The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, October 01, 1925, Image 1

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Oy >ade County Times Report Of Grand Jury Term of (he 'Rand Jury, I ^ vorn t his Sept, term of t he following Tliroi;- r the Commitlees we exiinincJ the public buildings cords of the County and their report we make it part these present! nents. Building n •! 1* Lommittee Report We recommend: That the School Board furnish the of Dade County with grade , or each J pupil and these be if „ ra at the close of . i request that the Supt. pools' look after this matter. We recommend that the miry have the walls of the jail mastered with good material have the ceilings ceiled Beaver Board and have such improvement do>’e as he necessary to make the comfortable. We find the jail reasonable condition and mend that the windows on lower story be screened with women wire so as to make it possible for anything to be prisioners from the outside. furthur recommend that when is a sufficient number o c in j iil to require a guard that sheriff be furnished a guard | guaad the jail so as to prevent 1 capes. We recommend that sheriff keep the jail in a sanitary condition. 'A e find public toilets in a bad and recommend that the take such necessary steps as put them in a sanitary condition. We recommend the Oidinary the court room and all the soured and put in a sanitary ditton and that the county keep their offices'in a more tary condition. We examined court house and find cracks in "fils and find that the vaults have je uied west from the main build- ' 1! g. Respectfully submitted George W. Forester M. C. Pardue J H. McCauley 'V. N. Tatum Committee We recommend that the Ordi- ntr y take what steps he deems recessary toput the court house in v de condition, and we appoint U b. Morrison, VV\ C. Cureton, • ..... v ' N. Tatum committee . as a t0 "°rk in conjunction with the Ordinary in making these repairs. Justice of Peace Com¬ mittee ^ M^ur committee appointed ^ >l! * e Sept. ’> examine Term Dade the Justice’ Superior of ‘ ! ‘ e 1 eaoe s Dockets bf the various tr , t>. beg leave to report them Properly kept. John R, Nabors l j - F Forester Frank B. Waddell Committee on County Officers ^ committee of the Grand I Examine the ' records of the - '°J :rUy offi ceers first examined the ; ‘ Ordinary and we , ' t;cor ds and books in good every way. ®v OUlclal Organ «f Dade v.owiiy TRENTON, Ga„ OCT. 1,1925 We find that the last report of the bank having the county funds, report as for Sept 5th, 1925 a bal- ance of county funds of .$4$91.02. A balance for sinking fund of $47,81444. Fine and forfeiture fund $125.17 We examinied the the Books and Records of tile Clerk’s office and [find them neatly kept and properly indexed and his office in good shape in every way. We examined the Sheriffs books and records. W e hud his sales re | i Cord cor ^ " ,n e11 B ood kept “”<* and also hi, condttto,,. jail re- He Iias as y et made no entries on j the 2 4 Execution 1925. Docket. This Sept. , G. W. Bible R. M. Morrison J. H. Dantzler Committee We recommand that Mrs. Eva Reese be droppeb from the pen¬ sion roll of the county;’ and that Mrs. Caroline Allen and Mrs Mary Jane Allen be raised from $10.00 a month to $12.50 a month each. And that Barbary Shoops be raised from $6.00 a month to $10,00 a month : and Thos. Kenedy and Jane Kenedy 7 be raised from $5.00 a month to $7.50 a month each. We recommend that these pre- sentments be published in the Dade County and that the Editor be paid $7.50 for same. We recommend that the clerk of this body be paid 50 cents a day extra for his services. We recommend that W. N. Ta- turn be appointed to present to the State Highway Board the condition J of State Highway in Dade County j an( j a sk them to improve same. We j recomen( 4 that the ordinary pay W. N. Tatum's expenses. We thank the Judge the Solici¬ tor General for aid and courtesies rendered us during our delibera¬ tion. Lee Forester, foreman. Jerry C. Pace, clerk. Big Acreage Changes Hands Dr- D. S. Middleton has bought the seven acre plot known as the James Gass prop¬ erty- This is the largest tract of land in Trenton excluding the farms adjoining town- James Jenkins has bought the froDt of the tract including house and barn on the pike. Baptist Cemetery Fence The building of the Baptist cemetery fence is postponed on account of court week. Let all interested ones be there with tools Friday Oct. X Mrs. John L. Case (fhairman Committee Patronize Our Advertisers! Hall’s Catarrh Medicine Thos* who are in a “run-down” condi¬ tion wfll notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is a Combined Treatment, both local and in¬ ternal, and has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Sold by all druggists. Toledo. Ohio. F. J. Cheney & Co., TRENTON SCRIBS Mrs. Brad Tatum of ville. Dais the guest of Mr. Mrs. U, W. M. Tatum. / -0- Noel Hubble and Oscar,also Jim and Jess have returned from Ohio. Mrs. Brad Tatum, Mrs. G. M. Tatum accompanied Mr. Mrs. E. R. Lewis to Chapel Sunday afcerncon. TheP. T. A. of Trenton ed lunch four days court week and cleared a sum. - 0 - MissVerda Williams relatives here Sunday. -- 0 - Bro. Lewis preached two mons here Sunday. The Editor expects to for a short vacation to ville Oct. l. -o- The P-T. A. met afternoon at the new School. Hon. G. W. M. l'atum is improved from his accident two weeks ago. S. L. Sells and Gilford ens visited relatives at Point Sunday. -o- Mr- and Mrs. W. O- son visited in St. Elmo - o- W. H, Brock is laying a concrete floor in his ■- o - Mrs. Virginia Fricks was guest of Mrs. G. W. M- Monday. Quentin Perkins has to Detroit, Mich, after spending month with his sister Mrs. Roope -o- S, M. White was the guest Mrs. Roope the week end. Trade in Dade. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Laur¬ ence Abercrombie a baby boy named Arthur Spencer, Economical Ambrosia m I iL •T^HE cool, refreshing fruit drink I is one of the joys of of surnmer- canned time. The juice fruits an^e jSe combined with lemon or or- is delicious. The house¬ wife will fmd this a real economy, as well as a handy method of pre¬ paring a cooling dtmk m the short- est possible time. lies # the fact that , . The economy in the canned fruit from which the iuice 7 s drained for this purpose mav he mixed with other buffi to make an excellent salad. The juice from the can—of berries, peaches, cherries, apricots, or pineapple— mav he mixed with orange or sweetened lemon juice, and poured over chooped ice. The result is a delicious beveragi*. When this am¬ brosial concoction is made with the strawberries, < cher¬ juice of canned raspberries ries. blackberries, added or its beauty of color is to at¬ tractions. ______ . - Chattanooga Fair Soon To Open Again Practically every detail has been completed for the Chatta¬ nooga Inter-State Fair, which opens on Saturday of this week and continues through next week. Advance entrie* indicate the largest live stock show ever gathered together in the South, as practically all of the live stock at the Memphis and Knox¬ ville fairs this week will be sent to Chattanooga- Whippet races have been add¬ ed to the big program, and it is believed that the .dogs will fur¬ nish some of the finest sport ever witnessed in this city. The new Merchants and Manufacturers building is now completed and exhibits will be in place in it not later than Fri¬ day of this week. All of the railroads entering Chattanooga will put on speoial excursions during the week and the largest attendance in the history of the fair is expected The attractions which have been securek this year are th« most elaborate that have ever been offered locally, and will include such outstanding fea¬ tures as Al Sweet and his Sing¬ ing Band, the Marimba orches tra of Holly wood By- 1 he-Sea, Florida, auto pash ball, Lola Fletcher, the operatic soprano, ‘Poodles’ ? Hanneford and Co. and a host of lesser lights- The night fireworks show will con¬ sist of 53 numbers and the great Sheesley Show will be on the midway. More than $30,000 is offered in premiums and the amusement program, including the horse races, will represent a sum of more than $25,000. BYRD S CHAPEL NEWS Rciv. E. Lewis filled his regular