Dade County sentinel. (Trenton, Ga.) 1901-1908, November 15, 1901, Image 2

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DADE COUNTY SENTINE L! Published Every Friday, j W. D. B. Chambers, —EDITOR & PROPRIETOR— W, A, D, O'Neal, Publisher, TEUMs, II .00 per year In advance. Advertising rates reasonable and will be made known upon application. All legal advertising must be paid ior in advance. AU communications must be accompinfed with the real name of the writer. Address all correspondence to THE SENTI NEL, Trenton, Ga. RATE* <P.|| Iwk.|| laio. || 3mos. tiniob. |j - *• I 1 II 4.60 Tl 7.00 |j~Ul>l _ B|| 1.50 || 3.85 II 6.50 B jCfITTj 16.00 _I I *• || 14.50 || aso-1 HO II 2.__ II 4-50 II iTudxrin'Too 4 II 15.7 IJ 26-0" |f 55.80 |/ 52.50 IcoLll 7.00 || 15.00 || 30.00 |l 65.00 || fotToh LOCAL TIME CARD. |AGS R R | NORTHBOUND. I SOUTH BOUND. •* .9:03 A. M I No. 5, B:S2 A. M. No. 6 9.02 P. M. I No. 1, 6:50 P M. The terrible massacre of the Ninth Infant,-” at Samar, P. I. is just another exhibit,', n ol spirit of Ihe Filipinos The Americans had expected to And them irendly, but l),e na tives fell inon our soldiers, Indian like, and slaughtered them. li’sa costly Job—that un dertaking ol ours in the Phillipines. The abandonment of a Georgia belle by her newly acquired husband before the honey moon was well under headway goes to prove the necessity of passing the bill in the Geor gia Legislature, recently introduced, lor pro hibiting divorces in this slate. But what’s a state li.w or contract to a man who can vio late same and be a board a steamer bound for foreign land before the Sheriff can collect his ideas and commence to determine "where he is at." In this great business country, in which wo live, with its extraordinary privileges for suc ceeding in RDy business, profession or trade we som tims wonder if nature hasn’t exten ded more courtesies to the United States than any other on which the sun shines. Yet we may continually realize that our brother is discontented. Discontentment in this repub lic has no legitimate father or mother and the man who expounds such doctrine and airs such views, very much, among his associates is disgusting both to himself aud eveiybody else. I CONDENSED STORIES. How Kipling’s Great Memory Serves Him in Story writing. —f‘~ “Thirty years ago,” says an An* glo-Indian civil engineer to a Lon don correspondent, 1, l traveled out to India on the same steamer as a Mrsi Lockwood Kipling. She had with her a baby girl and a hoy of three. ’Ruddy,’ as she called him, was a solemn, yellow faced little chap, with a big hat and frilly round the ends of his tiny trousers. We soon struck up a friendship. He would walk up and down the deck with me for hours, holding on to my thumb. In after years, as you know, Kip ling obtained the sub-editorship of an Indian paper. I was engaged about that time in building a great railway bridge. The editor ot Kipling’s paper wrote to m< asking permission for one of his report ers to come and write a series of three or four articles on the sub ject of the bridge, which was one of the biggest undertakings of its time. I replied, saying that if ‘Ruddy’cared to come he should have eyery privFege. but I didn’t want anybody else. “Sure enough ‘Ruddy’ came, and a great time he bad. We showed him everything, and he took everything in. His eye for detail was wonderful. He was hke a human camera, with a mem ory for names as well. Years af terward he wrote “The Bridge Buiidere,’ and in it he used the information he picked up from ure and my men the-n. It is all as ! accurate as possible. There’s not : n technical error in the whole 1 thing. As far as I can see every one of his engineering storms is absolutely correct.”—The Ameri- | t an Press. Chattanooga, Tennessee. Dear Editor.