The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, November 20, 1908, Image 1

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THE DADE COUNTY TIMES. Ip. Tatum, Editor. VOL. XVI. liable PreparationfbrAs :icroodaadßegu!a- I'ilteSl: achs amißowels of IV y,v\rtSiy|£HMa>£N; • Promo: Digestion,Cheerful ‘ andßrst.Contains neither S ; 'nnc nor Mineral. KAKC OTIC* Plurpbn btfd~ AIx.S'JvXZ + 1 Rockt lU Salis - I Arust Seed * t I fiim Seed - 1 (tanked SwjfT ' I Wb&jnxn / f-arrvn / A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of tZff&sGr. NEW YORK. ••!<? 'StK.'. ,u > - * wlt ' j j Dost* r 35 C i > r s exact cof/of wrapper. SH VANTEB~A RISER MEWS'S! iinple Latest Model “Ranger” bicycle furnished by us. Our agents everywhere are baking money fast. IVrilc for full particulars and special offer at once . NO MONEY REOUIKRIJ ► until you receive and appro l eof your bicycle. We ship to anyone, anywhere in the U. S. without a cent deposit in a avance, prepay freight , and allow TEN I>A¥S’ Eli EE TRIAL during which time you may ride the bicycle and put it to any test you wish. If you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to keep the bicycle ship it back to us at our expense and you will not be out one cent. P’f!S*TASIV We furnish the highest grade bicycles it is possible to make u hvivtll a ilEvE.v at one small profit above actual factory cost. You save sio to $25 middlemen’s profits by buying direct of us and have the manufacturer's guar antee behind your bicycle. 1)0 NOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone at any price until you receive our catalogues and leara our unheard of factory prices and remarkable special offers to rider agent *. Vftll Mils a fjC ACTAHIQUETfi when you receive our beautiful catalogue and • WILL o£ HtflUnldHEU study our superb models at the luondcrfjilly low prices we can make you this year. We sell the highest grade bicycles for i ess money than any other factory. We are satisfied with #i.oo profit above lactory cost. BICYCLE DEALERS, you can sell our bicycles under your own name plate at ur prices. Orders filled the day received. D HAND BICYCLES. We do not regularly handle second band bicycle?, but ■ a number on hand taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear cut rices ranging from S3 to Ssß or $lO. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free. MIKTPfI RQAUEQ single wheels, imported roller chains and pedals, parts, repairs and VUn-, !&sl'Br:naCv| equipment of all kinds at half the usual retail Prices. 8U HENETKIIrBIHrnE-mOf m M SELF-HEALING TIRES JjL , urtor s4 J&o\cashvjithorders4d>s ) . MMOLE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES If- ' j i ! / V >.\ii \ K , ~r Class will not let tho Mfm l v housand pairs sold last year. | l and thousand pairs now in use. BESVRiPrtOM: in all sizes. It is lively .- \ L;'--.-;.:: • Im ableand linedinside with j * specie’. qua'ut' : rubber, which never Leccmes f h cl °se s up small punctures without allow- || Nofcice the thick rubber tread Cstn,di rto fc,;o, JI vV e have hundreds of letters from § „ A -, and . mnc j, uro strips ‘i*’’ Jrr’v''”! ;r : ;staUn S that their tires haveonly been pumped and a i so r i ia strip “11” f,X n : c^’^ hol e season. They weigh no more than £4 to prev ent rim cutting. This lb - puncture resisting qualities being given JUg. tir £ vvm outlast any other ti; d ' r! : “>'-F s • : thin specially prepared fabric on the Vjr' nmke-SOFT, ELASTIC and c: price of these tires issß.so per pair, but for Tg EASY RIDING. ' v' ,r ‘ 1 1: ! 1 “ . ‘ eriue r of < till per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. Vl e si.ip C. O. T>. oil i Jval. >. mu do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. a J’ 1 ., a^ow a cash discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price f? 4.6. l per pair) if you H €A'd| WITH ORDER and enclose this advertisement. We will also send one f.' „ brass hand pump. Tires to be returned at OCR expense if for any reason they are ,l ac ,r y 11 examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us 13 as sate as m a B, -1 -i 11 or^“r a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run taster, k.. . er longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price, be ’Aw- -vou v ’’’ll he 50 well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your orac.. ’ aiit you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer . - IP Yfißß teznen "irsnr-** don’t buy any kind at any price until you send for a pair of fSRES Hedgethorn Puncture-Proof tires on approval and trial at d f C,. ! :, ec l.' ,M ti ictorv price quoted above, or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue whicr aiu ‘-'-’les all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices. . . . OQ HlHllr Vv//i IT" but write us a postal today. DO NOT .lIINKOi' BDllNwa • . 