The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, July 17, 1908, Image 1

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; y Tatum-, Editor. VOL- xvi - ,* \ WILL SELL ONLY FOB CASH OR ITS EQUiMIMIT i fn ordjer to <’o 11;'s successfully we realize that we must sell at great reduction, >o y u will find iks at same old place at surprisingly low prices (luring tliis year. 'Pins is neceessary to < ur briness ; ml \m must rtav bv it. Cash or barter and got and | rices will be our mot ing 190t>. ' il liiliki ii IS sample Latest Model ‘-Ranffct” biCycie finished by ns. Our agents ev. -vw here are TO §(V3® mailing: money fast. Write for full particulars andspecial ofer m over. C.riafcjk NO AlONiiiV 2XEQUXRASD .until you receive anH ,;pt'>'o' *. of your bicyclehWe ship Stf %■ A to anyone, anywhere in the U. S, 'iuHlioiU dZeui deposit nr'S.i/ance, t repay freight. ru-d ft}, i| m*A allow TEN DAYS’ FREE TKIAL during v.hiel i time you mar ride the bnvvcle and £St i M\ il/lYl* v ut 11 , to attest you wish If you are. then xpt perfectly sanbiied or do not'wish to ■■ / i 5 ,-|\ g.f [ilvlfcl the birycle ship u back to us at our expens'd and you will not be out one cert. ? i h\\ Ffi&tiiav BDjpcc We furnish the highest qrari? bicyoiir* it is possible to make ' I ■' i ■AVIVISI rlllwtd at one small profit above actual iactcry cent. You save Sio t. 2 HaSiWgyuExaa to s2s middlemen’s profits by buying direct hi fcs and have the manufacturers guar unite behind your bicycle. DO WOTf AV a fticyt’e or r. pair qt tires from anyone at any price until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of factory f. , bvJSq Sfc i yJ| Prices and remarkaoU offers tq X'Uier agents. ! Vfi|! V’ni V, ' he . rt y° u receive our beautiful catalogue and •* .P'Y/ givVlpf ‘ " , - a wi'aitjimtil stuuy our Superb irn.deis at the wonderful,? r-\J ffe'V'jy Aw Prices we can make you this year. W e scli the Iri. best grade bicy 7es for iess money \f /g \M m?S SK . than any other factory. We are satisfied \vifh profit above factory cost. 'sl BICYCLJS DEALERS, you can sell our bicycles under your own name plate at I \ M double v ‘ our prices. Orders filled the day received ' : ‘J’v SECOND HAND DICFCLKS. We db not rrigulaily handle second hand bicycles, but \p.Jfrf usually have a number on hand taken in trade by our Chicago retail scores. These we clear out 'v<> promptly at prices ranging from B$S to or 810. .Descriptive bargain lists mailed tree, nftr rtTE 1 ® DO A Sr’S single wheels, imported roiler chains and j;t*dal3, parts, repairs and FvMf? £:, equipment of ail Kinds at halt the usual retail Prices . mmj C B?It TaBSC A SASWPiJE PAIR •$% " (|g .8 ro/sittso'jcK, r jgJL -E The rexulc- retell price of these tires is 's, St.SQ per i>air , but to introduce we will mmmSim fmmwmm WfhsMm-h S f'W^t \AILS, 'Dicks or Class will not. lot tko % \r o.d. thousand pairs sold Inst year. t" rr i-.vo hundred Utousaud pairs now m use. -<• .* ■■/ ftESGRIPTSOK: Made in all sizes. It isltytdy L j C >• lid ill,-r. very and lined inside wit a . b, f ii ;>• Jo! cjiiality ol rubber, which never becomes ■■ 1 ic ••pod which closes up small puncturygwithout r.l low- ij |I Notice tho thick rubber tread :,g thee, it to escape. Vt* have liundiedco. .enters, £ g 5 -;j nuuettir© strios ‘*ii” 1! -dcustomers r tutinc; that their tires hnveonlv oeen pumped a!W j i> ** a i go r j nl sfcr { p **u -c <r t vice i> ; a whole seasou. I v. ttgla tiornorethati *lss, nrsveitt riat cutting. This ,n a .iiu.,rv l ire, the puncture resmdii*^ cjuaiitiesbe._t.fjgiven nffi]. outlust any other To- v ref Dyers of thin, saggally prepared fabric on the %*&- jaako-hAFik FLAbTIC : and -1 TANARUS; e regular pvice *s per pair,but for i| r,: v.SY itiBING. ii -.icing pm poses we are making a.s;.&cial factory price t° - • * , _ i in- i i.h-r of oulv $4.0*1 ;>cr pair. All orders shipped seine day letter is received. W e ship C. O. TANARUS). on ■ , ; ~i. vou"•• > not pay a cent until yen have examined and found them strictly- as represented. ' I V. ■ ■ ! u.o-.v n C3S#.-. discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the pi'iee fs4.£s per pair) if you . \ ;!(,). (; \ s l ? \VI CH ORDER and enclose this advertisement; Yve will also send one r .,0 i ,:. and briF.s iiand pump. Tift sto be returned at OUR expense if for any; season they are ~ . ,a nd: :>e:orVon examination. We ate perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a ‘ Tf T Yi' a pair of these tires' yog will find that they will ride easier, run faster, V, • r!> iuv last loiitpT fbd look finer than any tire veu have ever used or seen at any price. We y • - (ha* ou will lie so Dill pleaded you want a bicycle you vvill gi/e us your oroei. V. ■ want voi! to send us a trial order’at o*l ee.*markau]? tire offer _ . \f M i * 7 &***”*TS VitSZ'i?' don’t buy any kind at any price until you send fora pair of U‘ film? cS&iLbJ 8 !£&& Hedge thorn Puncture-Proof tires ou approval and t£hl. at * ■ st>i'c : tt introductory price quoted above, or v/rite for our big. i ire and Suncliy ‘•<-.-.• end quotes afl makes'and kinds of tires at about half die mmai prices but write us a DO NOT TlilNK OF BUYING a bicycle ■ftid gff* 3 vVttill or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful ofl'-rs we arc making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW. A L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CSICASO, ILL CTORtiiA LEGISLATURE. , E:th Hours and Semte Ccnfrcrrtcvl by Import'nt Leri rlrtkn. Atlanta, July 11.—TEo eta to road v "1 i.ot 1 e evt n ’.e l to life sea this } .r. Ti ekmc on Friday after de a Ting three £ ssinns am! a lia.i' -to ar f : mem is v liy the road shxulJ Le ex tv-:.d <i and why it fcl.uu’d ;a’t he built to i .o ‘O’, vot'd, with h .-:r;g!c*excep n a, to adopt a tirbstiiuio offered to the Aii yarn!' r 1i ’ 1 by Mr. Wright, of Iliehrr.oed, whith turns the proposal to (•::ton-1 o/,r to a commission o 4 ii'Ui', v,!.:) -hiall investigate the pro po sit a nod make a report to the next i assembly, and, if feasible-, a bill to extend the read to F.en. 4 Mo i ill of more general interest or has been introduced at Inie n cf the legislature than that of Mr. Do n, of the fifth senato rial district, which creates in the ■a- oiry department of the state of Ha .Ha a bank 'bureau, and provides for the appointment of a bank exam iner, etc. liy a vote of 20 to 15, the bill h5 r rcn. tor Whaley relating to tee estab lishment of ne.v counties was defeat ed . A lenghty report from the peniten tiary committee was ngad. -This re pprt pictured the condition of the va rious convict camps and suggested sevcial remedies which will probably be inirod U cod in the senate in Hu; form of bills. * % Several committee reports were sub mil tod. A minority report signed by Senators Henderson CI9HH Wilkes-, i Overstreet,-Williford and Knight, op-1 posing the passage of the bill by *“>' n , ator Hayes, which would give certain waterways the power of eriin< nt ,lo ‘ main. A meeting of much importance was that held Friday iiikibl bi the ball of the house of r< j>i< -< hlhiiv (, s in * J< irt- rest of thf bill, v/hi<b, If 0 l * by the b.-urc cad : eual p V/iU appro vriafc fur. b; :• iiflli-h to <>#’/Jo B ' y:i t-'rafic Tel h, H r!vii.<-' HI p -\ 4 < n H e si it of Ho • phi b> x. -'m. oth HsiHU Wt,# HaiiM* * fr 1 \t?r, ’■ ' 1 "M > • ( *.■; ~ . , t 'i, if il/oi 'o II ’ ’ -"* 4 , - r it r r * /• • > ■- . . ■ 4 ~ ' ‘ on the import ant issue. Atlanta, duly IF —The beginning cf the end is in sight ’when the general a -aeinkiy, -thi - week, tal es up. the ccA* Vict bill foi it- has b'-n conceded this is. the meM important bit oi a O is lath; n which this Lcdy will bb>ve te solve ibis aaira. Erkii-y our.'deed, IT? '-measure pro-' via -i: The judge may u c discretion in sent c..hcA.ioir a’e c ’evicts t a - or * a county r. ay ot; or bn le.oed by the canity cr wcrAcu by fb'i county; no mi sale me a tier carna s. are to he fai crui-p grit ale 1 ai'iicf;', the convict prop r in to ho e imin mud by having ti e lessees sir u a contract to return *t:o the cvmm AHon a.l a v lets \v*s iTI i, fo r ar. y t:•a ? o n , tb e y cannot work. It allows the con.mis sion to separate the races. . Saturday for forty-two minutes the bouse transacted business in record treahing%fashicu and U’ltil 10 o’clock Monday morning. During this time thirty-two d’Ms were pas.-ed and fourteen new bilk introduced. Asking the general assembly ol Georgia to st’ek th‘6 probe into The Georgia prison com mi: mien, Reprcen tative Shaw of Clay, p.trovucod in the house Saturday morning a joint reso lution, calling for an investigation oi Its affairs. The resolution provides that three from the house and two from the senate rd all act as the in vestigating committee. After a week of unusual activity the remito adjourned on Friday Until Monday morning at 10 o’clock. Hu ring the week $15,000 was ap piopriati and to the Georgia Normal and Jndustiial college at Milledgeville fot in e U and Improvements, and the commit fee favorably recommended appropria tions for the State Normal school at Allens, the T-Diversity of Georgia and the Goorgla School of Technology. It j, uixii irtood that tbees measures will pn -h the Hinate with little opposition. 'Jhe hill by Remitor Hardman re tinning the ebictjon of the pension ('ly.iiiiiHiioiu r by I lit? pe >ple was pass l t .,j. The pill of go* ator WlrHey prfe !t, j; ida ; ti e; --r in v, hi !i new j fell >1 jc li* fpr ne and v. a fj| bill by M A-bn aa, ol IIT afl ue < ouaty li .If 111: th Amount fijlt re, I t*| bp le. f I i j -C Hi| p|p| flliilfT T'tifl'l TRENTON, GA. FRIDAY jU LY 17 T?er ceTt p- h laoplh was. vigorously fou' ht In t’e c'vr.iui;tpq room, but wii li only omq rIS - - or* tin a - rrri fbe bill r''o r i cj f>. fnvc'ijlo r-o?objmt*n:latlon P'.Kl V. ill f-rikkiy 'bp rctm.l on by t. cS' litirg ft*iring the prer-ent week. Atlanta, July 1! —Whether the uis f.TuchiaOxicnt aiLcnda out to the ecu stitution, it ratified in G:tc-b.r, as its EiiPi ertor;- bel'eve it -will h*. iray be Lucpended ruing in cperatiCn until Jauur.ry 1. lU>9, is the qn-siir./i which is now absorbing toe attontV n oi tbcfe who had the measure rut up to the people last year. At a meeting of the geer.ral jirhiici cry committee of the house it was* stat. and that in the event the Emend men is adopted, as it-: now stands, if will go into enect at cnce, and no me, except those who qualify under ‘it* provisions, before the registrars of the state, can vote in the November elections. L’y a vote of 113 to 21, the house of representatives Monday morning went cr. record ns being opposed to the cer vlco pension n.cssiircs as offered by Mr. cf G bb. It i- quir and 122 to'pn.fs the ccarafeitutlonn-1 antendnieat. ruder the terms, of this measure, the constitution- of Cec-rgeL is to- fcn amended so as t allow for the -pay ment of pensions to ail. confederate v teva u s and thf:r widow, provi led they married pr'pr to 1870, and are in posversion <-f less tl am $ 1,000 in reality and p:r onal property^ An effort wafe made to have the wealth qualification placed at sl,sOff, and to a’lmvy all veterans enlisting from Georgia but serving elsewhere to come mukr this measure, but tote, wi re defeated. y One of the most Important measures ir.ivcdiiced at the session of the sen ate on Monday' - was that by Sonafor Folder to £0 amend the act to br r |ta a prise ti o: rr in issi on for the zt v tel 6 ! Georgia r-o cs to provide for the. u'hpo siticn of e-Vi tain felony convicts after th 2 first cf April, 1900. The bill piv t v ices that t h eve conv ’ c t s eh:<H | b o pfreed on the prism farm instead of being leased cut. The' senate passed ‘he resolution by Id'r. Candler of TANARUS) Kalb, which c-arri s out the governor’s suggestion giving the university of Georgia the privilege r? si arlng in the Carnegie founJr.tion tad. Thg b!’]-hy S-'crAcr. Farmc-r tYaiitri'- f rrc- the s-tfre irr > urte of ibis state to grant charters fn vrcation to such torj'. era lions ?s they* a-~e ruth orize l by law to create, was favorably rec onmro"elr Iby the general judiciary committee. A Her an e:: •; cv ■ 5 v e ros~ 1 r n la -1.1 n g r eve rat nin, the rrr-crnl a grie ul tra! committee of the- T eocrted favorably il o vat a sure bvy • r. front, of Keard, whiMi preoo c cs tbit all dogs not muzzled in Georg’a shall he shun. This puts the cue:tien rp to the sen ci' p i arson bly now, and thee is a greet sentiment in favor cf its pas sage. Mm.Tr-nt. tlm author of the r.'.cari'r-o. anprafe-l before t.’-e e din iri t too er.d sgohe ii fiver cf the urea > nro Atlanta. .Tub' IT. —“An enmninnKcn and o into f e conduct and nianng- merit of the prison com mi s rion,, Its < tuccrs and cmplcyces and all convict lea sees” was declared for by the house Tuesday following a spir ited dubat i and an aye and no vote*, by Id 1 to 15. Scon Measures introduced. Following the action on the resolu tion calling an investigation cf the prison commission, officers, employ€©• and lessees, with superior court - pow ers 'the house turned to the introdiic- lion cf new measures. Mr. Hall, of Bibb, introduced nis \r. a sure to change the time of holding irT legislature from the fourth Wed nesday in June to the second Wed nesday in January, 1909. A bill to abolish the leasing of convicts to private parties was intro duccd by Messrs. Alexander of Q- Kalb, 1 PurweH of Hancock, Candler of Do- Kalb,- Covington of Colquitt, and Wright of Floyd ft provides a constitutional amend ment* which will forever abolish this system and calls for the issuance of $750,000 in state bonds, the purchase of farm lands, materials, tools. IHo stock and the like, for use thereon where convict* iray be worked. This is to come up before the consti tutional amendment committee