Newspaper Page Text
York City.—Every fresh de
so%\ n( 0 f the one-piece feature
ff!o!)1 'V-itli enthusiasm, and this
j s met v>llu
woiise is one of the prettiest yet
to have appeared. It is absolutely
glmple, involving very little labor
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In ? lG ma king and absolutely no;ie
j. t-e ikting, while it is adapted to
tn , Seasona!;)le waistings, and both
... f gown and to wear with the
. f s ' in this ease it is made of
i ‘ d belding silk, and
extensively used this
J l '"' 11 lor s hirt waists as well as for
™ ents of more formal dress.
a is made in one piece
t*UQ thn 1
ic .MX pleat is applied over the
Ir ont ed-, i ■
cu .v i he sleeve portions are
straight cuffs and Ihe
n ‘ f ‘ : ile( t with a neck-band
Co ], ' he worn any stock or
LitripL r: ' :' ,|L H . made from
JoihVrl ' ' " na Hle baCkS Can b 0
1 0 . , . centre, when the fash
vpon effect will be pro-
f or ‘;' f * ' ty of material required
eh'h-'* ,* !ium size is four and three-
j ol]r ' J ; twenty-one or twenty
thjrj.’, , !i an( i one-eighth yards
yards f or two and oae - ei shth
1,1 -tour inches wide.
* Mascot King.
Produced : 0t ring has just been in '
Is set s a bar °f gold in which
bad ger 1! of a wolf or that of a
looks liJ, ll ’. when highly polished,
cor a i f t’iece of ivory or white
j, 1,1 Jackets.
of a f,la - is aware of the bl’essings
the rv, 1 1 tie coatee to slip on in
°och i- , r ig ’ and the fresh
'll itt l n ort^ U(:S f° one’s toilet at that
exc- meal —breakfast. They
s i m Ple for the home
ry > tor 01 ° con i ;r i ve a i s ° t° laun-
H a) ■ musbn is the most appropri
° c^ 00se l spotted Swiss
'^hsiv e ry suitable and not ex
r of t S; :ill owing for the invest
-1 tw o or three.
Buttons For Jackets.
The backs of the jackets are not
made plain; buttons of the same color
as the jacket, not as the facings, seem
to part the basques at the sides and
at the back, indicating that these are
separated, and might perhaps be but
toned up. Some jackets, braided all
over, are worn with finely-pleated
skirts in light veiling and untrimmed.
Fancy Tucked Blouse.
The blouse that is made with a
fancy yoke is the favorite one of the
season and allows so many possibili
ties for the otevcise of individual
taste that it is especially well liked
by the woman who plans her own
wardrobe. This one is made with
a prettily shaped yoke which allows
exceptionally successful use of me
dallions and insertion, while it also
can be made from any all-over ma
terial or can be embroidered or treat
ed in any similar way that may sug
gest itself to the individual. In this
case medallions of lace are combined
with lace banding and the material
for the blouse itself is fine lawn.- Tl*e
sleeves are effectively. trimmed and
are of the comfortable and three
quarter length, while the blouse suits
the gown and the separate waist
equally well.
The waist is made with the front
and backs and with the yoke, over
which the trimming is arranged on
indicated lines. The trimming for
the sleeves is arranged in harmony
therewith and they are gathered infeffi
straight cuffs.
The quantity of material required
for the medium size is three and
one-quarter yards twenty-one or
twenty-four, two and one-half yards
thirty-two or one and three-quarter
yards forty-four inches wide with
eight yards of insertion and twenty
seven medallions.
Imported Coats.
Vagueness of outline is perhaps the
most impressive feature of imported
Li t s go forward to the main dock ”
All right. Steward, call us a taxi
cab ’ —Washington Herald.
John It. Dickey’s old reliable eve water
2ures sore eyes or granulated lids. Don’t
mit, feels good; get the genuine in red box.
The most recent church census of
lms country chows 40 denominations,
With 1G1,731 ministers, 210,191)
cam ekes and 32,883,156 members.
■‘Everywhere I go I speak for tetteres'e,
because it cured me of ringworm in its
worst form. My whole chest from neck to
waist was raw as beef; but tetteri*<e cured
me. It a’so cured a batLcase of piles.” So
says Mrs. M. F. Jones of 28 TannehiM St.,
littsourg, Fa. Tktterinjs, the great skin
remedy, is sold by druggists or sent by mail
for o >e. Write J. T. Shuptrixe, Dept. A,
Savannah, G<a.
The trouble in too many, homes,
mused the Galveston News, is the
incompatibility of imported millinery
an( l domestic allowances.
