The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, November 20, 1908, Image 4

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DADE COUNTY TIMES —PUBLISHED (iEVERY JFRIDAY — HUNT &*TATUM, Proprietors jR. r [ K TATI nr, Editor OFFICTAL ORG AN OF DA DE COUNTY f - - at the Post Office Trenton Ga., as second class mailfmatter. Terras SI.OO per year in advance. Advertising rates reasonable and will be ■made known upon application, Jr All communications Jraust be accorapa nte with the real name of the writer. Address all correspondence t.o The Times, Trenton, Ga. The returns are all in. Dade remains in the democratic column. It is to be hoped the Hon. Gor don Lee will hitch that good road he promised us two or three years ago, to that army post he is said to be after for walker. Dade may not poll a very large vote, and it -may matter not how she goes in a governors race, but there is one thing sure; she is as prone to remember promises as the next one. One paper says in substance, that Walker county went to the Yankee in the recent election with a hope by so doing she Jwould suc ceed in landing an army post with in her borders. Wonder what the other Bor 10 counties that went with her from the 7th were bid d ng after. ■— The hundred odd citizens who have placed their names ;to the pe tition for an election to be called to vote on a bond issue for the purpose of building better roads throughout the county have made the best and most progressive step of your life. Stick to your con viction and vote for it. There is no black crepe on Dade’s democratic door knob. She survives the recent political battle without a scratch, but is greatly pained over the death of so many of her comrades in the “Bloody Seventh.” So very pained is she that her heart goes out full of sympathy to the little balance of the family in this sad hour of be reavement. The Dalton Argus says, that de mocracy is in need of a Moses. They mean, of course, from a nat ional point of view and they are correct about it. It appears from the returns of the last election 'that the “Bloody Seventh” is also in direct and constant need of one which we may have given us in the personnel of Judge Moses Wright, two years hence. You Need it in Your Home ti;e southern ruralist Subscription Pm* Si.oo a year. It o'oes to 100,000 ho*ns\ already. You should belong to this big,' faulty. REGULAR DEPARTMENTS AND STAFF WRITERS Dr. 11. E. Stockbridere Agricultural Editor; F. J. Merriam, Garden Depart ment; Professor T. 11. McK?iL>n, Georgia Experiment Station, II jrticulture Department; Profecsor C. 1.. Willoughby, Georgia Experiment Station, Dairy; Professor P. N. Flint, Georgia Experiment Station, Live Stack Department; Dr. C. A. Carv, Professor Veterinary Science, Alabama Agricultural College, Veter inary Department; Judge F. J. Marshall, Poultry Department; Mrs. F. J. Mer riam, Home Department. A good story or serial in every number. Every issue is worth the price of a year’s subscription to the ir.&n who will take and read THE SOUTHERN RURALIST. SPECIAL OFFER.— The Southern Ruralist free or two papers for the price of one. By special arrangement with the Southern Ritualist we are able to offer it to our friends free with a year’s sub : this "’’wr ct Gordon Lee has made an envi able record iu congress and we look for a still more aggressive work from him even though he has but a short time to complete it in. He has done something for almost every county in the district, and has promised the others to do something for them. It is to be hoped he will be able to redeem every promise made. If he does Dade will get a pike through the county as an approach FROM the park. Tuesday’s Chattanooga News places Dr. J. R. Block, of this county, and present State Senator of the 44th district of Georgia, in the pre-boost for congressional honors of the “Bloody Seventh,” (Gordon Lee’s district) two years hence. The New’s addition of Sen ator Brock’s name to the dozen names which have already been published by the Georgia papers in the district, rises the number of to the unlucky 13 notch Tom Watson’s political strength is diminishing at the rate of 5000 votes a year. Two years ago he had a following in the state of about 30,000 votes. Today he has less than 20,000. Without a change and in four years Tom’s name will be “Dennis,” and he can’t elect governor’s. The taking away of Ex-Senato.i Carmack, editor-in-chief of the Tennesseean, removes from the walks of men in this state, her greatest statesman, strongest