Dade County sentinel. (Trenton, Ga.) 1901-1908, November 15, 1901, Image 3

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Dade County Sentinel PUBLISHED WEEKLY TRENTON, GEORGIA. DIRECTORY. () idt StnterlorCJurt meets 3rd Mondaytln t(,irch and Seutcmber. <;omity Court (monthly term) meets 2ml Monday in each months. Quarterly term ousts on 2d Monday in Keb 11, .try. May. August, and Novomber W . V. .I icaway, Judge. J. O. little. County Solicitor. ,lattice Court tor Trenton District meets 2d Saturday in < a h month. Cocsrv OFFICKK9 I. A. Onreron, Ordinary J. s, Atiison. Clerk Sniiorior Court; Hubert jsrter. sheriff; A. Bryan, Tax Collector; W, T. H irtline, Tax Reciyer, .1. \t. Cla-tio tmrry" County Treasurer; W. U. Morrison, Surveyor. amt l)r. .Joules normally, Coroner CHLMtCIISKKVI ES.-M. I! Church it and 4 h Sundays in e tch mortli. Prayer meat ng oarh Thursday ui/ht. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9.30. C. E. Bower. Pastor. Services at Cumborlan I Presbyterian < hurch every 3t “unalay in each month. Sun day School each Sunday morning at it;!), Mi-sionary Baptist services at the C. p. Church lit Sunday ill each -'onth. K, k. Dell, Pastor. WHAT WE PUBLISH FREE. A short advertisement in local columns of anythin? out subscribers '.visli to buy, tell, or exchange. Short ohitu .ries c, intilntng not over a hun dred words, inserted fr o. AH or a hun. <lro wor is, one cent a wor t. List, estr.iyol or stolon notices tree, LOCAL BRIRFS. .1 is t\ Kill aa of Mu-g xnriite is in town today. C0!..1. P. Jaeoiv >y was off on iiusi oess yos tenUy. The Good Roads Convention meets in Chatt attoosa this week. Mrs. Dr. K. 11. Tatum visited relatives in Trenton this w<ek. It will pay yon te road John M. Castleberrys adverti-ement which appjitrs elsewhere in lid*paper. lie is a live up-to-date btisimss man. Mr. a. n. Merviße ot Attalla, Ala., has moved to our town where he will iikclv make hisfuune hoaio. ( ole City. No 2 received too late for tins issue. \\ 0 very hnjhly appreciate this lotter end wlil he more t!i n pleased to publish it i ext week. Geo. \V. Wheeler was h pleasant caller at the Sentinel office Thursday. The Misses Smith of Byrd’s Chapel have moved to the Jesse Hughe.,’ residence. WilllirocK, with his pleasant and inter esting style, entertained us a short while yesterday. Co] .1. P. Ja -own? is going Rust in n few < s), 1 o 'kuiit l-r something to “ilro^ 11 for I <le comity. Mr. JtcovsT is ever tilert to (lie interest of his comity ami people. Mr. trank tor put uni wife ariivod in town this n in , Their mnrii ge occurred iu lr|r i iighMu last Tuesday, Mr. Corput an I wile u ill reave lot then home iu Alabama, alter a ' lie' visit lure. I*. A. who has been Very sick for ;cv r 1 days, is imp™ fug. W r wish or call I III! lion to his mivel 11 .emel.t, which sporn.s in this issue. It shows that air. Jackson .lues not mean to he undersold, Mrs. . I’. I’scp is eminently successful training lrenton’s juvenile populace. Her ml.ool at the Academy will close in a lew weeks. This fall has hoen a very remarkable or e. Die condition of the weather lias been sue), for three inoiuha that the far mer could pursue his_ laborrf undisturbed almost every dar. H. 11. Wade, South Chattan-w— ’ " | r saloon man 'ms '.4oPwith lugrippe lecemly. lie is lasi recovering and will doubtless gieet you With his usual smile if ■}u Mop in” to see him. Rev. C. E. Bower delivered an s, , rmon at (he M. E. Church 1 unday night to a good uc) ience. are proud !o note the arrival 11 City, and enter her of rec n ,s one of our regular corre epondent?. i<J 1 .'titim of Gulfport, Mias* • ; PP>, greeted ur at the the train ‘•ouay night with the usual "’urds of consolation. ill exchange Gtoceries or rnon iiJnor 1 ’? 