The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, February 12, 1925, Image 2

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DUDE COUNTY IK <1 HEJfTO jt, Oj H. —PUBLISHED EV.EliY TUUKSDAY- DY THE DAOE COUNTY TIMES PUBLISHING CO, LAUREN NOBLE, - Publisher FFICIAL ORGAN OF DADE COUNT i Entered at the Post Office at T/entoi Ga., as second class mail matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year........................ $1 .Ot Six Months.......................6( 'TAX SALE Georgia^Dade County. Will be sold before the Court House door,in the town of 1 ren- ton,said state and said county, on the first Tuesday in March, 1925 within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property to wit: Forty acres of land, lots No. 83 and 84, lying and being located in the 18th District and 4^h Sec¬ tion, all being located on the west side of main public road or Dixie Highway in said State and Coun¬ ty- Will be sold as the property of C. W. McClure for State and Connty taxes for year 1934. Levied on by virtue of a tax fifa ;ir issued z by W.B. Lureton, Tax Col- and being the property out by him Levy made by T. Newman Sheriff. This 6th day of February, 1925. T. S. NEWMAN, Sheriff Tutt’s Pills Induce re<n1ef hat*, good end t«te up the cyetem AGAINST MALARIA Morrison’s Store (At Steven’s Store House South Side) Will keep a general line of Merchandise, and sell a« cheap as anyone else. Our aim is to sell what the people want to buy, and buy what the people want to self- Will thank you for your trade. m i RADIOS i I q> i I In connection with my automobile business I have put in a stock of Radios. Will carry several makes besides the well known Super¬ heterodyne which is considered best* Radio on the market. Keep in touch with the world from your own home. I can sell you a Radio just like you buy your automobile. Make a cash payment, pay the balance by the month. Write or call and let me show you my line. W H. BROCK TRENTON, GEORGIA A To Protect Fido Like the horse, the dogs find then-selves living in a new world to which they are not fully adopted. Many dog own¬ ers take their pets aboard the family car when going for a drive or even a transcontinen¬ tal motor trip and find them useful and congenial companv. Others tie them on the running board, or let them chase the car until exhausted. The Ore¬ gon Humane Society has pre¬ pared an act of the legislature requiring fenders or guard rails to protect the dog from falling off wh 3 n carried on the outside of a motor vehicle- Asimular act is before the California state legislature. All states ehould require such protection for our best friend. --- ■ 11 —1 -- Brown Gap Dots We have been enjoying a fine spell of weather- Jiles, Fred and Clifford Gass, after spending a pleasant week end at home returned to Chat¬ tanooga, Sunday, where they are employed. W.L. Stephenson, who works in Chattanooga, spent the week end with home folks. Sunday School was well at¬ tended. x Stephenson home As usual the afternoon was spent singing. Mrs. John T. Shelton took her son to Chattanooga Saturday for consultation with a eye apecialist for treatment of an effected eya. Grady Chapman made a busi* nesstrip to Chattanooga, Sat¬ urday. OFFICERS ■ DADE COUNTY H. Wheeler, Ordinary S. Newman, Sheriff B. Frierson,Clerk Conrt Board of Roads & Revenues T. Reeves S. Lambert II. Cass Board of Education M. Wallen H. Dugan A. McMahan] I. Price L. Simpson J. Hale, Supt. Education S. Jenkins, Coroner G. Morrison, Count^ Surveyor Justices of the Peace Bible,Sulphur Springs Hale,Rising Fawn Stewarttown W.M.Tatum,Trent on .P.Cole, Slygo II. Hibbs, Hooker Wildwood .Egypt A Gray,Lookout Mountain Stephens, Cole City Board of Tax Equalization Street A.Price Board of Registrars P. Deakins S H1 ith Ronertson H. Davis, Tax Receiver Cureton, Tax Collector Notes at the Times’ Office. High-Grade Tailoring Suits Made to Order Remodling, Altering, Pressing and Repairing Ladies Work A Specialty 20% W. 9th Street Chattanoogna, Tenn. Over Spencer Store DOCTORS TREAT COLDS AND THE FLU To break up a cold over night or to cut an attack of grippe, influenza or sore physicians and druggists are cow Calotabs, the nausealess tablet, that is purified from dan¬ and sickening effects. Those who tried it say that it acts like magic, by more effective and certain than the old calomel, heretofore recommended by One or two Calotabs at bed time with swallow of water,—that's all. No salts, nausea nor the slightest interference eating, work or pleasures. Next morn¬ your cold has vanished and your sys¬ feels refreshed and purified. Calctabs sold only in original sealed pacHges, hirty-five ten cents cents for for the the large vest-pocket family pack¬ jeize; Recommended and guaranteed by \our money back if you are not Giving the Dairy Cow a Square Deal News Bureau of Animal Husbandry .-•xtsca*. ** There are now 25,375,000 dairy cattle in the United States. Of these, says a recent report, only about one-half are cared for in a manner to to™heir enale them to return a fair profit owners. Many a milk cow has been ac¬ cused of being a "boarder” when the owner had only himself to blame. Unlike human beings, dairy cows never shirk intentionally, and frequent tests reveal that seemingly unimportant details in the care of milk cows have startling effects on milk production. If you are considering drying up any of your milk herd because you believe them to be unproductive, fill in the questionnaire below for your own satisfaction. If you can write YES as an answer to all of the questions, it is safe to assume that, if your cows are not diseasesd, they are fore getting a square deal and there¬ ought to repay you generously. Are you feeding them a properly balanced ration? If not, or if you are not quite sure of what makes up a properly balanced ration for milk cows, get in touch with your county agent. It will pay you to do this. Are the stables kept clean—espe¬ ?!> I I I Paints, Oils, Drugs, and £j> I WINDOW GLASS . \ ' % i Special Attention Given to Mail Orders 1 1 STONG BROS. 1 DRUGGISTS $ $ Vi? 1 Corner Main and Market Streets Chattanooga, Tenn, Business Training For B usiness Success In our new location 5th floor of THE NEW PROVIDENT BUILDING we have every facility to give you the best business training, and to secure a good position for you. For prices and full information for any course, write or visit us, Chattanooga Business College 5th Floor Provident Bldg. Chattanooga, Tenn. Buy Your Piano or Piano Player from TEMPLEMANS > And be safe! Over a quarter century Honest Dealings in Chattanooga. Write for our Catalog and Used Bargain List- Templeman Music Co, 907 Market St. f Chattanooga, Tenn- cially during the months you y0U kee w » the milk cows in? Clean stables and good co5ft vpntn. tion are essential if the tn give full returns. Clean gm S clean bedding and lots of pure ^ are important. Has your milk herd access to ail the fresh water they will drink’ If not, give it to them. Water is ** Do you keep the cows clean? * Filth adhering to flanks and udders takes money right out of sorbed your pocket. into the system. Impurities are means! ah.! feed less That more or milk. Milk from a manure-caked cow is unclean and, on a strict interpretation, against utes, the law. clip In the Just udders, a few min! 1 you can flanks and underlines of the cows. There- after, it is only a matter of seconds to wipe off all clinging foreign mat- ter with a damp cloth. Farmers and dairymen who follow this prac¬ tice say it increases milk flow and enriches the milk. And the cow is certainly more comfortable and contented. Are you giving your cows square deal?