Dade County sentinel. (Trenton, Ga.) 1901-1908, November 08, 1901, Image 3

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P.l * • li.Kjc imvtiy Sentinel ( yI'LM I'USO WJ.'KkfA PBENTG-N, - - V GEORGIA. "’’directory. „i ll ,,orio r C.<H nte*.u Sr< Moi .^hanJSeuU-mbftr. ( ) „ nt y court (monthly tom.) moots tod idn.lay ,u '“ ach mOB, ' 4S -' trierlv term iu< s on SO Moiwl.lT 5* Feb. '• ,M, r , August. ami MoToml.. r W. I ,'■!'*’. J. • *•'*. <’•*''>• U*-I*c.r , I „,irt for Trent on -Oh-triot ve. l* <l t ,j,luy in cm h month. , .. S r y oKKreii.H - I. A. Ciireton. Ordinal?,- Y \|ti<on. Clerk Superior Court.: Robert .• Vf Sheriff; C, A. Bryan, Tax .'nllceto ; l‘ r notion. IMx Ro'Civ -r (. V C-tio ,.‘rrl*. < 'it tty rwuanwtr; W. M.,rrlnn. |>r ; eTor . ~bO !.•- .tames Honmdly. CoroUfte , |l: IJ(ES. -M. K Clture* .land „ s„flOays ' r btf h mot *'i. I'-awr m#t ns ~f h Tt.n.s.l ,y uiglit- Sun lay Sell mi etr-rj ImsUy iunr .in ß r- <t S.3G. C. E. Bower. Pastor. torch erny 1! undsy ht e i -It m.m-h Sue ., v vnool each suntlay morning t ';1). Ml-siP'iary ilaptist snrvleei at he C. !’. Ltiio i. Ittsnmlay ir.eefh moo h. I'. A . licit, Pastor. IT W3 PUBLISH FREE. v : ,rt i\terti-emeut in local columns of ivitungom MjiserUtets wwli to buy. sell, or iw.ljJtnjf '• , 4 '. , r i h i •■• trie; e..itilntng not. over It him r..,| ivorK insirt 't I'reo. AH citer a linn. lr . | -ft-arit*, or.o <xe a *rs ■ i os.. tr.t lor >: ilen n>t lees I roe, LOCAL BRILLS. N t'iii t 0 t'e uf Sligi was in o srsi vaster Iyr Miss IMiie Ritas was oat from phtdtannogti Sait 1 iv. Judge A’. r : J ico'vay called at nir ollica yesterday. Ales Stewart of Stewart Town vus here U’ednestifiV. f.yp rope of Hooker was seen on our streets Tmsday. Col. John I*. Jaeoaay went tc L’lis'lanooga Monß.-iy. J. 11. Cot-put made a business trip to Cuaifut o ga Tuesday. George Ilwahes visited the Sen ri.AEi. ri'liic one day this week. !> U ilsttn of Now England g ted us with a smile Sunday'. Ikpular Dr. ft,i!> 'latum of Dttr li ini Mines was in town fuesduy. I’tn C. I‘tce of Chattanooga, wr there Sunday visiting relatives. Aid) 0 Netil of Chatt.moosn. "as st home Saturday and Sunday ” ■ tJ, Cole, who has a position Pi foie City is at home fora few lb vs. W .G. Morrison of New En ’si mini was seen on our streets Wednesday. CUnvr and over-popular Brad Tatum Drought 14 r*. v of pleasure and sunshine in our office Tluirwl y. ill l ' J S. {balding hind ivii fold ti'heorge llx| e fur t.vo hundred and forty dollar*. our' office Tii.Vday. fi* A. Jack.eon hud *np nnsfor* ’"lie |„ lost* I|j splendid gra.> lorfiH early m the week. '■ ' • Johnson xml wife of Wil I wood were in i„*„ Tuesday Ih * UwU Of the William* House. . M- . h. |), Brock will short I \ U.r Kramer. Go., where she make l J( . r f u ; lln , residence. Mr. \v . K. Green . Editor of the G ° r -!