The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, July 31, 1908, Image 3
IUIG3IITT TtMIS • PUBLISHED WEEKLY. ) r.i: ;r >- - - - ok >riia arrival of trains. Local schtMlnle, Abbatmi Great Hmi them Railroad (Queen & Crescent lloute), [IN EFFECT FEB. 10, ] 90', J. South Hound, Mo. 1, C. tM- N. (). Limited 8:85 p. >l. No. 8, Tan American Special. .7:18 A. m. North liound, No. ‘2, C- & N. O. Limited 9:55 a. m. No. I, Tan American Special. 11:4(M\ m. Regular stops. N'.,’s. I and 2, fast mail trains, stop at TV (iton. DIRECTORY. [Title Sii}*erior <lonrt meets 3rd Mondays n March and September. ■ Justice Con rt for Trenton District meets j.j.l Saturday In each mouth. Cot:sty Officers. — Win. 0. Reese. Or dinary; S. J. Hale, Clerk Superior Court; K. \V., \Y. I*. Pace, I'i \ Collector. Sauiuel .L Hale, Tax Ke :ei ver; I V At. S. Rodgers, (\>i(oty Treasurer; W. T. 11 I * Coiioi v School Commis- W. O. Momson, Suivevnr; Mark j i ie, ( oi U Hinton SEiiVicKs, .U. K. Church, South t i,| hi.| -llli Sundays m each month. I'lavei each Sunday evening at o’clock. Kpivorth league meets every d'e<!aesday evm>ing. Sunday school every ■tiindav morning at 10:00. D. H. Rogers, I!. li. SMITH, Pastor. SECRET SOCIETIES. Trent Ml Lodge, F. A A. M., No. 179. Meets at the Masonic II til I on Wednesday night, oil oi before the full moon and every .‘>rd Saturday night t. lie retro m at 7 :30. M. I.vein,i nee, \\ . MY Trenton Lodge,. Xo, .18, I. O. ()• F. M *<*ts at their hall north side pub* b • s piars every Satiininy ( Veiling at 7 :yO. \\ . G. Coin. X G. Dade ledge, Xo. 122, K. f P Meets in Odd Fed *wV Hall ,'jott day evenings al 7;>o Frank Morrison, C C. J. W. RJSiET IV!. 0. Physician and Surgeon TRENTON GEORGIA w. ;nzrj i t 11 r M S', t Is 3 • . r. ti; f :\w i u. J. ?. JACuWAY, a i roi:\kv at r.AU', "KENToy, •• GEORGIA,. Will practice* in all ti.e courts State and federal. B. T. BROCK, ATTORNEY AT LAW TRENTON, - GEORGIA. Will practice in all the Courts. Prompt attention given all business. W. u. JACOWAY. Attorney a Law, ritENTON, GEORGIA. T. J. LUMPKIN. M TOIUJE Y- fi c Y- LJI W, —Collections a Specialty — New England City, Ga. - CALL.Gi* A.iS. jacoway wrriu il. Schwartz & Bra. : .. r CHATT A N 00( lA, /f KNN FINE SHOES and iHOSIERY G~tl h e “ Dl J X ’’S sj LOCAL and PERSONAL r f By Mrs. R. S. Rodgers. Mrs. \Y. T. Pago has been vo: v ill. Hugh Price was home from St. Elmo Sunday. James Williams was. home fro : Knoxville Sunday. Mrs. Alice Reynolds has return ed to Birmingham. Miss Jonnie Cole was home from Chattanooga Sunday. Rev. J. L. Quintan returned Friday from Rossvilk*. A series ol meetings is being concucted at Pine Grove. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kil ban Friday tv ten pound boy. ■— ,f \ ergo Rogers was down from Pittsburg the last of the week. Jerry I bice ai id ( \>l ya r Tat uin spent Saturday in Chattanooga. T. J. Fuller candidate for Ordi nary was here a little while Tues day. Miss Minnie Dobbs has been spending some time in Chatta nooga. Miss Myra Parker continues very sick at her home near Byrds Chapel. Miss Eula Jaeoway spent Sat urday and Sunday with friends in St. Elmo. The M. 10. Sunday school pic nieed at the head of town creek Saturday* Mrs. Georgia Driggs of Sherman Heights was here Friday on a short visit Dell Lee,. J. J. /Johnston and Sam J. Male of Wildwood were in town Monday. Several from this, place went to the Wilkinson peach orchard and cannery this week. Mrs. Charley and two children from Atlanta are spend ing this week here. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Daniel of Byrds Chapel vi-ited the bitters parents here Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Frank Sammons ctumed to N id lie Georgia Friday dler a weeks visit here rela tives. Miss Irene Maxwell of Pittsburg is spending some time with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I). H. Rogers. Rev. 11. K. Allison will com mence a protracted meeting at the C. P. Church the 2nd Sunday in August. John and Jurd Kiser of Bir mingham and Talladega were called here recently by the death of their mother. We wish to call your attention to the new ad of The Montgomery Avenue Furniture company at another place in this issue. W J. Townsend and sister Miss Annie of Wildwood passed, through town Friday eii route to Byrds Chapel to attend the meeting. Mrs. S. 11. Thurman and son Colyar Tatum, returned Thursday evening from a three weeks visit with relatives at Jasper and Ross ville. Hon. W. W. Oureton, T. .1. Smith, Geo. H. Jacoway, Charles Chadwick'and Sam McDuncan ot Rising Fawn were here the first oi lhe week. Prof. Carroll, James Pace, Jim Xethery, Paul Rodgers, Jerry Pace and Colyar Tatum spent Sunday afternoon with New Bug land City friends. Run over the For Sale notice which appeal's elsewhere ot Mrs George H. Moores and see if there is anything listed that you need it so buy it from her. Mrs Joe Kiser died near New England Wednesday. The re mains were interred at the 1 ayne cemetery Thursday. D. H. Bog ers conducting the 1 uncial service. A large- number of friends and rel atives were present. B. 1. Brock was in the ei’y Mon <b<y. lorn Pace left "Tuesday for Ens ley City, Ala. J. B. Lea of Wildwood nan in town Friday. V. 11. Harper and are in Lexingt in, K y. Judge Jaeoway spent Sa'unbiy in Cha 11 ano 1. Send us a dollar and get 3 good papers for a y~ar. Dr. J. R. Iboek of Rising Fawn spent Monday in town. Miss Dana Tatum spent Wed nesday in Chattanooga. Mrs. \\ . L. \\ llkinson spent Monday m ChaltanOog t. W. A. l>\rd Las acccpL'd a po sition at Durham mines. Price Donna liy will arrive from Ilot Springs, A, k., Sunday. <\ C. Smrh and'wife vi.-it ing in Rising fawn tins week. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn of Chatta nooga visited John Whitis family Sunday. Rev. 11. K. Allison spent pari ot this we* k m Ros. yillc and Chattanooga. 31 . Gross and family of \V hi In side were gu* svs of 31. s. Claude Hughes Sunday. -Hiss Nell and imi man le't yester day for an extended \;isit with Irian Is at Lyerly. Albert Dabbs of Carrollton, Ala., visited his parents near New Eng land City Tiu j sdu\\ Mr. Chamlee and wife of Chat tanooga v Kited friends at New England this week. 31 rs. 31atlies and son Erne t of Nashville, were guests ot Me. Mol lie Bates recently. Chester Daniel and Miss Flor ence Prince wete married Sunday at Union church. Esrp Will (dole officiating. Pay up your back subscription and renew it for a year. Tims will a.-sast us materially in turning out a good p iper. 'Take advantagg of our liberal offer and pay up and get 3 good papers a year for just one dollar. Now is t lie time. Shelilf Thurman returned fioiu M illedgeviiln Tutu-day where he placed a Mr. Cb itmaii uf Wild wood in tic Asylum Byrds Chapel. 3liss Annie Woo 1 ward is visit ing in Stewart town. Tvliss Minnie Mirtin is visiting Miss I let tie Stewart. Mrs. Jim Cloves is visiting J. P. Murphy. Rev. F. P. S auders and family are visiting lie e. School opened 3londay morning with good attendance. 31eeting close 1 Monday night. W. J. Townsend and sister Miss Annie visited here last week. 3liss Ola Stewart spent 3londay night with her parents here. There will be a festival here tonight, everybody invited. Chanty. BOX*3U P P FB. A box Supper will b 8 given at the school house Saturday evening August Bth, for the purpose of raising funds to finish refurnish, in or the Academy. Umn ladies and bring boxes. '\ he steel cage is being placed in the upstairs of the j*i ! . YV In n this is complete Dade County will have a first class prison. We will take potatoes, chick ens, eggs, pigs .or any old thing useful to a man of family on su ;- scription. Deliver to this office and you will be allowed market prices and receited for sane. __ Six irain loads of soldiers from 11 1 0 south passed tbr ugh e -* to Ohickamauga Park. Now is the time to renew your subscription and get The 'i™* and Southern Agrioulttm* it for one year for just 7oc. __ Meeting of F. E. & C. U, of A. At New Salem. On the morning on the 25th inst on our way to New Salem I was very kindly urged to leave my horse at Trenton and ac cept a seat with Eobt. Carter, who detested riding alone. The invitation was accepted with thanks. We had not proceeded far when we were convinced we needed no accident policy, with old George hitched to that buggy. By walking up the mountain across Bear creek and all rough places, we arrived at New Salem one hour and 10 minutes late. A good crowd had gathered already, some from New England, Cave Springs, Cloverdale, in fact every local union in the county was rep resented. The meeting was imme diately called to order and the general routine of business was transacted. George \V. Forester was elected a delegate to the state convention which convenes at Ma-coti the 28th and 29th inst. John W. Moore, Jr., was appointed honorary rep resentative to a tend Hie same meeting. Among the good talks was one by P. A. McK aig on bus iness principals applied on the farm. A talk by George \Y. Forester on the management of a farm was interesting and well received. J. W. Moores talk on brotherly love and eoTiiidcnee, one for an other was excellent. A number oi' ladies were pres ent and at the noon hour had ta llies arranged and an unmistakable invitation that included every one present was invited to dinner. The_ meeting adjourned to meet at Trenton Aug. 22. X. (). The Champion Bridge Cos., of Wilmington, Ohio, will commence work on the county steel bridge tit Pathkilßr ford in about ten days anitxpect to complete the job within twenty days. Si. ■ ~ '-*VT Ter miants and Children. Tbs Rind Yea Have Always Bought Bears the /Ip x/J/xTA /? ~~ Signature of CC&444 \ (Mi • The National Farmer, The Dade County Times and The Southern Agrieul uribt one year for Si. Either two tor oc. - 1 PROCURED AIMD DEFENDED. Send model, gj 3a drawing ußpßoto-I ir expert search and tree report. £& S Kree advice, how to obtain patents, ti&oe uaxliJ, H H copyrights, etc., m COUNTRIES. # S S Business direct with Washington saves time, 9 W injury and ej'icn the patent. a ||] Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively. || gfl Write or co-no to us at ?ij j§? 523 Ninth Ctrect, opp. United States Patent Office, W WASH INGTON.D.C. a GASNOWc BURTON F. STANSBERY.... TONSOKIAL ARTIST Second Shop North of Central Depot. Shave 19 Cents Jiaths 15 Cents Give me a call .. 