The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, August 20, 1925, Image 1

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Dade County times @x_ Official Oroan *r Dade uiuniy ®/~ (L.39 TRENTON, Ga., AUG. 20, 1925 Social >EW EN <;LAND BR1EFS Mrs C. E Owens and chil- . re visiting relatives here. ° Iren 3 ^atchcart and Mr and ^ rs family visited Mr and Mr*. A. R Allison- Wednesday. ‘hey accompanied home by e Allison, vjss Naomi , Mr and Mrs. Alex Maxwell and family visited Em Blevins .ndfamiiy, Sunday, * and Mrs, Terrell Wheeler r . Friday afternoon. visited here SULPHUR SPRINGS John F Bible with hisses Luc ile and Gertrude Beckham visiting in Jasper, South and Ketchall, Ttnn. 1 Pittsburg An interesting ball game was! nlayed at the Cross Rising roads Fa* last! Saturday between n d the home team, the visitors L'ing victorious 3 to 1. Born to Mr. ar.d Mrs. Chas. Bible last Friday a girl- gave Anderson spent Sunday with home folks. M. Smith, r .. ur tr* in ^ D. . passed , and Finis Freeman thru here on their way to the DeKilb County Masonic Con¬ vention near PortersvilleThurs- day. Grady Forester is attending court at LaFayette, J.C. Moore, Jr. who has spent his vacation from school here has returned to his home at Spencer, N. C. Head River Fred Sawyer and G- W. Smith have purchased Ford tracks. James M. Bible of South Pitsburg visited hi* niece Mrs. J. M. Forester and family last week- Mrs Fritz Schurch and chil¬ dren spent last week visiting relatives in St. Elmo. E Zahan is visiting relatives on the mountain. Miss Louella Roger who is employed in Chattanooga spent the week end *t home. Messers. D. C. and Robert freeman of Quimsby, Fla- wit the week end visiting friends. Max Forester George Payne * re Sr'Jng to attend the Lookout v alley Missionary Baptist As- s f oiation which meets at the -benezar church Wednesday a n4 T hursday. Vrs - J. M. Forester and son • ax attended the funeral of - iss Gertrude Zahrn at Forest Hill on Aug. 8th. l - PATENTS ,r- ‘ cr L Send model or.sketch ar J e ptly send r- • Our P roiri you a Trude- book on Patents and 0n rr.arks *vill be sent to you request. H. SWIFT 4 CO. ->5 patent lawyers—- - 0v Seventh St., Washington. D, C- - *r 34 Year,’ Experience Mrs. F. A. Bishop of Atlanta who j ia g been visiting her neice, Mrs. Edgar Turner, returned home, Tuesday. o- Mis* Frances Wade of Birming- Mrs. Paul Rodgers and son Paul Jr. of Attalia are guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. S Rodgers, M* - . and ^[rs. Edgar Williams and daughter and grand daughter of Fisk, Ala. are visiting at the T. S. Newman home. M. C. Pardue and Mac, Jr. were in Sulphur Springs last Friday. Jesse A. Turner will return Sun. d ty from an extended visit to mid- dle Geor * m - 0 Miles Robertson has returned from Epps,Ala. where he has been working and ha. taken the night W. P. Nevilles JO *, at absence. ^ he de P ot durin S Mrs. W. H. Brock was operated on Friday at the Erlanger Ho*pi- f or appendicitic and is reported getting ______ along ____ nicely. Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Neville and family are spending their va¬ cation at Pulaska visiting rela¬ tives. school uFOUIKlS Working Saturday There will be a working on the school grounds Saturday for the purpose of cleaning the grounds and putting the place in order for the Educational Rally, Sept. Jth. Work under supervision of J. Robinson and W, N. Tatum. Let everybody turn out and especially the boys. P.-T. Assn. School Fair There will be a school fair at the Wildwood School house, Sat¬ urday night, Aug. 22 nd. Every¬ body is cordially invited to attend. go toward school house and expenses. Patronize Our A dvertisers !! rnri FELT SLUGGISH Illinois Man Tells About His Relief from Indigestion. “I used to suffer,” says Mr. Walter W. Macdonald, of 711 Fair- view Ave., Edwardsville. III., “with indigestion, a tight feeling in my chest after meals—felt slug¬ gish, lazy and dull and out of sorts 1 would be very constipated. “Some one recommended Black- Draught. 