“ °' ! ‘l w. of Rome, POr - ,a "as in town Wednesday. M . i.ojrgins of Shallow Ford , nnessej, spent J’uesiJay night in ' ll 011 U ' H J' to Birmingham. <, * l!, , rir -'’ Davis is quite al nr I L< indications, c; s t . lbetl ’ lor ' ni l’t'o>iueiit in hei 4 >f (he Trenton Lodfe fn ‘"' t e ? ; M,Pci!ll cre, Mt lor the Ftnvn i l '! [,r f f!,l, ' z 'tinn of Rising rA "n Lodge Tuesday night. Died i P . ‘ Tatu-m aocompa l‘is wife and chaiming M.. 1,an,,, Of, f„ r die U ' Sunday morning. Col. J II T fn,ll s , * ** a 00w J ‘ y , Charles erg ’ T ‘ | • Ditam and nth nii'lit t ° l-'aw n Timsda. '■’fgniiizt* ] . QQ p Bodge, Mtsgre r- T • t.eorgo Ilale, W. J. *uu rite pa i ’ J;, nies Bennett and ill ten a^ Pn Wildwood were j q V' lie sday attending *he Uud sa’e. Ck.viyr nsd s*yep la r ’Squ ire (•. i,'. . Jones, <A i.-oes vil > , was n?U.-wig tiiose with wlteiju wo had of shaking hands l ist Sunday. Mr. P.. B. Chadwick arrived 3aiUrduv night from Buffalo, New York, where In* has been (or sever* ■! miontlis taking in (th-e 3ttttnlt Figyosition. Walter Shudrick of Jasper. Toi nessee., and his associate passe, lluough town t n route lo Binning ham. Ain, where they go to hc 1 ,iejjt a position . Owr fimners nre grumbiin. 1 muchly” on account of th * ? on l iuued dry weather. A good slymv. •er s however, would change their frowns iitMO smiies. 11 on. Ben. 'l'. Brock was with ' home folks Sunday. il<> was l,ok jng well, as though nothing had disturbed his mental equiliiiriuiu tor ages past. ff. T. i (>. K. „ny whe/s* A'ou find him, U'o liadtlje pleasure of visiting 'he tmnily of Ju lg Bennett at luissvi le last Sunday . Nostnora hospitable home can he fonud 'here or in any other ioc.ililyVtM rs. Bennett together with limc charm ing daughter, Miss Jodie, koow* just now to make one ‘‘fei 1 at home,” itising Fawn Bulge >{ o inst.luted at l!i-ung Fawn l uesday niglil hs r \V. F. Green, special Deputy Grand Master, assisted by Noble Grand, ,J. P. Jocoway and other hrothers of Trenton and Cole City Lodges, f.odge composed of men of splendid character. Ofli cers (dee'ed and installed : J. AI. Cantrell, Noble Grand, J. L. Wliite, Y ice jjir.tnd. Ilov. J. I'. Guy, Bee tet.iiy, and C. \. Bryan, Treasurer. Recently a citizen of our town lost a batch of letters some ot which were important to him. Master Paul Rodgers had learned of his misfortune and went to work 'o recover them. The man who was interested, in passing Mr. Rodgers’ icsidcnce, was called to | by Paul, who han led over the inst I property. Ned we venture on (V I pn.-sibiJiiies oi h Loy of that turn >f mind? Jla shows, uunai.n *ku* ! >ly. thus early in life, the Hntrac'- ier which will, doubtless, mike turn, in later life, a iniu among men. ... - v Xi... NJTIC E All moneys on old subscriptions or old advertising are do and payable to me, having had all ac counts of the paper transferred lo me by former proprietor. Any I dues on tire piper accruing before Vovcmlier Ist, lUOI. will be re ceipted to; al our otliee . Do not understand this; to ho a lun, hut explanatory on he subject. U’\ il. Chambers. worsivj at i NrisT Gil ”-VRD. A £oo*l *V• • • li iMlltr, “IIOIM* | i iitu Hit | !>t church. There ...• mo>K in bu to*. I‘tis citclo* u e oh .-hottt’i be clc tii<*tl off. Let’s meet oil > it | imiay, tlie Hitii ol November. ind and the rc- I itinu lor oi work needed. Itr> with you ax* < grub ting ho *-, woedtu.k hie* and *h ve!