The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, July 30, 1925, Image 1

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VOL- 39 Social Happenings hooker Miss Kathryn Hale of White the week end west oi was and Lillian fees Thelma Mrs J C. Westberry ‘ hew Homer Winfrey i throe* to Bridgeport. “tor<lay afternoon to visit itives. Mrs. Ruth Payne and f gherwood were the id guests of Mrs. Payne's r Mrs. L. B. Wells. „ fills and children for -d them home an isit. j E. Tittle has omeaftera weeks stay Natives at Antioch aod srville, Tenn. Mrs. I N. Crick has j her home in Tracey City fterafew days vkit with re itives here. • 8 Madeline Strawn ome Mondav after a tay with relatives in Easi Ice Cream Supper The I. 0. O. F. Trenton No. 38 will give an ice creara supper on the court house Saturday night. August 1st. Committee. Fourth Quarterly The fourth quarterly meeting the Rising Fawn and charge of the Methodist will be held at Trenton, 9th, Revival Meetings at A series of revival were opened at Durham, 8un dav, July 26th, Rev. W. J. Can is in charge assisted Rev E. R. Lewis. Thirtieth Anniversary -■dr. and Mrs. A. S- Lewis brated their thirtieth wedding niversary, July 28th near !e i 1 hev formerly lived in County. All their children ten number and nine grandchildren tw ° daughters-in-law and two -law were present. Mrs. ' 'ther and mother, who are Oie three score were there. Trade in Dade. Renew Your Ly Purification Any physician will tell you -rfect Purification of the m 18 Nature’s foundation p -^Health.” , rself not of chronic ailments j ir e Un( ^ erm ^ ^ Pn n n ^ y° ur >+ il: '' T°ur entire by i a thorough system course of n J e or twice a week for xcX ard8 ?~" J' an d with see health. how Nature 01 a -dloi.-abs are the greatest of T ur ^i ers - Get a t pr containing 35 full \0 c At l e . e cts drug - i trial * any store. Dade County Times @n_ Official Oroan »f Dade uiuiiiv ®/~ John L Case and son James nade a business trip to Chatta- looga on Monday. Master Alfred Turner has been confined to the bouse for the past week but is somewhat improved. The Woman’s Missionary Society met with Mrs. G. W. M. latum, Tatum, Wednesday. A very in¬ teresting meeting is reported. The next meeting be with Mrs. W. P. Neville, Aug, 5th. Mr. and ^lrs Crabtree of Chat¬ tanooga spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Turner. J. F. McElmurray of Waynes¬ boro, was in Trenton, this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. <J. Pardue have returned from Meridan, Miss, after a visit to Mrs. Pardua’s par¬ ents They were accompanied home by Miss Helen Moore, Mrs. Pardue’s sister. Mesdames O. M. Foster and B. Frierson were shopping in Chattanooga, Saturday. B. F. Davis of Scottsboro, Ala. Miss Cathern Tatum of East Lake, Penn, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. M. 'l atum this week. Mrs. Annie Robie of Chattanooga is visiting Mrs. Edgar Turner. W. H. Brock, hustling local Ford dealer, received another car load of the “poor man's” cars this weak. Steve Lyemance is driving a new Dodge car. Judge Wheeler made a busi¬ ness trip to Chattanooga on Wednesday. W. T. McCauley purchased the blacksmith shop owned by Bill Page this week and will remodel it into a garage soon. The Baptist Missionary So¬ ciety rendered a very interest¬ ing program, Tuesday afternoon at the Presbyterrian church. Mrs. S- J. Hale presiding. Are yon interested in your children? Attend the P.-T A. Friday night. Miss Willie Pesrl Cuzzort of Dunlap, Tenn. is the guest of Misses Mary Nettie and Lena Floyd Newman this week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith announce the birth of a twelve pound son. Do you want a better school in Trenton? Attend theP.-T. A. Friday night. Miss Flora Smith leaves Sat¬ urday for Shellmound, Tenn-, where she will teach the school there. Miss Katherine Wright of Chattanooga spent Tuesday night with Miss Edith Austin at her home in New England. Mr t and Mrs- R. C. Ragon were in Trenton Thursday af¬ ternoon. Miss Katherine Wilson is spending the week end with Miss Lagatha Tatum. Miss Ruth Havron has re¬ turned to her home in White- well after spending two weeks with Miss Dalue Morrison. Mrs Grace Snedley has re¬ turned home after a visit to Mr«. E. G. Wright. Judge Wheeler is unloading j a car of coal. The plasterers are busy plas¬ tering the new High School building this week. TRENTON, Ga.. JULY 30, 1025 JAIL DELIVERY On Tuesday evening, seven prisoners made their escape from the County jail. Sheriff Newman locked them up safely in the evening behind the heavy iron bars of the inner jeil cells and as he had been up most of the night before went to bed thmking he would get a good nights rest and that the prison¬ ers were safe behind the inner walls of the jail, but some good friend had slipped them a ham¬ mer and other useful tools which they used to make their escape. None of the prisoners have yet been recaptured, The following men escaped: Jim Sutherland.Dave Copeland, Garwin Wright, Edward Cody, 8am Palmer, Dewey Hayes and Clyde Holcomb. Two Arrested O. H. Gentry and Horace Swreten, accompanied by Walter Vaudergiff all of Chattanooga went on a little trip to Sand Mt. Wednesday to return a battery to a friend there, but after driving over the rough roads found there, the first two named parties be came very fatigued and decided before they would be able to make it back to their loved one6 in town a little stimulant would be neces¬ sary, but Sheriff Newman now has them on roll call at the County jail, charged with trying to mix fire water and gasoline. Important Notice Beginning Tuesday, July 28tb a Committee from the Rising Fawn church will visit the var¬ ious parts of the Gounty solicit¬ ing funds for the rebuilding the Methodist Church at that place. Look out for us we are coming and will appreciate a liberal contribution. W. A. Scruggs, Chairman Finance Committee. Cioverdale Annual Sunday-school Picnic The Clo ver dale Sunday-school will hold their annual picnic at Cioverdale, Saturday, Aug. 8th. Everybody come and bring well filled baskets. J. A. Turner is visiting relatives in Jonesville. Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Brock spent the week end at their cottage “Seldom Inn” at Men- tone Springs, Ala. They were accompanied by Mr and Mrs. W. N. Tatum and daughter La- gatha Tatum, Mr. and Mrs, Early Ellis, Misses Meredith Brock and Annie Frierson and Montford Tatum. The teachers’ examination will beheldFiidav and Satur- day for the teachers in the County. Practically all the teachers are expected to at- tend. The Ladies Aid Society met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. O. M. Foster,with Mrs. Nethery, Pres, presiding. After the devotional and busi- ness meeting a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments ved. Rising Fawn Mrs. R. L. Bailess of Burning- ham, Ala. is the guest of J. L. White and family. -0- M!ss Louke Go „ dloe of N „ h _ viI| T u her unc|e G w Cureton and famil Mr. and Mrs John Parke White and little son Jack of Birmingham are the guests of M r . and M rs . S. W. Woodin. -*-o-- MLs Lucile Middleton w r as in Chattanooga, Saturday. ’ -o- • Misses Isabelle and Fannie Hale spent the week end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hale. -o- Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bostrom and family of Birmingham spent the week end with relatives here. Misses Brace Hale, Virginia White, and Mr. Tom Davenport of Chattanooga were the guests, Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hale and family. -0- Miss Bess Cureton has returned home after a v ,: sit to her sister VI rs. Bedford Lampkin of Birming¬ ham. Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wood- yard were the week end guests of relatives here. Mrs. W. L Wood of Tusca loosa, Ala. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wash Lewis. -0- Announcements have been re¬ ceived of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Price of Birmingham. The baby will be called “Ruth Cagle”. Mr. and Mrs Price will be remembered as former citizens of Dade. _ 0 _ MLs Winnie Rutherford spent the week end with her parents, Mr and Mrs. J T. Rutherford. Cornelius Williams of Chatta- nooga was here one day last week. N. W. Newsome made a trip to Chattanooga, Saturday. John L. Case’s Weekly Dozen 35c bot Certo, each 30c |fj| 1 10c quality Red Jar Rubbers, doz. 6c \ ^ Fly Tox 50c bot. 37c; 75c bot. 60c; ^ $1.25 bottle $1.00 All 20c Dress Ginghams, 1 week, yd. 15c § % New line wide Dress Stripes, yd. 25c Our 16c value Brown Domestic, yd. 13c % % You should buy your fall needs of this Domestic now $ Carey’s 3 Ply Roofing $2.25 % This roofing came in the car sold to High School. Auto Tires and Tubes 10 to 15 per cent, cheaper than m should really be. Is £ Stone Milk An Jars Extraordinary in stock once more. Special & fi With each can of Wizard Oil will give free 1 75a Wiz¬ ^ % ard Mop. $ § Come to the store that has the goods and at prices Ji % you want to pay. Social Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Claire Jacoway and little daughter Ruth Allison were week end guests of relatives here. Messers. Sinclair, Pickle and Lee of Wauhatchie were here on Sunday. -0- Mr. and M rs M. O. Terrell and . little s»n William were the guests of their parents M^\ and Mrs. Jim Highfield several days lsst week. --0- Everybody come to the ice cream and box supper to be given Sat¬ urday night, Aug. 1 on Cantrell’* lawn. -o- Miss Mary Wiggs of Chatta¬ nooga and Josephine Bostrom of Birmingham were the guests of the Misses Hales, Sunday. SULPHUR SPRINGS Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bible were shopping in Valley Head la*t week end. W, T. Free who was beared in the Cioverdale settlement but moved to East Lake some forty years ago, died at his home in East Lake, Saturday. Rev. Lewis and Lunsford Fricks were visiting in our town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Beckhajm of Chattanooga are visiting their father and mother Mr. and M r ». W. T. Beckham. Misses Grace and Seebell Barks¬ dale of Bohz, Ala, are visiting their sister M r s. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Blanset are spending a few days with M r > and Mrs. T. B. Blake. Mr. and Mrs. G W. Bible and James Bible and M r . and Mrs. j Perry Brown attended the thirtieth . wedding anniversary of their bro- | ther and sister, A. S. Lewis near j j LaFayette, July 28th. Catarrhal Deafness Is often caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this'tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect , Hearing. Unless the inflammation can | be reduced, your hearing may be de- ' stroyed forever. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE Will do what we claim for it—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. for 40 _ _ Tears. Sold by all druggists over F. J Cheney & Co- Toledo. Ohio.