The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, September 04, 1908, Image 2

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DADE COUNTYTIMES —PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY— HUNT & TATUM, Proprietors H:\FS. TATUM, Editor OFFICIAL ORGAN OFDADF COUNTY Entered Post Office "at.[Tienton Ua., as second class mail matter. Terms SI.OO per year in advancf. Advertising rates reasonable and will be &ade known upon application. All communications must be actompa me with the real name of the writer." Address all correspondence to The Times, Trenton, Ga. Why not elect T. J. Lumpkin Commissioner of Pensions? We can ‘do it by every citizen in the coun ty writing a personal letter to all their friends over the state request ing them to vote and use their in fluence for him. This the first time in the history of Dade a citizen of the county has aspired for an office higher than that of State Senator, and we should take a pride in doing all iu our power to elect this candidate. r Sit down now and write every body you know over the state in (hir behalf. A com mi tee hits been appointed by Rev. H. K. Allison for the pur pose of devising way and means by which the Methodist church builbing at this place can be over hauled or rebuilt and placed in condition for use once more. Citi zens of the tow n and surrounding .country regardless of chuech affili ations have been requested to serve ;on the commitee and lend their -every aid possible to reconstruct the building. Chairman W. L. Wilkinson of the commitee, states that they have met twice to consider a plan to work by but so far nothing de finate has l>een agreed upon. A sub commitee has been selected, w hich will be know n as the building com mitee. to settle on a plan and spe cifications. It is hoped that this plan will be carried toafinish and the house rebuilt at an early date. The Atlanta Georgian, of Wed dnesday, asks the question; Are the people of Georgia blind to the fact that Representative and Sen ator Brock were the heads of the commitee that had the welfare of Georgia’s convicts in their keeping and they are the team who have tried to perpetuate convict letsing in Georgia? In asking this ques tion the Georgian, the leading news paper of the state in exposing the lease system and carrying on the fight against its being perpetuated makes thc-declaration that Senator &rock is one of the team, yoked with Representative Holder, who have used their positions and in fluence to perpetuate the system with its cruelties and convict sla very the disgrace of the state and loss ol money to it. This is a serious reflection against the honor and integrity of our Sen ator and if true places him in a bad light before the people. If it is untrue the* Senator should- vindi cate himself and place the people in the right light. The Georgian should not be so amxious to con demn these geptlemen unless it knows woat it is talkihg about. In this weeks sssue, under the head of good roads, G.W. Bible: of Sulphur Springs, in res ponce to our request ol last week, gives Lis views on the subject. He states in the beginning of his i rticlethat he has not studied the advisability of working convicts on public roads. Tqal is just the point. We know the people have not thougnt much about the plan, which is alnmt to be enacted into law l>y the extra te. m of the legislature*, now in ses sion, to abolish the present lease svste m #d‘ place the con v Vets' qn the public roads. It is highly pro- they wll be dealt with in Good _Roads Mr. Editor: I see in youa last issue of The Dade Counny Times you invite the citizens to give their ideas on the practibilitv of work ing the convicts on the public roads I wish to say in the beginning that I am in favor of buslding good roads by the best means at hand. I am not prepaired to say anything in regard to woikihg convicts, for I have no experience in that line but some of Dade county’s good citizens could, and 1 hope will, take up and discuss that question in The Times, What I do know is that under our presedt system of working the public roads in Dade county we will be thirty or forty years in building up our valley roads, and some of our by-roads