-. The ut;m u ie* and love lot our dcu i dc •in I-1 hi* iv. j h it u*. •I *v, . •Vsenl, s.Killivi. .i. Ni hul ls, an w. v . I P'oiu. . f!!E POHTftAifS OF Oil! PRES DENTS Willi Bingi iplilral .'•kelfhc* B V GEdER'L CHARLES. H. 3ROSVENDR, Aleim i v.i or in >i*i 20 • irs. i ( on tin ii* ?\i nr.** nut 1 . rge Lie •<->. uivu.e Ltrhimr* I‘iotu rhe paunino tnd<i.*ed by f‘ic | iiie> urul nvur rel itivt* of iho I re-iilents, ! I’rinteH on ‘mvu-y olnte i;i|K*r. ♦ mho*- and. * | very law l 'ok; t ; i<* paffe - ny. ItioKiaidiical ketche* printed in o|n*t| t.vpe in two color*. The irn'att'sl wmk •*f ifie 201 h 'Vn 1 urv. So h'mutitiil tii it wrb* n [ MeKin’.cy s \v it ho s*t*s rihod jin* | modi -I.l‘lv, Miront -ellinar '(Hi copies n i territory in : *ein<ylvaoiu. \ million opic* will lie sold •nick. KortuooS will t m idi ii- Intiiiiciir and vojir. llijrh cln*** me w'. m ii of r-m! *■*>•• it *rjnlini; can iM l • fori me in hJ- tori i foyw-** ** •_r ,i rapi lly, Pre-O'* *• R <i;iv ami ' to (U ordi'-s. a Wieip<t —•*>:“ Ua-iagtr to look <u-\ ! e|M>H' l „nil iiif.'nfs. ' A.Dlro s *,*- Itv TI! ft , o VTIV I- s'T \J, j^Kss t I Corcoran Bcn.niNo, j i w ASFI in u Ton, dM. the u hi r of mE im, —OR— " Our Saviour in Art | cost nearly fIOO.OOO to txiMish; N arly su* j perh er.^i .tviTgc> il rh nd His Moihet by | ih great pninit:*. < tiild’s *torivs tor each 1 pi •ture. .' beaiitiiul it Us itsolf. rse*bes . itinnin- lay and to (111 orders. I*2 car ; Ii fcK of tnper lor List edition Mrs. Walt'*. :t. M i**.4* husetts has s ii over ??LCUO worth nf ii *ok*.- Fir*t experience. \lrs. t of \ w V *rk h is *ol I over $2,001 worth of book*;. Fir* ♦ xierh*nc“. Mr. Ilo’wel! tok If or* lore firs* twodav*. Mr*, well to A.M nr er- first w.ek. L'ltrftian man or worn m ran make fidlK) in |li county t(iiick. Territory is croin/ *n>i|lv. Write quirk f'r Win*. Wanted- r-ito M inaaer to htvo charge of rorrepondevc • nl sli the parents. A l T *K nuiTlstl \MKHIC\C O Corcoran Building, OOuNfii SEfJTiNSU TRENTON, QA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1801. THREE PAPjfIS ft Wiilt 1 l()R ABOI i T I Hh I’kICHOI- ONI - Fnis paper and the Atlanta j i'wice-a-Week Joarcal for ($1.25.) Cere you get the rows of [he world and II your I'S' l news \v hile it is fresh, pai ing [ y little isiirel ii one papi'r costs. Ei :er paper j. well north SL(.)O, hut hy spec- ] and arauigement we are enabled to put in mill i tiein, giving three Papers a week w this lo*- price. Voacjumot equal this iiivwlkre else, and ihi-i'oinhiuntion is Hi ; ite*l f*r> in iinu for those wl.o want a great paper and a home jiaper. Take these yitii will Iceejj u > with the times. I'he .Sciui- Weekly Journal makes, com mon cause with the farmers nnn pvbiishes ! Fund redsiif letters from them on farm top ics, des rihing iheir experience in making crops, tie. It is a paper de'wled t the development •if the resell rues o* tiie.*ottth anti tfie -v eI - lac.