0 <loZen “W- Wi!l f ,H - v „f | ! dozen. Also 30 pounds mo . f| _^ J| f er week, or will take 11. L. Wilson. ad vert ’ Ol ' special attention to the M > tof The Wonder Store, 222 in. - u j' 1 ’ r '' Av °" Chattanooga. Jtv looK a - vou will see that they f r pollt° W .-n l ' le Their ClerKs pv ingjonV'' ' * <Ke ® reat pleasure in shovv- Be sure CVen * f - VOU d° u l bu.v in Chatt * 11 on( JerStore when Ho'efk e ~,orK than pleased to <lui tia ' t ,°'" rorr **V*>*‘<len*s are of th.* v o, 'k‘ f vidence C(,,n >nu 'n''' (lf>preriation of their everuh " ur '° ,,s may be seen on ", u,;z, ®r upon namely, v ith r i- nUn ' ca ti° n be accompanied of the writer. It seems tcdiiy.(Tuesday,)thaf Mr. dieter is fast uuproaciiiug. Wonder >vliiit youna: lady it was who received a nice basket of grapes recently? Z. J. and George W. Cross of Wildwood was here tho first of the week on business. Capt. Win . 0. Reese of Cole Citv spent Sunday with his family at this place. Must*- Russey O'Neal made a business trip to Chattanooga re cently. Russey is a hustler. Mr. John Payne and family ol Byrd's Chapel spent Monday with J. M. Castleberry and family. B. Pi Chadwick of New England was in the city Monday, and of course, he gave us the u uta! smile Win. Simpson h making several improvements on his premises heie of late, which adds very much to and welling. •L P. Jacoway has had some re pairing done about Ins premises recently, which adds much to !he comforts of life. Mr. G. -J. Chambers of M organ viile was in mu office 'ho first of the week. vfr. Chambers is al ways a welcome visitor with us. Mr. James Lyemanee and daughters. Misses Mai tie and Lou, with their brother Stew*, trade a business Irip to Chattanooga Sat urday. WORKING AT BAPTTsT GRAVEYARD. ___________ • A good wire fence has lu cu built, enclosing Ihe grimy .rd t ihe Baptist church. There is yet some work to be d<n->. The enclo-u c now should he cleaned off. Let’s meet on Sat uiday, tiic !fi.h, of November, and do tile re mainder of work needed. Bri g with you ax es, grubbing hoes, weeding hoes and shove!-. The memories and love lot our dead de mands this much ol us. ■I VV, O'Neal, N. Killian, M. Nicholas, and, IV. U. I leeway. — Till'. QUICKEST ROUTE TO Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Torritories, New Mexico. Califor nia, Colorado, Utah, Oregon and all points West o*’pr the Queen & Crescent Route. of routes ', via Shreveport and New Orleans. 2 trains daily. Twelve h airs quicker than via any other route.. For rates, schedules or anv oth er information , call on or address : A. B. Freeman, Travelling Passenger Agent, 2019 First Ave.. Birm’g'm, Ala. Cheap Bargains. Brother, if you hesitate or fail income to see tne when in need of anything handled in our complete 'ooi< of General mereh uniis-, you’ll always feel bad and your wife will hardlv foigive you T now have a splendid stock, Hut am going to. greatly improve our assortment in al! lines. Below-1 Quote You Soma Prices. Special Shes in Children’s Sizes \ 25e up Liidies Shoes \ 75c to $2 00 Genis Sho. s fro. -v $1 to $5. Calicoes and othej r \ Goods at lowest prices. All BUCKLE S’ Cot CASH. S ' .. rJHTiIAITS OF OUR PRESIDENTS Willi Biographical Middies BY GENERAL CHARLES. H. SRDSVENOi?, Mvmlicr oi i o'ftunis nvcm v-i' Ui I rge hiio-grivti.e Ktcliiiiu* IVimii the p:tin ing* imlo $•! ly the lamilie* wnl :umr r l t v*s of Uio Printed on w* i'v iL.-ite paper, < m’*<> •<!. a very latc It ofr; rMR* p tiff deHarncd ’ Till t ny. Hlosfr.tpiiKvd >k*ich * printed in open t'|va id two color**, I’he k're;ift*-t wo k nfthcSOMi cpictirv. So e*ntiifnl tint wh n President M hiulev ww P he mH>s ribe i im metlittelv. One *g *nt sellinsr nc:i copies n mils fertdtory in Pennsyl v toin , \ million copies will he sold < nick. Fo ttnos will le mn i tlii-* Itt tiurmvtl ver. class nian or W'man of socinl standing cn make a litile f*r!m ein territory. I'crriiorv is iroi '•? rnpidly. Presses running day and night to (11 orders. Wanted.