Weekly Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-18??, April 26, 1871, Image 1

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ERROK CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS WHEN REASON IS LEFT FREE TO COMBAT IT-’’—Jejf&raon. voijtuk xxii ATLANTA, GA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26. 1871. NUMBER 17 ifcKIo Jutitligrnccr TtLaN A GEORGIA- ♦♦♦ — We •nesttay April 26, 187 I. JtS’lle Ciirhll f N llfton. Tliifi world m i wi.t 'i] era singer will be Savannah on the 20 h an I 27th ol this month. <»oi-A ’Inline. The Air Line Eagle. (Gaincsvlle) pays that the pold mines wh eh ar • heme worked in th vicinity, are payi 1 g andsomely, with flattering prospect* of a - ge yn Ids. It al-o says that tranelereof retl estate are occurring every day fieri. W. 8. Walker. We had the pleasure of a ca'l irom Gen. W. 8. Walker to-day, and we are glad to be in form d that !il h s arc-pied tl e agency in Allan* t» ol that mammo'b fire n s ranee company, the “Liverpool and London and Globe.” His name is a guaranty ol the efficient conduct of the agency aud i's continued success. HuMlneBM Directory <•( the State. Dr. W. G. I'li 1 '; s. w ho is co: n- ct* d wilh the Augusta Chronicle > nd Sen'incl, paid us a vi-it tu-Cay, and pT< s-nti d lf> our n tic* an enter- jiri-e, which that joi rr.a! lifts undertaken, and whicii wilt commend n»< it load tiuslnc-s men —a complete Dinct> ry ol the State of Georgia. As a book of retererec , and as an advertising me’iuoj it will no in'auahle to that class ol people. It w 11 tie confined to business houses in iha H'ato of Georgia, its most important cities and towns Dr. Phil ips informs us that he will begin to canvass ibis city to morrow, in lire interest of this work, und his veibal explat aiions ol its advantages wi 1 he more cflectmd than any no tice w e can give ol ti. Wo be-peak lor him suc cess in h.s undertaking. On our Table. The April number ol the Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal (new series) has been placed on our table. This journal was lonnded in 1855, but its publication win suspended in September 1861, on account ol the war. It was resumed in 1800, but owing to adverse circumstances grow log out of the war, it was suspended again in 1808. Under diflerent circumstances, and wilh brighter prospects of success, it now makes its appearance again. This nutnbt r contains a large amount of original matter liom the editor and contributors, upon interesting .subjects, besides the selections, comprising in uli six’y-four pages. We do not assume to lie competent criiics of a woik of this kind, but from glancing over its contents, we venture the opinion that it will take equal rank with any other journal in the South, de votee to this department of literature and science. The reputation of its editors and con tributors gives a guaranty ol this. We have no doubt that it wtil rereive a liberal share ol patronage Irom the proles-ion . The mechanical execution ol me «voik is in good style Edited by W P tVYstm r.uan I, .Vi. D , Pro fessor oi m«- Pnneiiile- an Practice ol Surgery in the At'ai 'a VL-oical Col ege, and J. G. West- more lai d M. I), Probssor ol Mat*ria Medica and riierepeuues in A aaia Medical College. Puiili-hed al ihe I r.ie Georgian Book and Job P. u ing estatilistim in, Atlanta, Ga. ■» An Inipiirtniil Judicial Decision. We pubosb below Irom the Savannah News, a statement ol an important dtcision rendered last Saturday, in the Unwed Mates Circuit Court, n w silting iu Sivmnuh. It givi s noi nsiem debtors a great a I vantage over residi in credilois where the relict law is set up in d« tense. The case was as follows : Wiliam Daw«on vs. James Rank ; n and Wil liam L Sit n y. iMoii n 10 d smi.-s loT want oi jurisd cl mu ; moi o overruled aud defendants on ered to plead lnsianier. This i> an ii t>”e- in. ami important case. A judgment was obtained in tin S a'eCouit, Mus cogee coutry. Denude ms aopealed to the {Supreme C reri, aud gave tioud fi r $33 000, with Salisbury ns stcurily. The j dgincut wa- affirmed Tin plain ill aud security tailed to pav tin 1 judgment, ( it s In ing an old debt, tin relict laws oi ilu Stale emhatrassed pltiuiiff) and n< w t>'n n ll Inis ti ti-l. rrel tin jurisuic tion by puing the principal aud security in the United States Circuit Court. a tuom n w . m me to dismiss on the ground tint plaiulitf bad ins judgment tu Hie Stale t ourt, and leim dios under his execution. The Court ruled tout the supetcedeas bond was a new conn ,ct that ''a lsouiy had not yet been stud in tin S a'e Court: that by the bond ji atm ill had 'he right toenioicetbe same against principal and security jointly or severally. He had elected, us he had me light to do, to sue Jointly. The ithet of this decision will be to enable m at) piano Us who are t on-ies dtn's to escape the operation <>t ihe re.iei law. it. J Moses for plaintiff, Pe.i'iody A Biaunon and T. M. Norwood lor defendants, fine case was fuhy argued upou authorities. A lll>l>> for Ori>ut, Ever since Gram's advent to power, he and id- paity have been on the hunt ior a hobby upon which he may ride into the next Presi de lial chair. Having “no policy of my own,” upon whicu the Government was tobeadmiuis- teted, a hobby ol course was necessary. It was not considered safv for hi it, at once, to throw liimseli irrio the arms of me extreme Radicals, aud begm auotl er crusade against the South ; his report to President Johnsou, as to the condi tion o' uflurs at the South, was of too recent a d itt* lo allow tit that. It would have been too l)oi • ed. He concluded to take it e-isy lor a wi e and like Micaw!er, “wait lor something t tun up” that would lurnlsh the desited hob- . Beiug a military man, he wanted a hobby ti. iue. Ti e A a'a na Claim- question, it ’bought, might lurnish tt. It was made t ooiiiient sojeci oi foriigu negotiation, r with Ing and was freely spoken ot by ■o . ; the moutn-puces ed"the administration, country had jus; had in nigh oi that si rt lea-aulut s-, and was start ed at the idea 0 a t jut ton of it. Grant bucked down, ana ti e liieh Comuiis-iou took charge of that- com p’ atioa. In the meantime he was worfcu g up a - tie r bo by iu the C&rnb-an sea. He 1 ..tight he hid stri.es the popular pulse then— t ery thing ior Brother Johnaihin’s :&ste: it: to: st destiny, extension ol tirnt. ry—Ban 1 o i go. That wdl take certain’}- with the ]> -. pie, “whose will ; s always my policy”—that shall be t‘e hoeby thought the Pros de-t Bu\ aH<! Bu;nn»r nd n!iu z the iic. rngi le Su ter ■. . 1 - v- nr, made- short work ot th ,t in iu U scherne—lire bu;Lle bur led, ajud Gr.iui bickeJ dowu again- g;acetuliy dis- m ii.;e.l that hobby. Wha next? He sent lor Morton, and imormed that Sena tor ;hat the High oommlssiou had stolen his war thunder, aud Ban Domtugo bad been rid den down—struck laute to Use “ horse talk”— we must start someihiug else; we must ra sc a row ot some sort, or the party is gone, an i ’lie Presidency lost. Ku-Klnx, Southern • m; ages, let that tie the cry 1 Agreed. Morton rusts Lis committee; sends lor “truly loil” witnesses from all parts ot the South, who mai uiaclure lor him “ a tale ol horror.” Grant senus in his message; the incubation is had, amt forth comes the Ku-Klux bilk This is the last card, we shall see how the game ends. 1>. o: u From the C nclMAti Enquirer. Love and Lnnaer. . During Dr Lab:, don's sap-rintendency of L n.’vi w As him there wdevel >p*’d one of the most in e est'mr r.