The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, July 24, 1908, Image 3

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laSS iiSn EMIS [)(;UI,|Si( El) WEEKI.Y. fltS'D-S - - - - fl&)IWA ARRIVAL’ OF TRAINS.. j.H'.il schedule, Alabama G*’ gout hern Railroad (Quee i - < Crescent Route). [is J;FFKCT FKB. 10, 10O< J. South Hound. ], C. AN. O. Limited. 8:35 -p y„. 3, Pan American Special. .7:18 a. m. A forth Btrund. 2, C. &N. O. Limited -. .9:55 a. v, y.,. }, pail American Special ll:40Jp. IR'crula r stops. No's. 1 and 2, fast mail trains, sto fr nton. ~ - -i i r flu 11 DIRECTORY. !)ade Superior Court meets 3rd Mattstkiys n Marcli and September. Justice Court for Trenton District meets 2nd Saturday in each month. County Officers. —Win. O. Reese. Or cinai v; 8- J. Hale, Clerk Superior Court; j• \\\ Timiman, Sheriff; \V. P. Pace. ]'*ix Collector; Samuel J. Hale, Tax lie y ver; Relit. S. Rodgers, ConHty ITeas^t^f; J'. Hugl'.es, County >Sclool Uoinmi ioner: \\ T . O. Morrison, Surveyor; Mark Tale, Coroner. CiU'itni SK.tViCE-v M. K. Church, South ,-id 4tli Sumiiys m Cavil niontli. Travel meeting each Sunday evening at o’clock, RjnVortli League meets eVerv AVdnest'av evening. Sunday r>fehwl every nHiriiing at 10:00. D. 11, Rogers, 1!, K. SMITH, Pastor. SECRET SOCIETIES, trentnn Lodge, F* & A* Mn No. 170. Meets at Ike Masonic Hall on Wednesday night on oi before the full moon and every 3rd Saturday niglit I herefrom at 7 :30* J. M. by etna nee, \V. Mv Trenton Podge, No, 38, TANARUS, O. ()• F* M-ets at tlmir hall north side pub* !i; senate every Saturday evening ut 7: yh \V. G* Colo, N G. Dade Lodgp, No. 122, K. f P-. Meets in Odd FeMovV-’ Hall Mon day evenings at 7:30. blank Morrison, C\ C* 2. W. RUSSEY. M. D. ‘Physician and Surgeon, TREMOR-GEORGIA WALTER W. CURETOM Alter €vj At La V. RISING FAWN GA. _ - J. ?. JACOWAY, A ITOUN E Y A 1 I, Av, , Nacxroy, .. oeokgia. U iii [tract ice m all the courts *state and federii. - - - . 18. T. BiGCK, All' >KNKV AT LA W* rKhxroN, Georgia, Will practice in all the Court*. PttNttpt attention given all business. w. u. JACOWAY. Attorney a Laws niKNTON. GEORGIA, T. J. LUMPKIN. nTi'OtfJVE Y-JEi-LfiW-, —Collections a Specialty— New England City, 6a. - CALL ON A. S. jACOWAY WITH H. Schwartz & Bro. Chattanooga, Tenn.-" fine shoes land HOSIERY ***** t~ ~ ' c e the “ DUX ” Shoe ■ - •- w *' • - r^:nx.r ry/yx ICC AL and PERSONAL -By Mrs. R. S. Rodgers. Prof. S. J. Hale "nponi Tuesday n Si ygo. idiss Bcttie Carroll has beeil or. the side list. Miss BcFtic Pace spent the week in Ft. Pay Tie. dairies Lyernant-e left Thursday ! for Lull usage. Alexander Jeffrey spent Monday in Chattanooga. VY. G. Morrison spent Tuesday in < hattnnooga, Mrs. James GasS Spoilt Tuesday in Chattanooga. Mrs. Kate Johnson spent Mon day Hi Chattanooga. Perkins Willis of Valley Head Spent Sunday here. Frank Y\ hite of 1 Using Fawn was in town Sunday* j IP H-. Rogers spent the last of the week at Pittsburg, Airs. Ma In s< f Nftsliville s vis ting Mm, W. H. Bates* Operator Seabcfi of Rhmg Fawn WaS in town Sunday* Miss Aline Pace has gone to Soddy and Dayton on a visit. Miss Virginia Suggs lias retail ed toiler home in Chattanooga. Miss Verda Williams was shop ping in Chattanooga Thursday* Editor It. Fv Tatum and wife have taken rooms at the Case Hotel. Mis* Rosebud Goode of St Elmo, was a guest of iss Eula Jaeoway Sunday* Mr. and Mrs. NY. A* Fowler of St. Elmo* visited relatives here this week* Mrs. Henry Long and children of Moundville are here to spen 1 the summer* Messrs* Houston Y heeler and John Price spent Monday in Chattanooga. Miss Hula Jaeoway spent Sun day with