The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, August 13, 1925, Image 1

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CL. 39 Social Swimming Party and Chicken Fry { M 0 M. Foster and Mrs 1 ,0re ,^ 'uinMning c Roope were joint hostess party and ch ; cken 10 l! ''j "dieview park for the out : guests. A large fire in (lt town served t . je0 pen and lu»ch pteme fashion afforded muce pleasure to :;!1< About twenty five guests ve re entertained. __—--o--— Entertain With Social Mr. and Mrs H. A. Price en¬ trained with a Social at their home east of Trenton Tuesday evening in honor of their grand daughter and grandson Mary Ellen and Hubert Fridue of t't. Elmo. Games and music were enjoyed and refreshments were served Thtre were about twenty guests present. Fine Peaches Grown on Lookout Mt. W. T. McCallie motored to Look out Mt by way of Sitton ( -iap,S un * day afternoon after his wife Mrs. W T. McCauley and children Maurine and Clara Neal who had spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moore. Mr. McCauley brought the dimes a sample of Lookout peaches which is as nice as we have seen anywhere. Leave for Florida Mr. and Mrs. John L. Case and and son I'mmons and Jules and wife Mr and Mrs. Grover Tatum will make a motor trip to Florida this week. rhe Old Preacher’s Fund for Methodsits Last year the M. E. Church south called for $10,000,000 to be sed as an endowment for her uperannuated preachers, i'he plan is to raise this fund in ve annual installments. The tiffng Fawn and Trenton charge 'aid $127.50 last year and the scond installment is now past ue . Rising Fawn has set apart b'g. 16 and Byrd’s Chapel has apart Aug. 30 to make their mond payments, Plans for the 'Hr churches have not been coni. Lted. Our charge should pay * 5 ° this year. L,et those inter¬ red in the old homeless preach- rs he ready to contribute when le cause is presented. Mrs.D. E. ■ee ot Trenton, Mrs. W. C. Cur- ton of Byrds Chapel, Mrs. E. M. f'f Rising Fawn, Mrs. A. • brown ot Stute jj ne an{ j F. 0resfer of C«ve Springs compose le committee, Mrs. W. C. Jl1 b charge treasurer. **.W. H. Brock had an 1 of appendictis on jday ,anger and hospital was taken to for treatment. WANTED ; ook and housekeeper a family. Apply to G. M foh. Sypt. Dade Co, 10 °I, Trenton, Ga. YOU HAVE ob ? 'r,rJL S^tite mach ’ndigestion, Sick Headache, Wind run down,” - Tutt’s you will find Pills siccurh 0 'TJey tone the weak *** kvuia tie gystem. Dade County Times Official Organ of Dade voumy Mrs. Sol White and children t Sheffield, Ala. are tee guests of drs. A J. Roope. • Mrs. Charles Connally of At- j Lnta are in Trenton calling on ! their nutnerious friends. , Jack Sells is visiting his aunt Mrs Geo, R. Carter in Birming¬ ham. I Lige Ewing and two daughters Anna Catherine and Mary Mag- daline of Sweet Water, Tenn. i were guests of S. L. Sells on Monday night. We wonder what S L. Sells is going to Chattanooga so much for? Mrs. Wallace Barnes, who was rushed to the hospital last Thurs¬ day returned home Wednesday much improved. Rev. S D. Long preached two interesting sermons last Sunday. --0- We have been informed that Rev. W. R. Lew’s was in Chat¬ tanooga, Rising Fawn. Stewart Town and other cities Monday. -o- Miss Myrtle Price of Rising Fawn and M' ss Mary Ellen Fri- den of St. Elmo was the week end guest of Miss Lucie and Ester Price. -0- Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Lewis left Thursday to visit their parents at Dunlap. -0- . Mrs. F. A. Bishop of Atlanta is visiting her neice, Mrs. Edgar Turner. E. D. Scott of Chicago and Will Scott of Jackson, Miss, and Mrs. S. L. Dobbins of Chatta¬ nooga were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Foster, Tuesday. -o- W. T. McCauley is having county surveyor W- G. Morrison survey the land this week which he recently purchased. ----0- Miss Dalue Morrison has return¬ ed home from a visit to Miss Irene Ragon in Chattanooga. Miss Ragon accompanied Miss Morri¬ son home for a short stay, -o-. Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Brock daughter Meredith and guests, Mrs. Colyar Tatum and Miss Marion Tatum of Bonham, Tex, spent the week end at Mcutone Springs. Mr. and Mrs. H. C McGorkle arrived Monday from Thomp- • *n, Ga to be the gue«ts of Mrs- ! McCorkle's sisters Miss Annie Pace and Mrs Hattie Kimbrouf. - o- Mr. and Mrs- E. T. Tatum and sou g Tatum Jr. of Tulga. Okla are the guests of Mr. and Mrs - G - w ‘ M ' Tatum - They made the trip by motor. Mr and Mrs. Bennett Austin and children of Columbus, Ohio are spending «everal weeks with their mother Mrs, James Austin in New England. --—0- Patronize Our Advertisers !! TRENTON, Ga., AUG. 13, 1925 ************ Keep Yoar Eye on Mid Summer Picnic &t Cureton’s Mill August 22nd, 1925 Everybody invited to attend, Let all of Dade County come. Let Chattanooga folks come. Let Birmingham folks come. Let us all be there together, for