-nmiceo n rial Ji e that h vg evercon.e to our kr-oN't-ege a<= a ebrot.icl of jiAMinv events. Th<-f are’he-e; About five rears >-ince a young lady aud gentleman ot differ) nt lamilie , residi- g not far Irom Co urn- bus (b >ih of wh im were p'>sse-sed ot abun- darce ot tti-s world’s coeds, and might be termed mill oos res.) tormul -in a< quaintance whi^h, ere suspicion darkeued the parents’ m nds, KIPENED INTO AFFECTI N as fond as the m st hon*et and truest hearts io Id pissililv desire. Being t e'gl.b irs on not ’ ery in itna e tinn-, m tar as ltu older part ot the ta• j.iiy were c< ncerne 1, the frequent Ute a~ tele* iu d i terviews ot the two youths were peimitted t ecaitse, as alleged by the amoret, they “simply meant Irteudsiiip” The true gui-e, Irett ng and chafing U'jder its mask, soon mant- fis'ed i'selt so potuieuly that the betrothed lady was CONFBOHTED BY HEB FATHEB, and throwing her arms around I D neck, and gazing into his lace, eontes-ed the “ rofi irarx-ach- meut” In an instant she was fotc.-d irom i is tm race, and with a-j t xi’D-ssive eX|X>-lulaiiou, acC'iOipauii d by vi "lent a ger, she was ordere toher TiKim to wait fanner pr«K-e< d ngs. The mother was soon mane aCqiiain ed with the turn iu aflairs, and ii d g; a ion intense and po :t v< drove ner at otic* to h-r daughter’s cliamber. where she lound the child walkii g the floor iu a BEAT AGONY OF MIND. It is not pos- b e to give the c mversation, but let it suffice that the mother contr.butcd largely t > i he gi l’s sudeimgs, and left her almost a raving u.anm -. Immediate y a leter was sett to the young man, who, up to that tim •, whs iu tills- ui guo- rance of what was iraLSpirme at h s pn speciive tather-m-law’s hi Use, pus tively for -ldutug him ev. r again to cro-s tneir treshh id or tv< r to speak to tin young lady again, t h<-young mar, wlio only a lew dais oefjte had aravtd at his majonty, was not lo'h to 1 elieve i i the truth ol the maxm, ‘ Audaces Jortuna juval,’’ “FOBTCNE FaVoKs THE BUaVE,” and at once determined on an elopement. His plans were suspected, ano b lore the day arrived fixed upon lor the accomplishment of hts pur poses, the fath’ r and young lady werehundrecs of miles away from the lover and the home ol her youth. When the intelligei ce teached the young man that she had been cariied away, be Bought to learn h r whetea-iouis, but every ef fort was alike f ui le-s and, ul d.-r fearful tortures of mind, which overiaxed all the energies ot his manhood in his eflor.s to repulse it, lie succumiied, and, in six uionilis, became au inmate of the < entral Lunatic Asylum, at Columbus, the lather paying handsomely for his son’s care aud attention in ihe pay ward ol that institution. In the mean time the daughter was on the bauksof the Hud son, tempted with all that luxury aud coutlori could coumbule to make LIFE A “HEAVEN BELOW.” To all of these she lurnt d a dt al ear, and within the year she, too, became a lunatic, at.d in fa cial apjieatance urnbiy in contrast with her ap pearance whin with light and glte.-oine beau she mernlv enjoyed Hie flic-side ol her h'me His lather brought In no Cmciunaiti and com mitted her as a pay pa tent to the teuder mer. ies oi Dr. Langdon of Longview, where ia a suit ol rooms, her every ueed would be attended to. In these two institutions. BOTU WERE PRISONERS, each without the kuo.vledge ot the parents ol the other Winn the Cent!a’ Asvlum was de-troved by tire the young mau was oue ot the number trausleirt-d to the Longview Asylum. Btuiaih the siime r of both we;e residents, not the least susjiicious that each were dwellers in the same atm< sphere. Our readers are doubt!e-s aware that Thttrs- davsate vi-tting days »t tongvtew.aud it is not uncommon lor con.-idt r . e numc ers to be come visitors on that day. Ou Thursday, a lew weeks s nc--, the FATUKK OF THE YOUNG LADY called to st e hts daughter, at d .' h- ushered into one ot tin rei e tion r outs to the tight of ihe hall lead it g troin the main (tion ) entrance. While c’;i seted in ibis room a SISTER OF THE YOUNG M‘N called, and with her bru h r i c upied a sofa in lr rotunda Tin- i tirview win lather and daugh er termii a’ed first, and as site was being n d i c osa ihe rot. nda hi hi r ward the young man cm ht a side clane.- at h- r face, and, wilh a sen am aud a ’ onnd, rushed toward her! The young ladv, startled, tu’neil and RECOGNIZED HEII BI THOTnF.D and instantly cm h w sin tneo hei's i ms. Over come by tu<- ix i era nl and in a fa utmg condi tion, the two weie forcibly s*parati-d, and the young lady was conveyed to her io^in. The fat hi r and sister cordially shook hands and egg'd tor a HKCONCI) IITION BFTW EEN TnErtl FAMII.IES, and, it possible, make the eflort to resto e the two, whose aflliction. they a.l to deeply lamented. Dr. L o.gd iu w i» l ousu..ed, ai.d wlieu acquaint ed with tie facts orueied tnai the loving p.-di houhl sec- ei ch ' ther daily tor a few moments, and be assured that IHEIK ULTIMATE UNION was only aqinsiiouot lime, end i h it the parents had consent, d to their union. Day a ter day, and wick uf er we k jia-sed with a very notice able and appreciable iinpioveinent iu the con- itton ot both. Ttnir parents made weekly i it- 1 , en 1 each endeavored t - outvie the Oilier n their aittutii ns and affections In the short space ol five n o- tbs b th WERE PRONOUNCED CURED, and together icturned to the hi tnes of their youth. A cneeiful g eettug uut them on their relurn, and soon both were in the full enjoy ment of their tire ides as ot yo:e. • Immediately preparations wee made for the matrimonial fete that would unite two bappv hearts in on?. l’he nuptials were celebrated with great eclat, every thing being done that the m. s 1 lasti l ous could desue This lat'er event having ie.euiiy ociurred, t e heaxealy couple are now ii. t .e noontide ot their honey moon.— May we not all w;sh them a long and happy iiie ? A Y. ung man, whose mausta.he is visible by the aid ot a inicr scoi e. was tt.e victim ot misplaced cot tideuce a short time ag >. He l ad been particular y sweet on a very young lady, and had previ usly paid her several visits, i lie gill’s j)aieu s, tbit kini t’Oth too y. ung to beg n k eying company with each ollur, gave them a genie liirt to that efleit first, ty calling the gill out ol the room and sending her to bed; ai d second, by the lady of Ihe h< use bru ging :nto the roam a huge s ice ot hie d and butter, with molas-es attachment, and saymg to the \outh iu her k n est manner, “ I litre, Bubby. take this and go h. me; it s a long way, and your mother will he a> xmus.” St. Jerome mentions a widow that married her twenty-third husband, who in his turn had been married to twenty-wives—surely an expe rienced couple ! A woman natm d Elizabetn Mast, wuo died in F.oreuce iu 1780, hat teen married to siven husb-tmis, alt ot whom ste outlived. She e p.oused the list at the ace of 00 When ou her death te.l she ma ej the good aud ban points n each ot htr husbands, and having lmpariiaily weighed them iu the t> dance, she siugled out her tilth .