The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, August 28, 1908, Image 2

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HUNT & TATUM, Proprietors
M. F, TATtIM, Editor
Fntered at the Post Oftud at Trenton
Uaas second class mail matter.
Terms $1 00 per year in advance.
Advertising rates reasonable and will be
iflade known upon application.
All communications must be accompa
n‘ie with the real name of the Writer*
Address all correspondence to The
Times, Trenton, (in.
An account of the lawn fete at
'B. TANARUS, Brock’s last evening will ap
pear next week
•* ■
Col. R. J. McCamv dieb, Wednes
, day at his home in Dalton. He was
ill only a day or two with Eureic
The William Randolph Hearst
political partp, alias the Independ
ence League party and better term
edas political “roustabouts” is
•made up of disgruntled political
straw-grabing beings throughout
the land aM country, who have
tried every denomination of poli :
tics under heaven.
Hearst, the originator, and Chief
Higli-Preist dictator has tried ’em
all. Temple Graves, the brilliant
editor, and second in the Grace of
his majestic dictator, has tried, this
inakesthe second we khow about.
The gentleman with the Sweed
ish name, that heads the national
ticket, we never heard of before
his nomination, and can’t say how
many he has tried, this may be his
unaiden effort. Its enough to know
that he is a Hearst product.
But how about AY. Yancy Carter
their candidate for governor of
Georgia., He has tried all, and lias
attempted more times than one to
gain oflicethrough different ones.
By the time “Little Joe” and the
true democrats, of “stick to the
nominee” brand get through with
him, if there is not anew party
started by that time, he will be so
disgusted with this one that he
will either quit all or rotate.
Going To Txeas
Therfc are several families in this
county making preperations to
move to the state of T#xas in the j
Vmr future. Mrs. Eunice Moore
and Mrs. Claude Turner had a sale !
of their household effects and live :
stock Tuesday at their home near
Union, preparitory of making the
move. They are gorng to Fort
Worth to live, where Messers Tom
Moore and Claude Turner ate inc
ployed by the Armour Packing Cos;
Mr. Turner is the Company’s
city salesman there, while Mr;
Moore holds a position at their
packing house.
W. W. Pace is here fforh Dallas
where he has charge and manage
ment of the bfhcs and store of the
Chattanooga Plow and Impliment
Cos of Chattanooga, Tenn. Mm
Pace haS been with this company
for several years and hhd tnade
humerous trips to foreign countries
In their interest, as salesman, Re
cently he was promoted from his
traveling position to the one he now
holds. He is spending vacatoni
with his family here and lias decid
ed to take them to Dallas to livk
ivhen he returns.
The family of Uriah CaStlebeify
hre also prepairing to go to seine
place in Texas. They intend to
leave here about the middle of
September. Mir Oastlebeiry W'll
hot go when his lamily does, hut
Will remain here several rhßhths ttt
took after soihe business matters
requiring his time and alteh t ion io
H 1 i ’ ‘
Others are donthihtilating siHiilar
moves, hut it is hoped thfe fevei
Will codl hefhib tlib county en *
Jirely depopulated 1 .
— j
Picking Plumbs from Mr. Wilkinson’s Orchard
Grasses grow excedeingly well
Red top especially,' Orchard grass
grows better than in the valyey.
Two meadows on this larn> are
well set in these grasses. He also
in a crop of corn and cane.
This man has gained fortune and
fame out of the earth in this section
where the people hereof have gen
erally considered the land worth
less for other than grazing pvrposes.
He has dome it by thrift and in
dustry and has well gained the dis
tinction of being the pioneer fruit
growef and general farmer of Sand
mountain. Mat his experience in
spire others to follow' his example
and develop this wonderful country
and may Mr. Wilkinson live long
and continue to prosper, as he just
1 y deserves to do.
The upheaval caused by The in
vestigation of the State convsct
lease system presents golden opper
tunites for both the state at large
and the several counties to use the
convicts on building roads, in event
thfe lease of them isdoneaway with
and the state concludes to deal with
them direct.
The Governor has recomended
tbeextention of the state road to
the sea with convict labor.
He has also wrote letters to the
proper authorities of each county
in the state to see if they could
handle,and wished a share of them
to w T ork on the public roads. Many
of the counties answered him in the
aff irmat i ve. and some a re excedi ng
ly anxious for a full quota.
The adoption of this plan will,
of course, be expensive to the state
and counties, but in what measure?