per sonality, and most fearless advo cate of the cause 01 temperance. He was by odds the most vigorous writer in the South, and tlie most intense character the nation has produc id since the days of Andrew Jackson. But the principles for which he stood and for which was the cause of his a-sas inati n, will live on, as the blood of the martyr is the seed of the cause for which lm labored, and finally died. There can be no sort of excuse for the dastardly dend that brought to an untimely death one of our greatest and best citizens. Let the law vindicate this brutal murder. —Statesman Democrat. CHURCH NOTES. We are in the midst of a revival in Trenton. We have with ns Dr. J. B. Ward the evangelist, sent out by the Holston conference. Dr. Wid is the right man, he knows how to condemn sin, tho preaching has been on the horrors of the law, strong and poin ed condemning sn of every kind, both in the church and out. That is what we need and we are hoping to see our town shaken from center to cir cumference by the Spirit from on High. Meeting will continue for several days, everybody is invited to come. THE Southern Ruralist OF ATLANTA, GA. Is the Greatest Agricultural Paper in the South today. It covers every de partment of the farm and home. We have examined it carefully, and con sider TEE SOUTHERN RURALIST the most valuable premium we can offer our readers. It comes twice a month —24 times a year. A sample copy will be mailed free to any one ca request. The most valuable thing about the Southeitx Ruralist is the Prize Spe cials, which are published on the first of each month. The Ruralist pays $20.00 each month for the best arti cles from its subscribers on special subjects, such as Fall Plowing, Poul try, Fertilizers, Farm Tools, Garden ing, Fruit Growing, Stock Raising, Dairying, etc. These articles come from every part of the country. The are written by men who do the work and give actual experience. They will help you as nothing else will. SOCIETY. Mrs. R. S. Rodgers and Miss Eula Jacoway will leave Tuesday for an extended visit to Washing ton and New Y ork. MISS CUR ETON’S PARTY. Tuesday evening Miss Myrtle Cureton entertained at her home on the North side. The rooms and hall were decor ated in ferns and chrysanthemums the color scheme of white and green being carried out. Several innocent and interesting games were indulged in during the eve ning. Miss Cure on is a royal e - tertainer. Twenty guests were present. MASQtTERADK PARTY. Mrs. James L. Gass entertained Friday evening with a masquerade party in honor of Misses Ethel Woolbright and Dana Tatum At an early hour masked figures -be gan to arrive and all efforts to rec ognize anybody were vain. The guests were surprised to find that the Big Indian Cheif, the Nun, Monks, “Mrs. Bill Bailey,” “Lit tle Red Riding Hood,” ad others proved to be only our home boys and girls. Interesting games were played and at a late hour refreshments w r ere served. The feature of the eveni g was the fortune telling tent, and ii connection with that the game of fortune telling. Each guest drew' three pieces of paper, all of different colo s, in which were wrapped the head, body and face of the supposed fu ture husband or wife. Much mer riment was caused by the pastii g together of these which gave a look into the future for the men and maids Those present wore: Miss s Lot tie Hughes, Ethel Woolbright. Eula Jacoway, Lucile Pace, Da a Tatum, Essie Carter, Clark Cole and Na cy l honipson. Messers Herbert Thurman, Carl Roberson, Guy Bro k, WilliQ Cure ton, Paul Rodgers, W ayne Brink ley, Price Jacoway, Bess ( niter, Lysle Cole, Grady Jacow ay and Turner Tatum. Mrs. James L, Gass, and Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Ta tum. SONG PARTY. Wednesday evening after divin e services at the Cumberland Pros byterian church, Mr. and Mrs, L. 8. I. ye ma nee entertained the young people of this place at song party. This plm of entertaining is anew idea in Trenton social cir cles .The young people wanted to come together and adopt this mode of entertainment during the re vival, which is appropriate and commendiable. The Removal of Rev. J. G. Hunt. In the itli oval of Rev. J. G. Hunt this week to Atlanta, Chat tooga county loses o e among her best fam dies, and the people of Summerville loose true friends and kind neighbors. Du ring tl& y tar of Mr. Hunt’s residence ain nig us, I:s%&>ib ac complished much work in the building i-p and advancement of both town and county, not only along spiritual lines, hot übo m civic and hu-mo.