-p mce her favorite, ami desired that her teiua.ns might be inlet red uear hts. 'i he death oi a aoijier is ttcc.rjec in 17 s -4, who had five wives, a:.d hts widow, •ged ninety, wept t ver the grave of her f< u th hu-.bat.i1. Tb--wri , r h.im ’ntioned theselacts naively ,-d **1 s ' 1 be w ; was omch at.aCa.eJ , . it .11 r i ige stale ’ A UaLLFvRNLan, Whose wedding day was fixed, d:d no; appear ai the appointed time and place, but sent a n tt to the clergyman, saying that ha had just received a let er from his wite in the Last, and thereby had his mind recalled the to tact that he was tnirne i years before—a circumstance which nad. entirely escaped hts memory. A husband two years af.er marriage met an old friend, who congratulated him upon his im proved personal appearance, but said, “It seems to me you have grown smaller.” “No wonder,” was the reply; “ever since I saw you I have been coming down handsome.” An aged conple in a New York village re proved a young man lor familiarities w ih their daughter, when be thus to them did reply: “Well, you needn’t be so bouncy about it; we’ve been married a year.” Small Items. “A Young 8hakertss” says in a note, that the assertion often made that the Shaker males hate the females, and vice vena, is not true; “ior we love each other be Jer than we can ex press.” : The ch' lera ha* broken out in 8t. Petersburg. Victor Hugo has given in his adhesion to the Paris Canununbts. The Independence Beige states that citizen Blancbet, who forms part of the new govern ment of Paris, was formerly a barber at Brus sels. The natives of the 8sndwich Islands eat tur tles, dolphins, flying-fishes, etc, raw, consider ing that the flavor is lost in cookmg, and the richest possible treat they can enjoy is to haul a flsh Irom the wa’er and literally eat it to death. The Rev Mr. Stewart mentions: “At 8iho Sibo the queen, Pauhui, was seated a fa lurk on the ground, with a large wooden tray in her lap. On this a monstrous cuttlefish had been placed, irtsh irom the sea. and in all its life and vigor. The qneen bad taken it up in both hands, and brought its body to her m< nth. aad by a single api hcation ot her teeth, the black juices and blood wi h which It was filled, gushed over her facx and neck, while the long sucking arms ol the fish in the convulsive paroxysms of the ope ia‘ion were wr,thing about her heal like the snaky hairs of a Medusa. At the beginning of the Franco German war two barbers in Temesvar, Hungary, agreed to commit suicide ii the French should be con quered by ihe Pms-ians. They were as good a, their word. At the new3 of the aurrender of Paris both blew their brains out, leaving a letter which ended with “Vive la France!” It is stated that Bret Harte ia under an en gagement, made belore leaving California, to write a play for the theaters, in which he will probably put upon the stage some of the ebar- ac’ers which his poems and stories have made famous. One evening, in a mixed company, Douglas Jerro d aDd some friends were piaving a game io test their knowledge of Shakespeare. Each person was to name an object, it mattered not wbat, to the guest next to him, and the latter, under pain ot a.iorfeit, was to give some quota tion from ihe poet to i.lustrate it. To Jerrold was given the word “ trtaimill,” and he hardly hesitated o moment before replying, in the we 1 known language ot Lear, u Down, thou climbing soi row I ” Negro Voting —Mr Clarence Logan, o’ Philadelphia, just returned Irom Savannah, hav ing observed toe election there, has made a statement that in one ward in that city several negroes weie suj plied by a wag wilh labels ol Oi star’s rat aud roach exterminator,” and vo’e 1 th< m as ballots. Some of the very intelli gent sufliagans noticing a cut of a rat on the suppostd ballots, asked whatWt meant. They were told that it sto d lor the “rat-ification oi the constitution.” They wondered, believed, and voted. There may sometimes be met in the streets of Portland a bright-eyed, rosy little woman, usually accompanied by two children, one a fair lit tie girl, aud the other an app’e-munching urchin. Nothing extraordinary about that; but then by hangs a tale. At the time ot the “ia’e UDleasauinuss” this little lady’s lover was a sol- lier, and was down with Phil, Sheridan in the Bhenaudoah, where he lost a leg. The lady’s lriends no ifled her that of course she would regard tbe engagement as cancelled. “I shall do nothing ot the kind” she replied. “Wbat marry a one-legged man ?” “Of course I’m going to 1 Why, bless your souls, il they’d shot James all away and saved the leg, I’d have mar ried that 1” ‘1 hanK Heaven, says a local paper, she was not reduced to that. James has a good coik-leg, a good situation, two nice babies, and one ot the truest and best little wives in Christ endom. A traderman who failed in Bangor, Ma ne, wrote over ihe front door : “Payment suspend ed lor thTty days.” A neighbor reading this, eaiil: “You have not dated tbe notice.” “Ho,” said he, 1 don’t intend to do so. It would run out it 1 dia.” The bodies of Generals Thomas and Lecomte, killed at Mouimartre, were placed in oak aDd lead c iffins and temporarily deposited in a vault it the old cemetery, Si. Vincent. Sixteen wounds were to be seen on tne breast, arms and head ot General Clemim Thomas and nine on the corpse oi General Lecomte. The bails, which have been preserved, were fired from ediassepots. The victims must have been shot at alter they had lallen. The watches and other valuables iouud on them have bean returned to their families. Ohe bail had cut the gold chain of General Thomas. In Louisviil -, on Monday last, two men were killed >>y a large rock lalliug ou them, two men wer- murdered, an editor committed suicide, a pain er was found dead in his Le i, aud two i ases of cowhiuing by women occurred—all ot which made up a programme ot honors un- qualcd in oue day any wheie else that we have v et heard of. Woinan’a Love. * A virtuous woman is the very embodiment and personification of love. The true begin ning and end ot all that is pure and worthy of womankind, is love. Love may be made to con stitute all woman’s happiness; but it the heavenly pa.-ston be perveited, it proves tne ource ol all her sorrows. Very beautiful indeed is pru ciple ot love in woman; it constitutes a roseate atmosphere “in which she lives, and moves, and has her being”—and it lorms a halo of cekstian purity to surround her. Its light shines in the glance ot her eyes—beams in the smile upon her lips—at.d makes the music of her softest tones; for the melody ot a woman’s voice is but a prolonged echo of the spirit oi love. Ii is imposs ble to think ot the beneficient yet un ibtrusive influence ot a virtuous woman, without experiencing a sense ot most exalted admiration. Behold her as the obedient daugh ter—how much she will tndure, through what triuis she will pass, and how goading must be come the parental tyranny ere she will allow her spirit to rebel against he authors of her being! Beholu her when lovag some object worthy oi her devotion—mark her unvarying constancy— the resolution uniting with tenderness in the na ture ol her affection —the tenacity with which she clings to him whom she knows to be de serving of her iove 1 Again, behold her as the wile jealously welcoming her husband home— leediug her spirit with the memory of his looks aud smites when he is absent—and with all tbe sulilimesi elements of an ever-enduring con stancy and iaith appealing to his soul 1 And, lastly, contemplate her as the mo'.her, pressing her new-born babe to her bosom—studying to trace in its little countenance the lineaments.oi its sire—and loudly making imagination con tinue ihe work in this respect beyoud the pciut where v<-r smiliiude has slopped. Yes; woman, wh*.n im ued with a pure aDd virtuous love, is au augtl-creature; and well may poets strike iheir lyres to sing her praise—well might the warriO'S ot old have dared deeds of high em- prize tor the meed ot her smile—well may ihe student trim his lamp to write essays upon her manifold good qualities! All th- se tributes and all this homage does she ties rve. Last at the cross and e»r iest at the grave ot our Saviour, she teaches to tne s ncere Christian some of the sweetest and honest morals ot his iaith; and (bus is the name oi woman h .llowed by re ligion likewise as well as sanctified by by love. Great is fashion. A New York “ society pa per” announces the marriage of a lawyer in that city, and says the young couple will give a series ot day receptions ai their residence, but owing to tbe recent death of the groom’s brother, no eVeniDg entertainment will be given.” Carried to Macon — The man who had the fight v illi *l,e police 'he other day. and gave h,s Da ui- as Durand, turned out to be the J.m Hay wood v. ho had escaped from the Macon jail. He was tarried, yesterday alternoon, by an offi cer to that city, where he will probably be tried tor the offense of larceny. We learn that.ii.is probable Mile Nilsson, accompanied by a fine troupe, will shortly visit our city. This will, indeed, be * rare treat to those ot our people who are fond of splendid operatic singing. A handsome private dwelling is in process of erection at the junction of Pryor and Fair streets. CounublalUIem. The following is a pithy Scotch argument in favor of matrimony: Jeroy ia poor, and 1 am oocr. Ye’ we wifi wed. eo ear no g^are! And should the balmies to uTcome— Aa ftw that wed but do h&v ivme — No dou H t that heaven w.U star J our friend, And bread as well aa children vend. So three the hen in farmer’a yard, To live alone she find? it hard: I’v known her to wea r y very claw. In search of corn amornc the itrmw. Bu r when in qneeto; ci eetlood. She clucks amoig her chirping brood; With joy we see the Fe:f-eaice hen That scratched for one could scratch for f en, Those are the th >nghia that m ike me willing To take my girl without a shilling; And for the S’dl-eame cause, yon see, Jenny resolved to marry me CITY ITEMS. The first of the fence around the City Hall is being put up to-day, it will be very neat and substantial. Strawberries are ottered for sale at various places in the city. As yet however the prices rule *o high that this delicious fruit is hardly within reach ot those who have not a decided superabundance of greenbacks. We are pleased to see that the Street Com mittee have taken bold ot Loyd street and are doing good service there. JE'ne indications are that the street will not ofifr be improved bn that the culvert in the ravine below will be ex- "ended. Wr learn that some parties in Atlanta are sending on their claims against the Government under the recent law of Congress, in respect to paying to Southern loyalists lor property dis- troyed or taken from them during the war by the United States military forces. The Depaty Marshal received a dispatch yesterday from the jailor at Macon, announcing that be would come up and lake charge of Jim Haygood alias William Durand. This Durand is the man who was bcated by the police. He was.it seems, an escaped prisoner from the Macon jaii tvhere he was confined under a charge of laiceny. Dr. A. C. Ford.—We notice that Dr. Ford, of the firm ot Ford & Campbell, Dentists, has removed his office to the opposite tide ol White hall street, where he is very handsomely fixed up. Every convenience for the prosecution of his professional duties has been secuied, and arranged with unexc< lied taste. The excavation lor the new buildings on Whitehall street progresses finely, and our peo ple may soon expect to see handsome stores take the place ol the old vacancy which has so long resounded with the crying of the auctioneer and the music ot the hand organ in tbe monkey show, and the fiddling ot p r ize candy sellers. The case ot the Statu vs. Founds, who was charged and convicted of the murdei of a mas named Harrison was reversed to-day by the Supreme Court, and a new trial was ordered. This case was argued last week by General Toombs and Judge Stephens as attorneys for Pounds, and by the Cleik ot the Supreme court tor the State, and the case was reversed on ac count of error in the charge ot the Court below The Telegraph & Messenger speass with re gret of the contemplated removal oi the Rev E. W. Warren from that city to Atlanta. It says that “his pastorate in Macon, and his whole professional find social life here have been fall of good fruits. Strong in the happiest result* upjn all interests aLd classes aud he will leave behind a substantial record and a hearty appreciation which will ever be a pleas ant and profitable memory.” Every intelligent builder who knows the value and importance of gc o l doors, sashes and blinds, well n ade, of good and ih iroughly sea soned stock ; but many are uninformed of the best place of purchase at the lowest prices. For the benefit ot such, we would refer to tne Messrs. Whitlock & Co., 254 & 256 Canal Street, New York, who have always on hand an ex tensive and well selected stock. Their new Circular and price list is sent lree, on applica tion. Undeb the heading Southern Independence, the Macon Telegraph and Messenger has a lengthy article on the Atlanta Steam Brewery, C. A. Goodyear, proprietor, which, setting forth as it does, another enterprise that is last placing Atlanta foremost among the cities ot the South. We quote the following: “That we of the South, especially the State of Georgia, are divinely la- vored to take care of ourselves, and throw ofl the dependence on the North, that has charac terised us in the past, has long been our firm conviction, etc. The article goes to show the large increase in the consumption of malt liquors during the last twenty ytars, a beverage which, as it aptly says, “is countenanced by the medical haternity, and moral in its effects,” and further shows that owing to the general belief that Ale and Porter could not be manufactured in our climate to stand the test of summer beat without spoiling. Agents ot Northern homes have enriched them selves by their commissions on sales, and cur country drained ot so much ready money. Mr. Goodyear has proved, beyond a doubt, by the best skill in the art ot brewing, that the climate of Atlanta is equal to any, and second to none, for the msnafactnre of these healthful and nutritions beverages, and for keeping qual ities and purity, his Southern malt liquors are superior io any ever offered in onr market. The Atlanta Steam Brewery is strictly a Southern institution, such is the enterprise of its proprie tor, that trees that were standing within a mile of the Kimball House are now made into bar rels, and in the cellars of hotels, stores, private and boarding houses now groan with the mighty strain otthe Irothmg ambrosia of hops and malt. Barley is being planted here lor him, aad a - ready his agents are known Irom the sea to the gnil, across tbe State of Alabama to Middle Tennessee. The Atlanta Steam Brewery is a credit to Southern enterprise, and we cong’atu- late Mr. Goodyear on tne brilliant success of his addition to the unparalled enterprise ot Atlanta. The Automatic Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph Apparatus.—We witnessed this morning come of the operations ol tbe Auto matic Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph Appa ratus, and were highly pleased with its work ings. The instruments are not costly and are placed in various parts of the city, say iu some ten or twelve districts, numbered from one up ward. Whenever a fire occurs, any persoh can go to the nearest apparatus and sound the alarm, which would strike in each district and at each engine house, the number of the fire district where the Fire Department would be needed, thus saving tbe time it would take to run eway off to an engine house. The ap inatiis can be so ai ranged as to strike the r> g_oar tire bells in the engine bouses with as great lorce as that now in use; besides, tbe U3e of the apparatus would prevent false alarms, for often when a lamp explodes or a chimney is burnt out, per sons unacquainted with the cause, would start ofl to give an alarm, when it is probable, that with an alarm apparatus just at hand, no un necessary haste would be made. Where there are wooden buildings to be saved from fire, the greatest need is dispatch, and has been lound extremely difficult to get the engines notmed and out in time te do more good than to pre vent the spread of the conflagration. This is especially tbe case when the buildings are dis- ’ ant from the main streets. Savannah has been one among the many places that have tried this apoaratus, and we learn that it has given satisfaction there. Washington, April 18—Pleasanton decides that certificates ot discharge in bankruptcy dis charges government claims against bankrupts. Thomas A. Marshall ot Kentucky is dead He was judge of the Kentucky court of Appeals 22 years. The Senate Ku-Klux conference agreed that the test oath be modified, so it may be exacted upon motion ot the District Attorney, and sup ported by discretion i t the court Paris ADrii 18.—Firing still going on around Paris. The Government troops have carried important points, but the general situation little Changed. The Time’s (London) special dispatch says Prussia will intervene in case the Commune Bhoold be .victorious. A dispatch from Versailles says the Prussians have agreed to stop revictuaiiug Paris vta St. Denis. Washington, April 17.—The conference com mittee, it is believed, will modify Sherman’s amendment to the Ku-Klnx bill, and reject the iron-clad oath. Clift was confirmed Collector of First Geor gia District. Judge Chase is on the Bench to-day. Legal tender case will be argued to-morrow, George Applewhite, one oi the most notori ous ot the Roberson county,North Carolina,out laws was killed by a party ot citizens yesterday. The Government continues to temporize with the insui gents in Paris. Auother account says that the communists gained a dtcided advantage in repulsing an attack of government troops on Saturday. There is a strong feeling in Ohio in favor ot Beu Wade’s nomination lor Governor. Mexico, April 18.—Jaurez is gaining ground tor the Presidency. The Farcies accuse each- other oi attempting to bring Mexico under the American flag Bornero, minister of finance; Mijica, minister of war; Abucar, minister of the interior, and Leodvedre, minister ot j us'ic •, have been im peached and will be tried by the Supreme Court. Their conviction ia regarded probable. London, April 18 —The Loudon Times has a leading editorial on tbe question oi the Alabama Claims. Is not at all saguine ot it* immediate settlement. Washington, April 18.—The legal tender case was argutd lo-day, tbe Attorney-General representing she Government. In the Senate, a resolution requesting the President to detail an officer ot engineers to assist in the survey tor strengthening levees m Louisiana. Blair, supported by Thurman, offered a reso lution calling Upon the Attorney-General for the stipulation between him and the counsel of Yerger, oi Mississippi. No action. The Senate passed to-night the Ku-Klux conference report by a vote ol 32 to 16. In the House there was an exciting debate, but no important action. The Speaker announced as the joint commit tee on the South the iollowing members: Po land, Maynard, Scofield, Cook, Coburn, Steven son, Buckley, Lansing, Cox, Beck, Vorhees, Vantrump, Waddell, and Robinson. The Democratic caucus to-night adopted an address to the American people, which will he issued to-morrow. April 19—Senate.—The Senate asked for a conierence committee upon the deficiency bill where it is still hanging. House—Ku- Klux discussed, and no prospect ol adjourning to-day. Paris April 19.—No change in the general situation. The Commune of Paris claim to have re pulsed the Government troops at all p tints It is estimated that negotiations will soon be re opened with 'liu Government at Versailles. The London Times’ sptci ti praises the Ameri can gnus used in de’ence of Paris. A sliglii e ir hquiike iD Scotland. London April 19.—Di-patches contused— there has been heavy fighting around Paris without any decisive results. It is said that the Nationals are greatlv dis couraged at their losses, and that the spirit and discipline of the Government troops are far from satisfactory. Washington, April 19.—The House refused to concur in the conference report on the Ku- Klux bill, and another committee was appointed Iu the contusion it is iaipossitile to ootain the exact features of either the Ku-Klux or defi ciency bill. Sherman’s amendments to the former seems to be the chief point of difference, aud it is reported that the Senate will recede irom it. Tnirty Republicans voted with the Democrats, defeating the conierence report on Ku-Klux. Both houses have taken a recess to await the action ol the new conference com mittee. Markham, of Madison, Ga.. and Bond, ol Macon, Ga., confirmed as Pos'tnasters. Columbia, April 19.—Governor Scott has been interviewed by the Charlesion News, aDd said a great deal about the financial condition ot the State. The substance of his conversation is that the amount ot the State debt had been giossly exaggerated, that the b mded debt is less than eight millions, and the floating debt about one million ot dollars; that an extension of time ot paying taxes involved will be made necessary; that the taxpavers conveution in May would create a better feeling by preparine the way to give a lair share in State offices to men of experience and ability. He pronounced ia lavor ot a minority representation as a cure for present evils ; that Ku-Klux streDgtbtDs the Rep ihlican party ; that in his future policy he would act without regard to party in making appointments. Pabis, April 19.—Terrible fighting around Paris on Tuesday. The conflict raged all day. Towards night the Nationals became panic- stricken, and flea precipitately towards the city, leaving dead and wounded thick in the roads. 1 he inhabitants of the city are leaving oy thou sands, and tbe wildest excitement prevails. A late London dispatch says that the insur gents are falling to pieces. Washington, April 20.—The House adopted the Ku-Klux bill by a strict party vote, but the dispatcher do not state in what shape— whethi r the Senate receded irom its amendments or not. Sherman said, not one offender will be con- victed-not one dollar’s damages will be obtained under it; the only virtue leu in the bill wa9 the employment of United Slates forces when nec essary. We infer Irom this that the iron clad oath and Sherman’s amendment for damages, were str.cken out. Paris, April 20.—The substance of the nows from Paris is that the fortunes of the insur gents are rapidly einking. Washington, April 20—Both Houses ad journed at 2 o’clock, but the Senate, by procla mation, is called to meet in extra session on the 10ih May. Beast Butler defended himself against charges made by Mr. Davis, of Kentucky, in the Senate, and by Mr. Farnswortn in the House. Tnis led to a fierce attack upon him by Mr. Farns worth, and Mr. Beck. Farnsworth charged Butler with embezzlement and perjury, and said he could prove tbe charges. Beck in de fence oi Mr. Davis impeached Butler’s truthiui- ness and charge. Quite a scene took place in which the Beast was badly worsted and ex pose! to ridicule and contempt. The substitute for Sherman’s amendment makes the reiulsal to prevent, or aid in prevent ing, Ku-Klnx outrages, actionable at la v. Cnipman, Radical, is elected Delegate to Congress irom ihe District oi (Jolaoibia. - I he Democratic Congress have issued an ad dress to the people of the country, in which they charge Congress, aided by the President, with doing everything that malicious ingenuity could suggest to irritate the Middle and sou h- ern States; that gross and exaggerated charges ot disorder and violence have originated in the mi-chievous minds ot managers in the Senate and House, and helped to inflame the popular Ieeling; that no word of conciliation, ot kind encouragement or fraternal fe lowship ha- evi r b en spoken by the President or Ooi:g.es= to iue peo; le ot the Southern States. Tbe address entreats the citizens in all parts of the country to spare no eflort to mantain peace and order,and not aid the Radicals in their efforts to stir up strife and render the i3sue3 ot the war, which they are attempting to do in order to divest the attention ot tne country irom the corruption, which prevails in tne ad ministration oi affairs, and the deogerous at tempt they are making towards the creation oi centralized military government. Paris, April 20 —The Government troops are unwavering. They command aU railroads leading mio Paris. Although fighting is still going on at different points, me situation shows Uiat the insurgents are about to be overcoats. Washington, April 21 —In the organiza tion ot tne government o' the District of Colum bia under the late act oi Congress, the President has appointed all Republicans to the Upper House. Making a JInui The Yantty ot Mere Worldly Success. Thrreisio iffi uliy in “ maM"gore’s mark” in tnis wo r l 1. But what kind of iraru it i-, afier it is n a <-,h s m ich t<> do with on .’a hap piness. b vh here and hereaf er Ambition is a gtvd thing if it act under moral limits, hi d prop s"‘s to itself worthy ends. Bui succe;s ia a mere world;y career ought cot to be t nr-ugh fi.r a young man’s ambit*- n. i- ti nt t inqiroi’c-r for one to begin life -ith an aid.-ni purpos ■ to obtain » ealth. But there should sometronv higher th-an that before every young mau, aud that is « haracur. A mail’s own sell is more valuattie to him than any amount oi riches. Wealth is not AN AUXILIARY TO HAPPINESS. A man’s own nature is ihe primary aeent in the production ot happiness. Thousands ot men get rich without happintss. Other thousands gain happiness without ever becoming rich A man should make his first “ mark ” ou himaeli. You are placed in life to build up your man hood. All right indu-tries, all care and enter prise, all hopes, tears and soreow- are formative i' flaences—lessons which Provid-n<e sets to men in the scho il ot life; and while they may result in producing wealth, they have tailed oi their end it they do not produce manliness. In the long run A TRIED AND PROVED CHARACTER for truth, honor, and honesty is the best capital, and gives the largest interest To be sure, thesi things will not alone j Uah a man forward. He must have g od sense, enterprise, skill, perse verance, and steadiness. But more men stumtih irom want ot moral qualities thau irom waut ot busmens capachy. Meu do Dot put theit stan dard ot integrity high euough. They do not cling to it with euough severity. When every thing is prosperous men do not feel the need ot high reputation. Bat WHEN TROIBLE COMES then its saves thi m A good character is to s man wbat a pontoon train is to an army. An army may march for days without needing i, and it may even stem a hindiance; but tbe first broad and deep river reveals ns va'ue. Tin re is a silent law, ot which men are most ly unconscious, that works incessantly in human affaire, and INFALLIBLY DETERMINES RESULTS. It may be called the law of industrial equiva lents. In the great strife of commercial life', he gains winch men seem to make, without uaving rendered lor them a (air aquiva'ent iu ome shape ot w’rik, skill, thought, or other val u^ble quality, will not nuild them up. The good old B< ok c urious mtn about “making uaste to he rich.” To do one any good riches must lie earned. We mint render a lair eqoiv- aeut ot service for every hundred pouuds. Money got by gambling, by trick, by the lowtr lorms oft peculation, seldom stays by a man.