The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, December 11, 1908, Image 4
DADE COUNTY TIMES -PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY— HUNT & TATUM, Proprietors it. F. TATUM, Editor OFFICIAL ORGAN OF DADE COUNTY Entered at the Post Office at Irenton Ga., as second class mail matter. Terms SI.OO per year in advance. Advertising rates reasonable and will be aiade known upon application. All communications must be accompa me with the real name of the writer. Address all cones} or.dci <e to The Times, Trenton, Ga. VIEWS ON GOOD ROADS. Editor Times: As there is quite a little being said of better roads in our county at present and noth ing as yet being done, except talk, and most of that by citizens only paying poll tax and personal prop erty taxes. There is one question often asked: By having good pike roads through the countv, what "will be the increase in the value \ of our farming lands? 1 will say the increase would be at least 20 per cent of all farms from State line to State line that arc in reach of a pike road. Then to illustrate, if a farm is now worth $3,000.00 and a pike- will make it worth $3,600.00 it will be a good invest ment and why not have the road. If our property is made to be worth more we will be more able to pay a small per cent more taxes. I don’t think we will ever have a better load until it s built by taxation I mean by cash to come from the people's pockets, and the work ovei’seen and done by expe rienced road builders and graders. I suppose we have something like 500 men in the county subject to road duty. Well, as it is now, these men got out on the road and put in the 2000 days which don't benefit the county a SI,OOO. I say let each of these 500 men pay $4. ( 0 per year an 1 apply the $2,( 00 t e rived, together with other funds, on the Jioa s in a business like manner and by ex] erienecd ro: and builders and not by our present plan. Let it be done by a s^ecilie plan. It note that the majority of oai l oad overdo sand comm isM oners are ine eperiene and men for tlit place. Really w haven't many experl mc 'd road men For the last tour years 1 have paid cash instead of working the road and I might say the overseer and com missioner did not know how to use it. They, I suppose turned around and gave it to some boy for his work or to some of their friends to bring out teams without backhands or enough gearing with which to do a decent days work. I say, if it takes it, to issu" bonds and build roads, if it can be done with the money we are al ready entitled to, do it. If the money is used to advantage the bond won’t have to be so very large. Also if impossible for each man to pay his $4.00 let him wt rk his tour days under the supervisor or the expericnecd road foreman We must get the money and labor properly applied on the roads be fore it can count anything. I speak from observation and experience years I was i i Hamilton county, Tenn, and we worked by the gen eral public works system. J. 11. Wilson, Morganville, Ga. MEDICINE THAT IS MEDICINE “1 have Mift’ered a g< and deal with in tlaiia an<l s'nmnrh com plaints hut. 1 nave mv\ T l*unl a ✓ remedy that keeps me wed. and that remedy is E’tcrrie 1 tiers; a medicine that, is medicine fo stomach and 1 iv*r qmibles and f>r run down conditions, sty-* i\ . C. Ki -.-t Ur. m 1 i 1 1 nl h * t Ar .. Electric Hi lets pur fv an 1 eiim h the b’ood, ton- u;> the n iv- s. ad 4 opart vigor and em rgv to tie w k Vo* l* moi.ev w i 1 t> r tund v _ . , ,1 1 f • to-p\ i u. Odn ,1 RONDS OR NO BONDS. That’s to be or not to be. That’s the question. It is an evident fact the majority of the enterprising citizens of Dade county fovor good roads But it is an unsettled ques tion as to the best method of ac quiring means for building them. Some favor working convicts, some by direct taxation and others favor | issuing bonds and contrac ting the work. If the county had a suffi