The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, February 19, 1925, Image 2

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HE \Mi TIMES' <r f? Ejv<r o ,v, a tji. -PfJHLlHUKD EV.SKY THURSDAY— TY j •HE D&0E COUNTY TlfflES| PUBLISHING CO, 1 LAUREN NOBLE, - Publisher M* in aD (HtOAN OF DA DK COUNT If •ijit'reilai the Post Oflice Ht Trentor ti.i , an second Hasw mail matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: 1 >ne Yon l*. . . $ 1.00 Six Month* .. .60 Administrators Sale Under and by virtue of an order previously granted by the Court of Ordinary, I will, as the adminis- t ■ it or of t In* e*tate of R. H. I )ubbs, (deceased) put up and expose lor sale at puble outcry at the late iv-idence of the said R. II Dabbs, ( leceased) to the highest, bidder for cash about one hundred and fifty to one hundred and seventy-five bushels of corn in the ear and about seventy five bales of hay on Sat¬ urday t he 28th day of February 1925. Said sale to be had for the pay¬ ment of debts and distribution tuning the heirs. This January the 16th, 1925. A. 11 . DABBS, Administrator TAX SALE Georgia, Dade County. Will be sold before the Court ]louse dour,in the town of Tren¬ ton ,said state and said county, on the first Tuesday in March, 1925 within the legal hours of stile to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property to wit : Forty acres of land, lots No. 83 and 8-|, lying and being located i i the 18th District and 4th Sec¬ tion, all being located on the west side of main public road or Dixit Highway in said State and Coun¬ ty . Will be sold 11s the property oi C. A . McClure for State and L minty taxes for year 1924. Levied on by virtue of a tax fifa i's-ued by W.B. Curcton, I ax Col- lcetor fur said Slate and County, and being the property pointer, out by him. Levy made by T. S. Newman Sheriff’. 'Ibis 5 th day of February, 1925. T S. NEWMAN, Sheriff d'he Times ifx.oo. <j > i' f> it * Paints, Oils, Drugs, and <! <t <i WINDOW. <1 MS GLASS , <! h <J> <|> <i MY Special Attention Given to Mail Orders I i 1 : K <j> u u <»> < 4 > <1 "o STONG BROS. DRUGGISTS a r* Corner Main and Market Streets <J> Chattanooga, Tenn, 1 T> Of The People This Column is open to to the public to express their opinions on matters pertaining to the better¬ ment of our County.—Ed. Can some reader of the Lade County Times teli me how many children of public school live in Dade County? How many of them are attending and why the others are not taking advantage of the the State of Georgia Just how ought tiie n education law to enforced in our County? J. C. B. Rising Fawn Has it ever occured to the reader all citizens of Dade County to Hie same class. We tire rural folk. This being true there some things of common inter¬ For me to think of a particu¬ subject which concerns me, and to suddenly remember that very same subject concerns or concern every citizen ol the is a little romantic. Per¬ you have thought of a dozen of common interest but 1 thinking of the rural youth his chance at life. Since all us are in the country let’s be a more countryfied. Let’s give boys and girls* the benefit of natural advantages which are and let’s encourage tliritt productiveness. What do you think of a “Better Life Club?" If twenty- of the leading citizens of this will organize for better life wonders can be wrought. line one day county fair can be put on this fall. The boys and girls can bring ^in the live stock, poultry, and products of the farm tnd garden and receive prizes for their efforts. 1 know one small, all rural con- nunity which began some experi- nents with the boys and girls ibout ten years ago. Today they uive a canning factory, a produce touse and a fine creamrv. Our >oys and girls do things in good style when we give them a chance. 