— Every young man SHOULD BE WILLING TO WAIT till he ha-i (airly earned his money by good hard work, and enough of it. All gene;ous nature-' promise themselves that, if prosperous, they will use their money benevo lently. Thousands iorget the promise. The rea son is that i hey put off a generous use ot theit means to a future day. Now, every man should tie doing as he goes a'ong what he proposes to do when he has m-o'e his l< r une. it you a e stingy lor ioity years, in hope of getring money to be geneious with alter that, you will find when age to nes, that the inelin t on is dead Men must cariy along with them the tss ee, feeliDgs, and hibits out ot which tuey expect ti xtraci happiness in mature life. Watch lest prosperity destrdj^fct.erosity. An Incident— itccousiructlon. Some thiity-five years ago there were two youths entered at West PoiDt for m litary educa tion ; one ot them was irom the State ot Iudi ana, and the otinr oue was irom her sister State f Kentucky. The iwo wi-ie fuends in their vouil.tuhdavs, and termed tl-ose youthful at tachmrnts which West Point knows so well how to instil into the hearts oi its pupils. Time passed on and the t«o were cadets, graduated with honors, and were c mmitsioied as Li u tenants in the United tftaies army, and entereo different branches ot the service wdh j r. u ! pints and am -i mus of honor aud distmc ion A ew ytars more went aud came, and the unhappy retention divided the North aDd the South into hos ile foemen; 'ndiana with hei Liieutemu t in the Union, and Kentucky with her Lit utenant in the Uontederacy. The pr- ud spirit-; ot these two youths then grown to lull manhood, in the prime ot life, led them with strong aspirations to danger’s bloody fields, tnat they might win and wear the soldier’s honors Many a hard-fought battle told its tale oi daring deeds, while each in his cause rase from rank to rank, xn 1 station to ststioD, until each one wore the bright star oi major-general Not satisfied with there gay trappings, the struggle tor fame was manitested on every occasion ill the two bigu officers met on the deadly field ot Chicamauga, where many thousand soldiers laid dowu a victim’s life. Yet they two survived, ana trod the paths ot lame to the flattering music of hope’s delusive dream. Time passed, the war emied, me Indiana cadet on ihe conqueror’s side, Kentucky’s in the couquired ranks Since (Jhickamiuga’s he stile ranks met face to face, these two warriors never met again til! he second day ol this month, when by accident at the Exchange Haul, in theUityot Galveston, Gea. Joseph J. Reynold, o' Indiana, and the Unfed Biases Army, met Gen. Simon B Buck ner, of Kentucky and ol the late Confederate Army, w tu a cordial greeting,as ot o.d.anutb- cadet’s familiar “How are you, Joseph? and How ar- you, Simon ?” to d that reconstruc tion had biotti-d oul i« rever all ihe past of ho tile eeling leaving but tbe memory ot ihote brighter days, when as famil ar ri nds they irrd the grounds at West i'oint to ihe mamal music ol me fire and drum. May we have more such meetings and greetings till war shall be though' ot n ) more, aud ati be peace and harmony again, lor of such is the c n i.iie reconstruction.— Flake's Galveston Bulletin. A Skeleton and a suspicion.—A skeleton has just been myMeriously discovered in Bed- fora county, the Iollowing account ot which we take from the L\ nchburg Republican: About tn miles noith ol L b riy, in Bedford county, is a mountain, so rough and wild as to be un- inhab table, except to wild mrkeys and rattle snakes, and it is never invaded by civilized man except lor the sake oi game At the base ol thi3 mountain are some ot the finest farms in the county, and the fields of waving grain and green clover contrast beauiitul y wim me rugged mouniain scenery, when viewed in ihe blazing sun ot summer. Among these farms is one ot peculiar beau y and value, on accoum of its advantageous locat on, the owner of which, for the present,-shall be name e<-s Borne years ago —how long is oi no consequence to the pnblic —a young man, whom we will call J., arrived irom a foreign land, and instimt-d a suit in oue ot the courts of trie county against the owLer of this property, claiming to be the rightful owEer o! it, and it was ihe < pinion oi competent authority that the stranger would have no difficulty m establishing his title to the e.-tate. But b - re the time arrived lor ihe cure to come up in court the stranger suddenly an 1 mysteriously disappeared,and has never since i-cen s en. The suit was erased f om tbe docket, the matter lurgouen, and even tae tame oi me young contestant lost sight ol. A few days ago, a negro, rambling over ihe mouDtam in the neighborhood oi the larm ailu ded to, in search ul a hollow tree susceptible ol bemg converted in'o a horse-trough, selected an old che-muttree which had a large opening at :hs root, und prod tded to fell it to the ground. EnSic•■-’)' thi-> 'ree he lound a human skeleton iu a ptr • t sia'e of prese; vation, and me dis co veiy at ■ ..ce set th-s nerglib -rbood to think ing. B.ng i arly enough, mne-Leuijo o; ihe community came to tne conclusion that the .keltion lound was that of the foreign contest ant in the lawsuit before mentioned ; but how it came to be there is the great mystery, which will probably never be solved. The haDeirg of Mre. Laura Fair, now on trial for the murder ot t nttenden, in Ban FrancLco, is a con.-ummution devoutly to te wished. A woman wno has married anu disposed ot four husband , wth an unimpaired capacity to marry and di~pore oi as many more, whose attacks of catamenial maduesa come wuh alarming re gularity and unheard Ireqre cy, and is withal so di ad a shot wuh the p s o , is not safe to run at large. It is suspected that over ten thousand copies of the New York Tribune are worn in the pan- iera ot Kansas ladies. Small Cupping*. At a recent w-dding in L- ivs 1 i 1**, Kc. the flrst^ bridesmaid, the b' amifuf d ug; t r of a milliona-rc, had freaneed to acc-'m-viny the huppy c uple od the bridal tour, and the n ce> sary outfit hid 1) en duly packel. Sirangefy enmieh, a young salesman, wh »-e e vi ma"her omud parents ha 1 some time before- int. rlfic ed, and who haa ' een for mon'hstrav- ring on busi- > ess, app>ar«d at the wedding a« a; jnviled s£U st. The bridesmaid,soon after 'he c remuny, complained that her Fhoe p nched and slipped out to change it. She did not rekir ■ at orce, and search revealed the tact that she had tiepned mto a carr age with her lover and repaired to a quiet church, where J. vV. Van Ciu e and Miss Kate Jefferson we e made one. They accom panied the other couple in a co-eqna' capacity. General Imboci' n, ot great Confedeia'e re nowD, was marred recently to a prominent Vireinia beJe, y is* Lockeii, ot Mnh'inhun- — The happy pair arc now in tbia e: y, -.ad ihe ecipienta ol many social civilities. In Boston the 'ailors send out dnunirg letters 'o some of their customers in ti e iollowing torm: “You will p!e ise call and pn voir bill or buy some more clothes witlo '. tie’ay. I lon’t care which.” A ceh-bnui d profe-*or, thinking *•■ p rnlex an unfortunate pupil, one day, put bin M e follow ing que-t'on: “Piav, sir, can. you ;• 1 ni«- how long a man can live without i iains ? ” T > v’...eh the pupil, ii okingin the face ot the ; : - ■ • .t.-v-, promptly, but unexpectedly, re ri o ;: 1 flo v ofd may you be yourself, professor ?” The landlords of Hamburg have sot iheir ■a'es aga : n-t the “pretty wa ter gir ” i.ursiu-ce. I'hey have organized themreivc in' an asmeisj- i tn wt-ieh ha* -parsed a law ior ...wing i;« members t . le t tbe b semen's, or any oi ^ VtjpWfr o' the hi uses < f whicu they i.te <h j-r •!««.