The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, August 06, 1925, Image 1

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OL- 39 Social Happenings SLYGO „ and Mrs. W. II. Dug.. , r and John Du '«re \da i^ross the guest of Mr. anu * J “. John MoCalle. Sunaay afternoon. F. Patterson J Mr and Mrs. A. lUtle son Frank Killian Stored to Whiteside Sunday 3 Hogue the Miss Pimple vas k end guest of her sister, wee Blevins of Risine Mrs- Opal Fawn- Brad Gross Leighton Street, d Bill Hughes motored t* an Sunday after¬ Sulphur Springs noon to attend the singing, n Mrs. T. M. Street who has been sick for some time is not much improved. - Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hughes and daughter Louise spent the week end with her sister Mrs. In Neeley. Edgar Moore was visiting home folks Saturday and Sun¬ day. A number of the boys and girls from here attended church at Morganviile Sunday night. Misses Alva and Bessie San ders spent the week with ^heii friend Mrs. Myra Hatfield. Harold Dugan is now attend ing school in Flintville, Tenn. Leighton Street, Brad Gross and Earl Hughes were in Chat¬ tanooga. Satur da v on business. Paul Killian of Chattanooga, Raymond and Euell Dickerson of New England were visiting Mr and Mrs. W. H. Dugan and family Sunday. Mrs. Earl Cole spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. N, Holmes. Mr. and Mrs- Ira Cole and Mrs Bent Cole were shopping in Chattanooga, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Brown spert Sunday afternoon with her pirsnts Mr. and Mrs. T- M Street. Nathan, Earl and Noel Cole Misses Nay and Lillian Cole attended church in North Chat¬ tanooga, Sunday. Miss Ruby Hogue of Flat Rock, Ala. spent, last week with her sister Miss Dimple Rogue who is teaching here, Mrs Ollie Wennett is visit¬ ing relatives here this week. FOR SALE.—Pair of good In uies3bout7 years old, very good tor hard work and in fine condition, also two fresh cows, Mrs. R. E. Morgan, Morganviile. Renew Your Health by Purification (( ^ meet n F physician Purification will tell of you Sys- that - the 'm is Nature’s foundation of Wect Health.” Why not rid J ourself of chronic ailments that r e undermining your vitality! un.y your entire system by tak- r° a thorough course of Calotabs, n <* or twice a week for several “j S ^d see how Nature re- ards you with health. r tabs are the greatest of all, * s ein Purifiers. Get family Package^ , a up'* price containing 35 full direc¬ ClS - At ets.; trial package, - any drug store. (Adv.), Dade County f J ;imes ©V OITlciai Oraan ot Dade county ©/“ TRENTON, Ga., AUG. 6, 1925 E. W. Morrison and son, of Vhitwell, Tenn. spent Tuesday vith Mr Morrison’s parents. Mrs. Electa Graham of Thomp¬ son is spending the summer with relatives here. Mrs. E. T. Davenport of Valley Head was the guest of Mr, and Mrs, D. C. Hammond, Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Colyar |$iion S. Tatum and daughter, arrived Wednes¬ day from Bonham, Texas to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brock and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Case and and sons Timmons and Jules ahd wife and daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. Grover Tatum will make a motor trip to Florida next week, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Brock and daughter Meredith were guests at a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Tatum in Chattanooga Sunday. I, O. Wheeler and T. B. Ly- bram attended all day singing at Sulphur Springs Sunday. The young people of Trenton entertaii ed at the W G. Morri¬ son farm east of Trenton Friday evening with a chicken stew in honor of Miss Catherine Tatum. Miss Jewel Tatum of Rising Fawn was the guest of Mrs, G. W M. Tatum Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jules Case of Chattanooga are the guests of Mr. Case’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Case. Mrs. i. O. Wheeler and I. O. Jr. are guests of .relatives at Henegar, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Johnson and son and Mr. and Mrs. C. T. barren are the gueets of Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Lewis. Mrs. Wallace Barnes is ill with an attack of appendecitis. Mrs. A M. Graham accompan¬ ied by her nephew and niece Pace and Clandia McCorkle of Thomp¬ son, are spending the summer here. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Rodgers had as Sunday guests Mr 6 . R. H. Ta¬ tum and daughters Terrell and Catherine of East Lake, Mrs. Car¬ rie Jacoway and daughter Celista, Gradv Jacoway and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dohon and son Joe, all of Chattanooga. W. Claire Jacoway and wife and small daughter Ruth Allison of Chattanooga and Mrs. Paul Rodgers and son Paul Jr. of At- talla were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Rodgers. t w. L. Stokes and family of Atlanta were visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McCauley this week. Jesse Taylor of Detroit is visit¬ ing relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brock and Miss Meridith Brock had as their week-end house guests at their cottage, ‘‘Seldom Inn” at Men¬ tone the following young people, Misses Beatie Cole, Lagatha Ta¬ tum and Catherine Wilson of Chat¬ tanooga. Messers J. N. Austin and Carl Neville. ¥ bo oa “run YOU appetite, Stomach, d own," HAVE .'ndigestion, Sick you Headache, will Wind Had Tutt’s Pills what you need. They tone the weak stomach, and build uy the system. EDUCATION- AL RALLY, MON, SEPT. 7 The Parent-Teachers Asso¬ ciation of the Trenton and Dade County High School held its regular meeting July 31 with Mrs. S. J. Hale, pretiding, The following program was rendAed: Bong, America the Euautiful. Scripture the 12th verse of the 9th chapter of Proverbs Prayer, Mrs. Hale. Song, Onward Christian Sol¬ diers. What a P.