leading to the mountains will never be any better than they are now, tor the wear and washing of these roods removes each year the work that is done. I can see some improvement in our valley road in the last fifteen years, but the improvement is so little each year that at the present iate v\e will not have good roads in ihi h generation. I would favor some plan by which W 9 could build good roads at once and let future generations help pay for them, as they would profit by them probably more than we would While I know a great many cit izens aae opposed to bonding the county, or to going in debt, they will also oppose the working of con victs, if by so doing it would incre ase their taxes, yet I would favor any practicrl method that would make good roads. My observations and experience teaches me that every thing in this world that is worjh anything, costs something, and as a rule, the things that are worth most, cost most. We must prepair ourselves and make up our minde ttiat we will have to pay for good roads or do without tnem. I am satisfied that Dade county could pike hex roads and pay for them in five years, that is reay a profit equal to the cost of the roads, by enabling her citizens to get to market with bet ter loads, get to market quicker and also to market prod :ce that now goes to waste, and to raise and market o tlier prod ce not now raised. G. W. Bible that way and if they are each cou nty will have an opportunity to get a share of them to use in build ing up their public roads. This will incur an extra road tax but presents an opportunity of get ting lietter roads built by them, perhaps cheaper than they coal 1 otherwise be built. If so, we wait to consider the matter thoroughly and be ready to get our share of them for that purpose by the time they are let out. If roads can be built by convict labor cheaper than otherwise, let us have them, if not, then let us adopt another plan. Give us your views on the subject. The Seventh Congaessional dis trict convention met atChickamau ga last Saturday and notified Hon. Gordon Lea of Ins nomination to ihe Sixty first congress. Anew committee was chosen for the en suing two years. Many brilliant talks were made and a most excell ent barbecue dinner was served by Mr. Lea, in which at least fifteen hundred men and women imbided. The occasion was a most success ful one and greot euthuaism was displayed for Mr. Lee and the dem oe ratio party. Bryan, Brown, and Lee were heartily indorsed by the convention Mr. Lee made an able address in accepting the nomination. He showed what he has done as a con gressman for his constituancy since lie lias been in congress and it is a most brilliant and successful work. Judge M use Wright and Hon. John W. Maddox made fine ad dresses in which the uit’ed Hie people to support the nominee ' ' ■■ ' ■■ ■■■ -- To The Citizens and Vote's of Dade County ' In announcing myself as a candi date for re-election to the office of Ordinary, I feel that I am not a stranger no but very few men in the count) 7 , as I have been a citizen of the county for the past-thirty live (35) years. It may not be possible for me to see every voter before the election in October, therefore I shall rely upon my friends in all sections of the conn? ty that have sup orted me in the pact elections. I have no fairy promises to make, to hold out to the intelligent voters that have trusted me in the past. My able opponent would have you believe that I have held the office for two full terms, such you know is not true. In fact I feel that I have discharged the duties of the Ordi nary fairly, impartially, and with out fear or favor to any man or section of the county. When I wa- elected a little over four (4) years ago to fill an pired term, your county was in debt over three thousand (!