-s affairs. A* citizen, neighbor, trend, editor and pastor he has been faithful to the last interests of our peoj le, and while we regret his departure together with the loss of his ex cellent family, they have the sin cere wishes of numerous friends here, that success and happiness may attend turn in their new home. —Summervilla news. Mr. Hunt owns an interest in the Times. He goes to Atlanta as Editor in*-Chief ot some Christian paper of that place. There is talk of a republicm candidate for congress in the sev enth district in the next race. Idle republ eeffs needn’t fol them selves too much. 'I here is a right sun i t of ite In the old democr* ie prty yeb if its afl> irs ;*re o. 1 \ rght y directcd-Cartersville News. Now you’re talking. the: simple filler FOUNTAIN PEN The pen that pr c cally fills mclf fr m any i k well or b ttle n five s*u * onds. To fill ihe p n sim ply pivss l lie pen on end of cap in the small pin hole inside of pen. then put the pen point in ink well or be tile, withdraw the pin and pen is full of ink, time five seconds. To introduce this pen we are now offering the reg ular $1.50 pen for SI.OO prepaid, and if not all that we claim for it, and the best Fountain Pen value in the country for the price money will be r. - turned in full. SEND FOR ONE TODAY. EDWARD^ & LEBRON JEWELERS 813 MARKET ST. ( hat nooga, Tnn. SEVEN YEARS OF PROOF. ‘ I have had seven years ol proof that Dr King’s New Discovery is the best medicine to take for coughs and colds and for every di se iSed condition of throat, chest or lungs,” says \Y. V. Henry, o P mam , Mo. The world has had chi' ty-eight veais of proof tha’ Dr. King’s New Discovery is the bes remedy for * oughs and colds, la grippe, asthma, hay fever, bron chitis. hemorrage of the lungs, aid ihe early stages of consumption. Its timely use always prevents the development of pneumonia, bold und r gua imtee at all drug stores. cOc and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. CITATION FOR CHANCE OF ROAD. Georgia, Dade County. John li. Tinker and o hers having ap plied for a change and establishment of a new road of the 2nd class, commencing near \V. F. Stephens home on lot of" land 115 in the 19th District and 4th Se lion ol said county running west through said lot of land about three hundred (MOO) yards and also part of lot ot land 140 about three hundred (300) feet, and also toin-hiug o l.>nd 15M, in all a distain e of abow t ive fourths (0-1) of a mile, all of sai>i to i change and t >iah!ishmeut of roa 1 being in the l'.'lh district and -Lb section of said county. This is to notify all persons concerned <1 at on and after (he Ist Monday in IV ember 1908, said change of road will be granted if no good cause is shown to the contrary. Given under my hand and of* fYial signature, this the 4th day of No vember, 11)08. \Y. (). Kicks*:. Ordinary 110\V IS YOUR DIG ESTIO N. Mrs. Mary Dowling of Xo. 228 Bth Ave., San Franc sco, recom mends a remedy for stomach trou ble. She “Gratitude lor the wonderful effect of Electric Hitters in a case of acute indigos lion, prompts this testimonial. 1 am fully convinced that for stom ach and liver troubles Electric Bit ters is the best remedy on the market today.” This great tonic and alterative mecicine invigorates the system, purities the bloo i and is especially helpful in all forms of female weakness. 50c at all drug stores. NOTICE TO DEBTO S AND CREDITORS. All Creditors of die estate of Xnmy A. Craig Ihte of Dade County, ('((eased, an hereby notified to render in ilieir and maun 10 the undersigned according m law. an all persons indebted t< strui estate are o t< bv re(jitire(l to make iiumedinle 1 Ids Dili dav of X< vt-mber, i'.Mio. K. I'. l.\ I I M. Auiuii;iettjil( LOST. Out of a drove of cattle Oct. 31, between Bising Fawn and Wild wood, one black dehorned 3 year old steer, maiked perhaps in one ear, little-white along on his back. Reasonable reward for recovery of steer by notifying G. W. M. Ta tum, Trenton, Ga. MINT) YOUR BUSINESS. Ifpou don’t nobody a\ iII. It is your business to keep out of all the trouble you can and you can and will keep out of liver and bowel trouble if you lake l)r. King’s New Life Fills. r i o. • keej biliousness, malaria ami jaimd ce out of y*iir system. :f c at all drug stores. o >>*> 1 m I—% “MW" ■ ■' - ■ ■ —i iu i mii citation. Georgia, Fade county. To all whom it mav concern—J. A. Whitt having, in proper form, applied to me for Permanent Letters of Admini.