4 *ABT or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful 4 ’ tare making. It only costs si postal to learn everything. Write it JSOW# A L HEAD CYCLE COMPUY, SHICASO, ILL teU t Gr ! yOU want to go and 1 wiU line from Memphis ucket win cost, and to the Southwest. The C :7^L“ Q Belt is the only Une which will be help- JEtKS&JBP operating two daily trains, carry- U ing through cars without change — Dallas. Equipment in- Sr eludes sleepers, chair cars and parlor cafe cars. Trains from all parts of the Southeast g make direct connection at Memphis with Cotton y Ask t^ie a R sell you a ticket via Memphis |> , icjtdfcjr. H! HH Write for Texas or Arkansas book whichever section you are fUSE IB interested in. These books are just off the press, and are full of MgS facta and examples of what is actually being done by farmers, truck gardeners and fruit raisers in this highly-favored section. A five * ’• color tuap is inserted in each book Free upon request. T§|: H. H. Sutton, District Passenger Agent, mm For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /, Signature /AM *w (\ Jr’ * n i\i/‘ se \J> For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. TRENTON, GA„ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1908. ffiqfNQli About. 1,206,C00 gallons of blood are pumped through the adult human heart each year. A quadrangle screen, which opens or closes as a door to which it is at tached at the top is opened or closed, invented by a Kansan, is said to pre vent flies and other insects from en tering a house. Experiments are being made in Eu rope with a microphone for the dis covery of the presence of shoals of lish. The instrument is sunk into the water, and the constant tapping ofthe fish against it as they pass warns the fishermen. Those who think that invention is approaching its limits would do well to consider the fact stated by M. Abraham, an authority on this sub ject, that the best telephone does not transmit to the ear more than one-one-thousandth of the energy that it receives from the line. A poison having the peculiarity of being fatal only to the rat tribe has been discovered in the English sea onion or squill. Testing its efficiency, a German investigator ground some sea-onions with potatoes, and fried the mixture with fat to crisp cakes. T his food surprised him by killing forty-three rats in his stable the first night. Remaining rodents were shy on following nights, but after three months a second trial destroyed thir ty-two, and no signs of survivors have since been seen. A French scientist, M. Bertin, in dealing with the subject of coast ero sion, mentions that the island of Jersey once formed part of the Conti nent of Europe. He has also brought to light the interesting fact that there still exists an ancient charter by which a certain abbey was compelled to furnish the necessary plank for communicating with the island from the mainjand at low water. The ex tent to which the sea has encroached on the land is evident from the fact that the journey from the mainland of France to the island by steamboat now takes an hour. According to a Grismby (Eng.) pap er, an important series of secret ex periments is being made on behalf of the Government by two local the Algorna and the Andes, for several days have been In the English Channel testing the efficacy of their trawl net in bringing up dum my submarine mines. The trsmrl sweeps the bottom of the sea, and is of immense holding capacity, while the network is eminently suited for removing explosives. Stray mines broken from their moorings would also be caught by the same means. The