}3,00.f) dol lars, and your court house was in falling down condition. The debt has been paid off and your court house was overhauled and put in first class order within one year my election. On my re-elec tion fora term of four years I first had built a modern steel bridgt near Rising Fawn, in 1903-7. In August 1907 I contracted for tak ing down and {rebuilding the old jail, an 1 putting in modern steel cages and sells which have been completed and Dade county now has a comfortable jail with four cell* that will, if nessary, accomodate sixteen prisoners confortably. The steel bridge at Pathkelier ford is now being erected and will be com pleted before this is read by the public. In, all 1 can truthfully sayHlijit I have had made more substantial impiovements for the .county loan had b j en made by iy oi my pre decessors within the past tlcii > fceven years, and not one dollar <i county sciip has luji-n discounted that 1 have issued and ail fun scrip lias been pmmp’lv paid nui -ng mv administration of you count,’ alf airs. 1 am pleased to say that t lie county is out of debt and now lias sufficient funds on hand th mee> all current expenses. The tor the coming year shall he as low a> possible to meet actual requisement of the county. I feel that I have discharger! mv duty to the best interest of every citizen of the county and I leave it to the judgement of the fair and impartial voters in the coming el ection. There has been some very unfriendly criticism heaped upon me for exercising my judgement as the law provides. To this, I have no apologies to make when I consider the fact that Dade county . IthoEgh over seventy years of age as hnever enjoyed the distinction of having or owning a public bridge, hence the rivalry that arose over the location of a county public brh ge that will soon be an improve ment of utility to the citizens of the county. I feel that whether I am elected or defeated, 1 h ve not been a drone in discharging my duties to t se best at of ev citizen that has a pride and inter est in the upbuilding o' the county public utilities. If re-eiected f as I hope to bp, 1 promise lo faithfully discharge the duties of the office and give fair vV. G. Morris* n was chosen committeeman Irom Da e county by the convention that indorsed Bryan and others. Not withstand ing this endorsement, Mi. Morrison says “Bryan is like an old worn out turning plow.’ 5 He has run mi long he is worn out. llis point is dull as it were ane tee people have made a mistake in nominating hint again for the presidency. Ibis mist come with good grace Iron; a com mit temun by a con vpji lion which tndorged Sir. Bryan’s candi * * T- RUSSELL F. TATUM LAWYER. Special Attention Given to Collections [and Administration ol Estates. AGENT JJJFor the'*Franklin|Life Insur ance Company. Insure your life and make it worth some thing after death. We write all forms of policies. Office Trenton, Georgia. Agent for all Legal Blanks at lowest price. and impartial service to allacco cl ing to law, coupled with my fiest judg riient um five years of valu able experience as your Ordinary. I feel grateful to my friends for renewed expressions of confidence and will greatly appreciate your continued support. Now, in conclusion, I will say a word to my worthy opponent in re gard to his announcement ns aj - pears in The Dade County Times. It is a fact that every word of the Englisn language has a meaning, constrndt it as you may. Mr. Thomas Jeflerson Fuller, of Wauhatchie, in his aide announce meat for the office of Ordinary of Dade county, as appears in The Dade County Times, announced under th§ name of the great fathee of Democracy, saying in part, “IF ELECTED he will iiuntiif OFFICE WITH SOME DECEN CY.’' This, of course, may he de lusive to the unsuspecting voter. Toni, with his experience as a standing candidate of many years for t lie various offices of Dade cou nty, should lemembr that Dade county canilnt afford a jiuitor to sweep the floors, dust and takeout the cuspidors as there are too many other incidentals to care for. Tom, as he is better known about Wan hatchie, informs the good citizens of the County of Dade that he only desires the office of Ordinary be cause he is not physically ablt to provide his family by manual labor (Don't )<u pity little Ton in his disparity? The old soldiers would call this pleading the baby act to perfection.) I guess he Ims often in bis meditations wish A he was a ‘*gal' T baby and a red headed one nt that. Tom is an epi cure when it cone s to i tinning for what, he consider- a fa* *■ fii e. Tl<* • s nothing short about Tom, not