-T. A. would mean to our Community, Mr. Turner. Song, ADnie Frierson aDd Elizabeth Mires. The Educational Rally and Dedicition of New School building was then taken up, the date being set for Monday, September 7th. Mr. Hale reported that he had word from Mr. Lund, State Superintendent,Mr.Pound High School Supervisor and Mr. Martin, Div. Supervis¬ or that they would be here and deliver addresses. He also has the promise from Mr. Byron formely of Dade Co. that he would be here oh that date. Mr. Hale also said he would get a band for the occa¬ sion. The following cimmittees were appoint* d: To build stands, etc. J. G. Nethery, chairman,J.L Mires, H#nry Oliver, J C. Rob¬ ertson. To buy materials and oversee stand. E. A. Ellis, chairman, Mrs. Mrs, W. F. Morrison, Mrs. Mires, Mrs. Case, Mrs. W. N. Tatum, Mrs. V . G. Mor¬ J. G. Nethery. Publicity commit^, Mr. Gen. Chi rm r Mr. Tur¬ ner, chairman, .: A Cr >h W.N. Tatum, Mrs. ?o > nends j .s. W. F. Morrison, Mrs. G W. M. Tatum and L. S. LyemaDce. Mrs. J. G. Nethery was ap¬ pointed to oversee the “Home¬ made Candy” booth. Mrs. Par- due, Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Ne- vile to make same. Program and other details will appear later- Cloverdale Annual Sunday-school Picnic Next Saturday Everybody invited to go and tak a well filled basket, It is understood that a scion of old Dads, the Hon. John Franklin Bible will b# the speaker of the day and wiil also speak Sunday at the Clov¬ erdale church. His subject Saturday will be ‘‘Honor Your Father and Mother and Jove thy Neighbor as thy self”. His subject Sunday will be"Though ye hare lien among the pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of the dove covered with silver and her feathers with yellow' gold. it is known thatJehn Frank¬ lin Bible appieciafes his old friends and loves to meet them. Trade in Dade. Rising Fawn Mrs. Edward Kipp and chil¬ dren of Leeds.Ala. were the guests of relatives here last week. Miss Kathleen Whita was the guest of her aunt Mrs. W. A. Bar¬ ton several days last week. -o- Mrs. Glenn Holleman and little daughter S !, rah Francis of Chatta¬ nooga is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs. Loney Smith. -o-. Miss Louise Ooodloe who has been visiting M>ss Bessie Cnreton has returned to her home in Nash¬ ville. Mr. and Mrs. Wash Lewis are visiting relatives in Tuscaloosa, Ala. this week. --o- Mrs, George Rew who has been visiting Miss Juliette Branham has returned to her home in Forrest, Miss. -o- E. J. Bryan of Chattanooga motored through here en route' to Birmingham. -o- Senator D. S. Middleton has re¬ turned to Atlanta after spending the week end at home, he was ac¬ companied by his wife Mrs. Mid¬ dleton. -o- Edmund Allison of Chattanooga spent the week end here. Mrs. O. B. Hickman of Harris¬ burg is vis'ting friends here this week. Misses Virginia and Elizabeth Mo° rt nar, and Miss Thelma Adams ,,f Yellow Springs, Ohio spent the week end with their grand¬ mother Mrs. V. A. Fricks. Miss Ruth Woodyard has re¬ turned home after a visit with her aunt in Greenville, Tenn. Trade in Dade. John L. Case’s Weekly Bargain Dozen Maxwell House Coffee, pkg. i .48c I Pink Salmon, large cans, each 15c Caldwell’s 60c Syrup Pepsin, hot. 47c 1 Apple Cider Vinegar, bring vessel,gal. 39c 50c value Padlocks, each 33c Mavis 25c Face Powder 19c Men’s New 75c Wide Belts at 45c All Tennis Shoes and Oxfords at 15 per cent off. . Firestone Auto Cases and Tubes, 10 to 15 per cent underpriced. Pure Linseed Oil, cheaper than else- § where. Our big 40c Jar Pickles at 35c 1 Our prices on Carey’s Roofing are very low. BRING US YOUR BARTER ’ Social Briefs I)r. and Mrs. L. D. Fricks and son have returned from an extend¬ ed trip in Europe. They are the guests of their mother Mrs. V, A. Fricks. -o-- Among those who attended the picnic at Flat Rock last Thursday were Mrs. P. S Middleton, Misses, Lucille Middletor.,Maude Cantrell, Mr». I. C. Childers, Mr. George and Henry KenninUore. -o- The Committee appointed by the Methodist Episcopal Church began a campaign last Tuesday to raise funds for rebuilding the church which was completely des¬ troyed by fire last winter, reports were very encouraging. -o- The Masons will have a picnic at Cureton’s mill, Saturday, Aug. 22. Proceeds will be used for the rebuilding of the Masonic hall. The Womens Missionary Society of the Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. Wayne Hale, Wed- nesdav afternoon. At the close of the service an ice course was ser¬ ved. -o- Miss Mary Ellen Pidell of St. Elmo, Tenn. was the guest of Miss Myrtle Price last week. M. E. Church Services Rev. S. D. Long, presiding elder of the Chattanooga dis¬ trict will preach at the Method¬ ist church, Saturday night at 7:45 o’clock and Sunday morn- iag at 11 o’clock. The quarter¬ ly conference will be held Sun¬ day afternoon. Catarrhal Deafness Is often caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling Unless sound inflammation or Imperfect Hearing. the can be reduced, your hearing may be de¬ stroyed forever. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICIIVIS Will do what we claim for it—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. Tears. Bold by all druggists for over VO F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio,