Weekly Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-18??, April 19, 1871, Image 1

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vs; ‘ERROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS W^EN REASON IS LEFT FREE TO COMBAT IT.”—Jefierton. VOLUME XXII ATLANTA, GA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19. 1871. NUMBER 16 Kemmrfca or Hon. W. V. Price on tiae Ku-Kiui BUI. Wc republish in another column, from tbe Daily Giobe, the remarks ol Hon. W. P Price, made, on the 4th instant, in tire tunning debate on the Ku-Kiux Bill. 41 Mr. Free presents bis views on the question under discussion in a very clear, forcible and impressive style. lie vindicates the State which he, in part, represents, from the slanderous charges which had been made the pretext ol the proposed legislation by Congress, and shows that the condition in which his people have been p.accd is not one ol choice, but one which has-been brought about by influences over which they have exerted little or no control We commend these remarks to tbe carelul pe rusal of our readers. Decoration ol tlie ttrarea of tbe Confed erate Dead. The return of spring time, with its sweet flowers, is moviDg the noble hearts of Southern women to the performance of me sad duty they owe to the memory ol the gallant heroes who died in deltnce of their country. Everywhere throughout the Sunny South they are preparing to strew flowers upon their graves, the emblems of a nations love and gratitude lor its laden braves. This is a custom that should be ever honored. Respect and love exhibited for the virtues of the dead, bespeak the virtues of the living. When a people forget their noble dead —those who fell in delenee of freedom's sacred cause, they are ready themselves to become slaves. Tbe OTacon Tclejji-u|»l« and Mcncnscr’n April Pool. The St. Louis Republican, a paper of very large circulation, has copied, without remark, the Ku-K ux outrage which the Macon Tele graph and Messenger got up and published sb an April loot hoax. Thus the story will go, and its circulation will not cease till the next Presidential election is over. The Mobile Heslstcr. That staunch Democratic journal, the Mobile Register, con cs to us to-day with an entirely new' face. Wc trust that the metamorphose is typical of continued prosperity. Drcadlnl Tragedy. The Mobile Register ol the 9th instant con tains an account of a dreadful tragedy which was enacted at W liistler, Alabamma, on the 8th instant. Dr. L. Martinez, a citizen of that place, was shot dead while reading in liis office, by one Gcoge Hahn, of’Qiritinan, Mississippi. The cause which led to ibis terrible deed is not re lated fully in the Register. But enough is sta ted to show that the wife of Hahn, who had been under the medical treatment of the de ceased, had some connection with the affair. A South Carolina Jury -Beauties of Rad- Icallnm. At a late special term of the Court of Com mon Picas for Sumter County, South Carolina, there were but three white men among the twen ty-four jurors on the two panels—two on jury No. 1, and one on jury No 2. To these juries were given the most important cases, some of which were so complicated as to embarrass, at times, the Bench and the liar. What a condition o! things! Stale Item*. Brunswick is to have hotel on a scale com mensurate, with the wants oi that growing place. The State Dental Society convened in Au- gustu on Friday last. Our exchanges bring cheering accounts of the lruit prospect every where in this State. Colonel J. B Gonder publishes a letter in the Auguste Chronicle and Sentinel, addressed to Governor Bullock, in which he declines the ol- flee ol District Judge, ou the ground ot the in- eonstitutionality ol the act creating the office, and the unconstitutional manner ot his appoint ment. Wo quote as follows from the Newuan Her ald, ot Friday: Attkmi’tko Assassination.—On Thursday niglit', the 30th ultimo, a most diabolical attempt was made to assassinate Mr. Isaac Baukston, the overseer ol Colonel J. M. Ilill, at the plan tation ot the latter in the Brst district of this county. The would-be assassin tired in through a window ol Mr. Bankston’s house, soon alter his return trom the labors ot the day. One ol his chldren sleeping near the window in its crib, nasrowly escaped being killed. The shot and slugs intended lor Air. Bankston passed near him into the opposite wall, tearing the lower portion oi the window,through which the shot entered, to pieces, borne one or two oi the ne groes ou the place are suspteted ot this loul at tempt at assassination, which iurther investiga tion will probably bring to light. Bishop Beckwith coclirme-d twenty per sons at Christ Church, Savannah, Tliursdvy night. The Albany Nows says of the U. L Kimball House, in this city : The building is palatial in its construction ornamentation and home appliances, while its furnishing and t<ibls d'hote are princely in their gorgeousiiess, variety and exuberance. The highest conception lor human comtort is at tained iu its admirable arrangement and un surpassed appointments, nud the castle-building imagiuiugs of the wildest luxuries could scarce ly rise to the lowest stage ot its hospitable at tractiveness. Hon. B. B. Hinton . is uominated by some of the papers as a suitable person to preside over t he Senate of this State. Tbe Remalniiul JoliuC. Calhoun. T.icCharleston News ol jesterday’s date con tain* the lollowing account ol the re-interment ol Mr. Calhoun’s remains: Pie remains of John C. Calhoun were ex humed on Saturday morning, and replaced in t:.< vault where they origins ly reposed. L will be remembered by a chosen few, that, o uignt preceding the evacuation oi Morris b> the Couiederate iorces, the bones ot Ca li un were taken from their vault tor obvi ous reasons, and were laid in St. Phillip’s Churchyard, to the east ol the venerable church. There the remains ol our greatest statesman have rested iu peace during these six eveuttul years. The Rector, assistant Rector and the Vestry men ot Su Pnillip’s were present at tbe disin terment, and lolhved the coffin as it was born to tbe old vault west ol the church. It was in deed a solemn scene. While ail else is troubled and sad, the nighty spirit ot Calhoun stalks Abroad, and his du»t, its wanderings over, is laid lor aye in the uumbie, silent grave—laid in the bosom of that Carolina which her wisest son loved so loug and welL The Siecle gives a vivid description of the scenes which ensued in the NatK-mti Assembly •when AL Conti, the ex-secretary ot Uie ex-Km- peror Napoleon, spoke in favor ol the latter. The Assembly stormed at him, pale with rage, and howled opprobrium upon the name ol Bo naparte. But M. Conu, with his eye-glass upon his hooked nose, and an impassive look upon his pale, thin, sinister, and yet comiacl face, sto -d calmly surveying the excited and frantic a.- i mblage. Continuing, the Siecle describes how Victor Hugo made an ineflectual attempt to induce the Assembly to permit M. Conti to be heard, but without result: The lory is unceasing, the yells become more and more passionately wild—fists are clinched, faces are livid, and eyes bloodshot with rage. “ Down with the Bonapartes 1” Down with Badinguet!’’ All of a sudden, amidst this crowd and tempestuous tumult, there appears, as it by steal- nt, a proud nead above the tribune, side by side with the thin face of M. Conti. The visage of the new comer is red, his hair and l>eard are white. It is the visage of Victor Hugo, the author of “Napoleon the Little,” by the side ol the secretary of the man of Sedan. Terribly grand spectacle! From all lips there came one spontaneous cry of “Chastisement!” “ Here is chastisement!” {(JhatimenX ! Voila le duitiment!) Rpmarta or Hon. W. P. Price, In tlie Honifi ol K<-pre»eulaliven, April 4, uu tlie Ku-Kiux Mill. Mit Prick.—Mr. Speaker: Although I had prepared an argument to be delivered upon the question before the House, I will not ask the Ln- uulgence of the House at this time tor the pur pose of reading it. Not that 1 am indifferent to the la>e ol this bill, not that I am indifferent to the effect which it is calculated to have upon the people ol my State, but because the argu ment has already been exhausted. Others, more able than myselt, upon this side ol tho House, have exposed its unconstitutional fea tures anil laid bare the many wrongs which it will inflict upon trie people it it should become a law. I desire to occupy the unexpired time ol my colleague [Mr. Young] in adding the weight ol my testimony to that ol his, and other gen tlemen here, to the general good order and peacefulness which to-day exist in the $outh, and particularly in my own State. Disguise it as you may, Mr. Speaker, this hill is inttnded to affect only and solely the people ol me iate insurrectionary States. It it becomes a law. I have no idea that it would ever affect any other section of the United States than those States lately at war with the United States. 1 had hoped, e'r, when myself and colleague were permitted to take our seats ou the floor of this House, that the work ot reconstruction was finished. When the State of Georgia, by the admission ot her Senators and her Representa tives, took her place in this Congress, i had hoped that she was once more a State in tne Union uud entitled to the protection which the Constitution ot the United States was intended to g‘ve her as well as her people. Mr. Speaker, while 1 have discarded, to a great extent, the discussion ot political matters since 1 have been a member ot this House, I have not altogether been indlflerent to political questions, l.have contented myselt with de voting all my time and attention to making my people feel taht they were completely restored to the Union. All that the Agricultural De partment oi the Government could do has been doDe to make them feel that they were once more receiving some ot the benefits which the Government aflords. The Post Office Depart ment has also done much toward making tbe people ol my isolated district feel that tuey were again in the Union and iu relation with the Fed- real Government. The Engineer Bureau of tbe War Department has also commenced to ex tend Us iaoors into my country in order to de- velope its untold wealth ol mineral and agricul tural resources. But, Mr. Speaker, it has remained for this branch ol the Fedeiai Government to make us ieel that we were still at war, or ratner that war was still being waged against us. When wo surrendered over our arms at Appomattox Court House aud Greensboro, we returned to our homes and engaged in the pursuits of peace. The great captain of your armies said, “ Let there be peace.” You then gave us war and called it peace. Now, while peace reigus su preme iu every section ol the South, you call it war. I was astonished, the otner evening, to hear the declaration upon the other side ot the House, by the geutiemau from Pemisylvania [Mr. Kelley], that war still existed in the South. Strange declaration, indeed, when it is known that there is not a solitary aimed man in the South opposing either the laws ol the United States or in opposition to tne soldiery ot the United States. We have desirsd peace, and hail at length h«?»n to hefievp th“t «v»r d«sire nad been reached, that peace was completely restored—that, having passed through lour or five years ol tedious and wearisome reconstruc tion, we had at last reached a position where we were entitled to an equal distribution of the benefits ol the Government and an equal share ot its protection. Admitting that here and there in the South au outrage has been comuritted, not alone on Hi publicans and negroe-, but upon Democrats. —as tne assassination by a negro ol Hon R. W Flournoy, a leading Democratic ol the Georgia Legislature, will show—I insist that crime does not exist to such an ex'eut as would authorize the intervention ot any doubtful or even posi tive power ol the General Government to sup press. I deny that anything has occurred iu Georgia since her readmission to the Union that would justify the exercise ol any such power as is given to the President by the meas ure now belore the House. Instead ol thus coutinuinu to oppress the people ol the South, it you would only enforce the laws already in existence lor their protec tion, it would tend to allay ail the trouale which really exists in that section. Iustead of protecting my people as they had every reason to believe they would be piottcied when their Representatives could be heard in Congress, tiny nave still been made to leel the heavy heel of me tyrant. Have my people no cause of complaint ? I dare say that, members upon this floor do not know me extent ot the outrages, wrongs, and evils which my people have had to endu e while passing through me dreary mazes of re construction, aud wnicir have oecn perpetrated upon mem by revenue officers and soluiers ol ihe Uuned Stales Government, who seemed to believe that became mey vveie still unuer the ban ot tne Government they were at liberty to treat them as Uny did, aud lor which they would not be hela aceoun able. The people had every reason to believe and hope that mis treatment would nc slopped when reconstiuc- liou was accornp ishtd. Air. Speaker, Fhave before me several letters, iuloruimg me of outrages ieceu ly peipetrated in my own county by United Estates soluiers and revenue officers. There are hundreds and hundreds ol loyal men in my district, who reinatued loyal to the Government ol the United Estates during the entire war, some ot whom believed mat they had a legacy lelt to them for their loyalty alter the war, to-wit: the right to manufacture whis ky without let or hinuerauce. Some of them, perhai.s.had never learned that there was a law against me distillation ot whisky until very re cently. These revenue otficers went into my section ol me State Idr tne purpose of arresting Luis class ot otieuders, and perpetrated outrages on innocent men not at all connected with the business which would astonish tUis House it Uiey could be stated in detail. Peaceable, law- abiding citizens were taken and dragged trom their homes, aud carried a distance ol neany one hundred miles, to he examined as to whether they had violated the revenue laws. In one case the party was not allowed to take a change ot cioihiug or speak to iiis tamuy. And when euty or more ol my neighbors were taken away trom their homes and minifies, and exam ined belore United States officers at Atlanta, it was found that no ground of complaint existed against them ! But still therr property was de stroyed. Are they to 100k in vain lor redress ? Air. Speaker, is not my statement sustained by the facts t I have betore me the charge of Judge Erskine, the United States Judge tor the District ot Georgia, in which he calls the atten tion ot the grand jury of the United States Dis trict Court to the outrages and wrongs upon these people. This charge was delivered re cently by the Judge I have named, a man whose loyalty and whose devotion to the Republican party will not be gainsaid. I quote but an ex tract or two Irom Judge Erskine’s charge, as I fiuu it in the Atlanta papers: “ In regalu to the action ot certain parlies iu Hall, Forsy.h, and Lumpkin counties, me judge hauuied uieai ‘with gloves oil.' He sam, in substance: 'I leel it to be my duty, a most pain- lul duty, as the judicial officer ot the Govern ment ot the United States for the State ot Geor gia, to mention to you an act ol great wrong— it, indeed, it is not deserving the still graver name ot outrage—which has been done to a citizen oi the United States and a resident of this judicial district. I am imormed by a cred ible authority that some two or three weeks ago certain persons acting in the service ol the revenue department, whiie in the lawiul duty of searching lor and arresting violators ot the revenue taws, became transgressors of the sta tutory laws of Georgia. Corning to a toll-bridge in one ol the upper counties, they ofiered to the man in charge some written or printed paper, catted script, to pay lor the tolL Tne man took it, and they were, with their prisoners, about to cross, when the owner ot the bridge came up and refused to let them pass unless they paid the toll in money. The owner had a gun in his hand; nearly all the other side were likewise armed. “ No hard words, it appears, passed between them. They bnrst open or beat down the gate, seized the owner of the bridge, placed hand- enfls upon him, tied a rope around his waist, refused to allow him to speak to his family or get a suit of clothes, and, in this condition, marched him to this city, and charged him, be fore W. B. Smith, United States commissioner, with the cSenBe ot resisting officers ot the Gov ernment in the lawful discharge of their duties. The parties showed by their .own testimony in the examination subtantially the foregoing state of facts. Hon. J. D Pope, Uni ed States dis trict attorney, who was present and conducted the case tor tbe Government, when he heardthe testimony, with laudable indignati&n, moved the commissioner to discharge the accused; and he was immediately released- 1 have been inform ed that one of the deputy United States mar shals was present when these acts were done. I also learn from the dist rict attorney and Major Smyth, United States marshal, that there was no evidence whatever belore the commissioner implicating him in the transaction. But to return, it persons will have the temerity to violate the criminal laws ol the United States, the Constitution aud the acts of Congress pro vide the mode of executing process ot the United States courts; tuey have the power and will not be backward in enforceing it. Then, I say, let no man dare take the laws into his own hand; for where this has been permitted, as has been the case often of late in this and neighooring States, by bands ol outlaw, anarchy and confusion reign “ The Government of the United States is supreme within its sphere. With its giagantic powers, it is, as all Jinow—and all know and feel who venerate it—benign and forgiving as mercy itself. “ It is the duty of this court, and it will always be my pleasure while 1 have the honor to preside here, to execute aud enlorce the laws, and at the same time to retain the respect and affection of the citizen to the nation.” Since this question has been betore Congress, and since it has been proposed to enact addi tional reconstruction laws for the South, my people have become alarmed, and numbers ol the best men in my district have written to me rexuesting that I would do all in my power to prevent any such bill as this from becoming a law. I have before me a letter, written by J udge C. D Davis, a pupil at one time of the celebra ted Judge Story, whose Commentaries on the Constituuon are so often cited on this floor. Judge Davis has been a Republican, appointed to office by G <vernor Bullock—a native of Mas sachusetts, reared and educated in the North— who came down into our section long before the war. He’is an upright man and an honest judge. Understanding that the passage ol the bill ot the gentleman trom Massachusetts [Mr. Butler] was to be urged at this session, he stop ped in the midst ot his court, in the county ot Jackson, to write me the lollowing: “I have just been informed that there ig now pending belore Congress a bill ior the appoint ment ol commissioners in each county here tor the arrest and examination of persons, and binding them over lor trial in the United States Circuit Court. Such a measure would eventu ate in disaster alone, and only tend to irritate and wound more deeply the already deeply in jured feelings ol our people. I pray that we may be let alone.” I could read quite a number of other letters of similar tenor, hut I am unwilling to trespass longer upon the attention ol the House. I ask gentlemen from the North aud from the West to save the people ol the South from tur- ther inflictian ol wrongs. They desire to be restor d in good feeling and amity to their rela tion with the Government. They desire like wise to be protected' by its laws" They wish to live in obedience to the Constitution of the United States. There is not a white citizen ol my State who has not, perhaps, taken the am nesty oath. If they desire one thing more than another, it is to feel that they are again in the Union and protected by the Government from its own officers. I trust that the House will not pass this bill, but will adopt such a policy as will make the Southern people leel that they are again in the Union and restored to the con fidence of the Government. Small Clippings. That was a sly dodge ot the Connecticut Re publicans in having deputy United States Mar shals at the polls on Monday last in order to spot New York repeaters, when no New York repeaters were there to be spotted. It was the “ Sharp game” over again.—N. Y. Herald. Between the Red Republicans ot France and the Black Republicans of America what a nice little international game ot Rouge et Noir might be played.