—State Manager to look after corre *iK>ndch c nd atrenu. Ail lro s to—’ay TIIK • on’TIVKVT \L PUGB^ V CoBCOKAN BUII.DINO, WAMJINUroN, 1). C. THE LIIiIITOF THE \YIRLH —OR— Our S*s omr in Ar cos* iirarty ItOfI.OOO to imbtisl'. Nearly 1 Mt innl> mgruvings ofCti'i* r "nil Hi> Mo’ i l*y tb- greitt pninterv. Cbll'l , s st'H*i‘ s I euc.h I>j .tuif. s 0 boauiilul it 5.-I1- itself 'rp- s running *lh.v Rii'l iiitfht t* fill or*inrp t*2 cur loafi* of ppcr lor lvrt mlition. Mr 'V tile, in Mns.ii -hnsetts bus ■>! I over IV t worth of book* Firrt experience. Mrs. nekert of New York luis I oi'cr $l,OlO iv. hOl bookri. Kir*t exnerK'nc'*. Mr. Ilolvvcll .ook 14 or •lore first two .lavs. Mrs. I.cmivell 'o '• 31 01- li.-r. first wank. Cb'islian mm or worn in nan make 11.00.i in tliis . ounly quick Territory is coinr nnifilv. W.iteqoick f w term- WHittC'l.— t,te M-msger to have charge ol corrcspopile'-cc '*no sii the nflr.*nts. Ailiircs- THE BBITISU- AMEBIC V O Cokcokan Building, The One Day Cold Cure. For cold in the head and sore throat use Ker mott s Chocolates Laxative Quinine, the “One Daj- Cold Curs.” DADE COO .IT Y SENTINEL, TRENTON, GA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1901 iums k wtEK. FOR ABOUT Tilt I’M ICR OF ON R This paper and the Atlanta Twice-a-Week Journal for ($1.25.) Here you get the news of the world and all your loci news while it is fresh, paring vc;y little more than one paper costs, lii iher pa | er is well worth SI.OO, but by spec 's! arrangement we arc enabled to put in both of liiem, giving three Papers a week for this low price. You cannot equal this any where else, and thi-combination is J h boat prtiniuin for those who want a great paper and a home paper. Take these and you will keep up w ith the times. The Semi-Weekly Journal makes com mon cause with the farmers ami pvblislies blind redsnf letters from liiem on farm top i< s, describing lhcir experience in making crops, etc. It is a paper devoted to the development of the resources of the south and the xvel are of its people. The Journal is the authorized medium for tiie publication of matter relating to the Cotton Grower,’ Protect ve Association, and has contributi <1 largeqv to the increased price paid for cotton this season. Besides g, neral news the Twice-a-Week Journal has much agricultural matter and other articles of up••oral interest to farmers, ft lias regular contributions by Bam Jones, Mrs. \\. ii hi lton, John T. mjde Graves, Hon. C. 11. Jordan and other distinguished writers. (Jail at tbi< office and leave your sub scriptions for both papers. You can get a sample copy of either paper here on appli cation. NOTICE THIS ADVERTISEMENT! I mil selling goods at the same old stand. I am here to stay, and '•'ill it a point not to be undersold. I t ere are some of my prices: C licoes 5o yd Out mg G .ods 5c yd Good Percales 10c yd Gats from 75c to $1.50. J Bargains in Table and Poeket Cutlery. Be sum to call and examine my -took, Staple ami Fancy Grocer ies at Bottom prices. Also a ooiu pltt’e stock ot Patent MedicOies kept continually on band. Bi idles. Goliars, Saddles, Collar Pads, etc., as Low as the LOW ESI’. Anything in stock low down for CASH or BARTKK. J. M. CSSTLEBESRY. VeKakeWF|pC| Q ' sr J w ZlhiLihtJi MibLER RODE ONE 2093 MILES IH 132 HOURS The Eidredge $50.00 Hie Bcividere 040.00 wv>. Superior to all others Irrespective of price. Catalovtje tells you wh^. w rite for one. NATIONAL SEWING MACHINE CO, ! 339 BROADWAY, factory, York. BE* ILL. NOTING BUT lINEV !