the Misses Parker near Byrd Chapel Claude Hughes and wife spent Saturday at Curetons mill ngir Byrds Chapel* Mr. and Mrs* Triplett were out from Chattan >: ga Wednesday limiting a location. Mrs. Myra Ragan and daughter Mayo, of Bat die visited relatives ,e; i here this week. Sc\ era! voir g people from this lace- attended eliurch at Byrds Chapel Sunday evening. Cottage prayer meeting was held at the home of Mrs. R. S. Rogers Thursday afternoon. For the next few days you can sret The Times and Southern Ag o /. rieulturfct both for just Toe a year. Ali\ah<lMrs* Bennett Bush of Hill Cily> spent the week with the family of James Dobbs atXew England City, Mm. Alice Key holds and two children of Birmingham are here at the bedside of her lather, W. F. Nethery who is very ill. A r ov. is the time to renew your subscription' and get The Times and Southern Agriculturist with it for one year for just 75c. Judge Allison, wife and Alex Stewart and wife ol Kising Fawn and Byrds Chapel, weie in Tien ton a short time Tuesday, A post office money order lor 75c will renew your subscription to The Times and get a years sub scription to the Southern Agii cnlturist. Miss Dana Tatum Mr, and Mrs, R.S. Rogers and Paul, Mrs. K. H. Tatum and Aline Pace visited the j Wilkinson peach orchard and r cannery Tuesday, \Y r e are making you the best combination offer that can possi bly be made for the money. Jhe Times and Southern Agriculturist J one year for just 75c. Subsciibe | today. John Ti. Case was in C'fuittanoo* ga Thursday. LeeQneal was in Chattanooj i on business yesterday. Big Joe Brown of New England passed through Trenton yest id ly on route to Chattanooga. \ 0t of the Ginger Jar. Ibity calls, idimr* s whistle?, A drawhabk is Lett rth u a *.ef back. Chf fuy fatliei? and mothers make happy hoys and girl®. The brightest, thunderbolt comes from t he dat kest sky. If you have a frier. 1 stick to him P.d her than stick him. Y lien you don’t know wind best to do, just wait a bit* When are tlm spi s <ni>v? When you limit’ tiie ging> i,-om ;>r-. No man climbs the 1 adder of fame with his hands in his pockets. Everybody's kickin’ Kickin’ 'bout the heal; Kickin' ’bout the prices We pay for things to ent. Kickin’ ’bout the railroads An’ the government; Kickin’ ’bout the taxes Atr the way th \’re gpent ]\ lcki. ’ ’oout tim a tos An’ the [nice they Ret; Ivickin' ’bout the grufo rs A 11 ’ Ihe p 11 they geh Old mule looks dejected, Says in tones demure, “When it comes to kickin’ I’m an amachoor.” Some men burst tlmir safety valve in endeavoring to be a power i,i the world. Th 1 Fat ni r: “W hat are you getting up in that apple tree? ’ The boyt VStummick ache, sir.” Just because a man wears white pants about his farm w\nk, is no sign that his milk is aiwais pure* Hand-ome is tint handsome dots. What is tli- 1 use of worrying over the k Y-Ood old t.i;]*>”? Our times will s<>ou he ohl, and then they will he the best ol any we ever had* Johnny: “Does the hen it or set?” Ma: “I don’t know or 9 care, but when she cackles 1 want to know whether she’s laying or lying*/’ Shipping Peaches In Cat Load Lots, Price High and Market Steady W. E. Wilkinson and Garrett L. Gass tfaw Sand mountain fruit growers who were fortunate enough tu l>e blessed with a fine crop of peaches are shipping them to mar ket in car load lots. They have shipped a car a dayevmy day this week. The peaches arc of the finest variety and aie picked over and selected especially with a view of catching the best price in t tie market. Ihe first car went forward Monday evening through LessJy Commission Cos., of Chatta nooga. They were heard from