Surely not to the extent that it
will be impossible for the counties
to use their share.
The possahility of getting the
convicts to work in building better
roads presents, in our opinion, the
greatest oppertunity that has ever
been presented to improve our pub
lie the lowest pos
sible cost.
The funds to defray this expense
will, as a matter of course, have to
come from the pockets of the peo
ple by taxation as does our present
road money. But if we ever get
good roads we will have to pay for
them. If we were- allowed to go
a long from now uni il ‘Gabriel blows
bis horn” under our present road
system we would have no better
roads then than we now have-
A plan to apply oUr present
road funds) derived yearly, to a
special assessment connected with
the working of convicts would soon
lift ts out of the mud and make
good roads without much extra ex
Let us get busy on this subject
and take advantage of this great
oppertunitv, if it is one* and build
better roads in Uadecouhty.
This subject is worthy of con
sideration and we invite anyone
desiring to discuss it through the
paper to do so. A column of space
a vveek will bo devoted to the sub
ject and if you care to write more
it will be published as continued
matter. Wake up fellow-citizens
and let us see if there is anything
in this plan for tis. If so, let us go
after it
Will pay' bash for beeT hides de
livered at Drug store.
G: W; M. Tatum
The Sons of Rest fiinalfy defeated
the High school in a fi e game last
Friday afternoon. Scored to 3
A team made up of th j Sons of
Rest and Trenton High school
crossed hats here yesterdav with
Highland Park, TVnn.
The mixed locals proved to
many for the V dun teens and put
ilie fixing tot em, free an 1 tin m
ited, at the ratio o 16 to i
The Volunteer high a dnrs t:il
lahoed o t her*', bn af *r the game
was over and b-Us paid, some of
theOi hobog 1 hack.
The dull season for country news
paper for year DOS is posed. Fall
is coming with her rich harvest.
Watch The Times improve.
The new Steel bri ge across Look
out creek at the Pat likelier ford is
about complete. A day or two
none work on the main structure
vll tomplete it. Tin (nntract for
bin h ing approaches has beenj let
by Ordinary Reese and as soon as
they are fiuished the bridge will he
ready for use.
tl6L\ tt;fsd£x6alters and Seljiiks, ski
ing to a particular county is the small
In number to justify their economic
Use by the echhty to ree ive them,
permit any two or more counties to
join together consolidating their con
victs and allow them to work part of
the time in each county, the amount of
work in each county to he apportion
ed according to the'' number of con
victs each county has in the combine j
force. This plan of exchanging con
victs should be enlarged as far as pcs.
Fifth —The" state would retain
charge of the balance cf the con
victs. The state should have
two or more farms as a basis of op
eration. It might buy cne cr more
iron or coal mines.
Those convicts whose dangerous
character might render it advisable
that they be not worked upon the pub
lic roads should be retained by the
state and worked oh the farms or
in the mines.
Sixth— All the money derived from
thi3 time on from the hire of convicts
should be used to prepare td handle
these convicts which the state must
Seventh —Take some action provid
ing at least for the investigation and
report to the next legislature upon the
extension of the Western and Atlan
tic railroad by 4 the u o of convicts.
Atlanta, Aug. 2C.—ln a comprehen
sive and unanimous report, submitted
to the called session of the legislatmv
by the joint legislative investigating
committee, the state prison commis
siofa is condemned for its grave ng~
gleet of duty and responsibility for
the abuses of the convict lease system
is placed upon the shoulders of the
The report 'declares that while the
commissioners cannot escape the
heavy weight of responsibility for fail
ure to carefully attend to their duties
instead of delegating important re
fponslbilitios to subordinate officers,
there is no evidence of wilful wrong
doing nor of financial profit cut of the
. astern t<3 any member of the commifr-
Cures Colds; Prevents Pneumonia
w h hit
If fill ILi hJ KEG AKIM AO
bot particular about location,
sear ironi owner only who
ireot to buyer. Give price,
t ard state wiien possession
I. i\ddre v s,
IRE. F 9008 Rocterter, N. Y.
Special Attention Given to
Collections] amt Administrat ion
(Vf Estates.
For the Franklin Life Insur
ance Comp-my. Insure your
life and make it worth some
thing afte* death.
We write all forms of policies,
< dice TKENTON, Georgia.
Agent for all Legal Blanks at
lowest prices
Cave Springs
Dear Editoi : Have you a'litDe
space for Crickett this week?.