• and hy buying the unequalcl Dia ond lnvesimeut Contracts of the jntißS Stsrslf Go, DETROIT, MiCH. This company Is organlred under the Um of thcStateof Michigan, liasa paid up capital oi J 50.000, a reciempiion fund exceeding $1(0.000, and has liquidated in two rears more than 4,000 contracts, pa>his ,or every oue. The company sells diamonds on tha wecklr and iour-weekly payment plan and buys the diamonds hack, agreeing to pay a stipulated price, which is more than is paid lor them. For SBO paid in 64 weekly payments of 11.25 each, or in 16 four-weekly payments of $5 each, the company delivers a pure white diamond of the value of SIOO, and buys the diamond at that price of the patron. Our Investment proposition Is the saf est, the soundest and surest monev-mak ing proposition ever ottered to the Amer ican people. For full information apply ty mail or in perbon to K. m. TURNER, MANAGER SOUTHERN DEPT, 102 N. Pryor St.. f flood fhwfi,r for Atlanta fia Kw Territory LIWrl AIHIIUO, Ud. ABE &£§ ANY YOU KA9 DEAF? NOISES? ALL CASES OP’ DEAFNESS OR HEARING ARE MOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES OEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, Oh BALTIPJJOSS, SAYS: t Baltimore, Mi., March 30, Genthm** entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatiucut, I will now grve you Q full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About five years ago my right ear began io sing, and *liis kept on getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this car entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted n num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that only a:i operation could help me, r.nd even that only temporarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing iii the affected ear would be lest forever. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat* ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and to clay, after ffve weeks, my hearing in the diseased car has been entirely restored. I thank, you heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours, V. A. WURMAN, 730 S. Broadway. Baltimore. Md Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation • YOU m CURE YOURSELF AT HOME a,a OT. lnal WTcfiKATIQ&iAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO. ILL XT/$ |\vw J 1 X' r A /f 5 Lsch fa Your F*!rros* Do you sc© sparkling eyes, a healthy, tinted skin, a i weet expression and a grace ful form ? These attractions are the result of good lealth. If they are Absent, there is near.v always some disorder of the ais- ' timtiy feminine organs present. Healthy ‘ menstrual organs mean lie&ith and beauty * everywhere. FScELREE’S of &smpgi!23B g makes women beautiful and healthy B ft strikes at the root of all their g trouble. There is no menstrual dis- . order, ache or pain which it will not! cure. It is for the budding girl, the i busy wife and the matron approaching! the change of life. At every trying | crisis in a woman’s life it brings j health, strength and happiness. It I costs £I.OO of medicine dealers. For advice in cases requiring special I directions, address, giving symptoms, I “ The Ladies’ Advisory Department, '* | The Chattanooga Medicine Cos., Chat- § tanooga, Tenn. MXIS. EO/ENA LEWIS, of Oenavil’o, I To* jb, saya:—"l was troubled at monthly 8 Intervals with terrible pains in my head nud 1 back, but hav been entirely relieved fey Wlue B of Cardul.*' v BEN T. BROOK Att’y-at-Law TRENTON - - - - GEORGIA Prompt attention to all businege intrusted to him. WHEN IN THE CITY BE SURE To Gal) and aee me at 300 Whiteside Street, where I may be found Fiill disponping the beat Whiskies, Wine? and Tobaccos to be found in Ohattanooga. If you don’t care to drink call m SEE WE fcNYW&Y. YOUR FRIE V V E. 11. WA I>. Th'* Gao’ gia S U n. The One Oay Coid c are. ! Cold In heat and sore throat c kd by Ker-'s Choe hues Laxative Qui pe. As < asy sc take as candy. ••Children cr ’j theta" ■ ..<* , rmw ’s tei Ills: y .