Wednesday. Mr. Wilkinson re ceived a wire that they brought $1 a crate f. o. b. destination, that the market was active and to ship all he could as quickly as he could. This makes them bring about 8450 clear money per car. These are the first peaches ever shipped from Trenton, These gentlemen are running canneries and are canning the culls from the shipments. Mr. Wilkin sons cannery is about 3,000 cao capacity a day and Mr, Gass about half that size running in full blast for eighteen hours a day will save many peaches that would dtherwise go to waste, These gen tlemen are exceedingly fortunate in having a good crop this year ami are to be commended for the man ner in which they a:e taking care of them. The Festival* Preparations were made to have the festival Saturday evening in the grove, but late in the alter noon rain broke into this arrange nlcut and the academy building wav, used. The affair was nothing extraor dinary being just a plain old time festival without a finale. The house could hardly accommodate the large crowd, but all present managed to enjoy the occasion. $32 pifjtf was realized Which goes towards repairing the academy fot which Prof. Carroll is very thank ful. CaVe Springs, Ga, Miss Kobbv Piitte'nf Rvrds Chapel is visiting Mrs* Eliza For ester. 1 Clark Gray of Kensington w in here Sunday. Mrs. M iggie Forester is vbit n her da ugh Hr Mr * Br id i u a New Sab nu Our sii ging wa flno, there v, as a iarue cr.-v and and evt iyhody seemed to enjoy the day* Several from this place attended the picnic at Cloverdale Saturday and all r pm! a, nice lime. Steve Til man and family visited t lie family of Mr. Slaton recently. Miss Annie Cox spent Saturday night with Jennie Bradford, M*BB Minnie Bible opened *choo at this piaee with a good attend an cm We still have plenty of r ,iu aid corn is looking line, with best | wishes to The Times 1 wui c osh j Tiixjc. i Combifia’ion Offer. The best offer that can possiMv be made for the money is The Times and Southern Agriculturist one year (or just 75c. This offer v> ill apply on renewal of subscrip tions. Now is the time to take advantage of this offer and get the two papers for less than the cost of one. Pill out the blank below and mail it to us now. Editor Thru s, Trentor, Ga. Finch red find post-office money order for 75c for which please send me The Times and Southern Agri culturist for one \ ear. MO TELEGRAPH OPEBtTiS NEEDED Young Men Prepare Your selves For Good Positions. On account of the new 8-hour law passed by congress in t>.e interest of telegraphers, and also'on account of so many new rail roads being built and. old lines extended, an unusual demand for operators has been created. Conservative estimates have placed the number of additional Operators that will be required during the next ten months at approximately 20,000. YOUNG MEN NOW IS YOUR OP PORTUNITY! Enroll in our school Now and in only four to six months we will have you qualified for splendid positions- Telegraph Operators receive from SSO up wards. Our school has been established twenty years; its equipment is perfect, in struction thorough £nd practical, positions positively guaranteed our graduates. Board in Newnan is very cheap, the town is healthful and the people are cordial. Two Main Line Railroad wires run into our school rooms. No other school in the United States has such up-to-date and practical facilities for the benefit of its students. Write at once for free, descrip tive literature. Southern School of Teleg raphy, Newnan, Ga. WE SELL LEGAL BLANKS G. We have recently equipped our office with a complete stock of Legal Blanks, which we will furnish you in any quanti ty, from a single copy to a thousand copies, at the lowest prices. 