—Boston Post. The Western Female- Cellege, at Oxford, Ohio, is burned. Several girls were hurt by leaping from windows. They lost most of their wearing appareL The loss is $60,000. A son of the late President Tyler, only twenty-one years old, is in an uhlan in the Twelfth Army Corps ot Saxony, and served throughout the Franco-Prussian war. The latest outrage on the Democratic side of the House was the appointment, yesterday, ol a colored page, named Allred Powell, the first one ever selected in either House. He was ap pointed from Virginia by Representative Por ter, and except some practical jokes which have been put upon him by some ot the older pages, he got started very creditably. Two young men of Selma threatened to fight a duel about calico, but they made up and kissed. An exchange, describing a funeral, says: “ The procession was tine, aud nearly two miles in length, as was also the prayer ol Dr. Perry, the chaplin.” A Philadelphia paper says of a popular ac tress : “ She lorms friendships wherever she may sojourn among the most recherche of her sex.” She is probably a lady ol the most recherche character. Many ol the most profound scholars and able publicists ot the day are of Hebrew descent. Among others, says Harper’s Bazar, may be named Disraeli, Cremieux, Borne, Momefi jre, Auerbach, Henrich, Heine, Jules, Janin, Grace, Aguilar, Fould. In music—Heiz, Meyerbeer, Halevv, Gottschalk. In drama—Rachel. In the United States—Raphael, Wise, Lillienthall, Leeser, Einhom, Noah, Isaacs. Washington, Art! If.—Blodgett and Gold- taw aile resolutions 1 hied in the Senate—dead for this session. I Robertson will ca2 np the Amnesty bill at an early day. The latest adviceslrom France state that the situation is unchange !, except that the Maraail- les Government is complete na#r of the situ ation at the bridge of Naoilly. Outside of Paris aU is tranquil. The Official Journal says the Assembly favore a kingdom as a government, hot says that Corn- maoism ftndNapoleon must perish. The army of Paris numbers two hundred thousand. Washington, April 10—In the Senate to-day Mr. Carpenter also spoke against seating Blodgett. Trumbull, in the course of the debate, called for the reading ot Blodgett’s credeniials, which were found defective as to when or by whom elected. Cameron called for Trumbull’s credentials, asserting that they would be found equally de fective. Trumbull’svcredentials were read, and they contained a foil statement ol when, how and by whom he was elected. The little crowd ot disaffected Republicans had a general laugh over tire denouement Washinton, April 10.—The amnesty bill, which passed the H«cse, excepts only members Ol Congress, officers*"! **»® »»*y and uavy, who lelt to goin thejj . b.ilion (so-cailed), and members oi State Conventions who voted for secession. The bill passed amid applause on tbe flower aod gallery. In the Senate a resolution was passed re-af firming the revolution of December 12th, 1870, which condemns the-present Internal Revenue y stem, and recommending its abolition. It re quires the repeal oi all stamp and other internal taxes, and a proper adjustment of rates on distilled liquors. The vote on the Kn-Klux bill will probably lie taken on Thursday, and Congress will ad journ on Saturday. Scott spoke anti Blodgett, and Sherman, anti- Blodgett and Goldthwaite. In the Supreme Court the Confiscation act held to be constitutional—re-affirming former decision, as to personal property aud real es tate. London, April 13.—A great oppressive move ment on Paris expected. The Prussians have established a battery at St. Denis, pointing towards Paris. The Church ot Notse Dame De Lorette has been pillaged, and the Curi of Madebine ap pended by the Pannair mob. Washington, April 12.—Court of Claims in session. Itgiv<# otlce that petitions addressed to them should i>c accompanied by all the writ ten evidence in possession of claimants. It decided also that priuted forms of the iron clad oath may be used. FRANCE. Paris.—Cannonading betore Paris resumed. Placards, advising conciliatory measures to wards the Versailles Government, were de stroyed. The women have been invited to organize into military companies for the defence of the city. Washington, Ap.il 11.—House Deficiency and appropriate bills were discussed. Brooks advocated redaction of revenue and taxes to the amount of one hundred millions. No action taken. Senate.—Sherman introduced a resolution instructing the Finance Committee during the recess to revise the system ol taxation. It went over till to-morrow. The resolution to advert Blodgett and Gold thwaite to their seats, was laid on the table by a vote of 19 to 17. The House amnesty bill was read and laid on the table. Robertson gave notice that he would call it up before the end of the session, and see whether a majority would object to its consider ation. Connecticut, April 11 —The Board of Can vassers will meet on the 21st instant to canvass the vote tojr Bta e^2-ore. a’arih, April iy,— t hundred thousand des perate men are under the command ot the commune, and are barocading every street. To carry these bamicades will lead to bloody work The Central committee are disgusted with the commune. They say that they must re sume the power given the latter, and set them aside. That unless Versailles is overthrown they and the Republic are lost. No further fighting reported. The Negro as an Element.—That the ne gro was invested with the right to vote that he might decide elections in favor ot the Repnbli- can party, is a tact that cannot be successfully denied; that he has failed to do the work for which he was enfranchised is fact exually pal pable, and much more interesting and sugges tive. In the election in 8t. Louis last Tuesday, the Radical party was reinforced by an element that never appeared in oar municipal contests before, and yet that party was defeated by a majority larger than the strength ot the new element. The accession of a body of a thou sand or twelve hnndred new voters to the Rad ical ranks was attended by the deteat ot the party that has managed for eight years to carry our municipal elections without negro aid. It was the same in Indiana at the last November election in that State; live thousand colored votes were added to the Radical strength, but the Radical party in spite ot this reintorcement was beaten ior the first time in many years. Negroes voted for the first time in New Ham- shire at its recent election ; and the defeat was attended by the defeat of the party they voted with. Even in the South, where the population in many districts, and in some States, outnum bers the white population, the Radical party has been able to maintain itself only through the artificial and ouside aid, afforded by federal bayonets and proscription ot its opponents—St. Louis Republican. “ The flag of the Commune will be that of the universal Republic.”—lelegraphic dispatch. The red petticoat forever. Huzza 1 A lecturer undertook to explain to a village audience the word phenomenon. “ Maybe you don’t know what a phenomenon is. Well, I’ll tell you : You have seen a cow, no doubt. Well, a cow is not a phenomenon. You have seen an apple tree. Well, an apple tree is not a phenomenon. But when you see tbe cow go up the tree tail foremost, to pick apples, it -is a phenomenon.” As might have been expected, the demi-monde of Paris “ fraternized”—everybody traternizes in Paris these days—with the Prussians during the occupation ot the city. The result now is that when they promenade on the streets they are pelted with rubbish by the street gamins amid cries of “ a Berlin !”—just the enemrage- ing cry of the Paris moil to ach other in the beginning of the war. It is now stated that the estate left by Baron Nathaniel de Rothschild, who died last year in Paris, amoanted to $25,000,000 instead of $9,- 000,000, as originally reported. Quite an inter esting piece ot intelligence Ior his heirs in this country (if any there be) to ponder over. Miss Belie Br>wn, a K:okuk tWl, had her calling rnr is printea • Beiue Brow.,,” twow-e tier preitj .riuaa Nell alwaj’s signed ner name Nellie. Belle’s irieads say they can’t stomach such affectation. A young woman's conundrum—Who is our favorite Roman hero't Marios. “ I say, boy, is there anything to shoot about here?” inquired a sportsman ot a boy he met. “ Well, no,” replied the boy, “ unless you’d like to take a crack at our school-master, who is just over the hill, cutting switches.” The recent explorations in Jerusalem have excited great interest among the fraternity of Free Masons throughout the world, on account ot the discovery ct what are believed to be “Masons’ marks’’ on a considerable number ot the immense foundation stones recently uncov ered under the debris of one of the ancient temples of that city. The beet thing out—aa aching tooth. A Wedding Sensation.—The last sensation uut in Nelson county is over a matrimonial mis hap which occurred not long since. The case is that ot’ sprightly little lady, aged thirty-six, who, laboring under the mistaken idea that a husband incarcerated in the State prison at Frankfort, amoanted to a divorce, a vincolu matrimonii, without any intervention ol a de cree from a court having jurisdiction to grant divorces, gave herselt in wedlock to a gay old widower of seventry three summers. The con sequence was that only a tew days ot matrimo nial bliss were allowed them—they were as happy as two very large sun-flowers—when the stern, inexorable 1 aw stepped in and declared them twain, notwithstanding the man of God had pronounced them bone of one bone and flesh of one flesh. They twained accordingly, and executive clemency has already been bought into requisition to relieve the lady of any prosecution for bigamy. The couple are uow quietly resting on their oars, waiting lor the next term of the Chancery court to come, when a divorce will be obtained from the “old love,” who is still in prison, and another wed ding gone through wity as to the “new.” The bridegroom has already given substantial evi dence ot his affection for the lady. On the day of their first wedding he dee Jed her two hun dred acres of land and made her a present oi three thousand dollars in money. The day fol lowing he was so well pleased with his choice that he increased the land gift to five hundred acres and the money to five thousand dollars. Should the little lady, to further test the affec tions ot her lover, make a demand ot a lew mor, thousads, on the day of their second weddinge it would add another interesting feature to the case. A Curious Discovert.—Says the Carolton, Wakand county Record, of the 1st: “ At the Stanley coal pit, one and a fourth miles west of town, as the workmen were dig ging through the vain, they come to a rock 5 ieet by 3 aud 4 inches thick. They dug around it and, finally, removing it discovered a circular opening thirty-three inches in diameter, from which a strong current of air rushed. After procuring a torch they carefully entered for a distadee of six feet and descended three circu lar steps to a circular chamber about 22 feet m diameter. They discovered lying around innu merable bones of all sizes, apparently of some extinct race of animal creation; a number of octagon shaped copper emblems, on which were rudely sketched the cabalistic words, ‘ Ome Unite, 1696,’ aud on the verse side, * £. O. L. A.’ surrounded by an equalateral triangle. A large coppper maliese cross, with irregularly traced letters, two of which was disciphered, • A F* ITfilf RflJlTI'h waa maSo tn. nthap The Late Pcniloa 4et-Aa«th«r IaKal- Iohs Measure* Congress lately passed an “act granting pen sions to the survivors of the war of 1812, who served sixty days, and to their widows.* The act was approved by the President February 14,1871, but not until lately have we had the opportunity of reading it. The act provides that persons who served sixty days in the war of 1812 (with the exesption to which we will hereafter advert), and were honorably discharged shall be placed upon the pension roll, and be pud a pension, at the rate of eight dollars per month, except such persons as are already re ceiving a pension at that rate, and if receiving less than that amount the difference between the amount they are receiving and the above rate. It also contains a provision in favor of the wid ows of such persons, with certain qualifications. The exception to which we have reierred above, and which constitutes the iniquity of the act, is contained in the following words : “and who at no time daring the late rebellion against tbe authority oi the United States, adherred to the enemies of the government giving them aid and comtort, or exercised the functions of any . office whatever under any authority or pretend- 4 born oi that long and painful labor .V Tti. that set thousands ot men agoing and whiled _a ed authority of the United States.” This pro vision excludes the class of persons described as well as their widows, from the benefits ol the act. There is a littleness, a meanness, in this pro vision, that is repregnant to all the better feel ings ot our nature. This attempt to punish and degrade tbe survivors of that gallant band of patriots, at the South, who bared their bos oms and shed their blood in their country’s cause, deserves the scorn and contempt ot every right-thinking man, be his politics what they may. It shows the depths ot political infamy to which the party in power has descended, and the vindictiveness which rambles in the bo soms oi its leaders towards a fallen foe. The first note of the war of 1812 came from the South, her statesmen were its champions, aod her soldiers were bearing aloit their country’s standard, while Hartford conventionists were plotting treason against it. And now the poor pittance of a pension is denied the former, and their innocent widows, if perchance they gave a cup ot water or a loaf of bread to a confeder ate soldier. This is radical magnanimity—rad ical generosity 1 The act, too, was approved by a soldier—“the most unkindest cut ot all!” Will the radical press of the South sustain this iniquitous measure ? If so, let it cease to prate about peace and conciliation, about its op position to legislation that does not apply equal ly to the people of all the States, now jthat re construction has been consumated. Let it openly proclaim proscription as its policy, for all time to come, against those who espoused the cause o* the confederacy. chambers but none were discovered. Several ot these emblems can be seen at the Gittings House, where the curious ««.n examine them.” j|It isn’t every judge who can pane a sentence. —Lou. Couritr-Joumal, Kuii-lus of Jericho* This ancient order, we understand, has been lately revived in this city. The lodge, which was organized in Atlanta in 1852, has been re-organized with a considerable membership. The old lodge room was destroyed by fire dur ing the war, and its plrce of meeting at present is Odd Fellow’s Hall, over Hightower’s store, whole entrance is from Broad street, where it meets regularly every Monday nihght. The following officers have been elected and installed for the ba ance of the term : Rev. F P. Perdue, Chief; .J. P. Pei due, 'Vice Chief, Rev. C. A. Bowed, Caplain ; Mrs. N. J. Pil grim, Princeptress; W. G. Forsvth, Recorder ; Rev. J. J. Ford, Treasurer; I. F. Reeves, Mar shal ; E. T. Plummer, Herald ; Miss Georgia J. Forayth, Preceptress; Miss Carie E. Lambert, Heraldine; C. S. Clardy, Guard; W. Keltner, Sentinel. Grant’s Idea of Government* The extract which we give below, from the New York World, presents most truthfully the leading characteristic idea upon* which Presi dent Grant has thus far proceeded in the admin istration oi the Government, and upon which he also bases his hopes ot re-election. He has discarded the old idea of self-government by the people, which cur fathers entertained, and which they sought to secure by the government they established, and has adopted the theory that the people must be governed by a master wielding the sword: No impartial person can review the history of Grant’s administration thus far, from his inau gural to the last week’s vote, and not see that he has displayed throughout the views and pur poses of that absolutism which belongs to mili tary command. This manifestation has, to be sure, been little and weak, bat yet sufficient to show that the only ideas oi government he had or has, were those begotten not of civil, but of army life. One often hears a military man, when vexed by the obstinacy or Dervarsity of a civilian opponent, exclaim: “ If I only had him in the army, I would fix him.” So it is with Grant and his military entourage; they have no experience or capacity to struggle with the re sisting convictions or purposes of political op ponents according to constitutional lorms, but they fly for help to the usages of war or the ma chinery provided for times of war. For the tra ditions of peace they care not at all. And, sad to say, the great Republican party has surren dered itself to these military dogmas. Hence we see constantly in Congress propositions by the Repnblican majority to make the bayonet the instrument of all administrative retorma. We need not particularize. Everybody sees and must admit the truth ot what we say. This government, as now in Republican bands, lit erally has its being in the bayonet. President Grant has a prepossession that the Bwords and spears of the army, instead of being beaten into plough-shares and pruning-hooks, are in the hands of Morton and Butler to be somehow utilized, under the pretence of legislatioq to prevent frauds at the polls of put down imagi nary Ku-Klnx Klans, to promote his re-nomina- tion and secure his re-election. St. Iaonla Redeemed-A Democratic News paper on tne Great Victory. [From the St. Louis Times.) St Louis sends greeting to the Union. For the first time in over ten years the city of St. Louis, lately disfranchised and dishonored, elects a Democratic Mayor, and by a vote tba: indicates her permanent redemption from the thraldom of Radical tyranny and the spoliation of Radical venality. Her gallant Democracy have met the “ re united” Republicans at the polls and pat them to overwhelming rout. The home of Grant re pudiates, by a signal majority, the policy of his administration. The great principles which he has abandoned and betrayed have been tri umphantly vindicated in the chief city ot the West. The voice ot St. Louis is the voice oi Missouri. Against the further proscription of honest citizens; against the worse than Russian role of the bayonet which the Radical party has inaugurated; against the infamous Ka Klux legislation; against the San Domingo swindle; against the fraud, corruption and folly that per vade every department of the Government, it yesterday proclaimed to the country the em phatic protest of freemen determined to rescue their country trom the sway ol the reckless par tisans who have so long trampled upon the lib erties and trifled with the vital interests of the people. The victory which the Democratic party ot St Laois, by dint of bold and legitimate effort, n the face ot.desperate and unscrupulous odds —backed by the promises, bribed with the money or dictated to by tbe menaces of the Washington junta—carries with it a significance that will felt not only in the length and bredth ot the Mississippi valley, bnt sweep, like the in spiration of power, throughout the reactionary elements of the country, from one end of the Union to the other. It is an assurance to the friends of political liberty everywhere that in the great national struggle ot the year to come the Democratic party of Missouri will be found shoulder to shoulder with the Democracy ol New Hamp shire and Connecticut—ot the East and South and West—true to the principles of their com mon faith and faithful to tne destinies of a re stored, regenerated Union. The Slow H«>. It is very easy to have respect for speed. We all show ready deference and give choice of way to an express train. There is something super ficially respectable in whatever brings the means and the end very close together, whether it be swift jugglery, swift crime, or swift vengeance. On the other hand, we are very apt to laugh at slow results, and display a mild vanity in making a half boast, half confession, in some such lorm as “ Oh! I never could do that; that’s entirely too slow lor me,” which, being in modesty and ending in complacency, sets ce lerity up as a standard of excellence. Yet it is most worthy of note that all rapid action, it it is to achieve anything, depends upon previous slow labor and tediously accomplished result We mention the locomotive engine, with its thundering train, sweeping down from the dis tance with an impetus as it it were being hurled from the clouds, rolling the land in dust, wind and smoke, and vanishing from sight and hear ing belore the frightened brutes have ceased flying trom it We dofi our hats and stand aside; it is, tor the time being, eminently re spectable; bat we forget the boy Watts and the story oi the tea-kettle—and many a man bo- sides him has gone up and down through half a lifetime with some such slow but puissant con ception gradually taking form and developing method in his patient mind until a day at last came that men had little looked for, and some- myriad ot wheels; and then when tbe hubbub came, the world had respect—lor the hubbub. All the pains, the failures, the privations, and the years, are less than nothing in the eyes oi the throng; the egg is bat a spoiled egg until the chick is hatched, and then—the egg is gone and the chick is wondered at. Bat all this is the surface view. The alow movement, the slow result—these are the truly remarkable It used to be a fashion to illus trate Almighty power, by citing the creation of the world in six days; now that fact is very doubtful—so much the better. The Power that mode this universe—what were time or haste to Him ? It reveals something well to remember : that all these eloments and forces, all these ma terials and agencies, with which we make such haste and which we adapt to all our Bwift -pur poses with so little though of how or whence they came, are