- i>f its people. lhe Jouni| is Ah authorized medium ! for I lie p ilicaiion >1 an itter relating to the | < VittMii(irnwers Piotjctive A-sociation,and I Ins contribut'd largely to the increased I price paid fore tton ttiis -cison. ; Besid-s g i.erat news the Twiec-a-AVeek : Journal tics much agricultural matter and i o her artijics ~i' special iiitere-l to farmers. | It h is rerwlar eoiitiihioions by Sam Jones, i Mrs W. If heltoti, John T-niple Graves, j Hon. C. 11. Ji >rdau and other distinguished wr.ters. ' Gall al this offi-t anil leave your sub , s'ripiions for hath papers. You can get a s **npic copy of cither paper here on appli e.i lo l, .vouch iTns ADVERTISEMENT! I am selling goods at the same old ttand.i 1 am here to stay, and viL it a point not to be undersold. Here arc some of m y prices: Calioons oc y ( ) OtiGng front! t oc yd Gnni Berea !aa lOcyd Dots from 7Ac. to $1.50. Spec al l argains in Table anil Pocket Cutlery. B • sure to call and examincMiiy. I tori:. Btj|ilenn<l Fancy Grocer : tes at Bottom prices. Alsu a com* I ple'e stork nt Batent Medicines ' kept c.niuintiiiUy'on band. Bridles, hHollars, Buddies, tlolfar !’ads, etc., jas Low a'lt a LOWEST. Anvthing in stijek low down for CASH or ISA K TEH. J. M. CISTLEBERS*. \ MILLER RODE CNE 2093 M4LES IN 132 HOURS rib EHredge ! $30.00 | The Belvidere ; C')VO.oo | Superior to all others Irrespective \ \ of price. Catalogue you why. Write f< i NATIONAL SEW 1 MACHINE CO., ! 339 RROAOWA’ Factory, * New York. BELVIDERE. ILL. , STRING BUT r^SONEY Is saved by buying tlie oncqualed Dia* mood lnve*taicit Contracts of the Tontine Surety Do., Detroit. Mich. This company is organized under the Uwt of the State of Michigan, ha# a paid up capital ol $50,000, a redemption fund exceedingsLOO.OuO, and has liquidated in two years more than 4,000 contracts, paying par for every one. The company sells diamonds on the weekly and four week!v payment plan and buys the diamonds back, agreeing to pay a stipulated price, which is -55 more than is paid lor them. For SSO paid in 64 weekly payments of |1.25 each, or in 15 four-weekly payments o'. $5 each, the company delivers a pure white diamond of the value of SIUO, and buys the diamond at that price of the patron. Our investment proposition Is the saf eat, the soundest and surest money-max ing proposition ever offered to the Amer ican people. For full information apply by mall or in person to K. M. TURNER, MANAGER SOUTHERN DEPT., 102 N. Pbyor BT.. iftita ofGwd (liArier wanted tor Atlanta fia H*w Territory IJber-il Pompe-wOon. WIIIW, Ud. ARE <f| ANY you M HEAD DEAF? NOISES? ALL DF DEAFNESS OR HEARING ARE NOY RABLE by our new invention. Ou >ra deaf are racurablc. HEAD NOISES Ct IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, O -TIMORE, SAYS: Balttmors, .Mi, Vurrh 1901. GtntlfrKf* • & full history of my case, to be uflMl-at youidU About five years a.50 my l ight ttif iii4 this kept on.getting worst, until I lost my bsa.ri*j£ iu lliit ear entirely. I underwent a treatment for cal:arrh, for t. jnths, without any soccers, ronst:llcl a num ber of physicians, among 1 others, the-most e tear specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help -me, and mn only temporarily, that the head noises would thea c:*ase, bid t!ic hearing in the effected cat* tM he lost forever. 