Newspaper Page Text
PUNT & TATUM, Proprietors
M. E TATVM, - Editor.
Entered at the Post Office at Trenton
Ga., as second class mail matter.
Terms SI.OO per year In advance.
Advertising rates reasonable and will be
aade known upon application.
All communications must be accompa
me with the real name of the writer.
Address all correspondence to The
Time*, Trenton, Ga.
Watch Little Joe.
'Congressman Lee has again
demonstrated his title as “work
ing congressman,” having obtained
a $40,000 appropriation for public
building at Cedartown, $50,000 for
public building at Cartereville and
$60,000 for enlargement of the
building at Rome. —A\ alker County
At another place in this issue of
The Times will lie found the signed
statements of both candidates for
governor, giving their pasitions on
the prohibition question. They
are both in favor of perfecting the
present law —so they say, not
withstanding that their friends on
both sides, localv, have Ijeen claim
ing otherwise.
Tomorrow is the day set for the
second days working at the Bap
tist graveyard. Don’t forget to
go there or send someone in your
place prepared to do your share of
the work. Dinner will be served
from baskets during • the noon
hour at the spring on the iron
works place.
The political pot is begining to
boil. Conventions are being plan
ted, delegates selected. Primaries
are being held and everywhere in
the land is heard the voice and is
seen the card of the candidate.
While we shall continue to furnish
everything needed to make this
.paper interesting to every member
*of the family, political subjects
will receive the attention to which
they are entitled this political
“Nine years ago it looked as if my time
ihad come,” says Mr. C. Fatrhing. of Mill
'Creek, Ind. Ter.” I was so run down that
life hung on a vary slender thread. It
•was then my druggist recomended Elec
tric Bitters. I bought a bottle and I got
what I needed—strength. I had one foot
•in the grave, but Electric Bitteas put it
! back on the turf again, and I’ve been well
ever since.” Sold under guarantee at all
druggists. 50c.
imple Latest Model "Raneer” bicycle furnished by us. Our agents everywhere are
laking money fast. Write forfull particulars aud special offer at once.
NO MONEY BEQUIKED until you receive ana approve of your bicycle. We ship
to anyone, anywhere in the U. S. without a cent deposit m advance, prepay freight, and
allow TEN DAYS’ T'KEE TRIAL during which time you may ride the bicycle and
put it to any test you wish. If you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to
keep the bicycle ship it back to us at our expense and you will not be out one cent.
FAPTADV PDIPPQ We furnish the highest grade bicycles it is possible to make
1 a VIVIII r nlVkw at one small profit above actual factory cost. You save $lO
to $23 middlemen’s profits by buying direct of us and have the manufacturer's guar
antee behind your bicycle. DO NOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone
at any Price until you receive our catalogues and leant our unheard of factory
prices and remarkable special offers to rider agents.
VAN 18/11 I RF when you receive our beautiful catalogue and
" wß{ w. ILL DC Hv IWH IwilCll study our suj>erb models at the wonderfully
low prices we can make you this year. W e sell the highest grade bicycles lor less money
than any other factory. We are satisfied with SI.OO profit above factory cost.
BICYCLE DEALERS, you can sell our bicycles under your own name plate at
ur prices. Orders filled the day received.
D HAND BICYCLES. We do not regularly handle second hand bicycles, but
s a number on hand taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear out
rices ranging from 183 to 88 or 810. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free.
IKIASTEB.RBAKFS Singles wheols. Imported roller chains and pedals, parts, repairs and
Wfivlkß DAHRW, equipment of all knids at half the usual retail Prices.
if SELF-HEALING TIRES to wimpucsfaiu-r
The regular retail price ot these tires is
$8.50 Per Pair, but to introduce we will w ■
ieh yen -a sample Pair tor $4 £0 {cas htv ith orders 4 £5). ' V
NAILS, Tucks or Glass will not let the EWfT%i - -if --•j --
air oat. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year. s^f
Over two hundred thousand pairs now in use. gg?Wy/
DESCRIPTION: Made in all sizes. It is lively —Wpf
and easy riding,verydutableaud lined inside with ’ ji
a special quality ot rubber, which never becomes Igy ~ fey
porous ana which closes up small punctures without allow- ft §S .. u . Jr" ' ,
ing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satis- I IS 'A *i
tread. The regular price of these tires issa.soper pair, but for |T k %sy if nTVf'LAisTIC aud
advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to ** * inu *
the rider of only $4.80 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C. O. D. on
approval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined aud found them strictly as represented.