—Please allow me space in your valuable paper for a lewlines from our town. Mrs. Prince and children of Weavei Ht. are visiting relatives in BurehwOod, Tenn. E. H. Wade of Whiteside St. is on the s ; ck list this we-k , w. C. O'Neal of Patton St. • eft here Sunday morning tor Car rollton, Ga.. where she will spend it few days with home folks , Georse Coal of Whiteside .St , who has been ill is very much kirnproved. Lc.eo-gs Walker of Whiteside St Ln has been ill the past two i:*) lis, is able to be at his work again this week Miss Bulah O'Neal of Rock Spri.m i- visiting reU i v s ami fr indt Imre this week. w - H - Ho 't<n of 260 Montgom .trv, Ave.. has ca.of | aß ripye .ihjs week. - 11ap?y Bov . OUR CORRESPONDENTS. Giving the News of Various Precinots In the County. morganvilleT Miss Ollic ttokes who ha* been visiting rel atives at Hooke-lias returned hoapi- Mr. Tom Lumpkin tf New England gave Morganvillc a smile Tuesday. Gome again Mr. Tom. Mr. W. D. B. Chambers, editcr of the Dade County Sentinel, visited relstives here the first of the week. Miss Willie Tittle, who has been visiting relatives in Chattanooga, has returned home to the delight other many friends. Mr. J. U. McCauley was seen in our town j Tuesday. Mr, Garnet Taylor of New England atten i ded singing here Sunday night. Mr. G. W, Fulghum and s-n, Brad, are vis iting relatives in Tenn. Preaching at the Methodist church Sunday by Rev. C. K. Bower. Everybody come. Dr. 8. A. Fowler and Mr. A. Thomas of St Elmo, Tenn,. were out Wednesday on a hunt-* ing tour. Mr. J, S. Hale made a business trip to Tren ton Tuesday. The ladies prayer meeting Wednesday af ternoon was enjoyed by ail present. May they ha vc great success in all their underta kings. CHRYSANTHEMUM. WHITESIDE, TENN. Mrs. \V. T. Hall, wife of our efficient agent, now residing in Chattanooga, spent Sunday with friends here. Dr. D. S. Tate was called from his work at South Pittsbuig, to the bedside of his wife, who has been very ill at this place for the past week, hut we are glad to learn she is much better. Esq. \V. J. Townsend and wife of Wild wood gave us a pleasant call Sunday; we remember them as friends of other days, (when the waters ran high, and “stepping stones” were slippery.) Our new P. M. at this place, A. M. Quinn, handles letters very dexterously, as thougli he might be an old employee of Uncle Sam’s.! Rev. A. C. Dorris of Franklin, closed a series of sermons, delivered on “Mt. Etna” last week, and trust ’(will be like “bread cast upon the waters.” Mrs. James Roope visited friends at Hooker Sunday; she was accompanied by her daughter, Miss Lizzie, and Miss Min nie C’owdan. The remains of Mr. John N. Smith were sent to hia old home on Etna mountain lor burial Sunday, from Rising Fawn, where he has lived for the past few years. Egyptian. HOOKER. Rev. C. E. W. Dorris of Franklin, Tenn., delivered, an eloquent sermon at the Church of Christ here Monday night. Mr. M. M. Strawn, Mrs. Lizzie Roope and daughter, and Miss Minnie Cowden of Whiteside, Tenn., visited friends and rela tives here Sunday. Misses Dafhua Hale and Lizzie Phillips and Irene Pope were out Sunday afternoon horse-back riding. Miss Katie Anderson of Etna, Tenn., visited friends here Thursday. T. C. Winfrey was in Chattanooga Tues day on business. J. T. Martin who was slightly hurt last week while trying to break a ouug horses has about recovered. The farmers are about through sowing wheat. I). E. Tatum is suffering from an attack ot lagrippe. Messrs. Will and Walter Manning and Billy Cagle were here Sunday. John Yates of Etna mountain attended meeting at the Christian church Monday night. The woods have been tired by unknown parties, arxFsevera! have sufleied the loss of their fences in aud around our vicinity. Misses Georgia and Lena Hale and Flor ence Phillips were in Chattanooga Saturday. M Slug. COLE CITY. i Editor Dai>e Coe sty Sent i net., j Dear Below I give yon a of Cole j City news, which you may enter under ■ vour “correspondents” if you choose. Cole City was the scene of much gaiety Saturday evening. Mrs. Slimruons, iheaf -1 fable proprietrea* of “Jlotel Cole City” gave an old time candy pulling in honor ot her charming daughter, Miss Maggie. Those who were so fortunate as to partake of the joyonsness of this occasion weie: Misses Maggie SI ini inons, Fannie Robertson, Jusie Campbell and Messrs. K. A. Bickerstafl, T. J. Egan, Jesse