The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, July 31, 1908, Image 1

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. j,\ Tatl M, I .V,i to]-. VOL- XVI WILL SELL ONLY FOR CASH OR ITS EQUIVALENT 1 , 4 ( / In order to do this successfully we realize that wejnust sell at great reduction, so you will find us at same old place at surprisingly low prices during this year. This i * mccess.i!\ to our buiness and we must stav by it. t'ash or bai’tr afjd good j rices will be our motto lug 1 i ()>’. i J. C. ROBERTSON ! /ISfWANTED-A RIDER AGENTS'?™ IMEEjk . u MUH ** u K -LiU Il f *> un . tl , l y°u receive and approve of your bicycle. We shiD if °T KN° DA YS Vr 0R TmiJH 1 deposit in advance, prepay freight, and #7 JlIjA V aU ?Y . N * RK.E XKiAjL during: which time you may ride the bicycle and Si . 1 Y&\ If / ill ?, ut I LD a J?y te , st m,™ sh -. “ you then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to a I A ifi ,\1 heep the bicycle slnp it hack to us at our expense and you 'will not be out one cent '' !'l fl\\ H ,VB FACTORY PRICES tlt~ m ' sh n*'‘' h J* l *“ t srad< = i> U pooibten mate Ij L J&W f)UU \m ,i 1 . a 3°" e i ma M Pr 0 .61 ab o v e actual factoiy cost. You save £io £ p\\ iOl to middlemen s profits by buying direct of us and have the manufacturer's suar i lAWI/W r®i a " tee be ' m,d y o,ir .bicS-cle. DO NOT BJU Y a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone i !LM I WMfrK at aMy unt } l Z OU catalogues and learn our unheard of fadory S- * prices and remarkable special offers to rider agents. S YOU WILL BE ASTONISHES *. h S n you receiv P our beautiful catalogue and §1 \;U M/ftuM Ut HOiWniOntit study our superb models at the wonderfully 9$ UWY 4m; Prices we can make you this year. We sell the highest grade bicycles fori ess money W © We are satisfied with f>i.oo profit above factory cost, ml Iff, , KICYC bbPItAL b KS, you can sell our bicycles under your own name plate at Bi i 1 m oirr prices. Orders filled t!ie day received. m I iiw SECOND HAND BICYCEES. We do not regularly handle second hand bicycle?; but m Jff usually have a number on hand taken m trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear out djgr promptly at prices ranging from !.> to ®8 or s*lo. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free. MUSTER-BRAKES, p^-parts ' repairs and s (f|Lß HEDGETHORRoPUNCTURE-PROOF *M 80 X SELF-HEAUhGTIRJS TO ; 7/ ( ; 'i,plipaiilors4.Bo{cashwithordcrs4.sS). _ NO MOKE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES / 1 f v i nekh or Glass will not lot the ] ■■■• > hundred thousand pairs now incise. / gB tit- xnßiPTint/: Made in all sizes. Itislive’y fcY ,• / verydutableand linedinside ve / .1 naality of rubber, wliich uever lecoines '-'OK.-ATfaggy sy vs ,<iut which closes up small punctures without allow- | Mg Votlee tli thlek rubber tread h nto escape. We have hundreds of letters from satnr 211 „ v , and |mnct * re “strios */?• omers stating that their tires haveonly been pumped L|p * and Ml> . P al rijn Btri * n twice in a whole season, fliey weigh no more than ** prevent rim Bufctinff Tills on edina. V tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given IM Ju-i wdUiiutlastav other , . m v nil layers of thin specially prepared fabric on the niake-SOF ? EEA^TIC^^ i id. Ihe regular price of these tires issß.so per pair, but for Tjf idAsjY ICIDXXCi • rti.sing purposes we are making a special factory price to "■ th, i icier of only ?4.50 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C. O. D. on You *U not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. 'we will allow a cash discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price !$4.55 per pair) if yon ml ITT.L CASH WITH ORDER and enclose this advertisement. We will also send one im l• 1 plated brass hand pump. Tires to be returned at OEIS. expense if for any reason they are v iva -factory 011 examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a t ank. If v if order a pair of these tiresj you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, weir fetter, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We I now that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order. We want you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer . mmm zjtab fig don’t buy any kind at any price until you send for a pair of Sr ¥UU iwSLSLif f mco Hedgethorn Puncture-Proof tires on approval and trial at ? spr, ,1 introductory price quoted above, or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue which < - -cni ■ sand quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices. nn k i/ir ti/AIT but write 11s a postal today. DO NOT THINK.OF BUYING a bicycle MU MO f vV/MT or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful fillers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW* IL. MEAD CYCLE COMPAHY, CHICAGO, ILL sße -su.e t.< f<* properly equipped your hunting uip. •, I ••*> < ••f'TnvnX.V on ! have the assur-iuce -hai H , . h ; r ... ie < aniii t 1 e I:;. prove I i-.-v r.n ! ; it there i v “ ■’ 1 •***:• y.liy Cf :c. r ;-ase tfettTnj away whet 4 J y.'r,T,xv Our !he: | ymPLEo, FI3TV; LG, SH MG U NSj A^yruT'dcaler^andß^N^T^Ail^^aid'da^g i. ti ui:rg (ds If! illustrated catalf'j'. Itisa R k- ... v \ r _ |nTT)eaTs to all interested in ■ : • ?f’.!Uct,cx- gra . ld sport .cf shoot- I s 1 y rail , upon ing. Mailed f< r 4 cents in P rf T* ‘t ] r cc. I stamps to pay postage. I ::: :i ': AK K Ith our RIFLE TUZZEEI This | ; Cltver - •' c -ty i-iil he mailed P'ROi upon request. 0 J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO., | P.0.80x4093. Cincortß Falls, Mass., U.S.A, R GEOR(ifA_LCfiI- LATU3E. Debate Has Been Given Con vict Lease Question. Atlanta, July 24—The investigation c ' f il-e treatment of the convicts in , J U - camps of the state by the legisla llVf‘ investigating committee has <i©- u '°ped seme very startling sensations. Truly Doplprable. Many witnesses have testified on 1 arh of cruelty and unfeeling treat, w hich is truly deplorable. Mm. o cases of death, following se ’'lhoggings, wore developed at investigation on Thursday. r i no most revolting tragedy rehcars ' • during the day was the beating of *a M>neenyear cld white toy with a. 0- !" and leather strap from the effeifo of v ' ( b punishment he died, this story b, ‘ i ;, S told by H. A. Keith. ‘ be off-use for which this boy was bU;;i b-d is sail*" to have been of a ( hamper. An ex convict "'fenc'd; for life, rod at ft r wards 1 ’ rv ned; to’d. under oath, a mirra r’c;uelty that, has probably r.ev e> ‘ v *i ii’.vpasiei in a court room in this country. this man was J. A. Cochran, now a contractor, living in the city of All rut:. He to hi of a negro being beaten \o flea:h at tire state farm at Milk to cville fer no offense in the wo r lri, except that he was sick and could ret work. Man Whipped to Death. At t'e Chattahoochee Brick compa ny’s camp, on the Chattahoochee riv r-nr i* j’sntti. he said n:en wo;re treated with unr severity; giv en tasks b 1 yard their physical pow ers cf endurance, and whipped when they sank under the strain of the -ordeal. Here also a man was whip ped to death. Evidence Is Corroborated. This evidence as to the prison larm and the Chattahoochee Brick compa ny was corroborated by ifiner witness es. They told cf the heat, the cruel ty and viciousness of the guards, the -exhaustive labors and the severe flog gings. They testified that free labor could not have been secured for the same work under the same ciicum stances at any price. The Nowell measure, providing for ■ the incorporation of all mutual aid, benefit life insurance companies was favorably reported by the corporation Committee of the koiyse at a biiof ses sion Thursday afternoon. At a meeting of the general agricul tural committee that body reconsider ed its action in reporting to the house “unfavorably” the Burklialter bill in regard to redress in cases of fertil izers mot coming up to requirements. | The bill was amended by the commit j tee and favorably reported. | Atlanta, July 25 The horror of the 1 first two days’ revelations before the j legislative committee investigating j Georgia’s convict lease