The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, December 31, 1959, Page PAGE 4, Image 4
r AGE 4 THE DADE COUNTY TIMES TRENTON, GEORGIA DIAL: OL MRS. CATHERINE C. MORRISON ........ Owner and GLENN McCULLOUGH ................................ intered at the Post Office at Trenton, Ga., as second class mail One Year $2.50 in county and within 50 miles; $3.00 elsewhere SUBSCRIPTION RATES —IN ADVANCE Persons writing for publication are requested to furnish their names, otherwise the communication will not be published. Name will be withheld on request, but all communications must be signed Memorials, Cards of Thanks and articles of like nature will be charged at 50 cents for one insertion of 35 words, 1 cents for additional words. Advertising rates will be furnished on application New Dimes Targets The theme selected for the New March of Dimes in January is a simple, direct statement.; Prevent Crippling Disease! Yet it says a number of things not always apparent to the average American. Most of us are barely consi- ous of the crippled child or adult. We see a boy dragging .along a braced leg trying to keep up with his playmates. The little girl on crutches or the man in a wheel chair are us ually taken for granted as an unchanging way of life. Crippling has many causes. The New March of Dimes singles out three major fields of crip¬ pling disease for a forntal at¬ tack. These are birth defects, arthritis and polio. Here is the size of the problem: Every year a quarter of a million infants - 685 a day - are born with birth defects. At least half of them face a life¬ Happy New Year! Happy New Year, happiness and health to you- To each of you dear readers so true. And to the won¬ der advertisers so loyal We wish you a New Year, ever so royal! To the county sheriff and all his victims To the tax appraisers—(we wonder who picked ’em!) And the ordinary and his cute littlfe pigs And ail the club women—even those with wigs! And a Happy New Year to our superior court clerk And the inquiring public—who drve us beserk! To our county agent—he’s oh so slim! And the school superintendent—he tries to be trim. Best wishes to all the Post Office staff And the welfare director, who so seldom will laugh! And to the entire crew of the next door cafe And that girl upstairs—with that certain sashay! A very happy New Year to the politicians so fine— And especially those with paid announcements divine! To the folks who say—‘1 saw it in The Times” May all the good things this year—be thine! (This pome was writ to bring you joy, By nobody else, but our sick copy-boy.) To Supply Your i Sick room needs . . . magazines patent medicines . . . greeting cards ice cream . . . cosmetics records . . . veterinary medicines . . . prescriptions . . “Where pharmacy is a profession, not just a sideline” Hadden’s Self-Service Pharmacy on the square THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1959 time of serious chronic illness and disability. Upwards of 11 million people in the United States alone are affected by arthritis and rheu¬ matism. Apart from the physi¬ cal pain, the economic loss to the nation tops $1.5 million an¬ nually. In polio The National Founda¬ tion continues its aid to over 50,000 patients, most of them paralyzed in previous years. The past year added many to the aid roster. The need for braces, crutches and wheel to say nothing of iron rocking bed and other re¬ aids, went on without This year when you join the March of Dimes by giving time and your money, you be helping people toward a life, protecting the nation cripplers that my at¬ you and your family. Scouts of Troop 143 held their Christmas party last week at the 'Trenton Methodist C h u r c h fellowship hall. After dinner, a movie was shown, games played and gifts exchanged. At the first meeting of 1960, next Monday night, the troop will elect new patrol leaders and other officers. CHANGE OF MEETING PLACE The Garden Club of Trenton will hold its January meeting at the home of Mrs. Jules A. Case on Jan. 7. Hostesses will be Mes- dames Grace Nethery, H. F Allison and G. C. Tatum. (paid) You Will Find What You Need For Your Home & Auto At A ASSOCIATE STORE A. NETHERY Owner <J Manager TRENTON, GEORGIA s/xwv&eerf- apm&rrrr- ^otto Miinet *4*5 j m. DADE SCOUTING Happy Birthday! These Dade Countains obser¬ ved birthdays last week, or will observe birthdays this week. Randell Howard Ballard Frask Neely Tommy Hunt E. R. Wells Terry Cunningham E. G. Wright Jules A. Case I. H. Wheeler Jr. Venelva Shipp Thelma B. Case Betty J. Crawford Joyce Austin Kim McKaig Cera Carpenter Margaret Hale Wanda Faye Hartline Charles B. Hanford Harlan Roberts Neil Palmer F. Q. Avakias Joyce Fuller Mis. E. A. Ellis Robert L. White Grant Wilburn Joy Neely James Cornelious Neil Trentham Mxsj M. E. Bradford Larry Fraser Luther Hays aV- v - . ■* . ,*•*•«* 9 To the Editor: Your splendid editorial, THE AMBASSADOR FROM DADE, needs no endorsement, but it certainly has mine! This is the type of coinage that ought to be circulated more freely, and fre¬ quently, in the market of human relations. Out public servants are often abused by uninformed people whose only sense of mission is to be critical. How wholesomely refreshing, and how well-deserved was this editorial. May I pat you on the back for this pat on the back. Sincerely yours. Lee W. Hill H. F. ALLISON AGENCY In Fire and Automobile Insurance Licensed Real Estate Broker Representing Stock Companies iL. TRENTON. GEORGIA & . m Points the way! / ' j W - ; i v <0 $ 1 Whatever dream* are at the end of your rainbow can be realiied — through saving) $ Even small amounts saved regularly and earning our interest add up rapidly. Follow $ the savings signpost to success open your account, here, soon! BANK OF DADE TRENTON, GEORGIA Member Federal Deposit 3% on all sarin** Insurance Corporation