The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, August 14, 1908, Image 1

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j , l\ Tatum, I^litoV. VOL- XVI WiLL SELL ONLY FOB CASH 08 ITS EQUIVALENT pn till’s w6‘ realize that we must sell at pjroat red net iofi, so yon will finl us at same old plaeeat surprising ly low pric e s during this year. This is n. cressarv to orf buii 6 sand we must stay by it. ('ash or barter and good fr?6e£ will be our motto* ing 1 ( MJB. \ Til 09V31H9 ‘ANVJNO3 31919 OV3N 1 T ’AVON 1! 3 1T J AV 'Sniiji.<i3A3 ~ - pxiß -qi mouxi nok inun aiiokuß uiojj ssjxj jo axed bao u Bf-fA/i g *■> />-j t ,p.\.. 1j xj OMLina vio TIKIHX XON oa ’kßpcq iß’sod b six 3ju.ii jnq JLB WJW I JL9JK %JIS •S33iad (Btisti 3ip j(Hq jnoqe jb S3Jxj jo pm* jjb sajoxxb pa* ssquossp tpiq.w rm3oit;jD Axpans Pe sau. 3xq ano 3juai jo !3.\oqxj pajonb 33ud Ajojoxipoajux ibisjkls aqi mj jeui l" 1 ” I'-'AOjdde uo s3jxj fdeja-ajnimjft# *. Jxv <i k joj piios noA ipun soud Aub Jb pux?f Aub Xmf OJrC sMJL ZIJS3FM JEM jajjo 3jxj sup osuaq ‘3OllO jb Jtapio ftuj B sn puas oj noA ixxbav 0110 jnoA sn 3ai3 ([iav noA spAoiq b jubay noA xisqAV jßip pssßSfd jp’m. cs sq ijxai noA jßqj MOiiq j ‘soi ii l Aub ic uoos jo posxi J3A3 3ABq noA ojxj Aub üßqi jsuij puc aaSuoi jsbi koiisq jesa^ ( mu ‘joisbd spu uia\ kaqi ibx(i puy piM. noA *s3ax} 3S3ip jo jibcl b japio noA jj “^nßq . 111 I! 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'JBaA sup noA3i(EUi ucoom w /W '‘•'j/tf//® "i- M lu s l a V M,,u Cl-iixins ino Apnjs 3d 17IU flrtl S' 1 iiM| ;*' ' .1. P‘X . i pijpnEaq JuO 3A1333J noA uaipvi SanSinVMV 3Q I Irm ilvA B 1 y/i Vfwfegfc j| x n ’i' r - M •" jopi.l I>l SX3jffo tfi/IV/XViUsX pUE S33lX<f B S ; i> * 1 nxpxi 1 inn m q pB ssnSojciej jtio oaiojuj noA quin htxf &ut> jb L<:i.h\im nun. >. .a 1< !. !r jo apAoiq e AfHI ION <><l *3|3ADiq jnoA pTuqaq 33JUB yMx vfl T 1 11 ■ 1 ( .j puß sn jo i33Jip 2mAxiq Aq sit)Oid s.uomajppiiu szs o; W. -TTgisvlfnl 1 ik>a oj u< uuj (Enj3H 3Aoqc lyoJd penis 3UO |‘b maihj l Tp|\% i. I’ 13 ‘ 1 u i5! • :>(DAj;q ijpvua icaqSiq otp qSiuinj a\ dJvlQd AdvJLvVa \W f -'/S ■in. ■ .< n, ,v j,-:/ 3sii3d>:3 jno ;c sn 01 >pcq lxdra* apAotq sip daax **/;>.’/ be VSj,' f 'jS I'L ' 1 'll 'P JO p.iprtirs-A(X33jJ3*l JOU U3(X 3JB noA JJ *l(Slm’noA jsdx Aue ox u ind |W 'l® P'" " '•< uq .up op:.i Ai'ui noA 3UIII qoixjAi Sunnp t . <:f ‘anuEArE ui^ juxj v puK/fiiti *g 3iji ux 3j3q.11 Cue ‘3uoAue oj mlMjf Wferf ••'.'A • | ’"| JitoA (o u ptiri .-.I noA piun CISIHIfIfIMH ApfNOIU OH jSrll VsSgjSF** .>n> }•> x. Jo p>i.rj<f<; /‘(tit j i?’/v?i}xi>S jjnf xof 3fix .\\ *isrj Asuoiu 3mi(EXU feJl ji c'/ xA ■ }J; ’ “■"! .3 <*ju.-,ac jni) sn Aq poti :aiim auAwEi ..juiimiii.. louoni ... . .;11(39W mm V-031NVMM/ -±L . -Lii?' '- •••" HBe •, :re to be properly eqififyped for your huntln/ iv j jj 1' ■• *‘ TFVEXS" a all haw t!i *.s :nui- ’kal !y r■’ <• • aiinut I**? improve-1 i:p* i,.an l thst there j si' illty <.f your ;-a:ue away vvin:a 3 | ! < ;r "tins. Our li:t€: Hj l RiFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS j .’—J. ; i rrrr r... V j t>k y ur denier, Fait. to send for J I • t. It urpr ( (Js. lfjjllustrate.J <ataft>BT, Itisa 8 * , ; \ .! I Ihhil; t.ffeai’v reference and I .. ... Ul.tamtbrin n .‘^ a ,Vtoari intercsUdin { " !