Newspaper Page Text
HUNT & TATUM, Proprietors
K. F. TATUM, Editor
-4—■ ——
Entered af the Post Office at i # Trenton
Oa., as second class mail matter.
T ■ :
' Terms SI.OO per year in advance.
Advertising rates reasonable and wilt be
known upQn application.
j . ■ '
All communications most be accompa
jcie with tire rtEah name of the writer."
n Address all correspondence to The
Times, Trenton, Ga.
■ Hon. William J. Bryan, Dem'
acratic nominee for the pres
idency, has made an appeal
to the Democrats of the cou
ntry for contributions to the
Democratic campaign fund,
suggesting that Democratic
newspapers act as solicitors
and forwarding agents in
their localities. THE TIMES
will recieve all contributions
and promptly forward them
to the treasurer of the Nat
ional Democratic Campaigm
■HIIiWIIWHH 111 l 111 ill 111 fliuiM—JU | || | ■
Come to court next week.
“All is quiet along tlie Potmoac”
Superior Court and Candidates
fwill be the order of the time next
£ -
If you contribute to the
Campaign fund send or
hand your donation to the Editor
oj The Times or send it direct to
the Secratary of the Democratic
National Campaign Committee at
Ivin coin, Nebraska.
The most disgraceful sight one
ever sees in this town is a number
of young boys, not yet in their
teens, with cigarettes in their
mouths. A boy behind a cigarette
is a fit subject for the reform school.
There are many striking examp
les hf the value of good roads.
Wherever roads have been perma
nently improved it is found that
there has been a very great incre
ase in value of adjacent property.
To refuse the paper at the post
office is simply a cowardly way of
insulting the editor, and thus to
refuse it when you are indebted to
it only doubles the insult.
An unoccupied man cannot be
happv, nor can one who is improp
erly occupied, We have swarms of
idlers among us, that is men and
boys who pursue no useful occupa
tion, and sponge their way, often
enjoying the luxuries of life, living
upon the hard earnings of others.
In thi" grand and glorious country
no one need be without an honor
able occupation.
I extend a cordial invitation to the inhahirants of the State of Dade
to call on me when in Chattanooga and inspect my stock of Sewing
machines. Peerless patterns, Scissors and Shears, Hall's llorchert Dress
Forms, Needles, Attachments and all parts for all machines.
When yourold machine needs repairing send it to me. When you
want anew machine come to me.
MACHINES FROM 52.50 TO $50.00.
Domestic, \\ hite, Davis, New Home Standard, Crown Souder, Yimlex
Special, Goodrich B. Wilcox, Repeton and Hibbard Tree.
6 **£'l Market Street. Sign; The P-aloon and Souder.
An unlimited stock of the right goods.
Wilt buy if you see them Prices are
guaranteed to be satisfactory for cash or its
In addition to the disfranchise
ment amendment to the Constitu
tion of Georgia which will be voted
on in the general election to be held
Tuesday, Nov. 2, the veters will
also take action on an amendment
to the pension laws. Following is
a proclnmotion issued by Governor
Smith, giving the act passed by the
last general assembly which will
either be ratified or rejected by the
voters in November.
By His Excellency, Hoke Smith;
Governor of Georgia, Execusive
Department, Atlanta, Aug. 24,
Whereas, The General Assembly
at its session in 1908, proposed an
amendment to the Constitution of
this State, as follows:
Section 1. Be it enacted by the
General Assembly of Georgia, and
it it hereby enacted by authority of
the same. That paragraph 1 sec
tion 1 article 7, of the Constitution
of the State, be and the same is
hereby amended by the adding at
the end of said paragraph the fol
lowing: To make provision for the
payment of pensions toanyex-Gon
federate soldier, now resident of
this rtate, or who unlisted in the
military services of he Confeder
ate states, di ring the civil war, be
tween the states of the United State
and who pergormed actual military
service in the armies of the Confen
crate States, or the organized mili
ta of this state, and was honorably
discharged therefrom, and to wid
ows, now resident of this state, of
ex-Confederate Roldiers who enlist
ed in the military service of tlie
Confederate States, and who per
formed octual military service in
the armies of the (Ton federate states
or in the organized militia of this
state, who died in said military
service, or was henorably clinch arg
ed therefrom; provined that no per
son shall he entitled to the provis
ions of this constitutional amend
ment, the total value of whose pro
perty of every discretion, includ
ing money and ehoses of action,
shall exceed fifteen hundred dollars
and provided further that onlv
those widows who were married to
such ex-soldier previous to the
year 1870 shall ho entitled to th.*
provisions of this Constitutional
anendment. No widow of a soldier
billed during the war shad be de
prived of her pension by reason of
having subsequently married an
other veteran who is dead, unless
she recieves a pension on account
ot being the widow of such second
Now, therefore I, Hoke Smith,
Governor of said State, do issue
this my proclamation hereby decla
ring that the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution is
submitted for ratification or rejec
timi to the voters of the Statu q ,al
ifiied to vote for members of the
General Assembly, at the general
election to be held on Tuesday Nov
3rd, 1908
HOKE SMITH, Governor.