and Kobt. Cargiie, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mcllone and Mr. and Mra. W. C. I.angston. The happy party I erse l l about twelve, after each one had noted the occasion a happy one, and ilie hostess a charming entertainer. Capt. Wm. O. Reese spent his family in Trentoiu^^l^^^^ With our in the coluuhb of your popular paper, we come with a grievance which the good people of Dade; county nod ilie state ought to blush to know that such a state of a!hirs exisis in their h irders. There a e scores of chil dren in this place and vicinity who have no school advantages some are just at the period >i theii lives when char acter is formed. If the- are to f >rm char acters in niter ig lorsiu e, will they tie, and who will hear the blame.' We ap peal to the Cou. ty Sell i.l Commissioner, and the -junty ij help m ibis noble work. Convict. ROSSV-LLE ILe litlle girl of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arckey died of oij.bib ria Monday night. The voting people will give a box supper Satuiday night to raise funds to buy a bell for tile new I'nptist Church. Mrs. At. AL Thomas is very sick at her home on Ro-sville Avenue. J- -e f’ji. .ud T .netlt, and dace county sentinel, trenton, ga„ Friday, November is, isol. Messrs. McNeer and Wilson and Mrs. J. C. Stith attended the musical given by Prof. Church at the music hall of ii. If. Wood in Chattanooga. Misses Woody are attending the bedside of their friend, Miss Ida Tedford who is dangerously ill at her home at Chickn mauga. . Mrs. Shields visited her mother, Mrs. Hicks at Rock Springs. Mr. and Mrs. John McKeehan have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Sydney Bla lock at Chickamauga. Miss Ethel Crowe has been quite sick with fever. A pound party was given at Mrs. Lee V. Frost’s on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swan will soon move to Cooper Heights, Ga. Mr. Enoch Lemons is in Ensley City Ala. Mr. R. B. Stegall is building several new cottages in Highland Park. Mr. I. M. Hegal has gone to Birming ham, Ala., on a business trip. Mr. Vi . A. Moreland has embarked in the Insurance business. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Hughes lost a little child witli diphtheria last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Jones have a verv sick child. The D. of A. will have memorial services at the M. E. Church Thanksgiving. Mrs. Dunn visited friends at Rock Springs this week. Roma ini:. WILDWOOD. Mr. Roscoe Chambers, one of Morgunvilleg handsome voting men, visited our school Friday, lie was welcomed by many smiles and blushes. Mrs. Nellie Nabors and Miss Lena Johns of Wauhatchie. visited friends and relatives heie Sunday. Mrs. Lou Walden, who has been very ill, is convalescent Bob Anderson, one of White side's popular gallants, tvas with us Sunday afternoon as merry as ever. I rof. Clias. A. Chambers, of Morganville arrived here Sunday morning on the accommodation 10 visit relatives and frienda. Miss Ilettie Johnson, of St. El mo, formerly of this place, v.sited the old home place Saturday. Several of Wildwood’s young men attended singing at Hooker Sunday night. We are glad to note that our Sun day School is steadily progressing, despite coming winter. One night last week, some one set the leaves on Ciuda Ridge on fire, nnd the leaves being very drv, and a strong wind blowing, the flames rapidly extended and ds stroyed some fencing for several parties. The injured have one consolation—the no fence law. Mr George llixon and family will shortly leave for Arizona, their future Tiiev will p, • greatly misled by their many friends here. We wish them hap piness and prosperity in their new home. Mrs. Rachael Johnson of Valley Head is visiting friends heie. Rev. Ashley, of Sequatchie Val ley. preached at the Baptist church Sunday morning. Mr. Jus. Manning has been ba ling hay for t e citizens of Rising Fawn tiie past w, ek . Rev. F. A. Bell of this place, is very ill with pneumonia fever in Chattanooga Mrs. Wni. Russey has returned heme, after an extended visit with relatives in Chattanooga. Ebernfzer. ASGALON. Rev. F. B. Trotter, our popular Pastor, tilled his regular appointment at High P' int school house last Sunday. ITe has served us for four years, and we are glad to know that he will preach for us another year. Rev. O. Evans, accompanied bv Mr. J. R. frynr and neice, will make Birming ham a flving visit soon. Mis. \\. A. Chambers and Miss Lily Chambers visited Pittsburg last Monday, the guests of .Mrs. F. B Trotter. Miss Lula I’iyor, one of Ascalon’s best women, is on the sick list this week. Mr. Jas. II and family have &■ cently Mr. \V. R. LambetlyVj fell ot! her porch las! injuries from which she died. I’VVor of Trcnti'n is visiting he/graiWmothci,' Mrs. Katie LeCrov of tiys plarV The fa raters are happy over the gentle rain t! a is falling today, which is much i needed for rye and wheat. Dr. \\. P. iVu.iiiis of Whiteside, Tenn., ; will be a pleasant \ isitor at Ascalon this I W i PK. It is repotted that M ss Julia Hughes . f Geary, will he married to Mr. Byron fiwallord of Durham, next Sunday. Ic.XOEAMVS. Dear Editor. -Please find room for these few lines. We are having protracted dry weathe:; it is favorable for cotton picking and wheat sowing. 1 i.c Durham ( oal & L okc Cos., is hireing all the men they can get to do carpenter work, dig coal, etc. Rev. E. B. Trotter preached a lovely sermon at High Point Church Sunday. He is a splendid preacher. Time is to be another wedding in oar neighborhood soon. Guess who t i*?J gome of otir citizens seem to have the “Oregon f >ve Mr. Andie James has bought out W. R Lambelh, and has moved in today. We atfe glad to have him as our neighbor. We regret to give Mr. Lambeth up, if he shou and leave. Some one went into Mr. Will Mitchell’s house and took a pocket book belonging to Mr. Dave llixon. It contained $lB. Mr. James Higdon, after a long spell of sickness, is much improved. Mr. O. N. Chambers is building a house on his place near here. Lookout, there is something going to happen. Uige Scruggs is off on a two or three days nuiit this week; then he will be found be hind the counter alter his return. J. R. Pryor. DURHAM MINES. Mrs. Chambers and daughter, Miss Lily, of A'scalon were guests of Mrs. Trotter this week. A. M. Wingfield spent Wednesday and Thursday in Chattanooga. Mrs. John W. Boone of Sothly, Tenn., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. W. David son. Rev. C. E. Bower of Trenton, paid our towrY*"a visit today. Come again Bro. Bower, we are always glad to sec you. Mf-tUid Mrs. Tatum leaves f. r Savan nah Thursday to begone about a week or ten days. Capt. J. W. Mitchell returned from Dal ton today. Misses Pendleton, Ryal, McDonnet and Messrs. Dyer, Pendleton, and Cornell cf Chattanpoga, were guests of Supt. Shrop shire Sunday. Several new residences are being built. ! One will be occupied by Mr. J. W. Allison, also one by Mr. Will Case of Trenton. Miss Hattie Davidson of Daisy, Tenn., is visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. Davidson. Jim Pace of Trenton visited his sister, Mrs. W ingfield, Saturday and Sunday. J. M. Adkington spent Saturday in Chattanooga. Miss Ma ae Wingfield is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Sue I’ace at Trenton. Aunt Jane. RISING FAWN. W. C. Clin ton of Byrd’s Chap el was in town Tuesday. A protracted meeting began Sun day nigtt at the M. E. Church, conducted by Rev. J. T. Guy , and assisted by Rev. Morrell of St. Elmo. About 6 :30 Tue=day night, fire was discovered in 'lie second army of Jock Forester’s residence, which created quite an excitement for a few minutes, until the fire was extinguished. Keith Webb of Chattanooga was in town last Thursday. J. G. Tibbils representing Cross man Bros, paid ns a visit Saint clay. Dr. Johnson o' Chattanooga Mrs. D. S- Middleton, is ill with fever. Mr. L. S. Tidwell returned from Emory Gap,lenn., Saturday night. Daisy. NEW ENGLAND. Ths* first rain of the season fell here Tuesday, which should be must pleasing to all. Messrs, Ben Parker, Jr., and Elias \\ heeler of Durham, hoard ed the train here ha fur day tor Chattanooga. Claud Gentry was with home folks Sunday. Col. Wingfield of Durham, was the guest of W. G. .Morrison this week. James McCollum and John Seig ler, uassed through this place on | Saturday. We suppose from the number of dogs, thev had been on the foxes. Bt an nlmarch on and tell' the n about it, !