system was increased Friday as further revolting details wq,re developed by men who had formerly served the state as war dens, guards and convica bosses. • incidents of barbaric cruelty related ty ex convicts the day before were re | fcearsed, and corroborating testimony l was up ty man who, as officers cf ike state, bad seen the brutality irzcficed and wcic powerless to pre- TRENTON, GA. FRIDAY JULY 31 vent it. •J .W. Roberts, formerly deputy wrrr den at the state farm, b id of how the law was violated. Convicts were employed in competition with free la bor in MilledgeviTis, when they could have teen uned on the state firm, lie recited astounding irregularities in the management cf convicts, the purchase of supplies, and the disposition of the products from the farm. George Mayners, who had worked as guard at various convict camps over the state, told of ccr.dit-icns as he had seen them. lie reported con ditions at Fagro to be rough. At the Chattahoochee Erick company, he said, he had seen five men stripped and flogged. A negro from Athens was whipped so severely he could net sit clown. The reason he was whip ped was that, shackles put on him when his ankle swelled, slipped off when the swelling went down. Other witnesses were examined whose testimony showed a deplorable state of affairs in the convict camps cf the state. £eld Like Slaves. . L. Strong, a merchant of Macon, formerly a convict, testified that men wcie lined up at the prison farm and sold lil e mulos. Sick and infirm men shipped in one day from a convict les see, were shipped out the next day in exchange to another less4e. Atlanta, July 27. —An extra session may be necessary for the legislature to receive and act on the report of the legislative investigation commit tee, now engaged in unearthing horri ble disclosures in regard to the con vict lease system, provided the inves tigation committee goes as deeply into tho ramifications of the testimony, in the future, as it has in the past. Already there is pending in "the house a resolution calling for a ten day recess, and unless this is approv ed. it looks as though an extra session will lave to be held. Tragedy of every variety, of every shade of gloom, and responsible for every degree cf misery and for sev eral deaths, was tire order of the day the hearing before the Felder in vestigating committee on Saturday. The committee met at 9:40 o’clock and at 1 o’clock went into executive session, after wl ich it adjourned un til Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The somber story ran the gamut of human misery from divorce to death; from sickness and cm I permeation to broken bodies and final fcrg.tful ness in tl:e grave. Men who had sufSprrd tortu r.~ at the hands of cruel convict losses and guards, told cf 1: e <yu and y vi it 'd upon them and upon oilier j. They told ; f tie supine in biker cm e of rren whom t’e state raid to guard and protect t: cm. They te'd cf these men being subsidized by convict lessees, and of 1 c'ng forced to work teyerd their sirengih under ti e f,ar of the lash. Measures which, if passed, will save tic Ft ate Agricultural college at Athens, and the eleven district agri cultural colleges over f 1 e stem, were introduced in the house Saturday morning and will be rushed through whh the utmost speed. ' The first cf these was bv Mr. Chan- Icr, of DeKalb, chairman of the house appropriation committr e, Mr. Martin, of Elbert, and others, making a di rect appropriation Of $25,000 for tho State Agricultural college at Athens, for the year 1903 and $50,000 for the year 1909. The other, by Mr. Candler, of De- Kalb, Martin, of F.’bert, and repre sentatives from each county in which an agricultural school is located, of fered a measure to appropriate for the use cf these district schools all of tho fees arising from the sale of fertili zer and pure food tags and ail inspec tions, except tile actual expenses ol inspection. X Atlanta, Jul 28.