To Drive Out Malaria and Uuild Uf
tlie System
Tdke the Old Standard Grove’s Taste
less Chill Toxic. Yo.i know what you
are taking. The formula is plainly printed
on every bottle, showing it is simply Qui
nine and Iron in a tasteless form, and the
most effectual form. For grown people
and children. 50c
Have plenty of fresh air from cel
lar to garret at all times. Do not
keep any part of the house shut up so
it becomes foul; let the air and sun
shine in.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) _
Lucas County, \ s ~*
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is
senior partner of the firm of F. J.CiienET &m
Cos., doing business m the City of Toledo,
County and State aforesaid, and that said
linn will pay thesum of one hundred dol
lars for each and every case of catarrh
that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s
Catarrh Cure. Frank j. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this 6th day of December, A. D..
1886. A. W. Gleason,
(seal.) Notary Public.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. Send for testimonials,
free. F. J. Cheeky Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall’s Family Fills lor constipation.
“Oh, George, can’t you just smell
the salt water?”
“More than that, Maria; I e-an taste
it in the ice cream.” —Chicago Trib
More proof that Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound saves
woman from surgical operations.
Mrs. S. A. Williams, of Gardiner,
Maine, writes:
“ a great sufferer from female
troubles, and Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege.,
table Compound restored me to health
in three months, after my physician
declared that an operation was abso
lutely necessary.”
Mrs. Alvina Sperling, of 154 Cley
bourne Ave., Chicago, 111., writes:
“I suffered from female troubles, a
tumor and much inflammation. Two
of the best doctors in Chicago decided
that an operation was necessary to save
my life. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound entirely cured me without
an operation.”
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear
ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion,dizziness, or nervous prostration.
Why don’t you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
s*Tliompson I sEyeWater
To Brighten Life
Get Your Health Back
To one who has lost her health, life seems pretty dreary.
Unhappiness, after all, is very often a question of health.
If female troubles have worn you out, made you feel weak,
sad, miserable and able only to see the dark side of things, as
a reflection upon a cloudy mirror, brighten up. by doing your
best to get your health back.
TAKE CARDUI. , . „ .
This well-known woman’s medicine has brought health and
happiness to many thousands of weak, ailing women.
Why not to you?
Truth and
appeal to the Well-Informed in every
walk of life and arc essential to permanent
success and creditable standing. Accor
ingly, it is not claimed that S3*rup of*Figs
and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of
known value, but one of many reasons
why it is the best of personal and family
laxatives is the fact that it,
sweetens and relievos the internal organs
on which it acts without any debilitating
after effects and without having to increase
the quantity from time to time. •'
It acts pleasantly, and naturally and
truly as a laxative, and its component
parts arc known to and approved by
physicians, as it is free from all objection
able substances. To get its beneficial
effects always puichase the genuine—
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Cos., only, and for sale by all leading drug
An Overworked Phrase.
“You say he is one of our most
remarkable orators?”
“For what is he remarkable?”
“For never having been heard to
say that he put his trust in the wis
dom of the plain people.”—Washing
ton Star.
Mrs. Thomas Thompson, of Clarksville,
Ga., writes, under date of April 23, 1907: “I
suffered 1 5 yea’-s with tormenting eczema;
had the best doctors to prescribe; but noth
ing did mo any good until I got tetterine.
It cured me. I am so thankful.”
Thousands of others can testify to similar
cures. Tetterine is sold by druggists or
sent by mail for 50c. by J. T. Shuptrine,
Dept. A, Savannah, Ga.
“You are a poor young man?”
"1 am.”
“Then what you want is a thrifty,
economical wife.”
“Not at all. What 1 want is a rich,
liberal wife.”—Pittsburg Post.
From Terrible Eczema —Baby’s Head
a Mass of Itching Bash and Sores
—Disease Cured by Cuticura.
“Our little girl was two months old when
she got a rash on her face and within five
days her face and head Avere all one sore.
We used different remedies but it got
worse instead of better and we thought she
would turn blind and that her ears would
fall off. She suffered terribly, and would
scratch until the blood came. This went
on until she ay as live months old; then 1
had her under our family doctor's care, but
she continued to groAV worse, lie said it
was eczema. When she Avas seven months
old I started to use the Cuticura Remedies
and in tAvo months our baby AA r as a differ
ent girl. You could not see a sign of a
sore and she Avas as fair as a new-born
baby. She has not had a sign of the eczema
since. Mrs. H. F. Budke, LeSueur, Minn.,
Apr. 15 and May 2, 1907.”
“I see A'ou still cling to mother
in-law witticisms.”
“Well, I don’t crack jokes at the
expense of JLhe vice-presidency,” re
torted the jokesmith Avith evident
pride—-Kansas City Journal.
B asses?
it your wheat—study
1 before you cut it.
proportion to your grain,
your soil,
e straw.
ease the Potash —makes a
• head.
Potash. Make them com
er c;nt. —or 15 pounds Mu
) means best crops and
ate. Few carry Potash in
row. Potash is profit .
:ainim * facts about soil,
tilizers. Mailed free.
andler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
Chicago —Monad nock B’dg.