-tra tioti on the estate of I . A. Whitt, late ol said co\mty, this is to cite all an I singular tiie creditors and next of kin of L. A, Whitt to be and* at mv office with* in the time allowed by law and show cause if any they can, why permanent adminis tration should not he granted to .J. A. Whitt on said esta'e. Witness my hand and official signature, this 27th day of October, 1908. Win. O. Reese, Ordinary, SHERIFF’S SALE. Georgia, Dade County* Will he /sold before the Court House door it) Trenton in said County between the leg'l hours of sale on the first Tues day in December 1908 the following de scribed property towit: East half of lot of land No* 109 in the 11th District and 4th Section, all of said property being in Dade county Georgia, said property levied on and to he sold as tire property of W. A. Williams, by virtue of a certari fi Fa is* stud out of the Justice court 9CO District G. M., said County, in favor of James Tunny against said J. A, Williams. Prop rtv pointed out in said fi fu and now in j o ession of the Defendants in fi fit. This 2d day of November, 1908. R. W. Thurman, Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE. State of Georgia, Dade County. Will le sold before the Court House door iu Trenton in said County between the legal hours of sale on the first Tins ’ay in December 1908. the following desenh and property to-wii: Block Din Bond addition t> tie* town of Tienton, Blocks G. 11. I. .J. K. I. in Bond second addition to the town o Trenton, and lots No. 31, 32 and MM in Block Dof Bond second addition to the town of Trenton, Lot No 9 Block C in Bond second addition to the town of Trenton and Lois 39 in Block E in the Bond ad dition to said town < f Trenton and one undivided one-third interest in lots Nos. 23 24 and 25 in Block F in Bond second addition to the town of Trenton, contain ing in all fifteen acres more or less, all of said ptoj erty being in said Dade County Geo gia, said property levied on and to lie sold as the property ol Win. O. Beese, by v’rtue of two 11 rtain fi fa’s issued out < f the Superior Court of said County in favor of William Cummings, i> jresentu live ol '1 liorna ' Comm iu> e-tatc :n i V G. M"f is- ii against said \Ym. O. Bees* property |oi>:tedoul iu s; id ‘i fa’s ami now in the j- Session f the defend:* *' is in fi la’s. 4 2d dav ,f N, \<*ml *-r, 19G. B. \y. 1 J: UI!M aN, She I iff. THE IMS f UiBB'HG OFF R WTK Ouiil Rs.PZIS-lE.Vj THi5. Tin T it.cs one* \ ear • $1 03 Ano i lean Fa rn or. .5 ) ()m pri e hu ho' h - 1 O’d r l l c Tin es oi.e jar $1 00 Foutbem Agncutuiist -3 Our pneo i r •> h - bud The Times one year, TtO diie Tuitdo VNteKlv bVa e. Our price * o h The '1 iin* (.l e yi-i.r, $1 O' i he Cornua ■ ci*, ( Ur yum - ) J ' 11 Oifi | no 1 • th - b-d) J 1# 1 nits niic Nmir, f‘d'o f i he A •aiJlu 1-V\ e’kly jouina’, JdU Our phe j . oi - J -•) ! lie 1 in t 01. e year, l li!ill;iiii)t p'l V\ et-k V N 1 s. Id ** Our price tli> t!i - - Id 0 and lie Tin * s on*-* \ en* % O ! Foul hern tturalist * LOO Our prign f .r odi - LOO The Times one year, #1 00 r l lie Lad n s World, • 0 1* alma nd I lome, .. aO Good 1 ltera Hire, Our price all >et foi one year - 1 Th ** Ti one \ mr. $1 00 f lit le Remus' —T he Home Magazine L- 0 Our j lice . - - 1 -•-> dl is is a complete and attractive, list, at the (T< M <st | ossibie price. Reed it over aid send m ) ii[ r oi der. A DDE IvSU THE TIMES, i TKENTON - GEORGIA * FRIEDMAN 830 MARKET ST., CHATTANOOGA, TENN. M E N A' D YOUNG MtN’S OUTFI’TEBS THE POPULAR ‘‘SHEET” ATTAWAY IS HERE 10 CATER TO YOUR WANTS IN CLOTPIf G AND f URNISRINCS. -#GIVE US A CALL.#- Wilson's ; Live and let IH[ V'e are still I, tll • o F.-irniers mid i' n ,, oi North end „[ Try your I,nm*. - ton, he. lore \ou visit FheC;., Fnl* ynnr GROr Filipp AND NOTIONS, j Save A ou Monev, Our Motf,i is LIV R AN f) LF T Llyp T it \Y orld Over. J. H . WILSON Morganvilie, Georgia. LIVE AND LET LI YE STORK RUSSELL F. TATUM 1 LAWYER, Special Attention Given o Collections and Administration ot Estates. AGENT For the Franklin Liic Insur ance- Company Insure yoiu life and make it worth some thing after death. YVe write alljfornix of policies. Office Trenton. Georgia. Agent for all Legal Blanks ai lowest price. ?. J. V\ ILHAMS FINE WATCH lIEPAIIiING Eiftv cents for cleaning. Be:i-( i):d>!o|iri(< for all work. AYi 11 reciew orders ! y mni and pav postage on all orders one wav. office address, RISING FAWN, GA, mu tun i ■ ii it ii i i ii ii i fA? R y. k M* .3, afltt for child.fL.\ safe *ure. JJocpiaie*