1 began using it. lfound it so very satisfactory 1 have used it »v?r ever since. since. 1 1 wouldn’t woulc be without ** work is inside. I do not get “My exercise I would like, as much as * G and at times my system gets clog- ged and I would see the necessity of a good active medicine. “After one or two doses of Black- Draught, my head clears up and I feel like stomach new. liver trouble, “For or ommended by thousands of others tor the relief of many common ail- ments due to a torpid liver, need- g ing laxative or cathartic stimulation. A : Sold everywhere; 23c. c-aoa S * j ^ M SjiBytxHxBSBSSIS EDUCATION- AL RALLY BIG EVENT The Committee in charge of the Big Educational Rallv to be held here Monday, Sept. 7 are putting forth every effort to make this one of the biggest events ever held in Dade Co The Rally is courty wide and every school in the county will be represented in the parade. Watch next week’s Times for full information and complete program for the day. YOU HAVE no Stomach, appetite, .’odieertton. 8iok Wind oa down," Headache, run you will And Tutt’s Pills what yon naed. They tone the weak etomach, and build up the eyitem. Home ICED DRINKS IN THE SUMMER On a warm and sultry summer day, there is nothing more refreshing to the mind and to the body than an iced drink. Of course, when such drinks are being used, moderation should be practiced, beeause if taken in excess or too rapidly, they are liable to be injurious to the stomach. However, when taken in a sensible manner, they are refreshing and beneficial to the fatigued. In the manufacture of these drinks, care should be taken to avoid any combination that may be Indiges¬ tible or hard to assimilate. The drink should be consumed in a slow and lei¬ surely maimer. The greatest danger present in the use of iced drinks is the one that In¬ volves the use of ingredients that are possibly Impure or contaminated in any way. This is very liable to happen if the joices that are used are allowed to stand until they become soured and unfit for use, or if the milk or other ingredient used is not strictly fresh. The predisposition of milk to spoil quickly at summer temperatures makeR It ofttimes necessary to use qvaporated milk, which after all is Just pure fresh milk with more than half the water taken away. It is sterile and, there¬ fore, always safe For use in iced drinks, it is ideal. Following are several formulas used in the manufacture of iced beverages. If these formulas are followed relig¬ iously, the results will be found to be very satisfactory. Chocolate Malted Milk. 1 cup evaporated 3 teaspoonfuls milk cocoa 1 cup water 2 teaspoonfuls malted milk Mix cocoa with -water until syrup Is obtained. Put all Ingredients In Mason jar and shake thoroughly and serve with chipped Ice. Milk Punch. . 1 cup evaporated 2 thsp. orange mllk juice Sugar to salt M cup water taste Small stick cin¬ 1 cup tea namon 2 tbsp. lemon Mi cup fruit jules juice (currant or ber¬ ry preferred) Boll slowly the cinnamon, a lemon rind and orange rind In water for ten minutes. Strain and when cool add the other Ingredients. Place In a Mason fruit jar and shake well. Serve, in tall glasses with chopped Ice. Egg Nog. 1 egg 1 Mi tbsp. pow- Pinch salt dered sugar % cup cold evap- 2 tbsp. fruit Juice orated milk Nutmeg gratings M cup ice water Add salt to egg white and beat to a stiff froth. Add the sugar, the well beaten yolk of the egg and the fruit juice and nutmeg. Fill glass with milk and cold water. Sprinkle top with chop ped n uts. ____ Rising Fawn Mrs. Glen Hollenman and little dsiughter of Chattanooga spent several days here this week. , Mi*® Virginia Moorman and Mildred Adams who have been visiting Mrs. V A. Fricks left Monday for their home in Yel¬ low Springs, Ohio. Mis* ^arah Hale lias returned from a visit to Mr and Mrs. E. H. Carroll in Rossville, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jacoway of Chattanooga are guests of G. W. Cureton this week. Mrs. Claire Jacoway and little daughter Ruth Allison