The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, March 12, 1925, Image 2

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For AH the n E have used Black- Draught ever since we have had a fam¬ ily and that was shortly after 1874,” says Mr. E. A. Branstetter, of St. James, Mo. “It is my first remedy when any of us gets sick. . . . We u s e Black-Draught for torpid liver and stomach com¬ plaints. I sluggish “When get and don't feel so good, I take Black-Draught—and you have to show me that there is a better medicine Remember z if it’s Not Thedlord’s, mm BLACK-DRAUGHT Vegetable Liver Medicine hwww w more monnniinnfti mum mom wnminiiftigl , " 1 ' • ■ ■ • ........• ' • ' —rrr- . .'u f> < 3 j: ■I- "i" !> > Morrison’s • <t> u> i> Store ‘Ji General Merchandise ± $ ■h <b T Stock fast needed, t> We are adding to our as as •l> and hope to be b« able to furnish anything trade S our <t> T needs before long. $ -Q Our policy will always be to give all, the same I :l> values and instead of giving one premium to one 1 | person, will give all the the same. At present we are giving a portrait 7x9 with I eachTen Dollar Cash (or its equivelent) trade, made I by the National Studio in Chattanooga. Have pic¬ -p ture made of yourself or family, costs you nothing, we pay for it. Later we will have something else, i equal value to all. Our prices will always be as cheap as any. <i> r t> W G-, Morrison •j> Mrs. rp <D 1 1 TRENTON. GEORGIA I Vff i^e^se^^i^ei sigiei ei e ieieKiei e i e ieieieieiei 8 i ei ca®i gi ci e i 3i ei e i Ci3 i 0 i e t c i £io i eisits i 9 i s« 3teieis;e <t> T> § ib <T <J> <12 1 I | Midway Cafe I I 1 151 Market Street I | <L> Chattanooga, Tennessee I i To our friends and customers in Dade 1 I County: When in Chattanooga call to see us- | I I Good Meals--Home Cooking. <(> I I at Dinner and be convinced. <* Try our 25c m T <L> T | | 3 it > I | ± I <b <5 2 Ir4s*eiei9*ai c*£ i eie«e i 0 i«&ie4eie<et6i€4eieieieieisi oic»o t cictc»j i o i ei afc5ieieia8ateieieie>?ieietaie{-sfr» r> 1 FURNITURE sh & <■1 ii~ Our Stock is Complete. I & <!> Our Prices are'Right. Our Delivery is Free. <0 it> ij> T ‘!> We are Agents for New Perfection Oil Stoves- T <0 -l> We Specialize in Complete Home Outfits. it <•: :C SERVICE §2 Cl> <b THREE STORES AT YOUR I it 2109 Whiteside <0 <i> l3 2 Market St 251 E. Main St. ‘J> Ji 5 ■ J. W. Glass Furniture Co. it t\> .* <t> Chattanooga, Tennessee i £ it )> ■ f in Missouri. I think it is fine for indigestion or for headache. It is a splendid family remedy. My wife uses it for any stomach ailment, indigestion and biliousness. We never let the house be without it if I know it. We also give it to the children for chil¬ dren’s fever.” complaints, colds or Keep a package of Black- Draught in the house for all the family. Your dealer will sell you a mammoth package, regular-size containing pack¬ five of the ages. It’s cheaper. Composition Roofing Material Is Popular Manufacturers Give Timely Advice on Application of Modern Roofing The phenominal increase in the use of composition shingles dur¬ ing the past decade is directly traceable to the efficiency, dura¬ bility and economy ot the material itself. 1 here have been tew com¬ modities introduced to the Ameri¬ can public which have been so extensively used as the composi¬ tion shingle. Unfortunately however as is usually the case with any Recess Iul commodity, there have been many cheap and inferior shingles put on the market; materials which have been made solely tor the pur¬ pose of selling at a low price. At the present time however,the larger and more responsible manu¬ facturers of composition shingles have realized that their products must be so constructed, and ot such a r Ui ity ot material as to enab e the fi. ished commodity to afford the cus mer a satisfactory length of service. To tliat end many manufacturers are now pro¬ ducing an exceptionally large, heavy shingle whose usetul life is much