>< trt tt, t x-Jti. e grand sprit of s!:oot- 9 1 < upon ling, K; iled fr 4 rents in * t 1 1 < t | r.ce. I stamp* to j. ay postage. | j Ji ■■■ and! M ttitb or RIFI.F I’UZZLJI J This g L 1 "• 1 rii ~city w iil l,e mailed'l-'Riili upon r;uest. 8 I J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO., 1 j, Chicopkb Falls, Mas*., U.S.A. 8 “ T Y *r H HUNTING TRIP j" s ‘ re *° ' ,e properly equipped—obtaiu the STKV ai! | you CANNOT GO WRONG. We make pfSSL • •'• from $2.25 to SIBO.OO, SHrKifrL • • • from 2.50 to 60.00, -HOTOUNB . . from 7.60 to 35.00 • j our dealer and insist ] Send for 140-page Ulus r popular make. If trated catalog, lfintci ■“ obtain, we ship ested in SHOOTING, you; , ■ - carriage charges ought to hat e it. Mailed VP° n receipt of for four cents in stamps to ■ -talog price. cover postage. • r uttra tive three-color Aluminum Hanger will be sent anywhere for 10 cents ia stamps. Cfens arms and TOOL CO., P. O. Cox 4096 icopee Falls, Mass., U. S. A. eZOf.GiA LESS 1.A11T.1 (3c girt. Atlanta, Aug. C. Double barreled /orffiens cf the louse were begun on Wednesday v. ben ae-slcna were he I"l fycm D a. rr. to 1 p. rr. and from 3 ]>. ni. 16 C:C> 1. ni., in a futile ef fort to catch up cn pending legisla tion; but as a result of the day’s dcing3 only erb general bill was pass ed, five local bills approved and the remainder ol the two sessions taken tp with debate, long and fruitless. Chairmen Joseph S: Turner, cf the prison commission cf Georgia, .We 1- nessay took the stand and made an swer on behalf cf the c-cmniissicn to the attacks made during the investi gation. Judge Turner insists that the com mis non has violated no law and ig no:ed no act cf the legislature. He holds that in every official act of tnat body. Iho commissioners were entre ly within their official rights. He attached the testimony of ex-convict vitro sos, whom he sffil had be n con. vie ted of 'murders*, thefts, burglaries and other felonies and misdSiTiean ors. I'c callod in cue si lon the evidence of former employees of *hv? prison commi.- ricn who had testified, an! sought to imp each their testimony on the prour.u that they were dh grunGed jnd disaffected by rca ,:n of their dis charge. Vvtry member of the prison com mission was in the court room when he investigation committee began its work. v* x Atlanta, Aug. 7.—What will so down in the journal of the house of representatives as the busiest day of the session, was that which was held Thursday morning, when the Wise amendment to the general tax act, tax. irg near beer places S2OO annually, was passed, ar.d following it, in quick accession, the house appropriated $208,325 to the various institutions Of the state. -Mr. Wife’s amendment to the orig inal bill struck out all reference to alcohol, and placed a straight tax of S2OO per annum on all places dispens ing near beer, and taxed all manufac jjiriji<* giants &::£ distributing- agencies' 4 TRENTON, GA. FRIDAY AUG' 14 ?.jOS per arxam. Thursday was a banner day for ag ricultural education in Georgia, for nearly $150,000 was appropriated for ti.e agricultural colleges in the state, if the measures passed are final fj enacted into laws, as it seems they wi.l be, the State Agricultural college £t Athens will he opened on time, in September, as will the eleven district agricultural colleges cf the state. ... The doub.e daily sessions cf the f.curo seem to mest with favor among U.3 so.obs;, who seem determined to push things with a rush from now on until the date of adjournment. The object seems tovbe To avoid an extra cession, if possible. , Uy a vote of 21 to 15, after about two tours’ ’discussion on the subject, the senate Thursday morning killed' the bill of Senators Peacock, Howard and Erect, placing the solicitors gen eral of the state on a salary. This bill was the subject of heated discussion, and a hot hgit was made by the authors, as shown by the close f.e-s of the vote. Fy a ,vo*p cf 20 to ID the senate fko tilled the hill cf Senator Over street to create the new county to' Le known as Georgj^^ Atlanta, August S.