The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, August 07, 1908, Image 3

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SIDS CfIUIIY -HHES |>C HLISII ICt! \VK KK I.Y. ,-.. ;sr ,s, - - - - OEd ltd i a arrival of trains. j ()1 t i schedule, Alrtama Great P )ul ; he r'p. Railroad i[Qufefen '& (jiesCßiit Route). I S KFFKtrr KKB. 10, 100/J South liouttft. u. , i c A: X. O. Limited S : :>s"r. m. M,, ;; t I’an A inencan rfyecial. ;7:I8 a. m. Sort!* lion nil. n, •_>('. & X. O. Limited 9:'>s a. m. ' I, Ran Aaiencda Special’ il:40 r. m. Ke"nla r s'.o|>?• >; ,s. 1 and 2, ffist mail trains, stop ni fr nton. directory. !)uU* Superior Court meets ov-d Mondays March and September. Justice Court for Trenton District meets hid Satiirdav in each month. County OKFicfelsS.— O. Reese. Or l , ar v S.J. Hale, Clerk Superior Court; ,! tf! Tlitnman, SUeriH; W. 1\ Race, pix Collector, Samuel J. Hale, lax Re eiver; lh ht. S. Rodgers', County Treasurer; \Y T 1 iii;'Lei*, CoOntv School Commis . W. tJ. Modi Am, Surveyor; Mark 'laic, Coroner. P 1(l nan aiaivCks St. E. C‘hurcli,fjoiitli ?| .'| in 1 Uh Sundays rn each month. C rm .i .netting each Sunday evening at .a’,lock. Kpwurtli League meets every V > lne.sday evening. School every I,e morning At M:00. D. ’ll. Rogers, H. E. SMITH, Pastor. secret societies. Trent m LoJg'% F. & A. &!., No- 1,9.. fleets at Lite Masonic Hall on \\Vdm*sday night, Min ot before the full moon and every 3rd S'atuulay hijjtt 1 herefrom at 7 :<>(). .j. M. Lyemance, W. NL Trenton Lodge, No 6b, I. 0 O- h at thmi* hail ‘north shG pub die square every Saturday evening V.t 7 ; ;0. \V. G. Cole. N. G. !)ade l.odgp, No. i2‘i, IC. f P. Meets in Odd Fed lows’ Hall Mon day evenings tit 7; 30. Frank Morrison, C. C. 3. VI. BUSSEY iVLD. Physician and Surgeon TRENTON GEORGIA WALTER W.C.j.r: u ! Otto ! Si i ■ FAW.i V. J. P. JACOWAY, A ITOKXKY AT I,A\V, 'KiCNTuX, - GEORGIA. Uiii prnct ii*<; m all li e court.'* *3l Hte ;iI.U I fdi.TMI. B. T. BROCK, ATTORNLY AT TAW* iMtKNTON, - GKOIKiIA. ill practice in all the Co* l iris. Prompt attonlion given all 'husineNS. W. U. JACOWAY A taunt If it IjiliV , TPtICNTON, Old) KG IA T.J. LUMPKIN • OIfJVEY- LjfiW, {’llectionß ;i Specialty — New England City, Ga. - CALL ON A.|S. JACOWAY Hi Schwartz & Bro. C H ATTANOOG A, ,T EK N. n\r. shops mi tIIOSICRY C:m the “ DUX " Shoe LOCAL and PERSONAL By Mrs. R. S. Rodgers. Colyar Tatum is in Jasper. W. F. Nethery remains very sick Mrs. Folk Reeves has been very sink, Mrs. S. If. Thurman is in Ross vide. Will Mahan is home from Bir mingham. . G. and I 1 r nk Morrison were in Chattanooga Saturday. Avery successful meeting closed at Finey Grove courch Sunday, S. P. Killian of Fort Payne, Aid. visited his son Carl here Friefcy. I. K. Dooley of Knoxville vv is nero Latin day. James Gass of the A. (J. A. spsent Sunday with his family here. Miss Daisy Newman of Fayette ville is visiting her brother Tom. Airs. Nora Stewart of Byrds Chape! was in town Saturday. An intant of Wiil Tom StephenS Hied Saturday night, W. J. Tdwp.send of Wildwood was in town Monday. Conductor Paul of Chattanooga wu's lie re on a fishing trip Monday. Mr. Gibson of Dayton is Visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. W. SsttOn. Mrs. H. L. Payne of Highland Park is spending the week here. Mrs. Lenorah Cummings spent Tuesday in Chattanooga. J, B. Lea of Wild wo was here on ho.-iness Monday. Miss Dana Tatum left 'Tuesday for Homed* to engage in teaching. Leslie Love visited relatives near B\ rd's Chapel this week. lion. VC. W. Cure ton was down from Rising Fawn Tuesday. Will Genstwsrg of Chattanooga is a guest of W. G. Morrison. \V G. Cure ton of Byrds Chapel was in town Tl.ursdav. JULIAN HARRIS SUCCEEDS FATHER AS EDITOR Qf MAGAZINE JULIAN HARRIS Who Succeeds His Father, Joel Chandler Harris, Editor of Uncle Remus S The Home Magazine Julian Harris, son of Joel Chandler Harris, succeeds his father as editor of Uncle Remus’s —The Home Magazine, retaining also his original position as gen eral manager. Don R. Marquis, who has already made a national reputation through his editorials, poems and short stories, is to continue as associate editor of the Magazine. From his