne, imported, 32 00; Scuppernong 3 0ua3 50. Ales and Porters, imported, 3 40*5 00 ; Chicago Ale per hall barrel 9 50; Chicago Aie pier barrel 19 00. Hardware—Nails—3s, nuiahed $8 50 ; 3s, common, 7 00 ; 4s 5 7o ; 6s 5 50 ; 8s o 2o ; 10s, spikes, 5 50. Finished Fine—6s 6 25 ; 8s 6 OO; 10s 5 75 ; lls 5 76; spikes 5 50. Iron tiwede 7aSc; horse shoe iron 7a8; round and square 5*10 ; city mil hi bar 6; Pittsburg bar 6: horse shoe nails 20*25; nail rod 10*12$; Ames shovels pier dozen 14 50; Ames’ spades per doaen 16 50 ; Roland’s shovels 12 50; Roland’s spades 9al0; plow steel llal2$; Cast steel 24a28; German steel 18a20; Bad irons 7*9. Lead bar, 11$. Caauoga per pound 7*9; Baggy fipxings 20*23, Improvement.—A much needed culvert being erected on Mitchell street. The contemplated opening ot broad street is creating quite a sensation. A cock, fight on a large scale is to come ofi on the 10th of April in this city. The United States Court for the Northern District of Georgia hat been adjourned until May. Judge Erskine has gone to Savannah. Another Bank —Atlanta now rejoices in another banking institution under tbe direction of Messrs. H. O. Hoyt and Darwin Jones. Mayor’s Court.—The Mayor had the usual crowd before him yesterday. He “went for” most ot them. The Skating Rink was opened on Saturday night lau, by a large crowd of the elite of the city. Building Operations.—In all sections of the city we notice substantial buildings in pro cess of construction. A bub tantial granite pavement has just beed completed in lront of the Governor’s Man sion Y'estebday was made up of sunshine and shadow. Towards nightfall the cool air ren dered overcoats aud fire decidedly comfortable. The new passenger depot is now of practical benefit Departing trains leave from under it, and those arriving, land their passengers under its protecting rooL A Nuisance Removed—The old canvass with its numerous humbugs has been removed from its recent position near th j railroad cross ing. DeKalb Superior Court.—Many of our attorneys went down to attend the meeting of Dt-Kalo Superior Court yesterday. Mr. Harris has been “ caned ” by his brother Masous. The compliment was well merited and doubtless highly appreciated. Melissa Jones, a “cullud lady,” was up be fore Justice Lynes yesterday, and was made to pay the penalty of some misconduct in the old Whitehall House. A ride through the city shows that improve ment is still on the wing. New houses are going up in every direction the eye may be turned. Justice Spencer required bt. Clair with an alias to give bond tor bis appearance at the Su perior Court. He was charged with defrauding somebody of a “ dead head ” ticket over the Western & Atlantic Railroad. Attention Police.—A Justice of the Peace, while returning lrom his office late Saturday night, where he had been to attend to some of ficial business, was accosted by a stranger under very suspicious circumstances. The man made many inquiries ot “his Honor,” and then pro posed to go home with him, but the “Court knew itself,” and running his band into an empty pocket, informed the suspicious looking individual that nearer approach would cause him to be shot. This was sufficient to keep the would he robber at a respectful distance. SPECIAL NOTICES. A a Insalubrious Season.—Spring ia w come, bat not its diseases. We sltonld be glad to have Its bio am without its fogs, Its vapors, its sudden changes of temperature, and the agues, fits of Indiges tion, billions attacks, and other harrassing disorders which they engender. As this cannot be, it behooves all sensible people to do the best they can to escape nch serious drawbacks on the poetry of the season. Ask any physician what the weak and delicate ought to do when miasma infects the air. The answer will be, “ tone and regulate tbe system." But how f That is the important question. A dozen medical men would probably recommend as many different medicines. On the other hand, the thousands who have tested the vir tues of Hosteter’s Stomach Bitiers as an invlgorant and alterative, will recommend but or.e, the wholesome preventive In which their own experience has taught them to trust. A course of this rare vegetable stimu lant, commenced now, would save many a pang to the feeble and debilitated It would be wise economy too, for it would probably preclude the necessity for medical advice Without disparagement to a profession which all Intelligent; men and women .respect and honor. It is Inst as well, if possible, to seep onto! tbe doctors’ hands, and they would have comp- ratively few cases ol fever and ague" dyspepsia,- buliousuess, nervousness, and general debility to att< nd to if this agreeable and healtnml sp< eifle were in nniversal use. mnlO F. Q. 