later. The senate neicl a lengthy and inter esting session Tuesday morning cun- which time a resolution by Sen ator Felder calling for a thorough in vestigation of the charges made by the committee appointed .to examine into, the condition of the convict system m the state by a joint committee of three, from the senate and five from the house, was adopted unanimously. The bill carrying an appropriation of $15,000 to the nbrrval schol a- Athens' was passed. The report of the committee reporting unfavorably the bill requiring ail engines in t v c state to be ronioned with electric head light* was disagreed to, and the bill known as the Martin tag tax bill wa r'tn’.nel *n Wo b-ra~e wth an unfa ve: :Ve r . ;; su? t:cn, ?nd at the r. quo. t cf tge cf the com- Offk iai. Organ of Dade Gouxty. iri f t:-e was r eon ruon ] to G at com mittf e. A ,r 'i ’;u rf t v Faring hsr\- Or* ff ♦ ' & ' O y O o ’ •> .*> *-\r* c\ ►h C. CO' '*-1 •\ ' v-I v •TP 1 * n- 'f fr, -r nfit r to d' rr ? the ri g 'l;ri~n ■ • <■ ' k->-■ ■*.'(-• ■-' r- p 1( <1 r. : r* ■ " ..• 1 fy '-•. -’ .. (*•'• the - h f ri s"K‘g VP vn t"fa y--y ‘ a- a-’* kr-cri.! was d. rg ent. currefli-ns as to minor airendn enic. but he main r'upore cl the bill was approved. pnyiM ’ l* uVri Gt £ V yK a l3 hpi ri itif i Uhllril iiJ iljiiiiuu ! f|?i i NH 5 j n | Un hsoi ufiLUJi rr i* t < fr m * i * Third i.ni3 -Nemsaisd rcr Prerivq HE GETS OYER 800 VOTES John W. Kern, cf hdnw, C!i> f A-n r q f-s it J;; j f; -ri i \ *.w.i Lb iit.ail'slk iiiiviv* r C 5 GREAT 'ENTHUSIASM GHCWfT Amidst Wild and Exciting the Der.ocrst'c National Convention Cheeses its; LtarcUrd Bearers and Adjci ;'; cd. Denver, Colo., July 10. —•William Jenin: Ge Eryan. cf Nebraska, wa? nominal oil for the third time for the office c* pi evident of the United States by the democratic national convention at 3:10 O'clock Friday nforning amid scenes cf frenzied enthusiasm. The • ein it came after an all night session, which was kept i:i a constant ■ F/ - A i ppw -, ■ gm V 1 "*•; t v- w ■:s>£% Z VF-v-vW Vo, . H H W 'I- cy -/ -J ft ’ ' -.Z-' t Al- ?/ t g*. i,.> ... *, T- ./ 4 V?A / "hft" ■■• t / i'r J , * . V" 2> ■■■ **’ 'li-hp * u 1 W'vO-- . .w-F -XU'E V. ~-V" ;-■•• / \ "O’-;-/.,' ' |/XX W >' 'OA -- y / / X / ->X /V j£r - \ .r x ; vV> // --ym - y.'C-- : ' y^ (.&*s■ 2 - WII.UAM .J SritYANh state cf turmoil up to the culminat ing moment when the Nebraskan was proclaimed the choice of the conven tion as 'the Democratic maaciard-bear er. On the First Ballet. The nomination was made on the first and only ballot, the vote stand ing: William Jemimas Bryant, SS24a. Governor John A. Johnson, 4G. Judge George Gray, 594f0 Net voting, 8. The announcement of the vote was the signal fq§ a wild demonstration, equalling in turbulence, if not in dura tion, the record-breaking display which'on Wcdnesdiay afternoon greet ed the fr.-t mention of Mr. Bryan’s name in the convention hail. The tc'ss within the amphitheater at the moment the nomination was made was one cf stirring animation. From pit to dome, the vast building was packed with ten thousand people, thinn and cut in the remotest galleries after hours of waiting and the intense disoomforts of the hot night. Culrrmating Outburst. It was a spectacle of grandiose pro portions—tier after tier and gallery on gallery of agitated forms, the women in white, the delegates massed below, many of them coatless, a myriad of fai\s fiutterinsjjto combat the stifling