—Friday was a lucky day for a half dozen state insti tutions and a score of ccnfed ?rats veterans and their widows, fer the bou-.e spent aim oat the entire day, from 10. a m. toC.IO p. m. considering fc-PI ropriations. Chairman Murphy Candler, of the house committee on appropriations; called up r= the special orders fer tbs' day the appropriation measures.' The first cf these measures wai to appropriate $7,0C0 for the State Nor mal school at Athens to. make certain necessary repairs and improvements. It was stated that this sum w'as erred' .the contractors for material, following the failure of those in charge ci the work to meT the obligations, and this, too; was passed. A bill was offered by Mr. Blackburn of -Fulton providing an appropriation cf $5,000 for the Georgia Soldier’s home, rear Atlanta, $2,0C0 to be available, this .year end $3,000 next year. This is to make certain re palar and install a hoat’ng*apparatus. A bill by Senate? Williford regulat ing ths working, bva.ra of telegraph and to’": hero operators whose duties dr® to direct trains, to nine hears u day, was passed. The hca.te- Friday veent on •rucOrlt* es being eppo fd to an extra session a u’d ado pled the I? ur.\ r r re a c lUticn putting the r.e.ces. i y of se > sian. f.rat up t > fie \ and next, up to the governor. Ey a vote of 15 to 12 t - e Senate Friday morning Tilled the bill cf Sena tor Felder to step the appropriation cf money for the compilirg cf the crlcn'al, revolutionary and confeder ate record’. This v> uld lave abol ished ths rositicn held by former Gov. error Candler.' . - T 1 3 bill by S?n?trr Williford regu frtug the working hours of telegraph e:rd telephone operators who flireot the move men 13 cf trams and fixing the Liability cf violations by both ■the railroads and the employees, was parsed The bill by. Senator Hcndcrscn, cf the thirty-ninth, to extend the present School-book contract until January 1, 1 Gil, was the subject of a heated de bate, but was eventually passed, and was immediately transmitted uo the tcu. e. Atlanta, Ca., Aug. 10— Just three mere todays to wit: Monday, Tues day and Wednesday,' and the* present cesci-u cf the general assembly of Georgia will end. In that time the senate has several important pieces of legislation to enact and in all prob ability the senate will me A both af ternoon and evening ’during the re maining days, in order to have a clean elate when Wednesday arrives. Will an extra session be called . This is the question that is agitating the minds cf the senators and, in mo. t cases, the answer has been in tho affirmative. The reason for such an answer i3 that while the senate may enact all the legislation now before it into laws, it will not be able to reach the con vict question owing to the fact that the joint investigating committee ha3 completed its investigation and sev eral cf the senators have expressed diem selves desirous of hearing tho findings of this committee before reaching any conclusion or enacting any law; still a law may be passed in these three days, as it is understood that the governor will ve to any bill relating to the convict Question that has a tendency to pro long the lease, he personally being in favor cf abolishing it immediately. The business on hand of most im portance''for this week i3 the primary election bill, the agricultural schools support bill and the anti-lobbying bill. These bi’ls were mentioned in governor's message on last Wednes day urging the senate to act upo* these measures at this session, as ne crerr.Cu them of utmost importance. measure the governor spoke of v. as a b. I to amend the registra i:eu Is,?, sct tho state. The senata Official Organ of Dade County. fs/.sta a i ; X- -h : far at -ibtln by Surstila. ° x a.r a or t o ' 1 nes hd U was : nurcilately transmit ted to the bonze. The 1.1.1 spprnpriatiss SSS.CCD in te the akricuhural rcbools of tue state was favorably reported on by tb? senate appropr’ation commit tee at its meeting on Saturday, and fhis bill will no doubt be taken up r ke first thing. if an extra se sicn is caked there Will be a ten days' interim so &3 to' adow the inv eaffgating committed l-me to fir.i-h its investigation, read ever tie teztimery, to look up the law nn several points before making rec ommendatknz, ar.d to frame up its ro- I tiT. The report cf this committee Is switi ed with ini£rc3t r.ot only by the i ezzbfrs of tie general assembly, but ly the public at large. Atlanta, Aug. 11. —At the morning rocslcn of lie house Monday that body, by sl' decisive vote, declared in fiver of if return to the annual pay n ent cf td confederate vet erans and their widows, instead of quarterly, rs is now th-e case, and in favor cf allowing the firemen and policemen of the clues to ride free on street cats. At this session, also, the house fussed up a number of pension reze iutiens, appropriated $4*6,009 for the eu; vert and maintenance cf the Greor gza state giuitarium at MiliedgevUle,' ia tb the $700,000 already up-' propriated; and. $5,000 for the state board cf heaifa’ laboratory, where an t’-texin for the treatment of rabies is' bc'.ng furnished free by the . state of efi'kcted patients. k here was un unusually large at tend cud* in the house for a Monday morning session end that body got corn to business at once. Hr Ilall, of Bibb, get a special cr-‘ dcr uo to have his bill uo create a state fcoerd cf tr.x assessors to fix' a taxable value of corporation prop fzty, up fer consideration, and wax tf nfcxtsd. Mr. Candler. ehairmch of the hours' committee "to investigate the convict iiarc system, introduced a resolution, which was adopted. It asked that th > house committee be allowed, and 1 er powered, to sit through vacation r:u to rapert, with its findings auxb -v-PTw to the governor, who would , -Showed to make such recosfinenda; U 4he- r.c-Srt' general a.xcmbly, As he eaw fit; !.Ir. Barrett, of Stephens, the au thor cf the measure to have the nan slon3 paid annually instead of quar terly, as is new the case, had his That there will be no “extra ses rten” cf the present legislature is now beyond the realm of doubt, and the legislators are already making prepa rations to leave Atlanta Wednesday night, tbe general belief being that the general assembly will adjourn sine clio by 9 o'clock on the fiftieth day. Wednesday. August 12. Xhi3 belief was brought cut by the Introduction in the senate Slcnday of the Fcldcr-Stevcns substitute fer the convict me?? ur* 3 pending and later by the reports in each house by thß chairmen cf the respective commit tees composing the legislative com mittee investigating ths convict sys tem, asking that the members be al lowed to continue their investigation “during recess,” and report to the governor, who should make such rec ommexdat'ons to the “next general assembly” as he saw fit. Then, too, tho senate, realizing that it was up to them whether the extra session should be called, prompt, ly decided that it should not be called for them, and got busy on ths convict question. WATSON SCORES BRYAN. Sig Crowd Hears Populist Candidate at Augusta, Ga. Augusta, Ga., Aug. 7. —Thomas E. Watson, populist candidate for presi dent, spoke to a crowded house Thurs day night. The Grand opera building was filled with adherents of Mr. Watson, and be was literally cheered to the echo. Mr. Watson was introduced by James Cartledge, ex-councilman from the fifth ward, and spoke for two hours. He stated thaf every vote cast for W. J. Bryan would be