1 then saw vour advertisement ncciden’alW in a Lew York paper, and ordered your t: rtt jnent. Aitcr I bad used it otily a few days acforflincf to your the noises ceased, and to-day, after Hvc weeks, my iicLring in Oie car lias been entirely restored. I thank you . iteartily aad4>ec to-remaru Very truly whip's. F. A V.'EUMAN, 7308. Baltimore, Md Ok r treatment does not interface with your usual occupation. “aiSYft.r YOU CAH CURE YWIRSELF AT HOUSE “* Stf* - liITCriHUrnDNAL AURAL CUBIC, 5961A SALLE AYE,, CHICAGO. ILL Lock in Ycur Ml Do you a>e sparkling eyes tint 'd skin, a t weet expressiot fnl form ? Thso attractions of pood iealth If they are in near .y always some ditor tinctly feminine organs pre* m< nstrunl organs mean hea •very where. McEL Witt® of Ca makei woinju beautiful a It strikes at the root Oi trouble. There is no me order, ache or pain whicl cure. It is for the buddin busy wife and the matron ar the change of life. At e crisis in a woman’* lif* health, strength and ht< costs SI.OO of medicine de- For advice in cases requlr. directions, address, giving sy/ 4 ptoms, “ The Ladies’ Advisory Department,’* The Chattanooga Medicine Cos.. tanooga, Tenn. € Mfts. UOZI.NA ITWIS, <f Oenavt!<, rxa, “I whs tp übted ct r .'. hty' i- • —-*l. wiO- (,‘rr ''i*: pains lu ny a'r back, bnt ha 4 'been entirely retieiseJ oi Cardui." George W. Wheeler, TRE.\TOX - - GEO" V ! First class lilac iiig at reast T prices ilor?c nlio;ing Caiiiuge rep. Guns rep Dll DON PHYSICIAN & J Office Side Publi T R E N TON GEO A BEN T. B >CK Att’ y-at-Lr > \ , f TRENTON - . - - EORGIA i Prompt attent ion to l I in’rusted to him.' Fteoefi I u ,iSr l; m Afor , ! Asmai Broadway, New Yc j k, druggist lia3 this sig/ hanging outside his stetfe; it marks the new em of Is it any wondemhat he has to enlarge his quar ters, that his clerks are busy, and that his store is one of the most popular along the leading thor oughfare ? Y ou can afford to trade with a druggist who gives you SCOTT*S EMULSION when you ask lor it. Terriailo Headaches lir.Hfl.TlNfl KKOM DERANGEMENT OF STOMACH L!VER, O!* EOWELS, I>U(‘V(hl Ijr Ayee’3 Pill? #■‘l don", hcllev* tticrc ever was s-> gnat iill nm'to as Ayer's t'atbar tli I’lHs. Tlivy. k will iloriU Jim re<- oinmeinl tin-in for and own more. ’ TV tie 11 I have n eol.l all (I aolio ’im head to heels, a dose or two of '-so pills is all tin- mrilifiuo needed to .mi right ii*;iiit. For he:iil:iche, they ici fail. I liuve been a victim ofter ' lead: <lcs, mnl have never found to .elleve them so quickly as •S I’lds. Since 1 began taking this ve, the attacks have been less and ■quciit, until, at present, months tssed since I liavt hud one."—C. iVM.ty, ring Spur, V a. fER S PILLS i ze P/’edel at Worm <# Fair 119 nn Made To Older QG W.E Mans Suit, for BY BJYINQ OIHSCT FROM | E. ROSENDUXGER & CO., I 1202-204 E. 102d St.. NEW YORK CITY., Tho Largest Clothing Manufacturers in Amorlca. | QUA GRRAT BARGAIN OFFERI h C I bOTT LjwikiooJ/ f h i VpF w ■ with e*t- hiviub a Q VJ we Pnv I'nnetiba^. These Snttii nr? made cp of All Wool C**4*"** *• 1 trlaimid with fast blnvk Sftrrn. the best *: •xiknirn •bip, cut Double Bifaati'i, Sl?