'Y>EAD tbe following letter from one Xk oi the Vice Presidents of tue Geor gia State Agricultural Society: Covington, Ga . February 94,1371. nosers. R. S. 1 OMEKuY A CO.. Atlanta, Ga.: Mr Dzar Sirs -I receiyt-d at your hands, in October, ls70, Two Bottles of the FORREST vUEBN Ua r Restorer. At that time I was almost entirely ba'd 1 commenced immediately to apply, as directed, andto-dav I have a full beadoi hair, ton may re-t i soured that I am deligh'ed with the result. You m*y assure the incredulous they need not donbt, but use it and realize similar results. Accept my thanks. Yours, respectfully, L. F. LIVINGSTON, ar The “ Forrest Qaeen ” was awarded gold medal at the Georgia Sta e Agri cultural society, 18'0. febU-tf WANTED AGENTS. S EVENTY-FIVE to two hundred dollars per month everywhere, mile and umale, to introduce the Genuine Improved Common Sense Ftm iy Sewing Ma- cbi.ee. Them caine will stitch, hem, fell, lack, bind, br.-i.d, rord, qu a und ,murolder in a most tuperior m nr.er Price on ! y $15. Fu ! y warranted lor five years. We Will pay (1,0 0 for any machine that will sew * stronger, more beautiful or m re elastic seam than i u-s. Jt m k s the aiasi.c l.ccr Btiten." Every rrc nd -titch e >ii be cat. and still the cloth cannot be pu. . d a,.art without tear eg n. We pay agents $75 to (zoo per month and expenses, or a commission irom wli ch twic that amount can be made, For Circulars and terms apply to or address C. BOWkkS&CO.. 436 Spruce Street, Philadelpoia Pa. Caution.—Do not be imposed upon by otner parties palming oft worthless cast iron macuine- natter the sam>- name or otherwise. Ours is the only genu ue and rcaiiy practical cheap machine now manuiac-ureu. mbltl 3m Atlanta Medical College T HE next conrse of Lec’uree in this Institution will open on the Frat J1 unday in May next, until the brat of September, following : FACULTYs JOHN W. JONES, M. D., Profe-sor of Principles and Practice ot Medicine. W. H. GOODWIN, j*. D., Professor of General and Medical Chemistry. H. W. BROKEN, M. J., Professor of General and Spe cial Anatomy. R. D. MOosS, M. D., Pro r essorof Physiology. W. F. WEST MO US LAND, M. D., Professor of Princl- plea and Practice of Surgery. JOHN T. BaNEs, SC. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women. L. H. o RM hi, M. D., Professor of Clinical Surgery. J. G. WESTMORELAND. M. D., Proieasorof Materia Meaica, Thervputics, &c. N. D’ALVIGNY, M. D„ Curator. UF” For further information address teblfi J. G. WEsT.mokJELAND. Dean. COPARTNERSHIP. CEO. SHARP. w w E. 8. FLOYD. O x and after uus date, Mr. K. a. t LOI u is associ ated wild me as a partner in the Live Jewelry £>ia.re. The name and style of the firm lrom this date is, sHAuf & Pi-OY U. GEO. a HARP, J*. Atlanta, Ga., Marcu 11,1371, Special Notice TO MI FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC. r T is w.-h g-eat pifa.-ure I aancunc tee name oi MR p „.P .as a pa, t uer in my business. Mr. s', is a pr-ct ca', experirnceu Wuraman, and a live jeweler. His close connection »Xi araj-.ng jswe.ry m*nnf*cta- rers for tne past sievcn years, and ou experience and capital added to the LIVE JEWELRY STORK, wi 1 tnab.e the new firm to ofter innacamenta to porenaceis, in style, quality and variety, tar superior to all edorta made here.of .re. It is the intention of our firm to lead this market in all new styles as last as they are jn.rudnced by the factories, and as we shall buy exclu sively for cash, we leel we can ofter goods in our Une on hatter terms than they can be had elsewhere in the state, out motto ieau Codtuus th* aru as tux OLD Finn—FIRS 1-CLAS3 GOODS, QUICK sal.RS AND small profits. Thanking my friends for their generous support in the past, and tneor kind appreciation of my humble enona u> establish in ibis city a fUst-diass, honest, reliable and legitimate yewtnry trade, n.ic a.eing a continuance oi their lavora for the new firm, 1 am, very respecuaily, Your obedient servant, GBOBGK SHARP, Jr., mefcia-6t the live jeweller. GEORGIA, Fat*ttb Cooirr. Oorar ox Uasnuxr, March 94,1871. J L. H. WALDROP having applied for letters of • Administration upon the estate of John G. Nor ton, iate of said county, deceased— This Is, tbere'ore, to notify all persons concerned to file their objection, it any they can. on nr by the May Term. 1371, of this Conn, else letters will be granted Us applicant. D-VtDC. MISOK, Ordinary. mMMM Printer s fee (3 SENSATION OF THE PERIOD WOOTfHK i HUGH'S mammoth: NEW YORK CIRCUS ANO MENAGERIE. New .Advertisements. -Fulton sheriff* Sales lor April. 1871. VA7 rooL be soid oeiore tne court hoa=7; door in tut v V city ot Atlanta, Fulton county, Ga., within tne lawxul hours ot sale, on the first Tuesday lu Apr ! i next, the following property, to-wit: All that part aud parcel oi land lot No. 73, in the 14 Ji district. Tha part so levied on is in ward 5, irontiug on Broad and Forsyth streets, in the city of ALaata, cootaining one etgnchof aaacre. more or lees. Levied on as the property ol B W York, t j satisfy a State and county tax fi ut lor me tax tor the year 1870. Also, at tue sa ne time and place, part oi land lot No 191 in the 14.U district, containing one hundred*acres, more or less, and adjoining the property ot McUool, Pcrzerson and others. Levied on as the property oi itd.ara V. hue, to satisfy a State aud county tax fi fa for his tax for the year l87u. Also, at tne same time and place, a part of land lot No. lxl, in the ilia district oi or-giniUy Henry no* Fulton couuty, conta nag one hnndrei acres, more or