1 tun one of twenty who is read) to give five dollars for the launch¬ ing of such a oause and more tu promote it if properly organized. A hat do you say? ‘Well, say it to R in care of the Times A Citizen. WANTED : An up-to date truck farmer. Apply at once to S. L Sells. Air. and Mrs. Geo. Clark win have been spending the past veto with this their brother John Chirk of New England have returned to have returned to their home tit Oklahoma City accompanied b\ John Clark, who has gone then to reside, Mr. Clark is one • I Dade’s prominent citizens and h s many friends regrrt his leaving Dade County. CHURCH NOTES It is probably true that the average laymandoes not realize what the lay members of the church have wrought. And on the other hand he may f ; ‘il to realize how much remains to be done. Hear what a layman has to say on the supreme vvork of the church of to day—Tren¬ ton Methodist church, Sunday morning and Sunday night. Missionary Institute will be conducted as follows: Rising Fawn, Feb. 24 and 25th at 7:3 d p. m.; Trenton, Feb. 26 and 27th at 7:30 n. m.; Byrds Chapel. March 1. Universal prepara¬ tions are being made for t^ese institutes. The names of the visiting speakers can not be now but you will nM be in them- If you an antiseptic, a stimulant, a tonic come to the institutes. The “Pre-Easter Campaign of -1 offers some line sugges¬ 7 tions, I. Attend ten Sunday services. ' 2- Bring ten visitors. 3. Greet ten worshipers at each service. 4. Think ten times prayerfully ten unsaved persons- o. Advise ten others to help in this campaign. 6. Make ten unusual efforts at some neglected tasks. \ 7. Attend ten Sunday School, | ten prayer meeting and ten Christian Endeavor sessions. 8. Talk to ten persons about Christ. 9. Make ten special calls on Christians. i the i j 10. Ask ten people to join church. Airs. Paul Rodgers and son Paul [r. of Attaint spent the week-end i with Mr. and As r-.. R S. Rodgers. Misses Aline, Lucille and Max- me Nicholson of Birmingham spent Sunday with their grand parents and Mrs. Robert Carter. : >fk A ■ y-R Ay -w■. ' 5 ' ' ' s 4 s m$%SfH doubt ■i Confidence Vertormance The knows as to owner what what he of his can a Ford car expect will is never in do service. and in how Hs sturdily it will do it. When bad weather and roads ether of •S'-SA '-■-Sk put cars out The Coupe commission, the Ford car will stay on the job. It lm: 4 -A-' *520 will carry through slush and snow, over frozen ruts, t- *v-*w? ' ■-/? newly constructed roads—anywhere. "d Runabout - $260 Yet Ford benefits be for the ■Sj 0 Touring Tudor Sedan Car - 290 6S0 can yours lowest prices 'Mm - Hordor Sedan - 6fO ever offered. This is made possible by the efficiency m On open cars demeurt- of Ford manufacture, the volume of and »ble tims $85 and extra starter a.-i output -;-s ks- All prices f. o. b. Detroit practically limitless resources. '■&■ •l 4*7 A . SEE T2£E NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER - y--v J G . I ; VISITORS ARt ALWAYS WELCOME AT ALL FORD PLANTS j/ H> — 9 W* r. A I <(> <i> $ ill & <5 Ik <j> 35 With it planting time, and that <i> i suggests feed, seeds, and tools as <i> <i> well as work clothes and work i shoes. We have all and in § quan¬ <L i tity, quality, variety and at prices I M> that are f< :a i Y • v> si i a In Stock 1 L!> Seed Potatoes. Onion Sets, Garden and Flower I > Feeds, Burt Seed Oats, Oliver, Vulcan and Chat¬ tanooga Plows and Repairs for same, Disc and rr> <k Peg Tooth Harrows, Gee Whiz and smaller tools; <* also stock of Corn, Oats, C, S. Meal, Shorts and 1 othei feeds, including chicken. <5 Spring Hats i Just in a shipment of Ladies, Misses and Chil¬ 1 dren’s Dress Hats. We ask your inspection before i buying. $ Buy Flour Next Week i 0 We wilt sell flour less than the mills. $ you at 1 ? A real good flour that that repeats. $ 1.30 All next week, 24 lb. sk............. tit 1 I If you are possessed of a spirit of saving you i will come to this store, and we are always giad $ <i> to show you whether you buy or not. 2S <5 ik <t> 9*S6 I <t> Ik <k I Sk I 0 TRENTON, GEORGIA i $ <D