With the soundless gun conies an
other blow at the decaying pomp and
circumstance or war. No mmv the
“rattle of musketry” and t "boom
ing of artillery;” no longer the “can
nons roar.” The fire-arm which kill
ed the prancing and peunoned cav
alry and the old clash of the sworded
men brought in thvir place a color
able imitation of the thunder and
lightning which form nature’s most
awe-inspiring spectacle. Now this is
passing, declares the New York
American. Smokeless powder ren
ders a linc # of riflemen invisible, and
now the noiseless gun, like the sav
age’s blowpipe, will smite as secret
ly as the pestilence at noonday. The
time is coming when war will be an
affair of the brain alone, astd not of
the emotions.
A Forestry Lesson For Us.
A recent bulletin issued by the
forest service contains the interest
ing facts that while France and Ger
many have but 14,500,000 acres of
State forests as against the national
forest reserves in this country, of
160,000,000, these two countries spend
annually on their forests $1i,000,000
and get from them in net returns
$30,000,000, while the United States
spends but $1,400,000 secures a
paltry return of leas than sljo,ooo.
Capudine Cures Indigestion Pains,
Belehinc, Sour Stomach, and Heartburn,
from whatever cause. It s Licjuid. Effects
immediately. Doctors prescribe it. 10c.,
25c., and 50c., at drug stores.
The cry of a wounded hare re
sembles that of a child in distress.
Thousands of Women Suffer in the
Same Way.
Mrs. Thomas Dunn, 153 Vine St.,
Columbus, Ohio, says: “For more
Sthan ten years I was
in misery with back
ache. The simplest
housework completely
exhausted me. I had
no strength or ambi
tion, was nervous and
suffered headache and
dizzy spells. After
these years of pain I was despairing
of ever being cured when Doan’s Kid
ney Pills came to my notice and their
use brought quick relief and a perma
nent cure. lam very grateful.”
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, N. Y.
Height for Kites.
The Prince of Monoca has sent
kites to the height of 14,750 feet.
American Cotton College
For the education of Farmers, Clerks, Merchants, Warehousemen, Cottoit
Buyers, Manufacturers, and all others, young or old, who are unable to classify
and put the correct valuation on 18 Grades of Co'.tOA. Thirty day scholarships in
cur sample rooms, or six weeks’ correspondence course under expert cotton men
will complete you. Big demand for cotton graders and cotton buyers. Session opens
Sept. Ist. Correspondence course year round. Writs at once for further pa Ticu^ar*^
Its ingredients are restoring, strengthening, health-giving, to
the womanly organs—lt is safe, pleasant and always reliable.
Mrs. F. S. Mills, of Murietta, Calif., writes: “I
don’t think any one can recommend a medicine
more highly than I can Cardui. I had a mis-
BpgJ| hap, which was followed by inflammation. I posi-
JgJ f tively believe I would have died, had it not been
i| * for Cardui. When I began taking it, I could
not stand on riiy feet. After taking two (2)
b °ttl es * i was cured, and now weigh 165 pounds.
V \ Sold everywhere". Try Cardui.
j /■/ The most famous (offee Ny
America is New Orleans (offee
Ilf Roasted and Blended according /fill
i to the Creole-French Formula
You set it when you buy *¥
Ip Luziann e Coffee 3|
XI 1 Lb(a;l L Rtl IY-lAYLOR y
////ScID m
ThedeaaesUightest t'MJ gV
and most comfortable
slicker / ynw
A1 the same time i h /.,jJ *
cheapest In the f % j A i\
end because It | J\ j? JIU
wears longest A 1 J mr, I
Every garment *1 ) \
guaranteed 1 ' T f 1 f/l
waterproof Catalog free J ✓ X ) sos
t h¥Tr7w aYk i r< s
Makes 70 Blfferent Articles: Household
Remedies, Flavoring Extracts all Kinds,
Toilet Preparations, Fine Soaps, Etc*.
40 T eursExperlenee,S3,ooo,ooo Output
I j
Take the Place of Calomel
Constipation sends poisonous matter bounding
through the hrutv. Dull lioadach©, Sour Stomach,
Feted Breath, Bleared Eyes. Loss of Energy and Ap
petite are the surest signs or he affliction. Youngs
Liver Pills postively cure constipation. They awaken
the sluggish liver to better action, cleanse the
bowels, strengthen the weakened parts, induce appe
tite and aid digestion. They do i\£t Salivate, no mat
ter whit you eat. drink or do. 'St from
your dealer or direct from -y.
( At3£-’08)
Does not iriitate the stomach, but heals it
• Cures Liver Troubles
Ask your dealer tor it
Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body
antiseptically clean and free from un
healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors,
which water, c oapand tooth preparations
alone cannot do. A—
germicidal, disin-
fecting and deodor
izing toilet requisite \
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ- j 8 j ?
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes,
throat and nasal and 'n /G*\,
uterine caarrh. At p
stores, 50 cents, or
Large Trial Sample ®®®®lll§S^