*. .i io *earf, iih Silk Embroidered S.ll r C'lUr. •< ft* 15 rw. with out Sailor Cellar. All Pout* have Patent WiUI fl u<l. We *eaH ple-e* of fhr •I* !I- ■ l rxiio l utlonn, with each suit. K.udi) luenilt u ii or uiall for •*•- ! , I fHsk| Thl. OtYl.l <£fO*k "S' g * *•* 3* l*±?Xi . | '5 { with Extra ( (SI ir . T J Pair l’auts V_—7 /A §,* y-v 1,,.. j! |:^jO When ordering send P **t Office yjgf Rxprcw Money Order or Iteflatered j M W Letter*, also age at last birthday, B |TO| and If large or small for hi> ag** V|e>| Mwory cheerfully refunded If not M.J satisfactory. Send ac. itnn<p for |Nn(S|| samples, tape measure, naeurlog rf*. -A- A Tetter, Balt*Rleum Mid Kcicma. The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itclii Mies and a favorite remedy for so yj’les, chapped hands, chilblains iios and chronic sore eyes. r^. . T Dr. Cady’s Condition Pov ."8. just what "a horse needs whe in ba condition. Tonic, blood pu fier an( vermifuge. They are not ood bn medicine and the best in use to pnt. horse in prime condition. Trico /J certs per package. ri . i •7 <•= & TH E c, e v lv a STEVENS FAVORITE It wi. leech Mm u> lead *u active outdoor life In field and feert. It will give him a practical acquaintance with nature. It will encourage practice in ahooung, which tends to glee aicadlne'* of nerve. accuracy of eye. These will be valuable qualUioa lu after Ufa, and, above all, It mill give him health. It la an a•euiwto Hilo, pnta arery nbot Jo* where you hold It; is light weight, graceful in outline, a bona fide arm in aj-iiearance and construction; nothing ebeap about it but the price. Made iu three calibres —.22, -25 and ,32 rim-flre. Ka. 17 Plain Open H| s bta *<l.oo Na IH-Taret Mght* Me. 19 —Lyman Mfhls 9.00 Ask your dealer for the “Favarttc." If doesn't keep It, we will send prepaid on teoeipt of price. Send it,imp for our new 139-page catalogue fONfiimme Jescnprtona of our entin line ef rijltf, target pistole and combination rytee and pittUs, and general information. J. HTLVEMS ARMS St TOOL CO., Bax • • CkleoKc Falla, Ism. Vw /vww^wwwwww>n HAND PAINTED CHINAWARE Free to Our Customers. AT THE THE WONDER STORE! 222 MON TrCMERY AVENUE. Tickets Given wlih Each Purchase of 25 Cot its r More, No Cltartcp, Noumy; We Have Enougli for Everyone, You can s?e Them in our Show Window, We Have the Most Complete Line of Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes and Clothing in the City, and at prices that defy Competition, Don't fail to see cut Tiimmed Hals and Jackets before bimng, \\V ImvH n fine line of Winter Goods of all kinds in Oot wi\ and Wool. Flannels. Flannelette and Outings at nil prices and nur Prices are always the Lowest* W e luv out* of the 1 irg ut ml bmt ;*Fort r hi * ol v. i si ii iu tialtuiiut Ka, ai (took uoitoiu prices. Hliorr, i colitis at 10c |*r. Chil irtm'!* i*li *••* irtnu M*c lip MlS*9 .■ioHhl L*tli**r .* i ht**i* Pic L <1 ion II v\ i spring lied. W'rtli <1.15 99c I oieh s*2. •Or l."