the results of causes so solemnly and mightly slow in their majestic action that all the lives of all the sons ot Adam are but a minute to the day of that grand task. A man throws np his arms with a cry—he has found a diamond or a nuggett— therefore shout, ye peo ple—but think whether it is greater to find the diamond or make it. To speak of lesser things and apply this prin ciple to human relations: if offers a very clear explanation ot tbe impulsive and universal re spect paid to the man who makes money; for money is coined success; it is labor condensed, distilled, utilized, and so poised that we can give it just so much ol the ever-respected swift ness as may suit us. So, in a comparative de gree, we like all rapidity; a fast vehicle, a fast lime, a fast man. Nothing is more prepossess ing to a people generally than a ceriain amount ol fidget. And > et these high-pressure men not the salt of tbe earth by more than ball They pick up half understood plans, they run away wita ill-developed schemes, they run a mile to jump ten feet, they spurt, they Bparkle,they fly; it they mind the conclusion of men of slow motion and slow thought (who, we concede, have to have the last men to carry out those conclusions) they succeed, but if not, they fail; bat in neither case does the slow man get any applause. There is, certainly, a sort of a slow man we do not mean ; he who is portrayed so perfectly in the person of the good Sir Thomas of the Ingoldsby family: “Now, sir Thomas the good, • Be it well understood, Was a man of very contemplative mood; He would pour by the honr O’er a weed or a flower. Or the sines that come crawling ont after a shower; Black beotles and hnmble bees, bine bottle flies, And gnats were of no small account in his eyes, Wh'lc an old daddy long-legs, whose long legs and tnigns. Passed tbe common in color, in shape and Is size. He was want to consider an absolnte prize.” And yet our meaning is not as far from even this as might be expected. We prefer, there fore to drop the individual and put our proposi tion as follows: there is no labor, study or re- serach, (except the trifling of a learned fool,) let it be ever so tardy in results, but has its use and deserves esteem. The nameless man who comes to the village, and sallies ont every morning to catch flies and bugs; the silent frequenter of quar ries, gathering bits of dull rock and bottling dirt; the needy-looking and possibly garrilons inhab itant of some dingy laboratory, steaming and compounding among his retorts; Franklin fly ing his kite, Audibon hunting with his blow- gun, and many another slow man, half specta cles, halt dust, pitied by the housewiie, smiled at by the warfarer, gazed at by the children and often watched by by the landlord. These are the slow men, and their labor, not understood, and therefore ridiculed, is that slow work npon which alone the fast man can build success. All honor be to them. Despising, or at least forget ting the simple deductions ot “so-mnch for so-much,” they leave into the darknesB ot hidden things sacrificing themselves to the peradven- tures ot what iheir love and ardor and toil may reveal, though even their end came belore the revelation.—New Orleans Picayune. The Lawyer and the Irishman.—While a number ot lawyers and gentlemen were dining at Wiscassett, a few days since, a jolly sonl from the Emerald Isle appeared and called lor din ner. The landlord told him he should dine when the gentlemen were done. “Let him crowd among us,” whispered a limb of the law, “ and we will have some fun with him.” The Irishman took his seat at the table. “You were born In this country, were you, my friend ?” “ No, sir; I was born in Ireltnd.” “ Is your father living ?” “ No, sir; he is dead.” “ What is your occupation T” “A horse-jockey, sir.” “ What was your lather’s occupation ?” “ Trading horses, sir.” “ Did your father cheat any person while he waa here?” “ I sup; os i he did cheat many, sir.” “ Where uo you suppose he went to ?” “ To heaven, sir.” “And whai do you s’pose ha’s doing there F’ “ Trading horses, sir.” “ Has he cheated any one there ?” “ He cheated once, I believe, sir.” “ Why did they not prosecute him ?” “ Because, they searched the whole kingdom of heaven, and couldn’t find a lawyer.” An Instructive' Scene.—As Senator Sum ner was emerging from the Capital tbe other morning, he was confronted by an aged fif teenth amendment, who, bat in hand, and bow ing and scraping, remarked: “I believe dis Massa Mumner ?” “No, sir!—there is no masters in this land— I am Senator Sumner.” This nearly sqnelched the old darkqy, but he rallied with the remark “Ton’s done a heap for de culler’d race.” “I am proud to hear you say so,” responded the magnificent Chawles. “Denigg eis ail speak of yon in de highest elevation.’^ Sumner bowed and smiled his acknowledge ments. “What 1 was coming at, Boss, is dat de winter’s hard and de times pretty rough to de old woman and I, and if you could spare de old darkey half a dollar—” Sumner stopped no farther, but with a ma jestic wave of disapproval from the Senatorial hand he moved on, while the venerable colored brother muttered something about “don’t ap pear to keer much for the niggers, cept to vote and git der names up.” Just then Sam Cox came along and gave the poor old darkey a dollar. Cox is called a copper head. Love Under Difficulties .—An interesting case was »tried last Thursday, in tbe Criminal Court ot New Orleans, in which Gabriel Law- son was charged with feloniously breaking into a house. The evidence disclosed the fact that the accused and the young lady of the house were in love with each other, and that the ma ter families was opposed to the suit He was in the habit of going to her at night and climbing in at the parlor window. The mother detected him in the act ot getting into tbe house, and bad him indicted tor felonious entering. As may be imagined, the trial was a very interest ing one. The defendant succeeded in getting clear, although appearances were decidedly against him. Unveiled on a Street Car.—Yesterday afternoon a well-dressed, close-veiled lady stood on the corner of Jackson and Walnut, apparently inspecting the occupants of each car as it passed. Apparently her scrutiny was rewarded, as she bailed a passing car, and took a seat therein. Opposite her sat a gentleman who glanced quizically at the lady, who in turn appeared to be peering at him through her veil. He grew uneasy under this scrutiny, and about the time the car reached East street, he arose from his seat, and going to tbe lady, suddenly clutched the veil, and iiitiug it up, exposing a flashed, handsome and indignant face. The man was right in his surmise. From what fol lowed the passengers in the car inferred that the lady was a jealous wile spying a truant husband. The gentleman held an auimated conversation in a low tone with ihc lady, and at Second street both letl the car. Visions of curtain lectures, reproaches, deuiais, tears and forgiveness arose as the mysterious twain de parted.— lAniisville Commercial. A Little Story on Grant.—The Roanoke (Va.) Times publishes the lollowing : A good story is told by one oi the Methodist ministers now in this place attending comer— ence. Wo do not recollei . of ever seeing it in print, and we think it too go d to be lost. It is as follows: During ibe war a “Coufe.d.” wru captured bv the Yankees, and happened to lie tak- u i. ; Goo Grant’s headquarters. Alter being questioned by the General, the old “ Oonfed." asked him where he was going. “I am going,” says Grant, “ to Richmond, to Petersburg, to Heaven, aud it mav be I will go to hell.” Alter eyeing the General for several moments, the old “Conied ” said: “ General Grant, you can’t go to Richmond, for General Lee is there; \ ou can’t go to Pe tersburg, for General Beauregard is there; you can’t go to Heaven, ior Stonewall Jacksou is there; but, n3 to going to hell, you may get there, for I know ot no Confederate iu that re gion.” “Do you think,” said one of the second joints of the High Commission to a Washington lady a few days ago, “it Yshouid pass six months in New England I could become a cute Yankee?” “I will answer your question,” the lady said, “ os a‘cute Yankee’ would, by auot’uer. Do you think if I should remain six months in London I would become a cockney ?” “Ah 1” remarked the young sprig of nobility, “ I think it’s becoming warm here.” “ Why don’t you s^tj” returned the lady, as he moved away, i s growing ot N. Y. World. Ten Thousand Dollars Wortu of Stock Sold by One Farmer.—Mr. N. O. Hopkins, who resides near Linden, sold Bertram &, Tate $10,000 worth ot stock last week, which they shipped from Phelps City to Eastern markets on last Monday morning. This stock consists of 109 steer=, which aver aged 1,?15 pounds, and a lot of hogs which were raised principally on Mr. Hopkins’ farm. Mr. Hopkins is one of our oldest inhabitants and best farmers. He settled where he now resides some 33 years ago. Devoting Iris time exclu sively to farming, with the exception ot serving one term in the Legislatuse, he has built a model farm of a thousand acres.—llockport, Missouri Sentinel. A Queer Letter of .Resignation, The Union Times (S. C.) says: The County Commissioners of Union, two of whom can’t write, while the third can just scratca his name at the foot ot a bill, are said to have sent to Governor Scott, the lollowing res ignation. • “To His Excellency, R. K. Scott : “In accordance with Special Order No. 3, K. K. K., I hereby resign the office of County Com missioner.” _ Governor Scott refused to accept the resigna tions, and the Union Times (our authory) says he acted perfectly right. The Times savs that the resignation, as presenreir; vere mrttntffigYo the Governornor, who would, no doubt, be glad to get rid ol the incapable trio if their resigna tions were put in proper shape. A 'Whole Family Saved by a Dos. Springfield, III., April 5.—The fine resi dence ol Grover Ayers, near South Grand Avenue, was burned to the ground on Monday night, the family barely escaping with their lives. They owe their escape to a watch dog, Who, by his continued and peculiar backing, aroused Mr. Ayers, who, happening to look out of the window, saw the back part ot the house in flames. He had just time to awaken the children and sister, who slept up stairs, and none too soon, for they had just escaped from the room when the flames burst in where a mo ment before they wei e sleeping. A gentleman lately from Edinburgh told me some anecdotes oj Lord Lorae, tlie espoused of Princess Louise, that rather account for tlie “paleness aDd nervousness” one paper remarked in his wedding lace, and for the “inaudible res- sponses” commented on by another According to my Scotch lriend, there is a highland inn upon the prettiest bit ot the Campbell estates, and dwelling therein is an old-lime retainer of the family, who keeps the Lome arms. Du ring one ot ihe vacations oi the young lord, a granddaughter of the ancient host come to live at the inn. The lassie had the loveliest liut- white locks that ever grew on Scottish head, and very shortly there grew up a strong affec tion between the beautiful Highland lass and the noble young lord For years lie 1ms been de voted to this Agues, who, upon hearing of the proposed marriage, took to her bed and refused to be comforted, aud lias led tbeabitious noble man a lite of it since, as very properly she ought. However, that's the scaudai concerning the Lord ol Lome and Agnes. It Mrs. Louise Lome reads the itepubiican, as an intelligent Princess should, I shall be the instrument in ihe bands of Providence of making her young lde happy.—M. H. B. in St Louis Rep. It is tolerably well established that Governor English is elected in Connecticut, which result shows a large Demociatic gain from last year; and as evidence that the movement against Rad icalism is not going backward we have tlie Democratic victories in Missouri and Michigan. Detroit city and Wayne county, have gone large ly Democratic, and returns liom the State, so tor as received, show extensive gains on the same side. Tne cities have mostly elected Democratic Mayors, and tbe result, as a whole, is highly encouraging, following so swiftly upon the footsteps of New Hampshire and Connecti cut. The St. Louis election has an unusual na tional significance. The Radicals made the is sue on national questions. The leading party organ claimed that Victory at this time meant success next year, and that failure would “have the contrary ana disastrous effect.” On this platform they put their best men, and met with an utter defeat, which according to their own admission, is a defeat of the national Republi can party in the State. Radicalism has ruled in St. Louis tor eight years with unchallenged power, and this result is greatly significant. Grant fob Re-Election.—The. remarkable speeches of Senator Morton and Vice-President Colfax, at Washington, Saturday night, are the bnglo-notes oi the political battle of 1872. Both these gentlemen have been named in connection witb the Presidential contest ot that year, but each declares that Grant i3 the man under whose banner the Republicans ought to muster, so that Morton and Coliax may be put down as committed. Any inside opposition to this se lection is to be met with prompt rebuke. Thus the Indiana Presidential spokesman declares that “ those (Sumner and Schurz) who attempt ed to impeach him (Grant) ol high crimes and misdemeanors have been impeached themselves of supreme folly.” And the impeachment, no doubt, will be followed in due time with ban ishment from the party, or other suitable con dign punishment. The Vice President is, perhaps, a little more guarded than Morton in his advocacy ol Grant tor the succession, but nevertheless he is plain and direct enough to indicate that whatever hopes he may have nursed heretofore have given way to the conviction that nothiDg can beat Ulysses for re-nomination, by reason, doubtless, ot the po \ er which has been and is about to be givtn him. His defence of carpet baggers and scalawags shows that these two classes are expected to have not a little to do with the coming political events. So we may put it down that the Republican watchword is “Grant and victory.” (?)—St. Louis Republican. The man who didn’t believe in advertising has gone into partnership with the sheriff, and the totter is now doing the advertising.