A report on the fossil iron ores
of Georgsa has just been published
by the State Geological Depart
ment. The report is w ritten by
S. W. McCollie, Stote geologist.
This is the lourth teport on the
natural resources of the State,
woich has been issued by the Geo
logical Department during the pre
sent year, 1908, and is an evidence
oi the active interest which the de
partment is taking in the develop
ment of Georgia’s resources.
The fossil iaon ore of Georgia is
a hematite, occurring in the coun
ties of Dade, Walker, Chattooga,
Whitfield and Catoosa. The ore is
distinguished by its containing ab
undant remains of organisms, shells
etc., which existed in the seas dur
ing the geological period in which
the rocks containing the ore was
deposited, and hence the , name
“fossil” iron ore. Those ores have
in the past and will continue to be
one of the most valuable mineral
resources of tlie State. The author
estimates that the aggregate length
or the ore outcrop is 175 miles artd
that the ore tonnage must conse
quently be enormous. The report
gives an excellent account of the
general geology of the ores and
their probable origin, and detailed
description of the developments
which have taken place.
Copies of the book may be had
by pay ment of the postage,. 1(3 cents
upon application toS. W. McCallie
State Geologist, Atlanta, Ga.
Will pay cash for beef hides de
livered at Drug store.
C. \V. M. Tatum
$ 1,000.00
Contest opened Sept. Ist, 1908.
Closes February 28th, 1909.
The Journal Cos. has appropriated
this Ohe Thousrnd ($1,000) Dol
lars in cash to be divided among
the agents who do the best work
in addition to the usual cash com
mission. We want an active, hust
ling agent at every post-office thr
oughout the south and on every
rural route.
For full particulars of the con
test, terms to agents, outfit, sample
copies, etc. write
The Serai-
Weekly Journal
Atlanta, -6a.
.YOUNG MEN! If you want to
know why you should become tel
egraph operators and what school
to attend, write to SOUTHERN
Newman, free Catalog‘A”
EVERY BOY should read it. Pos
itions postively guaranteed.
Gentlemen of the grand jury
look out for the man who is going
to try to control you.
Don’t forget to write that letter
to your friends in Dr. Lumpkin’s
behalf for Commissioner of Pensions
Don’t loose sight of the opportu
nity we offer to give your views on
the subject oj good roads. Let the
public have the benefit of your
Sit down now and write out your
views oh good road building and
send it ti us for publication.
If perchance, a copy of this paper
should fall into the hands of any
who are in search eta new location,
a place where church, school and
social advantages are given empa
sks r and where you can five out
your alloted number of years with
out fear of pestilence or famine,
we say, like one of old, “Come thou
with us and we will do thee good,”
\\ ihtcut emphasis on the “do”
Special Attention Given to
Collections and Administration
ol| Estates.
For the Franklin Life Insur
ance Company. Insure your
life and make it worth some
thing after death.
We write all forms of policies.
Office Trenton, Georgia.
Agent for all Legal Blanks at
lowest price.
A great religious wave is sweep
ing over our little valley and much
good is being accomplished. Luge
crowds attend the tent meetings
from this place. Lev. N cFarland
has announced services until Suh
day night.
Mr. Porter is running a syrup
mill near this place.
J. C. Metcalf, of Morganville,
is visiting Mr. H. D. Thomas.