*** l.mlio Fine 13 Goo*!ye;tr W It at 1,80 li >y b in SMtiti calf an*! Kip Tics, Poltl ■ a Iron at 96c Men* Kip Tie#, I\ggcl an ! Sewed, no fc© .m In Hack l.r l 00 Men# Kino SliLcs, worth fI.W to $2.00 Job lot. at 1.t3 I *b LOt ol $2, 2 15 and 1.50 gHoes, going 1.50 Kine $3 and 8 50 ho< 8 nt Ue*iuced Price*, A Big Bargain.—Mens llats 69c. Mens Winter Caps from 15c to 50c. .lust Received a Big Lot of Rem l nsuts from the Factory in CanLtn Flannels, Calicoes and Percale which tell at 25c pr pound. Ladies Dress Skirts from 75c to $5 Are you thinking of Buying a Skirt? DON’FAIL to SEE them. | A Good Wool Filled Jean* at 13c vd I a Good Kelt Window Shad** for 2.5 c o Spools Best Thread 10c Best Grade Table Oil (Jlotn at 15c Big Lot of Indigo Blue Calico at 4c A Large pair of Cotton Blankets at 49c A Good Comfort Quilt for 69c J pair Heavy Fleece Lined Hose for 25c The Biggest Bargains of all is in our Jackets for Ladiep and Chil- Idren. We defy Competition. We Bought them right and we will sell them right, so don’t tail to call and examiue them before you buy. 100 D9Z 3N BOYS HEAVY Ribbed Hose, Worth 15c at 10c pair THE WONDER STORE, 222 MONTGOMERY AVE. * CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Mi't Fail to Call lor Tickets on the CHINAWARE— ■ 0k to Texas. J | \ At intervals duie § 1 \ing 1901 . round trip di/en, f H cke ts Win be sold via the I Oottonßeltßoute. I 'Pg? Cairo and Rgl&ifc t 0 points | Arkansas,Louis- | 6xas * an<l ft I b \ ViHyW ;$^ n d'an and Okla* |§ II -l' B I I 1 Ifi wfi/$ i!i j 1 8 I I \ J \m/ l’/tj; ;'//'/ i jf* us Where you want to go: 'M I V I*l7 rT\'. wh you wi ! M '* 10 tove. anA w * ■ ]■* . I li#y Br p 1 y>U tell you when you can secure on* j® If 11 Ip A •““H' of the low-rate tickets and what it win B II II \/ Ii I. <st- We will also send you a complete 9 ILssawya I I \/ kS/* ■' ; schedule tor the trip and an interesting Up V S J L a \//: iI • : ; little book. “A Trip to Texas." 9 \\ 11 \ Y//////I Jk I V///// 1 SUTTON, T. 1.1, tkiltaHf*, fcV | L/ -A/ // I fW. laKAME, 6. r. ml I. *, St U*M I fVhuayp* Tobacco **sc lb Jo Bowers Tobacco Big Buck Tobacco 85c lb Brutou’s Snuff’, 10c size “ “ 5c “ 4c Standard Snuff, 10c sire 8c Standard Snuff, 5c size 4c Hutch .Scotch Snuff, 10c size 8c Hutch Scotch .Snuff’, 8c sire 4c ■ ■ 1 Arbucklo’s Coffee lie lb. Winter Unilerwcarjfor Men, Women and Children in all kind > and qualities. Un ion Suits in all sizes. * Kxtra Heavy, going at 25c suit. Ladies Heavy Kiblwd Vests 15c 2( r 25c Ladies Exvra Heavy Vests or Pants 25c The Best and Warmest Suit on the Market at Bovb Heavy Fleece Lined Suits at 50c suit or 25c per garment The best thing you ever saw for tho price is our 25c Underwear for men. Better Grades from 50c up. ■ - Shirt Wuiats in Fino Mercerized Suteeus, all colors, lined through out. Woith ¥1.50, at 97c All-Wool Waists Trimmed in 97c The Cheapest Place to Buy Chil drens Felt Sailors and Ladies Walking Hats in all Shapes and colors. Trimmed Hats, prices that will surprise and please you. Just think of a Fine Velvet Hat, worth ¥2.50 to ¥3.50 at ¥1.97. Samples in Overcoats at Less than Factory Cost. Don’t Fail to 6ee 'J hem, They are Real Bargains. Boys Clothing in all Kinds and Qualities at Cut Prices. Mens All-Wool Winter Suits from ¥5.00 up.