%# i[ |% ivK; it 'nttykfr* \/ lOTiut A smart Tread way, N.ew Yorll druggist lias this sign Imaging outside his store I it marks the new era r f drug selling. Is it an;, 1 wonder that lie has to c/ilarge his quar ters, th It his clerks are busy, aud that his store is one of the most popular along the leading thor oughfare ? You can afford to trade with a druggist who gives you SCOTT’S EMULSION when you ask tor it. TarrLHo Hoadachea PI S 1.1 INO FIIO>I DERANGEMENT OF STOMACH L!VER, O’: 3CWEL3, Relieved by Ayeb’3 Pill? jpjyjf*., "I don’t bclicv- c' there ever was so C r * "* t O J£. .>•• good a pat made 0 t as Aver’s Cathar- c m c ril,s - c \ will Mo all smi roc- q ' Sf^l^ '■ ■ pjjo- '! tli'Dl lor 6 F yIS amt evvn more. ® p / J*a \ AVlien I have a o < ' \ I col.l and ache C from head to heels, a dose or two of gj thev julls is a!! the medicine needed to oi set me right again. Fur hen lael e, they never fail. I have been a victim ofter- q rilde acadaclios, r.nd have never found o{ to relieve them so quickly as Ayer's Tills. Since I 1 egan taking this medicine, the attacks have been less and o] less frequent, until, at present, months ®! have passed since 1 have ha"—C. o' F. Newsiax, Dug Spur, vs. Oi AYER'S PD. LS o Prize Wledal at VVorici and Fair ®] 9 -£d’ ;a000000000000.0050 -XV BY BUYING 01.-SSOT FUOM i £. ROSENDURGER & Co. f i 202-204 E. IC2d St., NEW YORK CITY. 1 Tho Largest Clothing Manufacturers in America. | OUK CHEAT BARGAIN OCFEHI tR (SID 9 ni ■ W itl4 Extra P*nt rr. u ck2J 9 i_l v, j Puy L’xpressG^e. Tbene Solti r tnAde up of All Wool trlmtaed with fnM blnokS .u 1h t i c>t of woikmnn •hip, cut l>ou4l lifr.t*6. Sic**, 3 io q rear ft, with Bilk Embroidered S*il<r collar. 10 * 15 trnr*, with oal Sailor Collar. All Pint* Iwive Patent H'niat B We aeod pieces of tl-e cl-t!: a - d cxiia buttons, with each suit. K.ndly meat.on it large or small for age. 1 Th!. Style! ( ?*’'>* | CD ? -It Jfe slzt “' 3 ,0 0 I iStM'.'i? I 'Z f *•* Eslfo 1/ ivgj-'t 1 f'l 2 * KrU Pj *~ uls 1 \* /Q\ if4jo *z ] 0 e C ■•] l 1 I.y = ——^ When ordering send P>*t Office, M&Wff Express Money Order or liteglstered WBS jag Letters, also age at Inst bh.hdn_y, jj3 )CO and if large or small for his age. fff KL Money cbeerfally refantled if oot uM\ n | . •atUfactory. Bond ac. ntompft for •atopies, tape measure, mensurlag *G2 f>fn*r ftc ■** * lr^l T—T-- ?‘T A- .j*. Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema. The intense itcliing and smarting, inch lent to these diseases, is instantly allayed jy applying Chamberlain’s Eye and ’kin Ointment. Many very had cases 1. , T e been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost biles and chronic sore eyes. 25 els. per box. I Dr. Cady’s Condition v ’<>uders are * 'at a horse needs \ •> in had n. Tonic, blood r and They are n '^but. .Ad the best ir _ 1 a norse m prime condition, cents per package. the gi b v ly A STEVENS FAVORITE It wil. teach him to lead an active outdoor life In field and forest. It will give him a practical acquaintance with nature. It will encourage practice in shoot jug, which tends to give ateadiness of nerve, accuracy of eye. These wiil be valuable qualities in after life, and, above all, it ill give him health. It in an aeon rate* rifle, puts every shot just where you hold it: is light weight, graceful in outline, a bona ndc arm in appearance and construction: nothing cheap about it but the price. Made in three calibres — .Tl, .25 and .3i rim-fire. No. 17 Plain Open S!*hU ffl.OO No. 1H Turret Mghts *-&<> No- 19-Ljtntn Sights J.OO Ask your dealer for the “Favorite.