skippers not only know every inch of the North Sea, but they can maneouvre trawlers to sweep the bed of the sea at any given spot in remark ably quick time. The Printing Telegraph Machine. A revolution in the sending and re ceiving of telegraph messages is grad ually taking place throughout the Unit ed States owing to the telegraph print ing machines which are being installed in the metropolitan offices of the tele graph companies. In sending, the messages are “punch ed” or spelled out in the Morse char acters on an endless tape. The tape is then fed into a sending machine where a wheel moves it along and in the right direction. The holes in the tape allow contacts to be made which control the receiving mechanism. The receiving machine is somewhat like an electrically controlled typewrit er. Electrical contacts made through the holes in the tape cause the proper type bars to be struck. So fast is this automatic working that the girl op erators can receive and send from 200 to 400 messages in nine hours with one machine. The machines work duplex, two messages being sent at the same time. —Popular Mechanics. Deteriorated Drama. Since the decay of the stock com pany system the art. of the actor and the taste of the public have alike de teriorated. Stage and auditorium have reacted on one another. The “halls” are swollen to huge dimensions; and musical comedy so effectually rules the theatrical roost that the Sacred Lamp moves like a will-o-the wisp from Temple Bar to Piccadilly.—Bri tannia. Lefthanded. “I tried to pay the suffragettes a compliment last nM.t in my sp-ccu but it didn’t seem to be appreciated. “What did you say?” “I said that the suffragettes would leave large footprints on the sands of time.”— Tit-Bits. More than 25,000 employes of the Pennsylvania Railroad have been in structed in first aid to the injured - t the company’s expense. Official Organ of Dade County. SPORTING BREVITIES. P. T. Powers was elected president Df the Eastern Baseball League. New laws for the regulation of motor boats are likely to be passed at the next session of Congress. The Pittsburg Club has purchased pitcher Robert Vail from the Ports mouth Club, of the Virginia League. One hundred and forty-three head of brood mares sold at auction for $27,700 at the McGrathiana stud dis posal in Kentucky. Thomas C. Jefferson, one of the best known owners of trotting and saddle horses in Kentucky, died at his home in Lexington, Ky., aged fifty-seven years. James R. Keene headed the list of winning own-ers for the racing season which came to an end at Jamaica re cently -with a grand total of $252,- OqO in round figures. .John L. Sullivan, for twelve years t&e heavyweight champion pugilist of the world, celebrated his fiftieth birthday at Hot Springs by taking the pledge for the rest of his life. Shipment to England of the choic est thoroughbreds in the Keene, Bel mont, Whitney, Duryea and Hitch cock stables amounts to a final sur render of the racetrack interests. With an average speed of sixty four miles an hour, Herbert Lytie drove Clifford W. Brokaw’s Isotta car to victory in the fastest of the five sweepstakes which opened the new Long Island motor parkway. The ten-mile Marathon run to be held in conjunction with the Brooklyn Postoffice games on Saturday, Janu ary 16, is going to be an interesting affair. All the old-timers will start. The feature w r ill be the race of Gil lespie, who wins a bride if he crosses the tape first. Official announcement was made that George Stallings will manage the New Y'ork American League baseball team next season. Long-Lived Family. Mrs. Elizabeth Chapman, widow of a doctor well known in Nottinghamshire for forty years, died at the residence of her son in New Mills, Derbyshire, at the advanced age of ninety-one years, having lived in the reigns of five Brit ish monarchs, w r ell remembering the coronation of George IV. She be longed to a family remarkable for the longevity of its members. Her father reached the age of ninety-seven, but her mother was eighty-six at the time of her demise, and her father-in-law was 100 years old tv hen he died. Sufficiently Occupied. A story is told of a colonel in Gen eral Lee’s division in the late Civil w'ar who sometimes indulged in more applejack than w r as good for him. Passing him one evening leaning against a tree, the general said: “Good evening, colonel. Come over to my tent for a moment, please,” ”S-s-cuse me, G-g-en’ral, ’s-scuse me,” replied the colonel. “It’a ’bout all I ran do to say where I am.” —Phila- delphia Ledger. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! WE SELL LEGAL BLANKS G. We have recently equipped our office with a complete stock of Legal Blanks, which we will furnish you in any quanti ty, from a single copy to a thousand copies, at the lowest prices. a Our catalog, containing of over two fifty forms, furnished free upon*Tequest. WE SELL LEGAL BLANKS Anvone sending a sketch and description may nnlckly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentebla Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents lent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & 00. receive pedal notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly, cir- MUNN & Cos. 36,8rMd “’- New York ** Branch Office, (25 F St.. Washington. D. C. n nf| if 0 of Ail Kinds on p QC f| f T i?uUi\o j Sul UiiLUl s lb Frail n-Turner Go., Allan* j, Ba. ""SST QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS will be our motto for the year 1908. A big line of everything new and substantial for men, women and children. Shoes for everybody. Come to the “South Side” merchant and save from 25 to 33 1-3 percent, on your purchases. L S LYEMANCE Avenue Bunk and Trust Company CHEAPEST PRICES DURING SUMMER MONTHS I will givecheaper prices than usual during the Summer, for cash or its equivalent on all Drugs, gents furnishings and Q G W M TATUM Ice Gold Drinks Regular. We all know that knowledge is power; but must of us are unable to buy books to acquire knowledge from. However, we have solved the problem, an I are ri vwprepared to give you,direct from on- factory, the benefit of our many years of thought and labor. Every home needs a good library. By our plan you can buy one, two or three books, or a large collection o? books, get them at regular prices, pay a small amount down, a small amount each month, and have the books in your possession ail the time. ) Mark X by the book or books you are interested :n, cut out this advertisement and rmti- to us, and we wtll ■ end you, without further obligation on your part, a full description of what you want, as well as lu,ly outline our plan. Be Bure to mention this paper. We Do All Kinds of Plain and Fancy Job Printing K. 1 6K lb. field rr*ia. string, hard fatting, true, Aai’s the /*\aJ Model 16 Repeating Shotgun,'lie best 16 gauge repeating gun J / J “ eeer manufactured . . .-. ~, | -2a. For quail and pheasant shoeing, wood rock, squirrels, robbits ana aiicr | fi£3 - Eeuipped, like ihe famous ffitfU&Si Model 19, with tle //itZT&i g * rMK if solid top, and the fflcZrlvt /ricsed-in breech belt, vl-ich shuts extX the g £*£<r Z ~ P T \ S*s./FSk sand, rain, sleet and mow from the action, havn? the f/uzrtf/i side £ ifci ejection and the construction, assembling and quick response to the touch o* the trigger, gj * Have your dealer show & There’s a full dcfcrippon o? all 7S<ln£ii repeater3, rifle3 and t| shot-guns, and lots of valuable informal ioa for all giro-lovers ia | k'’l ~ the “ ???(7r/Sn Rook” issued. 133 pages with a iiaadsoma art t "Mil cover. It’s IT.EK for 3 staiaps postage. '}'?%& . . Sjft'rZfiS&r/l/l/'£F&££r/7LS Ch, 42 Willow St, hew Haven, Conn, g SI.OO A YEAR. INVITES YOUR BUSINESS FOR The Bank that puts Safety First. 232 Montgomery Avenue CHATTANOOA BRANCH: ROSSVILLE. GA- n ■ imrmtmnrmmsMSßmmmmmKmamammßmsmr-^msmcMmmßKmsm ■nzonnav ......Old Folks’ Bibles Books for Girls S. S. Teacher*’ Bibles Books for Boys ...... Family Bibles hlove's. High Grade Red Letter Bibles Young People’s Library S. S. Bibles Business Guide .Pocket Bib'esardTest’ts Cook Book Child's Life of Christ ......Stock Book Child’s Story of the Bible Doctor Book Bible Stories .... Dictionaries . v> Bible Dictionaries Kings of Platf’m & Pulpitl Children's Story Books American Star Speaker 1 Chil iren’s Histories ...... W.'d Beasts. Birds, etc. 1 Non e _____ ■—, r . City or Town —® State Street and No.. P. O. Box. or R. £ , NO. 38.