appointment here Sun¬ day afternoon. Earnest Buffington has ent¬ ered the new Dade County High School. Mr. and Mrs George Slayton of Chatt anooga were week end guests of relatives here. Cicero Bryan of Chattanooga is the guest of Jim Bryan. Willis Buffington has accept¬ ed a position in Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. W. Jin- kins were recent guests of rel¬ atives in Deer Head Cove. John Castleberry of Chatta¬ nooga and Oscar Jeffery of Trenton visited friends here Sunday. Mjss Mae latum visited re- latives in Chattanooga recently, Rav Smith has entered the Dade County High School. Miss Annie Belle Hatfield is visiting friends in Chattanooga. Jersey City. N. J —Mr. George M. Downs writes:—“When I was a trapeze performer traveling with the eifeus I contracted severe stomach trouble and nervous breakdown. The doctor advised oper¬ ation immediately, but I was afraid of operations and put it off. A friend sug¬ gested I try Tutt’s i f ‘ Hlls. "he having used them for years. After the first dose I began to feel better and would not be without them. ' 1 feel as young and full of vigor as I did when I joined the circus.” At all druggists. SULPHUR SPRINGS Me. and Mrs. Grady Forester and family were visiting the fam¬ ily of M>ke Frizzelle at Cedar Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brown made a trip to Chattanooga, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blansit of Chattanooga spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs T. B. Blake, Mrs. Gardner was shopping in in Chattanooga, Monday. Mrs. J. E. Steakley of Atlanta spent Monday and Tuesday with her father J. P. Brown; Donald Brown is Hble to go on crutches now. Cotton gathering and ginning is going on now, the best cotton crop is reported for our section in a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. S. Lambert from Johnson’s Crook spent a short time with Mr. and Mrs. G.W.Bible Monday afternoon. Announcement To our friends and customers in Dade County:— We wish to announce that we have moved into our Md stand at 813 l 2 Market St., Chattanooga and request that you visit us when in need of dental services. Drs. R.A.Smith and W.C.Steel Live Stock Show Backbone of Fair Atlanta, Oa.— Livestock, agriculture, poultry, pigeons, farm products of all kinds, and farm machinery will be a special feature of the 1925 Southeas’- ern Fair in Atlanta, October 8 to 17, according to R. M. Striplin, secretary, who is lending every effort to make this year’s exhibits larger and better than ever before. The livestock show Is the backbone of the Southeastern Fair, and espe¬ cially is that so with the coming Fair in October, for the National Hog and the Cattle Southern Show will Cattlemen’s be held and here South- and | Swine Growers’ Associations will j ern J < hold their 1925 convention in connec- tion with the 1925 Fair. More than $15,000 in cash prizes, awards and premiums will be offered for the best exhibits of cattle and live¬ stock in October. Work of cleaning and disinfecting the large cattle barns has been in progress for some time, and several more days will be sp^nt in laying the bedding and making ready to receive the exhibits by the first of October. Dairy and farm products will come in for their share of the premiums this year, and more money than ever before has been set aside for the best showing of the dairy and farm prod¬ ucts. Farm machinery showing the latest designs and developments on the farms will have Us place in the 192 5 Southeastern Fair, and more than five acres will be used for the farm imple- ment exhibits. ALL RAILROADS OFFER LOW RATES TOATLANTA TO FAIR Atlanta, Ga.—Every railroad lead¬ ing into Atlanta will offer greatly re¬ duced fares to Atlanta during the 1928 Southeastern Fair, October 8 to 17, according to R. M. Striplin, secretary Not only are the railroads co-operating ! by putting on special rates for one- but there will be ‘ day excursions, ex- cursion rates for more than one daj and visitors all of the Southeast car take advantage of the unsual offer and spend several days at the 1925 South¬ eastern Fair in October.