cient number of convicts to build and maintain a pike through Dade county, I would favor building snch a road from Tennessee State line to the Alab ma State line with convict labor, but as the county has not convicts sufficient that idea must be abandoned. I have favored direct taxation for build ing a pike road through the coun ty, but as the state and county taxes are now almost beyond en durance, no doubt there would be objections to a direct levy for this purpose. The next best plan, I think, is to issue bonds to the am ount of $50,000 for building a mac cadamised pike road, commencing at the Alabama State line and run ning to the Tennessee State line, a distance of about 25 miles. We now pay a road tax of from 15 to 20 cents on the SIOO. Issue bonds to the amount of $50,000 and continue to levy a road lax of 20 cents on the SIOO and when collected deposit same in some safe bank bearing interest and in less than 25 years the debt can be set tled., Each public road in the county to be kept up by men who are subject to road duty. THE PEOPLE OF DADE COUNTY SHOULD BE WIL LING TO BUTEI) ONE FIRST CLASS PIKE ROAD through the county and the amount men ioned above is sufficient to do the work and the other roads, if rightly manag'd, will be kept in as good condition without using Ihe ad va lorem road tax each year on the public roads. Tax Payer of the 129th District. BONDS. To The Times: Hands means bondag? which is modified only by . the kind of bonds issued. I am opposed to bonds on^ganeral prin- ; ciplas. Good business rules would not permit the individual to make a debt which he cmid avoid, and the same principle applys to the public. Now if it is good busine s to get uto debt, why not all of us make living on what we owe. Public indebtedness has been the min of the Am lie in people and will be the cause ot more misery among the pr. duces than anything else, and that at no ve y distant period. Even now it would be impossi ble to liquidate our public indebt edness. Still it is giowing at an alarming rate which means repu diation in the end. Repudiation would mean th.i utter collapse ot our soci il s ruct ure Now, if Bonds are a necessity, let us be careful and only go so far as prudence will suggest. Should we need $20,000 at once let us issu e the Coupon Bond, the coupon cal 1 ng for 5 per cent of the principal and the sveurd annual Gt rest. Under this plan 20 year bonds would be paid at final maturity and there would be no chance for refunding or perpetuating the debt. Besides there would be a saving of nearl v one half in in'crest account. For example: Twenty thousand dollars for twenty year bonds at 5 per emt would cost us at maturity s:■>!),soo under the coupon plan. Whereas to let all the principal run to maturity the issue would cost s4Qr^pO. not feel that it is right to make it debt for future generations to pay or repudiate. Suppo e-there be a public tLi ~- cussioii of this question at the coma house in the near future J B. Lea, Wildwood, Ga Mr. Lea starts out in a pessimis tic strain, and according to his views our social structure is al ieady doomed to collapse into re pudiated obi v on. Bit leiore he got through offers a sensible bond ing plan that if followed up will save a great amount of money in j interest. As to thhe present gen elation making a debt for the fu-! tore generations, we beg to offer this declaration: Dade county can ; well afford to impose some of the burdens of improvement upon pos terity by iS'Uing bonds. Ihe con struction of good roads would soon result in such an increase in the value of real estate in Dade county that the interest on the bonds is sued-by the county would be a small matter. The increase in th * amount of taxes derived from this increased value of real estate would more than meet the interest char ges, while the benefit to commerce would be so much clear gain to the individual.