heat and close atmosphere of this long pent-up exurberant multitude, ever ready to spring Into feverish outbreaks of enthusiasm, and everywhere the blaze of flags, bunting and patriot ic devices and the enveloping folds of Old Glcrv Twice before the throng had been moved into a mad ecstacy, first by the speech placing the name of Bryan in nomination and again when that of Governor Johnson, of Minnesota, was proposed; but these manifestations paled befoie the culminating outburst of emotion Bc-i?arr. cf Csund. As the announcement cf the Ne -hruskun’s actual nomination was jj|h . 1 AV r es?e table Prep arailon for As -j [ | similaitfig ifc food <m Regiila- j] 5 ring the Stcsaesfcs firdßoweis cf {! Promote s D iges tick ,C hee?rul imss andßest.Contams neither Opk \m .Morphine? nor 1 linenal- IhOT NAJ*C;QTSC > JSxjm of Old BrSHJY- ZL FITCHES .Pumpkin Sad“ Mx. Senna * 5 Ri-rhzUe Solis - A/ate Sod * I /bppermint - / [h Girbona&SoJ?' * IwrmSeed - CforjicA Snqtzr . Hijit’y/vftw- Ftarur. J A perfect Remedy for Constipa- j ric-ti. Sour S toroaeh, D iarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions,Feverish acss and Loss of Sleep. For Sunite Signature of ALv/AfZS^-. NEW YORK. EXACT Cv’F Y O' WRAPPE R. Avenue Bank. o n /I Ui ill Trust Company PUBLIC NOTICE We wish to notify the readers of this papqfcthat thfere are a mmihei’.of unscrupulous spectacle peddlers traveling in Georgia end Tennessee claiming to be agents of our firm. Such claims fire FALSE and we denounce these parties as FAKIRS and IMPOSTERS and. will prosecute any offend or of the above If we can secure evidence against him. Bioken Lenses Duplicated on '-Short Notice HARRIS & JOHNSON Mf g . Opticians 13 E Eighth st. Chattanooga, Tenn. PHONE, MAIN 676 iB6O THE FRAHKUN-TURHER CO., Atlanta, ■> We all know that knowledge is power; but most of us are unable to buy books to acquire knowledge from. However, we have solved the problem, and are nowprepared to give you,direct Pom ou- fj lory, the benefit of our many years of r 1 la or Every home needs a good library. By our plan you can buy one, two or three books, or a large collection of books, get them at. regular prices, pay a small amount down, a small amount each month, and have the .books in your possession all tho time. )Mark X by the book or books you sre interested in, cut out this advertisement and mai- to us, and we will send you, without further obligation on your part, a full description of what you want, as well as fuily outline #r plan. 8e sure to mention this paper. NUMBER 21 lgj|^ Tor Xnfasts an Cl Children. >neuA-iu* .* d’scmujL i u iiMin |Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tlio A/Ji,. Signature "of /|f M i # .. !n f| # use \F for Over - Thirty, fears THE CEKTAUtt COW?*flV, f!XW VO-/t CITY. INVITES - VQliB I mmm FOB 1308 The Bank that puts Safety First. 232 Montpmen/ Avenue ■ OHATTANOQA DUANCH: ROSSVILLE. GF Old Folks’ Bibles Books for Girls S. S- Teachers’ Bibles Book* for Boys Family Bibles Novels, High Grade Red Letter Bibles Young People’s Library S. S. Bibles Business Guide Pocket Bib'es andTest’ts Cook Book Child's Life of Christ Stock Book , Child's Story of the Bible Doctor Book Bible S orics Dictionaries Bible Dictionaries Kings of Platf m Pul,„tl Children's Story Books American Star Speaker Children’s Histories ......Wild Beasts. Birds, etc. Name ,■■ ... ■ ■ - City or Town,, State . Stmt and No., P. O. 80s, or R. n Si .00 A VIL F