—The house spent all of Monday’s session in debate on the Holder substitute regarding the convict lease system. A vote will be taken on the measure probably in a few days and that, it will be passed, with but few amendments, seems quite certain. Alexander’s Bill. AbolitVm of the convict lease sys tem after December 31, 1911, by constitutional amendment, with a pro viso for convict farms on which to work the convicts of the state, not worked on the highways, will be facing the house after the Holder measure is adopted. At a brief meeting of the committee on constitutional amendments Monday the bill by Mr. Alexander of DeKalb to this effect was given a unanimously favorable report. It is believed that both measures, as they do not conflict, may pass. Wright Offers Solution. Mr. Wright of Richmond, who set tled the debate on the Alexander meas ure to extend the state road to the sea, by the appointment of a commis sion to investigate and report upon the bill next year, has offered a suml r solution for the convict lease question. It comes to the house in the nature o a ne-w section to the Holder substi tute, which deez net present the pass- Offktal Organ of Dade County. age of the M Id r biT. vi s all of is pervisicQT, lot . in a.Mitu.u. provide? for the CiCatdcr. of a rexmissien to isevesfigat? ti e convict question curinc rikexs and report with a bill settling the quciticn st the next s s:!cn of the geacral asembly. - Slate Read Property. The joint Western & Atlantic con- of F e house and senate ’•''turn ed to the city from an inspection of the state’s property at CLnttanccgu, Tenn. The committee made a thor ough inspection of the property, which *is located in the heart cf the city, n conservative value cf raire being plac ed at $5,009,000. It was recommend ed that the property be guarded against encreachments. Recommendation that, no further ac tion be taken on the message of Gov ernor Sr:Th in suspending Hen Jo> seph M. Erown, “Little Joe." from the office cf railroad commissioner, was the decision cf the house general judiciary committee Monday after noon by a vote cf 33 to 13. The Monday Session of the sanate w#.s a brief one, and cui'e a few of the senators had not returned from their homes to attend. Strictly rou tine business was adhered to. FIRED CM FROM AMBUSH. Night Riders Seek Revenge fer A1 legrd Betrayal of Secrets. Nashville, Tenn., July 28. —A Hop kinsville, Ky., dispatch says: As Walter Goodwin, who betrayed might rider secrets in Trigg countv, was returning home Sunday night from a neighbor’s house, he was fired on s.r-ven times by men lying in ambush. One bullet passed through his jaw and was extract'd from under the ear. His condition is critical. Goodwin, at the ln:-.t term of court, told the names of seven men who. with himself, composed the night ri der squad at Center Furnace. Until recently he has been under the con stant protection of soldiers. To Give Fle:t Royal Welcoms. TANARUS kio, Jul 281 —In anticipation of the visit c? tho American fleet to Jap anese waters the municipal bodies of r. ere than one pert have already tak en initial steps to ext nd to officers and men a hearty and characteristical ly Japanese welcome. N. Milshuha shi. the mayor, of Yokohama, proposes flat a garden party he held to which Thr.uld be invited about 2,300 Ameri can officers, tho American ambassaiVr and his --faff and that about 20.000 yen should be spent on this entertin ment. The proposal was unanimous ly carried. BIRMINGHAM TRAGEDY. Well Known Young Pharmacist Is Shot and Killed. Birmingham, Ala., July 25. —Tlbert E. Robertson, a well-known young pharmacist, was shot and instantly killed by Albert V. Thompson Fri lay. The tragedy occurred in Housman’s pharmacy, at the corner cf Fourth av enue and Twentieth street. Thompson entered the store and filed point blank at Robertson six times. The trouble is said to have arisen over a young woman to whom both were paying attention. They had a quarrel about 9 o’c’cck, and, it is said, Thompson challenged Robertson to fight with pistols. Robertson re fused, but agreed to fight it out with their fists. It Is said the men went to Capitol park and fought desperately for about five minutes, and