<■ me was sure fairly tiis * Quite a nn|ber attend our Sun day School Bni the adjoining burgs. We ■Mrecialo good com yj# J . Wilso^Riifdted home Sun (jjt C. f'A ■ TT^t> r v S l l. i■ I g j|>om a •it DnrhftgVJM ibe °f TA^mll ettp, Tenn., ts Too had, '■Wbput gi-1 not waiting. Wantisl, —'! he '1 ax etor to furnish his date ar place. h is nor i;e tm :iiis been Willie Long of Soldi ( hatta ii '' in was lo re Em d.iytf xamin : ing h ; s t n !ps to proper® Lock i oid, Jolmnip ! wi Several fr< in here iu‘e*slpd tlie j Seils-Cummi nps trial id Wr i ton j Monday. We don’t adtl/; the. I kind of tea that was eervevron the Wm. Darn berry Jr. , returned! | from Chat tHiuioga, { , reports that cit v in arrears with tlwir bus iness, gs every tineg he saw was in |a rush. W. J. Jenkins, the popular iner ■ chant and peddler of Byrd's Chap el Mopped over night Tuesday, | with our esteemed friend, R. L. Wilson. Mis Maggie Wilson visited Mrs John Moon Wednesday, who re mains very sick. Your correspondent called l>y and saw little Douglass Snodgrass and found the little fellow cheer ful and full of hope,(notwithstan ding,)he has been confined to the bed of affliction ton long weary months, with that much dreaded disease, rheumatism, which we imagine, lie has stood with Chris tian fortitude. We hope to see you out soon Douglass. Crossing the street, and fittingly might say, on entering the N. E. City College of instructions, found at one casual look through its com modious rooms, that my opinion was affirmed that our efficient in structors, Prof. Ed Dabbs and Miss Lucy Potter, through their months of toilsome labor had been successfully performed, as noble servants. The glories of our blood and state Are shadows, not substantial iliings; There is no armour against fate; Death lays his icy hand on kings; Sceptre and crown Must tumble down, And in the dust be equal made M itii the poor crooked scythe and spade. Some men with sword may reapqhe field, And plant fresh laurels where tliev kill. But their strong nerves at last must yield; They tame but one another still: Early or late 'i hey stoop to fate, 1 hen boast no more your mighty deeds; Upon deaths purple alter now See where the victor-victim bleed-: Your head must come-to the cold tomb; Only the actions of the just smell sweet, And blossom in the dust. _ 30 CENTS. TilE OVI CUES TliO UTE TO ft xas, Oklhoom i and Indian Territories, New Mexico, Califor nia, Colorado, Utah, Oregon and all points west over the Queen & Crescent Route. Choice “1 routes via Shreveport and New Orleans. 2 trains daily'. 1 waive hour* quicker than via any other route. For rates, schedules or anv oth er inlormalion, call on or address, A. B. Freeman, Traveling Passenger Agent, 2019 First Ave,, Birm’g’m., Ala. 1 OR .'SALE. One t w wtgon, no. £**' New Floience, ole,ti-Brake, been run about six months, Ey* erthing about it new, with bed uml >pri g seat. Reason for selling, quit farming must We sold at once* Call at George T. Cross’s, Moiguu ville, Ga. l*i iee sin. SHERIFF’S SALE. C. EWI GIA Dade, county. Will be sol i before the court hou*o d* n* in the town of Trenton. said state uml county on the ?ir>l 1 uepdiiy in l.wcmbrr, I‘JOI, WT/mn he legal hours of sctle. for to the Kigl cst bidder* tho ioilo* ing de>c*ibed property fnwjf. One gray horse niu'e named George, Alro, onegray nine mule named Kite, t teh ol them being about eevt*t (11)yeurs old, snd one lwo horse waxon.