less, adjoining ihe property of McfJool,Perkerson ana others. Levied on as the property of Edward Whit , in rar sty a Mate and county tax fi lafor his tax for the year 1369. oi.u, a. the same time and place, part ot land lot No. 1H, in the 14-m district ol originally riinry now Ful ton county, ua., containing one*hundred acres, more or less, ana uai. ining tne property of McCooi, Peckers m and others. Levied on as the property of Edward White, to saus.y a State end county tax ft fa forms tax for the ;> ear lc*3. Also, at in. same time and place, lour billiard tables. Levied on as the property of h Wilson, to satisfy a State ana county tax fi ia for his tax lor the year 187u. Also, at ihe same time ana place, part ol land lot No 84. in the Ilf district, The part so levied ou is in Ward X, trontnig cn Trebursey aid West Hunter streets,in the city of Atlanta, containing one-half acre, more or less. Levied ou as tne property of P H Wood, to satisfy a State and county tax If la tor his tax lor the yci 1370. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 52, in the 14ih auttict. The part so levied on is in ward 3, city lot 177, iron ting on Pair street. In tne city ol Atlanta, containing one-eigbta acre, more or less. Levied on as tne property ol Mrs U Wood, to satisfy a state ana county tax fi is lor her tax for tne year 1870. Also, at the same ume and place, part ot land lot No 70, In the I4.h district. The part so levied on is in warn5, iruut:-g ou Alexander ana Powers streets, Lu the city ot Atlanta, containing one-tniia sere, more o. less. Leviea on as the piopeity ol J H Warner, to satisfy a state and county tax u ia lor his tax lor the year 1870. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 78, in the ilm district. The part so levied on is in ward 1, lroniing on Tnurmon street, in tbe city ot Atlanta, containing one-fourth acre, more or leas, and adjoining tne piouerty of Wallace, Craig and Lowe. Levied on as the property ol Thomas West water, to satisfy a state and county tax fi la tor his tax for the year 1870. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 85, in the 14th district. The part so leviea on is in ward 2, near V Dunning’s properly, in the city ol At lanta, con.ainmg one-hau or an acre, more or less, nevied oh as the properly of Waters & Cothran, to eai- isiy a State ana county tax fl la for their tax for the year 1870. aiso, at the e&me time and place, part of land lot No 34, in the 14.h dis.rict. The pan so levied on Is th ward i, routing on Peters streets, in the city of Atlanta, containing iLxidJ feet, more or ie*s. Levied on as the property oi P M Trimble, to satisfy a atate and county tax fi ia for ms tax lor the year i87u. Also, at the same time and pluce, part of land lot No 5L, in tne 14th oisinct. The part so levied on is in ward 4, block 17, fronting on Harris street, in tne city oi Atlanta, containing X acre, more or less. Levied on as the property of James Lupp.e, (0 bhehan. Agent,; to satisfy a o a e and county lax n la tortus tax tor the year 1S70. Auo, at the same time and place, part of land lot No , m th* 14 n district. The part so levied on is in Wild 3, near tne ueorgia Railroad, in the city of At an- ta, containing one-luurth acre, more or less. Levied on as tne property ol Mrs Anna r-.ce, to satisfy a atate and coan.y t*x fi ia lor her tax lor the year ls70 Also, at the same lime and place, part of laud lot No 48, in the 14ih district. The part so levied on Is in ward 4, irontmg on Ivy street, in tlic'"city of Atlanta, coniauiing one acie, mure or less. Levied on as mo property ot Wnt Russell, to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa lor his tax lor the year I87U. ago, a. the same mug and place, part of land lot No ' LCL "Tl Greatest Success of the Century! Triumphs oi the Arena I Brilliant Constellation I Gra tuitous Spectacle. Orgarzei for Us Summer ani filter Seasons or 1871. f WILL EXHIBIT IST ATLANTA Monday, Ap 11 3, 1871, / ' ^ '. r-; - - - ; ■ ISllS*; . - V GRIND FREE B U.LOOX ASCENSION. Prior to the circus performance each diy of tbe exhi bition, between 1 and 2 o'clock, P M . ti« distinguished ASronant. Reinauit. will make his perilous fl ght Bh- YUND TH 4 CLOUDS, in one of his monster air-ships, 100 feet In helghtb and 50 reet is diameter. An ascension never fails to take place as advertised One or more couple- can engage passage- and tbe most brlliiant spectacles of ihe age is free to everybody. A performing den of living wi'dauimsls, from tne 'angles of Bengal and the wilds of Ainca. In the circns department will be found th° largest ar ray of Artists, and iht most b.-auttfnl stud of trick and performing horses < n e r h. M’lle. E. STORES, EQuestr'erme extraordinary.