—Ed. Editor Times: In reply to your request for an article for publica tion nmy views as to the advisa bility of Dade county issuing bonds for good roads. 1 will say that' am heartily 'in favor of such a move and would be glad to on tribute anything that would in anywise help the dirt roads. 1 h tve just returned from At lantil whore I spent two days at tending the Southeastern States Good Roads (’(ingress. I, afv: hearing a l sides of the questioi discussed by prominent road com missioners froat all over the South from government experts who at tende 1 the congress, I say the on ly practical way to have good roads, (and every one is in favoi of good roads,) is by issuing bonds. Walter W. Uureton, Rising Fawn, Ga. There is a disposition on the part of some to cause diffusion to where the authorities will be gin building the pike in even bonds are i sud for that purpose, and the road is built. This very same trival thing, we are informed defeated bonds at an election here once before. We are at a loss to see how intelligent public spirited men can possibly allow such a little measely and unimportant a thing as that to interfere with so impor tant a matter to such an extqnt to even cause dissention o i the point. Whatdiffere. iv does it make w here they begin, since the road can be constructed, by contract, from e'tato line to btate line within one year from time of beginning U TATION. Gtorgia—Dade Countv. To whom ii may concern: L X. Ho nits, having, in proper form, applied to me for permanent letiers of ad ministration on the estate of Joseph and Nancy Killian, late of said Countv, this is to cite all and singular the creditors an t next of kin of Joseph and Nancy Kiili.m. to be and appear at my office within th time allowed bv law, and show cause, i any they can, whv permanent administra te ii should not be giantcd to I, N. Hol mes, on Said estate. Witness my lian 1 and official signatu e, this 7th, day of Dec in her, 1908- Win. O. Reese, Ordinary. a daxgerouT orERA I lon is the removal <>i the appendix hy a surgeon. No one who takes i r. KingN New Lilh Rills Never sub ject - Light ul orde<! They w r orkiy you don'r. feel them. constipation headache, biliousness and malaria. 25c at all drug .-to es P. J. WILLIAMS FINE VVATJ.i UKIWIIUNO Fifty cents for clea ing. Feast n iI*W- |ri e for all vork. re i \'t* *mets Ly not., tin! | >ay postage n till <r< ii. <tt v : y Otfu-e address, iilsl.Nti Fa AN, tA. CHKAP^RAfES. All W. N: A. a-ud X. U. & St. i . R\ • fo : CHRISTMAS H )LIDAVS's will he < >n\ tiecem *-■ 18th, Hbh, 281, 2lt . 2-) , cSOt • d-t, Mil JaiiiM y Ft, it)Jy, Final limit leaving • in t, it' oi later than midnight o Ju. mry 0 i9ot). 'ticket- null ■ .-| j h j .oi 111 s south . the O m ad F.i mar and e *si • the M t.-.- issi ( >, Rivers, Washing! ><•. I) C., Cai o. Ip. gvaii v h\ I • 1 Cincinnati. Ohio, and M L uis. M < . For farther p r.L ulais, apoly t> > ur aetr-si tie kef enb or wr te C K HAI \N, G. P A., W. \ R. R %. tMai.ta, Gn. XMAS PRESENTS TO SUIT ALL PURSES i The largest and most va i* ed stock of Xmas pres ents in this section is now being shown at our store. No matter whether you want to spend m cli or little you can spe al it to bes advantage with us. because our prices are the lowest \ ossible for first class goods. XMAS PRESENTS FROM 25c UP ORDERS BY M \ IL HAVE BEST ATTENTION. EDWARDS & LEBRON JEWELERS 813 MARKET ST. Chattanooga, T--nn. DONTMITOEI THE STORE THAI SAVES a MONET By Ihe 1 i>tli of this month anil just ten days before Xmil's. I will p ace on sale t!ie l trg st stoc k ot Ho i day goods that has ever been displayed at one time in Trenton. 11 se goods uvre bought id the factory where they were made an * bought c c ap. DON'T FOR JO I lO VISIT MY SToii 10 first. I can *H)e iver the (too ls” ad save you money on them L. S. LY lOdAXCIO, t renton. Ga. I HIS IS \Y R 111 RE S DING ten F. Zelioski, nf GSGih on S; Buffalo, N. Y., m\>: ‘*l mired tii most annoying e and note 1 *v had, with Buck Imp j Arn e Sa \n 1 applied rl l i- sa’v" ouch a day i two wl en hvimv trace of th sore win gone.’ Heals all r-mesp Sol i under gU ij a idee at id! <hu. Stores at 25 reids. BLACK KATE Rubber Roofing 1 Ply—2s to Roll $ *.OO 2 Ply—4s to Roll 2.50 3 Ply—ss to Roll 3.00 The best r ofingo-u the mil ket. Don’t rust and leak an l don’t re ptile painting. Gu mint ed lor 10 years. LD By ROBERTSON. Agent. Notice, The D.ule (’ounty Fir;:rers’ Ed ucational an I v\; opei\*iion t nion will mee ta 1 iTeuton December 2(5. :iid all Locals oi the ton ty arc requested to be present .mp>. taut business. L *e Forester, LY r i lent. MARKED FOR DEATH. “Three yens ago 1 was mli ke lord >at 1 . A gnve-yard conga was leu ngmy lungs tv) pie es. Do-tors failed toll dp me, and ii >p had lie l, when my husband got lb King’s New Discovery,'” says Mrs. A. < . Williams, of Bae, Kv. “The first dose helped me and improve ment kept on until I had gained 5S pounds in weight and my health was fully restored.” This medi cine holds the world’s healing rec ord for coughs and colds and lung and throat disease;. It prevents p leamoni . Sold under guarantee at all drug stor s. 50c andsl 00. Trial bottle free Notice. I hereby notify all present I‘p utv Sheriffs now serving under me that after January Ist, 10)9. their commissions will exp re an 1 appointments will be made by me for the ensuing term and new dep uties requ'red to give a bond at* cording to law. x R. W. Thurman. Sheriff NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All Creditors of the estate <U* Nancy A. Craig late of Dude County, deceased, are hereby notified to ren ler in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to s iid estate are here by required to make immediate payment. This 9th day of November,’l9oß. K. F. TaTUM, Administrate •. Have You The Right Sort of Suit IS And Overcoai? /ffm\ We have the most compl to assortment of Saits and Over- |i jM L 4 coats in all weights, models | and patterns, and wou’e be ftTftil | i W.j pleased to show y(U a few £jp|J of them. Inn I li !| Upf -Washington* Clot! - |f lfl|]p ing will alwatys please ufj j : ! jj j|| the most, f.isjidioiis jj !j |j j | | • [fl, f L Manhattan end ClaeU ||rHfU Shifts in all the newest Fall jßi l|| pattern?. I\Johbv Fall bids /Mi in Lalys and Soft Hat '?& /lungs or Stetsons $3. 4* \ * T' 1 -* , , i s.>.cr. ■J. B. Hughes will be glild t) g eet his friends ,n •now them the oest line of Jlo.hrag in Clnitu.u HMIE & CAUDLE 15 Market St. Chattanooga, Tenn ! CHRISTMAS nnHE nc jippiouch of the Iblidms 1 lings to tli m I JL nt all ihe subjects of gih. w . On sock ih ser.Mni i; gre itc t an /er. It wih '• tipt> Cn i t no iga t . vi.-it our s'oim. n YOU Akl- AbVYAYS Whl.CdMl*' j: \nu | v n<>t oceved our n h eitalog wri u-iov and fi c; *p vwi and I* * mli Id it o 1 1 emit a: ns iin . i ml.' ii. jI i us! :at im> and juices ot Jjwelr;, fateiss, Sil/ai and Cot £!b AND WILL BE OF BENEFIT 1 ußDE<lnci gifts or loi'j hiui care fa attention* W, f, FlvlEiJ k 818. fcl, Was CHAITAXOi.V 1: NX. With 20 Years Actual | Practical Knowleif Wrt are off -r g> t f. imD t e *-t I i**S I> D • ' ,IV ' shown. Styles ITp To I). Do, Quaiilh the !**-?.*-1 31 mey an tX P erlll cm offer. P ices lover t- ! i an any otner ( hadtonoogn. i Our Clothing is of the B *st Merchant Tail*"' Htvle-s and Price * reasonable, fro a *lO to S2O u< *■ t ’ j J] ,: An Up-to Date Line of Dry Goods ben S ~ , ~ i viti" and Hits >1 the Latest oieathui. t ivi u 2A . that you can save money Ly tiudin willi us *lt GARMANYI .BkOA I •>3> Mftiu St. ClattuiH g*. 1 ~f\, v ... * X T' 7 £ J * • .? DA i* lOriKio „ ... -w- - . - r T' *, •/ I\ I L : -v* *jj I'j IVi Jri ' JL i vA -i x ->■ A CSC! MARKET ST., CBATTASCCUA. I sll fl ; r JG i*-0 ODTfmfl THt rG.ML/B bKEtr A! -A.V \ I IS HEBE 10 CAT LB U YOliii WAN F6 I 1,1 CLCTHMYG iNO FURNISHINGS. I ►#.GIVE US A CALL.-rl