The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, December 11, 1908, Image 5
11l Ui • ilMi/S j[j Jj| J Si 1 KO V. itEK L\ . ,~ - - ( t Kv )I*( jt A j. 1 ; \ !*).>, ARRIVAL OF 1 RAINS. I .st'lie'liilf, Ai t-ttimi Great .uri: * A OoCtii't U'Hiir). iIS Kl-’i K<T FEU- 10, 100’, J. ton lit Hon ml, . ■ ( .v S. o. Limited E:>'*s r. M. .t./ S' 041 JLb* *lto9 9i m \ . a Linnittt u: o a. >.• . -7 x j j ,|| v tn- i if-iu , i; 10 r. m. Regular sl<| >• y, I aiktt -\ Iliail U;ii..r, Stop at J I ilUill. D1 ixtit)'i Lll Y. 1), le 1 oill l ti. n March ami Sepiembt-i. j ,siice Conn I *r I'leno.ii I Osii u-t ii> , n .l in each i OIM V ill- FH Kits. V ill ' lVe-e. • 11t1 .,v S.J. ihil% l’u IK Su,n run t OI j. \\. i’ll in ;ii.'i n, Sherill; VV. I*. I ]• <(’ Jlerlor. '*' hi*el .1. Hale, lax L* v'*r: ih '• "• Kmiger-., County Treasim-. v \ f llii.O • County Sehool Commi ie|*. ,v. . Morrison, Surveyor; .Marl l:iie, O'oioner. . , r k ■ | •> •; ;vices, M. ci. t ’lmrcli, Sunth ~i lt j tm Sun l:ty iii each month. I, ,ver nceling each Su nlay evening at o’clock. Kpwortli Leigue meets every ,Vcl evening* Sit 1 i yischool every ; Kv,l tv ii'ruinj,l ii *10: ) l>. 11. Ho^‘>’, U. IC. SMITH. Pastor. SECRET SOCIETIES. . ._ Trenton Lodge, F. £ A. M. No 179. Meets at the MnSOuie llu’l on Wednesday flight, on oi lie'ore the full moon and every 3rd Suttnday night therefrom at 7 :30. J. M. Lyemance, W. iVL Trenton Lodge, No. 38, I. O. O- F. Meets at their hall north side pub lic square every Saturday evei ing at 7:3d. \V. G. Coin. N. G. Dade N*. 1-2, k.ot l*. Meets ill <> H F** I mv>’ Hill Ni •Mi ll tv eveni gs a• >.3 ) Fra k .\l ii isiin, C. C. J. VUJSS Y M. D. Phys c a t anu Surgeon IRLKTIN GIG GIA WALTER V/. CURETON A.Her evj At liaV . R3i.nFA.VN GA/. J. ?. JaCOWAY. A I I’l)It \' i]V A I I. MV, MENTON, •• (i K< >l:< ■ lA. Will pr.aC'oh in all li e court-* Hate and federal. B. T. BROCK, X ATTORNKY AT LAW THEN TON, - GFOIKiIA. Will |ram ice* in al It the Courts.* 'Prompt attention given all business. —(l \ L!. (>.* A. S. J \ COW AY WITH H. Schwartz k Bro. (.’if AT r A Not KJ A, Tr.N x. FINE SIIOH.S and HOSIERY Get the "DUX "Shoe jaßiKwawi mmtmw -L£-l . XV7&ISZ: £ s\ t. &*4 * ' •*' uj? £ H j p/M CURE TMg LU^CSI I T fg r< [□jig’s Hew Discovery 1 fQH OOUCHB cc Pi% M . g,.. n wOLDS Trial Bottle Free jpvLfU- throat and lung troubles. SATISFACTORY f MONEY REFUNDED. I IT m TMM BEST MM® OF- mWMMY W CSAtiiOOiA IST BE CLOSED OUT REGARDLESS OF PRICE. , |iMB ■■ mi ■■ II mm l—— Ml— ■— n _HUJ.fl—— lIMMW Mil HI I——i H n ll—T -H-~ f—4— ■ —■it ill ■ * i We iiave decided the quickest way to dispose ot them i ] ist o sell at auction All goods are of the highest grade. Now iis the . iaie to get that Xmas and New year Present and 1 i | lay it away while you can get it at your own price. >a’e will : | continue fro .1 day to day until stock is exhausted. Auction ; ! hours from 2:30 till 5 o clock and from 7.30 to 9 o'clock P. M. ■arvar.ii Tin in i ill 1 | |,Wl — I m ?■—* ■sammssaoux. J. F. BENNETT, THE JEWELER 927 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee. SPECIAL fPF.SAiHS AT GLENNS . ' sl2 Aiiil sls Suits for $lO sl2 And sls Overcoats for $lO OTHER FAVORS IN PROPORTION AH Good Fresh Goods will be closed out on account of the varin weather. A. C. GLENN &CO 816 MARKFT ST. ——l1 1 —— STANDARD MUSE COMPANY 720 MAF.KET STREET. CHATTANOOGA TENN. Dealers In TALK ISO JI.V HIXFS, EDISON PHONOaBACHS, LAKGE LINE OF UECOKDS, CHEAP MUSIC ANI) ALL CLASS OF SMALL MUSIC INSTRUMENTS. okbebs seceivs ouk phohpt attention g • LOCAL and PERSONAL | - § By Mrs. 11. S. Ridgws. p r- K. 'l'. Davis of (’ attanooga. was here ruesd.iy im proi'tssional busi CSS. Li tlo Miss Bennie Brock is the rru *st of Miss Fay Cuietou in St. Elmo. Di\ Haul's Spectacles, 2.. c, oOc 75c and SI.OO a pair at the Drug Store. Mrs. Ella riiurman, of Chatta nooga, is visiting her parents, Mi. md Mrs. A. M. Tatum, near town. Mrs Jessie Casa and children, of Chattanooga, spent this week here. Kirkscy D ivis, ot Cole < ity? spent Tuesday here. \Y >3 will cot/ ac > nplete line of di ..m.i> goods tor saD at the Ding do re. Airs 11. S. Bodges, returned Sunday n;giit from a two weeks’ visit m X ‘\v f York and Washington. \Y. F Nethery co tinues very ill Lee Ti lwel came down Irom Rising Fawn Wedne day. / Wiley Evatt, of Rising Fawn, was