longer than that allorded by an ordinary compisition shingle. In addition the large shingle pro¬ vides a more attractive roof on account of the deeper and more pronounced shadow lines obtained. ) No composition shingle should ever be exposed more than one- third of its total length. For in¬ stance a shingle only io inches long could not be exposed 4 inches and still provide three thickness of protection. Likewise,a shingle 14 inches long cannot be exposed 5 inches to the weather and still afford three layers ot water-proof ing material over the roof. A shingle for 4 inch exposure must naturally be at least 12 inches long, and as all manufacturers have realized this point a length of 12% inches h. s been generally accepted for all shingles made for 4 inch exposure. A shingle made for 5 inch exposure should consequent t- ly be 15% inches in length and some shingles on the market today are of that size. Many manufacturers however make their large shingles only 14 inches in length, in order to reduce their cost, and naturally these shingles when exposed 5 inches to the weather will not afford three thickness of protection. The main point however, to be considered in connection with any composition shingle is its ability to re&ist curling, or the rapid dry¬ ing out of tlie exposed corners. Naturally, a roof which curls is not only very unsightly and unsatis¬ factory but very expensive, as it is only a short time unti] such a roof develops serious leaks. There are several shingles on the market to¬ day, made by well known manu¬ facturers, which are widely adver¬ tised, and are guaranted against curling.—Tampa Tribune. Makes Autos Go 49 Miles on One Gallon of Gas SIOUX FALLS, South Dakota. — James A. May of 4409C Lacotah Building has perfected an amazing new device that cuts down gas con¬ sumption, removes all carbon- prevents spark plug trouble and overheating. Many cars have made over 49 «iles on a gallon. Any one can install it in five minutes. Mr. May wants agents and is offering to send one free to one auto owner in each locai- ity* Write him today. i 4 kinds ojVurface You may want five years or ten years or twenty years f service. We have light weight roofing for short term buildin« and heavier weights for permanent buildings. You can have your choice of red or green crushed slate face, grapevine* talc surface, smooth mica surface, sur finish surface. or sand a Each kind is sold in three or four different weights and is priced according to its weight. Thus Carey Roll Roofings protect every 'type of building for the term of service required and give you the biggest value in each weight—and in the long run the lowest cost ner P year of service. JOHN L. CASE, Agt. TRENTON. JAMES SUPPLY COMPANY Distributors Chattanooga, Tenn. Quality Shoe Hospital Frank Murphy, Manager West 9th Street. Between Market&Broad. Phone Mainll5 Mail Oders Solicited Postage Paid One Way MOST MODERN MACHINERY Rebuilding of AH Kinds All Work Guaranteed I/VI /i v. § T <x> I Crabtree Transler & Storage Co.) 118 E. Main Street I I CHATTANOOGA, Main 97-197 TENNESSEE." <g Moving. Packing, Storing I 3 > HAULING | WE SPECIALIZE IN LONG DISTANCE I I Tlx ' HOW’S THIS? HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE Will 3o what we claim for it—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE con¬ sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves the catarrhal inflammation, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts Surfaces, through the Blood on the Mucous thus restoring- normal condi¬ Sold by druggists for over 40 Tears. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. T j: FARMS <t> FOX MOUNTAIN 1 Rising Fawn, Georgia I Share Cropers Renters Wanted. Sensible or ji good houses, wood and water on place. Good <i> land. Cropers must furnish everythin!. 0> B, R, DEERING, Manager Tutt’s Pills Indues rsgHlar habtt, good Jhs digestion. Relieve «£?*!££ £ns.*s? AGAINST MALAWI