— M’lle AND <EWS and LOUISE, in flights ol Equitation and cordis volant* and elastique. CHARLES FILMS, the greatish Br.tish rider, te aTSON BROS., Eddie, George and Thomas, flying men of the air, trapeze, bar, tumbling and vauidng, JEAN JOHNSON, best general performer in the world. JAMES HANKINS, unapproachable Olympian. JEROME 'TUTTLE, ter rific doable somersault and voit.ignor J C. LONG Modern Hercules, light and heavy balancer. HI LI Y ANDREWS, America’s greetest humorist. ToM DAk , DOC. Wallace, FRANK ASHTON, and* host ol efficient auxiliaries. HkKK KOFP V8 silver Cornet Band, in the oriental and gorgeous chariot ot “ OBE- KON.” drawn by 12 Arabian corses, will parade the streets the day of exhibition at 10 o’clock, a. M. Beautifully carpeted seats for ladies without extra charge. No smoking allowed ins de tne payiliion. Two performances: At 2 and 7jf o’clock. Doors open at 1 aud 6j4 o’clock, P. M. Adm-asioa—Aaulu 75 centB. Children under 10 veers 60 cents. WILL IXIIIBIT AT. DULUTH. April 1st. AND AT CABTERSViLL.K, April 4th. mh28-tas-frisun. A PROCLAMATION. GEOBGIAl By Rufus B. Bullock, Governor of said State. WHEREAS, Offlolal Information has b:en re ceived at this Department that there is now pending In the Superior Court of the county oi Cherokee, a bill of indictment charging one James Mullins with the offense of simple larceny, (horse stealing,) and it bein? made known to me that the said Mullins, alter having been lot gedin jail under said indictment, has succeeded in making his escape titer-, trom ; and Whereas, The Sheriff of said county of Cherokee certifies to me, that he has mate every possible effort in hie power to apprehend the said Mn lins, bat without avail, and it being essential to the interests of the country that the said Mullins be brought to justice in order that he may be punished for the many depre dations he has committed upon the good people of ta : d county ol Cherokee and the counties edjaeent thereto : Now, therefore, 1 do hereby issue this my proclama tion, offering a reward ol Five Hundred Dollars for th* apprehension and delivery of the said Janies Mullins to the Sheriff of Cherokee county; and an additional re ward of Five Hundred Dollars upon his conviction. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol In Atlanta, this 22d day of March, in the year of our Lord hightecn Hundred and Seventy- One, and of the Independence ot the United States oi America the Ninety-filth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: David G. Cottuju, Secretary of State. mh27-d3twlt NOTICE. A COPARTNERSHIP having been form -d on the 16th day ot March, loll, by the under-igned, for tbe purpose ot prosecuting tue Brewery Busine-e, for the mture the firm, name and style of the Cuy Brewery will be “FSCHTER A MERCER,” PROPRIETORS, to whom all indebtedness in that line ior the City Brewery will be made, and who will also be responsible tor a l debts incurred ia toe prosecution of tue aiore- said business. D. FSCHTER. mkii-3t. ED. MERCER. see advekthwmkht ot Ur. Hutu iriapen sary, headed Boos tor the million—Marriage Goidf -in another column, jt should be read GEORGIA. FaTstt* Couhty To the Honorable Court ot Ordinary of said county: W E, the under.igneu, respectfully petition fora new district, to be laid ofi lrom the remaining por tion of the 1204ib District remaining in this coan.y oi Fayette, and that portion ot to - 540th district lying east ot Whitewater -toe lines oi the new district to be defined as follows: Comm:ucuig si. the Campbell county line where it crosses Whitewater creek, ibis crees to oe toe line southward to W-iere u strikes tne Fifth District fine, aud from there taking line running eastward to where it strikes toe 13th District line, and raWMiat me 13th District line, including lot of land No. 229 oi toe said 13to District, running northward to toe Campbell county line westward to wnere it crosses Wuite water creek. And we, toe undersigned commis sioners, petition, in Denali of the citizens oi said dis trict, that toe precinct of said new district be located at Hopeful Church. E. C. BUbMN, i PAUL FaVOB, VComm’rs. J J. HARTLEY, ) FAYETTE COURT OF ORDINARY. I February 31, 1i7I. f The eit’zens nf the ramaining o-orti-jn of toe 1204th Dis.rict, »nd a p triton ol he 34&D oistnct, caving tition d o nave a hew distn-l ia.a out, t-j oscom^o-ed cf Sold remnant ul toe 1204m an 1 a poiaoo ot me c4Jm Die ricts. and there havM^ osies commissioner, appointed, who have uedred the lines and mass a return of the same to this office according to ntw — it is therefore ordero..' that toe return of said com missioners be and toe mch7-S0d same is hereby Approved. DAVID C. MINOR, Ordinary. S- B. ROBSON’S BROOM FACTORY Broad ritroet, Near Alabama, ATLANTA, G-EORG-IA, M AKE ail the different kinds of Brooms aud Broshes, of Broom Com, sad sell at pr.ee. ns low u at say outer point in the UNITED STATES. Keep your money at home by patronizing Domestic Manmactorsa. janlV-dam Job Work. We are lolly prepared to do all descriptions ot job work quickly, elegantly and cheaply, 82, in liie 11m district. 