1113 Market St., Chattanooga Ten > Harris & Johnson, 18 E Btb s Chattanooga, are tLe only exclusive opticians in the c 1 1 _y. 15 years ex perience assures accuracy and cor rect fitting. The most up-to-date re tracting rooms in the Smith. Ev rythii g at moderate piices. WE SELL LEGAL BLANKS G. We have recently equipped our office with a complete stock of Legal Blanks, which we will furnish you in any quanti ty, from a single copy to a thousand copies, at the lowest prices. G. Our catalog, containing a list of over two hundred and fifty forms, furnished free upon request. WE SELL LEGAL BLANKS QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS will ho our motto for tho year UtOS. A big lino of everything now and .substantial for men, women and children. Shoes for everybody. Come to the “South Side” merchant and save from 25 to SB 1-3 percent, on your purchases, LS LYEMANCE Oklahoma and New Mex ico. Return limit 25 The Cotton Beit u the QaVS and stop-overs al - { 0 the Southwest. The lowed both going Cotton Belt is the only line nnd rpfnrnino- JSr . operating two daily trains, carry auij. leiuiimig, ing through cars without change — the only line with a through sleener Memphis to Dallas. Equipment in .: eludes sleepers, chair cars and parlor cafe cars. Trains from all parts of the Southeast jSmg-i ‘l|||l make direct connection at Memphis with Cotton Ask the ticket agent Jo sell you a ticket via Memphis Write for Tex-’s or Arkansas book whichever section you are ySSA. wife interested in. These books are just oil the press, and arc full of Kjgfrat 533 facts and examples of what is actually being done by farmers, truck iMSfMfc gardeners and fruit raisers in this highly-favored section. A five- S^Mgßfca!lja?kcolor map is inserted in each book Free upon request. H. H. Sutton, District Passenger Agent, DR GALDWERL 1 —o— LAXATIVE —o— SYRUP PEPSIN Cures constipation indigestion, LiTCr* and Stomach Troubles, / FOB SALE AT G. W. M. TATUM S DRUG STORE. Cut this out and take to G. VV. M. TATUM’S DRUG STORE and get five cents off on bottle oi Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. Glover, Red Top, Timothy Or chard Grass, Millet Hay, and all kinds of field seeds at Dan C. Wheeler & Co’s., 607 Market St., Phone 175, Chattanooga, Tenn. Cotton seed meal and hulls a specialty. BOOKS S CREDIT The Franklin-Turner Cos., Atlanta, 6a. [KILLthe cough! and CURTS ruz LUMPS | wi ™ Dr* ling’s ) Haw Discovery FOR Golds**Vrf&J AND ALL THROAT ANQ L6NG TROUBLES. | J GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! [ OB MONEY BEPUNrEJD. | FOE SALE. Three best new bicycles on the market. Two J. Stevens Arms Company shot guns and one rifle choap for cash. Easy terms. Ap ply at Times office. *AaSvt rtgfffy ___ n §§* | Sk WES Ea. jH Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our oi<inion free vrnetiicr an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Cos. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific Jliticiitat!, A hfUJdsomely illustrated weekly. ] >.rarest cir culation of any scientific Journal, 'i erms, fo a year; four months. tL Sold by ail newsdealers. MUNN i So. 36,Broa<ij, = v New York Branch Of* n ‘* 625 F gfc.. Washington. D. C. Wilson’s Live and let LIVE We are still to st To Farmers and Friends of North end of County Try your home Store be fore you visit the City For your GROCERIES AND NOTIONS. 1 will Save You Money. Our Motto is LIVE AND LET LIVE The World Over. J. H . WILSON Morganvllle, Georgia. LIVE AND LET LIVE STORE. Open an account by mail with the Avenue Bank & Trust Cos., Chattanooga. Safe and sound. Good business men at the helmt SeeJ. C. Roberson for your dry goods, groceries and most ev erything else, except saw mills, at the lowest possible price. Telephone, mail your orders or go to Dan C. W heeler & Cos., at 607 Market St., Phone 175, Chat tanooga, Tenn., for grain, hay and feed supplies. Cotton seed meal and hulls a specialty. Don’t for* get the place.