e\en his thirst for office. Very respect full y, Win. O. Reese. FOR PENSION COMMISSIONER Dr. T.Lumpkin is a candidate for Pension Oommissoner. Under a recent act of the legts'a ture the office to which Dr. Lump kin aspires to fill was created, and he thiuks it should be filled by a ton federate vetran. We are pleased toag:ee with him on that point and there is no doubt but that the voteis of the State will also. The office should be filled by an able man from the ranks of thase brave soldiers who did the fighting, and in our opinion, knowing our fellow cit/.en as we do, there is no one moie worthy and capable of filling t':e office with credit to himself and state than is he. 111 ehoves every patriotic citizen of m rth Georgia, and especially Dade county, to lend every honor able assistance possible toward se en ring his election. The main'rea sons are because he is a vetran, a citizen of* Dade county, worthy, and well qualified. Dade county has never had an office filled by one other citizens higher than that of State Senator and she has always gone her limit on every occasion to help aspirants for the fat jobs of the state that has l>ecn dished out to them, as they came ailing, since the county was organized, and that too, without a claim before now having been presented for an office for one of her citizens, higher than the one above mentioned. The north Georgia counties should now begin to show their ap preeiation of their little “runt” IE Wd #un, light, strong, hard hutm*. tnfe. thcr*tl Ufw A * *- AM jF; SB Equipped, like the famous fflar/in Model 19. With tkc Tftrr^r £L aolid top. and the fflar/ist dosed-in breech boit, which .hutT?T /Jm ' \ •and. rain, Sleet and snow from the action, having the Z£ 7 -4 J . V ft yw # ejection and the beautiful fflasr/fsi balance. tL* gun is a sUikWl*^ # jP assembling quick response to the touch of the trigg/” There’s a full description of all UTatfln re neuter* - Bhot-guna. and lots of valuable information for all TANARUS; HUM the Book” lost s*njed. 13 page* with a tuuud, .. sister, Dade, who lirs rlwnys li lp ed the family, when they needei help, with a sisterly devotion an< without a muamer, and rally t the cause of this worthy son an kinsman and help secure liis e.u tion. i: : A number of members on Jr th cldcs cf the capfft I were even dlseursing the probability of the session extend ing beyond the October election and the necessity off suing a call f< r a~i extrann--Unary srgticn cf the newly, e’.e cte and 1 egis la tur e. At’ahta, Fopt. 3. —'Timed w tho hcu.-e took up the Ferry bill, which ends, by con tite.tiorei amend ment, ti e s it -ui \ i fc a vhr.v to voting up< r it. As the Alexacher bdl, it was rasr-Cd by ft 1 rgc >• ic at the regular se.aioii. Ti;e:e were a number cf amend ments' offered and much debate on each until Mr. Perrons of Monroe, called the previous question on the measuro and amendments. The amendment ending the Base system Dv>c. 01, was lost, as was thrt by Mr. Blackburn, of Fulbr.n, to levy a tax of ore-half cf one mill for T&)9 and 19-10 for tne convict fund. The amendment by Mr. Alexander of E-e Kalb, seeking to end the lea e at a time to be. fixed by the bill, was taken up. Mr. Hall cf Bibb, callei the aje and nav vote and it was V>st. by Mr. L'£,„n limiting the lease to December 31., ami providing for contract labor, v. n i l * lest on a call, by Hall of Bilb, cf the ayes aa 1 nays. Another Filibuster. “The v.uterrlt fed thh ty- ix’’ of pr> bibiticn aided and alerted by a nu nber cf recruits, put through an other successful filibuster in the 1 u c 'l'uc - ay mcrn’ng, ostensibly to keep from having an afternoon s-e.