spent sev¬ eral days this week with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Allison. Quite a number motored to Pul- phur Springs, Friday night, on a picnic given by Miss Maude Can¬ trell, honoring Misses Moorman and Adams of Yellow Springs, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Slaughter arrived here Monday from Petros, Tenn. to be with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rufherford, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davenport of Valley Head were the guests of their fathee P. H. Riordan, Tues¬ day, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Co m *r of Chattanooga were visitors of their parents several days this week. NEWS LETTER FROM HOOKER J. C. Westberry of Arkwright, Ala. spent the week end with home folks. Mrs. J. E. TittJ* had a* her guests, Sunday, Mi. and Mrs. G. A. Carroll of Wildwood. Misses Lillian and Thelma Martin, Katherine Tittle, Mes¬ sers Stanley Winfrey, Haydon Strawn, and J. E. Tittle. Mrs. J. C. WestbeJry and Miss Flor¬ ence Phillips attended the party given in honor of Miss Agnes Dau*zler at Wildwood. Whipped Cream From A Can of Milk NEW method by which evapor¬ ated milk may be whipped stiff and used as a substitute for fresh cream has been discovered by an expert in household economics. To whip the evaporated milk, scald the contents of a can of it in a double boiler for five minutes. Cool this and put it on the ice to chill. Stir the milk both while it is scalding and while cooling it on the ice, to prevent a crust from form¬ ing. When it is thoroughly cooled whip it as you would fresh cream. This discovery is particularly welcome at this season of the year when strawberries are with us. Ber¬ ries are always delicious with whipped cream, and strawberry shortcake would scarcely be the real article without it For strawberry shortcake either the old fashioned shortcake may be used, or plain layer cake. Here is a recipe for the real old fashioned Social Briefs JEWEL RUTHERFORD KILLED BY AUTO The funeral of M's» Jewel Ruth¬ erford, who was killed in an auto¬ mobile accident Sunday night, was held at Rising Fawn, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, conducted by the Rev. L. L. Evans,pastor of Centenary church, Chattanooga of which the deceased was an active mer,assisted by Rev. Lewis. Interment was held in the Han¬ nah cemetery.; The following wer^ pallbearers: Hoyt Smith, Sam Smith, Clarence Rutherford,. Toe Fisher,Etter Bryan, all of Chatta¬ nooga and Bill Robertson of Tren¬ ton. M‘ss Rutherford is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ruterford of Rising Fawn; two sisters, Mrs. Geo. G. Slaughter of Petros, Tenn. and Miss Winifred Rutherford of Chattanooga. The Interstate Life and Acci¬ dent Insurance Co. of which Mis* Rutherford had been a valued em¬ ploye for a number of years, closed their office and attended the fun¬ eral in a body. W. C. Tittle of Lorado.W.V*. is visiting his brother J, E. Tit¬ tle. Walter Lee of Chattanooga spent the week end with his aunt Mrs, John Davi*. — -o- Mr*. W. W. Still is visiting relative* hare . -o--— Mrs. R. E. Shagblin of Bir- minfham, Mrs. Fannie Bearden and son* Adolph and SamPark* of Attalia, Ala, and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cattle of Gadsen wer* the week end guest* of Le Pope. strawberry shortcake such a< grandmother used to make. 2 cups flour Y\ cup sugar baking powder 4 teaspoons Yi teaspoon salt 1/3 cup butter 1/3 cup milk 1 egg Mix the dry ingredients and sift twice. Work in the shortening with the tips of the fingers. Add the egg well beaten and the milk. Toss the dough on a flour board, and divide in two parts. Pat, roll out, and bake in layer cake tins in a hot oven for about 12 minutes. Split it open and spread with but¬ ter. Sweeten the berries to taste, and place on the back of the range until warmed. Crush slightly, sav¬ ing a few large ones for the top of the cake. Put the crushed berries between the buttered layers, and serve with whipped evaporated milk.