We will allow a cash dlscouut of 5 per cent (thereby making the price 54.A5 per pair) if you
•cud FULL CASH WITH OKDKifc aud enclose this advertisement. We will also seud one
nickel plated brass hand pump. Tires to be returned at OUIt expense if for any reason they are
not satisfactory ou examination. We are perfectly reliable and money scut to us is as safe as in a
bank. If you order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster,
wear better, last longer and look finar than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We
Itnow that you will oe so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order.
We want you to scad us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer
uy V/lff SSMPMrn *r*r>r , e don’t buy any kind at any price until you for a pair of
“ T W nEf.ll f loEO Hedgethorn Puncture-Proof tire* on approval and trial at
the special introductory price quoted above, or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue which
describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices.
H*| ||||v u#a iv but write us a postal today. DO NOT THINK OF BUYING a bicycle
fwl wm WWSMt m or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful
offers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW.
Lahnsage, Ala.
A* it has been so long since I have writ
ten any, I thought I would pen a few
We have had some fine weather here for
the past few weeks.
The Sunday school here will have their
egg hunt next Sunday, as they couldn’.
have it last Sunday.
Ed Reeae killed Jim Williams last Mon
day, shooting him three times, once in the
leg and twice in the breast. He never
more than spoke after he was shot. He
leaves three sisters and one brother to
moarn his loss.
Miss Sallie Allison is spending a few
days with her sister, Mrs. King.
Mrs. Rennon spent Thursday evening
with Mrs. Allison.
The drill work of this place is finished.
Mrs # King spent the day with homefolks
Mr. Frank Green was the happy < ale
on Miss Sallie Sunday afternoon.
Miss Nettie Allison spent last Sunday
with Miss Jessie Perkins at Little River
and enjoyed the day tine.
Mr. Anthur Hermitt was a happy caller
on Miss Kate Rennow Sunday night.
Mr and Mrs. A. B. Allison spent Satur
day night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
Ed Culberson.
Mr. Cleve Horton was called to Fort
Payne today on business.
The school started here Monday.
Mr Hoyet Brown is at Aldrich, Ala.
All his friends miss him so bad, for he was
such a nice young man.
Mr A. P: Hermitt spent last week with
home folks.
Miss Ethel O’Rear will be home to stay
in a few days. The school was out Friday
at Valley Head.
Mr. Gorden, who has been vfcry sick, is
able to be at work again.
Well as it has been so long since I wrote
1 will have to bring this to a close. Wish
ing you all had a happy Easter.
Sulphur Springs
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bible inter*
tained a large crowd Sunday at an
agg hunting.
Jene Thomas is at home from
Sou. Pittsburg, Tenn., with an
arm broken.
Ed Bible was at home Sunday
from Valley Head, where he is
attending school.
Mrs. Graham is on the sick list.
Mrs. Beckman visited Mrs. John
Forester Sunday.
Farming is progressing nicely.
Gee and ha are the general terms.
A. J. Rrown and family visited
Mrs. Forester Sunday.
Lee Forester passed through
Monday enroute to Fort Payne,
W. P. Pace was among the lx>ys
—Uncle Tom
is caused by stagnation of the liver aud
bowels. To get rid of it and headache
and biliousness and the poison that brings
jaundice, take Dr. King’s New Life Pills,
the reliable purifiers that do the work
without grinding or grtping* 25c at all
By virtue of an order issued by
Hon. A. W. Fite judge of the Su
perior court Cherokee Circuit
March 17th 1908, adjudging that
Chester NVatkins owned three
fourths of the real estate herein
after described, and that VV. G.
Morrison and John Cummings each
owned one-eighth interest in said
land as tenants in common, and
that said land was not susceptible
of division equitably. Said court
having Appointed the undersigned
as commissioners to sell said land
for cash, after advertising the same
once a week for four weeks.