The candidates are making their
rounds in our community.
Miss Bettie Slay ion has returned
trom a weeks visit at Valley Head.
My.- and Mrs* Henry Forester
have motet! to Birmingham, Ala.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bradford are
Spending several days in Chatta
nooga, this Week*
Miss Jennie Bihle was with us a
short time Friday afternoon.
Mrs.Elza Forester visited rela
tive# near Byrd’s Chapel last week
Misses Lula and Lillie Forester
and Kffie Bradford were the guests
of Mrs. M. G. Bradford, of New
Salem, Sunday.
Mrs. A.- D. Forester was the
guest of Mrs. F. S. Guilin* Tuesday
With best wishes to The Times.
• Byrd’s Chapel
After a long illness, Jim Castle
berry died Saturday* of typhoid
Airs. R. \V, Thurman, of Tren
ton, lias returned home from a visit
to relatives here.
Miss Saliie Rice, of Fort P .yne,
is visiting relatives here.
Miss'Fannie Stewart Ins return
ed to Chattanooga after a two week
visit at home.
Miss Ola Stewart is sp nding her
vacation at home/
Tom Hnmic a fid family are
visiting relatives here.
Mrs. AnnKKe r , of Cumberland
Mtn. has returned home aDer a
weeks visit with the family ot
John fVMurph}\
Merchant, AV. L. Wilkinson
bought several frying chickens
Tuesday of Eph Page. Among the
lot is one that sings li a bird. It
follows a musical chord and whist
les sweet Strains of mtisic in pefect
concord, like a mocking bird.
There is nothing phe inal in
its makeup, being, from all appear
ance , just an ordinary chicken of
the common variety, but its gift of
song is something singular.
While ye Edithr was nosing
about Mr. Wilkinson ? s store look
ing for something to replentlsli the
inner man, lrs attention s it tret
• I
ed by the Chicken singing in the
coop* He bought it, not for its
musical accomplishments or to cage
or the odity of the thing, but for
the usual purpose and satisfaction
of gnaw ing the.meat from its bones j
when it is put thronsli the frying
pan process.
While the fowl might bring a
good sum of money With the circus
people, as a curosity, most likely j
it will have sang its last song be- I
fdre this is published, to the satis
faction of our chicken appetite.
There will be a meeting of the
Dtde County Farmers Union at
New England City on {Saturday
before the fourth Sunday in Sept
ember, at 10 O’clock A. M.
Every member is requested to he
present. Announcement authorized
by Lee Forester, Pres.
Cures Colds; Prevents PtisuKcab
1 will givecheaper prices than
usual during the Summer, f or
cash or its equivalent on all
Drugs,- gents furnishings and
Ice Cold Brinks Regular.
SKL am* 6U lb. field gun, light, strong, bard bitting, true, that's be fflarfb ■
Model Repeating Shotgun, tbe beat 16 gauge nun ■
For quail and pheasant shooting, woodcock, squirrels, rabbit* trej other ■
KL IJ , * YxSI field game you’ll find the ZZZar/cn Model / 6 without a peer.
AT Jfl Equipped, like the famous 77Zar/in Model 19, with the JZ2arZut I
n1 4a solid top, and the ZZZarZ//l closecbrjj breech belt, which shut- out the H
jfjtf *\ 4and . ra^n ’ deet anu snow from, the action, having tbe ffiariin •> 5
Ijffijgk ISapogft ejection and the beautiful Z7Zar/m balance, this gun is a standard m E
There's a full description of all 777ar/tfi repeaters, rifie, n- ,1 ■
. Bhot-f?uns, nnd lots of valuable information for all gun !o\, n. I
For Congress.
j iinin-- rii ii ami ■■mii niTiii-- i ■> ill •>'■ in i.
| For Judgpoi Superior Court Cher
okee Circuit
J n.lge A . W. Fite*
t mmm ■ ijw mthii
I . *
For Solicitor General of Clien ket
Oircui f.
Col. T. O Milner.
We are authorized to announce
the name of Hon. Lbe Bopfc of
j \Y i hlwood as a candidate for re
election as Representative of
j Dade County* He sa\s it elected
| 1 e will continue to serve tlw peo
-1 pie t > the best of ms r.hilitv.
hi T r-iv-nr i lnimi • T^~r~rr t n~ —pr~~r
We sire Authorized to announce tlie
mime ot flop, IV. V. Gfircton, of Rising
Fawn, as a ca ridhtfite for Represents* ti ve
of Dade County, subject to the action of
the Dtnioeraiic executive cninUnitee.