Eattelle Ala
Mr. (f. G. Green spent Friday
in C hattanooga.
W. H. Chadwick spent Sunday
with his daughter, Mi's. J.
Miss Beulah Fuller spent Tues
bay in Valley Head.
Mr. J. C. fowling, of Lynchburg
Ya., spent Saturday and Sunday
with Mr. G. G. Green.
Mrs. W. W. Ragon visited in
Kaolin, Tuesday.
Messrs Will Fuller and Robert
Scruggs made a business trip to
Sulphur Springs, Tuesday.
George O’Neal, of Sulphur Spr
ings, was in Battelle, Friday.
Ben Stinson visited his cousin q
Misses Fannie and Josie Fuller
Joe Webb went to Head River
Saturday to pitch a game of base
ball team at that place,
Mr. J. F. Gaulding spent Friday
ixi Chattanooga.
Frank Scruggs was in Kaolin
A number of young people
this place visited the Sorghum mill
of Mr. Young, at Kaolin, Tuesday
night. All report a nice time.
Rising Fawn
Lynn Allison is in Some >< t, K}’
Mrs. Toni D. Johnson has return
mi to Bii niingham.
George Slaughter has accepted a
position at Sugar Hill, Ga.
Mis. Mary Me Amos, of Decatur,
Ala., is with her sister, Mrs. \V. P.
Misses Edna and Bessie Curtton
leave Saturday to resume their
studies at Maitha Washington Col
Mesdames J. R. Brock, J. R.
Allison, T. P, Johnson and Mies
Maude Brock attended the ball
game at New England, Saturday.
Dr. Thompson, ot Martha Wash
ington College, was here last week.
Mrs. L. D. Fricks, of Fi. Stanton
N. M. is expected here soon.
Col. R. F. Tatum and wile were
the expected guests of Mrs. G. H.
.Jacoway, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. MS Allison and
Mr. and Mrs, Raht have been to
Mentone Ala.
Mrs. McJunkin and family are
visiting in Tennessee.
Mis.E. AT Allison has been visit
ing relatives in Valley Head.
The revival services at the Bap
tist church are growing in interest
Dr Ballevv is a forceful and impres
sive speaker, ami thoroughly able
The Sulphur Springs picnic Fri
day eventng was ouo of the most
enjoyable of the season, The party
consisted of Mesdames Rrock, Alii
son, and Johnson, Misses Lucy
Pittman, May" Bessie and Grace
Cuieton. Maude Brock, Kathleen
anil Henrietta W hite, Messrs Col
yar Tatum, F, M. Pittman, J L.
W hite, W. W'- Cureton, E, L. Alli
son. J. I*. Bred, Jr, and Tom
Sn ith, Jr.
' The Times’ Clubbing Offer
With Other Papers
Read the List
The Tunes one year SJ.CO
American Fsumer. one year, . , 50
The Times, one year SI.OO
Southern Agriculturist 50
The Times, one year SLOO
The Toledo Weekly 81ade.... LOO
$2 00
The Times, one year SI.OO
The Commoner, (iJryan'n) .... 1.00
The Times, one year sr.oo
The Atlanta Semi-Weekly Jour
nal SI.OO
'1 he Times, one \ ear SI.OO
Chattanooga Weeklv New-. .SI.OO
i'his is n complete and attractive
list, at the cheapest possible juice.
Look it over and send in your or
der. Address, The Times, Trenton,
Mr. John White, of 38 Highland Ave,,
Houlton, Maine, says: “Have been tr< üb
leA with a rough every winter and spring
Last winter I tried many advertised rem
edies, but the cough continued until I bou
ght a 50c. bottle of I)r. King’s New Dis
covery; before that was luilt gone, the cou
gh was all gone. This winter the same hap
py result was followed" a few doses once
more banished the annual cough. I am now
convinced that Dr. King’s New Discovery
is the best of all cougo and lung remedies.”
Sold under guarantee by all druggists
50c. sytd SLOO. Trial bottle tree.
P. J. Daly, of 1247 W. Congress St.,
Chicago, tells of a way to become strong.