--orsT 1 tor drinking saloons and other re§p f * of qm-. c - ri inahle am sem> nt iu which won n nr - un ployed as waitirs. Vicksburg is afraid that tl v >:i-s>-i;pi river is g ing to lake a short cut and le \' Urt veive miles inland. The artlo s ce erositv of you'll ti- ill istraled in an incident t->lJ a ii tie Alb my !-ov, i.G l-icc besmeared with rnola-ses, anil hi- m i tiuUcring iathebreiz-, running up lro:u lb: i rear flour ishing a dirty shingle, anti screaming at the top of his voico to a comrade : “Oh, Bill! Bill I net as many boys and slrngh s aryou ca.n,f -r there’s a bin hogshead of ’lasses busted on tire [lave ment—busted all to smash !" A little five-year old boy was be; g v: true ted in moral by his grandmother. Ti. old lacy 'old him that all such terms aa “by nolly,’ “by jingo,” ‘ by tbund>-r,” etc., were en’.v minced oatbs, and but ii tie better than any .. lior pro- tanity. In iact, she said, he ci-uld tell a pr cane oath by the prefix ‘by.” All such w re oa’hs. ‘Well, then, grandmother,” said the 1 tile hope- ul, there’s a b>g oa'h in the newspa >er—‘By telegraph.’ ” The old lady gave it up, aud the boy is bewildered on morality. Laying Up Treasure.—Probably ili: most heavily-insured life in the United Bt: t . is that ot A. S. Mansfield, ot New Orleans, upon wireli 'here are policies to the amount oi £450 OuO. Next come VV. W. Switzer and John Howe, o{ St Louis, and VV EL Lang, of Cincinnati, inch ot whom are insured to the extent <4 £300,000 Hon. Mores H. Grinnell has written a le'rer to 'he President, proiesiiug against his removal f om the naval office Naturally enough, a opy of the leiter turns up in the 1 an la of a certain gentleman mimical to the President. The subr-iaace of the complaint is that having giveu £5,000 reward ihe [ u chase ot a li ns • P>r Grant ami £1,0j0 o the t'on-iec ient ejectu nlast *<ek, he ought not io have b-en tumid out. tie claims to nave spent £16,000 more than his salarv, lor election pireposes. Last Sunday, Henry Ward Beecher lost his >ext. Wi'h the utmost sang froid lie turned over leaf after lea , hunting wi ll ms ti: g r ver.-e afier verse, aDd nn ally said, without looking up: ‘1 find I have made tlie wrong entry for my ext. Please be pa'ient a moment. I have Known m-mstirra to i03j their texis after they Had begun their sermons. I think i is fierier fo lose it 0) fore Th re!” as his eyes fina'y lit up' n the pas-age, “ I got the wiong t.-ook, the wrong chap er, aud the wrong y. ree.” The former Lady Bui wer,.wlio iias been living V"Ty quietly of la’e year-*, seldom toii-g in:o ociety, is stated io have been writing a retigious novel, illustrating ihe conversion of a 1 i-h on- ittie woman of ilie world through a long s-ries >f afilii turns. Tiie new book is said io be as d flerent as can tie from her earlier works — •• Cheveley ” and “ Bianca Oapello.” An Elmira farmer wrote to Mr Greeley f >r advice as to the best method ot killi: g lice on inimals, and Horace told him 'll .t lie only thing ho ever found that was worth a— (-ut you know how he talk )—was a fin*-tooth Comb ami the tbumb-nai's He says a go >d tbum’ - uail mashist can mash all you hate got in had an hour. A journalists with a statist eai turn h .t found ont that the London ntw-pnjv-rs bate contained in iha last three years i ot less'ban 178 obituaries of Dr. Livingstone, ihe Ahuma xplorer, any of which, he adds, is good enough for a man really dea 1 A Cleveland Catastrophe. The Cleveland (Ohio) Leader of the 3d instant says : Some two weeks ago a fine-looking young man, tall ana well proporin ned, came io ih'3 city and stopped at the New England H '< i, registering his name as Mr Creighton, of Ns ;v York. He said lie was expecting h*s wi e ev< i y day, and in a few days a lady came, whom he introduced as Mrs. Crtigton, and the pretend 1 d man and wiie, as hippy and lovin. : tv. odov passed a f*-w jojotis days togetl. r Batim! v evening, however, an unpleasant v -i'ur . rriVt . The couple was reluming from su- ; < >v < n : n eldferly lady r advanced, and takiD. Mu'. CreLli- ton by the arm, c tiled her “ my da • hrer ” ai ti asked her if such tilings could be Id.e im tir j, with a younger daughter, had con " 1- 'he w..y from New York to catch the lugd v> s, and f< 11 • (Jn igh- j-a>p, and, up ste ra alter their, , a arimag . ' cal lingo her sh ck l t In rlie the fctree’, take ilit-m right upon them. Tlio pretended ton slipped away Irom her mot hr; lollowed by her husband, ru:-l, toward the room. Tbe mother re i begging every one to rtup the fugi the whole house with her cr;.. Creighton a tew epithets, of v. ii wa3 not very large. The pursuer >: hall?, and the puisu d emerging ini took a ca’riage, ordering the driver l to the Atlantic and Great West, n d-pot, and a a few moments telling him to take them to the Detroit boat. Tbe mother wen' i • the d. po!, and not hearing of them there, called, in tire services ot a de'ective, who soo ■ ;onud tire couple on a Detroit st* amer ready e.ve.— The mother here took possession oi her <iuUi.ii- ter, and in tbe evening lclt ior New York Mr. Creighton pretended to give up the wom^n, out it was tun posed that he departed on tne same train with her, and he must have eaticed her Irom her parents again A-Dam Hokea*-Ttie April Font Julie of liie iTAaeon |l<a.) 'felcjcrapli. The old saying about the great u; t u:ce a lie will travel while truth is putung or u-> boots is likely to have another verifies*n.re iu ib>: case oi a clumsy hoax publ.sbtd in one of tne Southern papers, aDd new going the rounds ol tlr- ri«i <-ai press ol tbe North as a genuine fact fixe Ma con (Ga ) Telegraph, a wen known an-.t re-pec- lable Democratic paper printed au im possible story of the seizure or a m n (a Radical} uear that ciiy by a ba:.d ot masked Ku-Kfox, of his being flayed alive, and finally skinned and roasted whom at the stake. The very «. xrrava- <ance of the parricu are, the Dame of tne pre- tcoked victim—Adam Sekoh (Adarn Uokci) — and the circumstances that the narrative ap peared on the first day ot Aprit, should have been sufficient with any sensible reader to stamp tbe story as a burlesque, although a very stupid one. But there is hardly a Radical pa per that has not r» produced it wish Marling nead-lines. The Telegraph-is ot coureie very much mortiefid now, and ei.deavora to exp'ain that the purpose of its reporter was to ridicule the cock-and-bull tales ot Ku Klux outrages, manufactured tor pnlitreal purposes at the North, but unforiun i’.elv for the truth, not one Radical sheet in a hundred will have ft.e can dor topubiish its correction. Tuey are not only eager to make capital curt ot tue blunders ot the Sou'heru papere, but to assist iD circulating thetinventionso: thetrown party coicnporaries. There ia the e.lly story, invented by tne Com mercial Advertiser, ol this ciiy, ihat the World editorially prophesied 3500 majority ior Gaver- nor English. Ia view ot the uncertainly of mostelcctronf.it is not to be presumed that even the most stupid ot papers, not even the Com mercial it?eli,would be guilty of predicting ex act majorities beforehand. Yet the hoax ia copied into some ot the country papers, and perhaps finds a lew rustic Radicals credulous enough to believe it.