thrown away, as he declare!? the Nebraskan had no chance 'Mr the presidency He asked why the votes which would be thrown away on Bryan could not be thrown away on him, as he was the only real democrat In the race. Mr. Watson made appeal for the electoral vote of Georgia. His prop, osition is, that if the vote is given him and Bryan needs it to w 7 in in the elec toral college he will throw it to Mr. Bryan . New Fire Insuraive Company/ Atlanta, Aug. , o£ State Thilip Cook Friday issued a charter to the Southern States Fire Insurance company, of Atlanta. The charter members arc* H. W. Perry, B? S. Mount, W. M. Asbeil, E. L. Allan’s and A. F. Walker, all of Ful ton o uuty. It is a mutual, cooper ative company, and has no capital * i For Infante r c^i^hildren. ilffillilThe Kind You Have teMßal Always Bought AVegstabb Preparation Tor As- p ** 5 1mi ;ating theroodfindßeguia- gj M , J| thC // t I Signature / /l.jJ ! Promcfes Digestion,Cheeiful- W J' Ihv j ness and Hest-Contains neither S n -f /i f P i OpiutiuMcrphlne nor Mineral. S . UI a\ \ \ Not Narc otic, ji | & Aby- ufOLiJkSAMUHPITCHER | V* FumpJnn Seed’ ~ jjffi a " Alx.ScrutG * J fsj 4 Q . ffsAulie SJti - j !&£ & H Arts* See'i * ? !J® A, K 4 '4 <’ i mt\ |ll *■ ill (tjvikcA %<?v . 1 j : S K jffl hints’ net r&w: J ; || g 11 OCi A perfect Tlemedy forConstipa- 19 I ■ 0* W lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, ;|J 1 \%J go Worms,Convulsions,Feverish- :p I jjj Cam imw ness and Loss of Sleep. j|| \J* IUI UVSJI Facsimile Signature cf • ewa m mg Thirty Years •—— • -■—- i . H . ...t.ii. isi-> a. f. imaicm. Avenue Bank and Trust Company PUBLIC NOTICE We wish to notify the readers of this jfraper that there are a number of unscrupulous spectacle peddlers traveling in Georgia and Tennessee claiming to be agents of our firm. Such claims are FALSE and we denounce these parties as FAKIRS and LVIPOSTKRS and, will prosecute any offend er of the above If we can secure evidence against him. Broken Lenses Duplicated on Short Notice HARRIS & JOHNSON M■ fg . Opticians 13 E Eighth st. Chattanooga, Tenn. • PHONE, MAIN 676 ii aims cßFnir I*s JF I# WB ft READ THEM ”■ J) m wm while paying B m . FOR THEM Kr Estabiiiheci iB6O THE FRAHKLINTURNER CO., Atlanta, 6a. ■ ' """ 1 "■ —— " 1 1 We all know that knowledge is power; Old Folks’ Bibles Books for Girls but most of us are unsble to buy books to acquire S. S. Teachers' Bibles Books for Boys knowledge from. Family Bibles ......Novels, High However, we have solved the problem. £•* **••■ Blble ......Yeung People . Library and are nowprepared to give you direct from o. rfactory. p ocke , Bll ,| es an dTest’ts Cook Book the benefit of our many years of thought an I . . sor Chll(Js Ll{e o{ Christ Stock Book Every home needs a good library. By ... .Child’s Story of the Bible. Doctor Book our plan you can buy one, two or three books, or a large Bible Stories ' ;....Dictionaries collection of books, get them at ragul-tfr prices, pay a Bible Dictionaries ......Kings of Platf’m & Pulpit small amount down, a small amount each month, arid Children's Story Books American Star Speaker have the books in your possession all the time. — 1 Children's Histories Wdd Beasts, Birds, etc. AM ark Xby the book or books you are interested in, wrr.v - '"ja --r. .ices—w cut out this advertisement and mai' tc us,'and we will Name -you, without further obligation on your part, a full qj. Town w State description of what you want, as well as fully oullin-t . , . „ ... sr plica Ba tkr% i mention this *o*r. Su*t Ms*.. r. O. Bo*. m* “ .- 1 i■— --.•- N U M BER 24 INVITES YOUR BUSINESS FOR The Bank that puts Safety First. lit Montgomery Avenue CHAITANOOA BRANCH: ROSSVILLE. GA- #I.OO A Y KA R