** If he doesn t kevp it, we will send p-epaid on receipt of prioe. Send stamp for our new ISt-pagt catalogue containing descriptions of our entire line of rifle*, target pistols and comfnnatton ri/iee and pistols, and general information. J. STEVENS AUM* A TOOL CO., Bo* 9-6 - - Chicopee Folia,-Mas*. HAND PAINTED CHINAWARE Free to Our Customers. AT TH3 **•*- THE WONDER STORE! £~3 MONTGOMERY AVENUE. Tickers Given with Each Purchase ol 25 Cents or More. No Ci anon, No I o:rry; We Have Enough for Everyone. You can see Them in our Show Window. We Have the Most Complete Line of Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes and Clothing in the City, and at prices that defy Competition. Don't fail to see cut Ttimmed Hats and Jackets before buving. We have a fine line of Winter Goods of all kinds in Cot— ton and Wnol.'Flnnnels. Hanneletts and Outings at all prices and our Pliers are always the Lowest. \V> |i:ve or<‘ of the largest anO fo*Bt asf*or*- pil II * ol MlOK'iVor becu in Chattiinoi g.t, and ai Rock ri'.ltom price*. Hithj iii colnift ut 10c pr. Children’s *hoo irmn St'o up Missi-a Mioes 07c L; dies Heel r Spring Heel, worth $1.15 OSc I ache** sl. Shoes ior 1.50 Ladies t ine $3, Uoodjcar Wolt at 2,50 UO3 * ■'hoes in h.itin oalf and Kip Ties, Solid ns Iron at 28c Men* Kip Ties, and Sewed, no Se ini in Hack lor tOO Mens Kino Shi. s, worth SI.SJ to $2.00 Job lot at 1*25 1 b not ol $?, 225 and 250 shoes, going: 1.50 Tine $3 and 8.T:0 shoes at Reduced I’rices, A Big Bargain.—Mens Hats 69c. Mens Winter Caps from 15c to 50c. Just Received a Big Lot of Rem nants from the Factory in Cantan Flannels, Calicoes and Percals which we will sell at 25c pr pound. Ladies Dress Skirts from 75c to $5 Are jam thinking of Buying a Skirl^^DON’FAlL to SEE them. ■ Mini i mi linn mu A Good Wool Killed Jeans at 13c yd 3 Good Felt Window Shades for 25c 3 Spools Best Thread 10c Best Grade Table Oil Clotn at 15c Big Lot of Indigo Blue Calico at 4c A Large pair ot Cotton Blankets at 4flc A Good Comfort Quilt for 69c 2 pair Heavy Fleece Lined Ilose for 25c The Btggest Bargains ot all is in our Jackets for Ladies and Chil dren. We defy Competition. We Bought them right and we will sell them right, so don’t fail to call and examine them before you buy. 100 DOZEN BOYS HEAVY Ribbed Hose, Worth 15e at 10c pair THE WONDER STORE, 1/9 222 IVIONTGOIVIERY AVE. CHATTANOOGA,TENN. -Don’t Fail to Call for Tickets on the CHINAWARE— I r Low Rates to Texas. IBliißy * V At frequent intervals dur \ing 1901. round trip -rffe ! tickets will be sold via the I 1 llijk/ f ///'/// = Tell us where you want to go: also Vf| |;Ua 7 k ■Crs. -' ' whea you would like to leave, and w b—jl W- |j y/ \ k • ' will tell you when you can secure one ] I W A 1 pi the low-rate tickets and what it will HI II Y ■ • -cost- We will also send you a complete H s I J •! : schedule Tor the trip and an interesting I:\ ~7 ~T n V/// /j H T. t. *, Ctottaw*. Tens olj ' i -A/ fj If- W. ummi 0. P and I. A., St Ms, Vk Selina vpa Tobacco Site lb Joe Bowers Tq.b4.tco _ Big Buck Tobacco 35c !b Bruton’s Snuff, 10c size 8° “ “ 5c “ 4o Standard Snuff, 10c size 8c Standard Snuff, 5c size 40 Ilotch Scotch Snuff, 10c size 8c Hatch Scotch Snuff, 8c size 4o Arbuckle’s Coffee 11c lb. Winter Underwearjfor Men, V omen and Children in all kinds and qualities. ion Suits in all sizes. Extra Heavy, going at 25c suit. Ladies Heavy Bibbed Vests 15c 2 f’r 25c Ladies Exvra Ilea;i£ Vests or Pants 25c The Best and Wat Pst Suit on the Market at Boys Heavy Fleece Lined Suits at 50c suit or 25c per garment The best thing you ever saw for the price is our 25c Underwear for men. Better Grades from 50c up. Shirt Waists in Fine Mercerized Sateens, all colors, lined through out. Woitb $1.50, at 97c All-Wool Waists Trimmed in Braid 97c The Cheapest Place to Buy Chil drens Felt Sailors and Ladies - Walking Hats in all Shapes and colors. Trimmed Hats, prices that will surprise and please you. Just think of a Fine Velvet Hat, worth $2.50 to $3.50 at $1.97. Samples in Overcoats at Less than Factory Cost. Don’t Fail to see Them, They are Real Bargains. Bovs Clothing in all Kinds and Qualities nt Cut Prices. Mens All-Wool Winter Suits from $5 00 up.