'Tne pact so levied on iB m ward 1, Hunting on tnrong scree., in toe city ot Atlanta, Levied on as the property ot T homas Powell, to satisfy a stale and cauniy lax fi *a tor his lax l r me year 1&70. Also, at toe same lime und piace, part of land iot No 51, in tne 14ih district. Tne part so levied on is in ward 4, fron.ing on (Jane street, in toe city oi Atlan ta, containing one half acre, more or less. Levied on as ihe property ot W T Newman, to satisfy a State and county tax fi a tor his tax tor tne year 1870. Aiso, at the same Ume and place, part of land lot No Oi, in the 14 tn district. Th* port so levied on is in ward 4, tn d 17, fro-t ug on Harris street, in ihe city of At lanta, containing tiixtjO feet, more oi less. Levied on as tne prope, ty oi ii T Martin, trustee tor wife, to sati? fy a State andcoahtytax ft fa lor his tax ior toe yeai 1870. Also, at the same t me and place, part of land lot No 76, in toe 14tn district. The part so levied ou is in wa d 2, block i, routing on Grew ana Lawson street, in ihe city ol Atlanta, containing one acre, more or less, am adjoiaiu* tee property ot Newman & Wyly. Levied ou as toe property ol John G Martin, tula lee tor wife, to satisfy a stale and county tax fi la lor his tax ior the year 1870. Aido. at me s line time and place, part of land lot No 51, in the 14m district. The part so levied ou is m nurd 4, block 17, city iot 105, fronting on Harris and ivy streets, in the cuy ot Atlanta, containing one-hai acre, inoie or less. Levied on as tod property of H O HoicomDe, trustee ior Mrs H E WoodDerry, to satisfy a State and county tax fi U lor ner tax lor ilie year 1870 Also, at tue same lime and place, part ot land iot No 52, in toe 14th district. Tne part so levied on is in ward 3, lronting an Hunter street and alley, in the city ot Atlanta, containing 7uxl40 feet, more or less, and a ij .im mlt mu property of Uruut. Levied on as the prop erty- ot W E Haynes, to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa tor his tax tor the year 1870. Also, at tot same time and place, part of land lot No 81, in toe 14th district. Tne part so levied on is in ward 5, city tot 78, minting on Wallace street, in toe city of Atlanta, containing tbree-lonrtas acre, mom or less. Levied on as the propeity ol G W Henderson, to satisfy a Stale and county tax fi fa for ins lax tor to) year 1870. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 53, in the 14m district. The part so levied on Is in ward 3, iron.ing on Jones streets, in Atlanta, containing o .o und one-quarter acres, more or less, and adjoining the property ol Hall and Dr. Young. Levied on as toe property of /f G Horton, to satisfy a State and county tax fi lafor nis tax for the year 1870. Also,at toe sime time and place, part of land lot No 54, in the I4th district. The part so levied on is in ward 3, fronting on Anderson street, in the city o. Atlanta, containing one acre, more or less Levied on as toe proper y ot Miss u J Hale, to satisu a State and conniy tax li ia lor her tax lor toe year 1.-70. Aiso.at the same lime and place, part of laud lot No 78 in the 14tu district. The part so levied on is in ward 5, fronting on Found' y and Lnokie streets^ in the city of Atlanta, containing one thirdac’e, c.ore or less Levied on as toe property of W P Harralsun, to satisfy a state and county tax fi fa for his tax lor the year 1870. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 45, in the 14th district. The part so levied on is in ward 4, fronting on Yonng stre -t, in tue city of At.anta. containing one acre, more or less. Levied on as the property ol Win Hearty, to satisfy a State and conniy tax fi la lor hie tax tor the year 1870. Also, at toe Baine time and place, patt of land lot No 84, n toe I4th district. The part so levied on is in ward 1, lroniing on Trebursey street, in toe city of Atlanta, containing three- eights acre, more or less, and adjoinin'; the property oi Hay dtn and Mrs Clarke. Levied on as me property of Mrs Priscilla Harris, to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa lor her tax for toe year 187 >. Also, at tbe same time and Diace. pin, oi land lot No 82 in the 14th district. The part so levied on is inward 1, city tots 67 and 65, lronting oa Gray and Kennedy streets, in the city of Atlanta, containing one acre, more or less. Levied on as toe property of w L Goodwin, to satisfy a State and county tax fi la for his tax lor toe year1870. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot N i 77, in the 14th district. The part so levied on is in ward 2, block 25, fronting on Loyd street, in the tiiy ol At lanta, containing turee-eights a re, more or less, and adjoining the property of Inman & Holurook. Levied on as the property of John Gannon, trnstee for wife, to satisfy a State and county tax fi la lor nis tax tor the year1870 Also, at toe same time and place, part of land lot No 61, in the 14th district. The part so levied on is in ward 4, block 47, city lot 17, fronting on Housto street, in toe city of Atlanta, containing one- h alf acre, more or less, and adjoining the property of Venable and Ma honey. Levied on as tue property of Mrs E A Giles, to satisfy a state and county tax fi fa lor her tax lor the year 1870. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 52, in toe 14tn district. The part so levied on is In ware 3, fronting on Pell Bireel, in the city of Atlanta, con talnuig oue-quarter acre, more or less, and adjoining toe property of Sewell & Langford. Levied on as toe property of T fi Gamage, to sail fy a State and county lax fi fh lor the year 1870. Also, at the same time and p'ace, part of land lot No. 45, in the 14th district. The part so levied on is in Ward 4, lroniing on Packard s Alley, in toe cityoi Atlanta, containing one half acre, more or less, and adjoining toe property ol Saitz & Hayden. Levied on as toe property ol K S Green, io satisfy a State and conniy tax fi ia .or his tax tor the year 187o. Also, at the same time and piace, part of land lot No 84, in the 14to district. The part to levied on is in Ward 1, lroniing on Trebursey siraet, in the city Ol Atlanta, containing one-lunrih acre, more or less. Levied on as tee property oi G Gross, to ratisfy a State and county tax fi la tor his tax ior the year IS7e. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 108 In the 14th district. The part so levied on is in Ward 1, lronting on Humphries street, in toe city of Atlanta, containing 50x 0 leet, more or i ss. Levied m as the property oi Grogan, now .belonging to the city ol Atlanta, to satiisy a State and county tax fi fa tor his taxfortoeyear 1870. „ , Aiso, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 77, in toe 14th district. The part so levied on is in Ward 2, Block 4, fronting 27)6x63 feet on Whitehall street, in the city of Atlanta, ad lining the property of Jones. On said lot is a two-story brick stored unse, now occupied by Capt. John Keely, as a dry goods Btore Levied on as toe property of John M Ganm-n, o satisfy a state and county tax fi fa lor his tax for the year 1870. Also, at toe same time and place, part of land lot No 15, in the 14th district The part so levied on is in Ward 4, block 11. frontillg on (Jane street, in the cuy o Atlanta, containing 64x2lu lee-, more or less. Levi<_u on as toe property oi J T Edward, to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for his tax lor the year 1870. Also, at toe same time and place, part of land lot No 78, in the 14th district. The part so levied on is in ward 5, lronting ou Waiton street, in toe city o Atlan ta, containing 38x8U Let, more or less. Levied on a- the property ot Edmondson & oell, to satisfy a State and county tax fi la for his tax for toe year 1S7J. Also, at the same time and piace. part ol laud iot No 78, iu the 14th district. The part so 1 Vied ou is m Ward 5, fronting on Marietta sireet, in the city of Atlanta, containing 25x100 leet, more or less. Levied on as the property of gus Ellis, to satis tv a State and county tax fi fa for his tax for the year 1870. Also, at the same time and place, pari of land lot No. 51, in toe 14to district. The part so levied on ie in block 4. city lot 13 f, fronting on Houston, Ford and Ellis street, in the city of Atlanta, Ga, containing one-half acre, more or less, ana admitting tne property of Barton. Levied on as the property of F. W Fiynu. trustee ior .wife, to satisfy a state and county tax fi fit for his tax' for the year 1370. Also, at th* same time and p>ace, part of land lot No. 85. in the 11th district. The part so levied on is in Ward 2, fronting on Whitenail aud McDaniel street, in toe city oi Atlanta, Ga., containing one and one-eigh-h acres, more or less, and adjoining the pr -p-riy oi Wells. Levied on as the property ol r hn.ips E Devest, t > satisfy a -state and county tax fi la lor his tax for he year isit). Also, at the same time tted place, part of land lot No. 84, in the 14to district. The part so levied on is in Waidl, lronting on Walker street, contains one-f >nrth acre, more or less, in tne city ot Atlanta, adjoining the property of 8 wilt and Haslett. Levied on as tbe prop erty ot E P Chapman, to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa lor his tax tor the year 1870. Also, at the same time and place, past of land Iot No. to, in the 14th district. The part so levied on is in Ward 4. block 5 diy lot 5, fronting on Decatur and ijaTia streets, containing one-bait sere, more or less, and adjoining tne property of Mrs Brinkley. Levied on as toe property of H G Billings, to satisfy a State and couuty tax fi fa for bis tax ior toe year 1870. Abo, at toe time and place, pari of land lot No. 53, in the 14th district. The part so levied on is in ward 4, fronting on Bailer sueet. m toe city of Atlanta, containing one-iourtn acre, more or less, and adjoining toe property of Kite. Cox and HiiL Levied on as the property oi C H Arentz, to satisfy a State and county tax fi la tor his tax for the year 1870. Also, at toe same time and place, part of land lot No. 1,1, in toe 14th district, containing 50 acres, more or less, and admitting the propetty ul Gus Wilson, Corsey and Alexander, lying on the new Green Ferry Road, about 2x mile* from the car shed in the city of Atlanta. Levied on aa toe property of T W Simmons, to satisfy a state and county uu A to ftf his tax tor the year J I Also, at toe same time and place, part of land lot No 51 to the 14th diMTist Tue part ao levied on is in ward 4, Mock 11, city lot 70, fronting on Cone street, to the city of Atlanta, containing five-eightha of an acre, more or less, and adjoining toe property of EUls and Marsh. L vied on a 3 toe property ol Mrs Mary A Wilson, to satisfy a Sute and cointy fl to for her tax lor the year 1870. a Ito, at the same time and place, part Of land lot No. 77. it toe lith District The part so levied on tain w ard 1, block 33, fronting on Feiem sueet, to the cuy ot Atlanta, containing oue-eixteenth acre, more or le.