We are authorizod to announce
Win. O* Reese a?; a candidate for
|ro-olection to the Office of Orli
: onry of I Fide (Jon nty.
We are authorized to announce the nsnne
of W. P. Pace for re-election to the ofli< e
of Tax Collector
We are authorized to announce
the name of George W. Street .as a
candidate for Tax Collector of
Dade County*
We tire authorized to announce
the name of Matk Hale as a can
didate for re-electrOn to the office
of Coroner of Dado county.
For Treasurer.
We are authorized to announce (
tne name of R S Rodgers, of Tren*(
ton, as a candidate for re-election
to the office of County Treasurer.
We are authorized to announce the
name ot J honias G. Hughes ot Trenton, as
a candidate for Treasurer.
for Tax -assessor.
We are authorized to announce the
name of S. J. Ilale as a candidate for re
election to the office of Tax Assessor of
of Dade County.
tlraw’uig expert tearth and free report,
F.eo advice, how to obtain patents, trade : uaks,
copyrights, etc., j r A u coUNTRi E3.
JSttsine.'x direct 7rjt/i Washington saves time ,
money and often ihepatent.
Patent and infdngement Practice Exclusively.
1 .Vito or come to’ vs at
l.mth Stree'i, ojit*. United States Patent Office,
mm •'
For Tax Collector.
j We hi*h nntlfnrizcd to announce II
| Walen, of Wildwood, as a candidate fur
j Tax,Go!lector tor Dade Gounly.
i For Sheriff
j We tire authorized to adihtumu
tlie iitiinU of lb W. Thurman ns a
candidate fot re-election t the
office of slieiill
winm ~~ i' m I - —n —rr~n nrrmnr-Ti
FU ordinary.
To the (;itr£ens of Dade county?
After numerous solicitations 1 t , !>-
Cided to make the race for ordinait. olv
olije*! in announcing so earlv is to yite
tlie people fifne t<* make ineptit/ cfiftcrrh'
in" me. After Jkou have made careful iit
tesiijfrttien if ton find me deficient erfbrr
in cliararfer or ahililv to comlnci the t.n’ur
in decencv and order and to the ht si in
| terestsof the tax yPf; then Ido ml ask
j jour Support. Tlfos. J. Fiflbr.
We aie hereby authorized to announce
the name of Shad rick Hale as a c.nnli-
JlfHe for re-Hi'trtion to the* Office Of
fioi ( oui I U’ef k;
u.i*. ■ ttmovwt. . -%■- i
Young Men Prepare Your
selves For Good Positions.
On account of the new 8-hom law pa -"1
by coi 'jeress m I-e interest of teh-yra,-b* r-;
j and a s* on mmuiHt *>t so many new rail
roads Lein” built and Old lines ejftendcffi
an unusual ucmand for Operators has been
created. I 'wtuservali?6 Estimates have
jdaced the numher ot ndd'llomll (/ierai *1
tfiat ivili he requited die mxt tell
montbs hi apjiroxiinalel v ifOjiMtO.
PORI UNI rvf Enroll in 6ur school N"\f
and it) only four to six month* we w"
ha ve you qualified for splendid posh ions
Telegraph Operators receive from up
wards. Our school has been establish* *■
twenty years; its equipment is perfect,, in
struction thorough and practical,
positively guaranteed our gradtiifffs. •
in Newnan is very eluap, the
healthful and the }eople are coidial. 1"”
Main Line hail road wires run into <"iY
school roajßs. No other school in >‘t
United Stales has Sftt-li up-to-date am.
practical facilities for the bene lit *‘f |!h
sttuibnts. V\ rite hi tmee for free, descrip
tive literature.
Southern School of Teles*
raphy, Newnan, Gl
Combination Ofl'eri
The best offer that enn
be made for the i? ]
Times and gouthern
one year forjust 75e; T Lin ' 1 ’ !
will apply on renewal oi subscrip
tions. Now is tbe tihW 1° r
advantagejof this offer and get id
two paper." for ls?s than tlie *' si
of one. Fill out the blank he *
and mail it tons novvi
Editor Times,
Trenton, Ga.
nclosed find post-office mom)
order for 75c fot which please *eitd
me The Ti*nes aiid Bouilihrn Ag'.
culturist for one year.
. ;