one day and a good time. You will see people you seen in a long time, you will people you will never see ms from 077 WHAT IS EVAPORATED MILK? Did you ever stop to figure out exact meaning of “Evaporated The word "evaporated” may give the Idea that in the process of ration the milk has lost some of valuable qualities. It hasn’t. It lost only water. Sixty per cent of water is evaporated from the after it comes fresh from the The first step in processing the is the evaporation, when a portion the water content is removed. second step is the which insures the cream being tributed evenly throughout the The third is the canning. The is sterilization, which takes place the can when the milk is subjected suflSeient heat to destroy the Tims evaporated milk remains as and fresh in the container as when foamed into the pail in the barn. Evaporated milk is now recognized as the freshest milk able to those not living on farms producing their own milk. For ness in milk means purity. Transportation of milk from dairy country to the city is well matized and rapid and yet owing the immense quantities of milk must be rushed in daily, much of must be obtained at considerable tances and a large per cent is . sarily some days old when it is livered by the milkman. Evaporated milk, on the other [ is last night’s nd this morning's always F¥om the dairy barn, rigid inspection, it is hurried by ers to factories located in the heart the dairy country and delivered It is fresh. Evaporated milk is just at its “freshest moment,’’ it is in its finest state. It is allowed to get old. The whole ess frotn cow to can requires only few hours. It may be interesting know that the process of takes place after the milk has sealed fn its containers. Once in sterilized containers, there is no sibility of deterioration. The sterilizing of evaporated insures its purity—it makes a milk for the children. milk is boiled milk, and this m " kes more digestible. It may be used for any milk with safety and economy. 4 For ordinary cream needs, use just as it comes from the can. a rich milk is desired, add an part of water. For cooking and ing, two parts water and one part will usually suffice. Rising Fawn Miss Kathleen White is guest of Mrs. J. L. Redding her horn© in Culleoka Tenn. Miss Sarah Hale is friends in Chattanooga week. Mrs. V. A. Fricks is the of relatives in Chattanooga. Dr. S. D. Long was in Fawn a few hours Saturday. C. W. Hitt made a rip to Chattanooga Tuesday, ,, W 7 D B M Newsome and motored ; 1 to . Chattanooga ^,| ., c Sat. , R L Cagle. L M Allison, Allison, A. A. McMahan, and Miss Maude Cantrell attended conference in Trenton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barton were the week end guests of Mr and Mrs. J. L. White. Col. S. J. Ilale was in Rising Fawn for a few hours Tuesday. ^ C. S. Williams of Chattanoga was the guest of friends here Sunday. Mr&. D. S. Middleton and son Spencer have returned from Atlanta- T. L. Martin left for Sunday afternoon. Mrs. O. B. Hickman has turned to her home in burg after a visitto friends Trade in Dade. Read and Remember Do you know we handle Paints all kinds, Brushes, Stains, Varnishes, Putty, Linseed Oil, Turpentine in bulk, Lubricating Oils, Lime,Cement, Roof¬ ings, Roofing Nails, Congoleum,Vine¬ gar in bulk and lots of other goods you don’t see prominently displayed for lack of space. Our One Week Special for Eggs If you sell us Eggs you may pur- !. chase Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. or less i it at 6c per lb. Another Extra Special All Voiles' and Sheer Dress Goods l\ will be cut 1 5 per cent. Hurry and | get the pick. Just Received New Line of Caps and Shoes |> ^ Statement of Accounts being jg are a to fg mailed you, and, at this time, means we need payment. James C. Case will have charge of the " 4? g 1 business would during especially our two week’s appreciate absence, jj 2 and he your patronage these two weeks; so would we. it JohnL. Case TRENTON, GEORGIA Social Briefs Miss Lottie Avery Weds Raymond Doyle The wadding of Miss Lotti® Avery and Raymond Doyle was quietly solemnized Satur¬ day July 25 at 3;30 o'clock in the study of Rev. R, C. Camper The bride was attired in a cestunie of white crepe simplv made, and accessories to match. j Mrs. Doyle is the daughter of 1 Mr, and Mrs- C. C. Avery. Mr. ^ Doyle is . the only . child .... of f Xlr Mr. 1 and f Mrs. m ... W. M. ~ Doyle. He is - connected with the State High- way Department. Mrs Julia Pace, Mr. and Mr*, E. A. Ellis and Mr. and Mrs, O. M. Foster motored to,Valley Head, Friday evening to attend , auditor¬ the play given at the ium. Rev. E- R. Lewis will leave Monday for Emory and Henry College at Emory, Va., where he will spend two weeks taking the summer poat graduate course for rural pastors. Chunk Honey For Sale at P.G. Bible’s, Rising Fawn, Ga. RFI). Two grades, white honey 20c per lb. Amber honey 15c per lb.