Therefore, we will on the First
Tuesday in May 1908 rd the court
house in Trenton, Dade county
Georgia, sell tor cash lot 52 in
the 10th district and fourth sec
tion of Dade county Georgia, con
taining one hundred and sixty
acres more or less, for the purpose
of division in accordance with
their respective interests as above
stated. This April 3rd 1908.
S. J. Hale,
R. W. Thurman,
J. B. Williams.
Petitioners Attorney, W. P. Me-
GEORGIA—Dade County.
To Whom It May Concern:
Shadracli J. Hale having, in proper
form, applied to rtie for permanent letters
of Administration on the estate of Samuel
Newman late of said county, this is to cite
all and singular the creditors and next of
kin of Samuel Newman to he and upjiear
at my office within the time allowed hy
law, and show cause, if any they can, why
permanent administration should not he
granted to Shadracli J. ilale on Samuel
Newman’s estate.
Witness my hand and official signature
this 3rd day of April 1908.
Wm. (). Reese, Ordinary.
Georgia, Dade County.
To All Whom it May Concern:
Floyd T. Wheeler having, in proper
form, applied to me for Permanent Letters
of Administration on the estate of Thomas
B. Wheeler, Sr., late of said county, this is
to cite all and singular the creditors and
next of kin of Thomas B. Wheeler, Si., to
he and appear at my office within the time
allowed hv law, and show cause, if any
they can, why permanent administration
should not he granted to Floyd T. Wheeler
on said estate.
Witness uiv hand and official signature
this Ist day of April, 1908.
jW. O. Reese, Ordinary,
fhia signature is on every box of the genuin*
Laxative Bromo-Quinine t*hcd
remedy that cures a cia in one !•>
Cave springs.
Mr. L. J. Forester is vary il\
Rev. D. A. Foreste , ot Ch t ti
ll oog a, is visiting relatives here.
We sure appreciate Brother For
ester’s visits.
Mr. Will Bradford and wife, of
Birmingham, have returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Forester vis
ited their daughter, Mrs. J. M.
Bradford, recently at Now Salem.
Mrs. C. TANARUS, Williams is on the
sick list.
E. D. Pickett spent Sunday
evening with Westley Forester.
Sunday was an enjoyable day
here. We had two good sermons
preached by Revs. Forester and
Miss Lula Fores'tr visit
Mieses Lenie and Kflie Bradford
recently. We regret the measles
getting Misses Lenie and Kibe
We need in out Sunday
School so bad.
Mr. J. D. Forester attended
church at Clover Dale Sunday.
Miss Mary Wooten has gone to
Birmingham to spend the spring
You will soon receive (liecongratulations
of your friends upon your improved ap
l*eaiaiice if you will take Foley's Kidnev
Remedy as it tones up the system and im
parts new life and vigor. Foley’s Kidney
Remedy cures backache, nervous exhaus
tion and.all forms of kidney and bladder
roubles. Commence taking it today.
Trenton Drug S?tore.
Open an account by mail with
he Avenue Bank & Trust Cos.,
Jhattanooga. Sale and sound.
Good business men at the h-lmi
Foley’s Honey and Tar affords perfect
security from pneumonia and consumption
as it cures the most obstinate coughs and
•olds. We have never known a single in
stance of a cold resulting in jmeiiiuouia
after Foley’s Honey at 1 Far had been taken
Trenton Drug .Store.
Georgia, Dade County:
Will be sold before tae court bouse door
in the town of Trenton, Dad# County, Ga.,
cn the first Tuesday in May n*xt, within
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid
der for cash, the following property, to
All of lot of land No. 321 in the 11th
district and 4th section of said county,
containing 160 acres, more or less. Will
be sold as the property of J. B. McAlister
J. P. Jacoway, agent for state and countv
taxes for the year 1907.
Levey made by virtue of a of tax fi fa
issued by W. P* Pace, T. C. for state an.
county taxes and being the property point
ed out by him.
Levey made by W. H. Tinker, L G.
and turned over to me.
This 31st day of March, 1908.
R. W. THURMAN, Sheriff.
Georgia. Dade county.
Will be sold before the court house door
in the Town of Trenton, Dade Cos., Ga., on
the first Tuesday in May next within the
legal hours of sale to the highest bidder
for cash the following described property,
to wit: All that tract or parcel of land
situated,, lying and being in the town of
Trenton, said state and county, coutaing
six acres more or less and bounded as fol
lows: Commencing at the south west
corner of the S. J. Hale lot near and east
of the A. G. S. R- R., thence east 20 1-2
degrees south with the south line of said
Hale lot 56 rods to a stone at the bluff
eost of Town Creek, thence south 20 de
grees west 16 rods to a stone, thence west
21 1-2 degrees north 56 rods to the street
running along the A.G. S. R, R., thence
along the east side of said street 16 rods to
the beginning point.
Will be sold as the property of Sallie F.
Brock for State and County taxes for the
year 1907.
made by virtue of a tax ft fa is*,
sued by W. P. Pace, T. C. for State and
County taxes and being the property
pointed out hy him.
made by W. H. Tinker, L. C. this
3lstd*ayof march 1908 and turned over
to me.
R. W. THURMAS.Sheriff
Notice Bidders.
State ot Georgia
Dade County.
Sealed proposals will be re
ceived by the undersigned Oidi
nnry of Dade County Georgia, up
till twelve o’clock noon May ldih
1908, at the Ordinaryg office in the
court house, Trenton Dade County
Georgia, for the construction of a
steel h ghvvav bridge to include m
Hrst-clasa foundation made of best
cement and connate material an*.
Workmanship, aero** Lookout
’reek at w hat known as tin
Path k Her lord near Trenton sain
stn'e nd county.
Said bridge is to be 183 Jf* e
long consisting of main.span 100
feet and two ttestle Dents on each
end 16;j each span, and is to
be in clear 12 f ct in width and is
to he built of best steel material
and of the most approved pattern.
And the workmanship is to be
fir?t-class including the found i
tions which shall be of the best,
and is to be set in upon solid rock
foundation or such foundation as
that the structure will he perma
nent and durable.
Said work upon building su'd
bridge shall begin not later than
the Ist day of June 1908, and one
half contract price will be paid on
the Ist day of July 1908, and re
mainder contract price (on**-half)
will be paid on the 15tb day ot
August 1908 if bridge is accepted.
Toe success!ul bidder shall de
posit with the Ordinary of said
county the sum of two hundred and
fifty dollars in cash or a certified
check as a bonus that he will com
ply will* bis or their bid by enter
ing into a contract and making
bond with Dade count} Georgia as
now provided by law*.
The letting <*f said steel bridge
and foundations will be to the
lowest responsible bidder.
Plans and specifications are now
on file in the Ordinaryß office said
state and county and posted
provided by law for the inspec
tion of tic* public and bidders.
The right is reserved hy the Oi
ditiary aforesaid to rej ct any and
all bids which may be made for
the building ot stid oundati ns
and steel bridge.
Contract and bon l will be re
quired of the successful bidder as
is provided by the laws of Georgia
to be-made and filed within 15
days after the letting of said con
During and while this work is in
progress th.e same shall be subjeit
toi* pjvction by the Ordinary and
'itch com mi lee of citizens of said
ounty he may appoint. And
upon the tmmplption of s.nd steel
'n idge and ton idaiions tin* same
is to he inspected by * li<- Ordim r\
afore-aid and such committee of
iiiiz#*ns of sstid county as m.ty be
i[ipoint* and by said ordinary and re
•rv il or rejected as may be found
to be right under the contract
aforesaid. Said bridge to cost !•
thousand and five hundred dollars
••*-. Given under my band
and official signature the 9th day of
April 19U8.
V\'m. O. Reese t Ordinary.
Curas CflldAi Prevents Ptnumosia
- - ■ ——— ;
In order to dope out the following goods, wo win f< r
the next 30 da>e, or till Mime is Fold, make less than one
half the- customary price on—
-4 Second hand Cook Stoves 2 Second-hand Ranges
6 Dressers 5 Wash Stands
B_Oak Beds 10 Red Sjtring 12 Chairs
3 Rockers 1 Second-hand Bed Room Suit
The greater part of these goods are comparatively new
and in firstclass condition. Should you desire anythin*
in the above kindly give this your immediate ;attention,
as they will not stay at the prices we are making.
535 Market Street, Second Door from 6th.
Opposite Light Hotel. Chattanooga.
For Congress.
For Solicitor General.
To the Voters of Cherokte Circuit:
As it will be impossible for me to see ami
talk with all the voters of this circuit, I
therefore adopt this means of informing
you that lam a candidate for the office of
Solicitor General of the Cherokee Circuit,
subject to the next democratic primary.
The criminal law, to be readiiy
obeyed, must first be respected, and to
give due effect and dignity to the proper
execution of these laws, I believe that a
prosecuting officer should he untramuieled
by any suspicion that he is acting in the
discharge of his official duties with anv
sinister or pecuniary motive. i therefore
believe that the office of Solicitor General
should be a salaried one and that the fines
and forfeitures collected, as a penalty for
the violation of the criminal law, should be
paid into the county treasury of each coun
ty in which the same are collected.
Your support at the ballot box I shall
greatly appreciate.
Yotir obedient servant,
Cnrtersville, Ga., Jan. 1, 1908.
To the Voters of Cherokee Circuit:
The State Executive Committee having
railed the primary for June 4, I now an
. no liner that 1 am a candidate for re-elec
i tioii to the office of Solicitor General of the
i Cherokee circuit, subject to the primary.
My record is before you; 1 have tried to do
my duty; l thin!. 1 can justly claim that 1
have m conducted she affairs of the office
.hat I have >avtl the tax-payers monev bv
■oiiHutuiug no umuc< essuiy time in the tiia.
■ ca-et*. I have at all Mine* kept in mim.
hai time ts monev while the courts are in
ewoou. My knowledge of the duties of
he office is such that 1 believe l can do
I ett. rin future than I have in the past. 1
shall be engaged in the courts much of the
time he ween now and June 4, ami cannot
*ee you all in jierson. Your support will
be greatly appreciated. 1 promise if re
elected to do uiy duty, fearlessly am! iin
artiallv. Kesjxu-ifull v,
To the voters of Cherokee circuit:
I have twice before asked at your hands
the honor of being the Judge of your Su
perior court, and each time you have de
cided the matter against me. But Ido not
feel that I can lay aside a life long ambi
tion to fill tiiis great and res)*on*<ihie office
without once snore asking it at your hands
nsstiting you that wiiethwr or not you ate
now willing to elect me, I will not ag in
he a candidate. My record as a lawyer and
a citizen of your circuit for many years is
before you. If you think that this record
is such as will justify a good citizen in
voting for me, I ak your votes and influ
ence. If elected 1 promise to the best of
my ability I will endeavor to till the great
trust you impose ou me without fear.favor,
affection or bias, giving every man the ini
partial justice the law requires.
Yours respect fully,
R. J. McCamy.
To the voters of Cherokee Circuit:
I am a candidate for re-electc n to tin
judgeship of the Cherokee circuit, subjec
to the primary June 4, 1903.
Knowing that my experience on the
bench has belter qualified me for the dis
charge of the duties of the office, and be
lieving that you agree with me and desire
my re-election, I respectfully submit my
candidacy to you.
I desire to meet each of you in person
before the primary, hut may not he able
to do so, as I will be busy holding court
most of the time from now until then; and
I therefore take this method of asking votir
active support and influence, assuring
you of my appreciation and gratitude and
promising, if you re-elect me, to serve you
faithfully, impartially and to the best of
my ability, as I have been and am now
doing. Very truly yours,
To the citizens of Dade county:
After numerous solicitations 1 have de
cided to make the race for ordinary. My
object in announcing so earlv is to give
the people time to make inquiry concern
ing me. After you have made careful in
vestigation if you find me deficient either
m character or ability to conduct the office
in decency and order and to the best in
terests of the tax payer, then I do not ask
your support, j Thos. J. Fuller.
We are authorize! to announce
Win. Keep© **>s a candidate for
re-election the Office of Ordi
nary of Dad# County.
For Tax Collector.
\\ e are authorized to announce Hugh
VValen, of \\ ildwood, as a modulate fur
Tax Collector tor DadeGouuty.
To the Democratic Voters of Georgia :
I am a candidate for Treasurer of this
State, subject to primary on June 4, 1908.