here Wednesday on business. Joe Stewart Sr., Alex Stewart, Sr., and Jesse Stewart, of Stewart Town, spent Wednesday in the Capital on business. Air. Cross, of Wildwood, was here on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stewart Jr., were down from Byrds Chapel Monday. Misses Myrtle Cureton, Dana Tatum, Mrs. R. S. Rodgers and James Pace attended church at Rising Fawn Wednesday. Several Trento ites will attend the Ward and Sanders at Rising Fawn Sunday. New stock oi all leather shoes at the right price on sale at the Drug Store Trenton people are expecting quite a lot of visitors i. town dur ing the holidays. Cottage prayer meeting was held at the home ot Mrs. B- ' • u x r man Thursday. Miss Willie Allison is on the. sick list. The freshest line of g oceries and oh' ctioneries in town at the Drug St >rc M'S. James (5 ss spent Tuesday in Chattanooga. Misss Dana Tat m was a dele gate to the Epworth League Con vention in Chattanooga ! hursday. You can get everything you want fresh and pure and a the right price at the Drug Store. AY. N. Gray was down from Lookout Mountain Monday. Rev. H. K. Allison attended the series ot ineeti gs in Rising Fawn several days this week. Lodges Elect Officers. At the regular Council Sleep of Apachee Tribe 39, I. O. IT M. held in Lodge Hall December 3d, 1908, the f dlowing officers w re duly elected to serve for the ensuing term: J. Duckett, Sachem; 1. C. Par ker, Senior Sagimore; John Knox, Ju ior Sagimore; I . Miller, Prophe ; G A. Massengale, Chief of accords; J A Whitt, Keeper of \\ amp m; Elijah Sanders, Trnstee No. 38,1.0. O. F # elected the following officers: R. F. Tatum, N. G; J. ton, Y. G;J.D. Pace, K. Se3 7 y; I. J. Lumpkin, F. Sec ? y; G. W S\. Tatum, Treasurer; H. Wheeler Trustee At the regular meeting of Look out Mountain Lodge 160, 1. O. 0.1. held in Lodge Hall Dec 16, 1908, the following officei'S were duly electe 1 to serve the ensuing term: J C. Camp, K G.; W. C. Whitt, V. G.; A R. Carver, Sec’y; J a. Y\ hitt. Treasurer; E. H. H.ce, 1 rustee. Commissioner O. B. Stevens, ot the Georgia Board of Raiiroad Commissioners, will be here on De cember 15th, (next Tuesday) for the purpose of investigating per the physicial conditions, i®d hear testimony relative to the necessities for passenger depot im provements at this place. Ihe hearing will be held in the court house. The public will be repre sen ted by attorneys B. T. Brock and R. F. Tatum, and the railroad company, we presume, will be rep resented by their local attorney, J. P. Jacoway. Every one in the surrounding country interested in anew dapot building being erected at this place are requested to be present in the circuit court room at the court house by 9 o’clock A. M. Dec. 15. Telephone, mail your orders or go to Dan C. Wheeler & Cos., a# 607 Market St., Phone 175, Chat tanooga, Tenn., for grain, bay and eed supplies. Cotton seed meal PEALERB IX Drugs. Chemicals,Paints, Oils, Glass anil Druggists' Sundries, Salesroom; Cor. Market and Main Sts. Telephone Main No. 269. Chattanooga, Tennessee. iRHODES HAVERIY FURNITURE COMPANY G H ATT A NOOG A, TESS I- THE SEASON’S GREETINGS A CHRISTMAS GIFT 1 In selecting a Christ not let it ► be a lasting evedienc* of it con- I veys? There is nothing more appropriate ! than a useful article of furniture which will cirry with it every ounce dT^il%ggasorPs^^od Me Scope of our Business j Trading at Rhodes-Haverty Means J jmr We own and operate over forty stores and < dr buv in the open market in enormous quanti r ties It is therefore a reasonable conclusion ! that we buy Everything for housekeeping as 4 as cheap as anyior.e on earth, and this is the < reason you will ALWAYS FIND HERE de- ] dependable goods cheaper than you can buy their equivalent elsewhers. 715 MARKET ST. j Ho connection with any other Store in the City j and hulls a specialty. Don’t for get the place. Harris & Johus m, Id E Bih St. % u. Chattanooga, are the only exclusive opticians in the city. 15 years ex perience assures accuracy and cor rect fitting. The most up-to-date re tracting rooms in the South* Ev erything at moderate prices. Clover, Red Top, Timothy, Or chard Grass, Millet Hay, and all kinds of field seeds at Dan C. Wheeler Co’s., 607 Market St., Phone 175, Chattanooga, Tenn. Cotton seed meal and bulls a specially.