childhood, Julian Harris had been the comrade of his father, and he was the organizing spirit of the Maga zine. When 17 years of age, the younger Harris became a reporter for the At lanta Herald . A year later lie became connected with the Atlanta Constitution, and when 20 years of age he went to Chi cago and became assistant Sunday editor *of the Times-llcral& He returned to Miss ."nisie Jenkins of Itofesville is spending a week here. Tamest NewmAn has gone to his home in Fayetteville Tenn, Mrs. W. P. Page spent Tuesday ; n Chattanooga., * ’A.. L. \\ ilkinson and Mirs Ithie Bates will arrive Saturday from riles. Texas. Mrs. Dane Jackson and children bane returned from a months visit in Deer Head c<ve. Ben Pace and Russ O’Neal re turned Saturday night from v ßea i Rock, Ala-. Mrs. Ina Barksdale of Ensley, Ala. N visiting her parents, Rev. and Airs. 11. K. Allison. Miss Jonnie Guthrie of Dedherd Tenn. is visiting her aunt Airs. W. P. Pace. Dave Tatum and John Davis of Hooker attended the sale here Tuesday, Cottage prayer-meeting was held at 11 1 e horne of .\l is;s I'd vrtle (hi reton Thursday afternoon. School Commissioner G.A.U. Bible of Sulphur Springs was in town Friday. Mrs. 11. K. Allison and children returned Saturday from a. months stay'on Sar-d Mountain*. Cleve Parker of Pittsburg visited his uncle Geo. Parker Saturday and Sunday. Traveling evangelist Enloe prea ched at the C. P. church Saturday night and Sunday, Mesdames Harvey Johnson and ’Chester Darifel were in Cnatta noOga Thursday. Prof. E, G. Carroll and sister Miss Hettie spetA Saturday and Sunday in Rossvdie. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dobbs spent a couple of days in Chattanooga and Hill City this week. James Lygtnanc was in Ldolette Friday visiting his son Ben who has been quite ill With Typhoid fever. Atlanta to become night editor of the Constitution when 21 years of age, ana two years later was promoted to the man aging editorship of that paper—a distinc tion probably unprecedented for a man of Ills years in the history* of Southern journalism. He is the author of a play soon to be staged by Nixon & Zmaner man, and has written a number of short stories, descriptive articles and essays- He is his father’s literary executor, and not only are “Uncle Remus’s last writ ings in his possession, but through his co Liberation with his father on two impor tant unpublished works—which will oe given to the public during the year-and his intimate acquaintance with the pur_ poses and ideals of his fathc , nentiy fitted to carry out the cherished plans of the founder of the Magazine. > Misses Frankie Hale and May O Neal visited friends at White sades tli is week. Mdvin 'Tinker ami family of Byrds Chapel visited the family of AV. M. Simpson Son&iyS st. * Misses Mav and Bonnie VClute of Rising Fawn accompanied by Miss Idella Mays, spent Sunday with friends here. Mrs. Ance Rains died Saturday, tlie remains were inteied at Brown Gap on Sand mountain Sunday morning. The Womans Foreign missionary society, representing the Methodist and Baptist churches, will give a 'festival in Rising Fawn Thursday afternoon and evening August Idth in the basement of ’he Methodist church. Every invited to come. SceJ. O. Roberson for yonr dry goods, groceries and most ev ery tiling else, except saw 'mills, at the lowest possible priced Open an account by mail with the Avenue Bank Sr, Trust Cos., Chattanooga. Safe and round. Good business men at the lielmt Telephone, mail your orders or go to Dan C. Wheeler & Cos., at GO7 Market St., Phone 175, Chat tanooga, Tenn., for grain, hay and feed supplies. Cotton seed meal and hulls a specialty. Don’t for get the place. FOR SALE. Three best new bicycles on the market. Two J. Stevens Arms Company shot gun's and one rifle choap for cash. Easy terms. Ap ply at TTtfies bibee. KILLthcGOUGK *-4D CURE tms B.UNCS WITH llf Mm * liid HoVite Free ALL TaeCAT AND LUAG 7P.OUBf.ES. ’W :: roTim.,swnaeicMH I tfARAIPriSICT SATILFAOLOIiY JB BCOITETi" BSrXl??rKix Now is the time to renew your subscription and get The Times and Southern Agriculturist with it for one year for just 75c. v ° or- - '* — We will take potatoes, chick ens, eggs, pigs or any old thing useful to a man of family on sub scription. Deliver to this office and you will be allowed market prices and rcccited for same. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / S P 7s / Signature of The Nttfioftal Farmer', Tire Dade County 'F fines and The Southern Agriculturist one year for £j. Either two for 75& riiftCllßED 6',D DEFENDED. ?A r .iImodel, lowing oKpnot** ‘f- >r expert search wd tree report. Five advice, V.dvv to obtain, t. ade . —i—, cop /rights, etc., ? \; ALL COUNTRIES. Business cirri-' reilk Washington sores time, money and ejle'i the potent. Patent and brrir.gcrneni Practice Exclusively. Wi'ito or come to us r.t 5-3 llinth Street, crp. United State3 Patent V-’ASHIRGTON, D. C. _____ „ BURTON F. STANSBERY.... | TONSORIAL ARTIST iSeroiul Shop North of Central Depot. Shavs 10 Cents Baths 15 Cents Give me a call .. 1113 Market St., Chattanooga Tenu Harris & Johnson, 13 E Bth s> i Chattanooga, are the only exclusive opticians in the city. 15 years ex-j perience assures accuracy and cor reel fitting. The most up-to-date re tracting rooms in the South-. Ev erything at moderate *p rices. QUICK SALES' . iND SMfLL PROFITS will be ojjr ii:olto for the year 1908. A big iine of every tiling new and substantial for men, women and child .n. Shoes for everybody. Come to Hi = ‘'South Sole*' im*re imp.’ and save fioin 25 to S3 1-3 joieoul. on your purchases, LS LYEMANCE Low Rates to T round-trip tickets will be solvia in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and New Mex ico. Return limit 25 The Cotton Belt is the j „ ii J&Jk-dSBx? direct iine from Memphis days and stop-overs al " the Southwest. The lowed both going Cotton Belt is the only line and lThirnina operating two daily trains, carry rtUU 1 < - LU - IJAII S* ing through’cars without change — • the only line with a through sleeper Memphis to Dallas. Equipment in eludes sleepers, chair cars and parlor cafe car3. Trains from all parts of the Southeast make direct connection at Memphis with t lotton J§gjg| Ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket via Memphis Writs for Texas or Arkansas book whichever section you are BMa interested in. These books are just off the press, ami arc full of *gp . •'.jMsijj facta andcxamples of what is actually being done by farmers, truck •JSaMmtM gardeners and fruit raisers in this highly-favored section. A five ££-&jglF cuLt map is inserted in each book — Free upon request. XM jjj§ip|y Hi H Sutton, District Passenger Agent, mi. CALDWELL —o— — LAXATIVE —o — SYRUP PEPSIN Cures constipation indigestion,. Liver and Stomach Troubles. FOE SALE AT G. W. M. TATUM’S DRUG STO&E. Cut this out and lake to G. \V. M. TATUM’S I/liCvT STORK and get five cents off on bottle of Oa Id well's Syrup Pepsin. Clover, Red Top. Timothy Or i oha'rd Gtass, Millet Hay, and all ! kinds of Held seeds at Dan C. Wheeler & Co’s., GOT Market St., Phone J 70, Chattanooga, Tenn. Cotton sec and nie::l and lulls a specialty. 'B9 ‘niieuv <- G3 jaajni-ujHuejj 3i|i SHOOS Anyone sending a site! eh and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether- an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly conodential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent tree. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Muun & Cos. receive s peeial notice,, without charge, iu tha Scientific fttsttitm A bajpdsomely Illustrated weekly. J --vf-3t cir culation of any scientidc journal, "'surs, a year; four months. *L Sold by all r.oTv.Mu-iiers. MUNN & 2o, 36,8 ' New York Branch 0t!25 F fit.. W**hiTrtr.< O pjog K'^moHSiami Fifty Cents CHATTANOOGA AND RETURN Monday, August 24th QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE Tickets sold only for special train leaving Trent mat 6. TO I’. M. nd n turniug on special train leaving Cl atfanooga 8. A. M. August 26th. Ask Agent for particulars Wilson’s iLive and let LIVE STORE We are still here to st To Farmers and Friends . of North end of County Try your home Store be- . Tore you visit the City For your GROCERIES AND NOTIONS. 1 will , Save You Money. Our Motto is LIVE AND LET-LIVE The World Over. J. H. WILSON Morganvllle, Georgia.. LIVE AND LET LIVE F.TORE.