(Old Hickory,) Also ono set ol wagon harness. Levied on as the property of J S. Gorliunto satisfy a Mort gage li l.i issued from liank> county Superior Court in favor of R. y. hmuiett against J. a. Gordcen. Tt.U Nov, 6th, 1901. Kobt. Carter, Sheriff. NOTICE. Nutieeis li re by given that a b'll will be in trad u cod during the present sessinn of th * Georgia Leg. isiaiurn to amend the Charter of tin town of '1 teuton, Dade county, Ga., ,*o aw to prohibit the sale of spirituous liquors. Bill will be introduced by special request. Oct. 28th 1901," G \V. ,M, Tatum. NOTICE. Notice is her a bill be introduced during the pros'" ent sessif lj of the Georgia Legis lature to amend the Charter of iiie town of Rising Pawn, Dade county Ga., so its to prohibit the sale of spirbuim liquors Bill will be by special ri quest. G. \V. Ai. Tatum. NOTICE OF DISMISSION. \o.T GEORGIA, runty. \\ hnreiis J. S. rtfcL'.m, Admin istratorol Adeline repre sents to the court in uetition duly filed and entered oiSt-ecord .that lie has fully administerik the said estate. This is t! ereforafi&o ci'e all pers .ns concerned, dred and creditors, (o show c:uisiq( ft any tliey can. why said admin istration shiiUi <l not be discharged •from his administration , rnJ re ceive letters of dis.nis-ion on the fir*t Monday in Januaiy, 1902. This Oct. 7th. 1901. J. A. Gureton, Ordinary. Ejl' ‘ * / V J man or woman io look after our growing badness in this aiul :uljoiiiino Connti. s; to act as • l aungcr aiut Correspondent, work can tic done at your home. Enclose* self ad liTsseit. .stamped envelope U r par ticidnrs to It. \ Sherman, General Manager, Corcoran Building, opposite L T niU:d States Treasury, Washington, D. C. WANTED-Afi IDEASt£“go thing to patent? Protect youririeas ; they ra„ Write JOHN WEDIIEB 13u KN & CO., Patent Attorneys, WafchingU; , Li. C., for tucir prise oiler TO IHE AbVERiISiNU PUtJLlti^n THE DADE COUNTY SUNTTNEI II! HU PIPED Pillffl 111 DADE Cgim IS a 7 Column, 4 Page Newspaper with th fi m c ' circulation, which is vastly larger !hn it f ns i )een f or v,,)^ Seil l Affords a Splendid ADVERTISING MEDIUM It goes to the homes of a class of who are THRIFTY, PROSPEROUS and INTELLICF.V ° Its Readers spend Tens-of-Thousands In Local and foreign Markets annually. The paper circuit lively in Norih Georgia outside of Dado couniy. Jt n ] so V es a number ol North Alabama and East Tennessee Towns ,0f ‘ u i!e In plain, it is the medium through ui s ; c i A large munher of dealers, as "ell as private citizen-, are r,., i , Brother, LET US DO YOUR ADVER USING in our tenit !? <l will be more than pleased. Addr p RB i'll orders to - 0I -’ . Vn u 1 HE DADECOUNIV. SENTINEL, TRENTON, gj. ARE YOU WISE mauon there is no remedy to equal Mexican Mustang Liniment# 1 am easy way and a sure way to treat a case of Sore ihroatm order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action is to take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang JUiniment end with this gargle the threat nt frequent intervals. Then bathe the outside of the throat thoroughly with the lini ment and after doing this pour some on a sole cloth and wrap around the neck. It is a POSITIVE CURE. ia* \ 25c., COe. and SI.OO a bottle. ‘ ai j ' IT MAY RI" vnn l° a £ been troubled with a running • I Inn j LSC. c Jo sore or ulcer. Treat it at once with Mexi can Sluetun;; Eilniacnts and you can depend upon a speedy cure. n BOOR TO MANKIKBI ■SSSHBI’ffIUYi "IIL saS3RESltaui!!aAfes:_'iJs D* TABLETS BUCKEYE PILE ni * Of w - - 'Ss—fEspS-cI"-. IiRIIT TMS3T-! : ; rj L tj c s 2&~ 9 + : £ W •® a L4 r s rw Ta y- : t I to 'J ,JR *-i %'&kA S tt *v .> 71 vL * r*£* - jt - u%/ /■ —. W*y , felC A. Ncy/ for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and PILES, WITHOUTPAffL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. 50 C£NT3. Med r. BAILED, Sole AND SHORTEST ROUTE tna QUIGKEST TIME L TO-- KT. LOUIS AB3S THE WEST .SLEEPERS ATLANTA TO ST. LOUIS I T CHANGE. Jim 9 THE X. PULLMAN SLEEPERS ATLANTA TO CIIICACO X WITHOUT CHANGE. MEW mm fa LOUISVILLE and CINCINNATI PULiVaN SLEEPERS ATT. \NTA TO LOUISVILLE AND V CINCINNATI WITHOUT CHANGE. Cbeap Rates f® Arkansas and Texas ALL - HAIL AND STEAMSHIP LINES TO NEW YORK AND THE EAST. TOURIST RATES TV ALL RESORTS. I f or Schedules, Rates, Maps cr cay Railroad information, call upon or I. W, THOMAS, Jr., 11. F, SMITH, CHA3. E. KARMA** General Manager, Traffic Manager, General Pass. " Nashville, Tenn. Nashville, Tsmn. Abs** l -*