*, and adjoining toe property of Ooapman and We op. Levied on as the properly of F G House, to satisfy a ante and county tax fi ia lor his tax for to* year ldTu. Also, et toe same ume and place, pert of laud lot No. 31. to toe I4to dis nct. The pari so levied on ie to Ward 1, Biocx 3, fronting en Rock and Hayues streets, m the city of Atlanta, containing one-half acres, more or Jess, and adjoining toe property of Hogan and Aiiey. Levied on as the propeity ot j C Henderson, to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa tor hfa tax for the yeurlSTD. Also, at the same time and plate, part of landlot No. Si, to the 14to district. The pan so levied on la to ward i, c attaining naif acre, more or less, to the cit ot At lanta. Levied ou as toe property ot Mrs. Alice McCar- t -. to satisfy a State and county tax fl fa lor toe year is amo, at the same time and place, p*rt of land lot No 85, tn toe 14xt district. The part so levied on Is in ward X, fronting on Race Track and Ureeuierry streets, to toe city oi Atea_.ii, containing R aere, more or less, and adjoining i-jc property ot Gouca. Levied ou as toe properly o «V b J ouueon to san.-iy a state and county tax fi la tor his lax fur toe y car i87u. Also, at toe saute time and piaci part of land lot No 84 ui lite M.n district. Tne part so levied on is in ward l, bity iot 15, rouuug Simp rou aud Mrngnm streets, containing ono-cigntu of an acre more or teas, and ad joining toe property ol Jones’ eata e. Levied on as the property of Stephen T Diggers to satirfy a State ana county tax fi ia tor his tax for the year 1S7U. Also, at the came rone aud place,a part ot land lot No 1C7, in toe I4ta metric, ot originallr Henry now Fulton county, Ua.. tom anteg is acres, more or less, near East Burnt. Levied ou as toe property of J R GUapaan to satisfy a atate and county tux fi la lor the year 18(f). Also, at the saute time and place, a part of .and lot No 191, in Gook’s district, of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ua., containing ac es. more or less. Levied ouas toe property ol Mrs L E L Boner to satisfy a atate and county tax A ta for her tax lor toe year (874. Also, at toe same time aud place, p*rt of laud lot No 192, in Gook’s district, containing 80 acres more or less. Levied onas tne property of Geo Edwards to satisfy a state and county tax fi fa for his lax ior the year 1870 Also, at toe same time and place, a part ol laud lot No 2-b, in stone’s district, containing HU acres, mere or less. Levied one as toe properlr wWV Whitmire to satisfy a State and county tax fi la for the year 1870. Also, at the same time aud place, a part of (ami lot No 77, in the I4to distncu The part so levied on is to ward 2, stock 3 fronting ou Pryor sireet, to the city ol Atlanta, containing 53 uy 158 toot, more or leas, and ad- loining too property of Aenny. LeVMd on aa too prop erty oi P E w ootou, to satiety a Stale and county tax u la tor his tax lor toe year 1870. Also, at the earno time and p-ace, a part of land lot No 108, in toe 14th district. The part so levied on is in ward i, fronting on liunipories street, to the city of Atlanta, c jniaiuing 3o Dy 35 Let, more or lose, and adjoining toe property 01 Grogan m Preston. Levied on as toe property 01 Ei.za jetn Walton, (R N Walton, Agent) to satisfy a State aud county tax fl to tor her tax tor the 18 id. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No 78, m tne 14th district, 'i he part so levied ou is iu Ward 5, city loi 73, in too city ot Atlanta, fronting ou For.-yto and Uruob streets, containing one-half acre, mors or leas. Levied on as toe property ol Mrs Jane E Simms, to satiety a Stale aud county iax fi to tor he; tax tor the year 1370. Also, at toe am; and place, part of land lot Nos M and 37, in Oak Gro re District, containing 133 acres more or less. Levied on as toe property of Dr 1V S Lump - kin to satisfy a state aud county tax fl to for his tax lor toe year la7t>. Aiso, at tits same time aud place, a part of land lot No 78, iu the l4ta district. The part so levied on is in Ward 6, treating on Forsyth street, in the city ol Atlanta, containing 50 by 150 feet, mors or lees, and adjoining toe Sasseeu property. Levied on as the prop erty of Thomas Whitaker, trustee tor wile, to satisfy a State aud county tax fl ia tor his tax for the year 1870. Ail the foregoing property levied to satisfy tax n as. Pointed out oy John M Harwell, T. G. JAMES O. HARRIS, Sheriff. mh7-tds printer’s lee S9 60 per levy TUB & Co. Manufacturers and Importers of MILITARY, REGALIA, CHURCH, THEATRICAL, MASqUEUADB AND COSTUMER’S GOODS, FLAGS AND B VNNEB9. AGENTS FOB THE UNITED STATES BUNTING COMP ANT. Ml & rberry Sts., PMaieljfiia. IIUSSlAll BRICES! FISK, CLARK & FLAGG, PATENTEES AND MANUFACTURERS, 690 BROADWAY, NE W YORK, Many Nordtiss is tills Popular SospeMer NOW BE AD Y. OVER ONE HUNDRED STYLES