Robertson got decid edly the better of it. It is thought Thompson, chaffing over the humiliation, went to his home and got a pistol. At any rate, the next time he was seen was when he entered the pharmacy and began shoot ing. Robertson was employed at .the pharmacy, on First avenue, and Thompson was with the. Tennessee Goad, Iron and Railroad company. HAYES WINS MARATHON RACE. Greatest Event of Olympian Games Is Won by American. London, July 25. —It would be no exaggeration in the minds of many of the 100,000 spectators who witnessed the finishing struggle of the Marathon race at the Olympian Friday to say that it was the most thrilling athletic event that has occurred since that Marahon race in ancient Greece, where the victor fell over the goal and with a wave of triumph died. Contestants from several countries started in the great race and for a time it was thought that Durango, of Italy, would be the winner,but Hays, tie American contestant, surprised all and wen the race with flying colors. He is a New York man, employed in a department store, and has a record for Icng-distance running. Pensacola, Fla., July 28. A tele gram received from lallahassee states that after much balloting by the com mittee. J. Walter Kehoe has been de clared to h ve secured a majority of 19 votes over Oannittee H. Mays, and was declare and the nominee of the party tor congress. The Kind Yea Ilavo /-Ivrayy J: ought* Tviid which lias been, in use for ever CO year , ha3 borne the signature ot' and nado t:miev his per somd supervision shiee Ks infancy. Allow r.*> one to deceive you in this* All Counterfeits, *Tir! iat h::i aii<l are but Experiments that tribe with and endanger t o !i ot* Infants and Children—Experience agal Jisi Experiment* - What 3s CASTOR!A ' Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither ’Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates*the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea —The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 80 Years. THE CENTAUH COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Avenue Bank. and Trust Company PUBLIC NOTICE We vvipH to notify ihe readers of this paper that there are a number of unscrupulous-ppectacla peddlers traveling in Georgia and Tennessee claiming to be agents of our firm. Such claims are FALSE and we denounce these parties as FAKIRS and 1M POST ELS and- will prosecute any offend or of the above If we can secure evidence against him. Broken Lenses Duplicated on Short Notice HARRIS & JOHNSON Mf g. Opticians 13 E Eighth st. Chattanooga, Tenn. PHONF, MAIN 676 B iB6O Atlanta, feL We all know that knowledge is power; but most of us are unable to buy books to acquire knowledge from.® However, we have solved the problem. and are nowprepared to give you,direct from ourfsctory, the benefit of our many years of thought and labor Every home needs a good By our plan you can buy one, two or three books, or a 'arge collection of books, get them at regular prices, pay a small amount down, a- small amount each month, and have the books in your possession all the time. (Mark X by the bock or booka you are interested in, cut out this advertisement and mai ! lo u, Bird we will send you. without further obligation on your part, a tull description of what you want, a# weli as fully outline awr plan. Bo sure to mention this paper. N U M BER 23 INVITES YOUR BUSINESS FOR 1908 The Bank that puts Safety First. 232 Montgomery Avenue CHAFTANOOA BRANCH: ROSS Vl LLE- GA. Old Folks’ Bibles Books for Girls S. S. Teachers’ Bibles Books for Boys Family Bibles Novels, High Grade Red Letter'Bibles ......Young People’s Library S. S. Bibles . Business Guide Pocket Bibles andTest’tH .Cook Book Child s Life of Christ Stock Book i Child’s Story of the Bible Doctor Book Bible Stories /... Dictionaries Bible Dictionaries .... Kings of Platf’m & Pulpit Children’s Story Books American Star Speaker Children’s Histories Wild Beasts, Birds, etc. ——— ■ I 1 ""J Name ... .. City or Town ■ ■ , * State . m , „ Street and No.. P. O. Box, rR. B v *. - , , *I.OO A YBA li