-xien. but which had tie effect of niece rfully, it is declared, of defeating the effort to have the con vict lea? o ?yeU?i -eu-Tj ed, at a fixed time, by comtlUvhmol amendment. Tie ext;a scraicn and the convict loose questjcn are getting to be most wearisome to the public as well &3 th a member.; of the legird it-ire. It is safe bo say that every member on botli sides of the capital is pro foundly we ry cf tho intrrmivibte debate. Cr.e member o' the senate, aaM •I have heard so much talk about convict 3 that 1 ain#>st dream of wear- 1 ing stripes.” Some solution cf the irablem that will enable the irenbers to wind up the se:lion’s business ar.d go home, will be welcomed gialefuliy. MYSTERY DEEP AS EVER. Veil May Never Be Lifted in Atlantic City Sheeting. Atlantic City, Sept. 1. —The condi tion of Charles E. Roberts, of Haiti rr>jre, who was dangerously shot last Wednesday night on the board walk, is Laid to be much improved at the city hospital. The mystery surrounding the shoot ing is still as deep as ever and the impression is gaining ground that tho veil will never-be lifted. Mrs. W. S. U. Williams has returned to her home near Baltimore, but Mrs. Rob erts, wife of the victim, is still in this city. Deficit of $2,000,000. Lisbon. Aug. 31. —'The chamber of deputies has passed the budget which estimates the deficit at $2000,000. Em igration and arbitration treaties with the United States also have bees adopted. * BOOKST^yCREDIT The Frankln-Tarner Cos., Atlanta, 6a. PATENTS • * • ; -*• v•*,**'_ ;' s " 4 \ • * V l ' - ’ * promptly ofouWfl tn all countries, or NO FEE. TRADE-MARK.*, Cave.iUj and Copyrights recla tered. Ncun Sketch, Model or Photo, for freo report on patentability, ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, Patent practice exclusively, t-inrpaaaihg relerehces. Wideawake inventors {should have cm- hand !l ? ad patents, What in- L* pay.JHowtC get a part ncr.jtndother valuable Information. fc< nt tree to any address. D. SWIFT ft CO. 501 Seventh i>t., Washington, D. C.j I ANXOI NC i MM.Iv For Ccrgretp. HON. (JORDON LEE. For Judge ol Superior Court CUr. okoe Circuit JuJge A. W. Fite. For Solicitor General of Chen ke (Lieu!*. Col. I. C M iloer amHmmmmmmvmammmmmmmmnrnmmi iu FOR REPRESENTATIVE. IVr* are Mtifhoiizeii to antmtincM the name of Hon. lee |om* ,>f W i bl wood as a candidate for re election ?s Representative <f Dade (county. He says if elertvij fie will continue to serve th*- neo. pie to tfie l)esf of his afiilitv. "fojTih^prkse^^ Me are autliorizec? to announce the name of Hon. \V. W. Oureton, of Kiciiig Fawn, as a cainlilaft* fi.r Hepresenifttire of Dade Coimtr, subject to the action of the Democratic executive commiilee. Will. O. REESE We are thorizod to announce Win. O* Reese fts a candidate for re-election fo-tfio Office 'of Ordi nary of I>adc (bujnty. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. Yl e are authorized to announce the name of YV. P. Pace for' re-election to the otiu e of Tax Collector FOR TAN COLLECTOR. VVmo {iniliorizetl fo nnnounrtt I lie name r>f (*r g't* \V. Street hn r-iinn iik-Ttc for 'fax Collector of Ib.le County.* We a t;o hut the mime of Mark Hale a cure il'nbtV for re.p feet ion fo the ofiicn oi Coroner of f)acb* ennrttv. nanrnwa, iibhiwi .i Treasnrer. We are authorized to annoiinra tne name of K S Rodpp if, of Treu ton, as a candidate for re-ekctioii to the otlire of Comity Treasurer. IOR TREASURER. We me authorized to announce the name of 1 liornax (, Hughes of Tienloii,<*s a candidate lor Treasurer. FOR TAX ASSESSOR. We are authorized to announce lb* name of S. J. Hale as a candidate for re election to the office of Tax Assessor of of Dade County. For Tax Collector. We are authorized to announce ibigb Walen. of Wildwood, as a candidate f° r Tax Collector for Dade County. For Sheriff We are authorized to announce the name of R. W. Thurman as a candidate for re-election to the offic^ofsheri^^^^^^^ iMßßßsi) | FOR OR DINAR V. To the citizens of Dade county: , After numerous aolicitations 3 i ,ave ‘. e cided to make die race for ordinary. - ■ object in announcing so early is 1° the people time to make inquiry ng me. After you have made careful in ye.stgation if yon tint! me dt-licion iu chaiacter or ability to conduct uie < *- R in decency and order and to die best 1 lerefits of the tax payer, then 1 ‘ your support- Tlio.. FOR SF PI. FI IOR COURT CiFbK We are hereby authorized to !,,,m U ‘ lC the name of Shad rick J. Hale as a t date for re-election to the office of rior Court Clerk. WANTED 'bs*w IF <rj*js§ SSusittS®** for sate. Not particular about Wish to bear now oxvno* only will sell direct to bu.. *-. GivL£ s iotf description ud Ktuta * -?n possess** can be had. Address, V, L DARBTSH/RE, box 999* jlyhcdf. n.