He says: “Mv mother, win -is old an 1 wass
very feeble, is deriving so much benefit
from Electric Bitterthat I feel it’s my
duty to tell those who need a tonic and
strengthening medicine admit it. In mv
mother’s case a marked gain in flesh has
lesnlted, insoman in lias been overcome, and
she is steadily growing taronger ” Electric
Bitteis quickly remedy stomach, liver and
kidney complaints. Sold under guarantee
by ail druggists. 50c- per bottle.
— i m
J. C- Goodwin, of Reidsville, N. C , says
“I’ucklen’s Arnica Salve is a sure-enough
knocker for ulcers. A bad one came on my
leg last summer, but that wonderful salve
knocked it out in a few rounds. Not even
a scar remained.” Guaranteed f>r piles,
sores, burns etc. 25c. at all Druggists.
I have used Dr. King’s New Life Pills
for many years, with increasing satisfaction
They take tlie kinks out of stomach, liver
and bowels, without hiss or fiidaon,” says
N. IT, Brown, of Pittsfield, Yt. Guaranteed
atisfactoiy by all Pmggius. 2fe.
All persons within the city lim
its, subject to road duty, are here
by notified to report to Uriah-Cas
tleberry on public square by eight
O’clock. Sept. 28th. 1008. For the
purpose of working the streets ol
the town of Trenton.
Board of Town Commissioners
©ures. Gbids; Prevents Pneumonia
and heats Stan ds
NiNO L X Cl: M \[’\\
- _ . % 4 • V h
for Goagret*
For Judge ot Snpeih>r rm>vt r ilV
<>ke*e Circuit
A. \V. Fite.
I'or Solicitor Genern! of CT io „ ,,
to], T. C Milnef.
Wi' are ntlm. iz-,1 t„
he i.nn.P ol lion. |,. e n "J
j W lid wood as a candidate for
election as Representative
Dade Coiiiity. He If
he will eonf tone to serve th* n
i pie t:> the best of his ability. ' e °*
We are authorized to announce t | le
name of Hon. W. W. Oureton of e;
Fawn, as a candidate for llepresentafj,"
° f lh " ] Utmntv. Subject to the o *
the !>♦ mopratic executive comiuiiu*.
W '
VYc arc ntg borizi and hi annotrr,p
W in. O* Recite ;,s a canditbite f nr
re-elect ion to the Office of Onli
nary of Dade Bounty.
We are authorized to amiounw tl. nan.e
of W. P. Pace for re-election to the
of Tax Collector
We are authorized to announce
the name of George W. Street as
candidate for Tax Collector of
Dade Countv.l OPSI
We are authorized to announce
the name of Mark Hale ns a can.
dida k e for re-election to the office
of Coroner of Dade county.
For Treasurer. •
w* arc authorized to announce
tne name of R S Rodgers, of Tren
ton, as a candidate for re-election
to the office of County Treasurer.
IN e ate authorized to announce the
name of I in-mas (. Hughes of Trenton,as
a Candidate for Treasurer.
ccrvsKxve* e.-uaur wrMEßaapaßnrgHaaaaaa
FOR Tax a> lessor.
We are authorized to announce the
name of S. J. Hale as a candidate for re
election to the office of Tax Assessor of
of Daile ( omity.
For Tax Collector.
We are authorized to anno re 11 ugfi
Walen, of Wildwood, as a candidate f"*
Tax t .'oiledor lor D,.de Goiinty.
ii.iMMl iiii, i u * i
For Sheriff
AVe are authorized to announce
the mime of R. \Y. Thm man as a
candidate for re-election to the
office of sheriff.
To the citizens of Dade countv:
Afnr nnnier-ms solicitations 1 liave'*-
cidcd to make Ihe race for ordinary. Ay
object io announcing so earlv is to p ive
the people time to make inquiry coiio n
ng me. After you have made caret id in
vestigation if y-o find me defieiei t Ht
in chiacter or ability to cnndui t the 1 f "
in and order and to the ‘ ’
t* rests of the tax payer, then I ‘l”*"’ ‘
)our support- Thns.J. lkr '
for superior court i l l [:K -
We are hereby authorized U’ ' ,,1)
the name of Shad nek J. Hale as a 1 < ,n
dale for re-election to the dice of , ,I l >e
rior Court Clerk.
-, jsr -aearar aw*' ** ****
far children; *af* JOZ