CON STANTLY IN STOCK. mhl-W&M GREAT SOUTHERN ME18H i 111L BODTE f A ATLANTA AND AUU STA, -TO — WeidtffRlctoront£*Ws2tingVim,^j^t1 ■are, Philadelphia, and Raw York. connections by this Line are Moat Certain and fluent all ftanaonnI THE SATING HOUSES on this Use have bean thor oughly overhauled and refittad. Ample time given for Meala, at regular boors. CONDUCTOBB On this Li nr are Affable and Courteous to Passenger*. NO CHANdi OF CARS Between West Point, On., And Wilmington, M.C. QUICK THE AND SURE CONNECTIONS VIA CEORCIA^ RAILROAD. P ASSENGERS can purchase TtoronwA Tickets and have their BAGGAGE checked through from New Orleans, Ho bile, H ontgonery, Co. lnnebae, and Atlanta, »o Klekaaoad, Baltimore, Waehlngtoa, Phil adelphia, and New Yerk. nr FOUR DIFFERENT ROUTEd Via Augusta, Georgia. ▼ie Kingsville and Wilmington; via Columbia, Char lotto ana Raleigh; via Columbia. Danville and Rich mond; via Atlanta. Augusta. Wilmington, and Bay Line. Fare at lev ty iaitsta as any otter Heite. PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CAB8 on all Night Trains leaving Atlanta o; this Route. PA88XNG BRS wishing to 1 SplendldUnc of Steamships from Charleston, S. C., to Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, and New York. North b|r Sea will find a THX CHARLESTON STEAMSHIPS Offer every inducemen to Passengers, with Tables sup plied With every luxury the Northern and Charles ton Markets can afford; and for safety, speed and comfort, are UNRIVALLED ON THE COAST ! W Through Tickets on sale at Montgomery, Weat Point, and Atlanta, to New York vie Charleston Steam ships. J .A. ROBERT, General Ticket Age at, Georgia »«(!"'«* epr —8m SECOND HAND COTTON MACHINERY FOR SALK. C ONSISTING of Openers, Lappers, Cards, Drawing Frames, Speeder-*. Spinning Frame*, Ac.. Ac. This machinery ie bat partially worn. 411 In good condition and will he sold cheap. For description and price apply in person or bv mail to THOMAS S. SHAW, Agent Tremont and Suffolk Mills, Ct98-eodaw4m Lowell, Mass. GEORGIA, Cuytoh Countt. Okdinakt’b OrviCE. March 15,1871. TYTHRHEAS, C. S. M\NN. ADMINISTRATOR OF V v B. A. Mann, deceased, has filed his final retern, showings fill distributloa and settlesent of said de ceased’s estate, and apolie* for Letters of Dismission, which letters wit; be granted on the first Monday In Ju ly next, unless some valid objections are fl ed according to law J. H. MORROW, dlawlw. Ordinary. 1 & Manufacturers and Importers of DRESS TRIMMINGS, BERGMANN & UO.’S ZEPHYR WORSTED, GERMANTOWN WOOL, SHALL WARES, HOSIERY, GLOVES, Upliolatery, Blind, Shads and CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, Hearse and Coffin Trimmings, PHILADELPHIA: I NEW YORK: deny Sts.! 412 Broalvay. Fifttl mch4- JAMES L. JOHNSON Manufacturer and Dealer in Saddles Harness Bridles Collars &c Cor. Whitehall & Mitchell St’s. Julyl8- KUSSEJL 1 " COE’S AMMONIATED SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. . A REPUTATION OF TWENTY YE IRS ! 100 POUNDS TO THE ACRE ENOUGH U The Great Te»t Question of the Year for the South, WHU FISTIIIZER TO USE TO YIELD A URSEIPROFIT? PREMIUM $1000 13V GOLD! $500 Gold, to Northern Georgia, $500 Gold, to Southern Georgia! WHAT 100 POUNDS WILL DO ! FBRTIUZ8R. hif IOO POUND* AMD NO MORE, OF BUSSKL COM’S AMMON 1- roe, nlbn, Jones, Baldwin, timeek, Glasscock, 4Tarr«u and Columbt*, ta l SOU r UKomumm that por.ion lying iouti ol said countie*—*nd to each section wo wilt awatu 8500 IN GOLD UBHkiMlklkM«uttnlio»«•»* »«*« onia)t.am to tne p irch-we’ Wio *01 over IOO POUNDS of RUSSEL. OOE’3 Super-Phosphate of Lime, and toe am mat of Gi ned 7)ttoo pr Jdaced shafi exceed in quality thrt raisex and authentically reported by any other competitor ;n his section. The award will be made in the First Week in January, 1872. in 'be City of Savannah, witaa all of our Special Asemt* will ba prsseit to represent those they ih »- have snap.ied. and as a guarantee of ju-tice ioal> 4.V1 wm eg. pounds and even Let every Pit 1 er in the State denounce Fertilize rsot which toev have to me aw, w p»uuu» more to cue xre. not to apeter of many that are worrnUns, and decide this year WHICH IS THE GREAT FERTILIZER? rest Rus eS Coe’s Ammsaiatsd Super-Phosphate of Lime with any £.£ , ,u , M"°ao™M r S , ()"'5iteS;:ri)i •* «u WUT4U Jo. PROFITABLE YIELD. Doumjans uAWnirr W JOHNSON of Yale Couau and Chemist to the State of Connecticut, In biz Agriculture,” say* therein, retorting to Kassel Coe’s Ammoniated Superphosphate ot Lime, “We have*ri one a nj’e Super-Phosphate whoaa reputation is gooff, that disuoaoat dealers care to steal or^tha^foS sPBCIAX. AGENTS tor Analysis, Testimonials, or any information desired relative to this GREAT FERTILIZER. the SPBCIAL AGENT to whom you are the nearest located. TKilMS CASH f OR APPBOVED ACC EP TANCE. LITTLE & PHILLIPS, ceukralaomm. Commission hderchants, SAVANNAH, GA., 79 Bay Street. SPECIAL AGENTS: Guano or Manufactured Fertilizer in the Country. Your ex- NEW YOKE, 133 Front Street Henri. RROOVBR, STUBBS ffe CO., Safaanah, Ga. 1W. A. HUPP, K*q-) Mscob.Os. , nimmro. C. H.PtflNIZY to Co., August*, G».. Jn3&-d&wlm MARK W. JOHNSON, ATLANTA; G-A?