In making this announcement 1 refer
with confidence to my long service in thin
department of the Suite Government, both
as Treasurer autf assistant Treasurer, eov
ering a period of more than twenty yearn
with apparent satisfaction to the people. I
offer my record in this office as evidence of
my qualifications to fill it and as a guaran
tee that the duties pertaining thereto will
he well and faithfully )>erfornied if it
again placed in my charge. I solicit tin*
support of my fellow citizens.
Very respectfully,
Win. J. S|#*er.
We are authorized to announce the
name of Hon. W. W. Cure ton, of Rising
Fawn, as a candidate for Representative
of Dade County, subject to the action of
the I>* moeraiie execu ive committee.
Wo are authorized to announc-t
the name of Hon. Lee Pope of
Wildwood as a candidate tor re.
election at* Keprtstn utive of
Dade Count\. He say* if .ejected
he will CottlimiH to serve tk'-
ple ti) the best ol ms ability.
m m /•; *>. r-. ■. 4
For Treasurer.
W * are authorized to ani.ounen
tne name of R S Rodgers, of Tren
ton, as a candidate for re-election
to the office of County Treasurer.
Notice of Sale
By virtue of authority giveu by a deed
executtd hy 'J.. J. Crus* to J. i. ta.*e
Thrashing Machine company to the prop
eity hereinafter described, dated Lvcriiib-r
29tti, lIRHi, anti letoratd January l-ih,
1907 ill Deed Book 2, pages -1 -lid •,
clerk's office of the Superior t oitrt ol 1>..0e
Coumy, Georgia, to secure w.< onto, *■;• li
for the sum ot two hundred, tliirty-th t*r
and 9J-10U dollars (233.93) with inter* t.
Due note and .e Dec* 29, I9'd7, and one d* l *
Dec. 29, 1908, in which it is xpru*-i/
agreed tha* if any one of said nte a-d
interest 01 any pari thereof remain due
ami unpaid tor oU days alur ma.uritY,
ihen the remaining Holes may lie ireate*!
ao title and pavah'.e, and lurtiier provided
that, if necessary to resort to law to en
force the payment of said notes, or to pro
tect the Mcititty for iheir payment then
to pay all cos s with lenson.ihie attorneys
tees. Dt fault in the pavnieut *1 '“‘l
note due iKc. 29, lio7, amt the same hav
ing remained due and unpaid for mote
than 30 days, aceoidng to liteir tenor and
effect, tiie entire indebtedness h s become
due. Therefore, m a. cr*lame with 'l* 6
terms and powers conferred in sdd deed to
secure said imlehtedness, and at the re
quest of the heuetud ry theiein, i, Wl.
AlcClatchev, attorney at law for said J-J*
Case'l'hrushing Machine company, will,
on the first Tuesday in May, between and e
legal bouts ot sale, at the court house door
in Trenton, Georgia, offer for sale at P” '*
lie outcry to tiie highest bidder for cash "j
bar of the equity of redefinition, dower at' l
homestead, the following described prop
erty conveyed in the aforesaid deed to se
cure saiil indebtedness, to-wit: .
An undivided one-half interest m * !
that part of lot No. 57 in the tenth 15
irit.l and 4lh section of Dade unin .S
Georgia, lying ami bring west <4 the vl '
brow of Lookout Mountain, the west ’
of said mountain being die easi houn<
fine of said iand; .-aid tr *• t oonta " •
a whole one hundred and eighteen re,
more or less, the other undivded had “
said land belonging to J. I. Johnson. -
all that tract of land described as follows.
to-wit: -re
Beginning at a stake on the section 111
of lot No. 14 at the east side of the . •
bama Great Southern railroad, thence ea
to J. B. Steel’s line to a whiteoaK re >
thence north to T. J. Fuller’s line; dien
west with Fuller’s fine and ditch to the •
G. S. R. K; thence south with satu .r®
road to the beginning corner, contain'
forty acres, more or less.
This March 27, 1908. ~c*v
Attorney at law for J- I. Case ihi ** 11
achiue compnny.
MOf Counsii, Smith & CarswelL^^^^^
The Registered Percherion
“Remus’, will he found at *
New England after Ist of ApriU^