0. Our catalog, containing a list of over two hundred and fifty forms, furnished free upon request. WE SELL LEGAL BLANKS HI i :f/ Q A t-Q £ND SMrLL FTCFiTS will le our motto ft r the year IPOS. A *iv line of everything new and substantial for men. women and cdiikl.-en. Shoes for everybody. Come to the ‘‘South Side” merchant and save nom 25 to ZZ 1-Z jeTcenl. on your porek.ces, LS. LYEMANCE Low Rates t<j> Texa^ in Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas , Oklahoma and New Mex ico. Return limit 25 The f Cott ? n Beit is the j i t direct line from Memphis days and stop-overs to the Southwest. The lowed both goillT Cotton Belt is the only line o n rl retiifnin cr operating two daily trains, cany rtxtu itiuiimig. ing through cars without change- Memphis to Dallas. Equipment in eludes sleepers, chair cars and parlor cafe cars. Trains from all parts of the Southeast make direct connection at Memphis with Cotton Ask the ticket agent to* sell you a ticket via Memphis g|£\ Write for Texas or Arkansas book whichever section you are ffi 1 nterested in. These books are just off the press, and are full of y|B| ® facts and examples of what is actually being done by farmers, truck Spsk& gardeners and fruit raisers in this highly-favored section. Afive color map is inserted in each book —Free upon request. ' : jjmMgßSr H. H. Sutton, District Passenger Agent* E)F£ ©AXYDWELAX!^ —o— LAXATIVE -o SYRUP PEPSIN Cures constipation indigestion, Liver and Stomach Troubles. FOR SALE AT G. W. M. TATUM’S DRUG STORE. (Tit this out and take to G. W. M. TATUM’S lililT-j STORK and get five cents off on bottle of 4 .’aidwell’s Syrup Pepsin. Clover, t\ ed Top, Timothy Or chard Grass, Millet Hay, and all kinds of field seeds at Dan C. Wheeler & Co’s., 607 Market St., Phone 170, Chattanooga, Tenn. Cotton seed meal an l lulls a specialty. books “Ml-CREDIT M' W I W Saleimen Wanted VllfciWl ■ Tlie Franklin-Turner Cos., Atlanta, 6a. ,-k. £BLt,™s COUCH 1 ass cakgs th3 lawes] a* a 9 L wi ™ur B ksrtgs. Now Psgissrd refl cm- .Afc. AND ALL THROATED OJKCiaQUBLES. I GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! OR MONEY REFUNDED. rPmiasaUSS&S&aSSi BSKr^^W-SE3BBGS FOR SALE. Three best new bicycles on the market. Two J. Stevens Arms Company shot guns and one rifle choap for cash. Easy terms. Ap pL, at Times office. Patent^ , ■ : JHRiH Anyone sending n sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Comimmica tuJnastrictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munu & Cos. receive tpcciat notice , without charge, in the Scientific flitter! m A hnjpdsomely illustrated weekly. I. o - '-at cir culation of any scientific Journal. *• : ua. $3 a year; four months. SL Cold by all now .dealers. MUNN % So 381Brosdivay, vJa*/ rtraneb O*•*' G 25 F PK WbnK..a, I>. C. 60 YEARS’ f EXPERIENCE i Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &g. Wilson’s Live and let LIY E STORE We are still here to &t To Farmers and Friends of North end of County Try your home Store be fore you visit the City For your GROCERIES AND NOTIONS. 1 will Save You Money. Our Motto is LIVE AND LET LIVE The World Over. J.H. WILSON Morganville, Georgia. LIVE AND LET LIVE STORE. Open an account by mail with the Avenue Bank & Trust Cos., Chattanooga. Safe and sound, Good business men at the helmt SeeJ. 0. Roberson for your dry goods, groceries and most ev erything else, except saw mills, at the lowest possible price. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind Ygu Have Always Bought Bears the snff Signature of